Information sciences

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        527 Archival description results for Information sciences

        527 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0096 AL117 · Fonds · 1848

        Letter from Thomas Perronet Thompson of Blackheath, [Kent] to George Pryme, Esq of Wiston, near Huntingdon, 19 Mar 1848. 'For the first time I appear to have got under the fallacy about a paper circulation based on all the land in the country. I just now perceive this included in the latest manifesto of Robert Owen.'

        Autograph, with signature.

        Thompson , Thomas Perronet , 1783-1869 , army officer and politician
        GB 0096 AL116a · Fonds · [1908]

        Letter from Silvanus Phillips Thompson of Morland, Chislett Road, West Hampstead, London to R A Rye [University of London Library], 29 Aug [1908]. Accompanying a book borrowed from the University Library about ten years previously, preserved by Professor Thompson because he knew it to be 'safer in his keeping during the interregnum'.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Thompson , Silvanus Phillips , 1851-1916 , physicist x Thompson , Sylvanus Phillips
        The Post Boy
        GB 0096 MS1124 · Fonds · -72745

        Copy of the newspaper, The Post Boy. Includes letter to Lady Rokeby of Northallerton, Yorkshire.

        Beardwell , B , fl 1700 , newspaper publisher
        GB 1538 RCOG/B26 · Fonds · 1992-1998

        Records of 'The Diplomate' Editorial Board, 1992-1998, comprising the minute book of the Board (1992-1998); minutes and papers (1992-1998); contributors' agreements and correspondence (1993-1998); papers of a study and questionnaire regarding 'The Diplomate' from 1998. The minute book and some of the loose agenda papers cover four planning meetings (1992-1994) prior to the first issue of 'The Diplomate' in March 1994. The last minutes dated April 1998 show no recognition of the fact that 'The Diplomate' was to be imminently disbanded.

        Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
        Thames Polytechnic
        GB 2121 Thames Polytechnic · Fonds · 1969-1996

        Records of Thames Polytechnic, 1971-1992, comprising minutes and papers of the Court of Governors, 1977-1982; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1970-1984; meetings of the Academic Council, 1977-1982; Committee for Institutions, 1981-1982; staff and student affairs standing committee, 1978-1980; Education and Movement Studies faculty board, 1978-1980; Architecture and Surveying faculty board, 1977-1980; Prizes, Awards and Examinations Committee, 1977-[1980]; papers submitted to the Court of Governors, 1970-1992; Memoranda and articles of association, 1970; reports and financial statements, 1974-1975, 1983-1992; block grant files, 1971-1989; papers relating to mergers with Dartford College of Education, [1975-1976] and Avery Hill College, [1983-1985]; changeover from Polytechnic to University status, [1990-1992];

        calendar and staff lists, 1979-1990; staff handbooks, [1971-1990]; Governing Body handbooks, 1971-1992;

        magazines and newspapers of Thames Polytechnic, comprising Thames Polytechnic Staff Journal, 1970-1971; Thames Polytechnic TP Bulletin, 1971-1978; Thames Currents, 1978-1985; Thames News, 1985-1987; Thames View, 1987-1992; Thameslink, Newsletter for Teachers & Advisors of Entrants to Higher Education, 1992; Alumni magazines, comprising TPA News, 1980-1985; Thames View Alumni Special, 1990; Alumni magazines, 1994-1996;

        photographs of Directors of the Polytechnic, 1970-1992; of presentations, [1970-1992]; staff cricket matches, [1970-1992]; Chairmen of Governing Body, 1970-1992; photographic material used for Traditions & Controls in the making of a Polytechnic: Woolwich Polytechnic 1890-1970 by Michael Locke, 1978;

        prospectuses, 1970-1993; annual reports, 1969-[1991]; research reports, 1971-1992; programmes of presentation ceremonies, [1970-1992]; annual lectures, 1971-1981; Public Relations files, containing publicity material and advertisements, press releases, 1981-1992; press cuttings, 1970-1992; Christmas cards, [1970-1992];

        Students' Union magazines, 1971-1975, comprising copies of Biffo, 1971; Crusty, 1975; Links, undated; papers relating to Thames Film Festivals; Students' Union handbooks, 1970-1991;

        students' theses and dissertations, 1970-1989.

