Records of the Cholmondeley Charities, including deeds establishing and regulating Charities; minutes; correspondence; financial accounts; petitions; registers of applications; registers and lists of grants.
Zonder titelRecords of the London Aged Christian Society consisting of early minutes of the Gentlemens and Ladies committes and later joint committee minutes; annual reports, financial records and pensioners cases and some historical notes and rules of the Society.
Zonder titelRecords of Morden College, Blackheath, including correspondence, financial statements, and papers relating to a dispute with the Charity Commissioners.
Zonder titelRecords of the Nightingale Fund Council, including deeds of trust; minutes; correspondence; annual reports; papers relating to St Thomas's Hospital; regulations; financial accounts; fundraising accounts; agreements; registers, prospectuses and syllabi of the Nightingale Training School; papers relating to the registration of nurses and nursing in general.
Also papers of the City Auxiliary Committee of the Nightingale Fund, comprising minutes, correspondence and accounts; and papers of Albert Venn Dicey (a jurist and Professor of Law at Oxford).
Zonder titelRecords of the Pentonville Charity School, comprising minute book of Committee meetings; report and notes on the school and ticket for coal.
Zonder titelRecords of the Society for the Relief of Distress, including minutes; reports; annual reports; financial accounts including papers relating to appeals, subscribers and donors; correspondence; and a scrapbook.
Zonder titelRecords of the Drax Charity of Little Stanmore, comprising minute book of the trustees of the charity and account books.
Zonder titelAn Account of the General Nursery or Colledg of Infants set up by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex containing a list of rules and regulations, proposals for education and extracts from orders of Sessions concerning establishment, published 1686.
Also photocopy of the presentment of the Grand Jury for Middlesex approving the work of the General Nursery, with extracts from orders of Sessions concerning refusal of St. Clement's Danes parish to participate in scheme, and general remarks on benefits of such an establishment.
Zonder titelPapers relating to charities in Harrow, comprising report on the charities of the parish of Harrow, by the committee appointed at vestry meeting 7 March 1887 and scheme made by Board of Education under Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853-1894, in matter of Harrow Weald Parochial Schools, 1909.
Zonder titelRecords of the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund. The archive comprises: minutes and meetings papers of the Council, annual general meetings and various committees, 1872-1984 (Mss 30585, 30587-94); annual reports and accounts, 1873-1994 (Ms 30586); other financial records, 1934/5 (Ms 30595); correspondence and papers, including papers concerning bequests, 1871-ca 1989 (Ms 30596-609, 616); posters (Ms 30610); and photographs with associated papers, 1959-95 (Ms 30611-15).
Zonder titelRecords of the National Benevolent Society of Watch and Clock Makers since 1916; and the archives of the three predecessor institutions, the Watch and Clock Makers' Benevolent Institution, the Watch and Clock Makers' Pension Society and the Clock and Watch Makers' Asylum. The records comprise annual reports and accounts, financial records, minutes, correspondence and related papers. Also one volume of an earlier benevolent society active in London from 1767 at least, the Society of Clock and Watch makers.
Zonder titelDemise by the trustees of the Bedford Charity to Richard Morgan, mason, of a messuage in Harpur Street.
Zonder titelMinutes of the General Federation of Trade Unions Friendly and Collecting Society.
Zonder titelRecords of the Sir John Cass Technical Institute, managed by Sir John Cass's Foundation. The records are mostly ledgers and accounts, with some notes and plans.
Zonder titelRecords of the St Botolph Aldgate Parochial School, later the Sir John Cass Junior School. The surviving records of the parish school begin in 1729 (Ms 31138). These include minutes, accounts, reports, correspondence, admission registers and title deeds. Separate pupil records exist from 1896 only.
Zonder titelRecords of the St Botolph Aldgate Union Fund apprenticeship charity, comprising Management Committee minutes; statements of accounts; and apprenticeship indentures.
Zonder titelRecords of the Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor, 1872-1980. The collection includes minute books of the general and other committees, and many account books, although there is little material which relates to the early days of the charity. There is a large amount of correspondence relating to all aspects of work of the charity.
Zonder titelRecords of the Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain, comprising committees, case histories, personnel and general correspondence.
Zonder titelRecords of the Metropolitan Free Drinking Fountain Association, later known as the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association; including minutes; agendas; constitution; annual reports; records relating to property and structures (fountains); correspondence; bequests and trusts; staff; financial accounts; plans; photographs; printed material including press cuttings and histories, and case files relating to individual fountains.
Zonder titelPapers of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust. This collection consists of wide ranging material which documents the creation of Hampstead Garden Suburb and its growth and development during the twentieth century.
The records refer to the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust's activities; the family papers of Samuel and Henrietta Barnett; the suburb organisations; the suburb recreational socities; the Henrietta Barnett school; the Institute; and the Wellgarth Nursery Training College. There are printed sources and oral history sources which can be referred to.
This collection contains a significant number of plans: plans of the suburb; plans of licence applications for proposed alterations; area plans of the suburb; and RIBA photographs of Lutyens drawings for the church.
There is also a large collection of photographs. These include subjects related to the suburb as well as images of the suburb itself.
Zonder titelThe records within this section comprise those items which do not technically belong within the United Synagogue or its member synagogues or related charities and societies. They consist largely of trading accounts of various Jewish merchants, and accounts of the Beth Hamedrash, Chief Rabbi and small Jewish bodies.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.
