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Archival description
GB 0074 F/PCK · Collection · 1895-1957

Records of individuals and other bodies relating to Arthur's Club (Note these records are not those kept by the Club itself). The collection consists of records of Anthony Horatio Packe relating to his membership including correspondence regarding membership, typed circulars sent to members, rules of the club, and papers relating to the sale and closure of the club; records of Stanley Ledger, Night Porter giving his appointment and references; and Club Library catalogue.

Arthur's Club , member's club
GB 0096 MS 551 · [1872]

Incomplete manuscript article on Thomas Lovell Beddoes containing '...a short review of of Beddoes [other than Death's Jest Book] together with a selection from some of their finest passages'. It was written, by an author unknown, as a supplement to Thomas Forbes Kelsall's article on Beddoes in the Fortnightly Review of 1872, Vol 18, pp.51-75. Although intended for the same journal it appears not to have been published either there or elsewhere.

GB 0096 MS 853 · 1842-1843

Transcript of a series of articles that appeared in the Athenaeum, 1842-1843, giving itineraries and descriptions of monuments that could be visited in day excursions by railway from London, the first headed 'The Bye Paths of England' and signed 'M' (Athenaeum, 1842, pp.634-5), the others headed 'Days' Excursions out of London' (Athenaeum, 1843, pp.715-7, 736-7, 754-6, 819-20, 882-4, 904-6).

Articles on tea and sugar
GB 0096 MS 883 · 18th century

Copies of articles written in the 18th century:

  1. 'The Natural History of Tea', beginning: 'Tea, which throws some people into vapours, affects their complexion...'. The article cites as authorities 'Dr. Waldsmith' [Johannes Waldschmid?], and 'Dr. Hermenane', and refers to directions for making tea 'on pp.123, 124, and 161 on the first volume of this magazine'.
  2. 'Historical and Medical Observations on Sugar', beginning: 'Sugar was originally the product of the East Indies'.
GB 0074 ACC/0468 · Collection · 1869-1882

Plan of Dovecote Estate in Hornsey, 1882, with one sheet from the Ordnance Survey map of London, 1869-1872.

The Artizans, Labourers, and General Dwellings Company Limited
GB-70-tga-20042 · 1960s-1990s

Records of the Artist Placement Group (APG), [1960-1999]. Including files relating to: their approaches and placements within industry and government departments; the APG's involvement with art colleges, galleries, universities and artists' groups; lectures and symposia; correspondence with artists; the day-to-day running of the Group; publications, press and publicity; audiovisual material and photographs.

The Artist Placement Group (APG)
GB 0074 CLC/114 · Collection · 1810-1990

Records of the Artists' Annuity and Benevolent Fund, including records relating to the establishment of the fund, and joint records of both branches; records of the Annuity Fund; records of the Benevolent Fund; and records relating to John Pye, a founder member of the fund.

Artists' Annuity and Benevolent Fund
GB 0074 LMA/4054 · Collection · 1909-1987

Records of the Artists League of Great Britain, formerly the Imperial Arts League. The records relate mainly to the administration of the league. The earliest material are the council minutes from 1909. There are also files of individual members; especially interesting is the file of Sydney Cockerell, bookbinder, which includes samples of hand made end-papers. Also of interest are the subject files on sketching and painting in war time (1915-1942) and a file of newspaper cuttings (1939-1940) concerning exhibitions and bequests during the war.

Artists League of Great Britain x Imperial Arts League
Artists' Suffrage League
GB 106 2ASL · Fonds · 1905-1912

Papers of the Artists' Suffrage League, 1905-1912, including correspondence, drawings, cartoons, prints, poster, postcard, programmes and their covers, notices press clippings, album of designs by Mary Lowndes.

Artists' Suffrage League
Arundel Manuscripts
GB 0377 ARUNDEL MANUSCRIPTS · Collection · c1200-1700

Mostly Chronicles and Histories, some with a connection with heralds, with most volumes containing compilations

Arundel MS 1 - Compilation in 14th-century hand. Once belonged to John Dee, who has annotated it. Contains: material concerning world history, mostly taken from Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon, including a world map; short history of Jerusalem, by Jacques de Vitry; History of Geoffrey of Monmouth; De ortu Hyberniensium; Historia brevis Francorum ab eorum origine ad An 1214; William of Jumièges' Gesta Normannorum Ducum; book of Saints Joachim and Anne, concerning the birth of the Virgin Mary; translation of account of destruction of Troy; extract from St Jerome's contra Jovinianum; works concerning Alexander the Great, including forged letters by him; Latin translation of the History of Apollonius, King of Tyre (In civitate Anthiochie); St Anselm's Elucidarium; St Jerome on the Antichrist; list of the cities of the world; Vision of St Thomas Becket, in which the Virgin Mary gave him the ampulla of oil with which the kings of England were to be anointed. On last blank leaf is a note of the death of King Edward IV and the note: 'Cronica quondam Thom[a]e Walmesford'

Arundel MS 2 - 15th-century copy of Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon

Arundel MS 3 - Acts of John of Whethamstede, Abbot of St Albans

Arundel MS 4 - 14th-century copy of Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon

Arundel MS 5 - compilation of the 15th century. Once belonged to John Fox, the martyrologist. Contains: Scala Mundi, with History to 1469 and Chronology to 1619; Chronicle of Popes and Emperors: Popes continue to Benedict XII, Emperors as far as conflict between Guelphs and Ghibellines; Chronicle concerning deeds of Britons and Angles, down to 1471; Tabula succincte elaborata super scala mundi, extending only to name Valerianus

