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      • Usado para Shelter
      • Usado para Abri
      • Usado para Demeure
      • Usado para Domicile
      • Usado para Habitation
      • Usado para Hébergement
      • Usado para Refuge
      • Usado para Résidence
      • Usado para Domicilio
      • Usado para Habitáculo
      • Usado para Morada
      • Usado para Refugio

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      137 Descripción archivística resultados para Vivienda

      137 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      LMA/4057 · Colección · 1927-1987

      Records of the London Mission (West) Circuit, 1927-1987, including administrative files consisting of material relating to Grove House Hostel for ex-borstal boys, Gilbert Goodliffe House for retired men and women, Saint Luke's and Saint Mary's House for men and women, Emerson Bainbridge House and Hopedene House for Mother and Babies; legal papers concerning legacies; material relating to Kingsway Hall Church including press cuttings and 10 volumes of Orders of Service; slides and photographs; and 106 exhibition boards of photographs and a brief history of the West London Mission created for the centenary exhibition in 1987 along with location maps from 1832 and 1987 showing activities of West London Mission.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/IMP · Subfondo · 1692-1887

      Records of the Improvements Committee, Court of Common Council, including minute books of a committee appointed for the discovery and improvement of any estate belonging to the City towards payment of the Orphans and other debts, 1692-1696; journals, minutes and committee papers relating to improvements at New Prison and Moorfields, 1811-1838; minutes and committee papers relating to improvements at Saint Martin's Le Grand, 1815-1827; journals, minutes, order books and committee papers relating to improvements at Temple Bar and Snow Hill, 1793-1817, journals, minutes, committee papers and administrative papers relating to improvements at Holborn Valley and Clerkenwell, 1845-1887; minutes and committee papers relating to improvements at Farringdon New Street (Committee to carry out the Act for making a new Street from Holborn Circus towards Clerkenwell Green), 1832-1842; minutes and committee papers relating to improvements at the Fleet Valley, 1851-1853; minutes and committee papers relating to excursions, 1861-1887; minutes relating to improvements to Cannon Street area and other improvements 1846-1854; committee papers relating to the Inner Circle Railway, 1878-1880; reports, 1851-1854; Holborn Viaduct Improvements engineers' reports, 1865-1874; standing orders for regulating the Committee, 1829; claims for compensation for property required under the City of London (Improvement) Acts 1847 and 1850, and the Clerkenwell Improvement Act 1851, with some tenders for ground surplus to requirements, 1847-1855; papers relating to baths and washhouses, 1849-1867 and papers relating to the first two local authority erected public housing schemes in London, Corporation Buildings (1865) and Viaduct Buildings (1875).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/MC · Colección · 1828-1831

      Records of Morden College, Blackheath, including correspondence, financial statements, and papers relating to a dispute with the Charity Commissioners.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/WPE · Colección · 1890-1931

      Records of the Wembley Park Estate Company, property developers, comprising minutes of General meetings and minutes of Board meetings.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/3816 · Colección · 1825-1996

      Papers of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust. This collection consists of wide ranging material which documents the creation of Hampstead Garden Suburb and its growth and development during the twentieth century.

      The records refer to the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust's activities; the family papers of Samuel and Henrietta Barnett; the suburb organisations; the suburb recreational socities; the Henrietta Barnett school; the Institute; and the Wellgarth Nursery Training College. There are printed sources and oral history sources which can be referred to.

      This collection contains a significant number of plans: plans of the suburb; plans of licence applications for proposed alterations; area plans of the suburb; and RIBA photographs of Lutyens drawings for the church.

      There is also a large collection of photographs. These include subjects related to the suburb as well as images of the suburb itself.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 B/PBI · Colección · 1846

      Record of the Peckham Building Investment Company comprising deed of settlement, 4 May 1846, for John Tricker Conquest of Finsbury Square and Henry England of New Cross, to form joint stock company 'The Peckham Building Investment Company'. The deed records the name and business of company, names of subscribers, and of directors and officers, duration of company and mode of dissolution; with signatures and addresses of shareholders, and note of number of shares held by each.