Zonder titelAlthough Barlow is best known for his original researches on infantile scurvy, there is very little material relating to that subject in the collection. There are manuscript drafts of his address to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh and his Bradshaw Lecture on infantile scurvy (BAR/E1-2), but the bulk of the clinical and scientific component of the papers relates to other matters, particularly Raynaud's disease and erythromelalgia, diseases to which Barlow turned his attention later in his career.
Among Barlow's clinical papers is a notebook recording minutes of a 'Clinical Club', 1875-77 (BAR/D.2), whose members included, apart from Barlow himself, Sidney Coupland, Rickman Godlee, William Smith Greenfield, Robert Parker, and William Allen Sturge.
Most of Barlow's private patients' records have not survived, though there is an index to his private patients' books, covering the years 1876-1918 (BAR/F.1).
Scientific and clinical matters are also discussed in Barlow's correspondence, but again this is relatively thin for the period when he was active in research. Barlow's non-family correspondence has clearly been heavily weeded: there are few letters from patients, with the exception of some prominent individuals, such as Mary Curzon, wife of Lord Curzon, Randall Davidson, archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Salisbury and Lord Selborne, and in general it seems that while letters from important or well-known figures have survived those from individuals deemed less important have been discarded. Significant numbers of letters remain however from several of Barlow's regular correspondents, such as the poet, Robert Bridges, Lord Bryce, and William Page Roberts, dean of Salisbury, as well as medical figures like Sir William Jenner and Sir James Reid.
Barlow's personal papers and family correspondence have survived in bulk and form a rich source of material for both his private and family life, and his public career. There are travel journals and sketchbooks from his earlier years, mainly documenting visits to the Continent, 1869-83; correspondence with his parents, brother, wife and children, 1852-1940, including letters written by Barlow from Balmoral, where he served as royal physician intermittently between 1897 and 1899, an eye-witness account of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 (BAR/B.2/4), and letters and telegrams from court in 1902 during the crisis of Edward VII's appendectomy; and commonplace and scrapbooks compiled in retirement, 1920-37. Also from this period are various temperance notes and addresses.
The archive also comprises letters and papers of Barlow's parents, 1842-87; of Barlow's wife, Ada, including letters from her brother and sisters in India, 1858-80, and to her daughter Helen studying in Darmstadt, Germany, 1905-6; of Barlow's sons, Alan, Thomas and Basil, including letters from the last-named while serving on the Western Front, 1916-17; and notably of his daughter Helen, including correspondence with Archbishop and Mrs (later Lady) Davidson, 1910-35, and letters from Sir John Rose Bradford and his wife while serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps in France, 1914-19. Helen Barlow's papers also include records of three charities with which she was associated: the University College Hospital Ladies Association, 1900-50, the Southwark Boys Aid Association, 1914-36, and the Quinn Square [Southwark] Social Centre Society, c. 1935-1951. Finally there is a handful of letters to Andrew Barlow, Sir Thomas's grandson, mainly relating to articles he wrote about his grandfather, 1955-81.
Zonder titelMinutes of National Council for Combatting Venereal Diseases (later the British Social Hygiene Council) including of Annual and Executive meetings, and other committees, sub-committees, standing committees and advisory boards, 1914-1957; also London and Home Counties Branch/Committee minutes, 1917-1940; a few financial records, 1942-1952; and journal Health and Empire, 1926-1940; pamphlets and similar literature of the NCCVD and related organisations, 1913-1918, n.d..
Zonder titelRecords of the Cancer Research Campaign formerly the British Empire Cancer Campaign, covering all aspects of the Campaign's organization and activities. Sections A-C comprise committee minutes, agenda and papers, 1923-1976. The minutes of central headquarters committees are extensive, but there are serious gaps in the top level committees: Grand Council, the Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Efforts to locate the missing records have so far been unsuccessful. In addition, many minutes of sub-committees are either incomplete or unsigned copies. The collection contains very few records of regional branches; and information regarding either their existence or whereabouts is scant. The main body of the archive, Sections D-R, consists largely of files generated by Campaign headquarters, mainly the General Secretary's office. Files contain correspondence, reports, pamphlets, legal documents, press cuttings, articles, off-prints, posters, ephemera, etc. They cover the Campaign's history and organisation; senior members; relations with regional councils, branches, affiliatated bodies and other cancer organisations, both in the UK and overseas; cancer research and government provision; fund raising; research materials and equipment; cancer cures and causes; views and enquiries from the general public; cancer education and publications. There is also a series of press cuttings volumes, and three publicity films made in the 1950s.
Zonder titelCorrespondence and literature of various charitable bodies with which Sir Richard Cave was associated, 1954-1973, including the British Obesity Association, 1967-1969; Disabled Christians' Fellowship, 1959; International Holiday Camp and Rally for the Disabled, 1958; Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for the Disabled , c 1970s; Scroth Centre for the Treatment of Rheumatic Disease by Natural Therapeutics, c 1950s-1970s; Society for the Relief of Distress and other bodies.
Zonder titelPapers relating to the Charterhouse Rheumatism Clinic including ephemera, cuttings and reprints by H W Crowe (1875-1961), the founder of the Clinic, on rheumatism and tuberculosis.
Zonder titelThe collection chiefly comprises material relating to the latter part of Hodgkin's life, the 1850s and 1860s, following his marriage to Sarah Frances Scaife. Included are items relevant to Hodgkin's marriage and personal life (his marriage certificate, letters to his wife, miscellaneous papers relating to him and his wife, papers related to the subsequent history of the Scaife family and a Hodgkin pedigree book); papers relating to Hodgkin's lobbying and philanthropic activities during the years of his marriage; and a memorandum on the relationship of religion and physiology, drafted during this late period of his life but based upon discussions with Samuel Tuke that took place in 1821, while Hodgkin was still a student.
