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General Strike, 1926
GB 1924 General Strike · 1926

Trades Union Congress correspondence and papers relating to the Miners' Dispute and the General Strike, 1926, comprising:
TUC reports of meeting with the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, Apr 1926, and other notes;
Letters from individuals, trade unions and labour organisations to the TUC, May 1926;
Circular letters and printed leaflets issued by the TUC, May 1926;
Local reports and bulletins sent to the TUC by Strike Committees, Trades Councils, and Trade Unions, arranged by region, Greater London, North West, Yorkshire and Humber, Northern, Wales, Scotland, South East, South West, East Anglia, West Midlands and East Midlands;
Correspondence and papers on production and distribution of the TUC's daily strike bulletin; The Daily Worker, May 1926;
TUC Intelligence Committee correspondence and papers, May 1926;
TUC summaries of wireless bulletins on the Miners' Dispute and the General Strike, May 1926;
TUC Progress of Strike Reports, 6-10 May 1926;
TUC General Council Bulletin, 4-14 May 1926;
TUC Publicity and Communications Committee correspondence and papers, 2-14 May 1926;
TUC special committee papers, particularly Powers and Orders Committee and Food and Essential Services Committee;
TUC Speakers' notes on the Miners Dispute and the General Strike;
Copies of TUC Despatch Rider codes;
Official and contemporary reports including copies of the TUC's daily strike bulletin, The British Worker and the Government's British Gazette, May 1926; Foreign press articles; international trades union reactions; Sunday Worker news bulletins, Non trade union circulars including the Manchester Evening News, Foyles News Bulletin, the London Tramway Workers, the Independent Labour Party, and the Food Education Society.

TUC , Trades Union Congress

Various newspapers and journals covering developments and activities during the General strike, including copies of The British Gazette, The British Worker, the Morning Post, the Evening News, the Daily Telegraph, the Daily News, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Daily Herald, the Camberwell Borough Advertiser News Bulletin, the Daily Sketch, the Daily Graphic, the Evening Standard and many other local and national publications, 1926.