        Thames Polytechnic
        GB 0096 AL527 · Fonds · 1938

        (1) Letter from Randall Carline Swingler of the Left Review, 2 Parton Street, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Asking him to contribute an article to the Left Review. Sturge Moore's draft reply appears on the reverse.

        (2) Letter from Randall CarlineSwingler of the Left Review to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Enclosing the final proof [missing] of Sturge Moore's article Fashions in art and literature.The article appeared in the April 1938 issue.

        (3)Letter from John Edgell Rickword of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Hampstead Branch, 47 South Hill Park to Thomas Sturge Moore, 15 Feb 1938. Asking him to chair a lecture.

        Swingler , Randall Carline , 1909-1967 , writer Rickword , John Edgell , 1898-1982 , poet and book reviewer x Rickword , Edgell
        Moore , Thomas Sturge , 1870-1944 , writer and wood engraver x Sturge Moore , Thomas
        SWAN, JOHN
        GB 0074 LMA/4721 · Collection · 1856

        Records of John Swan consisting of ten issues of 'Our Magazine', privately circulated manuscript magazine edited by Swan.

        The magazine contains: stories in chapters continued with each new issue including 'Sir John Willows of Hawthornbush', histories including 'Old London, what is was and what remains of it' by Mr Warrington), descriptions of trips made to places outside London, notes on foreign produce and trades including watchmaking, advice on aspects of life such 'the duties of ladies' during Leap Year, 'Q.E.D.' [quod erat demonstrandum] questions and answers, poetry, chess club results, humorous fictitious advertisements and literary notices.

        John Swan , b [1834] , editor of 'Our Magazine'
        SWAN, Alexander (1906-1980)
        GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP21 · 1930-1988

        Papers, 1930-1988, of Alexander Swan (formerly Alexander Lebedeff), including general correspondence relating to his career appointments and leukaemia research, 1959-1974; reports and associated correspondence relating to conferences attended by Swan, notably concerning leukaemia, haematology and fibrinolysis, including a paper delivered in 1962 at a Congress of the Society of Haematology in Mexico by Swan entitled, 'A study of fifty cases of acute leukaemia in adults'; notes on individual cases of acute leukaemia in adults at St James Hospital, Balham, London, [1952-1964]; article by Swan entitled 'Ossification in the metastases of a carcinoma of the rectum', [1953]; offprints of articles contributed by Swan and others to professional journals and conferences, mainly relating to leukaemia research, 1937-1971; notebook of Swan's work at the laboratory of the Department of Pathology, University of Hong Kong, [1936-1938]; papers relating to Swan's earlier career in engineering, 1930-1936, including offprints of articles by Swan on the use of concrete beams, methods of calculating building stresses and soil technology, published in Engineering and Commerce and China Reconstruction and Engineering Review; certificates and diplomas, including comprising Diploma in Civil and Railway Engineering certificate, Harbin Polytechnic Institute, China, 1930, and admission as a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, 1971; notes prepared for Swann's obituary by his wife, 1980; Dr Alexander Swan: from Siberia to suburbia edited by Barbara Ellis (Call Print Cooperative Ltd, 1988); two photographs of Swan, 1950 and later.

        Swan , Alexander , 1906-1980 , consultant pathologist and haematologist
        GB 0098 B/SUTTON · 1910-1995

        Papers of Professor John Sutton, 1910-1995, comprising biographical material, including obituaries and reminiscences of Sutton; papers relating to Sutton's childhood and schooldays, undergraduate studies, wartime service, his honours; family papers, notably his father Gerald John Sutton, an engineer and inventor, including patents, 1928-1958; photographs of Sutton, some with Janet Watson;
        notebooks, 1940-1992, comprising geological field notebooks, [1940-1969], containing observations, sketches and plans and lists of specimens, some with notes by Janet Watson; notebooks recording work in Greenland, 1965-1969; notes on proceedings of conferences and sketches of scenery, plants and people, and geological phenomena, many from visits overseas, [1965]-1992;
        notes and drafts relating to publications or work intended for publication, [1935-1992]; papers relating to visits and conferences including visits to China; correspondence, notably with Edward Battersby Bailey, Michael J Fleuty, Arthur Holmes, John Lawrence Knill, John Graham Ramsay, Herbert Harold Read, principally two sequences of letters, 1948-1960, 1961-1992, including papers for conferences, from societies and organisations; maps, figures, photographs, films and an audio tape.