      Sin título

      Records, 1905-1988, of Queen Elizabeth College, its predecessors at King's College London and King's College for Women, and King's College of Household and Social Science. They comprise Bursar's Records, consisting of correspondence, 1946-1977, and papers, 1966-1979, on subjects including safety, estates and accommodation, sports facilities, refectory, students' union, and hall fees (Ref: QAB); council and committee members' correspondence files, 1908-1957 (Ref: QA/CC); Principal's records, 1908-1985 (Ref: QAP); records relating to the Library, 1905-1986 and undated, comprising minutes of the Library committee, 1905-1977, published material on physiology, medicine, housing, cookery and domestic applications, 1912-1975, and on nutrition and health in Malawi, 1969-1973, Rhodesia, 1963-1965, and Nigeria, 1972, papers on administration, finance and accessions, 1962-1986, and a design report on the proposed new library, 1979 (Ref: QAL/PUB, 1992/QAL/F, QAL/M, QAL/F); minutes, 1911-1985, of the Executive Committee and Council and other College bodies (Ref: QA/C/M, QA/CS/M, QA/F/M, QA/FS/M, QA/AB/M, QA/TC/M, QA/CB/M, QA/LC/M, QA/AM/M, QA/TF/M, QA/OC/M, QA/HC/M, QA/MP, Q/AUT); Registrar's records, 1967-1988, on academic subjects, computing, timetabling, accommodation, curricula, award of degrees, constitutional matters, admissions and fees (Ref: 1989/QAR); Secretary's records, 1914-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF, 1987/QAS, QAS/FP/II-III); various title deeds and other formal legal documents, 1911-1985 (Ref: QA/T); financial records, 1913-1985 (Ref: QA/L, QA/J, QA/CB, QA/PCB, QA/WB, QA/SAB, QA/SFB, QA/ACC, QAF); personnel records (Ref: QA/FP, QA/RC).

      Sin título
      GB 0101 ICS 94 · 1946

      Photocopies of documents concerning the squatter problem at Orlando, [Soweto], 1946 including records of meetings between the Department of Non European Affairs and deputation from Orlando Advisory Board; record of joint meeting of General Purposes, Non European Affairs and Special Housing Committees; minutes of Sub-Committee on squatter movements, and minutes of meeting of Native Advisory Boards with Non European Affairs Committee.

      Sin título
      Yates, James: letter
      GB 0096 AL208 · Fondo · [1861-1871]

      Letter from James Yates of Lauderdale House, Highgate, London to Samuel [A Thompson Yates], [1861-1871]. Mentioning 5s 6d paid to Mr Sackett for 'the engraving of Baskerville ... A person named Matthews in Birmingham has published a new edition of the view of the houses at Birmingham, which were destroyed at the Riots [of 1791 against Joseph Priestley and other non-conformists]. One of these is a view of Baskerville House. It [the house] was purchased and enlarged by Mr John Ryland, and in that state was destroyed by the mob ...'

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sin título
      Calle de san Anton
      GB 0096 MS358 · Fondo · 1577-1811

      Documents relating to houses in Calle de San Anton, Madrid.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 HARVEY · [1960]-1996

      Papers of Audrey Harvey, [1960]-1996, mainly comprising drafts of articles, offprints, correspondence and press cuttings relating to social welfare, housing, and homelessness.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 MACCOLL · c1930-c1960

      Papers of James Eugene MacColl MP, comprising files on subjects such as Africa, the Church, crime and delinquency, education, housing and planning, local government in theory and practice, and race relations; papers relating to the Labour Party and parliamentary matters; personal papers; writings; and correspondence with constituents.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 ADA LEIGH HOMES · 1880-1952

