Fonds GB 106 5GFS - Girls' Friendly Society

Zone d'identification


GB 106 5GFS


Girls' Friendly Society


  • 1800-2001 (Création/Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

254 A boxes, 5 OS boxes, 1 album, and 24 banners (1 folder uncatalogued)

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur

Notice biographique

The Girls' Friendly Society (GFS) (1875-fl 2008) was founded in 1875 by Mrs Mary Townsend (1841-1918). Mrs Townsend lived in the countryside and was a committed Christian, two aspects that influenced her work as a reformer. Townsend was concerned about unmarried girls who went from the countryside to work in large towns, often as servants or as factory workers. These girls were cut off from their families and friends and Townsend thought there should be a way to help these girls experience friendship and recreation in a fellowship of Christian love and service. Mrs Townsend initially worked with a rescue organisation in the Anglican Diocese of Winchester. She then put forward her ideas to other Anglicans who were interested in girls' welfare and in May 1874 a meeting was held at Lambeth Palace to discuss her ideas. This meeting was attended by five figures who helped to establish the Society: Mrs Tait, Mrs Harold Browne, Mrs Nassau Senior, the Reverend TV Fosbery and Mrs Townsend. During 1874 some small groups of girls with an 'Associate' leader began to meet and the Society was officially established on 1 Jan 1875. During 1874 the first lodge opened, St. Jude's Servant Home Brixton, and a list of seventy-one Associate members had been compiled. By 1 Jan 1875 work had started in four dioceses. One of the four dioceses was Winchester where Mrs Harold Browne, the wife of the Bishop, was a key supporter and three branches were speedily formed. Two associate members from Winchester Diocese were to become very important to the GFS: Mrs Joyce, who became a pioneer of protected Emigration for girls and women; and Charlotte Yonge, Winchester Diocesan Head of Literature, and a member of Winchester Diocesan Council. From 1875 the Mothers' Union of the Anglican Church became an Associate of the GFS - this began a long-term relationship between the two organisations. By the end of 1875 twenty-five branches had started work in fifteen Dioceses; the Associates numbered one thousand, while there were between two and three thousand Members. By 1878 the Society had branches throughout Britain. Branches were formed in manufacturing cities like Leeds and Manchester, whilst the Archbishop of York consented to become a Patron of the 'Northern Province'. There were also branches in Scotland and Ireland. The Society also spread to America, where it was first started in Nov 1877, by Elizabeth Mason, a rector's daughter in Lowell Massachusetts.

AIMS: The name of the Society was chosen to reflect ideals of Christian fellowship. 'Friendship' was seen as a gift and should be open to every girl or young woman willing to join, whilst as a 'Society', they could resolve that 'the world' should be 'bettered by banded womanhood', through the strong force of united prayer and activity. The objective of the Society was " … to bind together in one society Ladies as Associates and working girls and young men as members for mutual help (religious and secular) for sympathy and for prayer…to encourage purity of life, dutifullness to parents, faithfulness to employers and thrift'". In reality the society solely consisted of women, most of whom were unmarried and relatively young. The 'virtuousness' of character of the members was stressed as of key importance.

STRUCTURE: The structure of the Society began with the 'Branch' the informal groups of members that were led by an 'Associate'. From 1897 younger girls from ages seven to fourteen joined as 'Candidates'. Branches spread rapidly with membership being strongest in the countryside. As membership grew and the functions of the Society became more varied the initial simple, centralised organisation also needed to develop. Initially there were four Departments established at the first Central Meeting in 1877. By 1879 there were six Departments, and a Finance Committee had been appointed. Also in 1879 a conference of branch secretaries considered the necessity of appointing a Secretary of Council to relieve Townsend's workload. The titles of the early 'Departments', reflect the scope of the work: Girls in Factories, Girls in Business, Workhouse Girls, Registries, Industrial Training, Sick Members, Needlework, Literature (including libraries), Lodges and Homes of Rest. These 'Departments' did much work in improving the conditions in which girls worked, in finding jobs, in providing training, living accommodation, books, magazines, in catering for holidays and for girls whose health had broken down. The regional structure of the society reflected that of the Church of England: i.e. the parish and the diocese. A Central Council with London Headquarters led the Society, the offices were originally at Brixton, then Vauxhall Bridge Road, and after two more moves spent forty-eight years in Victoria. As more overseas groups were established, 'Treaties' were made with the various Societies so that in each country the GFS was independent. Also, in England and Wales, though Central Council decided matters of policy and constitution each Diocese had an amount of freedom (and by meeting local needs retained local characteristics).

DEVELOPMENT: As the Society became established resources the Departments and their resources were developed. Equally, as social conditions improved some services ceased to be required. Hence, the Barbazon Home for incurably sick members and the Meath Home for epileptics ceased to be needed when the hospital services improved. The need for books, training courses and employment bureaux came to be provided by the local authority. However, residential hostels and holiday houses continued to be needed, and girls continued to want the opportunity offered by the branch meeting of worshipping, relaxing and giving service together.