GB 106 9/02 · Fonds · 1825-1896

The collection includes letters to, from and about women engaged in activities in the general women's movement and public life arranged in chronological order. Correspondents include Frances Elizabeth King to Mr CN Warren (on schools and poor relief); the Duchess of Clarence to Miss Lloyd, c. 1825 (acceptance of patron role), Mary Anning to Sir Astley Cooper, 1830 (safe arrival of dinosaur skeleton), Mary Howitt to Mary Carpenter, 1847 (ragged schools report, poem); Mary Linwood to Mrs Barnaby, 1841 (marriage congratulations); Mr JG Marshall to unknown, 1851 (distressed female shop-workers); League of Universal Brotherhood to Mary Carpenter, 1848 (refusal of Sunday School publication material); Lady Leigh to Mary Carpenter, 1855 (girls reformatory scheme); Mary Carpenter, 1857 (on regional reformatories) and 1872 (to Prof Fawcett requesting interview); Emily Faithfull, to Mrs Newnham, c. 1860 (on publications of letters and poems) to Miss Bethell, 1862 (on women printers), c. 1869 (on photographic session), 1871 (on patterns for the Victoria Press and procedure for submission to the 'Englishwoman's Review'), to the Duke of Argyll, 1871 (on Training Institution vice-presidency), to Mr Baynham, 1880 and 1884 (on visits to Glasgow), to Pritchard, 1887; Lady Strangford to unknown recipient, 1887 (request copy of paper); Barbara Leigh Bodichon, to Lord Shaftsbury and to unnamed woman, 1862 (on the Female Middle Class Emigration Society); Lord Shaftesbury to Barbara Leigh Bodichon, 1862 (donation to Female Middle Class Emigration Society); Maria Rye to Barbara Leigh Bodichon, 1862 and 1865 (on the work of the Female Middle Class Emigration Society); Maria Rye to Miss Paget, c.1868 (on child emigrants to Canada); Maria Rye to Miss Buss, 1883 (on interview acceptance); Mr John Knapp to Maria Rye, 1862 (sale of her stationer's business); Ellice Hopkins to Elihu Burritt, c. 1863 (thanks); Helen Taylor to Barbara Leigh Bodichon, 1865 (on published paper) and 1869 (on interrelationship of all aspects of women's movement); John Stuart Mill to Mary Carpenter, 1867 (London prison conditions); Frances Power Cobbe to Mrs Fawcett (1870: women's property taxation; 1895: Matrimonial Clauses Act); Florence Nightingale, 1868 (to Anne Clough: nursing and teaching as arts; to Mary Carpenter: nursing books for journey to India and review by FN); Sir Leopold McClintock to Mary Carpenter, 1869 (thanks for pamphlet); Baroness Burdett-Coutts, (1869: to Mary Carpenter, letter on value of animal life; 1886: to Octavia Hill inviting her to meeting); Duke of Argyll to Mary Carpenter, 1869 (thanks for report); Louisa Hubbard to Miss Ridley, 1 letter, 1870 (request for information); Annie McPherson, 1870 (Bible texts with signature); Sir Edward Clarke to Mr James Hain Friswell, 1870 (Matrimonial Women's Property Act); Sir Alexander Grant to Mrs Blyth, 1870 (Patron of Society for Promoting the Employment of Women); Miss Winkworth to Miss Warren, 1870 (Victoria Press); Louisa Gann to Miss Ridley, 1872 (offer of help from former, reply from latter); Joanna Chandler to Miss Ridley, 1874 (entitlement to recommendations); Dr Elizabeth Blackwell, 10 letters (1875: to George Eliot forwarding Bodichon letter and on legal case; 1877: to Barbara Leigh Bodichon on book on relations of the sexes; 1880 five letters: to Bodichon on Poor Law Guardian elections, repeal work, workhouses, legal injustices to women and their future, etc; 1886: 3 letters to Bodichon on Liberal policy, the National Vigilance Association and pamphlet 'Purchase of Women'); Agnes Ward to Miss Ridley, 1875 (Holloway College); Duke of Westminster to Octavia Hill, 1875 (insertion of Hill's clause in the Artisans' Dwellings Act Bill); Millicent Garrett Fawcett to Mrs Edbury, 1875 (requests Edbury resigns from Married Women's Property Committee); James Stuart to Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1875; Henrietta Barnett to Miss Ridley, 1876 (Little Girl Pauper Committee); Alice Westlake to Miss Ridley, 1876 (thanks); Ursula M Bright to unnamed, 1878 (request sign declaration against war); Rev. Selwyn Image to Miss Garrett, 1879 (notice of visit); Mary Hyett Bunting to Miss Ridley, 1880 (apologies); Emma Paterson to Ernest Hart, 1881 (rescue work); Lady Strangford to Emily Faithfull, 1882 (LS's Red Cross Decoration); Daniel Cooper to unknown, 1882 (Rescue Society work); Earl of Dalhousie to editor, 1883 (article on marriage to deceased wife's sister); Edmund Yates to Emily Faithfull, 1884 ('World' article); Lady Brabazon to Mrs Stirling, 1885 (trip to United States of America); May H Steer to Miss Ridley, 1885 (thanks for donation to rescue work); William Walsham How to Octavia Hill, 1885 (volunteer placement); Mr L Ormiston Chant to Miss Ridley, 1886 (meeting of MABZS); Lord Ripon to Emily Faithfull, 1886 (meeting of London Colonial Emigration Society); Lord Derby: 1886 to Emily Faithfull (on a donation), 1891: to Millicent Garrett Fawcett (on women's working conditions); inquiry regarding Emily Faithfull, 1886; Lord Brabazon to Emily Faithfull, 1886 (role in Society of the National Association for Promoting State Directed Colonisation); John Morley to Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1888 (pantomime children); Princess Victoria of Battenburg to Octavia Hill, 1888 (care of illegitimate children); Octavia Hill, 1874 (to unknown man, on local elections candidate), 1888 (to Miss Sunderland on holidays), 1888 (to Archdeacon Farrar on park for the poor); Elizabeth Wordsworth to Mr Lock, 1890; Countess Aberdeen to Mr Miles, 1890 (permission to print stories); Miss EP Phipson to Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1891 (mill workers petition); Lester Drummond to Mrs Bidder 1893 (legal status of women re municipal franchise); Elizabeth Wordsworth to Miss Donne, 1893; Lady Dufferin Ava to Miss TF de la Forse (London nursing); Walter McLaren to Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1895 (Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act); Walter McLaren's Notice of a Motion on the Matrimonial Causes Act 1867 and copy of Bill; Ellen Pinsent to Miss Hughes, 1896 (NSPCC committee); Eleanor Marx to unnamed, 1896 (invitation to Subcommittee of International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress); a notice of a Christmas sale of furniture by Agnes and Rhoda Garrett.