      Papers relating to the activities of the British and American Ada Leigh Homes and Hostels in Paris, 1880-1952, including Directors' minute books, 1880-1953, which also contain some correspondence, receipts, lists of Directors and Council members, photographs of properties in Paris and Neuilly-sur-Seine, and a portrait of Ada Leigh; minute books of the Council in Paris, 1899-1931; notice and agenda of the 77th Annual General Meeting, 5 Dec 1950; legal documents, 1924-1958, notably copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, with revisions and annotations up to 1933, a copy of a special resolution to change the name of the Association, 1924, agreements between the Land Law Company Ltd and Ada Leigh Homes concerning the tenancy of a room in 32 Mowbray House, London, 1936 and 1945, typescript lawyers' notes relating to the will of Ada Leigh, 1951, and a document concerning advice from the Charity Commissioners relating to Ada Leigh Homes, 1958; correspondence, 1940-1946, with the Rev W H F Couldridge, Chaplain of Christchurch, Neuilly-sur-Seine, concerning his expenses and pay following his evacuation from France following the German invasion of Paris; correspondence, 1945, concerning insurance policies and taxes on properties in Paris; correspondence relating to the sale of Christchurch, 1949, including copy legal documents in French, a statement on the history and purpose of the Ada Leigh Homes, and press cuttings; bound account books, 1923-1957, including a journal of daily expenses, 1923-1953, a ledger showing income and expenditure, 1933-1939, a cash book, 1939-1945, and a petty cash book, 1940-1957; insurance papers, 1931-1950, relating to the London Office and the Paris hostels, with details of damage to buildings during the German occupation of Paris; endowment papers, 1937-1947, namely deed of covenant forms for donations to the Ada Leigh Homes, and lists of contributors and contributions to the Endowment Fund, 1939; receipt books and bank books, 1927-1957, notably 7 books of receipt book stubs showing donations, 1948-1956, and several volumes containing returned cheques, 1947-1957; a note from the Charity Commissioners concerning the purchase of shares by Ada Leigh Homes, 1929; financial vouchers and receipts, 1945-1956; financial material relating to the Paris hostels, 1949-1950, including statements of accounts for the household at Wagram Hostel, and correspondence with banks and solicitors; general financial file relating to property held by Ada Leigh Homes, 1947-1950, notably typescript notes relating to the Christchurch Endowment Fund (taken from the 1932 Directors minute book), bank statements, bills and receipts from solicitors, and correspondence and estimates concerning the refurbishment of Christchurch Presbytery in 1947.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 ASHDOWN · Colección · [1970]-2006

      Papers of Jeremy John Durham (Paddy) Ashdown, [1970]-1999, including material relating to the working of the Liberal Democrat Party (including files on the merger of the Liberal and Social Democratic Parties in 1988), campaigns, and relations with related Liberal groups, such as campaigning within ethnic minorities, the Liberal Youth and Student Office, the Liberal Movement, the European Liberal Democratic and Reform Parties, and Liberal International; material relating to Social and Liberal Democrat and Liberal Democrat conferences, 1989-1993, comprising programmes, agenda and correspondence; files relating to the administration of party political broadcasts and press releases, 1988-1992; papers relating to general, by, local and European elections, 1988-1993, including the 1991 report on general elections, and the European Election Task Group and ASLDC reports on local government elections; files on parliamentary procedure, 1989-1992; financial and administrative papers of the Liberal Democrat Party, 1986-1992, notably relating to fund raising; material concerning the organisation of local parties, 1988-1993, including those in Scotland and Wales; Liberal Democrat correspondence, 1982-1993, mainly with party members; constituency correspondence, 1985-1994, relating to Yeovil; general correspondence, 1983-1994, with members of the public, on subjects including animal rights, the arts, blood sports, capital punishment, constitutional and electoral reform, defence, education, energy, the environment, Europe, foreign affairs/policy, health, housing, human rights, legal aid, minority rights, the Poll Tax, taxation, trade and industry, and transport; correspondence relating to issues in individual constituencies, 1988-1994; files of information and correspondence on particular subjects, 1984-1993; personal material relating to work by Paddy Ashdown, 1983-1994, including books, articles, speeches and details of programmes; files on the employment of staff in Paddy Ashdown's office, 1984-1992. Also: files created by Ashdown as leader of the Liberal Democrats, c1991-1999 (AccNo: M1981); Paddy Ashdown's diaries, July 1988-April 1997 (AccNo: M3059); personal and party correspondence, 1987-1998 (AccNo: M3322); diaries and emails, 1999-2006 (AccNo: M3348).

      Sin título
      COL/CC · Subfondo · 1272-2011

      Records of the Court of Common Council, Corporation of London, 1272-2002, including journals, 1416-2000; subject index to journals, 1416-1811; index to the repertories, journals and letter books, 1416-1750; indexed printed minutes, 1811-1965; fair minutes, 1788-1880; rough minutes 1866-1970; Public Health Department journals, 1898-1947; Principal Clerk's rough books, 1875-1916; Town Clerk's rough books, 1954-2002; agendas, 1773-2001 (with gaps); papers (reports, letters and documents laid before the Common Council), 1643-2001 (with gaps); Town Clerk's rough papers, 1956-2000; Acts of the Common Council, 15th century - 1806; standing orders, 1880 and 1941; pocket books (lists of members and officers, committees and other information), 1788-2011; extracts regarding committees of the Common Council, 1400-1732; extracts from letter books regarding the constitution of the Common Council, 1272-1327; other administrative papers relating to the Common Council, including petitions, regulations, powers and so on; papers regarding the election of Common Councilmen, 1536-1964; papers regarding porters, 1606-1860; papers regarding fellowship porters, 1607-1934; papers regarding tackle house and ticket porters, 1607-1823; papers regarding byelaws, 1543-1993; modification orders, 1964-1983; closing orders, 1949-1974; papers relating to tree preservation, 1969-1998; stopping up orders (highways), 1963-2002; stopping up orders (public paths), 1981-2000 and papers relating to town planning, 1972-1996.