CONSTITUTION: The approval of the Constitution followed a lengthy consultation period. The draft constitution was prepared for the Meeting of the Central Council on 4 Jun 1878. It was further considered at meetings and was trialled throughout 1879 with practical feedback from all levels of the Society. The Constitution was then discussed by the Anglican Church, on 1 Feb 1880 it was discussed at a Bishops' meeting held at Lambeth, with special attention to the sections dealing with the relation of the Society to the Church, and the standard of Purity, as essential to membership. During May 1880, the final meetings with regards to the Constitution and amendments were held in the National Society's room in Westminster, the President met with representatives from the twenty-six Dioceses in which the GFS was working at this time. The close link between the Church and the Society was testified to in the opening clauses, which stated that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York should be ex-officio Presidents, and the Bishops of the two Provinces ex-officio Vice-Presidents of the Society. The importance of the Central Rules was indicated and their permanence guaranteed by the last chapter, which contained the clause that they should not be altered without the consent of a majority of Associates and Members of the Society. Over the passing of time this clause was put into operation for various reasons and the Rules, though not altered, were re-affirmed and re-worded. 1880, the year which witnessed the completion of the Constitution was marked also by the consent of Queen Victoria becoming its Patron.

CENTRAL OFFICE: Although the branches were decentralised (in a similar way to the Women's Institute structure) the Central Office carried out key responsibilities. The Central Office started under the charge of Miss Hawkesley in St Jude's Home, Brixton, it was moved in 1877 to 245, Vauxhall Bridge Road, at the close of 1881 it was transferred to 5 Victoria Mansions and again in 1892 to 39 Victoria Street, in 1925 the GFS established in its final home in Townsend House. The increasing amount and variety of the work done within its walls marked each move. In 1911 the Central Council took the step that the Society be registered as a company under the Companies Act. A separate committee was appointed to deal with the subject, and the constitution was revised appropriately. The first meeting of the 'Incorporated Central Council' as its full title became, was held on Nov 1913. The Central Council then met three times a year. The President, Vice-Presidents, Heads of Departments, Correspondents and Elected Members were elected annually by the whole Council. Among the functions of the Central Council was that of key appointments, such as the Society Solicitors, Secretary, the Executive members, and members of the GFS committees.

WARTIME AND INTERWAR: During both World Wars, the GFS hostels housed many girls on war work and in 1914 the hostels in the South took in many women who had returned destitute from jobs on the Continent. There was the 'White Horse' project when an East End London pub was taken over as a social centre. Notices were also posted in railway station ladies-waiting- rooms, giving an address where girls temporarily stranded could apply for help. From the 1920s GFS Summer Camps were the only holiday possible for many girls. In 1922, the Reading Union held a week at Winchester House, Shanklin that foreshadowed the Summer schools held much later in the 1990s - proving the popularity and need for this service. The Princess Mary Caravan, was the first mobile training and publicity unit, established in 1922. A second caravan was bought in 1964 when money became available through the King George V Jubilee Trust. In some areas close links with the Guide movement were made and branches were of GFS Guides and Brownies. The first mixed branch, locally known as the 'G and B', was started during the war of 1939-1945. Yet, apart from that 'White Crusade' the driving sense of purpose seemed lacking during these years and membership numbers reduced.

THE TOWNSEND MEMBER'S FELLOWSHIP: One important decision was made during the period: the creation of the Townsend Member's Fellowship. In England and Wales, members had continued to belong to the Society long after they had ceased to be 'Girls'. In the USA it was agreed that except for leaders and officials there should be no adult members of the Society, but in England and Wales the Townsend Member's Fellowship, later to become the The Townsend Fellowship, was started in 1947. The Townsend Fellowship came to have its own officers, meetings and programme material, but maintained its close link with the GFS.

ACTIVITIES: Holidays for deprived children, story time, hospital visiting - these three services reflect the pattern that developed in the GFS. In the early days of the organisation, members operated for being 'Good', this changed over the years to 'Useful'. An emphasis on leadership training developed: both the training for working as a leader which was needed in a professional society, but also a perceived need for Christian leaders in an increasingly secular world. This was one of the reasons for the development of training course for girls in industry, which was tried experimentally in 1996, and became an important part of the Society's work.

HOSTELS: Winchester House, Shanklin, on the Isle of Wight, was given to the Society in 1893 was particularly important to the Society. For a period it was used as a war convalescent home. Later in the 20th century it was used for Summer schools, as a parish holiday centre and for conferences. In 1955, an International Conference was held there, which led, the following year, to the formation of the Girls' Friendly Society World Council.

WORLD COUNCIL: The first World Council, in 1956, was held in Switzerland: with subsequent meetings in Australia, Ireland, Japan and the USA. These meetings made it possible for officials and members to meet their counterparts from across the world. The Council discussed matters of common interest such as programme material and leadership training, as well as sponsorship of particular projects such as those in Korea, Guyana and the Philippines. The launch of World Day of Prayer, taking place on the 29 September, indicated the importance to members of the GFS as a global Society.

As at 2008 the work done by the GFS was still in great demand. The Society continued to exist under the name 'GFS Platform'. As one of the first charities set up to work with young women in England and Wales, GFS had a valuable history and extensive experience of providing care and support for girls and young women.

