Government educational bodies

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Nota(s) de âmbito

    Nota(s) da fonte


    Mostrar nota(s)

      Termos hierárquicos

      Government educational bodies

      Government educational bodies

        Termos equivalentes

        Government educational bodies

        • UP Departments of education
        • UP Ministries of education
        • UP Département de l'éducation
        • UP Ministère de l'éducation
        • UP Departamento de educación
        • UP Institución estatal de educación
        • UP Ministerio de educación
        • UP Organismo educativo gubernamental

        Termos associados

        Government educational bodies

        11 Descrição arquivística resultados para Government educational bodies


        Records of the Royal Free Hospital Medical School (RFHSM) (formerly the London School of Medicine for Women (LSMW) and the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, 1874-1998, comprising:

        Administrative records, 1874-1998: Annual Reports (printed), 1874-1997; Governing Body minutes 1875-1898; Executive Council minutes 1874-1898; Members of the School minutes 1898-1998, register of Vice Presidents and Members, 1898-1953; Council minutes 1898-1998; Joint meeting between Council and Royal Free Hospital Weekly Board minutes 1928-1943; School Committee [renamed Education Committee in 1930] minutes 1898-1998; Secretary's letter books 1897-1908; volume of letters relating to the foundation and early history of the School and medical education for women, including two letters by Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, 1874-1882; Agenda Books for College Committees, 1933-1985; Attendance Books for College Committees, 1942-1998; minutes and reports of temporary and standing sub-committees of Council and School/Education Committee, 1902-1958; Heads of Department meeting minutes 1966-1998; Pathology Unit Joint Committee minutes 1931-1948; Joint Garden Committee (with University of London School of Pharmacy) minutes 1955-1966; Animal House Committee minutes 1933-1975; Interdepartmental Workshop Sub-Committee minutes 1951-1978; General Staff Meeting minutes 1925-1939.

        Financial records including minutes of meetings minutes of meetings of the four original Trustees of the School, A T Norton, Dr King Chambers, Isabel Thorne and Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake, 1874-1875; selection of audited accounts, 1875-1900; Finance Committee minutes 1910-1978; Gift Books, 1925, 1945-1957.

        Student Records: Prospectus (printed) 1874-1998; Register of Students, 1874-1927; Register of Qualified Students, 1877-1951; Register of Clinical Students, 1877-1948; Register of recipients of the Dr Edith Peachey Phipson Postgraduate Scholarship, 1912-1948; Registers of results of school examinations, 1874-1916; Registers of results of professional examinations, 1890-1920; student files 1874-1949 (records for 1874-1891 are incomplete), containing copy of application form, some files also contain attendance and examination records, correspondence and additional biographical information; Students' Council minutes 1905-1914; Students' Union minutes 1914-1970; Students' Union Committee minutes 1914-1971; Students Union Finance Committee minutes 1917-1959; copies of School/Hospital Magazine 1895-1974; Club and Society records, 1941-1961, including Languages Society, 1941-1942, Natural History Society, 1956-1960, Netball Club 1956-1960, Tennis Club 1956-1960, Table-tennis Club 1950-1961 and Lacrosse Club 1952-1959; Students' Aid Fund papers 1942-1970; Sports Ground Advisory Committee minutes and reports, 1926-1929; Old Students' Association financial records including Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets, 1930-1965.

        Library records including Library Sub-Committee minutes 1894-1979; account books 1932-1983; acquisition lists 1901-1932; copy of Library Rules [c1894].

        Legal and Estates papers including Memorandum and Articles of Association of the School of Medicine, 1898, with related correspondence, 1918-1939, copies of Constitution of the School, 1878, 1890, 1908, with related correspondence, 1926-1931; petitions, drafts and final versions of Charter and Statutes, 1938, and revisions, 1947, 1961), with related correspondence, 1925-1976 and copies of the University of London Act and Statutes, 1959, 1978; Agreements made between the Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1893, 1898, 1904, 1911, and 1931, with related correspondence, 1892-1936; Correspondence relating to the attempt by the School to purchase the freehold of the land of the School buildings from Foundling Estates, 1925-1927; correspondence relating to the purchase of 72-84 Tavistock Place, and to the construction of an extension to the School, 1938-1953; inventory of fixtures etc at the Pavilion (30 Henrietta St), 1874; inventory and insurance valuation of furniture and effects at the School, 1941.