        Sutton , John , 1919-1992 , geologist
        Subotic Collection
        GB 0369 SUB · c 1952

        Spanish-Serbo-Croat-English dictionary believed to have been begun by Dragutin Subotic and completed after his death by his brother Vojislav Subotic; Serbo-Croat-English glossary, c 1952.

        Subotic , Dragutin , 1887-1952 , slavonic scholar Subotic , Vojislav , d 1969 , slavonic scholar
        Streatham College for Girls
        GB 0347 S3 · Collection · 1898-1934

        The collection consists of several scrapbooks containing newspaper cuttings, letters, programmes, lists of prize winners and sports team members, and other material. One was compiled by the headmistress Miss Lefroy and contains handwritten entries. There are also photograph albums showing the school, teachers and pupils. There are also numerous examples of artwork by the pupils mostly in the form of programmes for music, drama and sports events held at the school.

        Please contact the Archive for further information
        GB 0100 KCLCA KSS · c1869-1979

        Records, c1869-1979, of the Strand School and its predecessors, comprising Headmaster's general and policy files, 1875-1977 (Ref: KSS/GPF); minutes of the Strand School, 1913-1938, and minutes relating to staff, 1957-1978, Houses of the school, 1942-1969, school societies, 1936-1957, parents' open evenings, 1956-1969, and conference of Headmasters and mistresses of London County Council (LCC) secondary schools, 1925-1952 (Ref: KSS/M); ledgers of pupils' accounts with the school, 1868-1908 (Ref: KSS/L); printed school accounts, 1910-1913 (Ref: KSS/ACC); registers containing staff details, 1893-1970, pupils' details, 1900-1925, 1931-1936, 1946-1979, and House records, 1933-1959 (Ref: KSS/R); Headmaster's albums of commended essays and artwork, 1912-1929 (Ref: KSS/ALB); record books of the Nature Society, 1909-1939, and sports record book, 1950-1956 (Ref: KSS/RB); programmes for school events, 1905-1912, 1950-1973, and school calendars, 1969-1977 (Ref: KSS/PRG); school magazines, 1905-1977 (Ref: KSS/PM); school prospectuses, 1915, 1938 (Ref: KSS/SYL); catalogues of books in Strand School and King's College use, c1869-c1894 (Ref: KSS/CA); bound addresses of thanks from staff and students to William Braginton, 1909-1910 (Ref: KSS/SP); private papers of Lt H Alnwick, comprising exercise books of plays written by him, 1924 (Ref: KSS/PP); ephemera including various invitation cards to school events, 1912, 1957-1968, a scheme for amalgamation of schools, 1906, regulations regarding management of the school, 1909, and the Strand School song and school rules, both undated (Ref: KSS/EPH); photographs, c1900-c1970 and undated, including school classes, staff, sports, portrait of William Braginton and the front of the Strand School, Brixton (Ref: KSS/PH); LCC's London School Plan and associated maps, 1947 (Ref: KSS/PBN); Keith Thomas White, 'History of Strand School, 1875-1913', written for MA in Science Education, Chelsea College, University of London, 1984 (Ref: KSS/TH).

        King's College London , Civil Service Department , founded 1875 Strand School , Strand , 1897-1913 Strand School , Brixton , from 1913
        GB 2108 KUAS96 · 1845-date

        The Stephen Sondheim Society Archive documents the life and work of musical theatre composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. The core of the collection was collected by antiquarian bookseller and Sondheim enthusiast Peter Wood- his collection later passed to the Society. Additional material has been added since, filling in gaps in the Peter Wood collection and documenting productions and publications that have occurred since it was transferred to the Society.

        Both parts of the Collection contain a range of material on Stephen Sondheim and his work- notably programmes, leaflets, posters and press cuttings. There are also journals, books, audio visual material and collectables. The Collection dates from Sondheim's earliest work to the present and will continue to be added to as his works continue to be performed. There are also documents relating to the work of the Society itself, notably the Stephen Sondheim Society Student Performer of the Year awards (SSSSPOTY).