The Female Middle Class Emigration Society (1862-1908) was founded in 1862. The population explosion in England during the first half of the nineteenth century led government policy to encourage large scale emigration, while simultaneous concerns over the number of 'superfluous', unmarried women led to projects to stimulate female emigration. At the Social Sciences conference of 1860, Bessie Parkes advocated emigration as a solution to the population. This was also the belief and advice of Miss Maria S Rye after her experiences in the Society for Promoting Employment of Women, when she was deluged with applicants for a limited number of posts. She herself helped twenty-two women emigrate before attending the 1861 Social Sciences conference, when she appealed for help in establishing a new society to these ends. The Female Middle Class Emigration Society (FMCES) was therefore founded in May 1862 at 12 Portugal Street by a group which included Maria Rye, Jane E. Lewin, Emily Faithfull and Elizabeth (Bessie) Rayner Parkes, with the fund-raising assistance of Barbara Bodichon and with Lord Shaftsbury as its first president. Its stated aims were to assist middle class women who did not benefit from the government sponsorship for which working class women were eligible. Financed by public subscription and private donation, the society aimed to provide interest-free loans to enable educated women to emigrate. In addition, it established contacts at both departure and arrival points (mainly colonial ports). The first party, which included Maria Rye, was sent out to New Zealand in the autumn of 1862. At this point, Jane Lewin took over as Secretary, running the organisation from Sep 1862. Difficulties arose when it became clear that employers wanted working class domestics rather than middle-class governess and Rye, on her return in 1865, left to work with the emigrating working class with a particular interest in children's emigration. Lewin continued to concentrate on recruiting educators. In 1872, a further appeal for financial help was issued as the restricted funds which the society had at its disposal were limiting the number of emigrants being sent abroad. Lewin retired as secretary in 1881 to be replaced by Miss Strongitharm. The Female Middle Class Emigration Society was never a wealthy organisation and from 1884 to 1886 the funds were administered by the Colonial Emigration Society (CES) under Miss Julia Blake, its Secretary. The FMES was officially absorbed into the CES in 1886. In 1892 arrangements were made for the United British Women's Emigration Association to administer the loan fund. In 1908 Miss Lewin retired, and the Female Middle Class Emigration Society's later history is bound up with the British Women's Emigration Association.

Geoffrey Haines Collection
GB 0347 D104 · Collection · 1899-1981

The collection is comprised mainly of twenty-six volumes of Notes and Recollections written by Geoffrey Haines. He began writing the volumes in 1969. Each volume contains a biographical account of his life and other interests from his birth in 1899 onwards. The last volume in 1981 continues until ill health forced him to stop. His wife Olive Haines continues the diary until Geoffrey's death in September 1981. The volumes contain accounts of his work, family life, his role as an Air Raid Warden in Putney in World War Two, holidays, his involvement with the Masons and particularly his interest in trains and rare coins. His wife Olive was Mayor of Wandsworth from 1956-1957 and the volumes describe in detail Olive's work with the council and duties carried out in her role as Mayor. The volumes are illustrated with newspaper cuttings, photographs, postcards and other items of ephemera. The collection also contains two books concerning rare coins.

Please contact the Archive for further information.
GB 0120 MSS.2498-2499 · c 1760

Anonymous student's lecture notes, the manuscripts, written largely in the same hand, have been assigned to Estienne Louis Geoffroy. Produced in Paris, [1760].

[ Geoffroy , Estienne Louis , 1725-1810 , medical student ]
GB 0098 KG · Created 1876-1996 (ongoing)

Records of the Department of Geology of Imperial College, 1876-1996, including histories and notes on the department, [1851]-1996; papers relating to courses, 1878-1949, comprising notes, 1896-1942, including laboratory work, 1878-1883; courses for teachers, 1895-1908; lectures and addresses by Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1942-1949; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981, concerning grants, headship, transfer of the department, courses; newletters, 1969-1995; research report, 1988; papers of Professors' and Heads of Sections' Meetings, 1969-1988; papers of historical interest accumulated by the department, 1876-1964, including Professorial correspondence, 1876-1916; departmental reports, 1907-1930; financial papers, 1906-1936; war work, 1914-1919; papers of Professor Percy George Hamnall Boswell, 1932-1960; Professor Charles Gilbert Cullis, 1923-1937; Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1944-1964 (KG);
papers relating to Geochemistry, concerning the opening of new laboratories, 1956; Wolfson Foundation grant, 1978 (KGC); items from the Murchison Museum, [1773-1825] (KGM); papers relating to Geophysics, including correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Royal Society concerning the foundation of a postgraduate school, 1929-1943; leaflet, 1956 (KGP3); papers relating to Oil Technology (KGO).

