Mostrando 54 resultados

Descripción archivística
ACC/2593 · Colección · 1941

Copy letter from the Matron of Friern Hospital, Mrs A M Blythe, 1941, describing the reception of mothers and babies from the City of London Maternity Hospital after that hospital was severely damaged by bombing, and the treatment and experiences of air raid casualties.

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H62/SH · Colección · 1888-1977

These records consist of photographs of the staff of the Southern Hospital, Dartford; and plans of Gore Farm Convalescent Hospital, Gore Farm Lower Hospital, Southern Lower Hospital, Southern Hospital and Mabledon Park, Darenth.

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HL/U/HIL · Colección · 1930-1963

Records of Hillingdon Hospital, 1930-1963, including male and female admission registers, military admission and discharge registers, death registers and casualty registers; annual reports of the Medical Superintendent and Medical Director; reports relating to staff grading; papers relating to costs and maintenance; architectural plans and circular from the Ministry of Health regarding regional hospital areas.

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F/WAL · Colección · 1893-1944

Papers relating to Lambeth Infirmary, later Lambeth Hospital, presented by Norah B. Wallis, Matron, 1919-1945, including dietary plans, notes on 'Training to become a nurse in 1906', hospital notices, statistics, reports, architectural plans, articles and photographs of wards and staff.

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GB 0074 A/COW · Colección · 1919-1974

Records of the Cowdray Club, also known as the Nation's Nurses and Professional Women's Club. The records consist of a complete set of council and committee minutes and detailed membership records, including notes on links with other women's clubs such as the University Women's Club and the VAD Ladies Club. The collection also includes some photographs, newscuttings, annual reports, and plans of the club building.

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GB 1556 WL 1580 · Colección · 1889-1969

Papers of Dr Richard Michels, 1889-1969, comprise correspondence and journals of Richard Michels, mostly whilst on board a variety of ships in his capacity as ship's doctor c 1900; some photographs; and typescript accounts of Kempen, Posen by a relative on his wife's side of the family.

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BACKES, Alice (fl 1930-1934)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP3 · Colección · 1930-1934

Papers of Alice Backes comprising St Giles Hospital certificate in Sick and Convalescent Cookery, 31 Mar 1930; London County Council St Giles Hospital certificate of training 1928-1931, 12 May 1931; General Nursing Council for England and Wales, certificate of registration, Oct 1931; Central Board of Midwives certificate 27 Feb 1932.
Also includes two lidded small silver trophy cups, of St Giles Hospital Nurses Tennis, engraved Consolation cup, 1932, A Backes', and1934, Consolation, won by A Backes'.

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GB 0074 LMA/4253 · Colección · 1914-1918

Collection comprises photographs of both the ambulance train and the servicemen's hospital in Berkshire showing servicemen and nurses [including Eliza Wakelin]; and two letters regarding Miss Wakelin's health.

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LEE, Shui-wai (fl 1966-1971)
GB 0074 LMA/4500 · Colección · 1966-1971

Papers of Shui-wai Lee relating to her nursing training and permission to work in Britain.

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GB 0120 GC/95 · Colección · 1933-1976

Reports, correspondence, published and unpublished papers, 1933-1974, specifically A: Research files and correspondence, 1933-1958; B: texts of papers, c 1933-1955; C: published papers, 1933-1976; D: correspondence files, 1955-1974.

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Psychiatry Interviews, 1988-989
GB 0120 GC/132 · Colección · 1988-1989

Tapes and transcripts of interviews conducted in 1988 by Sam Sussman with three Nottingham psychiatrists (A.D. Douglas, E.D. Oram and A. Minto). Mr. Sussman's intention had been to produce a history of psychiatric treatment in the U.K. through the eyes of its practitioners similar to the one he had already produced on Canada; copies of this work (Pioneers of Mental Health and Social Change by Djuwe Joe Blom and Sam Sussman, Third Eye, London Canada, 1989) are also included in this collection. A.D. Douglas and E.D. Oram of Saxondale Hospital were interviewed first; the recordings were typed up and subsequently corrected and slightly amended, evidently in preparation for the publication. The interviewees discuss their training and experiences as psychiatrists and the changes in the profession from the 1940's and 1950's. The Wellcome Library subsequently received cassettes of those interviews, as well as a cassette and transcript of a similar interview with Dr Alfred Minto of Nottingham.