Zonder titelNewsletters, photographs, leaflets, pamphlets, flyers, correspondence, press clippings, emphemera regarding the AIDS charity the Terence Higgins Trust and its activities. Includes:Conference pack - programme, precis of workshops, volunteer application form, guidance about buddying, posters from the THT 4th National Conference, Sharing the Challenge, 1987; The Trust: the newsletter of the THT, May 1987-January 1990; National AIDS Bulletin, 2 issues, December 1988, February 1989; Facts and Figures newsletter February 1988; October 1988; Advertisements for fundraising events, stationery.
Zonder titelLetter from Thomas Clarkson of Playford [Hall, Suffolk] to Dykes Alexander, c 1830-1840. 'I am going to do a thing, which through delicacy I have never yet been able to do, though I have been at Playford for twenty three years; - that is, to ask you and your cousin Samuel [Alexander] to give a trifle, however small, to the inclosed case...'.
Autograph, with signature. Dated 'Friday afternoon'. With a list of charitable subscribers, including William Allen '... and your son Richard has fiven me a sovereign unasked ...'.
Zonder titelPapers of The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1617 to present day, chart the history of its development and its changing roles and activities and notably comprise constitutional records, 1617 to present day, including charters, grants of arms, rules and ordinances, and bye-laws; records of governance, 1617 to present day, including Court and committees' minutes and standing orders; membership records, c 1670s- present day, including Yeomanry and Livery lists, freedom admission registers, quarterage books and apprenticeship bindings, and financial records, 1626 to present day, including Wardens' accounts, ledgers, bonds and annual accounts.
The collection also includes records concerning associated trade/professional organisations including the Royal College of Physicians of London, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of General Practitioners, University of London, Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and British Medical Association. Also those of specialist interest bodies of the Society, including The Friendly Medical Society, The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of the Society of Apothecaries Limited, The Association of Certificated Dispensers; the Society's educational charities The Faculty of History and Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy and The Faculty of Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine; The Court of Examiners and Examinations Committee, including minutes, correspondence, lists of Licentiates including Elizabeth Garrett and Ronald Ross, lists of 'Assistants to an Apothecary', candidates' entry books, questions papers and marking sheets; Chelsea Physic Garden, including Garden Committee minutes, account books, catalogues of plants, deeds and photographs; the pharmaceutical manufacturing and retailing businesses including the Laboratory, Navy and United Stock companies; Society's awards and lectures including the Rogers Prize, Gillson Scholarship in Pathology, Galen Medal, Strickland Goodall Memorial Lecture and Gold Medal and the Keats Lecture.
Papers include administrative and legal records, including those of the Clerk's office, Counsels' opinions, those concerning hospitality and ceremonial events, year books, Royal Addresses, Royal Commissions of Enquiry and staff records. Records of gifts and charities including Distressed Members' Fund, Widows' Fund, donations and bequests, and records of the Hall including deeds, plans, inventories, rentals, records of building works and photographs.
Zonder titelPapers of the Northern Refugee Centre, from 1983 to the time of writing, chiefly comprising files arranged by country containing material on refugees including: pamphlets and leaflets, published and unpublished reports, offprints of articles, press cuttings, newsletters and press releases. The collection also comprises annual reports from other refugee organisations and published material on refugees.
Zonder titelGOS/14/1-2; Pamphlet: The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, c 1910; GOS/14/3Research Fund Appeal pamphlet containing brief history of the Hospital, c 1925; GOS/14/4 Illustrated pamphlet: A Little Book Illustrating the Hospital for Sick Children, circa 1925-1926; GOS/14/5, Illustrated pamphlet: Warwick Deeping Writes on the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, c 1930; GOS/14/6, Published text of address by Dr F. J. Poynton, An Address upon Some Incidents in the History of the Hospital for Sick Children 6th May 1939; GOS/14/7, Pamphlet: A Short History of the Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street, by Sir Lancelot Barrington-Ward, 1947 (originally published in the Medical Press and Circular, 1941; GOS/14/8, Pamphlet: The Story of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, by G. J. Piller, c 1970; GOS/14/9, Text of school project: A History of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, by Andrew Hughes, 1986.
GOS/14/10, Published Letters announcing the establishment of the Hospital, March 1850, May 1850; An Appeal to the Public in Behalf of a Hospital for Sick Children, 1850; 1858 Appeal circular with advertisement of Charles Dickens' speech in aid of the Hospital; GOS/14/11, Published Report of Proceedings at a Public Meeting to promote the Foundation of a Children's Hospital, at the Hanover Square Rooms, l8th March 1851; GOS/14/12, Pamphlet, Draft of Rules and Regulations for the Hospital for Sick Children, 1851; GOS/14/13, Published circular, Proceedings of Special Court of Governors (re costs of new building), 1888; GOS/14/14, Circular relating to arrangements for Special Court of Governors' meeting to discuss management dispute with Dr West, 1877.
GOS/14/15 Published report, Appointment of an Almoner, 1909; GOS/14/16 Hospital Prayer Book, 1932 edition; G08/14/17, Programme for Foundation-Stone laying of new hospital building, 1937.