Arundel MS 6 - 14th-century. Once belonged to Brother John of Erghom, then to Sir Edward North. Contains: Bishop Freculph's Universal History; John Tayster's Chronicle from the beginning of world to 1287; tract apparently by Erghom, from the coming of the English to 1357

Arundel MS 7 - 15th-century copy of Thomas Walsingham's History from Edward I to Henry V. With 16th-century insertions between pages 202 and 203 and at the end, including two letters of Edward III to the Pope, with answers

Arundel MS 8 - 15th-century volume containing: Brut Chronicle to the end of reign of Henry V; Legend of St Michael; Life of St Thomas Becket

Arundel MS 9 - two manuscripts bound together:

1) f.1r - 13th-century Greek-Latin Glossary or Lexicon

2) f.56r - one page listing those who came to England with William the Conqueror, copied from John Brampton's Annals but with errors; f.59 - early 13th-century copy of Nicholas Trivet's Annals of Kings who descended from the Counts of Anjou in the male line

Includes pen and ink drawings of Kings Stephen (f.58r), Henry II (f.92r), and Edward I (f.106r).

Also includes descents of Earls of Provence, and Sanctius, Earl of Aragon, drawn by Thomas Howard on leaves at the beginning of the volume

Arundel MS 10 - 13th-century chronicles from birth of Christ:

f.1r - List of Popes, Archbishops, and Bishops of England and Scotland, with notes about customs of Church of Rome concerning Cardinals etc.

f.18r - Chronicle of Popes, Emperors and Kings from commencement of Christian era to end of 12th century

f. 39r - Chronicle from Birth of Jesus Christ to beginning of reign of Henry III, and continued by other hands to 1309

f.114r - De Ortu Religionum

Also includes two metrical prophecies, in 15th-century hand, at beginning of volume, with a note below that Dr Griffin, Dean of Lincoln, was convented in 1590 for preaching unsound doctrine.

At end of volume: 'J de Wangeford', in 13th-century hand

Arundel MS 11 - 13th-century volume, containing:

f.1r - Universal Chronicle, by Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall. Includes letter from Saladin to the Emperor Frederick

f.15r - Short tract on the Dukes of Normandy and Kings of England

f.17r - Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] Niger, with additions by Ralph of Coggeshall

f.40r - Short Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall, 1113-1158

f.44r - Tales about the Emperor Justinian

f.45r - Short Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall, 1065-1225

f.51r - Great Chronicle of Radulphus [Ralph] of Coggeshall, 1066-1223 (ends abruptly)

On last leaf, beside a note on the voyage of Edward III in 1337, and a short note in French on the London weights and monies, is a Latin poem of 28 lines on the game of chess, written in the 13th century

Arundel MS 12 - 15th-century Life of King Henry V, written for Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, with his arms in the illuminated capital

Arundel MS 13 - Two manuscripts bound together:

1)f.1r - 15th-century copy Deeds of the Kings of England by William of Gisseburn

2)f.111r - 13th-century Commentary on the Prologues to the Bible ascribed to St Jerome

Arundel MS 14 - Early 14th-century compilation, containing:

f.1r - Wace's Brut

f.93r - continuation of the Brut, to the death of William Rufus, by Geoffrey Gaimar

f.125r - Lai de Haveloc

f.133r - Piers [Peter] de Langtoft's Life of King Edward I

f.148r - List of the British, Saxon, and Norman Kings

f.150r - Romance of Perceval le Galois

Arundel MS 15 - mid 15th-century copy of Thomas of Elmham's Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti Anglorum Regis. This copy by Roger Walle (d. 1488 as Archdeacon of Coventry)

Arundel MS 16 - Late 13th-century section (46 folios) of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English-Speaking Peoples

Arundel MS 17 - Two manuscripts bound together:

1) Copy of the Liber Niger Domus Regis Angliae, id est, Domus Angliae sive Aulae Regiae Regis Edw[ard] IV. This copy made in time of King Henry VIII

2) Articles of King Henry VIII, 13 Feb. 1525/6, concerning the ordering and service of his chambers and the duties of his officers and servants of the same

Arundel MS 18 - Two chronicles, first half of 14th century:

p.1 - Chronicle from death of Edward I to 1320

p.14 - Annals of Adam Murymuth

Arundel MS 19 - 15th-century Chronicle of London. Belonged to the 16th-century antiquarian Robert Hare

Arundel MS 20 - 14th-century manuscript by John of London, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, possibly an autograph copy. Containing:

Unnumbered pages at front - astronomical Calendar, and Chronology from Creation to 1316 (written in 1325)

f.1r - Chronicle from the Conquest of England to the death of Edward I

f.82r - Tract on the death of Edward I, inscribed to Queen Margaret

f.91r - Continuation of the same Chronicle, with, at f.94, copy of judgement against Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, in 1321, from letters patent of inspeximus

Arundel MS 21 - 15th-century volume on the Order of the Toison d'Or

Arundel MS 22 - 14th-century English metrical romance of the Battle of Troy. Containing:

f.1r - Metrical romance, beginning: Syth god tyhys worle had wroght / Heven and Erthe al thyng of noght / Fele aventures havet be falle / We that now levyn con noght telle alle

f.8v - Translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History into English, by 'Maister Gnaor'. Translation much larger than Geoffrey of Monmouth's, with many interpolations.