        Stephen Sondheim Society
        Stencl, Abraham Nahum
        GB 0102 PP MS 44 · c1910-1983

        Papers, c1910-1983, of Abraham Nahum Stencl, relating to his life and work and to modern Yiddish literature, and comprising papers relating to his life, 1934-1978, including letters received from his family, photographs, press cuttings relating to his life and work, and personal documents; manuscript and printed writings, 1930-1980, in verse and prose, including some autobiographical and works on literature; papers, 1918-1983, largely dating from the 1940s and after, relating to Loshn un Lebn and the Friends of Yiddish circle, other friends and acquaintances, Jewish organisations, and Stencl's involvement in literary events, comprising letters received and other papers, including works by other authors, of over 200 correspondents, some of them annotated by Stencl; ephemera, c1910-1982, accumulated by Stencl, including postcards, membership cards, receipts, tickets, greeting cards, circulars, advertisements, and flyers.

        Stencl , Abraham Nahum , 1897-1983 , Yiddish poet
        GB 0369 SCO · 1964-1992

        Mnutes and related papers of the SCONUL Slavonic and East European Group (SEEG) and Advisory Committee on Slavonic and East European Materials (ACOSEEM) and also papers relating to specific projects of SEEG and ACOSEEM including surveys of information and library requirements, a working party on transliteration of Cyrillic and work towards a union list of Slavonic and East European serials, 1964-1992.

        SCONUL , Standing Conference of National and University Libraries x Standing Conference of National and University Libraries
        Spruce, Richard (1817-1893)
        GB 0117 MS/236 · sub-fonds · 1850-1863
        Part of Manuscripts General

        Drawings from Richard Spruce's travels across Northern South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco river systems, throughout Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezeuela and the Guyana highlands. Included are several renderings of indigenous picture-writing figures Spruce found in the Guyana Highlands, with notes on their possible origin and meaning, portraits of local people from nine different nations of the Orinoco and Rio Negro with notes thereon, drawings of notable landscapes in the region, vegetation and sundry objects from local villages.
        Drawn on for 'Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes' (1908).

        Spruce , Richard , 1817-1893 , botanist
        GB 0096 AL467 · Fonds · 1852

        Letter from Herbert Spencer of 340 Strand, [London] to Robert Chambers, 31 May 1852. Covering note enclosing a copy of Spencer's pamphlet A theory of population (1852).

        Autograph, with signature. The front wrapper of the pamphlet is inscribed to Chambers.

        Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopher
        GB 0074 B/SPL · Collection · 1781-1911

        Records of Spalding and Hodge, stationers, 1781-1911; and subsidiary or merged companies including Busbridge and Hodge, papermakers and Suttaby and Company, booksellers. Also records of the Stationers' Book Society. The records include business agreements, legal documents relating to properties, wages books, cash books, stock books, bills, rules and regulations for staff, letters patent, brochures about Spalding and Hodge and their history, inventories, correspondence and price lists. Stationers' Book Society records comprise minutes, accounts, and an address by Thomas Spalding.

        Spalding and Hodge , stationers and paper merchants
        Southey, Robert: letter
        GB 0096 AL129 · Fonds · 1836

        Letter from Robert Southey of Keswick, [Cumberland] to the Chairman of the Committee on the Record Commission, 14 Jul 1836. Replying to a series of questions put forward by the Committee. Including a list of the publications of the Record Commission in Southey's possession. Autograph, with signature.

        Southey , Robert , 1774-1843 , poet, journalist and biographer
        GB 0103 SDUK · 1826-1848

        The collection consists mainly of minutes, financial records, manuscripts of unpublished texts and correspondence. It provides interesting detail on what one section of society thought would provide education for another. There is much useful information on the reading preferences of the public, and on the growth and development of Mechanics' Institutes. Most of those concerned with the founding of the Society as a project in self-education were also involved in the founding of the new University of London (now University College London) and some, like Augustus De Morgan and George Long, actually taught there. There is also considerable information on the work of publishers, illustrators, engravers and booksellers and on writers, whether already established authorities in their field or young hopefuls, like G H Lewes, who sought to establish themselves through the Society's patronage.

        Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , 1826-1848
        Smith, George
        GB 0096 MS 660 · 1891-1963

        Manuscript and printed items, 1891-1963, of a personal and business nature relating to George Smith.

        Smith , George , 1871-1962 , librarian and publisher
        GB 0096 AL110 · Fonds · 1777

        Letter from Adam Smith to William Strahan, Esq, MP, 20 Dec 1777, address: Edinburgh, New Street, Shoe Lane, London. Asks for information on the delay in his appointment as a Commissioner of Customs for Scotland. A postscript states: 'Neither you nor Mr [Thomas] Cadell have wrote me anything concerning the new Edition of My Book, is it Published? does it sell well? does it sell ill? does it sell at all?'

        Autograph, with signature.

        Smith , Adam , 1723-1790 , economist and moral philosopher
        GB 0096 AL109 · Fonds · 1760

        Letter from Adam Smith, 4 Apr 1760. Address: Glasgow. To his publisher, [William] Strahan. Refers to the 2nd edition of Smith's 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments' (1759), to the Act of Union (1707), and to [Nathaniel] Hooke's 'Secret History of Colonel Hooke's Negotiations in Scotland, in favour of the Pretender, in 1707, etc' (1760).

        Autograph, with signature. A facsimile, printed for James Bonar's 'Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library' is filed with the original letter.

        Smith , Adam , 1723-1790 , economist and moral philosopher
        Smith (Sidney) Papers
        GB 0103 MS ADD 383 · 20th century

        Papers of Professor Sidney Smith on Ancient Near Eastern Chronology for the Cambridge Ancient History (2nd edition), largely comprising typescript drafts with manuscript annotations, including the Middle Assyrian, Susan, Achaemenean, Iranian, Syrian, Hebrew and Babylonian Calendars; Egyptian, Syrian and Babylonian history; Babylonian, Hittite, Egyptian and other King-lists; the Hittites; Assyrian sources and regnal years; intercalation; and bibliography.

        Smith , Sidney , 1889-1979 , scholar of Ancient Near Eastern History
        GB 0096 AL301 · Fonds · 1868

        Letter from Samuel Smiles of West Bank, Blackheath, London to Charles Manby FRS, 14 Dec 1868. Covering letter to a copy of Smiles's Life of George Stephenson etc (1868 edition).

        Autograph, with signature.

        Smiles , Samuel , 1812-1904 , biographer and didact
        GB 0074 CLC/270 · Collection · 1256-2004

        This collection comprises a variety of unrelated items listed under the fonds 'Small Collections' for convenience. The items include: research notes, transcripts, treatises, reports, surveys, drawings, annals, chronicles, calendars, translations, newspaper cuttings, sermons, scrapbooks, books of hours and gospels, warrants, bills, accounts, sales catalogues, recipes, ships' manifests and lists. Most of the items relate to the history of the City of London or greater London, with subjects including hospitals, shops, churches, street layout, legal matters, government and Mayors, livery companies, markets, the residents of the city, inns and taverns, armorial bearings, law and order, parks, armed forces and war, taxation, monarchs, fires, the river Thames, food, medicine, topography and monumental inscriptions.

        Please note that due to the age and fragility of some of the items access may be restricted. Please consult the catalogue entry for individual items for more information.

        GB 0100 KCLCA Skeat · 1772, 1868-1932

        Papers, 1868-1932, of and concerning Walter William Skeat, including correspondence relating to the English Dialect Society, 1887-1912, letters to Skeat, 1868-1912, fragments of letters and drafts of letters by Skeat, 1873-1905, and correspondence of the Skeat family, 1914-1928. The bulk of the collection comprises working papers, almost all undated, including notes and transcripts of various manuscripts and texts, sometimes unattributed but among them Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Piers Plowman by William Langland, Bodleian manuscripts, works of William Shakespeare, homilies, and proverbs; bibliographical references; dictionaries, thesauri, word lists, glossaries; notes on etymology, grammar, place-names, and pronunciation; lectures including 'The Language of Chaucer'; articles including philology, the language of Edmund Spenser with special reference to his Faerie Queen, emendations in Piers Plowman, and phonetics; proofs (largely undated) including an English dictionary, publications relating to Chaucer, The Kingis Quair, Pierce the Plowman's Crede, and an incomplete proof copy of The Seven Sleepers; printed material by Skeat including William of Palerne (unbound, uncut), 'Souvent me Souvient' (reprinted from Christ's College Magazine), Troilus and Criseyde (incomplete) and A Charter of Canute (a passage from the York Gospels, edited by Skeat); printed material relating to Skeat's interests, including articles on etymology and the derivation of words; leaflets (1911) advertising the proposed University of London Institute of Phonetics; an incomplete copy of The Annual Register 1771 (1772); and an examination questions paper (1911) in English Language and Literature for King's College, University of London.