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Lewis And Burrows Drug Stores Ltd
GB 0120 GC/134 · Colección · 1895-1953

Minutes and financial records of Lewis and Burrows Ltd, including share registers, 1895-1953.

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GB 0074 A/NFC · Colección · 1832-1977

Records of the Nightingale Fund Council, including deeds of trust; minutes; correspondence; annual reports; papers relating to St Thomas's Hospital; regulations; financial accounts; fundraising accounts; agreements; registers, prospectuses and syllabi of the Nightingale Training School; papers relating to the registration of nurses and nursing in general.

Also papers of the City Auxiliary Committee of the Nightingale Fund, comprising minutes, correspondence and accounts; and papers of Albert Venn Dicey (a jurist and Professor of Law at Oxford).

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GRAY, Edward Whitaker (1748-1806)
GB 0074 ACC/0998 · Colección · 1778-1871

Diploma of doctorate of medicine from Aberdeen University for Edward Whitaker Gray, 1778; with two letters from John Ruskin to a "Dr. Gray", 1871 (not thought to be the same individual).

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GB 0074 H72 · Colección · 1874-2001

Records of the London School of Medicine for Women and related collections including the official corporate records of the London School of Medicine for Women (later the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine), from its foundation in 1874 to its merger with University College London In 1998.

It also contains a number of smaller collections relating to individuals associated with the London School of Medicine for Women, women's entry into the medical profession in Britain, and early women's medical training in India. These are:

Louisa Aldrich-Blake

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

Sophia Jex-Blake

Countess of Dufferin Fund

Administrative records are open for public inspection. Student files have a general closure period of 100 years from date of birth.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/190 · Colección · 1862-1946

Records of Robert Howden Limited, pharmacist, comprising prescription books and a ledger.

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GB 0074 CLC/L/BB · Colección · 1550-1917

Records of the Worshipful Company of Barbers, 1550-1917. The original records (except MS24584) have been returned to the custody of the Clerk at Barber Surgeon's Hall. However, microfilm copies of the following records are available: Court minute books; quarterage books; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; financial accounts; livery lists, papers relating to property and papers relating to charitable giving. MS 24584 is a draft petition to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen concerning riots which had prevented the Company removing the bodies of four felons for anatomical practice.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0074 ACC/2674 · Colección · 1912-1974

Records of the Insurance Committee for the County of London, 1912-1948, and the Inner London Executive Council, 1948-1974. The records consist of bound, printed minutes which include agenda, reports and appendices for both the Insurance Committee for the County of London, the Inner London Executive council and its constituent committees and joint committees. Most of the series of minutes are complete.

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GB 0074 ACC/2764 · Colección · 1924-1930

Minutes of the Council and of Branch Meetings of the Metropolitan Branch of the Society of Medical Officers of Health.

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GB 1556 WL 1129 · Colección · c1933-c1939

Papers concerning the suicide and murder of German Jewish doctors, c 1933-c 1939, comprising a list detailing the names of such individuals.

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Rolleston family
GB 0120 MSS.4245-4247, 6119-6127, 7494 and 8184 · Colección · 1805-1947

Personal and professional correspondence, photographs and papers of George Rolleston and his son Sir Humphry Rolleston, 1805-1947. There are also miscellaneous Rolleston family papers, as well as 2 papers given by John Davy Rolleston. George Rolleston's main areas of research were in comparative anatomy, zoology, archaeology, anthropology - his correspondence was often with contempories who were prominent in the same or related fields (botanists, biologists, natural historians). Humphry Rolleston was a keen photographer, and his albums contain a total of 323 photographs. These include portraits of relatives and friends, as well as contemporaries who were subsequently prominent in medicine and surgery. There are also general photographs taken during his career in medicine which are of interest for medical historians. His correspondence and papers cover both professional and personal matters.