Bound with this manuscript are two leaves of a lectionary from the Gospels of the 9th or 10th century. At beginning and end are 3 leaves from an ornate 14th-century Psalter

Arundel MS 23 - Descent of Edward IV from Adam. 54 pages

Arundel MS 24 - 13th-century volume containing:

f.1r - History of Troy to the death of Cadwalladr

f.19v - the Conquest of England, but also a history of the Dukes of Normandy from son of Rollo to 1216

f.38v - extracts from Ralph of Coggeshall's Chronicle, concerning a boy and girl emerging from the earth

f.39r - St Augustine on the vices and virtues

f.49r - extract from Ralph of Coggeshall's Chronicle concerning marvellous happenings in England

f.51r - extract from Ralph of Coggeshall's Chronicle concerning the castle of Horcola in Armernia Minor

f.51v - the tradition of the Fathers concerning the history of Adam and his successors

f.55v - concerning a wild man captured in the sea (title from Coggeshall)

f.56 - prophecies of Charlemagne

f.57v - concerning the Virgin Mary and the Incarnation of Christ

f.59r - concerning the bread and wine in the Eucharist

f.59v - concerning the virginity of Mary

f.60r - concerning Paradise and Hell; and concerning divine foreknowledge

f.60v - story teaching that the Psalms and prayers for the dead cannot be laid aside

f.61r - story concerning a stupid cleric saved by the Virgin Mary from death, who became accustomed to sing an antiphon to her each morning; other similar subjects

f.63v - tract on the infancy of Christ, attributed to St Jerome

f.76r - medical text: 'Emplastrum ad nervos lesos probatissimum'

Arundel MS 25 - 14th-century compilation by a monk of Durham, including Life of St Cuthbert and excerpts of works relating to St Thomas Becket

Arundel MS 26 - 15th-century volume relating to heralds and on Sir John Fastolf, containing: Statutes of the Order of the Garter; tract on the duties of heralds and the ordering of tournaments; on the manner of making knights; 13 letters under fanciful names, addressed to the most excellent and noble princess Blanche, daughter of the King of England; [A]Eneas de Heraldis, translated into English; judgement in the debate between the Kings of Arms and Sergeants of Arms, given at the Siege of Caen; treaty between Scales, Fastolf and Montgomery for the King, and the men of the fortress of Sille, to bring the Count of Maine to obedience to the King, 1 Oct 1424; Royal Commission granted to Scales etc for those negotiations, given at Rouen, 25 Aug 1424; Fastolf's letter reinstating Laurens de Feugiers as his pursuivant of arms, with the name of Secret, 28 June 1432; Commission of John, Duke of Bedford, to Sir John Fastolf to reduce the Duchy of Anjou and County of Maine, constituting him Governor, 11 Mar 1424

Arundel MS 26X, or HDN 26X - 16th-century Statutes and Ordinances of the Order of the Garter. From armorial bearings on f.2, appears to have belonged to Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex

Arundel MS 27 - 14th-century copy of metrical romance of Guy, Earl of Warwick. f.130 also contains two fragments of poetry, possibly written by an early owner of the book whose name appears on the back flyleaf, John of Haukeham, Rector of the Church of Flet

Arundel MS 28 - Volume concerning the foundation of the Priory of Merton:

f.1r - History of the foundation of the Priory of Merton in Surrey by Count Gilbert, with his Life and that of Robert, the first Prior

f.14r - Song or Epitaph on the founder, Gilbert

f.14v - Letter of the Venerable Gervase concerning the death of Gilbert

f.18v - Concerning a venerable brother to whom Gervase appeared in a dream

f.19v - Rental of the Manor of the Priory of Merton from Mulsey, renewed on 16 June, 14 Richard 2

Arundel MS 29 - 15th century. Miscellaneous, including: Latin verses; medicinal recipes, including for the dropsy and for a redness of the face that looks like leprosy; extracts relating to Edward the Confessor and King Malcolm of Scotland; Tractatus de arte legendi leges et jura; notes on the antiquity of cities of England; chronological and historical notes; table of moral remedies against the seven deadly sins; chronicle (12 folios) from Nimrod to King Edward III and King Henry IV; proceedings on deposition of King Richard II, copied from the Roll of Parliament; religious treatises, including on the pains of Hell and a tract by St Methodius on the beginning and end of the ages; epistle foretelling conjunction of the planets in 1463 with ensuing calamities; material on Henry V, including list of prisoners taken by him at the Battle of Agincourt and a letter by him to the King of France, with response; account of the creation of three Knights of the Bath at Lambeth in 1416; expenses of a dinner; letter from Theucrum to Pope Pius, with response (1462); prophecy of St Hildegard concerning mendicants

Arundel MS 30 - Late 13th- to early 14th-century compilation by John of Everisden, including: excerpts from histories (including Gildas' Gesta Britonum) and part of the first book of the History of Henry of Huntingdon; material on the history of England, including genealogy of the Saxon kings from Woden and lists of the bishops of the kingdoms of England; description of Ireland; table of grammatical and rhetorical figures; schemes of musical chords and symphonies; Scriptural tables; material on law, including analyses of Gratian's Decretals; (on ff 97r - 208r) a Chronicle in two parts, from the Creation to the end of the fifth age, and from the Christian era to 1335; material on the Virgin Mary; architectural notes, including on church decoration, and the dimensions of the halls of Westminster, York, Newcastle, and Durham, and of the cloisters of Durham and St Edmundsbury.