Mary Elizabeth Townsend (1841-1918) was the founder of The Girls Friendly Society (GFS). This was the first organised society for women and girls in connection with the Church of England. Mrs Townsend began to think of the Girls Friendly Society during the winter of 1871-1872 but did not approach the leaders of the Church of England until 1874 that definite steps were taken to shape the organisation. The meeting 'of five' took place in May 1874 at Lambeth Palace and included: Mrs Tair, Mrs Harold Browne, Mars Nassau Senior, Mrs Townsend and the Rev TV Fosbery Vicar of St Giles, Reading. They decided that the society should be called the 'The Girl's Friendly Society'. The Girls Friendly Society officially started on 1 Jan 1875, with Mrs Townsend elected President. Mary Townsend edited the journal, Friendly Leaves, first issued quarterly in 1876, but increased to monthly in 1877. Due to overwork Mrs Townsend had a breakdown in health; in Jun 1879 it was proposed that all branch secretaries and council members would subscribe towards the cost of a Travelling Secretary to assist Mrs Townsend. Mrs Townsend was President of the Central Council until 1882 when she gave up the office and the Hon Lady Grey was elected in her place. Mrs Townsend undertook the Department for Members and also the editorship of the Society's magazines for the next five years. Then in 1890, on Lady Grey's resignation she again took up the post of President until 1901 when Mrs Chaloner Chute took over. After her husband, Frederick Townsend, died on 16 Dec 1905 Mrs Townsend excused herself from GFS work for a year, but thereafter returned to assist the organisation. In particular she developed links with Mrs Temple, wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Missionary Society . Mrs Townsend also formed a Church Needlework Guild, which was subsequently named "The Guild of Church Needlecrafts". In 1914 Mrs Townsend had an operation which, although successful, took her a long time to recover from. Her health deteriorated (influenza and neuralgia). Mary Elizabeth Townsend died on 14 Jun 1918.

Histoire archivistique

GB 106 5GFS 1800-2001 fonds 254 A boxes, 5 OS boxes, 1 album, and 24 banners (1 folder uncatalogued) The Girls' Friendly Society

The Girls' Friendly Society (GFS) (1875-fl 2008) was founded in 1875 by Mrs Mary Townsend (1841-1918). Mrs Townsend lived in the countryside and was a committed Christian, two aspects that influenced her work as a reformer. Townsend was concerned about unmarried girls who went from the countryside to work in large towns, often as servants or as factory workers. These girls were cut off from their families and friends and Townsend thought there should be a way to help these girls experience friendship and recreation in a fellowship of Christian love and service. Mrs Townsend initially worked with a rescue organisation in the Anglican Diocese of Winchester. She then put forward her ideas to other Anglicans who were interested in girls' welfare and in May 1874 a meeting was held at Lambeth Palace to discuss her ideas. This meeting was attended by five figures who helped to establish the Society: Mrs Tait, Mrs Harold Browne, Mrs Nassau Senior, the Reverend TV Fosbery and Mrs Townsend. During 1874 some small groups of girls with an 'Associate' leader began to meet and the Society was officially established on 1 Jan 1875. During 1874 the first lodge opened, St. Jude's Servant Home Brixton, and a list of seventy-one Associate members had been compiled. By 1 Jan 1875 work had started in four dioceses. One of the four dioceses was Winchester where Mrs Harold Browne, the wife of the Bishop, was a key supporter and three branches were speedily formed. Two associate members from Winchester Diocese were to become very important to the GFS: Mrs Joyce, who became a pioneer of protected Emigration for girls and women; and Charlotte Yonge, Winchester Diocesan Head of Literature, and a member of Winchester Diocesan Council. From 1875 the Mothers' Union of the Anglican Church became an Associate of the GFS - this began a long-term relationship between the two organisations. By the end of 1875 twenty-five branches had started work in fifteen Dioceses; the Associates numbered one thousand, while there were between two and three thousand Members. By 1878 the Society had branches throughout Britain. Branches were formed in manufacturing cities like Leeds and Manchester, whilst the Archbishop of York consented to become a Patron of the 'Northern Province'. There were also branches in Scotland and Ireland. The Society also spread to America, where it was first started in Nov 1877, by Elizabeth Mason, a rector's daughter in Lowell Massachusetts.

AIMS: The name of the Society was chosen to reflect ideals of Christian fellowship. 'Friendship' was seen as a gift and should be open to every girl or young woman willing to join, whilst as a 'Society', they could resolve that 'the world' should be 'bettered by banded womanhood', through the strong force of united prayer and activity. The objective of the Society was " … to bind together in one society Ladies as Associates and working girls and young men as members for mutual help (religious and secular) for sympathy and for prayer…to encourage purity of life, dutifullness to parents, faithfulness to employers and thrift'". In reality the society solely consisted of women, most of whom were unmarried and relatively young. The 'virtuousness' of character of the members was stressed as of key importance.

STRUCTURE: The structure of the Society began with the 'Branch' the informal groups of members that were led by an 'Associate'. From 1897 younger girls from ages seven to fourteen joined as 'Candidates'. Branches spread rapidly with membership being strongest in the countryside. As membership grew and the functions of the Society became more varied the initial simple, centralised organisation also needed to develop. Initially there were four Departments established at the first Central Meeting in 1877. By 1879 there were six Departments, and a Finance Committee had been appointed. Also in 1879 a conference of branch secretaries considered the necessity of appointing a Secretary of Council to relieve Townsend's workload. The titles of the early 'Departments', reflect the scope of the work: Girls in Factories, Girls in Business, Workhouse Girls, Registries, Industrial Training, Sick Members, Needlework, Literature (including libraries), Lodges and Homes of Rest. These 'Departments' did much work in improving the conditions in which girls worked, in finding jobs, in providing training, living accommodation, books, magazines, in catering for holidays and for girls whose health had broken down. The regional structure of the society reflected that of the Church of England: i.e. the parish and the diocese. A Central Council with London Headquarters led the Society, the offices were originally at Brixton, then Vauxhall Bridge Road, and after two more moves spent forty-eight years in Victoria. As more overseas groups were established, 'Treaties' were made with the various Societies so that in each country the GFS was independent. Also, in England and Wales, though Central Council decided matters of policy and constitution each Diocese had an amount of freedom (and by meeting local needs retained local characteristics).