      NB - 'tackle porters' were responsible for loading and unloading ships and a 'fellowship porter' was a member of the fellowship of the Porters of Billingsgate. 'Ticket porters' were members of a body of porters in the City of London who were licensed by the Corporation; originally called street-porters, and distinct from tackle porters. They were entitled to work in the Corporation markets.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/HGC · Subfondo · 1957-2005

      Minutes of the Housing Committee, Court of Common Council, 1957-1997, the Housing and Sports Development Committee 1998-2001, the Community Committee 2001-2005. Please note that records are closed for 30 years after the date of the last entry.

      Sin título
      CTU · Colección · 1970-1988

      Soil surveys for a number of buildings and sites in London, 1971-1984; project files, 1987-1988, containing plans, drawings, site surveys, elevations, tenders, contracts and notes for a number of buildings including Kilmonie School, Settle Street School, Raines Tertiary College, Eliot Bank School, Fairlawn School, Tewkesbury Estate School, Jewish Free School, Camden, Templars School, County Hall boiler-house and calorifiers, Durrington Road and Courage Industrial Site; remedial works and conditions surveys for sites including Yeading Green Estate, Pilgrim Estate, Copley Close Estate, Hanwell Estate, Islip Manor Estate, Northolt Park Estate and Ruislip Gardens Estate, 1970-1988; electrical and mechanical condition surveys for various locations, 1970-1988.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/LWC · Colección · 1889-1968

      Records of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1889-1968, including Council minutes; Executive Committee minutes; Finance Committee minutes; Ladies' Committee minutes; Men's Committee minutes; annual reports of the Church of England Moral Welfare Council; press cuttings; scrapbook and history "The Wel-care Story: 75 years of Christian Social Service in London".

      Records of local branches of the London Diocesan Council for Welcare, including Ruri-decanal associations, Moral Welfare Councils, Associations for Moral Welfare, hostels, refuges and homes, and Preventative and Rescue Associations. Papers include financial accounts, annual reports and committee minutes. Also indoor case histories for Saint Agnes' Home, Hammersmith.

      Sin título
      ACC/2155 · Colección · 1895-1971

      Records of Sunbury Urban District Council, 1895-1971, including presented reports; correspondence, memoranda and copies of bye-laws, relating to the adoption of certain provisions of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907; deeds, agreements and other documents relating to The Cedars Estate, Sunbury; papers relating to a dispute between the owners of Sunbury Park Estate and the Council; agreements and contracts for various works to be carried out, particularly road maintenance works, sewer and drainage works, housing construction, civil defence structures and war damage repairs.

      Sin título
      ACC/3560 · Colección · [1930-1945]

      Photographs of London scenes relating to the government of London and the provision of education, healthcare and welfare services in the 1930s and 1940s. On the backs of the photographs there are typescript captions.

      Scenes include the election of the Lord Mayor in the Guildhall; Corporation of London meetings held at Mansion House after Guildhall was burnt out by incendiary bombs; the Lord Mayor's Show; a policeman standing next to Big Ben; Tower Bridge and Pool of London; River Police boarding a coasting steamer moored in the Thames; Covent Garden Market with sacks and baskets stacked outside; County Hall taken from across the Thames; London County Council in session at County Hall; photograph of a sketch map showing location of London County Council housing estates; flats recently completed by London County Council; mains sewer with repair work in progress; map showing open spaces maintained by London County Council; view from Richmond Hill showing stretch of country beside River Thames maintained as an open space by London, Middlesex and Surrey County Councils; babies being weighed at a Child Welfare Centre; exterior view of Honor Oak girls' secondary school maintained by London County Council; cookery class at Carlyle School, Chelsea, a London County Council Girls' secondary school; lunch time at an elementary school; school medical inspection; evacuation of London mothers with children under five, with boy scout assisting; boys in dormitory of a school camp; balconies at the ends of ward blocks, North Eastern Hospital for infectious diseases, later St Ann's Hospital, Tottenham; ward with female patients suffering from tuberculosis at Pinewood Sanatorium, Surrey; verandah of Claybury Hospital, Essex, a London County Council mental hospital; exterior of New Malden Branch Library, Surrey; interior of children's library, New Malden Branch Library, Surrey; women using an ironing machine in a communal laundry.