Note: First 10 and last 9 leaves are examples of older parchment having been erased and written over, with remaining phrases revealing something of the original, including 9th-century codex of Virgil

Arundel MS 31 - 14th-century copy of Brut Chronicle, ending with beheading of Earl of Kent in 1330

Arundel MS 32 - Catalogue de Chevaliers de l'ordre de Sainct Esprit

Arundel MS 33 - Accounts of Receivers of Crown Lands presented to the King's chief auditors from the 7th to the 14th year of King Henry VIII; Surveys of various Manors and Lordships; Liveries of estates to the King's wards; miscellaneous particulars respecting the revenues of the Crown. Apparently collected by John Smyth, Remembrancer of the Exchequer

Arundel MS 34 - A Baronage of England from the Conquest to 1584, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms (d 1593)

Arundel MS 35 - Book of Burials of Nobility (16th century). Entries for 28 noblemen who died between 1559 and 1570. With articles: Lyveries for Noble men at the intierement of every man according to his estate; the decrees of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VII, on what should be worn by women in mourning; the preparations for the funeral of an Earl

Arundel MS 36 - Court Rolls of certain Manors in Kent, Middlesex and Surrey belonging to Abbey of St Peter, Westminster, 1-3 Richard III

Arundel MS 37 - History of Ireland, by St Edmund Campion (1571)

Arundel MS 38 - 16th-century copy of work on Life and Deeds of William the Conqueror, from a book of the monastery of St Stephen at Caen

Arundel MS 39 - 16th-century treatise on King of England's right to the Crown of France and the Duchies of Normandy, Aquitaine, etc.

Arundel MS 40 - Observations and Collections of Thomas Lant, Portcullis, concerning the Office and Officers of Armes, with all the occurrantes,complayntes, quarrelles, and broyles that consequently hath happened in the same, from the day of his Creacion and first entrance into the Office. Lant held the office of Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms between 1588 and 1597

Arundel MS 41 - Late 16th-century tracts collected by John Vowell alias Hoker of Exeter, on Parliament and on Exeter

Arundel MS 42 - copy of description of Principality of Wales, Duchy of Cornwall and Earldom of Chester, dedicated to King James I by John Doddridge, and copy of letters patent of King Edward IV to Prince Edward, relating to the Principality

Arundel MS 43 - History of Richard III by Sir Thomas More, in Latin. Autograph manuscript

Arundel MS 44 - 17th-century work on nobility by Sir William Le Neve, Clarenceux King of Arms

Arundel MS 45 - The Confessio Amantis by John Gower, 15th-century

Arundel MS 46 - Discorso della Nobilta di Firenze e de Fiorentini, 17th-century

Arundel MS 47 - 16th-century compilation concerning the Knights of the Garter

Arundel MS 48 - 'Botoner's Annals': Historical Tracts and Collectanea of William Botoner (alias Wyrcestre) with Sir John Fastolf's original State Papers. Including: various lists of the Kings of Britain, Popes, and Emperors; genealogies of kings, including of the British Kings from Kamber to Rees ap Meredith; excerpts from chronicles; Botoner's Annals; rhyming Latin poem on the Lamentation of King Edward of Caernarvon; supplication of King John of France to King Edward III for release from confinement; peace treaties between England and France; and History of Henry V's Wars in France

Arundel MS 49 - Financial accounts of manors held by Margaret, Countess of Norfolk, 1394, and extracts from the Registers of the Priory of Chacombe

Arundel MS 50 - 16th-century treatise on 'The Order of a Kinges Chamber, and howe a Gentleman Hussher shoulde behave himself', by John Wogan

Arundel MS 51 - Volume containing two manuscripts:

1) 15th-century private memorandum book of Roger Machado, Norroy King of Arms, including: account of funeral of King Edward IV (part missing); financial accounts, including of wine imported in 1484 (in Spanish) and notes of expenses of journeys made to Ghent and Bruges for the Marquis of Dorset, 1485; accounts of Embassy to Spain and Portugal, 1488, and to the Marshal of Brittany, 1490

2) Account of Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey, by George Cavendish, his gentleman usher

Arundel MS 52 History of King James VI of Scotland and I of England - noted as missing in 1946. Note: as W H Black lists only the title of this volume, with no other accompanying information, it may be speculated that he did not see it and it has been missing from the College since at least 1829.

Arundel MS 53 - Late 15th-century pedigree from the Creation to King Alfred, via Patriarchs and Kings of Israel, Dardanus and British Kings, and Woden. Unfinished, probably intended to continue to reigning monarch

Arundel MS 54 - Proceedings in the Court of Chivalry on the case of Appeal between Donald Lord Reay and Sir David Ramsey, charged by him with High Treason, 27 Nov 1631 - 12 May 1632

Arundel MS 55 - Registrum Brevium secundum usum Cancellariae, time of Edward III

Arundel MS 56 - Collection of Statutes, written between 1340 and 1350, ending with note written c.1422, on limitation of writs with respect to times past, ordained by several statutes of Henry III and Edward I

Arundel MS 57 - Late 14th-century, two items:

1) Cursor Mundi, a long poem on Scriptural History, interspersed with legends, and translated from French

2) Richard of Hampole's Prykke of Conscience, a religious poem in seven parts

Arundel MS 58 - History of England, 15th-century: metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester remodelled, with interpolatations, and with additions from the Brut Chronicle, Geoffrey of Monmouth, William of Malmesbury, and other chroniclers. Continued to 1332

Arundel MS 59 - Cartulary of Tutbury Priory, Staffordshire, written in reign of Henry VI