        Correspondence and papers on School Centenary celebrations, 1973-1975.

        Photographs of school buildings, staff and students, 1874-1998.

        Ephemera, including photographs, papers, medals, prizes and biographical information relating to former staff and students of the School, 1874-1998, mainly donated by alumni and their families or collected by the Honorary Archivists.

        Publications and press cuttings on the history of medical education for women, 1869-2001.

        Sem título
        Brunel University Archives
        GB 1975 Brunel · 1950-2001

        Records of Brunel College of Advanced Technology (CAT) and Brunel University, Uxbridge Campus, 1957-2001, and Acton Technical College, 1950-1987, including minutes of Brunel College Governing Body, 1957-1966; Planning Group minutes, 1962-1964; papers of the Finance Committee, 1967-1971; Board of Studies papers, 1960-1961; Administrative Committee minutes, 1962-1966; Architects Planning Group minutes, plans and correspondence, c1962-1965; papers relating to meetings of Principals of CATs and the Ministry of Education, c1961-1964; Academic Advisory Committee minutes, 1964-1966; papers of the Academic Board, 1966-1968; papers relating to the University Charter and conditions of service, 1964-1965; Brunel University Council minutes, 1966-2000; Council papers, 1969-1971; papers of the University Court, 1967-1971; Vice Chancellor's annual report to Court, 1992-1993; papers of the National Council of Technological Heads, particularly relating to the visits to Brunel in 1957 and 1962 and report, 1963-1964 on industrial training and engineering; papers of the Research Grants Committee and Salary Committee, 1967-1971; papers of the General Purposes Committee and Building Services Committee, c1966-1969; Hillingdon Hospital, proposal for medical school, 1966; papers of the Honorary Degrees Committee, c1970-1974; papers of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) in regard to Brunel, 1965; papers of meetings been Principal (and later the Vice Chancellor) and heads of Departments, 1957-1959, 1969-1971; prospectuses and various related publications, 1957-2001.

        Acton Technical College, Governors' meetings minutes, 1955-1956, and correspondence, 1957.

        Prospectuses of Acton Technical College, 1950-1987; magazines including Brunel Newsletter, 1958-1968, Brunel Reporter, 1969-1995, BULB, 1980s-1991; scrapbooks of press cuttings relating to Brunel College and Brunel University, 1961-1977; 10 volumes of photographs of the Uxbridge campus, 1960s.

        The 'Brunel Collection', 23 volumes containing reproductions of photographs, illustrations and prints relating to the work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, in particular his ships the Great Western, the Great Britain and the Great Eastern.

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        External bodies
        GB 2107 External · 1893-1997

        Papers of external bodies associated with the City University, including City Parochial Foundation publications, 1887-1937; Inspectors' reports, 1907-1951; statement of Governing Bodies of Teaching Institutions regarding proposals of Academic Council of the University of London to Royal Commission on University Education in London, 1911; reports on provision of engineering education in London, 1927-1928; correspondence relating to withdrawal of grants, 1932-1937; General Regulations, 1936, and Staff Regulations, 1937; University of London, minutes of Senate, 1965; University Grants Committee (UGC) visits, 1965, 1970, 1980, and papers, 1970s-1980s; London County Council Rules of Education Committee, 1954, 1958, Quality Audit Report, 1993.

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        London Hospital Medical College and Dental School
        RLHMC · Arquivo · 1752-1996

        Administrative records, records of the Anatomy Department, Students' Club records, title Deeds, financial records, records of the Department of Forensic Medicine, the London Hospital Students Hostel records, records of the Library, Neonatal Research Unit records, photographs, records of the Photographic Department, records of the Physiological Laboratory, records of the Pathological Museum, plans of College buildings, student records, records of the London Hospital Clubs Union and miscellaneous records.