DEVELOPMENT: As the Society became established resources the Departments and their resources were developed. Equally, as social conditions improved some services ceased to be required. Hence, the Barbazon Home for incurably sick members and the Meath Home for epileptics ceased to be needed when the hospital services improved. The need for books, training courses and employment bureaux came to be provided by the local authority. However, residential hostels and holiday houses continued to be needed, and girls continued to want the opportunity offered by the branch meeting of worshipping, relaxing and giving service together.

CONSTITUTION: The approval of the Constitution followed a lengthy consultation period. The draft constitution was prepared for the Meeting of the Central Council on 4 Jun 1878. It was further considered at meetings and was trialled throughout 1879 with practical feedback from all levels of the Society. The Constitution was then discussed by the Anglican Church, on 1 Feb 1880 it was discussed at a Bishops' meeting held at Lambeth, with special attention to the sections dealing with the relation of the Society to the Church, and the standard of Purity, as essential to membership. During May 1880, the final meetings with regards to the Constitution and amendments were held in the National Society's room in Westminster, the President met with representatives from the twenty-six Dioceses in which the GFS was working at this time. The close link between the Church and the Society was testified to in the opening clauses, which stated that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York should be ex-officio Presidents, and the Bishops of the two Provinces ex-officio Vice-Presidents of the Society. The importance of the Central Rules was indicated and their permanence guaranteed by the last chapter, which contained the clause that they should not be altered without the consent of a majority of Associates and Members of the Society. Over the passing of time this clause was put into operation for various reasons and the Rules, though not altered, were re-affirmed and re-worded. 1880, the year which witnessed the completion of the Constitution was marked also by the consent of Queen Victoria becoming its Patron.

CENTRAL OFFICE: Although the branches were decentralised (in a similar way to the Women's Institute structure) the Central Office carried out key responsibilities. The Central Office started under the charge of Miss Hawkesley in St Jude's Home, Brixton, it was moved in 1877 to 245, Vauxhall Bridge Road, at the close of 1881 it was transferred to 5 Victoria Mansions and again in 1892 to 39 Victoria Street, in 1925 the GFS established in its final home in Townsend House. The increasing amount and variety of the work done within its walls marked each move. In 1911 the Central Council took the step that the Society be registered as a company under the Companies Act. A separate committee was appointed to deal with the subject, and the constitution was revised appropriately. The first meeting of the 'Incorporated Central Council' as its full title became, was held on Nov 1913. The Central Council then met three times a year. The President, Vice-Presidents, Heads of Departments, Correspondents and Elected Members were elected annually by the whole Council. Among the functions of the Central Council was that of key appointments, such as the Society Solicitors, Secretary, the Executive members, and members of the GFS committees.

WARTIME AND INTERWAR: During both World Wars, the GFS hostels housed many girls on war work and in 1914 the hostels in the South took in many women who had returned destitute from jobs on the Continent. There was the 'White Horse' project when an East End London pub was taken over as a social centre. Notices were also posted in railway station ladies-waiting- rooms, giving an address where girls temporarily stranded could apply for help. From the 1920s GFS Summer Camps were the only holiday possible for many girls. In 1922, the Reading Union held a week at Winchester House, Shanklin that foreshadowed the Summer schools held much later in the 1990s - proving the popularity and need for this service. The Princess Mary Caravan, was the first mobile training and publicity unit, established in 1922. A second caravan was bought in 1964 when money became available through the King George V Jubilee Trust. In some areas close links with the Guide movement were made and branches were of GFS Guides and Brownies. The first mixed branch, locally known as the 'G and B', was started during the war of 1939-1945. Yet, apart from that 'White Crusade' the driving sense of purpose seemed lacking during these years and membership numbers reduced.

THE TOWNSEND MEMBER'S FELLOWSHIP: One important decision was made during the period: the creation of the Townsend Member's Fellowship. In England and Wales, members had continued to belong to the Society long after they had ceased to be 'Girls'. In the USA it was agreed that except for leaders and officials there should be no adult members of the Society, but in England and Wales the Townsend Member's Fellowship, later to become the The Townsend Fellowship, was started in 1947. The Townsend Fellowship came to have its own officers, meetings and programme material, but maintained its close link with the GFS.

ACTIVITIES: Holidays for deprived children, story time, hospital visiting - these three services reflect the pattern that developed in the GFS. In the early days of the organisation, members operated for being 'Good', this changed over the years to 'Useful'. An emphasis on leadership training developed: both the training for working as a leader which was needed in a professional society, but also a perceived need for Christian leaders in an increasingly secular world. This was one of the reasons for the development of training course for girls in industry, which was tried experimentally in 1996, and became an important part of the Society's work.

HOSTELS: Winchester House, Shanklin, on the Isle of Wight, was given to the Society in 1893 was particularly important to the Society. For a period it was used as a war convalescent home. Later in the 20th century it was used for Summer schools, as a parish holiday centre and for conferences. In 1955, an International Conference was held there, which led, the following year, to the formation of the Girls' Friendly Society World Council.