Arundel MS 60 - Cartulary of Augustinian Priory of Novus Locus, Sherwood, Nottinghamshire

Arundel MS 61 - Early 14th-century, Piers [Peter] Langtoft's Chronicle in French Alexandrine verses, from Brutus to the death of Edward I, in 2 parts

Arundel MS 62 - Volume containing two items:

1) The Siege of Caerlaverock. Copied from original Roll by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, in 1587. With banners and shields of knights illuminated in the margins

2) Catalogue of the names and arms of the great princes, noblemen, and knights, English and foreign, with their retinues, who were with King Edward III in his wars in France and Normandy, during the siege of Calais, with the number of ships and men of war. By Ralph Brooke, York Herald, in 1607

Arundel MS 63 - mistakenly renumbered as Arundel MS 26 in the 19th century. The 'new' number has been retained. See 'System of Arrangement' for further details

Arundel MS 64 - A study of the military, in 4 books, by Nicholas Upton, Canon of the Cathedral Churches of Salisbury and Wells. 15th century.

Arundel MS 58 (duplicate number) - A Discoverie of the True Causes why Ireland was never entirely Subdued (1612)

Arundel MS 74 - Informatione Sopra la Regione Della Precedencia

Arundel MS 75 - Garteriados Sive Avrae Periscilides

Arundel MS 90 - Parliaments Held in Dublin, 1605/6

Arundel MS 61 (duplicate number) - Historia di Hispania

Arundel MS 94 - Eadmer, Historia Novorum Monachi Cantuariensis (c. time of William I - Henry I)

Howard , Thomas , 1585-1646 , 14th Earl of Arundel , politician x Arundel , 14th Earl
GB 0074 CLC/B/112-020 · Collection · 1910-1988

Records of Asahan Rubber Estates Limited including articles of association; minute books; annual reports and circulars.

Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from Elementis plc (contact details may be obtained from the Manuscripts enquiry desk).

Asahan Rubber Estates Ltd
GB 0120 GC/187 · 1982

Copy of article by Morris Greenberg, 1982, concerning evidence given by Dr Hubert Montague Murray, MD, FRCP (1855-1907), to the Departmental Committee on Compensation for Industrial Diseases, which contained the first described case of asbestosis; framed asbestosis swabs, 1899, with extracts from correspondence, 1954 and 1966.

Greenberg , Morris , fl 1982-1995
GB 0114 MS0213 · 1816-1842

Papers of Jacob Vale Asbury, 1816-1843, comprising a manuscript volume by Asbury, containing notes of the lectures of John Abernethy given at St Bartholomew's, 25 Jul 1816; notes titled Observations on the Pulse, by Dr Fordyce, 18 Sep 1816; notes titled Lectures on the Principle Operations of Surgery by Sir Everard Home, 1812; notes titled Cases and Original Observations, 1842; tables of statistics on the population of Enfield, and Great Britain; and mathematical calculations on the cubic inches of water in a box.

Asbury , Jacob Vale , fl 1816-1870 , surgeon
GB 0074 P95/ASC · Collection · 1884-1952

Records of the parish of Ascension, Malwood Road, Balham Hill, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; registers of church services; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; Churchwarden's financial accounts and other financial accounts.

Parish of Ascension, Balham Hill , Church of England
GB 0074 O/537 · Collection · 1956

Records relating to the Church of the Ascension, Blackheath, comprising leaflet and photograph regarding a new stained glass window installed in 1956 and designed by Francis Spear.

Church of England , Parish of the Ascension, Blackheath
GB 0074 DRO/105 · Collection · 1939-1975

Records of the parish of the Ascension, Hanger Hill, comprising registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage, confirmations and church services; and minute books of the Vestry and Parochial Church Council.

Parish of the Ascension, Hanger Hill , Church of England
GB 0074 P97/ASC · Collection · 1899-1942

Records of the parish of the Ascension, Timbercroft Road, Plumstead, comprising minutes of Church Council and Parochial Church Council meetings.

Parish of Ascension, Plumstead , Church of England
Ascherson Collection
GB 0369 ASC · 1975-1985

Papers of (Chalrles) Neal Ascherson relating to Eastern Europe, comprising:
files of news cuttings, press releases and other papers mainly re Poland taken from West European, American and Polish sources. Some files are arranged chronologically and others by subject and they document the rise of Solidarity in Poland, 1979-1984, the imposition of martial law and Poland under martial law, papers on the Church in Poland, 1978-1981, the visit of Pope John Paul II to Poland, June 1983, the Polish economy, 1980-1985. Also contains single files on Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe in general - arranged by subject.

Ascherson , Charles Neal , b 1932 , journalist and author
GB 0099 KCLMA Ash · Created 1873, 1955-1963

Typescript and manuscript texts of fifteen speeches by Ash, mostly after dinner and school and college prize days relating to aspects of RN Electrical Engineering, 1955-1963, notably including apprentices' passing out parade, HMS COLLINGWOOD, Fareham, Hampshire, 1955; Admiralty Electrical Engineering Officers' annual dinner, 1955 and 1957; Devonport Dockyard Technical College prize day, 1956; inaugural address as Chairman to the South Western Sub-Centre, Institute of Electrical Engineers entitled 'Electrical engineering in HM Dockyards', 1958, with typescript copy of memorandum 'Electric firing - torpedoes and torpedo gear', 27 Feb 1873; Trafalgar Night dinner, HMS COLLINGWOOD, Oct 1960; Victoria County Secondary School speech day, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, 1962; Rodway Technical High School speech day, Bristol, 1962; RN and RN Reserve Electrical Officers' reunion dinner, HMS COLLINGWOOD, 1963.