Printed items concerning Hospital Appeals, including GOS/14/18, a volume entitled Specimen Copies of Appeals, 1852-1893, including copies of appeal circulars; Annual Dinner reports and programmes; advertisements for appeal-related lectures and concerts; also contains published reports on new buildings, 1875 and first service in the Chapel, 1875. Enclosures include draft appeal letters, 1894 Committee Diary, application form for post of Lady Superintendent, there is also a file of loose duplicate items removed from volume after conservation; GOS/14/19, Programme for Imperial Coronation Bazaar, 1902; GOS/14/20, Photograph album, Children's Portraits, produced for Imperial Coronation Bazaar, 1902; GOS/14/21, Souvenir programme for Midsummer Fair and Fete in aid of the Hospital, Olympia, June 1909.
GOS/14/22 Appeal leaflet, When Dreams Come True, c 1935; GOS/14/23 Peter Pan League appeal circular by A. A. Milne, 1930; GOS/14/24, an illustrated appeal circular, 1932; GOS/14/25 Ladies Association Clothing Fund circulars, 1930-1938; GOS/14/26, Circular on an exhibition of Salvador Dali jewellery in aid of new Medical School, c 1945-1950; GOS/14/27 Public appeal leaflet, Getting Better, Thank You, c 1935; GOS/14/28, Published list of contributors to Mr. Punch's Appeal on behalf of the Hospital 1900; GOS/14/29 Special and Urgent Appeal circular, 1886; GOS/14/30-31, Volumes of published reports of the Hospital's annual fund-raising dinners, 1864-1871 and 1864-83.
GOS/14/32/1-26 Printed texts of Annual Dinner speeches by Dr. West, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, John Walter, Sir William Gull, the Duke of Cambridge, Viscount Peel, the Earl of Derby and others, 1858-99.
GOS/14/33 Appeal collecting card, 1851, listing the Hospital's Provisional Committee; GOS/14/34, Appeal circular with poem, 'The Vision of St. Elizabeth of Hungary' 1872, with illustration of the new building; GOS/14/35, Illustrated pamphlet, The Appeal for the Reconstruction of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street; The Record, the Needs and the Aims of the Hospital, 1933; GOS/14/36 Special Friends Appeal leaflet, Help us to help the Children, 1973.
Medical and Nursing material, comprising GOS/14/37, Pamphlet, Welcome to the Hospital, 1960, and subsequent revised editions; GOS/14/38 Broadsheet, Children in Hospital, Play and Schooling, c 1970; GOS/14/39 Illustrated Staff Handbook, 1975; GOS/14/40-41, Group Catering Handbooks for Staff Meals and Special Functions, 1980; GOS/14/42-47 Hospital Pharmacopoeia editions, produced 1891, 1900, 1921, 1927, 1933 and 1958; G03/14/48, File of programmes and circulars on Paediatric Surgery, 1949-1963, mainly by British Association of Paediatric Surgeons and also a programme for Hospital Open Day, 1956 and the visit programme for Swedish surgeons, 1949.
GOS/14/49 1908 edition of Dr. West's How to Nurse Sick Children Nurses' League; GOS/14/50-55, Issues of Nurses' League Journal, 1950-1955; GOS/14/56, Typescript published anthology, Thoughts of 100 Years of Nurse Training at the HSC, by Felix Besser and others, 1978; GOS/14/57, Exhibition guide, The Nurse and the Child, A Hundred Years of Nurse Training, 1978; GOS/14/58, File entitled H. S. CIRCA Souvenirs, donated by Sister M. J. McKay; includes Nurses League membership lists, 1962, 1971 and other nursing items; and a Brief History of the Hospital by H. Rutherford, House Governor, 1932.
GOS/14/59, File of mainly printed items collected by Nurse N. Outhwaite, including 1952 Centenary circulars, photographs of nursing staff c 1920-1940; Nurses League Journal 1973; signed copy of Thomas Twistington Higgins' 1952 history.
Hospital Events, comprising GOS/14/60, Programmes and Circulars for Hospital Centenary events, 1952; also programme for Lord Southwood's memorial service, 1946; GOS/14/61 File, programmes for staff awards ceremonies, memorial services, 50th anniversary of the League of Remembrance, 1964, the opening of Sir James Barrie Building, 1963 by the Princess Royal, licensing of Reverend D. Bacon as Chaplain, 1983, the visit of King Hussein of Jordan, 1966, and the visit of the Venezuelan Ambassador, 1976.
Publications by other organisations about the hospital, including GOS/14/62, Princess Mary's Wedding Supplement, published by the Times, 28/2/1922, with an article on the Princess Royal's associations with Great Ormond Street; GOS/14/63 Issues of Fun with articles on Great Ormond Street, 1865 and 1869; GOS/14/64, 'In a Good Cause' (programme of Punch Matinee in aid of Great Ormond Street), 3/5/1900; GOS/14/65 Published extracts from magazines of articles about GOS; from Fun, Aunt Judy's Magazine, Evening Star and so on, 1865-1866; GOS/14/66, Issues of The Leisure Hour, 1877, and The Christian Million, 1884, with articles on the hospital; GOS/14/67, Issues of The Quiver, 11th June 1870, with article on the hospital and Quiver Cot subscription list; GOS/14/68, file containing issues of The Lancet, 1915; Medical Times and Gazette with article on Great Ormond Street, 1852; The Hospital Gazette, March 1925; St. James's Gazette, 16th February 1898; article on child rheumatism from the British Medical Journal, 1939.
GOS/14/69 Issue of periodical Black and White, 22nd December 1900; GOS/14/70, Issue of Illustrated magazine, 26th July 1952, with article on Great Ormond Street.
