Records of the Aldgate Freedom Foundation parochial charity, including Governing Body minutes; Charity Commissioners' schemes, and annual statements of accounts.
Aldgate Freedom Foundation , parochial charityPapers of the Alexandra Rose Charities, including minutes, correspondence, membership details, advertising and publicity material, photographs of patrons, staff and flag day events, artefacts such as collecting tins and an early 1912 artificial rose. Related charity records include a minute book of 'Their Day' charity and a set of printed reports for 'Our Day' charity.
Alexandra Rose CharitiesRecords of the parish of All Hallows, Lombard Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; preachers' books; registers of church services; Vestry minute books; papers of the Churchwardens; accounts, correspondence and papers relating to sequestrations; papers relating to poor relief; church rate assessments; poor rate assessments; tithe rate assessments; Vestry clerk's annual parish accounts; and other papers relating to parochial charities.
Parish of All Hallows, Lombard Street, City of London , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of All Hallows Staining, Mark Lane, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; Vestry minute books; Churchwarden's financial accounts; poor rate assessment books; tithe rate assessment books; and papers relating to parish poor relief.
The collection includes records of the Society for the Commemoration of the accession of Queen Elizabeth I comprising: minutes, 1683-1787; copy of annual address and rules, 1787; registers of subscribers to the annual dinners, 1766-8; and notes extracted from the minutes, 20th century.
Parish of All Hallows Staining, Mark Lane, City of London , Church of EnglandRecords of the parish of All Souls, St Margaret's-on-Thames, Twickenham. This collection includes parish registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations (1898-1986); registers of services and orders of service (1896-1995); duplicate returns of parish statistics (1907-1931); correspondence relating to staff (1959-1994) and parish boundaries (1967-1981); documents, drawings and photographs relating to the church building and its contents (1867-1994); documents and plans relating to church halls (1930-1993); bishop's visitation papers (1966-1969), Parochial Church Council and Vestry minute books and correspondence (1888-2000); financial statements, account books and ledgers (1886-1999); records relating to Wooldridge Legacy Trust (1957-1984) and Sick and Poor Fund (1911-1927) and parish magazines (1898-1971).
Parish of All Souls, St Margaret's-on-Thames, Twickenham , Church of EnglandRecords of the Amalgamated Engineering Union. The collection has large gaps in the records. However, most of the material contains valuable details on engineers who were members of the union, and on those receiving benefits, for reasons including illness, accidents and deaths.
Amalgamated Engineering Union Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Smiths, Millwrights and PatternmakersRecords of the Artists' Annuity and Benevolent Fund, including records relating to the establishment of the fund, and joint records of both branches; records of the Annuity Fund; records of the Benevolent Fund; and records relating to John Pye, a founder member of the fund.
Artists' Annuity and Benevolent FundMinute book of the Association for Employment of the Destitute and Truant Poor. The minute book, A/EDT/1, appears to be the first of a series from the remainder of which it has been divorced. From the papers, A/EDT/3-5, addressed to or written by E.C. Bellamy, the Secretary of the Association, it seems that his resignation was accepted in January 1869, but that he did not return the volume (and possibly others) to the Association as requested.
Association for Employment of the Destitute and Truant PoorRecords of Bacon's Free School, Bermondsey, including copy of Josiah Bacon's will; copies of Chancery orders relating to the school; copy of articles of agreement for building the school; leases, releases and assignments of annuity relating to school property; minutes of Governor's and Trustee's meetings; financial records; reports; and school log-books.
Bacon's Free School, BermondseyRecords of the Badger's Almshouses, Shoreditch, relating to the ownership of property, including bargain and sales, feoffments, deeds, lease and releases, assignments and abstract of title.
Badger's Almshouses , ShoreditchRecords of the Benevolent Society of St Patrick, including annual reports; newspaper cuttings; correspondence and drawings.
Benevolent Society of St PatrickRecords of the Bermondsey Poor Law Union, 1836-1934, including minutes of meetings and reports of the Board of Guardians and various Committees including Visiting Committees; regulations relating to the staff and inmates of institutions; orders of the Board; workhouse dietary tables; orders and correspondence from the Local Government Board and the Ministry of Health; contracts, tenders and specifications for building work and supplies; settlement examinations; orders of removal to and from other Unions; orders for the reception of lunatics; notices of death, discharge or removal of lunatics; medical reports on paupers and lunatics; case papers of persons emigrating to Canada; papers relating to medical arrangements; registers for the Rotherhithe Workhouse, Saint Olave's Workhouse on Parish Street, Bermondsey Workhouse on Tanner Street and Saint Anne's Home; registers of children in receipt of outdoor relief; registers of children at schools or homes; papers relating to aid work during the First World War including registration of refugees; financial accounts; staff records and plans of the Bermondsey Workhouse on Tanner Street, the Rotherhithe Infirmary, Shirley Schools and children's home The Hawthorns; map of the parishes in the Union.
Bermondsey Poor Law Union x Saint Olave's Poor Law Union x Bermondsey Board of Guardians Saint Mary Magdalen Board of GuardiansRecords of the Bethnal Green Poor Law Union, 1836-1935, including minutes of meetings of the Board of Guardians and various Committees; orders and correspondence from the Poor Law Board, Local Government Board and the Ministry of Health; settlement examinations; orders of removal to and from other Unions; registers and annual returns of lunatics; registers from the Waterloo Road Workhouse, Well Street Workhouse and Infirmary; registers of children at the Leytonstone Home; case histories for pauper children; financial accounts; staff records and plans of Waterloo House and the chapel at Bethnal Green Hospital (the former Workhouse Infirmary).
Bethnal Green Poor Law Union x Bethnal Green Board of GuardiansRecords of the Billingsgate Christian Mission comprising annual reports and accounts with other financial records, 1901-90, photographs of the mission and dispensary ca. 1953 and an account of the work of the mission and dispensary ca. 1933.
Please note that these records are subject to a 50-year closure period. For further information please ask a member of staff.
Billingsgate Christian Mission x Billingsgate Christian Mission and DispensaryRecords of the Boot Trade Benevolent Society comprising: minutes, 1853-1959; financial records, 1836-1977; and news cutting books, 1932-1937. Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from the Footwear Benevolent Society (contact details may be obtained from staff).
Boot Trade Benevolent Society x Boot and Shoe Trade Provident and Benevolent Institution x Master Boot and Shoemakers' Provident and Benevolent InstitutionRecords of Bow Street Magistrates Court, 1724-2004, including court registers; domestic proceedings registers; gaoler's records; applications for warrants; club licensing; matrimonial case registers; extradition registers; registers of applications for adoption abroad, adoption abroad procedural and case files; papers relating to magistrates' salaries; files of the Chief Clerk; Poor Box financial accounts, bequests and correspondence; papers relating to trust funds and bequests; Committee files and office administration.
Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.
Matrimonal cases: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him.
Records of the Brentford Poor Law Union, 1836-1930, including minutes of meetings of the Board of Guardians and various Committees; register of apprentices; correspondence from the Local Government Board; financial accounts and legal documents relating to property; plans of the Brentford Union Workhouses; papers relating to the Board's work as a Sanitary Authority; maps of the parishes within the Union and orders of removal.
Brentford Poor Law Union x Brentford Board of GuardiansPapers of the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) and predecessor bodies, (the Association of British Adoption Agencies, formerly the Association of British Adoption Agencies and the Standing Conference of Societies Registered for Adoption; and the Adoption Resource Exchange), 1936-2001. Includes minutes, correspondence, working party papers and other policy documents.
British Association for Adoption and FosteringRecords of the British Friendly Society, comprising accounts, annual reports and accounts, and receipts for money advanced to British citizens in need.
British Friendly Society , Hamburg, GermanyRecords of the British Hospitals Contributory Schemes Association, 1911-1967, including minutes of the executive committee and various smaller committees of the BHCSA, 1930-1949; minutes, publications, conference material, registers of members and circulars of the British Hospitals Association, 1911-1967; reports and minutes from regional contributory scheme organisations, 1920-1949; correspondence, publications and memoranda from the National League for Hospital Friends, 1949-1967; papers and material relating to the Central Bureau of Hospital Information, 1928-1949, including plans for various hospitals around the country and suggested layouts for sick wards in new hospitals; results and survey material from questionnaire conducted by the BHA into the 1948 National Health Service Act, 1946-1948.
British Hospitals Contributory Schemes AssociationRecords of Camberwell Poor Law Parish, 1835-1939, including minutes of meetings of the Board of Guardians and various Committees; financial accounts; staff records; correspondence and orders from Government departments; general correspondence; plans of Gordon Road Workhouse; settlement examinations; orders of removal to and from other Unions; registers of lunatics; registers for the old and new Workhouses on Havil Street, the Gordon Road Workhouse and the Constance Road Workhouse; list of old age pensioners admitted to institutions; apprenticeship indentures and registers; registers of children sent to external schools and registers of children attending children's homes including Peckham Children's Homes.
Camberwell Poor Law Parish x Camberwell Board of GuardiansRecords of the Canons Park Estate Company Limited, 1640-1929, including printed copy of the abstract of title of the Canons Park Estate Co to "all that capital messuage or mansion house called "Canons" with the park gardens, pleasure grounds, lodges, stables and outhouses, buildings, lands and hereditaments thereto belonging situate in the parishes of Little Stanmore and Great Stanmore", 1860-1898; lease of Canons Manor by Sir Robert Stone, 1640; various assignments of term and conveyances; letter from James Drake of Canons Park to the Parish Overseers suggesting that 100 poor children of the parish of Little Stanmore should be employed in the lace making industry, 1813; report on local charities by Committee appointed by Great Stanmore Parish Council to Sir John Fitzgerald, Chairman of Great Stanmore Parish Council, 1929; legal documents and accounts relating to land in Wirksworth, Stafford, Derbyshire and Lincoln.
VariousRecords specifically relating to the Cass School, managed by the Sir John Cass's Foundation, comprising minutes, accounts, pupil registers, hymn sheets and photographs.
Sir John Cass's Foundation , Cass SchoolRecords of Central Middlesex Hospital, 1907-1951, including record cards and a programme of a royal visit to the hospital.
Willesden Workhouse Infirmary x Willesden Institution x Park Royal Hospital x Central Middlesex County Hospital x Central Middlesex HospitalRecords of the Charity of Sarah Leheup including appointment of trustees, minutes of the trustees, trust deeds, dissolution, correspondence and bank books showing state of accounts.
Charity of Sarah Leheup , 1799-2010 xx Elizabeth Finn Care x Turn2UsApplications for relief to an unknown charitable society.
Unknown.Records of the Saint Luke's Chelsea Poor Law Parish, 1834-1931; including minutes of meetings of the Boards of Guardians; minutes of various Committees; Union year books; notices of motions; index to standing orders; correspondence with and orders from Government departments including the Ministry of Health; estimates, agreements and contracts for construction and maintenance work; orders of removal to and from other Unions; orders of removal of Scots and Irish persons; settlement examinations; bastardy orders; outdoor relief books; registers of lunatics; registers for the old and new workhouses on Britten Street; registers of deserted women and children; registers of patients at hospitals; registers of apprentices; registers of children at Kensington and Chelsea District Schools; financial accounts and staff records.
Saint Luke's Chelsea Poor Law Parish x Saint Luke's Chelsea Board of GuardiansPapers collected by the Chief Education Officer for Middlesex, including: An Act for Repairing the Roads in the Parishes of Kensington, Chelsea, and Fulham, and other Parishes, 1726; An Act for repairing the Highways from that part of Counters-Bridge which lies in the parish of Kensington, in the County of Middlesex, to Cranford-Bridge, in the Road to Colnbrooke, 1738; An Act for improving the Navigation of the River Lee, from the Town of Hertford to the new Cut or River made by the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London; and for enabling the Governor and Company of the New River the better to supply the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, with good and wholesome Water, 1739; An Act for repairing the Roads in the Parishes of Kensington, Chelsea, and Fulham, and other Parishes; and for repairing some other Roads in the Parishes of St. George, and the said Parishes of Kensington and Chelsea, 1740; An Act for Building a Bridge cross the River of Thames, from Hampton Court in the County of Middlesex, to East Moulsey in the County of Surrey, 1750; An Act of Parliament to continue and render more effectual three Acts for repairing the Highways between Tyburn and Uxbridge, and for amending the Road leading from Brent Bridge to the Great Western Road in the said County, and for lighting, watching, and watering the Highway between Tyburn and Kensington Gravel Pits, 1769; laws relating to the Turnpike Roads, 1772; Brentford-Turnpike Acts of Parliament, with a correct list of the trustees, 1815; The General Turnpike Road Acts, passed 1822 and 1823; and the act passed for repairing the Middlesex and Essex Turnpike Roads, 1824.
Also pamphlets "Istleworth - Syons Peace. Containing Certain Articles of Agreement made between the Right Honourable Algernoone Earl of Northumberland, etc. Lord of the Mannor of Istleworth - Syon, Peter Dodsworth, Hugh Potter and Robert Scawen, Esquires, of the One Part; and Sir Thomas Ingram knight, Sir Thomas Nott Knight, Sir John Syddenham Baronet, and others, Copy-hold Tenants of the said Mannor, of the Other Part", 1657; "The Case of the Taxes and Assessments raised upon the County of Middlesex", 1734; "To the inhabitants of (in and about) Hillington Parish Proposals For forming Charity Children", 17--; "The Case of the Late Election for the County of Middlesex considered", 1769; "A Catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill", 1842.
Also maps: Robert Morden map of Middlesex, 1695?; John Seller map of Middlesex, 1700?; R. W. Seale map of Middlesex, 1750?; John Cary map of Middlesex, 1787?; map of Middlesex made to accompany book "The Beauties of England and Wales", by G. Cole (draughtsman) and J. Roper (engraver), 1807; "London and the Suburbs", Edward Stanford, 1862 (20 sheets held in a portfolio).
Chief Education Officer for MiddlesexRecords of Chief Rabbi Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, 1913-1992. The records of Lord Jakobovits are the single largest part of the archive, indicative of the large volume of work undertaken and the relative speed with which the records were passed onto London Metropolitan Archives.
Records relating to the Office of the Chief Rabbi and Chief Rabbi's Cabinet including papers relating to social functions and administration. Correspondence with the Board of Deputies, London Beth Din and United Synagogue. Papers relating to Jewish communal organisations including the Kol Nidre Appeal and the Joint Israel Appeal.
Papers relating to education and Chaplaincy Boards including general correspondence, the Education Reform Act 1988, Jews' College, individual schools, colleges and universities, the University Jewish Chaplaincy Board, and the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board. Papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust including administration, correspondence, financial records, trustees, donors, applications, fundraising and policies.
Papers relating to Jewish religious organisations including Reform, Liberal and Sephardi congregations and the Spanish and Portuguese Community. Papers relating to congregations and ministers in Great Britain including the registration of synagogues, the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board and provincial congregations.
Halacha [a legal decision regarding a matter or case for which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic law, deduced by analogy from this law or from the Scriptures] and rulings on religious questions including correspondence, rulings relating to burial practices, the participation of women in communities, blasphemy, medical ethics, circumcision, bar mitzvah, marriage, conversions, get [divorce] legislation, High Holy Days and mikvaot. Papers relating to Shechita [slaughtering practices] and Kashrut [laws relating to food] including correspondence and minutes of the London Board for Shechita and the National Council of Shechita Boards of Great Britain, general correspondence, reports, and defence of shechita practices.
Papers relating to bills in the House of Lords. Correspondence with central Government departments and local authorities, including correspondence with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Correspondence with welfare organisations and papers relating to ageing, child abuse, crime, drugs, homelessness, hospice care, disabled people and individual welfare cases. Correspondence with religious leaders, individuals, and organisations relating to Israel, including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Correspondence with overseas congregations including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America and correspondence with the Conference of European Rabbis. Papers relating to Soviet Jewry including correspondence, appeals and reports.
Papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews. Papers relating to medical ethics including abortion, sex education, AIDS, organ transplants, Tay-Sachs disease and abortion. Papers relating to social issues including business ethics, disarmament, homosexuality, inner cities, disasters, and race relations. Correspondence relating to the representation of the Chief Rabbi on various public bodies and patronage by the Chief Rabbi.
Copies of sermons, addresses, publications from the office of the Chief Rabbi, press and publicity, broadcasts and messages from the Chief Rabbi. Personal papers including household accounts, letters of thanks and messages of sympathy. Papers relating to the Chief Rabbinate Fund including the distribution of funds to various causes.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.
Jakobovits , Immanuel , Baron Jakobovits , 1921-1999 , chief rabbiRecords of Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, 1988-1999, including correspondence and publications predating Sacks' election as Chief Rabbi; correspondence; administrative files; papers relating to the United Synagogue; papers relating to organisations including the Jewish Memorial Council, the Jewish National Fund, the Joint Israel Appeal, the Zionist Association, the Jewish Marriage Council, and provincial organisations; correspondence relating to the patronage of the Chief Rabbi; papers relating to education including papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust, correspondence with various schools and universities including the Jews' Free School, Immanuel College, Jews College, Anglo-Jewish Youth, and the Union of Jewish Students; correspondence with welfare organisations including Jewish Care and the Central Council for Jewish Community Services.
Papers relating to political issues including community relations, medical ethics, shechita [slaughtering practices], kosher foods, kashrut [food laws], women in the community, Soviet Jewry, circumcision, Middle East peace talks, anti-Semitism and racism, the Shoah and the Holocaust, business ethics and inner cities; papers relating to overseas congregations including Israel, United States of America, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and Russia; papers relating to the media including correspondence with journalists and broadcasters, copies of articles, interviews, press cuttings, addresses, speeches and lectures, broadcasts, and press statements; papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews, and correspondence with Lambeth Palace, the Islamic community and the Vatican; papers relating to campaigns organised by the Chief Rabbi including the Community Walk for Charity, Jewish Continuity, the Initiative for Developing Education in Adults and the Chief Rabbinate Awards for Excellence; and newsletters from the office of the Chief Rabbi.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.
Sacks , Jonathan Henry , Baron Sacks , b 1948 , Chief RabbiA thick file of unpaginated duplicated material entitled 'Child Health and Environment: Bethnal Green', 1960s, apparently course material distributed in connection with a course in, presumably, child health, at St Bartholomew's Hospital (University House). The material is undated but from references within the text and given in the bibliography would appear to have been compiled in the late 1960s. The approach taken in the course would seem to emphasise the environmental aspect of child health and to take a social medicine perspective. Notes circulated in connection with a course on the above given at St Bartholomew's Hospital during the late 1960s.
Child Health and the Environment'Records of the Cholmondeley Charities, including deeds establishing and regulating Charities; minutes; correspondence; financial accounts; petitions; registers of applications; registers and lists of grants.
Cholmondeley CharitiesRecords of the parish of Christ Church, Cosway Street, St Marylebone, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; church services registers; alms books; financial records; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to parish charities and the parish school; legal documents relating to parish properties.
Parish of Christ Church, Marylebone , Church of EnglandRecords of the Christian Brotherly Society, including minutes, financial accounts, membership records, correspondence, Parliamentary Acts relating to Friendly Societies, menu and programme for Annual Dinner, 1883.
Christian Brotherly SocietyCurrently (as of April 2014) only the following records are available for consultation with 48 hours notice:
Chubb and Son Limited (CLC/B/002/01-11):
Memoranda and articles of association, minutes and agendas, annual reports and accounts, registers of directors and secretaries, seal registers, prospectuses, share transfer registers, annual returns, balance sheets and accounts, ledgers and day books, lock and safe order books and lock and safe number registers (from 1819), manufacturing minutes and papers, patents including specifications, staff salaries (1877-1940), films and videos, and 'Chubb Collectanea' scrapbooks;
Records of subsidiaries and associated organisations:
British Security Industry Association Limited: memorandum and articles of association, minutes and reports (1966-1974) (CLC/B/002/BS);
Chubb and Son's Lock and Safe Company Limited: memorandum and articles of association, share register, correspondence, donated employee records (1951-1982) (CLC/B/002/CLS);
Chubb Fire Security Limited: films and videos (CLC/B/002/CFS);
Chubb Security Services Limited: films and videos (CLC/B/CSS);
Hobbs Hart and Company Limited (fully catalogued): partnerships, minutes and other corporate records, share records, administrative records, financial records, production records including lock and safe order books, patents, marketing and advertising printed material and photographs, staff records, premises and histories (1887-1985) (CLC/B/002/HH);
Chatwood Safe Company Limited: lock and safe registers and progress books (1864-1956) (CLC/B/002/CH);
Chatwood-Milner Limited: order books and safe progress book (1955 - 1971) (CLC/B/002/CHM);
Milner's Safe Company Limited: day book, depot and sale ledgers, lock and key registers (1857-1954) (CLC/B/002/ML).
The lock and safe number and order books are of particular value for dating locks and safes and related products fitted into antique furniture from the late Georgian to mid 20th century.
Further records including those of other subsidiary companies remain uncatalogued and are part of a long-term cataloguing project. Please contact staff for further information on access to uncatalogued records.
Chubb and Son Ltd , locksmiths and safe manufacturersRecords of the City of London Poor Law Union, 1763-1930; including minutes of meetings of the Boards of Guardians for the East London Union, West London Union and City of London Union; minutes of various Committees; Union year books; correspondence with Government departments; plans of Union buildings including the Homerton workhouse; orders of removal to and from other Unions; registers of lunatic admissions; registers for the Bow Road Workhouse and Infirmary, Bow Institution and Infirmary, Homerton Workhouse, Lower Clapton Workhouse and Thavies Inn Infirmary; apprenticeship indentures and registers; registers of children at the Central London District School; financial accounts; staff records and papers of the West London Union, including minutes, correspondence, financial accounts and inventories of Thavies Inn Workhouse and Holloway Workhouse.
City of London Poor Law Union x City of London Board of Guardians East London Poor Law Union x East London Board of Guardians West London Poor Law Union x West London Board of GuardiansRecords of Clerkenwell Magistrates' Court, 1893-1987, including court registers; registers of adoption applications; probation order applications; means enquiries; court minutes recording charges and summons; court note books; probation orders; domestic proceedings including matrimonial cases and bastardy orders; registers of endorsements of driving licences; cash books; gaoler's index of defendants and clerk's papers.
Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.
Domestic proceedings: A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.
Clerkenwell Magistrates CourtAn Account of the General Nursery or Colledg of Infants set up by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex containing a list of rules and regulations, proposals for education and extracts from orders of Sessions concerning establishment, published 1686.
Also photocopy of the presentment of the Grand Jury for Middlesex approving the work of the General Nursery, with extracts from orders of Sessions concerning refusal of St. Clement's Danes parish to participate in scheme, and general remarks on benefits of such an establishment.
College of Infants , ClerkenwellEvidence presented to the Committee on children and young persons, also pamphlets concerning children and young persons.
Committee on children and young personsRecords of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy (also known as The Charity for the Relief of Poor Widows and Children of Clergymen), including letters patent; minutes; agendas; administrative papers; letter books; papers of associatied charities; schemes and proposals; publicity; cases for legal counsel; financial accounts; subscriptions, donations and bequests; papers relating to the management of estates; and reference books.
These archives of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy were deposited in the London County Record Office on condition that all records for the past 100 years which contain reference to beneficiaries shall be regarded as confidential. Searchers who wish to consult such categories of record should first obtain the consent of the Registrar to the Corporation (Corporation House, 6 Woburn Square, London, W.C.1). Other categories of record and all records more than 100 years old are available for searchers without any special restrictions.
Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy The Charity for the Relief of Poor Widows and Children of ClergymenRecords relating to the Court of Orphans, City of London, including Common Serjeant's Books, 1586-1773 (series CLA/002/01), Orphans' Inventories, [1600]-1773 (series CLA/002/02), Inventories: Indexes and Transcripts, 1666-[1926] (series CLA/002/03), Orphanage Bonds and Deeds, 1599-1704 (series CLA/002/04), Recognizances, 1590-1747 (series CLA/002/05), Satisfactions, 1548-1702 (series CLA/002/06), and Miscellaneous items including receipts and other papers regarding orphans, 1619-1697; legal customs including precedents in orphanage matters and divisions of estates; accounts, 1671-1728; committee papers and statements of the Orphan Fund, 1690-1750, custody of goods by orphans, 1401-1448 and journal articles based on the Court of Orphans records, 1934 and 1970 (series CLA/002/07).
Corporation of LondonMinute books of the Cumberland Benevolent Institution.
Cumberland Benevolent InstitutionRecords of the Drax Charity of Little Stanmore, comprising minute book of the trustees of the charity and account books.
Drax Charity , Little StanmoreDiagrammatic plan of Ealing, then part of the County of Middlesex, showing locations of existing and proposed schools, 1950.
Ealing Metropolitan Borough Council x Ealing London Borough CouncilRecords of East End Mission [formerly the Wesleyan Mission East] including Quarterly minutes, 1886-1980; Executive Committee minutes, 1938-1973; Finance Committee minutes 1957-1961; General Purposes Committee minutes, 1960-1971; Combined Trustees' minutes, 1942-1966; Christian Service Centre Committee minutes. 1961-1964, Centenary Committee minutes, 1984-1986; Sunday School Council minutes, 1917 - 1943; Slate Club General Committee minutes, 1903 - 1916; issues of 'The East End Magazine' 1894 - 1904; issues of 'The East End Star', monthly newsletter of the London East End Mission, 1928 - 1961; issues of 'The Star', East End Mission newspaper, 1961 - 1992; issues of 'Quest and Conquest: the Journal of the East London Mission', 1928 - 1930; 'The Tuberculous Homeless Alcoholic' by Eugene W. Morse, 1978; 'Zebra Project: A Bow Mission Project. The First Ten Years', 1985; booklet '1885-1985 East End Mission - Centenary Year', 1985; file of images used to illustrate Mission publications, 193- - 194-.
Records of United Methodist Free Church Third London Circuit, including Quarterly minutes, 1868-1889; Trustees' meeting minutes, 1863-1873; Sunday School teachers' meeting minutes, 1872. Records of Bethnal Green Circuit, including Quarterly minutes, 1881-1893.
Records of Saint George's, Cable Street including register of baptisms,1839-1911; Leaders' Meeting minutes and accounts, 1839-1957; Committee minutes, 1875-1879; Lay Mission Committee minutes, 1872-1885, Young Men's Bible Class minutes. Records of Stepney Central Hall, Commercial Road (formerly 'Seamen's Chapel'), including Committee minutes, 1887-1882; Leaders' Meeting minutes, 1908-1962, 'Spitalfields Project' report, 1992. Records of Lycett Chapel, Mile End Road, including register of baptisms, 1872-1947; Leaders' Meeting minutes, 1925-1962; programmes and flyers; photographs of Chapel interior. Records of Pigott Street, Limehouse, including United Methodist Free Church Chapel Trust Committee, 1878-1915; Pigott Street Mutual Improvement Society minutes, 1883-1884. Records of Gordon Hall, Globe Road, Mile End, including register of baptisms, 1838-1958; register of marriages, 1915-1953, and Leaders' Meeting minutes, 1868-1922. Records of Edinburgh Castle, Rhodeswell Road, including register of baptisms, 1934-1959; income journal, 1948-1959; expenditure journal, 1948-1949, and service of commemoration for Dr Thomas Barnardo, 1955. Records of Bethnal Green Central Hall (Approach Road), including Trust deeds and related papers; notices for opening and dedication.
Methodist Church of Great Britain x United Methodist Church x Wesleyan Methodist Church x Primitive Methodist ChurchRecords of the Edmonton Poor Law Union, 1837-1940, including minutes of the Board of Guardians and various Committees; superannuation registers; registers of persons maintained in institutions and homes; registers of children boarded out; correspondence with the Ministry of Health; financial accounts; reports regarding the establishment of the North Middlesex County Hospital Radium Department; Vaccination Officer's registers; Edmonton Board of Guardians year books; Edmonton Urban District Council Year Books; registers of Edmonton House Workhouse and Enfield House; and matrices of seals of the Edmonton Board of Guardians.
Edmonton Poor Law Union x Edmonton Board of GuardiansRecords relating to poor relief in the parish of Edmonton, 1705-1770, including examinations, warrants and removal orders.
VariousRecords of the Ellis Wolfe Charity, consisting of minutes and a cash book.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.
Ellis Wolfe Charity , charity for relief of poor JewsRecords of the Family Welfare Association (FWA), formerly the Charity Organisation Society (COS), comprising records of the Central Office (Ref: A/FWA/C) and records of six FWA Areas in London and their predecessor district committees of the COS (Ref: A/FWA/GL, A/FWA/HF, A/FWA/KW, A/FWA/LS, A/FWA/TH, A/FWA/WA).
The records including administrative papers, annual reports, papers of the Secretary and Director, papers of the Enquiry Department and Registration Department; publications; papers of the Grants Department; papers of the Almshouses Department; case files and financial records.
Society for Organising Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicity Charity Organisation Society FWA , Family Welfare Association x Family Welfare AssociationRecords of the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy, including minutes and agendas; correspondence; memoranda; financial accounts; sermons; reports; advertising material; scrapbooks; and ephemera relating to the festival (handbills, orders of service, tickets, invitations and so on).
Festival of the Sons of the Clergy