      Also photographs of wartime services including women entering a memorial hall used as a wartime restaurant by the London County Council Londoners' Meals Service; British Restaurant kitchen; Rest Centre for people suddenly made homeless; Air Raid Heavy Rescue Workers in action; patient on stretcher being lifted into London County Council ambulance; London Fire Brigade Headquarters; Fire Service dealing with a fire in Central London caused by incendiary bombs; Fire Service on River Thames fire float provided by the London County Council for dealing with fires in the docks.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P90/MRY1 · Colección · 1826-1990

      Papers of the church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Eversholt Street, Somers Town, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; minutes of the Parochial Church Council; papers of the St Pancras Housing Society; and parish magazines.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P95/ALL5 · Colección · 1904-1953

      Records of the parish of All Saints, Brudenell Road, Tooting Graveney, comprising plans and drawings of a proposed new church, vicarage and parish hall.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P95/TRI2 · Colección · 1855-1983

      Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Trinity Road, Upper Tooting, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; papers relating to the maintenance of the church; papers relating to the vicarage; financial records; and papers relating to parish societies.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 Q/WAL · Colección · 1809-1881

      Collection of documents removed from a partly Grangerized copy of Old and New London compiled by Edward Walford, comprising: narrative of the Walcheren expedition to the Netherlands, 1809; receipt for purchase of Consolidated £3% Annuities by Isaac Noquet; letter to Edward Walford from C. H. Bowden, Chaplain's House, Guy's Hospital, S.E., noting Guy's capacity in beds, its income, numbers of inpatients and outpatients; letter to Edward Walford from Eliza [Carver] of Dulwich College, asking him to tea before a concert; newspaper cutting concerning the opening of the first block of buildings of the Victoria Dwellings Association at Battersea Park.

      NB - To 'grangerize' a volume is to add or interleave clippings or cuttings from other sources to the pages.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/TT · Colección · 1819-1994

      Records of the Time and Talents Association, also known as the Time and Talents Guild. This collection dates mainly from 1903 to the 1950's although it does include annual reports up to 1977. The records relate to the activities of the original London branch of Time and Talents. Reports from other branches can be found in issues of Time and Talents News (A/TT/140-151). The Review and the Time and Talents Newsletter were both suspended during the war and replaced by a printed newsletter from Nov. 1939 (A/TT/203-216).

      Records include minutes of the Executive committee, Council, Association committee and Settlement management committee (known as war emergency committee 1939-1943); correspondence and papers relating to the Bermondsey settlement; minutes of the Matfield Court Committee; photographs of the Matfield Court Rest Home (also known as Bermondsey Rest Home); minutes and papers of the Thatched cottage committee; deeds relating to premises in Bermondsey and Dockhead; annual reports and accounts; publications, publicity material, scrapbooks and memorabilia.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0195 · Colección · 1754-1832

      Records of Saint Lawrence Church, Little Stanmore, mostly relating to glebe land including conveyances by bargain and sale and plan of Kate Field, Edgware. Glebe land was assigned to a clergyman as part of his benefice.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0691 · Colección · 1883

      Papers relating to a bazaar held to raise funds for the Convalescent Home for Children, Highgate.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P72/TRI · Colección · 1867-1939

      Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Bethnal Green, including register of marriages, register of baptisms, and minutes of the Committee for the Holy Trinity Hostel for Austrian Refugees.

      Sin título
      MCC/HS/AC · Colección · 1950-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Health Department relating to financial accounts, 1950-1965, including the Marie Curie Memorial Foundation Fund; car allowance policy; tuberculosis settlements; recuperative holidays and loan of nursing equipment.

      Sin título
      MCC/HS/MH · Colección · 1915-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Health Department relating to mental health services, 1915-1965, including papers regarding staff training; papers relating to psychiatric hospitals; papers relating to residential homes for the mentally ill; policy on after care for mental patients and alcoholics; investigation into autism; survey of children with Down's Syndrome; papers relating to guardianship cases; papers regarding the care of mentally ill or disturbed children; papers relating to training centres, education, occupational therapy and workshops for the mentally ill or disabled; photographs of Enfield Adult Training Centre and papers relating to individual institutions. Also sample case files for mentally defective persons and mentally ill persons: please note that access to case files is restricted under the Data Protection Act.