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        Governing Body of Imperial College
        GB 0098 GB · Created 1908-2000 (ongoing)

        Records of the Governing Body of Imperial College, 1908-2000, comprising minutes of the Governing Body, 1908-1998; minutes of the Council, 1998-2000; minutes of the Court, 1998-2000; correspondence, 1910-1912, 1959-1982;
        Imperial College annual reports, 1908-1997, with related correspondence, 1911-1935; Professor's reports, 1907-1908; Departmental reports, 1939-1944; Rector's reports, 1958-1969; annual report accounts, 1988; statistics compiled for annual reports, 1984; student statistics, 1938-1939; College statistics, 1935-1969;
        papers relating to the Imperial College Seal, including correspondence concerning regulations governing affixing the seal, 1941-1967; registers of sealing, 1947-1980; Imperial College trade marks certificates, 1995-2000;
        appointment of members, 1907-1968, and Governors, 1969-1980; attendance registers of members, 1907-1912, 1942-1970; papers relating to Professorial members of the Governing Body, 1927-1945; teaching staff members, 1947-1959; representation of the Dominions and Colonies, 1947-1966; representation of Canada, 1951-1968; withdrawal of South Africa from the Governing Body, 1961-1962; papers relating to resignations and appointments of chairmen of the Governing Body, 1934-1975;
        papers relating to sub-committees, comprising Mining and Metallurgy, 1907-1908; other pure and applied sciences, 1907-1908; Biological Sciences, 1907-1908; other branches of engineering, 1907-1911;
        papers of the Executive Committee, comprising minutes, 1996-1998; financial position of the College, 1922; Finance committee correspondence, 1907-1911; minutes of the House Committee, 1975-1996; Royal School of Mines Advisory Board correspondence, 1912-1923; papers of the Development Planning Group, including College plans, 1985-1995; reviews, 1986-1992; Imperial College of Science and Technology statistics, 1986; Departmental profiles, 1986; minutes, 1985-1987 (GB);
        printed records, 1908-1994; comprising college calendars, 1908-1994; undergraduate and postgraduate prospectuses, 1908, 1940-1999; Standing Orders of the Governing Body, 1908; college regulations, 1915; Year cards, 1908, 1940, 1959-1960; standing orders review, 1967-1969 (GA).

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        Westminster Hospital Medical School
        GB 0098 Westminster Hospital Medical School · 1885-1986

        Records of the Westminster Hospital Medical School, later Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, 1885-1986, comprising minutes of the Academic Board, 1948-1984; minutes of the Finance Committee and Council, 1948-1984; minutes of the School of Medicine Committee and Council, 1933-1961; minutes of the Library Committe, 1948-1986; minutes of the Brabazon House Committee, 1948-1962; students' registers, 1890-1973; exam results, 1934-1985; prospectuses, 1947-1984; Westminster Hospital Reports, 1885-1934; copies of The Broadway, 1899-1970.

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        Froebel College
        GB 99999 Froebel College · 1884-1996

        Records of Froebel College, comprising:
        College Government records, including minutes of the Committee of Members of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1900-1953; minutes of the Governing Body of the Incorporated Froebel Educational Institute, 1953-1969; minutes of the Council of Management, 1970-[1993]; minutes and papers of the College Governing Body, 1970-1993; minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1946-[1995]; minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1948-1954, 1978-1983; Annual Reports, 1895-1933; lists of subscribers, [1899]; College regulations, 1953; and papers of the Academic Board, 1973-1984.

        Papers relating to relations of the College with outside bodies, comprising general correspondence and material concerning visitations and inspections, including the National Froebel Foundation, 1933-1951; the Board of Education (later the Ministry of Education), 1934-1944; London County Council, 1920-[1953], including papers concerning the LCC Nursery School, Grove House; Hertfordshire County Council, [1949-1950], mainly relating to the plans for College use of Offley; the Institute of Education, 1947-1960, including minutes of the Committee of Principals; the ATCDE, 1942-1946; the Nursery School Association (now BAECE), and other organisations concerned with early education, 1945-1946; and the Training Colleges Clearing House, 1951.

        Financial records including annual accounts, 1908, 1910; General Ledgers, 1928-1941; Cash Books, 1921-1954; Petty Cash books, 1935-1949; balance sheets, [1928-1940]; monthly accounts, 1926-1960s; Student Fee Books of Froebel College, 1905-1906, 1910-1911; files relating to College fees, 1950s; accounts for various scholarships and external grants, [1929-1949]; cash book for the Students Aid Fund, 1898-1956; salary books, 1940s-1953; ledger for the Common Room Fund, 1936-1950; and accounts of the Esther Lawrence Association, 1948-1966.