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Roots, Thomas (fl 1749-1756)
GB 0120 MSS.4254-4255 and 6033 · Colección · 1749-1853

MISSING SINCE 1983. Account books and Post book, relating to Roots' business as an apothecary, 1749-1853.

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London Ambulance Service Strike
GB 0097 LASS · Colección · 1987-1995

Papers, correspondence, reports and official publications regarding the London Ambulance Service strike, disputes and select committees on the ambulance service, 1987-1995, collected by Nigel Spearing.

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GB 0074 A/RNY · Colección · 1857-1969

Records of charity The Ranyard Mission and Ranyard Nurses, comprising Council minutes; Finance Committee minutes; Executive Committee minutes; registers of nurses; annual reports; correspondence; booklets, pamphlets and magazines; accounts of the Mission; speeches; photographs; badges; and papers relating to Special Funds.

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ACC/2180 · Colección · [1930]-1983

Papers of Doctor Norah Schuster, [1930]-1983, comprising copies of her published articles on the Royal Chest Hospital, its founder Doctor Isaac Buxton and the Western General Dispensary at Saint Marylebone; drafts and notes for her publications, including notes for an unpublished history of the Royal Chest Hospital; research papers relating to Doctor Isaac Buxton, and illustrations for the life of Doctor Isaac Buxton and the history of the Western General Dispensary.

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ACC/2295 · Colección · 1969-1988

Papers of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Staff Action Committee, 1969-1988, including Committee minutes; general correspondence; proposals for the future of the Hospital; correspondence with peers and Members of Parliament; papers concerning dealings with health and local authorities; letters of support; papers regarding publicity; pamphlets and publications.

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H13/EGA · Colección · 1861-1974

Records of the Elizabeth Garret Anderson Hospital, including Annual Reports for 1872-1947; Annual meetings of Governors minutes and papers 1891-1949; Departmental annual reports 1948-1968; Managing Committee minutes 1871-1948; North London Group H.M.C. minutes and papers 1973-1974; House Committee minutes and papers 1890-1961; Building Committees minutes and papers 1888-1939; Maternity Committee minutes 1890-1932; Finance Committee minutes 1892-1948; Drugs, Pathological, and Departmental Committee minutes 1896-1939; Nursing Committee minutes and papers 1898-1913; 1936-1959; Hospital Committee minutes and reports 1948-1966; Medical Council minutes etc. 1935-1967; Rosa Morrison House Committee minutes 1912-1953; Appeals Committees minutes 1916-1929; Coed-Bel Cottage Committee minutes 1898-1932; Various Committees minutes and papers 1922-1967; North London Group H.M.C. minutes and papers 1968-1974; Matron's and Hospital Visitors' report books 1894-1963. Financial Ledgers, 1872-1892; 1922. Papers regarding acquisition of property and extension of hospital 1909-1948; Building of Nurses' House 1936-1940; Oster House, St Albans 1945-1947; Hampstead Children's Hospital 1946-1948; Miscellaneous contracts 1948; Endowments 1885-1954; Centenary celebrations 1964-1967; Complaints 1948-1964; World War II Emergency Hospital Services 1938-1946; Historical papers 1861-1935; Matron's and Secretary's files relating mainly to nursing 1906-1951; World War II Emergency Hospital Services 1939-1950; Formation of National Health Service 1944-1964; Records relating to staff 1955-1966. Registers of nurses 1898-1948; Registers of student nurses 1936-1945; Registers of midwives 1926-1936; Register of sisters and nurses 1941-1946.

Newspaper cuttings 1871-1968; Printing blocks n.d.; Photographs of hospital [1890s]-1966; Photographs of special occasions 1938-1948; Photographs of patients and staff [1930s]-1962; Photographs of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and her family [1890-1936]; Publications 1890-1926; Papers of Dorothy Merrikin, Matron, mostly relating to fund raising 1888-1977; Guild of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 1908-1933.