Royal School of Mines Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Geometry treatise
GB 0096 MS 397 · 18th century

Manuscript volume containing an eighteenth century treatise on geometry, entitled 'Geometrie Pratique'. The chapter headings are: 'Livre premier: des logarithmes', 'Livre II: De la trigonometrie rectiligne', 'Livre IV: De la construction des figures', 'Livre V: De la longimetrie', 'Livre VI: De la planimetrie', 'Livre VII: De la stereometrie'.

GB 0074 CLC/B/094 · Collection · 1846-1897

Records of George Attenborough and Son, pawnbrokers and jewellers, comprising receipt books of items pawned and sales book.

George Attenborough and Son , pawnbrokers and jewellers
GB 0074 CLC/B/095 · Collection · 1862-1956

Records of George Barber and Son Limited, printers, consisting of ledgers and cash books, as well as letterbooks. The records are held offsite, and therefore require 24 hours notice for access.

George Barber and Son Ltd , printers
O/524 · Collection · 1952

Reminiscences of attending George Green's School, Poplar, in the 1880s. Written by G.N. Kent in 1952.

George Green's School , Poplar
GB 0120 MSS.5421-5422 · 1647-1924

Autograph letters and documents collected by George Grey Turner, 1647-1924. Details of the writers included can be found in the descriptions of the individual manuscripts.

Turner , George Grey , 1877-1951 , surgeon x Grey Turner , George
George III Museum
GB 0100 KCLCA K/MUS · [1768-1970]

The collection comprises manuscript notebooks, printed pamphlets, correspondence, a minute book, and photographic and other catalogues, 1768-1970. These notably include notebooks containing descriptions and viewing data relating to astronomical observations carried out at Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, on behalf of King George III, with a printed pamphlet by Nevil Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal, entitled Observations of the transit of Venus over the Sun, 1768-1769; manuscript notebook containing measurements recorded during a test of the accuracy of the H5 chronometer designed by John Harrison, 1772; manuscript notebooks recording daily temperature, barometric, hygrometric and rainfall readings taken at Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, 1773-1840; a printed pamphlet by George Atwood, Fellow of the Royal Society, entitled A Supplement to 'A treatise on the construction and properties of arches' (London, 1804), with manuscript dedication to King George III and related correspondence, 1804-1805; a folio signature book of visits by dignitaries to the George III Museum, 1843-1929; manuscript diary describing the work of the George III Museum including the upkeep of equipment and use of exhibits in experiments, 1850-1880; manuscript minutes of the George III Museum Committee charged with managing the collection, 1880-1885; catalogues relating to the collection, [1841-1970]; correspondence by George Calver, astronomer, relating to telescope design, 1897; series of copper plates and labels advertising the George III Museum, [1841-1926].

George III Museum Kew Observatory, Richmond
GB 0074 CLC/B/059-02 · Collection · 1915-1938

Ledger of George Nicholas and Son, wine merchants.

George Nicholas and Son , wine merchants
George Orwell Papers
GB 0103 ORWELL · Collection · 1875-[1997]

Papers of and relating to George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair), 1875-[1997], comprising manuscripts and typescripts, 1917-1959 (Ref: A); literary notebooks, 1939-[1949] (Ref: B); Spanish Civil War material, 1936-1939 (Ref: C); general notebooks, 1943-[1950] (Ref: D); political diaries, 1938-1942 (Ref: E); domestic diaries, 1938-1948 (Ref: F); letters from Orwell, 1911-1949 (Ref: G); letters to Orwell, 1928-1950 (Ref: H); associated material, 1935-1949 (Ref: I); personalia, 1903-1971 (Ref: J); Eileen Blair papers [1920s]-1967 (Ref: K); family papers, 1875-1968 (Ref: L); posthumous material, 1950-1972 (Ref: M); proofs, 1932-1953 (Ref: N); radio scripts, 1943-1957 (Ref: O); adaptation scripts and screenplays of Orwell's work, 1952-1986 (Ref: P); documentary scripts, 1946-1983, of recorded interviews about Orwell (Ref: Q); audio-visual cassettes, 1983-[1997], about Orwell and his work (Ref: R); Sonia Orwell papers, 1937-1977 (Ref: S); photographs, 1893-1984 (Ref: T).