Ash , Walter William Hector , 1906-1998 , Rear Admiral
ASH, Sir Eric, (b 1928)
GB 0098 B/ASH · Created 1986-1990

Papers of Sir Eric Ash, 1986-1990, comprising addresses and speeches, 1986-1990, notably President's inaugural lecture, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1980; lunchtime lectures, 1986, 1990; biographical press cuttings, 1989-1990.

Ash , Sir , Eric Albert , b 1928 , Knight , electrical engineer
GB 0074 CLC/B/015 · Collection · 1895-2001

Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Limited archives comprising minutes, correspondence, accounts, staff registers and photographs. Please note that the White Staff Agreement Registers, 1897-2001 (Ms 35350) contain sensitive personal information and are closed for 75 years.

Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Ltd x AngloGold Ashanti
GB 0074 ACC/0524 · Collection · 1662-1894

Papers relating to property owned by the Ashburnham family, including assignments of lease for premises in the precinct of the dissolved monastery of Westminster [later Ashburnham House, Dean's Yard]; agreements, leases, inventories, valuations and insurance documents for Ashburnham House, Dover Street, Piccadilly; and papers relating to property in Chiswick and Chelsea.

Ashburnham , family , of Ashburnham, East Sussex
GB 0402 SCA · 1894-1899

Notebook of Sir Cromer Ashburnam containing details of a journey from Mombasa to Uganda, 1894, with notes on surveying and lists of kit and typescript copy of letter from Ashburnham to Lady Baker offering to send her Sir Samuel Baker's gun, plus photocopy of original.

Ashburnham , Sir , Cromer , 1831-1917 , Knight , Colonel Colonial Governor
GB 0120 MSS.993-994 · 1705-1740

The first book of horses and the Second book of horses contributed to by a number of different grooms, huntsmen, farriers, etc., but predominately in the hand of Eusebius Ashby.

Ashby , Eusebius , 1662-1741
GB 0074 B/ASB · Collection · 1905-1906

Records of Joshua Ashby and Sons, millers and corn merchants, comprising cash book of "H. Neave, Thornton Heath Round" for Ashby's, providing details of daily deliveries of flour, yeast, wheat, barley, oats, bran, pease etc., to customers in S. Norwood and Croydon districts, and money received, Mar 1905 - Jan 1906.

Joshua Ashby and Sons , millers and corn merchants
GB 106 7MCA · Fonds · 1869-1979

Family correspondence including letters of Charles Corbett, H E Corbett, Marie Corbett, Margery and Cicley (1869-1960); diaries of Margery Corbett (1912, 1930-79); passport (1919); address book; typescript sections of autobiography; papers related to the pre-1914 suffrage movement (1905-1912), First World War (1914-1918), various women s organisations (1915-1978), general elections (1913-1955), papers related to the activities of the International Alliance of Women and international activities (1921-1980).

Ashby , Dame , Margery Irene Corbett , 1882-1981 , feminist and internationalist
GB 0074 ACC/2305/61 · Collection · 1902-1936

Records of Ashby's Staines Brewery Limited, including Directors' attendance book; debenture stockholders' minutes; register of mortgages and directors; compensation fund account book; Directors' reports and accounts, and impersonal ledger.

Ashby's Staines Brewery Ltd Charles Ashby and Co Ltd , brewers
GB 0097 ASHDOWN · Collection · [1970]-2006

Papers of Jeremy John Durham (Paddy) Ashdown, [1970]-1999, including material relating to the working of the Liberal Democrat Party (including files on the merger of the Liberal and Social Democratic Parties in 1988), campaigns, and relations with related Liberal groups, such as campaigning within ethnic minorities, the Liberal Youth and Student Office, the Liberal Movement, the European Liberal Democratic and Reform Parties, and Liberal International; material relating to Social and Liberal Democrat and Liberal Democrat conferences, 1989-1993, comprising programmes, agenda and correspondence; files relating to the administration of party political broadcasts and press releases, 1988-1992; papers relating to general, by, local and European elections, 1988-1993, including the 1991 report on general elections, and the European Election Task Group and ASLDC reports on local government elections; files on parliamentary procedure, 1989-1992; financial and administrative papers of the Liberal Democrat Party, 1986-1992, notably relating to fund raising; material concerning the organisation of local parties, 1988-1993, including those in Scotland and Wales; Liberal Democrat correspondence, 1982-1993, mainly with party members; constituency correspondence, 1985-1994, relating to Yeovil; general correspondence, 1983-1994, with members of the public, on subjects including animal rights, the arts, blood sports, capital punishment, constitutional and electoral reform, defence, education, energy, the environment, Europe, foreign affairs/policy, health, housing, human rights, legal aid, minority rights, the Poll Tax, taxation, trade and industry, and transport; correspondence relating to issues in individual constituencies, 1988-1994; files of information and correspondence on particular subjects, 1984-1993; personal material relating to work by Paddy Ashdown, 1983-1994, including books, articles, speeches and details of programmes; files on the employment of staff in Paddy Ashdown's office, 1984-1992. Also: files created by Ashdown as leader of the Liberal Democrats, c1991-1999 (AccNo: M1981); Paddy Ashdown's diaries, July 1988-April 1997 (AccNo: M3059); personal and party correspondence, 1987-1998 (AccNo: M3322); diaries and emails, 1999-2006 (AccNo: M3348).