Publications of other organisations, including GOS/14/71, a booklet of photographs of St. Mary's Convent, Chiswick, c 1930; GOS/14/72, Commemorative short biography of Alexander Simpson Smith by T. Twistington Higgins, for Simpson Smith Memorial Trust. 1946; GOS/14/73, Published text of address, 'Upon the Future of the Nursing of Sick Children' by Allen Moncrieff (HCN, 1944); GOS/14/74, Published text of Harben Lecture on 'Human Relations in Child Health' by Professor Moncrieff, with a copy of his memorial service programme, 1971; GOS14/75, Signed copy of Lancet article, 'Hirschprung's Disease and Idiopathic Megacolon' by B. C. H. Ward; G0S/14/76, transcript report of a visit to Norwich of the Historical Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, 11th June 1966; GOS1 14/77, Programme of Carol Concert at the Royal Festival Hall in aid of the Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children.
GOS1 14/78, Article from Nutrition by L. I. Woolf, 'Inborn Errors of Metabolism and their Dietary Treatment'; GOS/14/79, Issue of The Hospital, vol. 49 (July 1953); GOS/14/80 Extract from Nursing Mirror, 1954, on Florence Nightingale; GOS/14/81, prospectus of Alberta Children's Hospital, circa 1970; GOS/14/82, Reports of Gold Medal Ceremony of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1976; GOS/14/83, HMSO pamphlet, Staffing the Hospitals, an urgent National Need, 1945; GOS/14/84 Article from Brunel Society Gazette, 'Brunel's Crimean Hospital' 1984; GOS/14/85 Garthur Ltd., Catalogue of Respirators, c 1970.
GOS/14/86, Article from Clio Medica by Dr. Elizabeth Lomax, 'A Mid-19th Century British Pediatric Interpretation of the Mental Peculiarities and Disorders of Childhood'. 1981; GOS/14/87, NHS pamphlet, Working for Patients-The Health Service During the 1990s; GOS/14/88, four issues of The Hospital, 1920-1921; GOS/14/89, three issues of The Medical Times, 1928-1930; GOS/14/90, three issues of the Bulletin of the Fellowship of Medicine and Postgraduate Medical Associations, 1921-1924; GOS/14/91, three issues, The Lancet, 1960-1961; GOS/14/92, The Contemporary Review, February 1879, with an article on 'Ladies in Nursing'.
GOS/1 4/93, Box-file, entitled 'Magazines, Newsletters and Reports of Children's Hospitals overseas', l977-1981 (largely USA with some Canadian and Australian entries); GOS/14/94-95, Pictures of Life and Character by John Leech from The Collection of Mr. Punch, and 2nd series; 2 volumes, 1864; GOS/14/96, an issue of The Sphere, 1921 with an article about Great Ormond Street; GOS/14/97, Pharmacopoeia of the Metropolitan Hospital, 1926; GOS/14/98 Issue of Woman's Own with article on Great Ormond Street by Godfrey Winn, 1966; GOS/14/99, Article, 'Assessment of Nursing Staff Arrangements in a General Hospital' by F. M. Hatt (reprint from International Journal of Nursing, 1967); GOS/14/100, Issue of Nursing Times , March1977, with article on125th anniversary of Great Ormond Street; GOS/14/101, Issue of Reader's Digest, August 1980, with article about Great Ormond Street by Monica Dickens.
GOS/14/102, Wishing Well Appeal brochure, Building for Life, 1987; GOS/14/103, Programme for 15th Annual Meeting of the American Children's Hospitals Executive Council, held at Great Ormond Street, 4th Mat 1968 (filed with transcript report on public relations in hospitals by Gordon Piller, House Governor); GOS/14/104, Published text of 'A Tradition of Surgery at Great Ormond Street' (Simpson-Smith Lecture)by D. Innes Williams, 1981.
Additional Printed Material deposited by Directorate of Nursing in 1998, comprising GOS/14/105, Early printed Circulars and Resolutions of the Hospital's Provisional Committee, 1850; an invitation to a meeting of potential subscribers with the Provisional committee, 1851; a Circular notifying subscribers of the Hospital's opening, 1852; an example of an original Letter of Recommendation for admission of patient, 1852, with a copy of the Quiver Cot subscription form, 1870, with an engraving of the cot in use.
GOS/14/106, comprising a page from The Graphic, 1875, including announcement of opening of the new Hospital building for public inspection; GOS/14/107, Illustrated introductory leaflets to the Hospital for new members of staff, circa 1970; GOS/14/108, Introductory leaflet to the Hospital, The Child first and Always, 1990; GOS/14/109, Nursing Staff and School of Nursing prospectuses, illustrated, circa 1955, and also a programme of a conference to celebrate 100 years of nurse training at the Hospital , 1978; GOS/14/110, Programmes for special Centenary events at the Hospital, for opening of the Institute of Child Health's Province of Natal Centre, 1955, and for Hospital open day for delegates to the 8th International Paediatric Congress, 1956.
GOS/14/111 School of Nursing Rag Magazine, circa 1988; GOS/14/112, Programme of Lectures for event in honour of retirement of Mrs Caroline Bond from Board of Management, March 1992; GOS/14/113, Institute of Child Health Short Courses Programme, 1992-1993; GOS/14/114, Chronological history of the Italian Hospital, Queen's Square, 1984; GOS/14/115, Text of the First Annual Guest Lecture of the Leukaemia Research Fund, 'Recent Research into Human and Experimental Leukaemia, by Professor Jean Bernard, read at Great Ormond Street, 21 October 1963.