        Skeat , Walter William , 1835-1912 , Professor of Anglo-Saxon , philologist , Anglican clergyman
        Sinhalese Ola
        GB 0114 MS0271 · c1760

        Sinhalese ola, c 1760, comprising a volume of palm leaves, containing a manuscript treatise on diseases, symptoms and treatments.

        GB 0096 AL296 · Fonds · 1825

        Letter from Sir John Sinclair of 133 George Street, Edinburgh to James [Thomson] Gibson-Craig of Riccardton, 23 Apr 1825. Covering note enclosing a copy of Sinclair's pamphlet Defence of the landed and farming interests (1825).

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sinclair , Sir , John , 1754-1835 , 1st Baronet , politician and agriculturalist
        GB 0096 AL106 · Fonds · 1795

        Letter from Sir John Sinclair of Whitehall to Messrs Cadell and Davies, booksellers, Strand, 15 Jun 1795. Asking whether the octavo or quarto size would be the more convenient for reprinting the Agricultural reports of 1794.

        Written in another hand with Sir John Sinclair's own signature. With a black seal bearing Sinclair's coat of arms.

        A draft reply (dated [16] Jun 1795) is written on the second leaf.

        Sinclair , Sir , John , 1754-1835 , 1st Baronet , politician and agriculturalist
        SIMMONS, Bayard: Scrapbooks
        GB 106 7BSI · Fonds · 1931-1951

        The archive consists of two scrapbooks of manuscript poems, reviews and press cuttings. The volumes contain items relating to the suffrage movement and general news items about politics, art, literature and theatre. There are many press cuttings from 'The Freethinker' and manuscript poems by Simmons. The archive also includes a photocopied surrogate version of parts of the scrapbooks and an index.

        Simmons , Bayard , fl 1906 , author
        Sidney Webb College
        GB 1753 SWC · Fonds · 1960-1986

        Records, 1960-1986, of Sidney Webb College and its successor, including minutes and related papers, comprising Advisory Committee and Governing Body minutes, 1960-1970; Governing Body agendas, minutes and papers, 1971-1975, including published HMSO and ILEA reports on education and teacher training, 1972-1973; Staff and Academic Board minutes, 1961-1967; Staff Meeting agendas, minutes and papers, 1967-1968; Academic Board agendas, minutes and papers, 1968-1975; Library Committee minutes and other papers, 1961-1977; Staff Appointments and Promotions Committee agendas, minutes and papers, 1969-1975; Appeals Committee papers, 1973. Other administrative papers comprise papers relating to the early years of the College, including premises, 1961-1970; letters from students, 1964; papers on non-academic staffing matters, including issues relating to the merger with the Polytechnic of Central London, 1969-1977; papers on staffing and re-structuring with relation to amalgamation with the Polytechnic of Central London, 1971-1975; papers of the Joint Working Party on the Future Role of the College, 1972-1973; papers, including minutes of meetings, on the future of the College, including proposed transfer of departments to Battersea College, 1973-1974; Principal's papers, including correspondence, reports and minutes, on the merger with the Polytechnic of Central London, 1973-1976; financial estimates, 1974-1975; Bachelor of Education degree submission to the CNAA, 1975-1976; papers relating to valedictory meeting at final closure, 1980. Various student records, 1961-1980, include exam results. Publications comprise prospectuses, 1961-1975; College magazines, 1965-1968 and undated; Students' Union constitution and standing orders, undated; LCC publications on training colleges, 1964; ILEA publication on colleges of education, 1973; article on the College, 1978. Papers of the Central School comprise memorandum and new articles of association, 1947; papers, including correspondence and notes of meetings, 1970-1976; notes of an ILEA meeting on a link between Sidney Webb College and the Central School, 1971; exam results, 1974-1980; and other papers, 1983-1986.