        Material relating to buildings, including correspondence and papers concerning building funds and appeals, [1891-1960]; correspondence and financial material with architects including John S Quilter, [1899-1914], and Norman and Dawbarn, 1954; legal papers and correspondence relating to Knebworth House, 1939; ground plans of the College, [1920s-1930s], including the new Science Block and the Lulham Extension; plans by Fernand Billerey plans for alterations and extensions during the 1920s; files relating to maintenance of the College buildings, 1920s-1960s; and Bursar's files, [1930s-1990s].

        Publicity material, including prospectuses, [1889]-1958; papers relating to Open Days, 1964-1970; advertisements, 1925-1933; and press cuttings, [1890s-1990s].

        Curriculum material, including syllabi and course descriptions, 1942-1975; papers relating to examinations, including correspondence with the National Froebel Foundation, 1940-1949, and the Institute of Education, 1957-1958; examination reports, 1940-1949; Froebel Educational Institute notes on the College curriculum, 1963-1975; and syllabuses, 1946-1963.

        Staff and student material, comprising staff registers, 1894-1929, including registers of visiting teachers, 1894-1901; visitors books for students and staff at Knebworth and Grove House, 1943-1962; student registers, 1913-1962; student records, 1940-1990s, relating to the PGCE course, 1975-1991, the Nursery Education Course, 1974-1976, the Diploma in Education, 1964-1984, and the Diploma in Music, 1970-1982.

        Material relating to student societies, including papers of the Guild of St Francis, the FEI Natural History Club, including accounts, 1901-1921 and minutes, 1907-1943; illustrated scrapbooks relating to College trips to Keston, [1924-1931].

        Papers of the Michaelis Guild, notably minute books, 1896-1992; printed notices, 1905-1981; financial material, 1955-1977; and historical material relating to the Guild.

        Papers relating to the Library including working papers and notes of actions for the Library Committee, 1939-1971; account books, 1922-1979; Annual Reports, 1908-1957; accession registers, [1920s-1980s]; various stock books, 1920s-1962; minutes of the Library Committee, 1930-1958; Library reports, 1925-1927; 'Meetings minute books', 1922-1930, 1969-1971; and accounts for Mary Bennett's Prize, 1943-1951.

        Materials relating to College events, including visitors books for the Spring Festival, 1925, and various exhibitions, 1948 and 1982; papers relating to vacation courses and conferences, 1925, 1948-1952; and material relating to the 1982 Bicentenary arrangements and 1992 Centenary celebrations, including correspondence, cuttings and brochures.

        Miscellaneous material relating to the history of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1892-1978, including reminiscences of students, staff and pupils; papers relating to the foundation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1974-1978, including instruments, draft deeds, and College by-laws; and material relating to the history of Grove House, [1920s-1930s], including correspondence and maps.

        Materials relating to the Demonstration Schools of the Froebel Institute, including prospectuses, fee books, student registers, annual reports, financial material and funding appeals for Colet Gardens Demonstration School (later Ibstock Place), [1894-1936]; prospectuses, magazines, student/staff registers, fee books for Challoner Street Practising School, [1905-1914]; prospectuses, financial material and staff salary book for Grove House School, [1920s-1940s]; Annual Reports for Redford House, [1989-1992]; prospectuses, Annual Reports and trust deeds for Michaelis Free Kindergarten (later Notting Hill Nursery School and St Anne's Nursery School); and minute books, Annual Reports and prospectuses for Somers Town Nursery, 1910-1946.

        Student work, [1894-1970s], including scrapbooks, handwork examples, drawing and lettering copybooks, notebooks covering the range of subjects taught in a Froebel College, including Nature Study and Handwork, and also Teaching Practice notes; there are also various wooden games such as Froebel's Gifts, jigsaw puzzles, ABC games, picture and word matching games and number games.

        Photographs, [1890s-1990s], of Froebel College buildings and grounds, notably Grove House, Templeton, Knebworth, Offley, Colet Gardens, and other colleges; students and staff, including student activities, teaching, and College social events; a separate box contains photographs of students at the Froebel Educational Institution Demonstration School in 1928-1929, including Iris Murdoch.

