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Archival description
A collection of legal items
GB 0096 MS 303 · Fonds · c1615-1635

Contains the following legal items: ff 1-14. 'Ordinances made by the Lord Chancellor for the better and moore reguler administratyon of iustice in the Chancery to bee duly observed saving the prerogatives to the Court. Tempore Bacon cancellarii', 1619; ff 14b-16: 'Addiconall Rules for the better governinge of the Court of Chancery and the Greate Seale published in open Court 31 October', 1620; f 33: An ordinance of 26 June 18 James I [1620], concerning the incompetence of certain Commissioners; ff 34-38: William [Dr John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln] Lord Keeper's speech in Chancery the 1st daie of Michaelmas terme [6 Oct] 1621; ff 39-47: 'Ordinances made by the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coventry lord keeper of the greate seale of England with the advice and assistance of the Right Honourable Sir Julius Ceser knight Master of the Rolls in the terme of St. Michaell ' ... in the xith yeare of the Raigne of ... kinge Charles [1635] for the Redresse of sundry Errors defaults and abuses in the high Court of Chancery'; ff 57-60: Baron Bromley his Charge att Wenlocke 9 September 1615.

GB 0096 MS307 · Fonds · c1650-1700

'A Coppy of a letter Conceived to bee writt to the late Duke of Buckingham when hee first became a favourite to K. James. By Sir Francis Bacon. Conteyning some advises to the Duke for his Better direction in that eminent place of the Favourite drawne from him at the entreaty of the Duke himselfe'. This is the second, fuller, version of the letter, not the text of the quarto edition of 1661.

Bacon , Francis , 1561-1626 , viscount St Alban , lawyer, statesman and philosopher
GB 0096 MS296 · Fonds · c1560-1570

A Mirrour of Virtues and vices in 2 decads by way of description and Characters manuscript by Thomas Bilson, successively Bishop of Worcester and of Winchester. In a prefatory note to his sister, Bilson characterizes the work as "the extract of the superfluous humour of youth's distemperature, which I hope maturity of judgment, and ripenesse of further experience will either purify or utterly extinguish." Perhaps written while he was at Oxford.

Bilson , Thomas , 1547-1616 , Bishop of Winchester
A sedative at daybreak
GB 0096 MS1180 · Fonds · undated

Typescript copy of poem, "A sedative at daybreak" by Laurie Whistler. With etchings by Joan Hassall. This copy was a gift to Walter de la Mare. Inscribed "And to dearest WJdlM with love, always, from LW".

Whistler , Laurence , 1912-2000 , engraver on glass and writer
GB 0096 MS1147 · Fonds · 1821

A Slap at Slop and the Bridge Street Gang, newspaper [fifteenth edition].

Hone , William , 1780-1842 , author, publisher and bookseller
Alexander, J F: letter
GB 0096 AL454 · Fonds · 1888

Letter from J F Alexander of 4 St James' Square, Manchester to [Richard Marsden] Pankhurst LLD, 14 Nov 1888. Explaining that Pankhurst's 'name was ... placed on the list of delegates to the Education Conference on November 20th and 21st to represent the Subscribers in the district...'.

Written in another hand and signed by Alexander.

Alexander , J F , fl 1888 , Secretary of the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control, Manchester and District Branch
Alvarez de Toledo, Manuel
GB 0096 MS338 · Fonds · c 1699

Tumulto del dia 28 de Abril, del Ano 1699: representacion del Conde de Oropesa (al Rey); y la Respuesta, o Glossa, sobre la representacion del Conde.

Alvey Programme
GB 0096 MS965 · Fonds · c1975-1993

Annual reports, circulars, memoranda, and government publications concerning the activities of the Alvey Programme, [1975]-1993.

Alvey Programme
GB 0096 MS1162 · Fonds · 1863

Certificate of Ancient Order of Foresters membership for Edward Papsworth of the Widows and Orphans branch (court number 1840), Jun 1863.