      Sin título
      MCC/MIN-1 · Subfondo · 1889-1965

      Minutes and presented papers of meetings of the Middlesex County Council, 1889-1965. Also minutes and presented papers of Middlesex County Council Committees, as follows:

      Aerodromes and Development Committee

      Agriculture Committee

      Air Raid Precautions Committee

      Asylums Committee

      Buildings Committee

      Children's Committee

      Civil Defence Committee

      Coordinating Committee

      Costs and Policy Review Committee

      Diseases of Animals Committee

      Drainage Committee

      Education Committee

      Emergency Committee

      Establishment Committee

      Estates Committee

      Finance Committee

      Fire Brigade Committee

      General Purposes Committee

      Highways Committee

      Housing Committee

      Industrial Schools Committee

      Land Committee

      Licensing Committee

      Light Railways Committee

      Local Government Committee

      Luncheon Club Committee

      Maternity Committee

      Office Accommodation Committee

      Parliamentary Committee

      Planning Committee

      Public Health Committee

      Rates Committee

      Rivers Committee

      Selection Committee

      Small Dwellings Committee

      Small Holdings Committee

      Staff Committee

      Standing Orders Committee

      Supplies Committee

      Taxation Committee

      Valuation Committee

      War Committee

      Welfare Committee

      Sin título
      CH · 1869-1924

      Records of Cromwell House, Highgate (Great Ormond Street Convalescent Branch), CH/3 Financial Records, comprising CH/3/1, Highgate Ledger, containing maintenance costs for Great Ormond Street Convalescent Branch (provisions, salaries, rents etcetera), January 1896 to December 1900; CH/3/2 Cromwell House Wage Book (for Nurses and Servants), September 1869 to December 1910.

      Visitors' Books and Report Books, comprising CH/7/1, Cromwell House Visitors Book, 1869-1918, (with leaflet on Regulations for Admission.); CH/7/2 Matron's Report Book, November 1911- May 1922.

      Correspondence, comprising CH/8/1 Letters and Press Cuttings Book re Cromwell House, 1867-1873 (includes plan of Dead House, staff memoranda, correspondence on patients and management, leaflets and advertisements about the house produced by the hospital, press cuttings and illustrations. draft regulations and maintenance proposals); CH/8/2 Report of the Sub-Committee on the desirability of retaining Cromwell House.

      Patient Registers, comprising CH/9/1, Patient Admissions Register, 1869-1883; CH/9/2, Duplicate Admissions Register, 1869-1880 (with letter from Catherine J. Wood on staffing problems at Cromwell House, dated 9th May 1878); CH/9/3, Patient Admissions Register, 1883 -1891; CH/9/4 Patient Admissions Register, 1893-1898; CH/9/5 Patient Admissions Register, 1904-1910; CH/9/6 Admissions Register to Chronic and Surgical Wards, 1870-1904; CH/9/7 Duplicate Admissions Register to Chronic and Surgical Wards, 1870-1880; CH/9/8 Register of Out-Patients, 1884-1888.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4025 · Colección · 1841-1873

      Records of the Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes. The minutes (LMA/4025/01) describe in detail the foundation of the Association, its aims and objectives. They document its development from a well-intentioned philanthropic organisation to a major provider of housing (12 substantial blocks by 1873). The activities recorded range from fund-raising to land acquisition and from collections of mortality statistics to estate management.

      The visitors book (LMA/4025/03) records the important visitors to Old Pancras Road including Prince Albert, Lord Shaftesbury, Mr Gladstone, Charles Kingsley and Dr Southwood Smith.

      These manuscripts have not been accessible to researchers before and are an exciting discovery. They were purchased with assistance from the Purchase Grant Fund administered by the Victoria and Albert Museum.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4185 · Colección · 1965

      Proposal for development of a housing estate on the former Croydon Airport site, 1965.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4227 · Colección · 1868-1869 and 1925-1928

      Records of the Aged Pilgrim's Friend Society, comprising papers relating to a proposed new asylum at Hornsey Rise; and annual reports.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4456 · Colección · 1804-2002

      Records of The Home for Aged Jews (later called Nightingale House and later Nightingale). This collection contains a wide range of records of the Home including minutes, a good set of annual reports, accounts, property and building records, printed material, photographs, film and videos. The archive gives detailed coverage of changes in care work and the life of residents and staff working at Nightingale. Of particular interest are the residents' admission book (1914-1933) and official 'diary' of events (1916) which are a good resource for tracing residents admitted to the Home, and the annual reports (1896-1997) which cover all aspects of the work of the Home including the early introduction of Occupational Therapy and other facilties for residents.