GOS/14/116, Leaflet advertising the work of the Friends of the Children of Great Ormond Street, c 1965, and the Autumn 1993 newsletter of the Friends, Extra Care, GOS/14/117, Article about the Hospital written for The Hospital Officer journal's 'Great Hospitals' series, 1952; GOS/14/118, Programme of European premiere of Walt Disney's 'Peter Pan' at the Leicester Square Theatre, authorised by the Hospital in aid of the British Red Cross Society, 1953; GOS/14/119, Promotional leaflet for Royal Gala Performance of 'Peter Pan' at the Barbican Theatre, 1982; GOS/14/120, Copy of poem, 'The Faithful Hound', by "E. T. ", published in aid of the Hospital, 1859; GOS/14/121, three issues of Woman's Own, July-August 1969, containing reminiscences of her career at the Hospital by Miss G. M. Kirby, Matron.
GOS/14/122, Copy of illustrated leaflet on the career of Dr. Norman Bethune (on Great Ormond Street medical staff, 1919-1920, and later served as doctor to Communist forces in the Spanish Civil War and Sino-Japanese War), published by the Canadian Government for his memorial house, Gravenhurst, Toronto; GOS/14/123, Official Anniversary history for NHS 50th Anniversary, A History of the NHS, by Nicholas Timmins, 1998; GOS/14/124, Examples of 1950s Motherhood training manuals on childhood illnesses, published by Steedman's Powders and Cow and Gate milk; GOS/14/125, Introductory leaflet to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children Hackney, circa 1990, with published articles on Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Elizabeth Hospital, Shadwell.
GOS/14/126 Poster advertising 'Family and Friends' Royal Charity Gala in aid of the Sick Children's Trust, 1988; GOS/14/127, Programme for Ceremony of Rededication of the Hospital Chapel following its move to the Variety Club Building, 1 May 1994.
Additional material deposited by Great Ormond Street Public Affairs Department, 1999; GOS/14/128, 'Show me What My Friends can See', (guide by Dr. P. Sonksen and Blanche Stiff, published by Institute of Child Health an as advice manual for parents of partially-sighted babies, 1991); GOS/14/129, Always with Children, reminiscences of former Great Ormond Street nurse Mary Aston (Dorrance, 1997); GOS/14/130, Diary of a Child, by Susan Edwards, being an illustrated guide to child development up to age 10, published by Manor House Press in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital Fund, 1990; GOS/14/131, Great Ormond Street Hospital Special Olympic Cartoon Book, published in aid of the Great Ormond Street Wishing Well Appeal, 1988; GOS/14/132, Programmes of film Charity Premieres in aid of the Hospital, namely 'Hook', 1992; 'Junior', 1994; and 'Casper', 1995.
GOS/14/133, Stanley and His Magic Slippers, a cartoon published in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital Fund, circa 1990; GOS/14/134, Book of Life and Love, an anthology of poetry compiled by readers of Best magazine, published in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital Fund (Arrival press, 1989); GOS/14/135, 'A Record of the Royal Family's Close association with Great Ormond Street since the Hospital's Inception in 1852', prepared for the Wishing Well Appeal, Spring 1986.
Additional material moved from other parts of the Hospital, comprising GOS/14/136, Report of the Expert Group on Special Care for Babies (DHSS reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects, no. 127, 1971); GOS/14/137, Fit for the Future, the Report of the Committee on Child Health Services (HMSO, cmd. 6684, 1976); GOS/14/138, Prevention and health: everybody's business (HMSO, 1976); GOS/14/139, Pamphlet, Fire! How to deal with it and how to prevent it (Hospitals for Sick Children); GOS/14/140 Ministry of Health, pamphlet, Poliomyelitis, Medical memorandum. 1954; GOS/14/141, The Organisation of the In-Patient's Day, report of a Committee of the Central Health Council (HMSO, 1976); GOS/14/142, David Nabarro, A Case of Juvenile General Paralysis (reprinted from The Lancet, 1 Oct 1927); GOS/14/143, Report of Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Handicapped Children and Young People (HMSO, 1978); GOS/14/144, Second report from the Social Services Committee, Session 1979-80, Perinatal and Neonatal Mortality (HMSO, 1980).
GOS/14/145, Pamphlet, Voluntary Work at the Hospitals for Sick Children 1970s; GOS/14/146 Donald Court and Anthony Jackson (editors) Paediatrics in the Seventies (OUP, 1972); GOS/14/147, Leaflet, Paediatric Training in the United Kingdom (Overseas Committee of the BPA, no date); GOS/14/148, Future Management of the London specialist Postgraduate Hospitals (Consultative Document, DHSS, September 1978); GOS/14/149, 'St Christopher's Chapel, Notes on Interior Decoration', by Peter Larkworthy (1994); GOS/14/150, Peter Pan Golf Tournament, 1996, Miscellaneous printed items; GOS/14/151, Programme of visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to Institute of Neurology. 1978; GOS/14/152, Ministry of Health, University Grants Committee, Postgraduate Medical Education and the Specialties. 1962; GOS/14/153, Pamphlet, Sick Children's Nursing, 1975 DHSS Publication. Central Office of Information; GOS/14/154 Pamphlet, Pupil Nurse Training at Tadworth Court, circa 1969; GOS/14/155, Booklet on the new ICH building, 1966; GOS/14/156, Pamphlet on The Hospital for Sick Children, circa 1985; GOS/14/157, Pamphlet about the hospital chaplaincy, circa 1985; GOS/14/158, Article in The Builder about the Institute of Child Health, 16 September 1955.
