Collection of periodicals, leaflets, newsletters and other publications relating to the Spanish Civil War, comprising of a large proportion of nationalist and republican propaganda, which itself includes photographs, statistics and official statements.
Sans titreHandbills and newspaper cuttings on the activities of local Fabian Societies, pasted into exercise books covering each local Fabian Society.
Sans titreHandbills advertising socialist, radical, trade union and co-operative meetings, mainly addressed by Fabian Society speakers.
Sans titrePapers of the Independent Labour Party comprising Files 1-13 - National Administrative Council minutes 1932-1937; Files 14 - Policy of the ILP, memos by John Paton and A Fenner Brockway. Report of the Sub-Committee on policy. Undated. Files 15-17 - Bradford (?) branch minutes, including executive, group and annual general meeting, meetings committee, propaganda committee, and social committee 1922-1945. File 18 - ILP conference photograph, Bradford, c 1908. File 19 - ILP Scottish Divisional conference agenda and resolutions, annotated by a member of the conference, 1918. File 20 - ILP Membership card with rules and constitution, belonging to Arthur Duncan of London and Edinburgh Central branches, 1926-1932.
Sans titreCollection of posters and instructions on child care.
Sans titreA file of biographical papers on the lives of the early Fabians including: Charlotte Wilson. Edward Pease: notes on a meeting with Nicholas and Muriel Pease, 6 Jul 1973. Meeting with Mrs Amber Blanco White, 15 Feb 1972. Amber Blanco White interview, 21 Jun 1971. Margaret Harkness.
Sans titrePapers of Denis Nowell Pritt, comprising Political and Legal Papers, 1938-1971; Books, Addresses and Speeches, 1930s-1972; Photographs, 1960s; letter from Pritt and his wife to Rudolph M Lapp and his wife, 1946-1983, with three photographs, c1944-c1947.
Sans titrePersonal papers of Samuel Chinque, political activist, including issues of the Hsinhua weekly news sheet; photographs; official or business correspondence; administrative documents for the Chinese Mutual Aid Association; publications; official personal papers; original writings and poems; and private correspondence.
Sans titreRecords of the National Association of Labour Teachers, later the Socialist Educational Association. The records cover the period 1926-1983, although the minutes of the executive committee only continue until 1965. They include Executive Committee minutes; papers relating to annual conferences; constitution of the Association; membership lists; correspondence; files relating to campaigns; press reports; Association publications and newsletters.
Sans titrePapers relating to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, 1968 comprising leaflets, proclamations of solidarity, photographs, appeals to the public, warnings concerning 'traitors' issued by the Czech Communist Party, and a report of a confidential press conference given by Prime Minister Oldrich Cernik to the directors of the mass media.
Sans titrePapers compiled by Otto Kahn-Freund, 1941-1965, comprising newsletters, pamphlets and reports from organisations including the following: the Union of German Socialist Organisations in Great Britain; Jewish Socialist Labour Party; Socialist Vanguard Group; Union of Democratic Control; Arbeitswohlfahrt Gross-Britannien and the Palestine Labour Political Committee.
Sans titreParliamentary register, containing information about electoral constituencies, political issues, clubs, socialist organisations, press cuttings of local election results, election leaflets and reports on constituencies by members. Complied by H E Williams of the Fabian Society.
Sans titreVolume 1: Minutes, papers, correspondence and pamphlets of the Labour Representation Committee and of the Labour Party Executive Committee, including conference agenda's rules and ephemera; Volume II: Minutes of the executive committee of the Labour Party, covering Labour Party business, promoting the Labour Party and getting its members elected.
Sans titreSection 1: Letters from Herbert Burrows to members of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF) about the Staffordshire miners strike, on which he was reporting for 'Justice', correspondence concerning 'Justice' and the SDF by various authors, articles intended for 'Justice', either undated or dated 1884.
Section 2: Letters to 'Justice' and various members of the SDF, 1884-1889.
Section 3: Manuscripts of articles for 'Justice', mainly undated.