WORLD COUNCIL: The first World Council, in 1956, was held in Switzerland: with subsequent meetings in Australia, Ireland, Japan and the USA. These meetings made it possible for officials and members to meet their counterparts from across the world. The Council discussed matters of common interest such as programme material and leadership training, as well as sponsorship of particular projects such as those in Korea, Guyana and the Philippines. The launch of World Day of Prayer, taking place on the 29 September, indicated the importance to members of the GFS as a global Society.

As at 2008 the work done by the GFS was still in great demand. The Society continued to exist under the name 'GFS Platform'. As one of the first charities set up to work with young women in England and Wales, GFS had a valuable history and extensive experience of providing care and support for girls and young women.

Mary Elizabeth Townsend (1841-1918) was the founder of The Girls Friendly Society (GFS). This was the first organised society for women and girls in connection with the Church of England. Mrs Townsend began to think of the Girls Friendly Society during the winter of 1871-1872 but did not approach the leaders of the Church of England until 1874 that definite steps were taken to shape the organisation. The meeting 'of five' took place in May 1874 at Lambeth Palace and included: Mrs Tair, Mrs Harold Browne, Mars Nassau Senior, Mrs Townsend and the Rev TV Fosbery Vicar of St Giles, Reading. They decided that the society should be called the 'The Girl's Friendly Society'. The Girls Friendly Society officially started on 1 Jan 1875, with Mrs Townsend elected President. Mary Townsend edited the journal, Friendly Leaves, first issued quarterly in 1876, but increased to monthly in 1877. Due to overwork Mrs Townsend had a breakdown in health; in Jun 1879 it was proposed that all branch secretaries and council members would subscribe towards the cost of a Travelling Secretary to assist Mrs Townsend. Mrs Townsend was President of the Central Council until 1882 when she gave up the office and the Hon Lady Grey was elected in her place. Mrs Townsend undertook the Department for Members and also the editorship of the Society's magazines for the next five years. Then in 1890, on Lady Grey's resignation she again took up the post of President until 1901 when Mrs Chaloner Chute took over. After her husband, Frederick Townsend, died on 16 Dec 1905 Mrs Townsend excused herself from GFS work for a year, but thereafter returned to assist the organisation. In particular she developed links with Mrs Temple, wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Missionary Society . Mrs Townsend also formed a Church Needlework Guild, which was subsequently named "The Guild of Church Needlecrafts". In 1914 Mrs Townsend had an operation which, although successful, took her a long time to recover from. Her health deteriorated (influenza and neuralgia). Mary Elizabeth Townsend died on 14 Jun 1918.

The first deposit of 230 boxes was made in 2003 from GFS Platform, Townsend House, London. Additional accruals are expected.

The archive consists of the records of The Girls' Friendly Society, including minutes, reports, organisational files, volumes of memoranda, recipe books, and personal papers of members. There are printed materials and publications such as journals, magazines and books. The archive also includes objects, particularly photographs, badges and banners.

This collection is available for research. Readers are advised to contact The Women's Library in advance of their first visit.


The Women's Library Catalogue

The Women's Library holds the related papers of Dollie Morris (see 7DOM ) and the Records of the Traveller's Aid Society (4TAS)

Please note the following are not fully comprehensive, but give an indication of the breadth and depth of (inter)national Girls Friendly Society material that survives.


As at Jan 2005 Regional Girls Friendly Society material deposited in record offices in the British Isles included:

  • Abbey Dore branch, Herefordshire 1927-1947: log book Herefordshire Record Office. Ref BG9;

  • Barkway and Reed branch, Hertfordshire c1928: secretary's register. Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, no Ref.

  • Birmingham diocese, Warwickshire 1882-1971: minutes, accounts, log books, annual reports and misc papers. Birmingham City Archives Ref BDR.

  • Bradford diocese, Yorkshire 1920-1981: records including minutes, accounts and constitution Ref 74D92 and 1914-30: records Ref 10D76/3/15 West Yorkshire Archive Service, Bradford.

  • Buxton, Derbyshire 1885-1979: financial records, correspondence and misc papers. Derbyshire Record Office, Ref D4510

  • Cambridge, St Matthew's branch, Cambridgeshire 1903-65: minutes, register of members, cashbook and misc papers. Cambridgeshire County Record Office, Cambridge, Ref R79/54.

  • Cheltenham branch, Gloucestershire 1966-1971: files. Gloucestershire Record Office Ref D7894/3/1.

  • Colwich, Haywood and Hixon Branch, Staffordshire, 1924-1936: registers, minutes and accounts. Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire Record Office Ref D5236/4

  • Connor diocese, County Antrim 1883-1965: minutes, ledgers, accounts, subscribers lists, etc. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Ref D 3271

  • Coventry, Warwickshire, 1913-1928: records. Coventry Archives, Ref PA 888.

  • Debenham branch, Suffolk, 1929-39: membership registers. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch Ref FB47/N4 (Debenham).

  • Deerhurst with Apperley branch, Gloucestershire, 1958-1967: minute book. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/2 .

  • East Bergholt branch, Suffolk, 1953-61: accounts. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch Ref GF 405.

  • Findon, Sussex, 1910-23: records. West Sussex Record Office, no Ref.

  • Gloucester branch, Gloucestershire, 1927-1975: log book, files. also Gloucester diocese, 1907-1992, minutes, accounts. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/3 & 7894..

  • Hackney branch, Middlesex, 1935-38: register. London Metropolitan Archives, Ref 2161

  • Hartpury & Ashleworth branch, Gloucestershire, 1907-1971: file, notes on activities of branch. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/4.

