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Staff and staff association papers
GB 2107 Staff · 1895-1997

Papers of City University and predecessors relating to staff and staff associations, including papers regarding appointment of Dr Robert Mullineux Walmsley, first Principal, 1895; papers regarding appointment of first Heads of Departments, late 19th century; biographical information regarding staff of the Northampton Institute, 1896-1897; register of full-time teachers, 1896-1926; staff handbooks, 1958, 1961; academic handbooks, 1990s; Guide to Organisation and Services: The Orange Book, 1991-1997; Personnel Dept publications, 1990s; internal telephone directories, 1970s; Conditions of Service papers, 1960s-1970s; papers relating to Sir James Tait (1912-1998), Vice-Chancellor: photocopies and memorial service; tape recordings of interviews with past members of staff by John Teague, 1977-1978, with transcripts; Academic Wives Association minutes and papers, 1967-1987; Senior Common Room minutes and papers, 1968-1979; ATTI (Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions) branch minutes and papers, 1951-1966; Staff Association reports and papers, correspondence, memos and minutes, 1950-1962; Academic Staff Association (ASA) minutes, handbooks, newsletters and papers, c1959-1974; ASA Journal 1-4, 1970-1971; Northampton College of Advanced Technology staff club minutes, accounts and papers, 1960s-1970s; Association of University Teachers (AUT) officers, 1970s-1990s; AUT branch minutes, 1964-1967; pay claim papers, 1984; Welfare Committee papers, 1970s; Safety Committee minutes and booklets, 1970s; Computer Advisory/User Committee papers, 1970s-80s.

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