Identity area
Reference code
- 1840-1931 (Creation)
Extent and medium
23 boxes
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Frederic Harrison, 1831-1923, was educated at Kings College, London and Wadham College, Oxford, where he was a Fellow and Tutor from 1854 to 1856. He was called to the Bar in 1858 and held the post of Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law to the Inns of Court, 1877-1889. He was also a member of the Royal Commission on Trades Unions, 1867-1869, Secretary to the Royal Commission for Digesting the Law, 1869-1870, Vice-President of the Royal Historical Society and the London Library, and an alderman of the London County Council, 1889-1893. However, Frederic Harrison is perhaps best known as the president of the English Positivist Committee, a post that he held from 1880 to 1905.
Archival history
GB 0097 HARRISON 1840-1931 Collection (fonds) 23 boxes Harrison, Frederic, 1831 - 1923, Author and Positivist
Frederic Harrison, 1831-1923, was educated at Kings College, London and Wadham College, Oxford, where he was a Fellow and Tutor from 1854 to 1856. He was called to the Bar in 1858 and held the post of Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law to the Inns of Court, 1877-1889. He was also a member of the Royal Commission on Trades Unions, 1867-1869, Secretary to the Royal Commission for Digesting the Law, 1869-1870, Vice-President of the Royal Historical Society and the London Library, and an alderman of the London County Council, 1889-1893. However, Frederic Harrison is perhaps best known as the president of the English Positivist Committee, a post that he held from 1880 to 1905.
Correspondence to and from Frederic and Ethelberta Harrison, including family correspondence and photocopies of Harrison's correspondence with Edward Spencer Beesly; Frederic Harrison's writings and speeches, including diaries on subjects such as the cotton famine in Lancashire, essays on subjects such as positivism, peoples education and the French Revolution, autobiographical notes, and ephemera; and press cuttings.
This collection is arranged in seven sections:
- General Correspondence, 1852-1931.
- Frederic Harrison's Writing and Speeches, 1863-1923.
- The Correspondence of Ethelberta Harrison, wife of Frederic Harrison, 1853-1912.
- Family Correspondence, 1860-1923.
- Autograph Collection; 1840-1899.
- Press Cuttings, 1875-1923.
- Additional papers, including photocopies of the Harrison-Beesly correspondence held at University College London, 1867-1872.
Online catalogue and printed handlist available.
Output from CAIRS using template 14 and checked by hand on March 27, 2002 27 Mar 2002; revised 3 May 2002 Adult education Beesly , Edward Spencer , 1831-1915 , positivist and historian Educational systems Exports/imports French Revolution (1789-1799) Harrison , Ethelberta , fl , 1870-1916 , wife of Frederic Harrison Harrison , Frederic , 1831-1923 , author and positivist International trade Lancashire cotton famine (1861-1865) Philosophical schools Philosophy Political movements Positivism Revolutionary movements Revolutions Trade Trade (practice) Workers education
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Correspondence to and from Frederic and Ethelberta Harrison, including family correspondence and photocopies of Harrison's correspondence with Edward Spencer Beesly; Frederic Harrison's writings and speeches, including diaries on subjects such as the cotton famine in Lancashire, essays on subjects such as positivism, peoples education and the French Revolution, autobiographical notes, and ephemera; and press cuttings.
System of arrangement
This collection is arranged in seven sections:
- General Correspondence, 1852-1931.
- Frederic Harrison's Writing and Speeches, 1863-1923.
- The Correspondence of Ethelberta Harrison, wife of Frederic Harrison, 1853-1912.
- Family Correspondence, 1860-1923.
- Autograph Collection; 1840-1899.
- Press Cuttings, 1875-1923.
- Additional papers, including photocopies of the Harrison-Beesly correspondence held at University College London, 1867-1872.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
Online catalogue and printed handlist available.
Access points
Subject access points
- Educational systems » Adult education
- Educational systems
- Trade » International trade » Exports/imports
- Trade » International trade
- Philosophy » Philosophical schools
- Philosophy
- Political movements
- Philosophy » Philosophical schools » Positivism
- Political movements » Revolutionary movements
- Political movements » Revolutions
- Trade
- Educational systems » Adult education » Workers education
Description control area
Institution identifier
- English