  • Hereford diocese & Townsend Fellowship, Herefordshire, 1925-42: minutes, accounts and correspondence. Herefordshire Record Office, Ref BH95.

  • Hucclecote branch

Hucclecote, Gloucestershire, 1936-1937: log book. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/5

  • Girls Friendly Society in Ireland, Dublin, 1871-1977: minutes, accounts, registers and other records; 1965-79: minutes and accounts. Representative Church Body Library, Ref MS 578.

  • Ipswich branch, Suffolk, 1876-1941: records. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch, Refs D971, 1902, 2624; T3763.

  • Ipswich East council, Suffolk, 1876-37: minutes. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch, Ref GF404.

  • Lichfield diocese, Staffordshire, 1881-1964: records. Lichfield Record Office, no Ref.

  • Longhope branch, Gloucestershire, 1920-1938: log books. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/6.

  • Manchester Diocesan Executive Committee, Lancashire, 1948-1957: minutes. Manchester Archives and Local Studies, no Ref.

  • Market Weighton Branch, Yorkshire, 1911-1917: minute book. Borthwick Institute for Archives, Ref RD/M/W.

  • Penzance and Lands End branch, Cornwall, 1880-1939: minute books, admission and membership registers. Cornwall Record Office, Ref AD831.

  • Petersfield, Hampshire, c1922-24: notebook. Hampshire Record Office, Ref 108M70/PG4.

  • Rochester diocese and Townsend Fellowship, Kent, 1913-79: minutes. Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre, Ref Ch76.

  • Silverton, Devon, 1904-16: register. Devon Record Office, No Ref.

  • Stafford, St Thomas branch, Staffordshire, c 1899-1914: register. Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: William Salt Library, Ref p085.

  • Trentham, Staffordshire, 1892-1932: minute book. Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire Record Office, no Ref.

  • Twyning, Norton branch, Gloucestershire, 1966-1971: file. Gloucestershire Record Office, D7894/3/7.

  • Wath-upon-Dearne branch, Yorkshire, 1918-36: registers of members. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Archives and Local Studies Section, Ref 208/F.

  • Wickford branch, Essex, 1891-1956: misc records. Essex Record Office, Ref D/Z 134.

  • Winchester Diocesan branch, Hampshire, 1877-1985: minutes, reports and papers. Hampshire Record Office, Ref 33M89.

  • Woking branch, Surrey, c1928-29: log book. Surrey History Centre, Ref 6933/7.

  • Wotton-under-Edge branch, Gloucestershire, 1928-1970: minute book, file. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/8.

  • York diocesan council, Yorkshire, 1881-1971: minutes. York Minster Archives no Ref.

  • Scotch Girls' Friendly Society, 1886-1912: minute book. Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Ref GGD134.

  • Scottish Girls Friendly Society: Dumfries branch, Dumfriesshire, 1886-1917: minutes and correspondence. Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Ref GGD 134.

  • St Paul's Girls' Friendly Society, Birmingham, Warwickshire, 1882-1957: memoranda, annual reports and leaflets. Birmingham City Archives, Ref DRO 35/101-08.

Most branches created their own banner which was hung in the local parish church and used for parades or church services. Although The Women's Library holds a representative sample of the banners that were made, many banners are still held in the branches - often still hung in the local church. Some have also been deposited with local museums.


As an international organisation there were branches of GFS across the world. Researchers should consider material that may be held in local record offices in regions of particular interest. As at Jan 2005 examples included:


  • Maine Diocese Girls' Friendly Papers. Episcopal Diocese of Maine Archives, no Ref.

  • The Girls' Friendly Society Papers. Archives of the Episcopal Church, Texas, no Ref.

*The Girls' Friendly Society Papers (1892-1958). Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, Baltimore, no Ref.

  • Girls' Friendly Society Home, annual report, 1884. Simmons College Archives, Boston, no Ref.

Girls Friendly Society in America, 1928-32


  • North Grafton Girls Friendly Society, Grafton Cathedral Parish, Anglican Church of Australia, Minutes, 1959-1970. Anglican Church Diocese of Grafton,, No Ref.

  • Girls Friendly Society, All Saints Parish, Tasmania, Membership lists (1910, 1912-1929) and journal (1914-1929). Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 354/80-82.

  • Girls Friendly Society, St Pauls, Church of England, Launceston, Minutes 1909-1934. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 472/45

  • Girls' Friendly Society [of Tasmania?] House Committee minutes, 1913-1953, 1962-1978; financial records, 1948-1978; Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, 1952; 2 plaques. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 604 and 698

  • Girls' Friendly Society, Church of St Michael and All Angels, Hobart Minutes, 1926-1940; financial records, 1926-1938. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 1241/107 and 119

  • Girls' Friendly Society, Latrobe, Minutes, 1913-1921. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 945/5-6

    • Girls' Friendly Society, Ballarat Diocesan Council: community organisation records, Minutes and papers 1882 - 1981, 33 vols. Manuscript Section, National Library of Australia, Canberra,

Australian Historic Records Register Ref 2496.

  • Papers of the Lady Musgrave Lodge Committee, inc. papers relating to GFS, 1887 - 1922. John Oxley Library, Manuscripts and Business Records Collection, State Library of Queensland, Ref 6745/R382.

  • Girls Friendly Society, Printed ephemera 1907. JS Battye Library of West Australian History, Library and Information Service of Western Australia, Ref PR9514

  • Girls' Friendly Society (WA), Minute books, 1893 - 1967 . JS Battye Library of West Australian History, Library and Information Service of Western Australia Ref ACC 1943A.