Blair , Eric Arthur , 1903-1950 , novelist and journalist known as George Orwell
GB 0074 ACC/2305/52 · Collection · 1907-1966

Records of George Raggett and Sons Limited, brewers, including Directors' and general meeting minutes; certificate of incorporation; correspondence related to balance sheets, accounts and liquidation and private ledger.

George Raggett and Sons Ltd , brewers
George Rowe
GB 0347 D154 · Collection · 1930s-1980s

Papers relating to Councillor George Rowe. Most of the material relates to the running of the South Western Herald, a Labour Party newspaper for which Rowe was Chairman, 1946-1952. Other papers include material from Rowe's time as Housing Committee Chairman and his work for the Council. Also includes newspaper cuttings relating to Rowe's career in the Council.

Please contact the Archive for further information
LMA/4086 · Collection · 1957-1962

Registers of marriages, George Street Congregational Church, Croydon, 1957-1962.

Congregational Church of England and Wales
GB 0096 AL496 · Fonds · 1920

Telegram from George V of Sandringham, [Norfolk] to [Hardinge Stanley Giffard], Earl of Halsbury, 25 Jan 1920. Offering congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Halsbury being called to the Bar.

George V , 1865-1936 , King of Great Britain and Ireland
GB 0074 CLC/B/096 · Collection · 1879-1932

Records of George White and Company, tea and rubber brokers, comprising ledgers.

George White and Co , tea and rubber brokers
George, Henry: letter (1891)
GB 0096 AL51 · Fonds · 1891

Letter from Henry George of 327 East 19th Street, New York to Swan Sonnenschein and Co, 16 Sep 1891. Relating to the publication of his The Condition of Labor: an Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII.

Autograph, with signature.

George , Henry , 1839-1897 , political economist
GB 0120 MSS.8264-8268 · early 20th century

Notes and reports by Catherine Georgievsky, chiefly on Czechoslovakia comprising, reports on medical history collection and museums in Czechoslovakia, inspected over three visits, 1933-1935; notes on Dr John Dee (1527-1608) and Edward Kelley (1555-1597), with particular regard to their stay in Bohmeia (establishing Kelley's date of death as 1597 and not 1595), 1932-1935; notes on watering places of Czechoslovakia, 1932-1935; Letterbook recording letters sent from Prague concerning acquisitions, 1932-1933; notes on Prague: report on Franzensbad: St John Nepomuk: 2 copies (second lacking note on St John Nepomuk), 1932.

Georgievsky , Catherine , 1898-1944
Gerald Duckworth and Co Ltd
GB 0096 MS 959 · c1933-1998

The collection, 1936-58, comprises general correspondence files containing letters dealing with a wide variety of matters that affected the publishing house. Many deal with the ephemeral day to day matters of Duckworth, such as the canvassing and selection of manuscripts, and the depression of the book trade as a result of the rise of Fascism, while other issues are broader responses to the politics of the time. The files contain considerable correspondence between the publisher and its authors although this is often of an ephemeral nature.

Many of the firm's records were destroyed as a result of enemy action in 1942 and in a fire in 1953, meaning that there are no records of sales or any accounts of the firm, beyond some invoices and receipts from the 1950s. An earlier fire in 1929 destroyed many of the records of the firm, and the general correspondence occasionally makes reference to the firm's inability to consult their early correspondence in response to enquiries.

A second deposit of files made in August 1998 (reference MS959B) contains files of press-cuttings and journal reviews, c1970s-80s, relating to books published by Duckworth as well as 'Author Files' and papers of former Managing Director, Colin Haycraft. ncludes files on Penelope Fitzgerald, A. N. Wilson, Nicholas Kaldor, Brian Redhead, A.L. Rowse, Ernie Wise, Michael Dummett, Kenny Everett, Kenneth Dover, A. J. Ayer, Mary Beard, John Toshack, Francis Wyndham, Jack Trevor Story, John Vaizey, Ronald Dworkin, Quentin Crisp, Herbert Butterfield, Louis Blom-Cooper, Roy Porter, Geoffrey Grigson, John Sparrow, Rachel Kempson, and Isaiah Berlin.