      The majority of the archive relates to the later half of the 20th century, although there is a small survival of records from the early period of the Home and its former Charities (from 1879) before its move to Wandsworth in 1907. The minutes include a minute book of the Wandsworth Hospital Group's Jewish Home of Rest, Birchlands Avenue, Wandsworth. The property deeds include deeds of the Farmiloe family, lead and glass merchants of Rochester Row, Westminster.

      Sin título
      LCC/AR/CB · Colección · 1836-1964

      Papers of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Council Buildings: standard specifications, tenders and quotations, 1922-1940; materials, 1930-1937; air raid precautions at Council premises, 1937-1947; salvage of waste metals and other materials, 1925-1942; lists of Council premises damaged by enemy action, 1940-1945; papers relating to the construction of hospitals and other institutions, 1929-1947, including standard planning and points of construction, fire prevention arrangements and transfer of property under the National Health Service Act 1946; papers relating to the construction of museums, 1914-1938; papers relating to the construction of housing estates, 1898-1934; papers relating to the construction of schools, 1910-1939; papers of the Board of Education Departmental Committee on the Construction of School Buildings, 1925-1927; papers relating to the construction of playgrounds, 1911-1928; programmes of building work for the Children's Department, 1950-1960; standards for car parks, 1955-1959; papers of Housing Layout Committee, 1952-1958; papers of Architects' Housing Conferences, 1950-1959; development work on Housing type plans, 1951-1962; papers relating to homes for the elderly, 1934-1961; papers relating to halfway houses and hostels, 1952-1959; design of school furniture, 1949-1959; investigations leading to selection of the Hook, Hampshire, for site of new town, 1955-1959; papers relating to Basingstoke, 1952-1963; Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Committee on Official Architecture, 1913-1929; papers relating to work done by non-LCC architects and criticism of the official Architect, 1905-1920; papers relating to town development, including Bracknell, Corby, Hemel Hempstead, Letchworth, Welwyn and Hatfield, 1952-1964; papers relating to the development of the Royal Festival Hall, South Bank.

      Sample files relating to individual premises, comprising subject and policy files retained when a large number of similar files were destroyed, to illustrate the construction and maintenance works carried out at typical LCC developments. Examples include housing estates, schools and colleges, a workhouse, a hospital, a historic building, bridges and County Hall.

      Reports, including surveys by the Architect of properties transferred to the LCC, including hospitals, institutions, schools, children's homes, and ambulance stations, 1929-1930; surveys of general and special hospitals, 1934-1937; minutes and reports of Departmental Committee on Hospital Standards, 1930-1934; schedule of prices for repair to buildings, 1915-1919; register of construction works, 1892-1912.

      Visitor's Books for historic building Prince Henry's Room, 17 Fleet Street, 1906-1925; publication The Architectural Work of the London County Council by WE Riley, Architect to the Council, 1909; plans of demolished or disused buildings including Clerkenwell Sessions House, India Office Store, Chandos Street Fire Station, Tooley Street Fire Station, Clapham Fire Station, Bayswater Fire Station and Dulwich Fire Station.

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      LCC/WE/CW · Colección · 1923-1951

      Records of the London County Council Welfare Department, 1923-1951, relating to casual wards in Chelsea, Hackney, Lambeth, Northumberland Avenue, Paddington, Poplar, Southwark, Saint Pancras and Woolwich. Please note some files may be closed for Data Protection purposes.

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      LMA/4039 · Colección · 1936-1970

      Visitors book (includes signature of George Lansbury, Member of Parliament and leader of the Labour Party 1931-1935), 1936-1969 and typescript "A Brief History of Cedars Lodge" by Brian Morley of Southwark Council, 1970.

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      LEVERKUS, Gertrude (1899-1976)
      GB 106 7GLE · Fondo · 1976

      The archive consists of a typescript autobiography, written in 1976, entitled 'Auntie Gertrude's Life', 1889-1976.

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      EMMOTT, Lady Mary Gertrude (1886-1954)
      GB 106 7MGE · Fondo · 1916-1925

      The archive consists of Lady Mary Gertrude Emmott papers in connection with various committees on which she sat. These are mainly letters of appointment to official committees.