  • Girls Friendly Society handbooks, 1972 -1973 Anglican Diocese of Newcastle Archives, Australia, Ref A6091A.


  • Girls' Friendly Society Lodge, Winnipeg, Canada, Minute books, correspondence, emigration registers, and other printed material. National Archives of Canada, Ref R3408-0-5-E; also microfilm reels A1188-A1217


  • Girls' Friendly Society (W18) Minutes & Papers, 1885-1978 54 folders. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, No Ref.

    Finding aid created by export from CALM v7.2.14 Archives Hub EAD2002. Edited for AIM25 by Sarah Drewery.

    In compliance with ISAD (G): General International Standard Archival Description - 2nd Edition (1999); UNESCO Thesaurus, December 2001; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.

    24/01/2008 Religions Ancient religions Christianity Protestantism Womens organizations Organizations Associations Youth organizations Women Townsend , Mary Elizabeth , 1841-1918 , founder of The Girls Friendly Society Girls' Friendly Society Sex Sex distribution

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

The first deposit of 230 boxes was made in 2003 from GFS Platform, Townsend House, London. Additional accruals are expected.

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

The archive consists of the records of The Girls' Friendly Society, including minutes, reports, organisational files, volumes of memoranda, recipe books, and personal papers of members. There are printed materials and publications such as journals, magazines and books. The archive also includes objects, particularly photographs, badges and banners.

Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation


Mode de classement

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Conditions d'accès

This collection is available for research. Readers are advised to contact The Women's Library in advance of their first visit.

Conditions de reproduction

Langue des documents

  • anglais

Écriture des documents

  • latin

Notes de langue et graphie


Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

The Women's Library holds the related papers of Dollie Morris (see 7DOM ) and the Records of the Traveller's Aid Society (4TAS)

Please note the following are not fully comprehensive, but give an indication of the breadth and depth of (inter)national Girls Friendly Society material that survives.


As at Jan 2005 Regional Girls Friendly Society material deposited in record offices in the British Isles included:

  • Abbey Dore branch, Herefordshire 1927-1947: log book Herefordshire Record Office. Ref BG9;

  • Barkway and Reed branch, Hertfordshire c1928: secretary's register. Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, no Ref.

  • Birmingham diocese, Warwickshire 1882-1971: minutes, accounts, log books, annual reports and misc papers. Birmingham City Archives Ref BDR.

  • Bradford diocese, Yorkshire 1920-1981: records including minutes, accounts and constitution Ref 74D92 and 1914-30: records Ref 10D76/3/15 West Yorkshire Archive Service, Bradford.

  • Buxton, Derbyshire 1885-1979: financial records, correspondence and misc papers. Derbyshire Record Office, Ref D4510

  • Cambridge, St Matthew's branch, Cambridgeshire 1903-65: minutes, register of members, cashbook and misc papers. Cambridgeshire County Record Office, Cambridge, Ref R79/54.

  • Cheltenham branch, Gloucestershire 1966-1971: files. Gloucestershire Record Office Ref D7894/3/1.

  • Colwich, Haywood and Hixon Branch, Staffordshire, 1924-1936: registers, minutes and accounts. Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire Record Office Ref D5236/4

  • Connor diocese, County Antrim 1883-1965: minutes, ledgers, accounts, subscribers lists, etc. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Ref D 3271

  • Coventry, Warwickshire, 1913-1928: records. Coventry Archives, Ref PA 888.

  • Debenham branch, Suffolk, 1929-39: membership registers. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch Ref FB47/N4 (Debenham).

  • Deerhurst with Apperley branch, Gloucestershire, 1958-1967: minute book. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/2 .

  • East Bergholt branch, Suffolk, 1953-61: accounts. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch Ref GF 405.

  • Findon, Sussex, 1910-23: records. West Sussex Record Office, no Ref.

  • Gloucester branch, Gloucestershire, 1927-1975: log book, files. also Gloucester diocese, 1907-1992, minutes, accounts. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/3 & 7894..

  • Hackney branch, Middlesex, 1935-38: register. London Metropolitan Archives, Ref 2161

  • Hartpury & Ashleworth branch, Gloucestershire, 1907-1971: file, notes on activities of branch. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/4.

  • Hereford diocese & Townsend Fellowship, Herefordshire, 1925-42: minutes, accounts and correspondence. Herefordshire Record Office, Ref BH95.

  • Hucclecote branch

Hucclecote, Gloucestershire, 1936-1937: log book. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/5

  • Girls Friendly Society in Ireland, Dublin, 1871-1977: minutes, accounts, registers and other records; 1965-79: minutes and accounts. Representative Church Body Library, Ref MS 578.

  • Ipswich branch, Suffolk, 1876-1941: records. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch, Refs D971, 1902, 2624; T3763.

  • Ipswich East council, Suffolk, 1876-37: minutes. Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch, Ref GF404.

  • Lichfield diocese, Staffordshire, 1881-1964: records. Lichfield Record Office, no Ref.

  • Longhope branch, Gloucestershire, 1920-1938: log books. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/6.

  • Manchester Diocesan Executive Committee, Lancashire, 1948-1957: minutes. Manchester Archives and Local Studies, no Ref.

  • Market Weighton Branch, Yorkshire, 1911-1917: minute book. Borthwick Institute for Archives, Ref RD/M/W.