Patient records for Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 1912-1922; Coed-Bel House 1906-1925; Rosa Morrison House 1946-1949; Royal Free Hospital District Midwifery Service 1948-1953 Withdrawn; Gordon Pollock and Chadburn Wards 1959-1960.

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GB 0074 H01/WL · Colección · 1965-1993

Papers of the West Lambeth Health Authority, including:
District Management Team minutes, 1974-1991;
standing orders and provisions in the National Health Service Regulations governing the conduct of meetings and proceedings of the authority, 1982;
reports and papers relating to planning for healthcare provision, 1974-1986;
papers regarding the computer policy, 1976-1985;
general reports and papers relating to the functioning of the hospitals, 1974-1984;
papers of the Department of Community Medicine, 1973-1979;
papers relating to Lambeth Hospital and Community Care Centre, 1977-1986;
papers relating to the South Western Hospital, 1973-1983;
papers of the Terminal Care Support Team, 1977-1982;
papers relating to Tooting Bec Hospital, 1975-1985;
publications, 1975-1988;
issues of 'Inner Circle', staff newsletter, 1976-1988;
papers relating to the proposed transfer of the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital, 1982-1987;
papers relating to Saint John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, 1981-1985;
papers relating to other hospitals, including the South Western Hospital, 1979-1981, South London Hospital for Women, 1974-1989, Royal Waterloo Hospital, 1978-1981, Grosvenor Hospital, 1979-1980 and Belgrave Hospital, 1980-1987;
papers of the Strategies and Resources Advisory Committee, 1987-1990;
minutes and papers of West Lambeth Health Authority meetings, 1982-1993;
district reviews, 1983-1987;
papers of the Resource Allocation Working Party, 1982-1988;
membership papers, including correspondence, 1987-1999;
Saint Thomas' Health District (Teaching), District Management Team master papers, 1974-1981;
West Lambeth Health Authority, District Management Team master papers, 1981-1992;
District General Managers Advisory Group papers, 1985-1990;
District Management Board papers, 1986-1990;
Nursing Policy Group meeting papers, 1976-1982;
reports and papers of the Chief Nursing Officer, 1965-1987.

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GB 0074 HA/NW · Colección · 1947-1977

Records of the North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board, including minutes and papers of the Board; National Hospital Reserve Sub-Committee; Establishment Committee; Medical Staffing Sub-Committee; Nursing Sub-Committee; Finance Committee; Finance Committee Investments Sub-Committee; Drugs Expenditure Sub-Committee; Medical Advisory Committee; Planning Committee; Planning and General Purposes Committee; Planning and General Purposes Committee Building, Land and Works Sub-Committee; Planning and General Purposes Committee Clinical Research Sub-Committee; Mental Health Committee; Planning and General Purposes Committee Mental Health Sub-committee and Steering Committee.

North West Metropolitan Regional Committees including minutes and papers of the North West Metropolitan Area Nurse Training Committee; North West Metropolitan Area Nurse Training Committee Finance Sub-Committee; Joint Consultative Committee for Inner London Hospitals in the North West Metropolitan Hospital Region minutes and papers; Joint Working Group of the Metropolitan Joint Consultative Committees; North West Metropolitan Hospital Regional Staff Advisory Committee, and the Regional Staff Committee.

North West Thames Regional Health Authority minutes and Departmental Records, including papers of the Regional Centres for Specialised Treatment; Major Accidents Procedure; Joint Consultative Committee for Inner London Hospitals; Planning: Central London Area and Planning: Regional Joint Liaison Committee for transfer to new authorities.

National Hospital Service Reserve, including papers of Mrs Grieb, Regional Coordinating Officer comprising scrapbook and photographs.

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THORNBURY, John (fl 1462)
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-183 · Colección · 1462 Apr 28

Letters of attorney by John Thornbury, knight and William Thornbury, clerk for Robert Billesdon, gentleman to deliver seisin of two shops with upper rooms in Walbrook, to Robert Ferbras, surgeon, John Dayvile, surgeon, William Sipnam, grocer and Walter Bartlot, fishmonger.