Ancient Order of Foresters
GB 0096 MS327 · Fonds · [1500-1600]

Armorials relating to Hernan Perez de Guzman, Pedro de Graciadei and others, [1500-1600].

Arnold, Matthew: letter
GB 0096 AL139 · Fonds · 1886

Letter from Matthew Arnold of Cobham, Surrey to John Churton Collins, 24 Oct 1886. Relating to the teaching of modern literature and modern languages at the universities. Autograph, with signature.

Arnold , Matthew , 1822-1888 , poet and critic
GB 0096 AL513 · Fonds · 1981

Letter from David Astor of 9 Cavendish Avenue, London to the Librarian, Acquisitions Section, University of London Library, 9 Oct 1981. Concerning the gift of a copy of Henry Ozelle Malone's PhD thesis Adam von Trott zu Solz: the Road to Conspiracy against Hitler(1980).

Astor , Francis David Langhorne , b 1912 , journalist x Astor , David
GB 0096 AL140 · Fonds · 1837

Letter from Charles Babbage of Dorset Street, Manchester Square, [London] to M Sylvain van de Weyer [Belgian ambassador in London], 29 May 1837. Presenting a copy of his book 'The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise'. Autograph, with signature.

Babbage , Charles , 1792-1871 , mathematician
GB 0096 AL414 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Charles Babbage of Dorset Street, Manchester Square, [London] to an unknown recipient, 8 Nov 1850. Giving directions for meeting Babbage on Wednesday at 7 o'clock. Autograph, with signature. Last leaf only of a letter written on several sheets.

Babbage , Charles , 1792-1871 , mathematician
Bailey, Philip James: letter
GB 0096 AL138 · Fonds · 1877

Letter from Philip James Bailey of 59 Netherwood Road, West Kensington Park, London to an unknown recipient, 21 Sep 1877. 'The publishers of my new edition [10th edition] of Festus are Longmans and Compy. I have nothing now in the hands of Mr Bell. You are quite welcome to extract the songs named.' Autograph, with signature.

Bailey , Philip James , 1816-1902 , poet
Baird, Henry Carey: letter
GB 0096 AL464 · Fonds · 1908

Letter from Henry Carey Baird of H C Baird and Co, Philadelphia, USA to [Herbert Somerton] Foxwell, 4 Dec 1908. Enclosing a list of pamphlets by Mathew Carey [Baird's great uncle] and discussing the political economist Henry C Carey [Baird's uncle]. Typescript, signed by Baird.

Baird , Henry Carey , 1825-1912 , writer and publisher
Bald, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL243 · Fonds · 1826

Letter from Robert Bald of Edinburgh to Joseph Hume MP, 27 Apr 1826. Excusing his silence 'but ... I have been uncommonly pressed with mineral surveying and reporting thereon arising in a great degree from the conflicting elements which arise betwixt master and servant. Coals rise in price to an exorbitant rate, and the great manufacturing interests of Glasgow & chief consumers of coal there agreed to have the districts surveyed as to the means of supplying the City with abundance of coal at a moderate rate, and to lay rail ways into the coals fields which were the best'. He encloses "two copies of the treatise I wrote regarding the coal trade of Scotland and the slavish system of bearing coals by women. I have been attacked and run down for doing so: this I care nothing about ...'. Autograph, with signature.

Bald , Robert , 1776-1861 , mining engineer
GB 0096 AL429 · Fonds · 1934

Letter from George Balfour of the House of Commons (embossed heading) to C G Williams, Leigh House, Lower Heath, Hampstead, London, 16 Nov 1934. Replying to a query about Public Acts [of Parliament] passed since the National Government came in [in 1931]: 'There are some 170 Acts ... But in over fifty Acts where some distinct question of political principle enters I can find some half-dozen Conservative Acts, three times as many Socialist Acts, while the remainder are a mixture of the two with Socialism predominant ... As I have frequently said ... it is time for Conservatives to consider in what direction we are going.'

Signed by Balfour. Marked: 'Personal and Confidential' in MS.

