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Archivistische beschrijving
ACC/1443 · Collectie · 1969-1979

Preaching plans and directories for Methodist circuits including the Ealing and Acton Circuit, 1978; Enfield Circuit, 1975-1976; Finchley and Hendon Circuit, 1973; Finsbury Park Circuit, 1969; Finsbury Park and Southgate Circuit, 1977-1978; Harlesden Circuit, 1973; Harrow Circuit, 1978; Highgate Circuit, 1977-1979; Teddington Circuit, 1977-1978 and Wembley and Golders Green Circuit, 1977-1978.

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GB 0074 ACC/0735 · Collectie · 1766-1865

Records of Watney Combe Reid and Company Limited, comprising deeds and documents relating to Victoria Tavern, Willesden Lane, Kilburn, Willesden, 1865; deeds and documents relating to The George Public House, near the Pig Market, Finchley, 1828, 1850; deeds relating to 'The Three Bowls' Public House, Acton, 1796-1810 and deeds and documents relating to The Cock Public House, Kilburn, Willesden, 1766-1800.

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GB 0074 ACC/3349 · Collectie · 1872-1901

Two volumes of press cuttings from Anglo-Jewish newspapers, concerning aspects of Jewish life; and from national and international newspapers concerning Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler and his successor Chief Rabbi Herman Adler, 1872-1901.

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GB 0074 ACC/3527 · Collectie · 1891-1995

Records of J Lyons and Company Limited, food manufacturers and caterers, 1891-1995. The archives reflect all aspects of the company's history. There are some of the usual company records relating to management, shareholding and administration, but the collection is particularly strong in what may be termed ephemera. There are hundreds of photographs, from 1887 up to the present day, a few films and videos, and large collections of press cuttings, advertisements, menus and even a set of lithographs which were commissioned by the company after the Second World War as a way of brightening up Lyons Corner Houses.

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GB 0074 B/CGC · Collectie · 1844-1949

Records of the Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company, 1844-1949. The records include minutes of directors' meetings, correspondence, half-yearly reports of the company, newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous papers. Also notice of meeting of shareholders of Crystal Palace District Gas Company.

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GB 1556 WL 1600 · Collectie · 1997

Papers of Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp, 1997, comprise copies of press cuttings regarding Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp with covering letter.

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GB 1556 WL 1193 · Collectie · 1916-1930s

Papers of Julian Lehmann, chiefly comprising press cuttings from German language newspapers 1916-1930s on topics including the life and work of contemporary Jewish personalities such as Freud, Einstein and Stefan Zweig and articles of a general Jewish interest. In addition there are a number of draft typescript articles and notes, either clearly authored by Julian Lehmann or written on headed note paper with his name, on subjects ranging from obituary notices to the experiences of German Jewish immigrants to Great Britain during the Nazi era.

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GB 0809 Carpenter · Collectie · 1913-1930

Papers of Geoffrey Douglas Hale Carpenter, 1913-1930, comprise a travel diary which records Carpenter and his wife Amy Carpenter née Frances Thomas-Peter's experiences including trips to Uganda for his research on sleeping sickness between 1913 and 1930; diary entries documenting their day to day activities including photographs, pressed flowers, press cuttings, concert programmes and their wedding invitation.

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GB 0097 OAKESHOTT · Collectie · c1880-c1995

Papers created by or collected by Michael Oakeshott, c1880-c1995, notably include manuscripts of both published and unpublished works; notebooks and notes; personal correspondence with colleagues and family; press cuttings; administrative papers relating to his education and career. Also include papers relating to Oakeshott collected or created by Shirley Letwin and others, including research papers for Shirley Letwin's proposed biography of Oakeshott.

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GB 0103 UCLCA · Collectie · 1814-2015

The UCL College Archives are comprised of material charting the history of the university, from its establishment in 1826 to the present day. Most of the collection consists of material created in the day-to-day running of the institution and includes records such as foundation deeds and papers, committee minutes, administrative correspondence, department records and reports, early student society/association papers, staff and student files, building plans and maps, artwork and photographs.

Published material, including university and student journals and monographs, can be found in College Collection and can be searched on UCL Library’s Explore page.

Cataloguing work is ongoing and records are being regularly added and updated. For any material that is not yet available online please contact us at

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GB 0074 ACC/2305/03-5 · Collectie · 1893-1954

Records of Camwal Limited, soft drinks manufacturers, including volume of press cuttings and photographs of staff and premises.

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GB 0074 ACC/0275 · Collectie · 1608-1894

Collection of printed items relating to various subjects, including Westminster, Newgate and Newgate criminals, and the Old Bailey.

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GB 0074 O/522 · Collectie · 1884-1887

Records of the Albert Palace Association Ltd, consisting of a prospectus for purchase of debentures and two newspaper cuttings relating to entertainment, 1884-1887.

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Centre for Reform
GB 0097 CENTRE FOR REFORM · Collectie · 1998-1999

Papers of the Centre for Reform, 1998-1999, comprises newsletters, publicity leaflets, audio tapes, video, press cuttings, press releases, minutes of management committee, papers presented to the group and advisory board meeting papers, all relating to the Centre for Reform.

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Polytechnic Institute
GB 1753 PIN · Collectie · 1880-2002

Records of the organisation known variously as the Polytechnic Sports Club, the The Institute of the Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs, and The Polytechnic Sports Club Committee, as well as records of the Polytechnic's Men's and Women's Council, and Joint Council.

This collection includes all records relating to the organisation of sports and social activities by members of the Polytechnic except for records of the individual clubs themselves, which are catalogued as separate collections. However it does include correspondence with the clubs by the Secretary and Committees. This collection also includes papers relating to the award of Polytechnic-wide medals and trophies, including the Elsie Hoare Trophy, Studd Trophy and Ditchman Trophy.

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