Ashdown , Jeremy John Durham (Paddy) , b 1941 , leader of the Liberal Democratic Party
GB 0074 ACC/2305/49 · Collection · 1948-1964

Records of Ashford Valley Cyders Limited, manufacturers of cider, including Directors' meeting and general meeting minutes; memorandum and articles of association; and certificate of incorporation.

Ashford Valley Cyders Ltd , manufacturers of cider
Ashley Correspondence
GB 0103 MS ADD 246 · Created 1893-1914

Letters from various correspondents to Sir William James Ashley, 1893-1914.

Ashley , Sir , William James , 1860-1927 , Knight , economic historian
Ashley, John
GB 0096 MS 279 · [1745-1747]

Manuscript volume containing a memorandum by John Ashley, [1745-1747], headed 'A Proposal to support the British Nation against the ambitious views of France. Humbly offered to the consideration of the Right Honourable Henry Pelham', and suggesting the substitution of a capitation tax on sugar and salt for duties on the products of West Indian plantations as a means of undermining French commercial competitiveness.

Ashley , John , d 1751 , Barbados planter
GB 0101 ICS 84 · c1880-1933

Most of the Ashmead-Bartlett collection are papers of the younger Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (1881-1931), though there are papers relating to his father, Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (1851-1921).
Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett: correspondence - album of letters replying to an appeal for financial assistance for his newspaper England and letters of congratulation on knighthood (1892-93) and album regarding speaking engagements for Conservative Party (1892-93); articles - account of trip to South Africa and Swaziland (1900-01); press cuttings - album on activities (1891-95) and album of obituary notices (1902); miscellaneous items (ref. F/1), including letters, press cuttings, voting card from 1900 election.
Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett - There is a substantial amount of material relating to Ashmead-Bartlett's involvement in the Gallipoli campaign spread throughout the collection, as well as other material relating to the rest of his career: diaries and autobiographical sketches (1897-1925), including descriptions of Turkey (1897), South Africa (1900), France, England (1901) London and visit to West Indies (1902), life in England (1906-09, 1911), Morocco (1908), visits to America and Tripoli (1911), Dardanelles (1915), lecture tour of America, Australia and New Zealand (1916), Hungary (1919-20); correspondence (1892-1930, predominantly 1907-1930), relating mainly to journalistic activities, particularly in the Dardanelles, and with Daily Telegraph and William Burdett-Coutts; articles and writings (1900-1930) written by Ashmead-Bartlett, mainly as war correspondent, but also [unpublished?] material on foreign affairs at Westminster, including his maiden speech to the House of Commons; photographs
(c1890-1930), including Ashmead-Bartlett and family members, and pictures of South Africa, siege of Port Arthur, North Africa, Dardanelles, France, including picture agency material; press cuttings (1908-33) on conflicts which Ashmead-Bartlett reported on; drafts of publications, including The Uncensored Dardanelles and The Tragedy of Central Europe; research material - pamphlets and maps.

Bartlett , Sir , Ellis Ashmead , 1849-1902 , Knight , politician Bartlett , Ellis Ashmead , 1881-1931 , politician, journalist and author
GB 0097 ASHMORE · 1941-1992

Political papers of Lieutenant Commander Brian Ashmore, Liberal parliamentary candidate for Carlisle, 1941-1992, including material relating to Liberal Assemblies, 1950-1965; the Liberal Party Organisation and the Liberal Candidates Association, 1947-1975; the Oxford Liberal Club, 1941-1992; the Carlisle Liberal Association, 1962-1976; the Yorkshire Liberal Federation, 1950-1958; the North West Liberal Federation, 1950-1969; the Radical Reform Group, 1956-1959; the Penrith and Border Liberal Association, 1955-1965; correspondence, leaflets, speech notes, election addresses, campaign bulletins and leaflets, 1952-1974.

Ashmore , Brian , fl 1945-1997 , Lieutenant Commander , Liberal candidate
GB 0074 ACC/2305/74 · Collection · 1866-1932

Records of Ashton Gate Brewery Company Limited, comprising general meeting minute book.

Ashton Gate Brewery Co Ltd Hardwick and Co Ltd , brewers
Ashton, Norman (1913-2000)
GB 0120 PP/ASH · 1924-1998

Papers of Norman Ashton, 1924-1998, including correspondence relating to Ashton's research activities, his acceptance of numerous honours and awards, his duties whilst member of many socieities and institutes, and his activities whilst in various professional posts. Some correspondence from his childhood and teenage years is also included.

Also relating to Ashton's research activities are details of experiments, photographs, reports on findings, and copies of lectures and articles. Many unpublished speeches given at the events of various societies and institutes can also be found.

The collection includes Ashton's practical notebooks from his time as a student at Kings College London, and ephemera relating to his social pursuits in his early years, such as programmes for performances he was involved in, photographs, and illustrations. Also amongst the papers are Ashton's unpublished memoirs, which cover his life from 1913 to 1995.

Ashton , Norman Henry , 1913-2000 , ophthalmologist
GB 0099 KCLMA Ashton · Created 1941-1946

Two reports on ordnance engineering services in Malaya during the period 1941-1942, written by Ashton following the destruction of all records at Malaya Command in 1942, [1946]; papers relating to the above reports, principally comprising Ashton's report to Air Cdre Modin on RAF Senior Training Corps mechanics attached to the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, Malaya, [1942-1943], an account of ordnance engineering services in Malaya during 1941-1942 by the Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (Engineering), 3 Indian Corps, [1942-1946], reports on ordnance services in Malaya during the period 1941-1942, written for Ashton by Capt E J Coulthard, H J Howland and Lt G A Neale, [1946].