Gerald Duckworth and Co Ltd
GB 1556 WL 735 · Collection · 1934-1941

Correspondence relating to Gerechtigkeit, 1934-1941, including correspondence from staff at Gerechtigkeit regarding raising funds for the distribution of the paper and comments regarding an article in Der Stürmer ('The Stormtrooper') about Gerechtigkeit and Irene Harand. Note from Professor E J Cohn concerning the Austrian Office, a body supported by the bulk of Austrian liberals, the Austrian legitimists and some Austrian socialists.

Gerechtigkeit offices
GB 1556 WL 1273 · Collection · 1939-1957

Papers of German Confessional Church, 1939-1957, relate to racial origins and aryanism within the German Confessional Church and comprise copies of correspondence including a letter from the temporary directorate of the German Evangelical Church to its regional administrations asking that clergymen submit proof of their Aryan origin, 1939; letter to the temporary directorate of the German Evangelical Church from Alberz and Böhm regarding emigration of those who are non-aryan or related to non-aryans from the German Confessional Church, 1939, and a letter from Alfred Wiener to Pastor Niemoeller, 1957.

German Confessional Church
GB 0366 GER · Collection · 1943-1958

Records of German Educational Reconstruction, 1943-1958, including minutes; correspondence, administrative and policy files; bulletins, reports and memoranda; files on conferences, meetings and group visits; material relating to a wide range of other organisations; and press cuttings and collected publications.

German Educational Reconstruction
German election material
GB 1556 WL 1405 · 1896-1933

The German election material collection consists of election propaganda covering the era of the Weimar Republic, especially the final years. There are many flyers from the NSDAP, but also other parties, like the Zentrum, the SPD and the KPD.

Roedner , Helmut , fl 2002
ACC/2597 · Collection · 1858-1998

Register of baptisms, 1858-1902; register of marriages, 1860-1914 (in German); and index to marriage register providing a partial translation, compiled 1998.

German Evangelical Church , Islington
GB 1556 WL 570 · Collection · 1943-1945

Microfilm of correspondence and papers regarding the fate of Jews in Slovakia, 1943-1945, chiefly between the German Foreign and Security offices in Berlin and representatives of the regime in Pressburg (Bratislava), including letters from Karl Adolf Eichmann, SS-Obersturmbannführer. Correspondence chiefly dates from after the Slovak National Uprising, Aug-Oct 1944, which had included a relatively high percentage of Jews.

German Foreign and Security offices, Berlin
German Hospital
SBHG · Fonds · 1843-1971

Comprises: Engineering Department; Administrative records; Financial records; Estate and property records; Postcards; Photographs; Internal publications; Medical Committee; Nursing records; Medical Photography/Illustration Department; Medical records; Pathology records; League of Friends; Nurses League; Staff records; Operating theatre registers; External Publications.

The German Hospital
GB 1556 WL 1129 · Collection · c1933-c1939

Papers concerning the suicide and murder of German Jewish doctors, c 1933-c 1939, comprising a list detailing the names of such individuals.

GB 1556 WL 1532 · 1930s

Reports of the German Jewish presence in Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil in the 1930s.

Central British Fund for the Relief of German Jewry x World Jewish Relief
German Jewish Organisations
GB 1556 WL 603 · Collection · 1930s

Original and mimeographed documents relating to Jewish organisations in Germany in the 1930s, including correspondence of the lawyer, Willy Katzenstein, leader of the Bielefeld Jewish community, including correspondence referring to the formation of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland in 1933, and to the dispute between the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin and the Reichsvertretung, Jun 1937; reports, minutes and curriculum details of the Israelitische Gartenbauschule, Ahlem; minutes, memoranda and circulars of the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin; papers on other Jewish communal organisations including the community of Görlitz, the Preussicher Landesverband and the Verband Bayerischer Israelitischer Gemeinden; letter from the Weltverband Für Sabbathschutz to Alfred Wiener, 27 Feb 1933, enclosing a 10 day report of the organisation's activities, 8 Jan 1933; papers on Jewish schooling, 1933-1938 and circulars distributed by Nationaler Verlag (Joseph Garibaldi Huch), Berlin concerning the pamphlet 'Gerechtigkeit', 1932-1933.