        Sidney Webb College , London Polytechnic of Central London , Sidney Webb School of Education Central School of Speech and Drama , Swiss Cottage
        GB 0074 ACC/1480 · Collection · 1900

        Pocket book entitled "Tables and Memoranda for Engineers", published by M T Shaw and Company Ltd, containing useful information for engineers such as mathematical formulae, calculations, the strengths of various materials, the width of types of pipe, the hardness of different soils, the areas of circles and so on.

        Matthew T Shaw and Co Ltd , constructional engineers
        Shaw, Eyre Massey: letters
        GB 0096 AL420 · Fonds · 1872-1889

        (1) Letter from Eyre Massey Shaw of the Metropolian Fire Brigade, Watling Street, London to Mr Fraser, 21 Mar 1872. Explaining that he is unable to inspect premises unless invited to do so by the occupants. The law allows 'your neighbours to set their premises on fire, & then, but only then, I have full power to break in & interfere. The moment the place is cool I must walk away ...'.

        (2) Letter from Eyre Massey Shaw of the Fire Brigade, Southwark, London to Miss E S Busk, 13 Jul 1889. Stating that Mr G W Gamble, who had applied to Miss Busk for books, was thoroughly respectable, but 'he is not the whole institution', and advising her to lend the books, and then, if the 'society is likely to endure', to turn the loan into a gift; [the society mentioned has not be identified].

        Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

        Shaw , Sir , Eyre Massey , 1828-1908 , Knight , fire officer
        GB 0120 PP/ESS · 1836-1967

        Sharpey-Schafer's correspondence is extensive. In addition to his own correspondence it includes papers of William Sharpey, saved by Sharpey-Schafer after his death, 1836-70 and n.d. There are significant numbers of letters from William Sharpey himself, Sir Michael Foster, Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, Sir William Osler, George John Romanes, Sir Victor Horsley, Sir James Paget, Lord Lister, Sir Charles Sherrington, Sir William Gowers, Thomas Henry Huxley, John Newport Langley, Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, Ernest Henry Starling, Allen Thomson, Sanger Monroe Brown, Sutherland Simpson, Francis Gano Benedict, Harvey Cushing, Albrecht Kossel, Karl Hugo Kronecker, Carl Ludwig, Charles Robert Richet, and Masaharu Kohima.

        Material relating to Sharpey-Schafer's career at UCL includes correspondence on his controversy in the Neurological Society with Sir David Ferrier, 1887-88, and papers relating to the rebuilding of University College Hospital in 1895.

        Material relating to Sharpey-Schafer's career at Edinburgh University includes correspondence on the forced resignation of William Cramer from the department of Physiology on grounds of German nationality, 1914, and papers on the opening of the department of Animal Genetics in 1930.

        Other papers reflect various aspects of Sharpey-Schafer's scientific interests, including the history of the Physiological Society (with several letters from Archibald Vivian Hill), artificial respiration and bird migration. There are also numerous letters in response to his controversial address to the British Association in Dundee in 1912, and correspondence on the position of scientists in post-Revolutionary Russia, 1918-21.

        There is a substantial correspondence on the various textbooks Sharpey-Schafer wrote or to which he contributed, 1910-34.

        Sharpey-Schafer's personal papers include correspondence with his wives and children, 1876-1935, scrapbooks of press cuttings, c. 1899-1930, and a large collection of photographs, mainly portraits.

        Sharpey-Schafer , Sir , Edward Albert , 1850-1935 , Knight , physiologist
        SEDGWICK, Adam (1785-1873)
        GB 378 LDGSL/57 · Series · 1816, 1843-1854

        Papers of Adam Sedgwick, 1816 and 1843-1854, comprising:

        Two notebooks from Sedgwick's tour through the continent of Europe, June-September 1816; manuscripts of Sedgwick's papers, mostly on the geology of Wales, which were read and later published by the Society, 1843-1854.