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GB 0074 CLC/041 · Colección · 1896-1903

Executive Committee minute book of the Central St Pancras District Nursing Association. This volume was catalogued in 1974 by a member of Guildhall Library staff. The location of any further records is unknown.

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GB 0074 CLC/077 · Colección · 1881

Vote of thanks from the International Medical Congress to the Corporation of London for entertaining them at Guildhall.

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GB 0074 CLC/444 · Colección · 1710-1910

These records of the Dollond family, optical instrument makers, comprise family and estate papers and business records.

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GB 0074 ACC/1875 · Colección · 1853-1883

Records of the Heelis family, including certificates of attendance of Edward Heelis at medical lectures at Apothecaries Hall, 1853-55; apprenticeship indenture of William Heelis, 1859; and testimonials of Robert Heelis, 1881-83.

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GB 0074 ACC/3407 · Colección · 1934-1987

Records of Leslie R Wolfson's dental practice, 1934-1987, consisting largely of accounts such as balance sheets, cash books, bills, receipts and tax papers relating to Mr Wolfson's dental practices in Enfield; sample of patients' record cards (patients unidentifiable); booklets, pamphlets, and so on regarding aspects of dentistry, National Health Service leaflets and other leaflets on dental charges; and correspondence concerning property transactions in Enfield including agreement for sale of general practice at Grange Park, Enfield.

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GB 0074 ACC/3778 · Colección · 1937

Letter of recommendation from the Finsbury Dispensary, including details of Medical Officers, instructions for patients and foot treatment, 1937.

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GB 0120 GC/97 · Colección · 1929-1993

The collection includes material on several research projects undertaken by McCance and Widdowson, 1929-1993, as well as a small amount of personalia. There are notebooks recording the first research on analysis of foodstuffs carried out in the UK, started by McCance when at the Diabetes Department of King's College Hospital, after R D Lawrence asked him to analyse cooked foods. Widdowson joined him in 1933 and together they devised the separate methods for estimating different carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and dextrose). In 1940 their findings were published as Chemical composition of foods, the first of now regularly produced Standard Food Composition publications. There are notebooks and photographs of self-experimentation undertaken within the department, on salt-deficiency, conducted by McCance on himself, colleagues and medical students, involving not only a salt-free diet, but exposure to a hot air bath to sweat the salt out of the body, and also on absorption and excretion of iron. There is also his diary of the experimental study of rationing undertaken in 1939. There are 220 complete questionnaires from their survey of female colleagues and acquaintances for a study of physical and emotional periodicity in women, undertaken 1929-1930. There are experimental notebooks and files relating to research into body composition and development from 1944 onwards. This collection represents only a part of the diversity of research undertaken during the course of their long careers.

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London chemist: prescription-books
GB 0120 MSS.3975-3993 · Colección · 1845-1888

Collection of prescription-books of an unidentified London [Islington?] Chemist. From an entry inside the fly-leaf of Vol. 10, it appears that these prescription-books were commenced in 1835. The name of the firm responsible for this collection has not been ascertained, and has not been found in any of the volumes, but from the names of physicians appended to many of the prescriptions it seems to have been in Islington or in that part of London, for a large proportion of these are associated with the Islington Dispensary. Among these are many entries for Henry Bateman, FRCS [1806-1880] who was surgeon and later consulting surgeon to that institution. [Cf. Obituary notice in the Lancet 1880, ii, p. 874.] Pasted inside the upper cover of Vol. 18 [1861-1863] is a cut-out signature of Florence Nightingale [1820-1910]. Pasted inside the upper and lower covers of Vol. 27 [1884-1888], are two printed advertisements of J. Ramel, Crosby Hall Chamber, 24 Bishopsgate St., who describes himself as a 'Sanitary India-Rubber and Chirurgical Instruments Manufacturer and Importer'. One of the lists includes contraceptives. They are here entered as 'F.L.s', priced at from 6/6 per gross: there are also 'Marguerites'-for use by women-at 2/- each. Produced in London.