Ashton , William Proctor Bell , 1897-1981 , Brigadier
GB 0120 GC/195 · 1945

Report on smallpox epidemic in Nyanza Province, autumn 1945, 'Review of variola major epidemic in Nyanza Province, Kenya', by Dr Ashton of the Church Missionary Society Hospital, Maseno, with 12 photographs of patients.

Ashton , Leigh Perry , 1908-2000 , medical missionary
LMA/4537 · Collection · 1685-1999

Records of Ashurst Morris Crisp, 1685-1999, including partnership agreements; financial records; copy-out letters; client papers, including Fairey Aviation Company Limited and White Waltham Airfield; press cuttings; papers relating to firm's history; staff salary books; correspondence concerning staff matters; papers relating to Ashmor Musical Society; photographs of company dinners and functions; plans and deeds relating to firm's offices at Throgmorton Avenue; papers concerning the Ashurst, Morris and Crisp families.

Green and Ashurst , 1823-1829 x Ashurst and Gainsford , 1835-1840 x Ashurst and Son , 1843-1864 x Ashurst and Morris , 1864-1865 x Ashurst Morris and Company , 1865-1877 x Ashurst Morris Crisp and Company , 1877-2003 x Ashurst LLP , 2003-
Asian travel guide
GB 0096 MS 47 · 1682

Manuscript volume containing a translation from the Flemish of an account of the travels of Mr S van Döelvelt in Asia during 1674, including details of the government, religion and customs of the area. The manuscript is dated 4 Dec 1682.

GB 0064 ASI · Collection · 1878-1968

Papers of the Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Limited comprising a continuous series of minute books from 1878 to 1968 (ASI/1): a similar series of annual accounts to 1965 (ASI/2) and a historical file on the settlement of the freight war (ASI/3).

Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Limited
ASKANASY, Anna Helene
GB 0106 7AHA · Fonds · c 1950

The archive consists of a typescript 'The Catastrophe of Patriarchy', volume 1. Described as a 'critical study of the manner in which women under Matriarchy and men under Patriarchy have sought to solve the problems of Earth, Labour and Love', this volume forms Part I of a work whose complete scope is not indicated. In its six chapters, the 'problems' are set out in historical, biological, religious and economic contexts, with the patriarchal solutions found heavily wanting.

There is an extensive contents list and bibliography: many of the works cited are originally in German.

Askanasy , Anna Helene , fl 1930-1970 , feminist and writer
GB 0074 CLC/B/123-02 · Collection · 1957-1967

Records of Assam and African Investments Limited, including annual reports and financial records.

Assam and African Investments Ltd
GB 0074 CLC/B/123-05 · Collection · 1837-1978

Records of the Assam Company, producers and traders in tea, including papers regarding shareholders; legal papers; papers regarding properties including maps and plans; reports; annual reports; minute books; financial accounts; correspondence and letter books; circulars; press cuttings; and papers regarding the cultivation and manufacture of tea including analysis of tea production and tea garden inspection reports.

Assam Company , tea producers and traders
GB 0074 CLC/B/123-06 · Collection · 1910-1977

Records of Assam Estates Limited, tea company, including ledgers, journals, cash books and book of bills payable.

Assam Estates Ltd
GB 0074 CLC/B/038-01 · Collection · 1944-1972

Records of the Assam Frontier Tea Company Limited, including Directors' minutes; annual general meeting minutes; ledger and London trustees provident fund minute book.

Assam Frontier Tea Co Ltd
Assessment of rates, 1634
GB 0096 MS 455 · [1634]

Incomplete copy of instructions to sheriffs of counties and mayors of corporate towns to fix tax assessments, dated 12 August, 1634. The sheriffs are to divide the whole charge laid upon the county into hundreds, lathes and other divisions, and those into parishes and towns, which are to be rated by houses and lands 'saveing that it is his Majestie's pleasure that where there shall happen to be any men of ability, by reason of gainfull trades, great stockes of money or personall estate, who perchance have either none or little land and consequently in an ordinary landscott, would pay nothing or very little such men be rated and assessed according to their worth and ability, and that the moneys that shall bee levyed upon such may be applied to the spareing and easing of such as being either of weake estate, or charged with many children or great debts are unable to beare soe great a chardge as the lands in their occupation might require in an usuall and ordinary proportion...'. The clergy are to be taxed and assessed in the same way as the rest of the king's subjects. Transcript of the signatures of 18 persons, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Coventry, and the Earls of Arundel, Bridgewater and Dorset.

GB 0096 MS 585 · 1761

Indenture quadripartite of 11 Feb 1761 by which George Lane, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire (West Riding), with the consent of Ralph Bourchier, 'doctor in physick', of Great Ormond Street in the parish of St.George the Martyr, London, and his daughter and heir Margaret Bourchier, assigned to the Hon William Chetwynd, of Dover Street, London, the manors or lordships of Benningborough [Beningbrough], Overton [Ovington], Barforth and Newton-upon-Ouse, all in the North Riding of Yorkshire, formerly the estate of John Bourchier, deceased, for the remainder of a term of 500 years. Signed and sealed by the four parties. Ralph Bourchier inherited the estates on the death of his great-niece Mildred, wife of the Hon Robert Lane, in 1760.