Balfour , George , 1872-1941 , MP and electrical engineer
GB 0096 AL2 · Fonds · 1815

Letter from Sir Joseph Banks of Soho Square, London to Lord [?Sheffield], 10 Feb 1815. In favour of a Corn Law. 'We ought, however, to consider that by purchasing foreign Corn, we ... hazard the horrors of Famine by becoming dependant [sic] on our natural enemies for our food ...'. The first paragraph appears to be in Banks's own hand and the remainder in that of an amanuensis or copyist.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , 1st Baronet , naturalist and patron of science
GB 0096 AL3 · Fonds · 1815

Letter from Sir Joseph Banks of Soho Square, London to an unknown recipient, 12 Aug 1815. Relating to 'the undertaking now in hand for exploring the rapid Currents of the Zaira'. Reference is made to the mutiny of the Bounty, 'which began by turning the Commander adrift and ended in the Peopling of Pitcairn's Island. A less economical Outfit succeeded and the business was happily effected. Hence I deduce that in all matters of Naval Equipment it is better to adopt a Plan of sufficient extent at first than to do it after a failure, which if attributable to parsimony will in a Country like this meet with censure.' He advocates the use of a steamboat, 'a Fort impregnable to Native Armies and capable of sending out a subordinate Expedition'. This letter appears to be either a copy or a draft letter made by an amanuensis.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , 1st Baronet , naturalist and patron of science
GB 0096 AL1 · Fonds · 1804

Letter from Sir Joseph Banks of Overton to Sir Stephen [?], 14 Sep 1804. Relating to the Royal Mint and coinage.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , 1st Baronet , naturalist and patron of science
GB 0096 MS1134 · Fonds · 1741-1773

Will of James Dotin, 1745; inventory of Mount Edge plantation, Barbados; indenture regarding sale of Baxter Valley by John and Elizabeth Dotin to William Duke, 1749; disposition by Edward Hay regarding authenticity of these documents, 1773.

Hay , Edward , 1722-1779
Dotin , James , fl 1733-1742
Barnard, P M: letter
GB 0096 AL465 · Fonds · 1911

Letter from Percy Mordaunt Barnard of 10 Dudley Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent to [Herbert Somerton] Foxwell, 15 May 1911. Covering note to the 'treaty of Oct. 7 1413', a diplomatic agreement between England and Flanders, and giving details of its provenance. Autograph, unsigned.

Barnard , Percy Mordaunt , 1868-1941 , antiquarian bookseller and clergyman
Bauer, Franz (1758-1840)
GB 0096 MS1015 · Fonds · c1788-c1829

Sketch of the eclipse of the sun, 1820; handwritten "explanation of plate"; sketches including grain worms, root worms, dust brands of wheat; title jacket for "Prospectus Operis Botanici" by Joseph Plenck (1788); short note describing Bauer's sketch of 2 December 1829.

Bauer , Franz Andreas , 1758-1840 , microscopist and botanical artist
Baxter, James
GB 0096 MS1119 · Fonds · 22214

Letter, 1960, from James Baxter to John Pocock, thanking him for the review of his two plays, The Wide Open Cage, and Jack Winter's Dream.

Baxter , James Keir , 1926-1972 , poet and playwright
Bazley, Sir Thomas: letter
GB 0096 AL419 · Fonds · 1871

Letter from Sir Thomas Bazley of Eyford Park, Stow-on-the-Wold, [Gloucestershire] to C Manley, Esq, 13 May 1871. Thanking him for a 'further communication'. Bazley has come to Eyford Park for a few days to be among some workmen who are 'defining' his water stream. Hopes to meet Mr Buckland when he returns to town. Autograph, with signature. Headed with a crest and the motto 'Finem respice'.

