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George Hammond (1763-1853) was educated at Merton College, Oxford, and was elected a fellow in 1787. He was secretary to David Hartley the younger at Paris, who was conducting peace negotiations with France and America. Hammond was charge d'affaires at Vienna 1788-1790. In August 1791 Hammond became the first British minister accredited to the United States. He left America in 1795 he returned to London to become foreign under-secretary. Hammond became intimate with his chief at the foreign office Lord Grenville (1759-1834) and the Tory politician George Canning (1770-1827). Hammond was joint editor of the "Anti-Jacobin". This journal was founded by George Canning in 1797. The intentions of the journal was to combat the radical political ideas which had emerged as a result of the French Revolution. It appeared weekly from 20th November 1797 to 7th July 1798.