      The folder comprises: press cuttings, 1916; Ministry of Reconstruction Advisory Council, Nov 1917-May 1918; Housing Advisory Council, Apr 1919; Committee for War Refugees from Belgium, May 1919; Local Employment Committee, Great Marlborough Street Employment Exchange, Feb 1920-May 1923; Commission of the Peace, County of London, Jun 1920; Association of London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, Dec 1920; Committee of Trustees of fund for assistance of elderly educated women who have suffered as a result of the war, Mar 1921; Justices of Juvenile Court, Brixton Court, Apr-Jun 1921; Visiting Committee of Borstal Institution portion of Holloway Prison, Apr 1921-Jan 1924; Committee on Co-operative and Communal Arrangements in Housing Schemes, Jun 1921; Council of the League of Nations Union (appointment as member), Jul 1921; Departmental committee on the export of horses (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries), Feb-Mar 1925.

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      GB 1556 WL MF 27 · 1933-1965

      Papers of the Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief, 1933-1965, detail the work of the CBF in shelters, hostels, internment camps, schools and foster homes, and also contain information on the finances of the fund. The collection notably include CBF minutes of its committees, finance, reports from individuals, and also a complete run of country files detailing the fund's work abroad; records of the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad and other relief organisations, 1941-1953; records of the Children's Refugee Movement and the Jewish Refugees Committee; files on various other organisations which were involved with the work of the CBF to a greater or lesser extent, including the Agudas Israel World Organisation.

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      HAYDON, Benjamin Robert (1786-1846)
      GB 0370 BH · 1826-1846

      Papers of Benjamin Robert Haydon, 1826-1846, comprising letters to William Newton, his landlord, 1830-1845, relating to house repairs, his debts, requests for loans, death of his daughter, 1831; legal papers relating to Haydon's imprisonment for debt in the King's Bench, 1830, namely inventory of his goods for debt, authorisation to distrain goods, notice of court hearing; letter from Sir George Philips, 1836, concerning his picture 'Christ's Agony'; receipts for Haydon's life insurance policy payments, 1833-1845; Newton's marked copy of the catalogue of the sale of Haydon's effects, 1846.

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      CHESWORTH, Donald Piers (1923-1991)
      GB 0370 DC · [1906]-1991

      Papers of Donald Piers Chesworth, [1906]-1991, comprising family papers, including photograph album of scout camp attended by his father, Frederick Chesworth, [1929-1936]; diaries of his mother, Daisy Chesworth, 1942-1981, giving brief entries; family holiday photograph album, [1936], stamp albums; files relating to Daisy Chesworth's death and estate, 1987;

      volume of notes and lectures relating to the National Fire Service, [1939-1945];
      papers relating to Chesworth's standing as a Parliamentary candidate, 1945, 1950, including posters, press cuttings, photographs with Clement Attlee campaigning in Rangoon; notes on rallies of Oswald Mosley (standing for Parliament in North Kensington), 1959;
      correspondence, reports and papers relating to Notting Hill housing and social conditions, [1957-1963], including interviews with tenants and local people, housing waiting lists, minutes of Notting Hill Social Council, 1963; population survey of Kensington, [1961]; rent tribunals; papers, probably preparatory notes for a book by Chesworth, "Anatomy of Notting Hill"; paper entitled "Community Struggles in North Kensington 1966-1974";
      correspondence and papers of the Association of Neighbourhood Councils, 1971, (a local government pressure group), particularly with MPs;
      correspondence, reports, photographs and papers relating to Chesworth's work with War on Want, 1963-1986, including the Mahiwa project, Tanzania, 1970-1973; Bangladesh War of Independence, 1971;
      minutes and papers relating to the World Political Action Trust, 1970-1973;
      reports and papers relating to wage fixing in Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika), [1961-1967]; reports and correspondence, 1962-1989, relating to the Sugar Wages Council and education in Mauritius; correspondence and papers relating to the assassination of the vice-president of Zanzibar, 1973 (Zanzibar Treason Trial);
      papers relating to the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) Labour group, including correspondence relating to secondary schools, 1973; papers relating to his work in Tower Hamlets, including Tower Hamlets Training Forum, [1962], 1986-1989; Tower Hamlets ILEA Tertiary Education Council, [1987-1990]; Spitalfields Heritage Centre, 1983-1991; papers relating to the opening of the Thames Children's Beach (Tower Hill), [1980s];
      correspondence, reports and papers relating to Chesworth's work as Warden of Toynbee Hall, [1906-1987], including papers of the Management Committee, articles on the history of the Hall, annual reports, [1970-1988];
      papers and correspondence relating to his work as Consultant to Kumagai Gumi UK, 1987-1991.

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