GB 1556 WL 601 · Collection · 1926-1933

Reichsvertretung der jüdischen Landesverbände and Preussische Landesverband jüdischer Gemeinde, representative organisations of German Jews, 1926-1933: Constitutions and draft constitutions; minutes of meetings; correspondence.

Reichsvertretung der jüdischen Landesverbände Preussische Landesverband jüdischer Gemeinde
German Jews in Austria
GB 1556 WL 918 · Collection · 1933-1934

Papers concerning German Jews in Austria, 1933-1934, notably reports of the Österreichischen Hilfskomitee für deutsche Juden, outlining the plight of German Jews in Austria, 1933-1934; correspondence between Lord Melchett and Leo Bakstansky; letter from the Hilfskomitee to the Haut Commissariat pour les réfugiés Provenant d'Allemagne, saying that they cannot continue to give financial support to the refugees from Germany and copy of a letter to the Israelitische Allianz zu Wien saying that the allocations committee of the British Fund for German Jewry cannot make a grant to them, 1934.

GB 1556 WL 558b · Collection · 1936-1939

This microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-Second World War propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, 1936-1939, including reports, publications, leaflets and transcript of a radio broadcast: Hitler's speech to the Winter help, 10 Oct 1938; chiefly produced by the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.

ACC/1473 · Collection · 1701-1820

Records of the German Reformed Saint Paul's Church, 1701-1820, including resolutions of King Frederick I of Prussia, petitions and correspondence relating to finding a site for the church and appointing and paying a chaplain, 1701-1791 and address of condolence on deaths of George III and Duke of Kent, 1820.

German Reformed Saint Paul's Church, London x German Evangelical Reformed Church
ACC/1767 · Collection · 1936-1982

Records of the German Reformed Saint Paul's Church, 1936-1982, including histories of the church, programmes for events and photographs of a festival dinner for organist Eric Seymour.

German Reformed Saint Paul's Church, London x German Evangelical Reformed Church
German Religious Poem
GB 0103 MS GERM 13 · 17th century

Manuscript poem, 17th century, 'Himmelfahrt Der Ordensleute' (ascension of orders), in rhyming couplets. Folio 1r bears an inscription dated 1660, describing the text as a humorous poem on the meeting of the Roman Catholics, Jesuits, monks, etc, with the apostle Peter at the celestial gates, probably unpublished. On the last leaf (f 5v) a copper engraving is pasted, depicting the Rhine and Main from Cologne to Würzburg, and on the water boats full of Jesuits, apparently fleeing. A single Jesuit toils along the river bank with his sack full of treasures belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, which are being lost en route.

GB 0103 MS GERM 6 · 17th century

Anthology of religious poems, 17th century, including penitential prayers and verse meditations on the joys of the next world. Following an introduction (ff 1r-6v), the text from folio 7r is in verse. With marginal references to passages in the Bible, written in the authoress' own hand, throughout the text. Her identity is not revealed, except that her Christian name was Doroteha, and, given references in the introduction to her grandchildren and other relations, she probably wrote the book in later life. With the name Jacobs Himmelsleiter inside the front cover.

The vellum in which the volume is bound bears on the outside front cover traces of 13th-century text, with the heading ET VIGILIA.

German soldiers' letters
GB 1556 WL 1470 · Collection · 1942

German soldiers' letters collection, 1942, comprises various Feldpost letters of different German Wehrmacht soldiers to their families, January-November 1942. These include a letter announcing the death of a soldier in Stalingrad; envelopes with stamps showing Adolf Hitler; an envelope which doubles as a folded map, presumably showing a part of Russia and a photograph of Wehrmacht-soldier in Russia.

GB 1556 WL 794 · Collection · 1934-1942

Copies of letters from German trade organisations outlining the extent and nature of their antisemitic measures, 1934-1935, including letter from the Handwerkskammer, Halle, stating that Jews will no longer employ Jewish apprentices, 1 Nov 1934; letter from the Buch und Tiefdruck- Gesellschaft stating that no books including scholarly works by Jewish authors are to be advertised, 6 Nov 1934; letter from the Bund deutscher Friseure stating that no German master is obliged to supervise the final examination of a Jewish apprentice, 12 Dec 1934; letter from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Ludwigshafen, stating that there is to be no socialising with Jews, 21 Jan 1935 and letter from Paul Krusenbaum, Blockleiter der NSDAP, on Jewish business restrictions, 8 Feb 1942.