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Armitage Dispensing Chemist
GB 0120 GC/100 · Colección · 1899-1943

Armitage Dispensing Chemist prescription registers 1899-1943, a total of 30 items, 1-27: registers, 1899-1940; 28-30: Records of Prescriptions Dispensed for Particular Doctors, 1919-1925, 1928-1943.

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KGK Syndicate Ltd
GB 0120 GC/120 · Colección · 1935-1944

Legal papers relating to this partnership and dispute between partners over credit for inventing plastic optical lens, 1935-1938, 1944.

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GB 0120 GC/139 · Colección · [1865-1980 ]

The bulk of the papers are reports and talks reflecting Sir Weldon Dalrymple-Champneys' interests as a physician and wide range of duties as Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health at the Ministry of Health. The subject files (section H) contain details, including some manuscript diaries, of work in which he was particularly closely involved, such as snake venom and brucellosis. Texts of talks and broadcasts, some extracted from those subject files, are brought together in section F. Section D includes personal letters from distinguished colleagues. Sections A-C include mementos of Sir Weldon's father, Sir Francis Henry Champneys (1848-1930), a pioneer of modern midwifery who was Physician-Accoucheur at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London (1891-1913).

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WILSON, John (1811-1879)
GB 0402 JWI · Colección · 1839-1843

Log and private journal of John Wilson as ship's surgeon on the second voyage of the South Seas whaler GYPSY, 23 Oct 1839-19 Mar 1843 and portfolio of 23 watercolours, illustrating places named in the journal.

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GB 0074 HA/NT · Colección · 1944-1995

Records of the North Thames Regional Health Authority and predecessors, 1944-1995. This collection includes minutes, agendas and papers of the Health Authority/Health Board and various committees including the Nurse Training Committee; Hospital Management Committee; University Liaison Committee; Dental Committee; Nursing and Midwifery Committee; Optical Committee; Manpower Committee; Appointments Advisory Committee; District Pharmaceutical Managers; Senior Registrar's Joint Advisory Committee; Chief Nursing Officers Group.

Also press cuttings, regional circulars, financial accounts; photographs and reports.

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GB 0074 HA/SE · Colección · 1947-1995

Records of the South East Thames Regional Health Authority, 1947-1995. This collection includes minutes, agendas and papers of the meetings of various Committees, including the Regional Health Authority, the Regional Health Authority Chairman, the Regional Hospital Board Finance Committee; Area Nurse Training Committee; Regional Team of Officers; Clinical Consultative Committee; Nursing Sub-Committee; Regional Medical Advisory Committee; Treasurer's Group; Cancer Committee; Corporate Advisory Team; Regional Management Team; Regional and Chief Nursing Officers; Legal Action Working Party; Regional Planning Group; Regional Programming Group; Capital Investment Group; Building Committee; Capital Executive Group; and Sub-Committees for various specialities including cardiology, dermatology, general practice, dental surgery, radiology, ophthalmology and so on.

Also annual statistical returns; financial accounts; maps and plans; papers of the Kent County Council Public Assistance Department; papers relating to buildings and maintenance; papers of study groups; papers relating to public health and other administrative papers.

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Martindale, Louisa (1872-1966)
GB 0120 GC/25 · Colección · 1872-1964

Louisa Martindale collection, 1872-1964. The collection consists of Section A: a little personal correspondence, papers, articles, speeches and lectures by Louisa Martindale, and some personal material including notes on the glaucoma which eventually blinded her, 1872-1960; and Section B: papers concerning the Medical Women's International Association (founded 1919) of which Miss Martindale was President from 1937 to 1947. As well as her own correspondence in this capacity, 1937-1946, there is one file of the correspondence of Mme Montreuil-Strauss, Secretary of the Medical Women's International Association at his period. (Louisa Martindale destroyed the vast bulk of her case records at the time of her retirement from practice around 1950, those remaining were destroyed by her executors after her death).

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Pre-NHS Prescriptions: various
GB 0120 GC/61 · Colección · 1918-1946

Prescriptions dispensed to various individuals by chemists in Central London, Harrow, Nottingham and Taunton, covering 1918-1946.

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