Enseñanza de la artesanía

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      Enseñanza de la artesanía

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          Enseñanza de la artesanía

          6 Descripción archivística resultados para Enseñanza de la artesanía

          GB 0074 CLC/L/BG · Colección · 1509-1989

          Records of the Worshipful Company of Broderers, compiled between 1509 and 1989, but they include an abstract of a document dated 1508 (Ms 14703), and title deeds dating from 1292. Records include charters, oaths, bye-laws and ordinances; Court minute books; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; financial accounts; volumes relating to the Broderers' exhibition of embroidery at the Royal School of Art Needlework, Hyde Park; photograph albums; legal papers including deeds and wills; papers relating to charities; and papers relating to property.

          IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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          FRANCIS, Brenda (fl 1930-1990)
          GB 0366 BF · Colección · c1930s-1980s

          Papers of Brenda Francis, 1930s-1980s, comprising a large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers; minutes, circulated papers and reports of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management, 1954-1962; some printed material about home economics education.

          Photographs: Large collection of photographs of domestic science, home economics, needlework, cookery, child care and homecraft teaching in London schools and other educational institutions such as open-air schools and teachers centres from the 1930s to the 1980s, possibly compiled as a reference collection intended for the use of teachers;

          Publications: Printed material about home economics education, including works published by the ILEA, booklets published by the International Federation of Home Economics, relating to the 10th and 12th international congresses, regulations on teaching domestic education in 19th and 20th century, a publication of the Administration of Home Economics Education in Finland, a reference pack for teachers of pupils of ESN(s) [Severely educationally sub-normal] schools, and a work published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.;

          Minutes and Papers: Relating to the meetings, activities and correspondence of the United Kingdom Federation for Education in Home Management.

          Sin título
          TANNER, Robin (1904-1988)
          GB 0366 BTA · Colección · 1920s-1988

          These papers relate primarily to Robin Tanner's work in education and not to his activities as an artist and etcher. They include lectures, addresses and conference papers together with photographs of accompanying displays, 1950s-1980s; a small group of papers relating to individual schools, 1930s-1980s; some publications; a little correspondence, mainly from the 1960s-1980s; slides of works by young people taught by Tanner in the 1930s; and personalia, including poetry and prose anthologies, some neckties and a cassette recording of a talk by Heather Tanner and Dietrich Hanff on 'Life in the Tanner Household'.

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          GB 1432 London College of Furniture · 1940s-1990s

          Papers of the Shoreditch Technical Institute, the Technical College for the Furnishing Trades and the London College of Furniture, comprising prospectuses, 1940s-1990s; press cuttings, 1951-1989; student magazines, 1960s-1980s; miscellaneous ephemera and photographs; quinquennial review reports, 1960s. A selection of musical instruments manufactured by students of the London College of Furniture.

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          BULLEY, Winifred (fl 1908-1910)
          GB 2121 Bulley · 1908-1910

          Papers of Winifred Bulley nee Bale, 1908-1910, comprising her needlework notebooks compiled whilst a student at Avery Hill College, covering the first and second year syllabus.

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          MASLIN, Ethel (fl 1906-1911)
          GB 2121 Maslin · 1906-1911

          Papers of Ethel Maslin n�e Marshall, 1906-1911, comprising needlework samplers and exhibits worked as a schoolgirl, 1906; 5 notebooks compiled whilst a needlework student at Avery Hill, 1909-1911; teaching practice notebook, 1910; copies of Theory & Practice of Teaching by Edward Thring (1883-1894) and Needlework for the Student Teacher by Amy Kate Smith (1892-1909).

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