Bazley , Sir , Thomas , 1797-1885 , 1st Baronet , cotton spinner and politician
GB 0096 AL365 · Fonds · 1898

Letter from Sir Michael Edward Hicks Beach of 11 Downing Street, Whitehall, London to Dr Swayne [?Walter Carless Swayne], 18 Mar 1898. 'I cannot say that I have any special knowledge of the matters that are proposed to be dealt with by the London University Bill. But the Bill has been introduced by the Duke of Devonshire, as the head of the Department which is concerned with it, on behalf of the Government I cannot do anything in opposition to my colleague. I will, however, take steps to bring your views under his consideration ...'. Autograph, with signature.

Beach , Sir , Michael Edward Hicks , 1837-1916 , 1st Earl St Aldwyn , politician x Hicks Beach , Sir , Michael Edward
GB 0096 MS1183 · Fonds · 1854 - 1866

Manuscript minutes of the committees of the Society. Includes monthly meetings, and the Parliamentary Committee. Also includes printed minutes of annual general meetings, financial statements, reports of select committees into the licensing system, correspondence with Sir George Gray, Home Secretary, letters from inn-keepers requesting help with magistrates' cases, details of campaigns to resist the temperance movement.

Beer Trade Protection Society
Bell, Andrew
GB 0096 MS 1110 · Fonds · 1797-1807

The collection comprises two pamphlets and associated material: An Experiment in Education made at the Male Asylum of Madras (1st Edition) by Andrew Bell, signed by the author to the Lord Bishop of London (1797); An Experiment in Education made at the Male Asylum of Madras (2nd Edition) by Andrew Bell, signed by the author to the Lord Bishop of London (1805); also including a handwritten draft of the pamphlet, A Short Account of my New System of Education for the Poor by Bell, with annotations and corrections (59pp) (21 December 1807); two pages of an unidentified draft, possibly by Bell (n.d.)

Bell , Andrew , 1753-1832 , educationalist
GB 0096 AL4 · Fonds · 1820

Letter from Jeremy Bentham of Queen's Square Place, Westminster to J H Carr, 11 May 1820. Referring to a visit to be made by John Stuart Mill to Paris. Bentham proposes to use Mill ('a young friend of mine') as the bearer of a conveyance. Only the signature and a postscript are in Bentham's hand.

Bentham , Jeremy , 1748-1832 , philosopher
GB 0096 AL4a · Fonds · 1802

Letter from Jeremy Bentham of Queen's Square Place, Westminster to Rev Dr Ford, 1 Newgate Street, [London], 24 Dec 1802. Letter headed 'Unaccountable Pardons'. Autograph, with signature.

Bentham , Jeremy , 1748-1832 , philosopher
Bentham, Mrs: letters
GB 0096 AL376 · Fonds · 1816-1818

3 letters from Mrs Bentham of Ryde, [Isle of Wight], 3 letters to Richard Wilson, Esq, of 47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 1816-1818. Enquiring about payments of money to her as she has very little, and her rheumatism is the cause of heavy expenditure on doctors' bills; the doctor had charged 10s 6d a visit and had advised her to move to Bath rather than risk another winter on the Isle of Wight. She had received a quarterly payment of £25 from a Charles Bacon, withdrawn for the year 1817-1818. Enquiring about payment from Mr Bentham [?her husband], to be arranged through Sir James Graham, and about money owing to her from 3 shilling stock, for which she has apparently waited 10 years. Autograph, with signature.

Bentham , - , fl 1816-1818 , wife of T Bentham
Beresford, W: letter
GB 0096 AL470 · Fonds · [1840]

Letter from W Beresford of Elsfield House, Oxford to Messrs Birch, solicitors, Burton upon Trent, [Staffordshire], 21 Mar [1840]. Concerning a dispute over the sale of manure and hay. Autograph, with signature. Year taken from the postmark. Endorsed: 'Beresford Mr. His insolent letter respg the Manure and Hay'.

Beresford , W , fl 1840 , of Oxford
Bernard, Sir Thomas: letter
GB 0096 AL210 · Fonds · 1816

Letter from Sir thomas Bernard of Wimpole Street, [London] to Samuel Parkes, chemist, 20 Nov 1816. Thanking him for making corrections to Bernard's proposals for the repeal of the salt duties. Autograph, with signature. The blank leaf is endorsed: 'Sir Thos. Bernard, 22d Nov. 1816'.