Handwerkskammer Buch und Tiefdruck- Gesellschaft
Bund deutscher Friseure
Deutsche Arbeitsfront Blockleiter der NSDAP
GB 1556 WL 1431 · Collection · 1941-1945

Papers of the Trade Union Centre for German Workers in Great Britain, 1941-1945, comprising newsletters, activity reports and and other material relating to the activities of the Trade Union Centre for German Workers in Great Britain.

The Trade Union Centre for German Workers in Great Britain
GB 1556 WL 571 · Collection · 1942-1943

Microfilm of papers of the Nazi authorities in Yugoslavia, 1942-1943, comprising letters, proclamations and reports of German police units, including an order which explicitly mentions their intention to systematically murder the adult male population of Hrastnigg, Kanker and Zavoden, in former Yugoslavia, and to 're-settle' the remaining population.

Police Batallion 93 Police Batallion 322 Reserve Police Batallion 109
GB 1556 WL 591 · Collection · 1930s-1960s

Letters, personal accounts and short articles relating to German Youth Movements from the 1930s through to the 1960s, including 'Kurz Chronik des Bundes der 'Adler & Falken'', by Leopold Harhammer, Feb 1961; 'Die Akademischer Vereinigung Marburg (ab 1955 'Akademische Vereinigung Sodalitas Philippina') 1912 bis 1961', by Wolfgang Kroug, 1961; 'Meine Errinerungen an die Gründung des Bundes Deutscher Wanderer', by Ferdinand Goebel, 1955, and other papers relating to Goebel; letter from leaders of Deutsche Freischar and Schlesische Jungmannschaft to NSDAP, Berlin, 8 May 1933; letter from Heinz Weitzel on the origin of the name Deutsche Freischarr, 18 Sep 1961; Gestapo proscriptions of the Reichsschaft deutscher Pfadfinder, Berlin, May-Jun 1934; 'Errinerungen an Hermann Lietz', by Gustav Wyneken; 'Zur Geschichte Reichsschaft deutscher Pfadfinder', by Heino Kössling; 'Lebensformen und Gestalt der Sächsischen Jungenschaft der Deutschen Freischar', by H.R. Kügler; 'Anschuldigungen und Beschimpfungen gegen die bündische Jugend durch den Reichsjugendführers [ie. Baldur von Schirach] und seine Entgegnung', by Erich Schulz and 'Aufbau, Bewegung und Organisation eines Pfadfinderbundes' with plan, by Karl Wappen.

GB 1556 WL 740 · Collection · 1922-1930

Papers on German Jewish youth organisations, chiefly the Deutsch- Jüdischen Wanderbund, including newsletters, which shed some light on the movement's ideological position, and ephemera, 1 Dec 1922-
26 Feb 1925. Also a report of a discussion evening organised by Arbeitskreis religiöser Jugend für den Frieden, a Berlin-based organisation, attended by representatives and members of various religious groups, 27 May 1930 and advertisement for the Jewish youth advice service, Jüdische Jugendberatung Hamburg.

Deutsch-Jüdischen Wanderbund
Germany: Revolution of 1848
GB 0097 SR 1152 · 1848-1862

Collection of ephemera relating to the German Revolution of 1848, 1848-1862, including official announcements, party documents, posters and manuscript letters.

GB 0074 CLC/B/097 · Collection · 1856-1993

The records of the National Discount Company Limited, discount bankers, comprise minutes, lists of directors and chairmen, accounts, papers and photographs. The majority of the archives date from the latter years of the company's operations; much earlier material was destroyed in accordance with the company's policy on non-current records (see Ms 18199). However, some classes of record survive complete from 1856.

The records of Gerrard and National Limited, discount bankers, comprise accounts, correspondence and papers.

Gerrard and National Ltd , discount bankers National Discount Co Ltd , discount bankers Gerrard and National Discount Co Ltd , discount bankers
GB 0074 ACC/0517 · Collection · 1567-1623

Papers relating to property owned by the Gerrard (or Gerard) family in Harrow, including quitclaims, feoffment, bargain and sale, gifts and acquittance.

Gerrard , family , of Harrow on the Hill
GB 0074 ACC/0924 · Collection · 1580-1777

Records of the Gerrard family, comprising documents relating to property ownership and transfer. Premises mentioned are in Greenford, Roxeth, Northolt and the City of London.

Gerrard , family , of Harrow