  • Penzance and Lands End branch, Cornwall, 1880-1939: minute books, admission and membership registers. Cornwall Record Office, Ref AD831.

  • Petersfield, Hampshire, c1922-24: notebook. Hampshire Record Office, Ref 108M70/PG4.

  • Rochester diocese and Townsend Fellowship, Kent, 1913-79: minutes. Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre, Ref Ch76.

  • Silverton, Devon, 1904-16: register. Devon Record Office, No Ref.

  • Stafford, St Thomas branch, Staffordshire, c 1899-1914: register. Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: William Salt Library, Ref p085.

  • Trentham, Staffordshire, 1892-1932: minute book. Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire Record Office, no Ref.

  • Twyning, Norton branch, Gloucestershire, 1966-1971: file. Gloucestershire Record Office, D7894/3/7.

  • Wath-upon-Dearne branch, Yorkshire, 1918-36: registers of members. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Archives and Local Studies Section, Ref 208/F.

  • Wickford branch, Essex, 1891-1956: misc records. Essex Record Office, Ref D/Z 134.

  • Winchester Diocesan branch, Hampshire, 1877-1985: minutes, reports and papers. Hampshire Record Office, Ref 33M89.

  • Woking branch, Surrey, c1928-29: log book. Surrey History Centre, Ref 6933/7.

  • Wotton-under-Edge branch, Gloucestershire, 1928-1970: minute book, file. Gloucestershire Record Office, Ref D7894/3/8.

  • York diocesan council, Yorkshire, 1881-1971: minutes. York Minster Archives no Ref.

  • Scotch Girls' Friendly Society, 1886-1912: minute book. Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Ref GGD134.

  • Scottish Girls Friendly Society: Dumfries branch, Dumfriesshire, 1886-1917: minutes and correspondence. Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Ref GGD 134.

  • St Paul's Girls' Friendly Society, Birmingham, Warwickshire, 1882-1957: memoranda, annual reports and leaflets. Birmingham City Archives, Ref DRO 35/101-08.

Most branches created their own banner which was hung in the local parish church and used for parades or church services. Although The Women's Library holds a representative sample of the banners that were made, many banners are still held in the branches - often still hung in the local church. Some have also been deposited with local museums.


As an international organisation there were branches of GFS across the world. Researchers should consider material that may be held in local record offices in regions of particular interest. As at Jan 2005 examples included:


  • Maine Diocese Girls' Friendly Papers. Episcopal Diocese of Maine Archives, no Ref.

  • The Girls' Friendly Society Papers. Archives of the Episcopal Church, Texas, no Ref.

*The Girls' Friendly Society Papers (1892-1958). Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, Baltimore, no Ref.

  • Girls' Friendly Society Home, annual report, 1884. Simmons College Archives, Boston, no Ref.

Girls Friendly Society in America, 1928-32


  • North Grafton Girls Friendly Society, Grafton Cathedral Parish, Anglican Church of Australia, Minutes, 1959-1970. Anglican Church Diocese of Grafton,, No Ref.

  • Girls Friendly Society, All Saints Parish, Tasmania, Membership lists (1910, 1912-1929) and journal (1914-1929). Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 354/80-82.

  • Girls Friendly Society, St Pauls, Church of England, Launceston, Minutes 1909-1934. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 472/45

  • Girls' Friendly Society [of Tasmania?] House Committee minutes, 1913-1953, 1962-1978; financial records, 1948-1978; Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, 1952; 2 plaques. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 604 and 698

  • Girls' Friendly Society, Church of St Michael and All Angels, Hobart Minutes, 1926-1940; financial records, 1926-1938. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 1241/107 and 119

  • Girls' Friendly Society, Latrobe, Minutes, 1913-1921. Archives Office of Tasmania, Ref NS 945/5-6

    • Girls' Friendly Society, Ballarat Diocesan Council: community organisation records, Minutes and papers 1882 - 1981, 33 vols. Manuscript Section, National Library of Australia, Canberra,

Australian Historic Records Register Ref 2496.

  • Papers of the Lady Musgrave Lodge Committee, inc. papers relating to GFS, 1887 - 1922. John Oxley Library, Manuscripts and Business Records Collection, State Library of Queensland, Ref 6745/R382.

  • Girls Friendly Society, Printed ephemera 1907. JS Battye Library of West Australian History, Library and Information Service of Western Australia, Ref PR9514

  • Girls' Friendly Society (WA), Minute books, 1893 - 1967 . JS Battye Library of West Australian History, Library and Information Service of Western Australia Ref ACC 1943A.

  • Girls Friendly Society handbooks, 1972 -1973 Anglican Diocese of Newcastle Archives, Australia, Ref A6091A.


  • Girls' Friendly Society Lodge, Winnipeg, Canada, Minute books, correspondence, emigration registers, and other printed material. National Archives of Canada, Ref R3408-0-5-E; also microfilm reels A1188-A1217


  • Girls' Friendly Society (W18) Minutes & Papers, 1885-1978 54 folders. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, No Ref.

Instruments de recherche

The Women's Library Catalogue

Zone des sources complémentaires

Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux

Existence et lieu de conservation des copies

Unités de description associées

Descriptions associées

Note de publication

Zone des notes


Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


Mots-clés - Sujets

Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle de la description

Identifiant de la description

Identifiant du service d'archives

Women's Library

Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

In compliance with ISAD (G): General International Standard Archival Description - 2nd Edition (1999); UNESCO Thesaurus, December 2001; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision, de suppression


  • anglais



    Zone des entrées