GOS/14/159, Article in Hospital Management about Tadworth Court, by Gordon Piller, January 1967; GOS/14/160, Article on Charles Dickens' memorial at GOS from The Dickensian, Summer 1994 , GOS/14/161, Article on Great Ormond Street from The Journal of the London Society, 1936, given 1995; GOS/14/162, Careers in the Hospital Service: Hospital Administration Ministry of Health August 1962; GOS/14/163, Master set of 'Information for Families' leaflets on individual medical conditions, issued by the Family Resource Centre 2003; GOS/14/164, Georgie Goes to Hospital, book for a child to colour in before going into hospital. Written by Chris Tuatev, North East London Polytechnic, 1976; GOS/14/165, 'The Child First and Always - Is It?', Professor Albert Aynsley-Green's inaugural Great Ormond Street Hospital Lecture, 25 September 2002. Also includes texts of 1996 lecture 'The Child First and Always' by Christine Hancock, President of the RCN, 2003 lecture, 'Making it Better for Children' by Professor Ian Kennedy , 2006 lecture, 'Building environments to protect Children's Health' by Professor Richard Jackson and 2007 Lecture, 'Is Improvement Science ?' by Dr. Donald M. Berwick.
GOS/14/166,The Remarkable Gatty Family of Ecclesfield , Joan and Mel Jones (2003); GOS/14/167, Letters of copyright assignment from patients to William Gates, volunteer and author of 'Bill Gates's Diaries", in aid of GOS; GOS/14/168, Broadsheets from the hospital school, 2002-2003; GOS/14/169, details of Great Ormond Street Hospital's patients' website pages, 2001; GOS/14/170, CHI Governance Review of Great Ormond Street, March 2003.
GOS/14/171, Records of the Training Department, comprising GOS/14/171/1, Staff Attitude Survey October 2001; GOS/14/171/2 Improving Working Lives literature and Newsletter, Oct 2001 onwards; GOS/14/171/13, 'Learning Links' newsletter.
GOS/14/172, Publications on the Medical Illustration Department, comprising GOS/14/172/1, 'Contrast', the Medical Illustration newsletter, 2002 to date; GOS/14/172/2, leaflet, 'Use of Medical Photography and video recording'; also GOS/14/173 GOS Families' Newsletter, 2002 to date; GOS/14/174, Programme of visit of Edward Prince of Wales to the Hospital, 3 May 1921, including brief history; GOS/14/175, Copy of article, 'Infantile Diarrhoea', by Dr F. E. Batten, from the Nursing Times 15 December 1906; GOS/14/176,Report of the 'Great Ormond Street Working Society' (for providing patients' clothing), 1910; GOS/14/177,Child Diet Sheets published by the Hospital, "The Protective Foods", 1946, "Diet for the Normal Child" (ages 1-2:2-5:5-12), 1950; GOS/14/178, Copy articles acquired by Jules Kosky, formerly Honorary Archivist to the Hospital, including, " The Life of Samuel Jones Gee MD" by O. Garrod (Wix Prize Essay, 1937); extracts from "Lord Southwood of Fernhurst by R. J. Minney, 1954; article on Viscount Southwood, "From Office Boy to Press Baron", by M. Stokes (Hornsey Historical Bulletin, no. 24, 1982): Extract from "A Man of Law's Tale" by Lord MacMillan of Aberfeldy (former Hospital Chairman), 1952; Extracts from Orientations by Ronald Storrs, 1937, re Harry Cust (friend of J. M. Barrie); "Woodlands; A footnote to Victorian Literary History" by Jules Kosky (Highgate residence of the Lehmann Family, GOS patrons) from people and Places: Lost Estates in Highgate, Hornsey and Wood Green 1996.
GOS/14/179, Rays of Hope. The story of the Leukaemia Research Fund (LRF, 1994), and copy articles by Dr Gordon Piller, formerly House Governor of the Hospital, 'Great Ormond Street', from The Three Banks Review (1969); 'Leukaemia - A Brief Historical Overview from Ancient Times to 1950', from The British Journal of Haematology 2001; GOS/14/180, Hopscotch (general interest magazine briefly published by the Hospital). 3 editions, 1990-1991; GOS/14/181, 50th Anniversary Historical Review Edition (1953-2003) of the Journal of Paediatric Surgery 2003; GOS/14/182, Information leaflets on the Hospital's International and Private Patients' Unit, 1998; GOS/14/183, Examples of general fundraising leaflets produced by the Hospital, 2002, including "Raise a Smile" Campaign and the Great Wall of China Walk; GOS/14/184, NHS Discussion Document, 'Healthy Futures', on child health provision in the north London Boroughs, 2003; GOS/14/185, Donor form 1936; GOS/14/186 Report of the Public Inquiry into children's heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995, Learning from Bristol (TSO) 2001.
GOS/14/187, Supporting Research and Development in the NHS: A Declaration of NHS Activity Associated with Research and Development April 1996; GOS/14/188, Future Developments April 1995: GOS/14/189, Committees Calendar 1894: GOS/14/190 Photocopy of extracts from book, Women at War( John Murray, circa 1944),with photographs of the Hospital's nurses during World War II; GOS/14/191, Published articles by nursing staff, 1970s. (Sister MacElnea on resident parents, Adelaide Tunstill on equipment, M. Thompson on sterile dressings) Nursing Times; GOS/14/192 Extract from The Architect and Building News 2 November 1946, text of lecture by S. E. T. Cusdin and James Crooks.
