Nursing certificates issued to various individuals, 1918-1939, with associated documents.
Sans titreLetter from a woman to her children and her husband prior to her deportation to Theresienstadt (includes an English translation).
Sans titreThis World War Two Austrian soldier's letter, amongst other things, describes the systematic murder carried out by the Wehrmacht in Poland, and in particular the murder of civilians by the author's unit. The author also mentions the murder of a number of their own officers by the rank and file and includes an English translation.
Sans titreMasterpieces of Hogarth Scrapbook, c 1800-1950, contains cuttings of a majority of Hogarth's paintings and drawings.
Sans titreVarious prescription books, 1873-1917, 12 items: batch books, 1925-1951, and sales cash books, n.d., from unknown pharmacies (probably all in the London area, and the prescriptions books of a pharmacy based in Kensington).
Sans titre