Records of Whitbread and Company Limited, brewers, relating to advertising, memorabilia and personal records, including substantial albums and guard books with Whitbread and Company advertising and labelling from 1935 through to 1980, newscuttings book of adverts commissioned (1921-1996), photographs of premises (1930-1979) and correspondence relating to advertising campaigns. Also included are published histories of the Company from both the nineteenth and twentieth century. This collection also includes the Whitbread Archivist's research files on public houses in the London area, subsidary companies and individuals associated with Whitbread and Company.
Sem títuloRecords of Longman and Broderip, organ and piano makers, consisting of an advertisement on the inside front cover of an edition of "Virgil's Works", 1787.
Sem títuloPublic Relations records for Courage and Company Limited, brewers, including copies of "The Development and Growth of Courage's Brewery, 1787-1932" by GN Hardinge; and printing blocks showing staff, public houses and advertisements.
Sem títuloRecords of Whitbread International Limited, a subsidiary company of Whibread and Company Limited, brewers. Records include ledgers detailing Whitbread exports and ship stocks from the 1920s through to the 1970s along with advertising from the launch of various Whitbread products abroad most notably that of Mackeson Stout and Whitbread Premium Draught Beer.
Sem títuloRecords of R White and Sons Limited, soft drinks manufacturers, including a ledger covering profits and sales figures for R White & Sons from 1845 through to 1951 along with obituaries, details on property and wages, and a corporate and financial history of the Company. Also included are examples of bottle labelling and newspaper cuttings of Company adverts.
Sem títuloRecords of Crosse and Blackwell Limited, food manufacturers, 1830-2003. The records include business agreements; correspondence; published histories; financial records; papers relating to shareholders; papers relating to production including agreements, ledgers, notebooks, reports, and labels; price lists; papers relating to staff organisations and staff photographs; property records including inventories, leases and photographs; papers relating to advertising including newscuttings, publications, adverts, correspondence and photographs.
Also papers of subsidiary companies including British Vinegars Ltd, Elizabeth Lazenby Ltd, James Kellier and Sons and Allards Wharf Ltd.
Sem títuloPapers of individual members of staff at Barclay Perkins and Company Limited, including papers of chairman E W Giffard; papers of managing director H L Grimston; papers of Company solicitor R Whitmarsh Gray, including legal papers and press cuttings; papers of head brewer J B Binnie, including photographs, posters, advertisements, invitations, cards and programmes; and papers of head brewer Charles Collard, including brewing books.
Sem títuloRecords of Courage, Barclay and Simonds Limited, brewers, including precis of news reports about the brewing industry; examples of advertising including a gramophone record; papers relating to public houses; and publicity department correspondence and subject files relating to various events, company activities and aspects of the brewing industry.
Sem títuloAdvertisement of John Besford, supplier of patterns and drawings for needlework and netting silk, dated to the 19th century.
Sem títuloRecords of Whiffen and Son Ltd, manufacturing chemists, 1752-1972, including history of the company; articles of partnership and other contracts and agreements; legal documents relating to property; correspondence; circulars; financial accounts; papers relating to shares and shareholders; stock records; newspaper cuttings; photographs; staff wages books and pensions papers; records relating to staff associations and sports clubs including minute books; reports on chemical manufacture, laboratory notebooks and chemical analyses; papers relating to sales; papers relating to imports and foreign suppliers; advertisements; registers of product labels; samples of packaging; rules, regulations and legislation regarding factories and safety measures; papers regarding the Second World War including war damage to factories and papers relating to staff on active duty.
Also records of Saint Amand Manufacturing Company Limited including ledgers, letter books and journals.
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