Bernard , Sir , Thomas , 1750-1818 , 3rd Baronet , philanthropist
Bertrand, A: letter
GB 0096 AL268 · Fonds · 1794

Letter from A Bertrand, 5 Feb 1794, Address: London. [To John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield.] Autograph, with signature.

Bertrand , A , fl 1792-1794 , writer on rural affairs
Bethge, Eberhard: letter
GB 0096 AL457 · Fonds · 1955

Letter from Eberhard Bethge to [G K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester], 2 Feb 1955. Covering note enclosing a copy of T Heuss et al Bekenntnis und Verpflichtung (1955) and 'the small bible study of Dietrich just appeared'.
Autograph, with signature.

Bethge , Eberhard , 1909-2000 , theologian and anti-Nazi activist
GB 0096 AL409 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from George Parker Bidder of 24 Great George Street, Westminster to Hugh Ross, Esq, 2 Feb 1845. Asking him to call the following day, as Bidder wants 'to change one moiety of Mrs Ross's property into guaranteed Stock'. Autograph, with signature.

Bidder , George Parker , 1806-1878 , civil engineer
GB 0096 AL5 · Fonds · 1730-1732

6 letters from the Billingsleys to the [6th] Earl of Westmorland, mainly concerning coinage and the debts of Case Billingsley.

Billingsley , Case , fl 1730-1732 , father of John Billingsley
GB 0096 AL6 · Fonds · 1855-1863

A collection of letters from Jean-Baptiste Biot and his grandson-in-law F Lefort, to Augustus De Morgan,1855-1863. Including related papers. Many of the letters refer to an article by Biot on Sir Isaac Newton in the Biographie Universelle.

Biot , Jean-Baptiste , 1774-1862 , scientist Lefort , F , fl 1855-1863 , grandson-in-law of Jean-Baptiste Biot
GB 0096 AL132 · Fonds · 1892

Letter from Richard Doddridge Blackmore to B C Pugh, Esq, 11 Jan 1892. 'I cannot pretend to say what will be the effect of the new Copyright Act and I have thought very little about it'. Autograph with signature.

Blackmore , Richard Doddridge , 1825-1900 , author x Blackmore , R D
GB 0096 AL274 · Fonds · 1876-1879

6 letters from Richard Doddridge Blackmore of Gomer House, Teddington, [Middlesex] to Blackmore's publishers, Messrs Smith, Elder and Co of 15 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London, 1876-1879. Mainly concerning the publication and sales of Blackmore's novel Erema (1877). All letters are autograph, with signatures (except the last, from which the signature appears to have been cut away).

Blackmore , Richard Doddridge , 1825-1900 , author x Blackmore , R
Blain, Henry: letter
GB 0096 AL445 · Fonds · [1842]

Letter from Henry Blain to Joseph T Pooley of 5 Church Court, [c1842]. Discussing the corn laws (with reference to Blain's pamphlet on the subject) and proposed duties [taxes]. Autograph, with signature ('H.B.'). Dated 'Sunday night'.

Blain , Henry , fl 1841-1842 , pamphleteer
GB 0096 AL9a · Fonds · 1864

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of London, 10 Apr 1864. Asking for advice on behalf of a workman named Chatelier, who 'desire proposer dans un meeting d'ouvriers â un plan d'association destine, croit-il, a ameliorer la condition de la classe ouvriere.' Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis
GB 0096 AL8 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of London, 15 Dec 1850. Expressing his wish to meet Mr Mayhew, 'un home d'un grande merite et donâit l'esprit palne au dessus des prejuges de son pays.' Complaining that certain people in England are afraid of compromising themselves. 'Il m'etait penible de pesne que, parmi, les promoteurs deu progress en Angleterre, il y a des homes qui manquent du courage de leurs sympathies et de leur estime.' Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis