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Descripción archivística
Prince Line Ltd
GB 0064 PLS · Colección · [1884-1980]

Papers of Prince Line Ltd. They include Director's Minutes, 1891 1956, and shareholder's Minutes 1884-1967; Annual Reports and accounts, 1885- 1975; registers of shareholders, 1884-1959; records of ship's movement and freight, 1893-1980 and papers relating to the work of the Israel - UK Citrus Conference (Prince Line Ltd as secretaries), 1965-1971. There are also some papers of the Rio Cape Line Ltd., 1917-1956.

In addition to the present collection, papers of the Prince line Ltd and Rio Cape Line Ltd may be found in the main Furness Withy collection (see FWS/A and FWS/B). These include ship files from the Naval Architect's and Superintendent's Departments, charter parties, vessel building agreements and contracts, accounts and records of board and general meetings.

Tyne and Wear Archives, Newcastle, hold a ledger, 1896-97 and correspondence, 1898-99 of Prince Line (1895) Ltd.

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Pocock, Admiral Sir George (1706-1792)
GB 0064 POC · Colección · [1754-1862]

Papers of Sir George Pocock. They cover only one period of Pocock's career in detail, that of his time in the East Indies, 1754 to 1760, and include letters from the Admiralty, the East India Company Secret Committee at Madras, Company officials and local officials. The papers relating to the capture of Chandernagore in 1757 include the capitulation, papers signed by General Thomas Lally (1702-1766) and letters from Robert Clive (1725-1774). The private correspondence consists of letters received by Pocock between 1763 and 1789 from the Nabob of the Carnatic, 1766, and other native rulers in India. The collection also contains some papers of Pocock's son, Sir George Pocock (1765-1840), and his grandsons, Robert and Edward; this section is mostly of bills, receipts and accounts for the years 1792 to 1862.

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Portsmouth Dockyard
GB 0064 POR · Colección · 1675-1899

Papers of Portsmouth Dockyard. They consist of 566 volumes of the correspondence between yard officials, the Navy Board and the Admiralty, 1675 to 1899. There are also 147 plans for the yard, 1715 to 1884. The volumes are divided into four groups: those relating to the Resident Commissioner, the Admiral Superintendent, the yard officers and a miscellaneous group. Resident Commissioner's records. These consist of: letters from the Admiralty and Navy Board, 1773 to 1821, 1822 to 1827 (5 vols); abstracts of Admiralty and Navy Board letters and warrants, 1806 to 1823 (7 vols); letters to the Admiralty, 1707 to 1750, 1756 to 1763, 1769 to 1821 (19 vols); reports to the Navy Board, 1705 to 1722, 1732 to 1780, 1782 to 1815, 1817 to 1832 (41 vols); one volume of orders given by the Commissioner as a Flag Officer, 1712 to 1730, 1741; three volumes of letters to other yards and naval officers (including some by the Superintendent), 1809 to 1834. Admiral Superintendent's records. These consist of: 333 volumes of letters from the Admiralty, 1839 to 1840, 1840 to 1843, 1843, 1844 to 1845, 1845 to 1847, 1847 to 1848, 1848 to 1849, 1849 to 1851, 1852, 1855, 1855 to 1856, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1865, 1866, 1867 to 1871, 1871 to 1873, 1874, 1874 to 1875, 1875 to 1878, 1878 to 1879, 1880, 1883, 1895, 1898, 1899; and five volumes of letters to the Admiralty, 1832 to 1838. Dockyard Officers' records.

These consist of: Navy Board warrants, 1695 to 1780 and 1781 to 1822 (70 vols); the Commissioner's and Superintendent's warrants, 1694 to 1715, 1719 to 1780 and 1789 to 1848 (31 vols); an index to the Navy Board's and Commissioner's letters, 1675 to 1679, 1688 to 1690, 1694 to 1737 (3 vols); reports to the Navy Board, 1699 to 1713, 1714 to 1735, 1740 to 1780, 1782 to 1793, 1796 to 1822 (33 vols); Navy Board and Commissioner's correspondence with the Master Attendant, 1690 to 1692 and 1710 to 1713 (2 vols) and with the Ropeyard officers, 1751 to 1795 and 1796 to 1822 (2 vols); the first of these volumes also contains Navy Board orders to the Woolwich Ropeyard officers, 1746 to 1751. Miscellaneous records. These comprise: weekly reports of the progress on works, 1740 to 1744, 1778 to 1781 (2 vols); arrivals and sailings of ships, 1821 to 1848 (1 vol); arrivals and sailings of transports, 1829 to 1894 (1 vol); charts received and issued, 1809 to 1855 (2 vols); books received and issued, 1825 to 1843 (1 vol); one register of workmen entered and discharged, 1793 to 1801; reports of yard employees' trials, 1824 to 1855 (1 vol); one volume of the instructions to the Commissioner and officers, 1805, with manuscript additions, 1821 to 1822; one volume of orders to the yard Surgeon, 1823 to 1849. Plans. These include forty-four general plans of the yard and surrounding area, 1723 to 1884; forty plans connected with docks, wharves and slips, 1725 to 1854; and fifty-nine plans of buildings, 1715 to 1857.

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GB 0064 PWL · Colección · 1940-1944

Papers of Sir Henry Daniel Pridham-Wippell, comprising operational orders, signals and letters relating to the Mediterranean, including fleet narratives and reports on operations in the Western Desert, 1940 to 1941; and the Dover Command War Diaries, 1940 to 1944.

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GB 0064 RIN · Colección · 1750-1986

Papers of the Royal Indian Navy (1612-1947) Association, including papers of the Association, 1750-1986. The majority of documents relate to individual naval personnel, 1914-1947, from the RIN, RIM, RINR, RINVR and WRINS services.

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Royal Naval Loan Library
GB 0064 RNL · Colección · 1946-1947

Papers of Royal Naval Loan Library. They consist of notices and agenda of committee meetings, correspondence and financial statements, 1946 to 1947.

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Montagu family papers
GB 0064 SAN · Colección · 1656-1782

The papers of Edward Montagu, the first Earl, consist of five volumes containing papers relating to his political career 1656-1669. The papers of John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich, consist of five volumes of appointment books, 1771 to 1782, purchased from the Montagu family in 1957 and transcripts. In 1956 and 1960 the Secretary of the Navy Records Society deposited on loan transcripts of Sandwich's papers, 1771 to 1782, not included in the Society's publication. The Heritage Lottery Fund has supported the purchase of additions to this collection.

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Sailing Boat Association
GB 0064 SBA · Colección · 1888-1947

Papers of the Sailing Boat Association, comprising minutes of the Council, 1888 to 1947; account books, 1888 to 1947; letterbooks, 1925 to 1939; correspondence, 1938 to 1939; rules and sailing regulations, 1932.

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GB 0064 SCC · Colección · [1868-1877]

Papers of William Dundas Scott, consisting of thirty-five documents; these are mainly letters received by Scott between 1868 and 1870 and there is a letter from Hercules Linton, 1877.

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GB 0064 SHI · Colección · 1818-1846

Papers of William Henry Shirreff. There are three letterbooks for the years 1818 to 1820, one for 1830 to 1837 at Gibraltar, another for 1838 to 1841 and a report on dockyards made to the Admiralty in 1846.

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GB 0064 SMP · Colección · 1623-[1870]

Papers relating to seamanship, there are four volumes in this class. The earliest is by Sir Henry Mainwaring (1587-1653), entitled 'An Abstract and Exposition of All Things pertaining to the Practice of Navigation', written in 1623, and consisting of a dictionary of sea terms; it was edited by G E Mainwaring and W G Perrin, The Life and Works of Sir Henry Mainwaring (Navy Records Society, vol.56, 1921). The other volumes contain two drafts of the manuscript of 'The Mariner's Sheet Anchor or Seaman's Practical Expositor' by Darcy Lever, which was published in 1808; and an illustrated dictionary of nautical and seamanship terms, with French, Italian and Spanish translations, c 1870.

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GB 0064 SOU · Colección · [1661-1717]

The collection, consisting of nineteen volumes, relates to the administration of the Navy, naval policy during the war with France, 1690 to 1698, and questions of Admiralty jurisdiction, and falls into four main groups. The first, of six volumes, contains letters received by William Blathwayt between 1690 and 1703; they concern the conduct of the war and questions of naval administration, including some, 1697 to 1703, from Josiah Burchett, Secretary of the Admiralty (1666?-1746). The second group of four volumes relates mainly to the time of the Dutch Wars when Robert Southwell was a Commissioner for Prizes. It contains drafts, orders and precedents relating to the Commission, 1661 to 1705, as well as a volume devoted to the legal problems of wrecks, 1687 to 1705. There are also some letters from Blathwayt to Robert Southwell for this period. The third group of four volumes contains letters by Lord Nottingham, 1690 and 1692 to 1693, to Blathwayt and Sir Robert Southwell, some with draft replies. Apart from reporting on naval affairs, there are later private letters, 1711, 1716, and Irish affairs, 1703, are also mentioned. The final four volumes are miscellaneous in nature, including a volume relating to the conduct of the war, 1695 to 1697; a working reference book on the proceedings of the Commission of Prizes, 1665 to 1667; and two volumes of miscellaneous papers relating to all the subjects mentioned above, 1674 to 1708.

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GB 0064 SRNA · Colección · [1889-1976]

Papers of the Shipbuilders and Repairers National Association. Including Shipbuilding Employers' Federation: these records include the minute book of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Ship-builders and Engineers, 1889 to 1898; the S.E.F. minute books, 1899 to 1965; a complete run of circulars, 1899 to 1965, and, slightly less complete, 1966 to 1967, the means by which the central body communicated to the local membership. The bulk of the collection, however, is to be found in the very large number of the S.E.F. files which have survived. They start in the 1930s, although many contain papers gathered before this date, for instance, 'Foremen and Under-foremen retaining union membership, 1920 to 1964'. These files touch on every aspect of labour relations, including wages, bonus payments, piecework rates, nightshift working, allowances, demarcation, apprenticeship, training and safety. In the files are correspondence, memoranda, statistical returns, minutes of meetings and agreements. A selection of the titles of the files gives an idea of the range of subjects: 'Temporary relaxation of existing customs and practices -- national agreement with Boilermakers' Society, 1940 to 1943'; 'District claims for payment of confined space allowance to skilled timeworkers, 1941 to 1967'; 'Complaints against foremen or chargehands by workpeople or unions, 1947 to 1952'; 'Painters, redleaders and cementers, claims for working with obnoxious paints, 1932 to 1953'. The S.E.F. also prepared labour statistics on a weekly and monthly basis, and a quarterly return submitted to the Ministry of Labour on numbers employed. These have been retained, 1936 to 1960; and there are strike returns, 1959 to 1967, 1972 to 1976, and accident statistics, 1963 to 1971.

Dry Dock Owners and Repairers Central Council: the records consist of minutes, 1910 to 1959; circulars, 1910 to 1956. As before, the main part of the collection is the great number of files relating to dry docking. Examples include, 'Dry Docks Tax Allowance', 1950 to 1963; dry dock facilities, 1954 to 1967; dry dock projects, 1953 to 1964. There are several on technical matters, such as those on T2 tankers, 1948 to 1952; on the gas freeing of tankers prior to dry docking, 1959 to 1973. There is also a series relating to the wartime Emergency Repairs Agreement, 1940 to 1946. Shipbuilding Conference: Private Meeting minute books, 1928 to 1945; circulars, 1928 to 1969. As the body within shipbuilding bearing responsibility for all commercial matters, the records of the Shipbuilding Conference and the Shipbuilding Board of the S.R.N.A., touch on almost every aspect of the trading and commercial activities of the industry, including relations with government, the Navy, and on every subject from the 'scrap and build scheme' of the British Shipping Act of 1935 to nationalization, 1974 to 1977. There are files on 'price improvement and tendering expenses schemes', 1935 to 1951; the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, Maritime Safety Committee, 1966 to 1971; Lloyd's Technical Committee, 1956 to 1970; the Shipbuilding Advisory Committee, 1958 to 1960; the Shipbuilding Industry Board, 1965 to 1972; the British Ship Research Association, on whose management committee the shi

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Stokes, Admiral John Lort (1812-1885)
GB 0064 STK · Colección · [1837-1863]

Papers of Adml John Lort Stokes. They include logs, 1837 to 1843, 1848 to 1849, 1851 and 1859 to 1863, letter-books, 1841 to 1843, 1848 to 1851 and 1860 to 1862, and correspondence, 1844 to 1858. There are no papers for the first voyage of the BEAGLE. For the second and more famous voyage, 1831 to 1836, on which Charles Darwin sailed, there are some official service documents of Stokes, some orders, notes on surveying, rough notes on navigation in South American waters and a few rough sketches. For the third voyage, 1837 to 1843, there are survey notebooks, some letters and orders, a night order book, a game book, a list of the crew, some accounts, an album of sketches and some loose sketches. The bulk of the collection relates to the voyage of the ACHERON. There is a draft narrative of the first part of the voyage, together with survey notebooks, an abstract of the ship's positions, miscellaneous letters and papers and views, sketches and rough charts. This last group comprises about 150 single items, mostly coastal views. Some of the more finished sketches can be identified as the work of William Swainson (1789-1855), Frederick John Owen Evans (1815-1885), later Hydrographer to the Admiralty, and W.J.W. Hamilton, an artist who accompanied the expedition. His sketchbook is also in the collection. Finally there are survey notebooks and a calculations book for the English Channel survey.

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GB 0064 STP · Colección · [1868-1883]

Papers of Sir Henry Frederick Stephenson. There are letterbooks for 1868 and 1880 to 1883, and a printed account of the court martial following the loss of the RATTLER. Most of the collection relates to the Arctic expedition, 1875 to 1876. It includes Stephenson's diary in three volumes, a letter-book, a book of general proceedings of the DISCOVERY, a rough survey book and a scrapbook, with letters and orders from Nares and some other loose papers. There are also printed volumes of the official reports of the expedition and of earlier arctic expeditions.

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GB 0064 STR · Colección · 1868-1901

Papers of William Stokes Rees, including logs, 1868 to 1870 and 1872 to 1873, two workbooks, 1897, out-letterbooks, 1898 to 1901, and loose papers which relate to the expeditions in Africa, 1895 to 1897. There is also a typescript, 'Yarns from an Admiral's Reminiscences', as retold to Commander Stokes-Rees.

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GB 0064 TAI · Colección · [1903-1933]

Papers of Sir William Eric Campbell Tait containing two logs, 1903 to 1905, a photograph album, 1908 to 1914, and loose papers; these include letters of proceedings, 1929 to 1930, remarks on the officers and men of the Argentine Navy, on Brazilian and American naval personnel, and intelligence reports, 1932 to 1933.

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GB 0064 TRN · Colección

These include transcripts of documents dating from the sixteenth century: the earliest is a description of Drake's preparations for his expedition in 1585. There are also transcripts of official letters, 1718 to 1720 to Admiral Sir George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington (1663-1733), when he was in command of the British fleet in the Mediterranean; a copy of a letter describing the sinking of the GREAT BRITAIN in the St Lawrence River, 1842; and transcripts of letters from the Duke of Windsor and Prince Albert (later King George VI) to Admiral Sir Campbell Tait (1886-1946), 1913 to 1919.

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Vaughan family records
GB 0064 VAU · Colección · [1678-1945]

Between 1962 and 1965 Captain Vaughan presented his father's collection of original documents, mainly relating to the operations of Plymouth and Gibraltar dockyards and to victualling, 1678 to 1832. In 1978 Mrs I. M. Vaughan presented some official and private papers and the reminiscences of her late husband, Captain H R H Vaughan, together with the residue of her father-in-law's papers. The documents relating to Plymouth dockyard mainly consist of individual letters extracted from the yard's official administrative records. They consist of letters to the yard commissioner from the Admiralty, 1695 to 1832; from the Navy Board, 1695 to 1820; from the dockyard officers, 1695 to 1816; from sea officers, 1696 to 1828; from the Commissioners of Victualling, 1716, 1824 to 1831; from the Plymouth Victualling Office, 1697 to 1779; letters from the yard commissioner to the Admiralty, 1697 to 1701, contained in a complete letterbook; to the Navy Board, 1706 to 1708; orders to yard officers, 1809; standing orders 1678 to 1766, contained in one volume; letters to the yard officers from the Navy Board, 1694 to 1758; officers' reports to the Navy Board, 1696 to 1791; accounts of ships' stores, 1713 to 1793; Admiralty letters to and from naval officers, 1696 to 1832. The documents relating to Gibraltar yard include two of the Commissioner's letterbooks containing letters to the Victualling Commissioners and naval officers, 1755 to 1763, and to yard and naval officers, 1803 to 1805. Instructions and specifications relating to victualling are contained in one volume, c 1820. The papers of H R H Vaughan include a journal of a voyage from Bombay to Basnah, 1928; some private letters received, 1929 to 1931; copies of official intelligence reports to the Commander-in-Chief, East Indies station, concerning affairs in the Persian Gulf, 1929; a copy of the official report of the Flag Officer, Narvik, April to June 1940; and his own handwritten reminiscences 1911 to 1945.

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Visitors' Books
GB 0064 VBK · Colección · 18th century - 1956

This class contains fourteen visitors' books of ships and places and also autograph books. Among the ships; visitors' books are those for the KING GEORGE V, 1913 to 1923, the CAPETOWN, 1934 to 1943 and the MAGPIE, 1950 to 1956. There is a distinguished visitors' book, 1926 to 1936, of the Royal Naval Museum, Greenwich, and a book containing autographs of naval officers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

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GB 0064 VIV · Colección · 1904-1921

Papers of Gerald William Vivian, 1904-1921, including memoranda, appointments, sailing orders and Admiralty letters, 1904 to 1918; correspondence, 1913 to 1921; reports on the dockyard at Esquimalt and on the landing party for the protection of British subjects at San Quentin, Mexico, 1911, and reports and papers relating to the Air Department, 1915 to 1918.

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GB 0064 WAT · Colección · 1842-1861

Papers of Capt George Alexander Waters, consisting of logs, 1842-1843, and 1852-1861. There are loose letters, 1857-1858, including those from Captain Peel and the officers of the Naval Brigade concerning the Indian Mutiny and a book in Chinese endorsed 'taken from the house three or four miles below Nanking, 26 Aug. 1842', which is a coal-merchant's receipt book.

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Woodriff Collection
GB 0064 WDR · Colección · 1790-[1874]

Papers of Allan Robert Woodriff, consisting of service documents, 1868 to 1874, an undated letter from Woodriff (while a sub-lieutenant) to his mother and letters of condolence after his death.

Papers of Cpt Daniel Woodriff, they include a log, 1790; extracts from Woodriff's journal, 1794; copies and drafts of letters and memorials, 1805 to 1815; Woodriff's will, 1828, and that of his wife Sarah, 1846.

Papers of John Robert Woodriff, consisting of personal and service documents, 1802 to 1867, including a letter of 1842 from John Robert's brother, Commander Daniel Woodriff (1789-1860), whose papers are in the National Library of Australia at Canberra.

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Wigram, Sir Robert, 1st Bt. (1744-1830)
GB 0064 WIG · Colección · 1765-1865

Papers of Sir Robert Wigram consisting of two business ledgers, 1810 to 1865, and family legal documents, 1765 to 1826.

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Pole and Penn family papers
GB 0064 WYN · Colección · [1621-1822]

Sir William Penn's life after 1650 is well covered but for the earlier period there are only a few orders, instructions and isolated documents. The collection includes a log, 1650 to 1651, accounts of battles, 1652 to 1653, a log of the SWIFTSURE and sailing and fighting instructions, both to and from Penn, for the expedition to the West Indies. The 1665 campaign is covered by an incomplete log of the ROYAL CHARLES, a description of the battle of Lowestoft, several sailing and fighting instructions and orders of battle. There are also administrative papers and personal letters covering Penn's tenure of office at the Navy Board. The Pole papers consist of eight volumes of private letters from a wide variety of correspondents, 1769 to 1822. Two particularly large series are those from Admiral Sir William Young (1751-1821) and Pole's brother, Reginald Pole Carew, while Prince William Henry also wrote a considerable number of letters to Pole. The loose papers are mainly administrative and include accounts, prize papers, orders and memoranda. They also contain papers concerning Pole's representation of Plymouth from 1806 to 1818; printed papers and general letters on naval mutiny, 1795 to 1797, with particular reference to the mutinies of 1797; reports and surveys on the Sea Fencibles, 1804 to 1806, and other general reports on such matters as medical experiments, 1791, and experiments with gunpowder, 1796.

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Toyne Carter & Co
GB 0064 XX(63027.1) · Colección · [1896-1973]

Records of Toyne Carter and Co comprising register of shareholders and Directors' minute books, 1921 to 1958; balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, 1924 to 1975; cash books, ledgers and journals, 1896 to 1968; wages and salaries books, 1944 to 1971, and a broker's commission book, 1951 to 1972. The bulk of the collection relates to the china clay trade, including a volume listing cargoes to the United States, via Liverpool, 1899 to 1903, and direct from Fowey, 1904 to 1952, together with detailed accounts of the same, 1926 to 1935, and 1966 to 1973; cargo manifests, 1931 to 1961; and Bills of Lading, 1958 to 1967.

There are also accounts of shipments to Holland, 1925 to 1972; to Italy and the Mediterranean, 1924 to 1939 and 1948 to 1959, together with details of cargoes lifted by 'general' ships, 1922 to 1970. There is a small amount of correspondence, numerous loose papers, cables, invoices, vouchers and receipts, chartering circulars, 1926 to 1928; chartering records, 1925 to 1934; Charter Parties, 1929 to 1935 and 1947 to 1972; details of ships cleared through customs, 1939 to 1971; a continuous series of disbursement books of ships whilst loading at Fowey, 1909 to 1970; and a large number of cargo plans demonstrating the care which was needed to stow china clay. In 1947 the company took a controlling interest in the Fowey Tug Company, and the collection contains balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, account books, towage rates and tonnage sheets for this undertaking, 1947 to 1960. At different times, members of the company held appointment as Vice-Consul to several European countries, and surviving records of this office include German Seals of Appointment, 1896 to 1926. Tape recordings of conversations with one of the firm's employees and with D R Carter (1901- ), son of one of the founders, who joined the business in 1919, complete the collection.

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Ballard, Francis (1896-1976)
GB 0068 BAL · 1841-1972

Papers of Francis Ballard comprising correspondence sent both to and from Ballard, as well as a small number of letters, which were sent between two completely different individuals (10 Oct 1929-18 Dec 1963). Additionally there are botanical notes relating to Ballard's work as a pteriodologist including plant lists from his expedition to Ceylon and proceedings from conferences (20th century); and material, which seems to have compiled during Ballard's time at RBG Kew. Within this compiled material there are a number 19th century letters, which Ballard appears to have arranged somewhat artificially from the papers of John G Baker.

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Trapnell, Colin Graham (1907-2004)
GB 0068 CGT · 1926-1970

Papers of Colin Graham Trapnell, 1926-1970, comprising four series. The first (CGT/1) consists of Trapnell’s collecting notebooks in Zambia; the second of one file of correspondence sent and received by Trapnell, mostly relating to his work CGT/2); the third series comprises notes, reports and surveys on a variety of topics, such as soil, grazing and South African vegetation (CGT3). The fourth and final series (CGT/4) contains photographs of Zambia, Kenya and Malawi recording the work carried out by Trapnell, and showing vegetation, agricultural practices and also native people and habitations.

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Bentham, George (1800-1884)
GB 0068 GEB · 1799- 1897

Papers of George Bentham, 1799- 1897, comprising four series. The first is a collection of correspondence addressed to George Bentham, primarily from other botanists and botanical in subject, in addition to letters from Bentham addressed to Sir Joseph Hooker and several others (GEB/1). The second series consist of diaries written by Bentham, the earliest beginning in 1807 and the latest finishing in 1883, near the end of his life (GEB/2). The third series contains various papers, manuscripts and documents relating to the life and death of Bentham, as well his autobiography covering the years of his life from 1800 to 1834 (GEB/3). The fourth and final series contains botanical works, papers and manuscripts written by Bentham, including his nine volume work on Leguminosae and the Bentham Herbarium plant list (GEB/4).

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Kerr, Arthur Francis George (1877-1942)
GB 0068 KER · 1906-c.1940

Papers of Arthur Francis George Kerr, 1906-c 1940, comprising 28 diaries, some relating to his daily life and others are expedition diaries retracing various itnieraries, including field diaries from Siam and the Siam-Burman border; photographs of landscapes, people, vegetation and other subjects, chiefly on trips within Siam; plant records including 158 plant tag books mentioning their numbers and the areas covered; typescript and manuscript lists recording plants collected by others on behalf of Kerr; 16 files and volumes relating to the flora of Siam, some are for specific regions such as Bangkok or Kaw Tao and some for specific plants such as orchids; volumes containing Siamese local plant names; twenty three notebooks of notes taken from various Herbaria, namely Geneva, Kew, Paris and the British Museum (Natural History Museum); records of other collectors including some commissioned by Kerr; records of plants from Siam for the publication of Flora Siamensis Enumeratio; notes and correspondence relating to Siamese drugs and medicinal plants; slips for various plant groups; 11 files of correspondence, mainly related to botanical matters including the publishing of Florae Siamensis Enumeratio, one with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and seven relating to ferns, including correspondence and fern lists from Eryl Smith; and publications including reprints from The Record and reports on Botanical Tours undertaken in Siam as well as crops such as cotton and various other plants, published by The Botanical Section, Ministry of Commerce, Bangkok and volume of sketches of Orchids from Chengmai.

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Griffith, William (1810-1845)
GB 0068 WGR · c.1830-1845

Papers of William Griffith, c.1830-1845, comprising botanical notes and drawings, journals of travels into the Indian peninsula and Afghanistan and lists of plants

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Burchell, William John (1781-1863)
GB 0068 WJB · 1806-1871

Papers of William John Burchell, 1806-1871, comprising 4 series. The first series (WJB/1) contains notes which relate to Burchell's time on St. Helena. The second series (WJB/2) contains documents of the flora of Africa. The third series (WJB/3) contains notes from Burchell's expedition to Brazil via Portugal, Madeira and Tenerife. The fourth (WJB/4) contains manuscripts, correspondence and notes which date from 1800 to 1859 and relate to different plant collecting expeditions.

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GB 0070 TGA 723 · Fondo · 1927-1959

Christopher Wood met Frosca Munster in Paris in 1928. Although she was married, they began an intense relationship, meeting in Cornwall, London or Paris whenever possible. The collection contains a large number of love letters and telegrams from Wood to Frosca, and letters from Rene Crevel and Jean Cocteau. It includes telegrams of condolence to Frosca after Wood's death, memoirs of him by, among others, Winifred Nicholson, Max Jacob and Jean Cocteau, and reports about his death. The collection also contains photographs of Wood and his friends, press cuttings relating to his death and exhibitions, and locks of his and Frosca's hair.

The majority of the collection is written in French, although Wood's letters to Frosca (TGA 723/5-75) have been translated into English.

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GB 0070 TGA 724 · Fondo · 1902-1957

Alfred Yockney was an art writer and curator primarily associated with West End galleries and art publishers. This collection consists mainly of his correspondence with artists and members of the art world as part of his work as the editor of Art Journal and as secretary to the British War Memorials Committee. It also contains numerous sets of notes about artists as preparation for articles. The collection includes printed leaflets and extracts from exhibition catalogues and newspapers.

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GB 0070 TGA 769 · Fondo · 1907-1960

This small collection of Paul Nash material was given to the Archive by the Paul Nash Trustees via Andrew Causey, who had been using the material for his book on Nash. It contains a wide range of material, including manuscripts and drafts of biographical pieces by his wife Margaret, lists and catalogues of paintings and works, as well as a small collection of artwork including proofs of illustrations.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Gilbert-Smith · 1950-2003

Papers relating to the life and military career of Maj David Stuart Gilbert Smith, 1950-2003, including: detailed letters home from Korea, 1952-1953; account, 'The third Battle of "The Hook', by Maj Rudolf Edmund Austin, c 1953; details of wanted members of Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston (EOKA), Cyprus, 1956; instructions on personal security for members of 22 Bn Special Air Service (SAS), [1968]. Album of photographs and press cuttings, 1950-1957, relating mainly to Gilbert-Smith's rugby union career, but also including snapshots of Gilbert-Smith in Korea, 1952, press cuttings relating to his MC following the Battle of 'The Hook', Korea, May 1953, and press cuttings relating to his service with 1 Bn, Duke of Wellington's Regt, Cyprus, 1956; photograph album relating to Gilbert-Smith's command of 22 Bn Special Air Service Mountain Training Centre, Bavaria, Germany, 1965. Winning hearts and minds (Pen Press Publishers Ltd, London, 2003), Gilbert-Smith's theories of leadership, drawing on his military experience.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Kirwan · 1939-1948, 1960

Papers of Sir Laurence Kirwan, relating chiefly to his military service in World War Two, including Kirwan's call up notice as a reserve officer, 1939; papers relating to the travel, administrative and accommodation arrangements for the QUADRANT Conference, Quebec, Canada, Aug 1943; programme for 'The Army Show: Canada's all-soldier stage show', c 1943; paper, 'Operation Overboard appreciation' parodying arrangements for Operation OVERLORD, c 1944; copy of The Evening News, 7 May 1945, concerning the surrender of Germany; copy of The Stars and Stripes: daily newspaper of US Armed Forces in the European Theater, Germany edition, 15 Aug 1945, concerning the surrender of Japan; printed report, 'Germany's war effort and its failure', by the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee, chaired by Kirwan, of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, Oct 1945; essay, 'Seeds of trouble in Europe' concerning potential areas for future conflict, by Mrs B C Horton, produced as a discussion document for the Civil Defence Welfare Fund, c 1945; official programme for Victory celebration parade, Jun 1946; motor fuel ration book, 1947-1948; authorisation card, Control Commission Germany, 1948; programme for royal review of the Brigade of Gurkhas by HM the Queen and the King of Nepal, London, Oct 1960.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 427-433 · 1945-1953

President Harry S Truman's Office Files, 1945-1953: Korea is a themed microfilm collection relating to US foreign policy decision making with respect to Korea, 1945-1953. Included in the collection are copies of Presidential memoranda and eeting minutes, 1945-1953; US foreign policy analyses relating to the Japanese occupation of Korea, 1945; US Department of State reports relating to the social, economic, political, and military situation in Korea, 1945- 1953; US military and political intelligence assessments, 1945-1953; US military projections, 1946-1950; US analyses of the United Nations sponsored intervention in Korea, 1950; Presidential reports concerning the conduct of US operations in the Korean War, 1950-1953.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 460-462 · 1941-1945, 1982

Microfilm collection containing copies of meeting minutes of the major conferences of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945. Meeting minutes include those for the conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed ARCADIA, at which Anglo-American planners first formed a combined strategy for the prosecution of the war, 22 Dec 1941-14 Jan 1942; the conference at Casablanca, Morocco, codenamed SYMBOL, during which the Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) first discussed the policies of German unconditional surrender, the Combined Bomber Offensive from Great Britain against Germany and the establishment of the French National Committee for Liberation, 14-24 Jan 1943; the Allied conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed TRIDENT, at which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Rt Hon Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS)discussed the decision to delay the invasion of France until May 1944, the Italian surrender, and the Battle of the Atlantic, 11-25 May 1943; the Allied conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed QUADRANT, at which the Allies endorsed a plan for the invasion of the Normandy coast in France, formed a new theatre of war, South-East Asia Command, with Acting Adm Lord Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten as Supreme Allied Commander, and regulated the procedures for co-operation between Great Britain and the US regarding the development and production of the atomic bomb, 12-24 Aug 1943; the Allied conferences at Cairo, Egypt, codenamed SEXTANT, at which the Allies discussed combined operations in South-East Asia with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese forces, 22-26 Nov and 2-7 Dec 1943; the Allied conference at Teheran, Iran, codenamed EUREKA, during which the Allies first co-ordinated future strategy with Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, including plans to coincide military operations against Germany in France and the Soviet Union in May 1944, 28-30 Nov 1943; the conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed OCTAGON, at which the Allies discussed the post-war division of Germany and a plan for its de-industrialisation, 12-16 Sep 1944; the conferences at Malta and Yalta, Soviet Union, codenamed ARGONAUT, at which the Allies discussed the division of post-war Germany, the occupation of Germany and Austria, Soviet involvement in the war against Japan, and the future government and frontiers of Poland, 30 Jan-9 Feb 1945; the conference at Potsdam, Germany, codenamed TERMINAL, during which surrender terms for Japan were discussed, the boundaries and peace terms for Europe were determined and Poland's government and frontiers were debated, 16 Jul-2 Aug 1945. Conference minutes include references to Allied production and assignment of war materials; British and US merchant vessel losses; US policy concerning assignments of Lend-Lease military aircraft, naval vessels and munitions to Great Britain; Allied petroleum supplies; propaganda and unconventional warfare; war crimes and prisoners of war; operational reports concerning the planning and conduct of Allied offensive operations in Europe, including the invasion of North Africa, codenamed Operation TORCH, Nov 1942; the invasion of Sicily, Italy, codenamed Operation HUSKY, Jul 1943; the US preparation for the invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation BOLERO; and the Allied invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation OVERLORD, Jun 1944; operational reports concerning the Japanese war economy; Japanese Imperial Army logistical capabilities; locations and strengths of Japanese forces in the Pacific; British participation in long range bombing of Japan; Allied operational efforts in Burma, India, Malaya, and the Philippines; Soviet claims on the Sakhalin and Kuril islands; the co-ordination of Allied strategic plans for the defeat and occupation of Japan, 1943-1944; Soviet military action to facilitate Operation OVERLORD; liaison between Allied theatre commanders and the Soviet Army; Soviet capabilities with reference to the Far East; US Lend-Lease requirements for the Soviet Union; and estimates of Soviet post-war capabilities and intentions, 1943-1945.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Sanderson, J B · 1967 and [2000]

Copy of memoirs of Lt Col John Burden Sanderson, including description of deployment with Territorial Army, 1938-1940; and brief recollections of service in India and Burma, 1941-1946, including liberation of POWs from Japanese internment camps, transcribed by Sanderson's son. Also transcript of interview with John Sanderson's father Maj Alexander Sanderson, 3 Australian Tunnelling Company, recorded 14 Apr 1967, relating to his life and career as an engineer working in Australia, 1896-1914; brief description of the work of Maj Alexander Sanderson and the 3 Australian Tunnelling Company, France, during World War One; and designs by Alexander Sanderson for a vertical take off plane, 1942.

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STENT, Lt Col John Arthur Goodfellow
GB 0099 KCLMA Stent · 1943, 1961 and 1991

Papers of Lt Col John Stent, 1943, 1961 and 1991, comprising Tanganyika (Tanzania) driving licence, 1943; discharge letter from War Office, 1961; typescript letter containing vivid reminiscences of his service with the Royal Corps of Signals in Africa, [1990].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Alexander · Created 1960-1970

Papers relating to Alexander's service as Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana, 1960-1961, including correspondence from AVM Henry Algernon Vickers Hogan, Headquarters Flying Training Command, RAF, on the training of Ghanaian pilots, Aug 1960; correspondence, reports and notes on the creation of an African High Command, following a decision taken in Casablanca, Morocco to form a Charter of African States, signed by Algeria, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Republic, 1960, including typescript 'Brief for President on situation in the Congo and the role of an African High Command'. Dec 1960; correspondence with Air Cdre John Nicholas Haworth Whitworth, Air Chief of Staff, Ghana Air Force, Jan-Aug 1961; typescript 'Russian report on Ghana armed services', 1961; typescript memoranda by Alexander and by Air Cdre Whitworth, on the Soviet report on the Ghana armed forces, May-Jun 1961; typescript memorandum by Alexander to Dr Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, expressing concern on the plan to send Ghanaian cadets to the USSR for military training, Sep 1961. Papers relating to the Ghanaian Army's involvement in UN peacekeeping duties in the Congo, 1960-1961, including typescript 'Notes on non-military briefing for senior officers of the UN force in the Congo' by Ralph Johnson Bunche, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN, Jul 1960; typescript press releases on the crisis in the Congo, Jul 1960, typescript correspondence with Brig Joseph E Michel, commanding UN Ghanaian Bde, Congo, Aug 1960-Feb 1961; typescript 'Report on disturbances at Tshikapa on 18/19 Jan 1961' by Brig Joseph E Michel, commanding Ghana Bde, Congo, relating to the mutiny of troops of 3 Bn, The Ghana Regt; typescript 'Report of the evacuation of the Hon Mr Welbeck from the Congo' (Hon Nathanial Welbeck, Ghanaian diplomat), Nov 1960; typescript 'Report on visit to the Congo', by Alexander, Feb 1961. Papers relating to Alexander's dismissal as Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana, and to the removal of British personnel from the Ghana armed forces, 1961, including typescript memorandum by Alexander 'Withdrawal of British officers and other ranks from active units of the Ghana Army', Sep 1961; typescript report by Alexander to the Ministry of Defence 'Background to the sudden dismissal of British officers from the Ghana armed forces' [1961]. Papers relating to Alexander's role as a British Observer, International Observer Team on Genocide, Nigeria, 1968-1970, including typescript report by Alexander 'The war in Nigeria', 1968; printed map of Nigeria, with annotations showing territories controlled by Federal and Biafran forces, 1968; typescript 'Report and findings of the representatives of Canada, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom for the period 1 October 1969 to 31 January 1970', Feb 1970. Edition of African tightrope. My two years as Nkrumah's Chief of Staff (Pall Mall Press, London, 1965).

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ANDERTON, Col Geoffrey (1902-1981)
GB 0099 KCLMA Anderton · Created 1930-1953

Eighteen captioned photographs of operations in Waziristan, North West Frontier, India, Jul 1930, of troops of the Durham Light Infantry and 20 Medium Battery, Royal Artillery. Eight uncaptioned photographs of parades, groups and individuals officers, UK, 1940. Papers relating to the Allied campaigns in North Africa and Italy, 1943-1945, including printed map of Tunisia, scale 1: 1, 000, 000, 1943, and two printed maps of Anzio and the surrounding area, scales 1: 50, 000 and 1: 1, 000, 000, 1944; typescript 'The First Division in action. Tunisia 1943', with printed booklet entitled 'The First Divisional Artillery, Tunisia, 1943. Banana Ridge' [1943]; manuscript graph entitled 'Casualties-1st British Division and attached troops-Anzio', 21 Jan-6 Jun 1944; typescript report entitled 'The First Division in action, Anzio, March to June 1944'; typescript account by Anderton, Assistant Director of Medical Services, 1 Div, entitled 'History of the Divisional medical services in the Anzio campaign', Dec 1945; two volumes, History of the First Division. Anzio campaign. January-June 1944 (Ahva Press, Jerusalem, Palestine, [1946]) and History of the First Division. Florence to Monte Grande. August 1944-January 1945 (Schindler's Press, Cairo, Egypt, [1946]). Papers and photographs relating to Hong Kong and Korea, 1946-1952, including map of 'Hong Kong and the New Territories', scale 1: 80, 000, GSGS 3961, 1946; typescript memorandum by Anderton, as Deputy Director of Medical Services, Hong Kong, entitled 'The medical aspects of the expansion of the Hong Kong garrison in 1949', 1950; nineteen photographs of Korea and Hong Kong, 1950-1952, including visit by Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, to Hong Kong, 1950; large annotated manuscript map showing positions of UN medical units, near the Imjin river and north of Seoul, Korea [1951]; edition of the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Jan 1953, with article by Anderton entitled 'The birth of the British Commonwealth Division, Korea'. Typescript article on the Louise Margaret Hospital, Aldershot, 1949, with group photograph of the staff.

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GB 0074 O/035 · Colección · 1742-1853

Papers, 1742-1853, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, including deeds, covenants to produce deeds, abstracts of title, marriage settlements, discharges of debts, bonds, letters of administration, conveyances, wills and probates, assignments, appointment of trustees, mortgages, insurance policies, admissions, lease and release, exemplifications of recovery and agreements; relating to properties in Hackney, Stepney, Old Ford, Clerkenwell, Stratford, especially a public house called "The Three Colts", West Ham, Walthamstow, Fulham, Hornsey, Norwood, Croydon and others.

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HARLEY, John (1786-1858)
GB 0074 O/054 · Colección · 1858

Diary of actor John Pritt Harley, 1858.

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GB 0074 O/086 · Colección · 1551-1840

Collection of documents relating to property transactions. The properties are situated across South London, including Bermondsey, Stratford, Southwark, Rotherhithe, Denmark Hill, Camberwell, Newington, and Ratcliffe. The properties include wharves, public houses, warehouses, messuages and houses.

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GB 0074 O/093 · Colección · 1857

Dissolution of the partnership of Sir Joshua Walmsley, William Allcard and George Frederick Smith, proprietors of The Daily News and The Express, 6 July 1857.

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GB 0074 O/094 · Colección · 1867-1880

Records of Paton and Charles, soap manufacturers, comprising dissolution of partnership of Robert Charles the elder, Robert Charles the younger and Andrew Paton Charles in the business of Paton and Charles, soap manufacturers and the business of candle manufacturers at Paulsworks, 1867; licence to underlet manufactory premises in Bow Common, 1869; and mortgage for manufactory known as Pauls Works in St. Paul's Road, Bow Common, 1876-1880.

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GB 0074 O/111 · Colección · 1685-1783

Papers collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising an assignment of premises in Saint Katharine's Dock and a brewhouse in Smithfield, 1685; and extract of the will and probate of Dean Perkins of Newman Street, Saint Marylebone, 1781-1783.

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