        Sedgwick , Adam , 1785-1873 , geologist
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP35 · Created [1890-1900], 1907-1977

        Papers, [1909] and 1930-[1975], relating to Scullard's published work, notably lists of contributors and articles for the first edition, [1938], and correspondence with contributors to the second edition, 1964-1965, of the Oxford classical dictionary (Clarendon, Oxford, 1949 and 1970); annotated photocopy of typescript of The elephant in the Greek and Roman world (Thames and Hudson, 1974), [1973-1974], with notes especially relating to illustrations, [1973-1974], and various offprints of articles on elephants in the ancient world, [1948-1950]; proof copies of Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War (University Press, Cambridge, 1930), and Scipio Africanus: soldier and politician (Thames and Hudson, London, 1970), with a manuscript of the former, [1930], and notes, [1930-1970] on Scipio and Spain; incomplete typescript of a work entitled 'Scipio Africanus: politics and reform', [1970]; offprints of articles written by Scullard for the Encyclopedia Britannica (Encyclopedia Britannica Company, London and New York), 1967 and 1974; correspondence and notes relating to Roman history articles written by Scullard for Collier's Encyclopedia (P.F. Collier and Son, New York), 1960; school essay by Scullard on 'The comic element in the literature of Greece and Rome', [1909], and incomplete annotated typescript [on the same subject], [1930-1940], possibly part of Scullard's History of the Roman world from 753 to 146 BC (Methuen, London, 1935); papers, 1954 and [1973-1975], relating to Scullard's revision of A history of Rome down to the reign of Constantine (Macmillan, London, 1954) by Max Cary, including typescripts, annotated proofs, and a printed copy of the original work; a printed copy of the 3rd edition of A history of the Roman world from 753 to 146 BC (Methuen, London, 1963). Papers, [1925-1970], relating to Scullard's teaching career, including teaching and lecture notes on Greek and Roman history, [1926-1970]; typescript book lists and study schemes for courses on Ancient History and Ancient Political Ideas [at King's College London], [1958-1960]; notes taken by Scullard from lectures by Professor Frank Ezra Adcock, Professor of Ancient History at King's College, Cambridge, [1925-1951]; memorabilia, 1938 and 1976-1977, relating to New College, London, including programmes, menu, and reports relating to its closure in 1977. Publications by, or relating to, Scullard's father, the Reverend Herbert Hayes Scullard, Free Church Minister at Howard Congregational Church, Bedford, and Professor of Church History at New and Hackney College, London University, mainly comprising copies of Life of John Howard the philanthropist (1911), 1907-1911. Three photograph albums, containing photographs of a tour in Norway, British and French towns and cities, and views of the Lake District and Scottish Highlands, [1890-1900].

        Scullard , Howard Hayes , 1903-1983 , Professor of Ancient History
        GB 106 10/24 · Fonds · 1939-1940

        This scrapbook consists of general press cuttings about the events of the Second World War.

        GB 106 10/50 · Fonds · 1929-2001

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings on the subject of prostitution from national and regional newspapers, for the years 1929-2001 (only five cuttings dated before the 1970s).

        GB 0347 D116 · Collection · 1956-1957

        Scrapbook containing photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to the activities of the Mayor and Mayoress of Battersea and the Mayor and Mayoress of Wandsworth.

        Please contact the Archive for further information.
        GB 106 10/37 · Fonds · c.1931-1932

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings on a range of subjects relating to women in public life with particular reference to women in the civil service.

        GB 106 10/16 · Fonds · 1907-1921

        Scrapbook of press cuttings on a wide range of issues relating to women's position during and immediately subsequent to the First World War, including employment, venereal disease, women in public life and the activities of the Women's Freedom League. Many of the press cuttings came from a press cuttings agency.

        GB 106 10/47 · Fonds · 1929-1932

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings of obituaries; ephemera relating a memorial service held for Millicent Fawcett in 1919 and to the unveiling of a memorial in Westminster Abbey in 1932; also includes a photograph of Fawcett, seated and with a cat on her lap.

        GB 106 10/10 · Fonds · 1908-1909

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the national and regional press relating to the suffrage campaigns, 1908-1909.

        GB 106 10/21 · Fonds · 1910-1912

        This scrapbook consists of press cuttings concerning tax resistance, the Women's Tax Resistance League and general issues concerning women and tax, 1910-1912.