        Material relating to specific persons, notably Esther Lawrence (1862-1944), 1898-1931, including printed articles by her, mainly on kindergarten and preparatory school teaching; biographical material compiled by Jane Read; original correspondence including letters to Claude Montefiore and Arthur Symonds; personal notebooks and texts of speeches; and invitations to 'At homes', 1903-1907. Papers of Madame Michaelis (1834-1904), one of the founders of the Froebel Society, including lecture notes, 1884-1895, and a draft 'History of the founding of the new Education, 1831-52'. Research material mainly concerning the life and work of Friedrich Froebel, and consisting of photocopies, copies and transcripts of original archival documents, photographs, and extracts from printed works. Personal papers of Molly Root Brearley, [1940s-1980s], including volumes of notes for use in College assemblies, teaching material such as lecture notes and course papers, extensive printed materials on educational topics, including articles and pamphlets written by Brearley. Original writings of Dr Elsa Walters, including various short stories and an autobiography written in 1979.

        Publications: Copies of The Link, the journal of past Froebel College students, 1910-2002; Froebel Society pamphlets, 1878-[1967].

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        Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith
        GB 0098 Royal Postgraduate Medical School · 1921-1995

        Records of the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1921-1995, including reports of preliminary Committees, 1921; minutes of the Governing Body, 1931-1952; minutes of the Committee of Management, 1947-1974; minutes of the Council, 1974-1985; minutes of the Board of Governors, 1938, 1962-1967; minutes of the School Council, 1934-1947; minutes of the Academic Board, 1947-1983; minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1976-1987; annual reports, 1935-1995; prospectuses, 1936-1968;
        papers relating to staff appointments, including lists of staff, 1935-[1980], obituaries, transcripts of interviews with staff, monthly salaries, 1935-1940; London County Council war service salaries and wages, 1939-1943;
        visitor's book, 1947-1962; press cuttings, 1954-1976; photograph albums and loose photographs, [1935-1965]; negatives, [1959-1985]; 16mm films of various operations;
        Medical School reports on work at Hammersmith Hospital, [1936-1940]
        copies of The Special newspaper, 1986-1995 (for Hammersmith Hospital and the Medical School); copies of Alumnus News Letter, 1986-1988.

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        ACC/3537 · Coleção · 1985

        Adult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.

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        GB 2107 · 1892-2000

        Records of City University and predecessors, 1892-2000, covering all aspects of the establishment and development of the University, and including foundation documents and University charter, 1966; Governing Body records including minutes, 1892, annual reports, 1897-2000, and various management schemes, 1912-1960s; general administrative records including prospectuses, 1930s-1960s, records of prizes, scholarships, and ceremonial occasions, and in-house publications; financial records, 1893-1999; estates and buildings records and plans, 1892-2000; academic administrative records including Departmental syllabuses, 1927-1996, research and publications reports, 1952-1992, publications, 1970-1997, and promotional literature, 1960s-1990s; lists of students, 1899-1960s; staff records, 1895-1926; Library records, 1940s-1990s; Student Union records and records of other student societies, 1906-1999, including student magazines, 1912-1999; records of staff associations, 1950s-1990s; presscuttings, 1909-1999; photographs, 1892-1999; and audio tapes of special lectures, 1960s-1980s.

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        Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School
        GB 0098 Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School · Created 1823-1997

        Records of Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, 1823-1997, later Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, comprising minutes of the Committee of Management, 1823-1950; School Council, 1950-1997; Academic Board, 1949-1997; Finance Committee, 1911-1923; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1948-1993; Joint Liason Committee, 1967-1968; Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1945-1965; Division of Medicine, 1945-1965; Division of Surgery, 1945-1965; Institute of Pathology, 1919-1959; Academic Sub-Committee, 1943-1960; Joint School and Hospital Subcommittee, 1900-1907; Dean's and annual reports, 1927-1996; Dean's register, 1882-1934; Dean's disciplinary book, 1900-1914; prospectuses, 1904-1998; Charing Cross Hospital Gazette, 1899-1973, 1981-1984; honours list, 1879; bylaws, rules and regulations, 1894; 1930; constitution of the Students' Union, 1977; dental students' register, [1935-1954];
        annual accounts for Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, 1950-1984; Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, 1984-1997; Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School Students' Union, 1992-1997.

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