Section 4: 4/1 Fly sheet. Eight hours demonstration at Birmingham town Hall, Herbert Burrows, Chairman, on the back pencil notes on wages in the metal trades; 4/2 Walter Crane cartoon for May Day; Appendix (M859 R (SR) ARC2) William Morris letter to "Dear Comrade of the SDF, the Labour League and Justice", 19 Dec 1885.
Minute book of the National Union of Clerks, London Central Branch, 1 May 1911-30 Jun 1914.
Sans titreMinute book of the Independent Labour Party Central Finsbury Branch, including membership list and rules, and minutes of the Management Committee.
Sans titreCopies of original essays, memoranda and private papers, 1936-1943, covering such subjects as the Weimar Republic, the rise of National Socialism, German Communist and Socialist parties and trade unions, and the Jewish refugee problem. Also a fairly comprehensive collection of the 'Political Group Papers' (1941-1943) from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Committee on Reconstruction.
Sans titrePapers of Julia Rahmer, 1989-1991, relate to activities of Neu Beginnen and the realities of life as a member and comprise copies of correspondence between Rahmer and various correspondents regarding documents related to Neu Beginnen, 1989-1991; a copy of Rahmer's account of life as a member of Neu Beginnen or ORG (as it was previously called) with an accompanying copy letter addressed to William Jones, 1991 and a copy of a list of members of Neu Beginnen.
Sans titrePapers of Fernbach family, [1869-1927], comprise a manuscript entitled Chronicle of the Fernbach family, undated, and copies of Fernbach family documents including birth, marriage and death certificates, copies of photographs and obituaries.
Sans titreSpecial report of the proceedings of a three day conference held at the South Place Institute, to discuss the commercial system and the better utilization of national wealth for the benefit of the community.
Sans titreMinute book of the Independent Labour Party Southwark branch.
Sans titreDiary of a winter spent in Berlin in 1895 which formed the basis of their joint publication German Social Democracy (Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1896), a study of the German Social Democratic Party.
Sans titrePress cuttings, printed material and typescript duplicated circulars sent to Welsh Independent Labour Party (ILP) branches by R Stanton, the ILP Welsh Divisional Secretary: Volume 1. Press cuttings and leaflets 1922-1924, includes some copies of the "ILP Chronicle"; Volume 2. Circulars, 1923; Volume 3. Circulars, 1924; Volume 4. Circulars, 1925, includes list of branches and their secretaries, and rough list of contents of the volume; Volume 5. Circulars, 1926; Volume 6. Circulars, 1927; Volume 7. Circulars, 1928.
Sans titreThis collection contains photocopies and photographs of original letters from Ernst Meyer; Copies of his reports to the Politburo, the Zentral Komitee and the Comintern, 1928-1930; Statements and resolutions by Ernst Meyer, 1921, 1926, 1929; letters to and from Meyer by G Zinoviev, A Thalheimer, W Ulbricht and others, 1922-1929.
Sans titrePapers of Independent Labour Party (ILP) Branch members: File 1. Papers of R W Rawlins, Secretary of the ILP London and Southern Counties Division 1930-1959. File 2. Press cuttings of the ILP and communism in Britain, probably collected by R W Rawlins 1908-1959. File 3. Papers of Ernst Spencer, ILP Rochester Branch. Includes papers on the Rochester Municipal Election 1908 and a letter to R E Dowse about Rochester ILP 1908-1959. File 4. Papers of R E Muirhead, Glasgow. Includes resolutions of the Scottish Provisional Conference and correspondence with Central Office regarding General Election results 1918-1924 with statistical annexes 1918-1926. File 5. Letter from Benjamin Sachs to Robert Edward Dwose regarding the ILP 1959.
Sans titreMinutes of the Independent Labour Party Fifth Division (East Anglia including Norwich, Ipswich, Great Yarmouth and March).
Sans titrePolitical papers of Alan Crosland Graham. The early papers refer to his appointment as private secretary to the Earl of Balfour, Secretary of State for War, from 1925 to 1929, and Viscount Halisham, President of the Council, from 1932 to 1935, and his parliamentary contests at Stirling, Denbigh, Darwen and Wirral. During World War Two his papers illustrate an involvement in anti-Nazi and anti-Communist groups in Europe, and there are files relating to Austria, Poland, France and the Never Again Committee.
Sans titrePhotocopies of papers for the Peckham and Camberwell branches of the Independent Labour Party (ILP), including annual reports for Peckham 1928-1929 and 1929-1930, and the circular letters for both branches plus the South London Federation and the Camberwell Branch of the Communist Party. The file also contains a summary list and biographical notes on Riding and his mother Esther Riding.
Sans titrePapers of Dr Schneier Levenberg, 1939-1988, including material relating to Poale Zion, 1939-1985, such as Poale Zion Annual Conference papers, correspondence and papers of worldwide Zionist groups and conferences, documents relating to the Zionist movement during World War Two, and Labour Party Resolutions relating to Jewish settlement in Palestine; material relating to Socialist International, 1951-1981, comprising minutes, resolutions, conference papers, reports, and resolutions on the Middle East; papers relating to the Labour Party and Jewish issues, 1937-1982, including press cuttings, correspondence, and papers of the Middle East Sub-Committee; material collated by Levenberg for research and journalism, 1947-1970, on subjects including Poland, Zionist personalities, and British political parties; general papers, 1940-1988, including Yiddish newpapers, offprints, publications, UN resolutions relating to the Middle East, and correspondence.
Sans titrePapers relating to the life and work of Brian Simon, 1940s-1990s, including memoirs from Simon's time at Kurt Hahn's progressive school at Salem; talks, articles, reviews, lectures and other papers by Simon; correspondence, [1952-1990], including with Caroline Benn and Norman Morris; press cuttings, 1967-1989, chiefly comprising obituaries and biographical material (of others); working papers, chiefly in preparation for the following publications by Simon: Studies in the History of Education, 1780-1870 (1960), Education and the Labour Movement, 1870-1920 (1965), The Politics of Educational Reform, 1920-1940 (1974) and Education and the Social Order, 1940-1990 (1991); papers relating to the National Union of Students; papers relating to visits abroad; publishers' correspondence and personal photographs and scrapbooks.
Sans titrePapers of Valerie and Andrea Wolffenstein, 1948-1992, comprise correspondence from their friends and acquaintances and notably include congratulatory birthday letters from Bundespraesident von Weizsaecker and the Bayerische Ministerpraesident, 1991-1992; letter from Eberhard Frowein, film director, 1948 and correspondence and papers concerning Libertas Schulze-boysen, a German opponent of the Nazis and Die Rote Kapelle, two resistance rings, partially with Communist backgrounds, in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War Two.
Sans titreMiscellaneous anti-communist posters and leaflets associated with Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit (People's League for Peace and Freedom), [1950-1959].
Sans titrePapers of Richard Henry Tawney, 1918-1955, comprising material relating to the University Grants Committee; correspondence, including with Shena Dorothy Simon (Education Officer, Workers Educational Association), Harold Charles Shearman (Hon Secretary, Council for Educational Advance), Harry Nutt (General Secretary, WEA) and ministers of education; manuscript notes on subjects relating to educational fees; collected publications and printed material from organisations, including the Fabian Society, the Ministry of Education and the Labour Party; and press cuttings.
Sans titrePapers of H B Williams, the secretary of the British Socialist Party Birmingham section. Correspondence from British Socialist Party members including Leonard Hall and Ralph Parr, also leaflets bills and press cuttings. There is also an index which gives names of correspondent and the folios on which they appear.
Sans titreMinute books and correspondence files of the Independent Labour Party Watford Branch 1904-1910; of the City of London Branch 1908-1922; of the No 6 Divisional Council 1909-1921; correspondence only of the North London Federation; correspondence and papers relating to the ILP Head Office strike in 1920.
Sans titreMinute book of the Independent Labour Party East Ham Branch.
Sans titrePapers of L A Plummer relating to the New Leader, comprising 1. Scrap book containing samples of stationary and circulars and cuttings, mainly advertisements in other journals, 1922-1927; 2. Promotional letters for New Leader, also The Miner and The Post. 1925-1930. 3. Report by L A Plummer on a visit to the USA to investigate the American newspaper advertising system for The Evening Standard. 1931.
Sans titre