GOS/14/193, A Collection of papers concerning centenary commemoration 1952 (publications and circulars), donated by Mrs D. K. Cooper; GOS/14/194 Obituaries and other biographical data of GOSH Dental Surgeons(Samuel Cartwright Jnr., Arthur Pitts, Stanley Colyer, William Warwick James, Thomas Cradock Henry), from the collection of the British Dental Association Museum; GOS/14/195, Copy articles from 19th Century periodicals about the Hospital (from The Hospital,1889 and1893; The Nursing Supplement,1887, regarding the Doll Show, and The Hospital Nursing Supplement,1896); GOS/14/196 Extracts from 'Beaconsfield' volume of 'Britain in Old Photographs' series, 1996, with photographs of the Convalescent Home at London End used by Great Ormond Street, circa 1910-1939; GOS/14/197 Hospital for Sick Children , published table of Hospital Committee meetings,1894; GOS/14/198 Items donated by Dr. Richard West of Bristol, including an article from the Nursing Times,1977 on the Hospital's 125th Anniversary, GOSH Christmas Card with an illustrated 1856 ward engraving, and 1925 postcard of the Foundling Hospital.
GOS/14/199 Foundation Trust Summary Consultation Document, Great Ormond Street NHS Trust, 2006; GOS/14/200 Country Life, 20 January 1906, with article on no.44 Great Ormond Street (18th Century house then used as GOSH nursing accommodation); GOS/14/201 Copy circular on new charging arrangements for patients, 1921; GOS/14/202 Partners' fundraising card for Great Ormond Street Hosptal and King's College Hospital, printed for insertion into books published by John Murray publishers,circa1930.
GOS/14/203 Hospital Christmas Card, including fundraising appeal,1936; GOS/14/204 Copy of 'Arkubs' Diploma award for supporting the 'News Chronicle Fund for Supplying Wireless to the Children's Hospital, Great Ormond Street',1936; GOS/14/205 Fundraising Card for the Hospital issued by The Winkle Club, Royal Hotel, Sheerness, 1943; GOS/14/206 Article, 'A Modern Hospital', including 3-D colour illustration of the Southwood Building, circa 1950; GOS/14/207 Programme for Opening of Institute of Neurology Laboratory Block (part shared with Great Ormond Street Hospital) by HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 19 July 1978.
GOS/14/208-10 'Welcome to Radio GOSH' leaflet, circa1980; Maccabi Association Yearbook,1981, with article on the Hospital Radio Station; programme for buffet and disco in aid of Radio GOSH at the Mermaid Theatre,3 May 1987; GOS/14/211 Article, 'Denis Browne's Top Hat', by Dr. Jean M. Horton, for History of Anaesthesia Society,1992 (concerning Browne's Ether Inhaler used at Great Ormond Street).
GOS/14/212-227 Published Reports by or concerning the Hospital's Administration,1991-2004, including,
14/212 Report by the King's Fund (London Acute Services Initiative), 'London Health 2010',1991; 14/213 Report of the Inquiry into London's Health Service, Medical Education and Research (Tomlinson Review), HMSO 1992;
14/214 Directory of Great Ormond Street Hospital Clinical Services, 1993; 14/215 Hospitals for Sick Children Special Health Authority Submission to the Children's Services Specialty Review for the London Implementation Group, 1993; 14/216 * Draft Risk Management Review of Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust by QRM Healthcare Ltd, 1994; 14/217 Review of the Appropriateness of Admission at Great Ormond Streey Hospital NHS Trust by the London Health Economics Consortium, 1997; 14/218 Report, Health Services in London-A Strategic Review(by London Strategic Review Independent Advisory Panel), 1997; 14/219 Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust Review of Postgraduate Medical Education,1998-99; 14/220 NHS Executive Modernisation Plan for the NHS in London, 1999-2002, 1999; 14/221-2 Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust Quality of Working Life Survey, 2000 and Amended Report, 2002; 14/223 Report, 'From Vision to Reality-An EPR Strategy for Great Ormond Street Hospital,2 002-2010',2002 (Electronic Patient Records)
14/224 Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust Finance Manual for Non-Finance Managers, 2002; 14/225 Report, Approval of Finance Agreement for Phase 1A/B Redevelopment 2002; 14/226 Draft Clinical Governance Benchmarking Project for Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust, Report by CHKS, 2002; 14/227 ,Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust Estate Strategy report, 2004; GOS/14/228 Great Ormond Street Hospital Redevelopment Appeal brochure, with introduction by HRH the Prince of Wales, 2002; GOS/14/229 GOSH Redevelopment Update published by the Hospital Charity, 2008; GOS/14/230 Consultation Leaflet on the Future of the International and Private Patient Service at Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust,' A World Class Centre for Treating Sick Children',2007; GOS/14/231 Programme for 2008 Great Ormond Street NHS Trust Staff Awards, Institute of Child Health 28 May 2008; GOS/14/232-3 Information Leaflets 2008, 'Welcome to GOSH, A Guide for Families' and 'Finding Your Way Around Great Ormond Street Hospital'; GOS/14/234 Programme for 'Bloomsbury Festival', 19-21 October 2007, including events at Great Ormond Street Hospital, GOS/14/235-6 Programmes for Memorial Service to Nigel Clark( former Director of Fundraising), St. Paul, Knightsbridge, 2 October 2007,and Funeral and Thanksgiving Service for Gwendolen Kirby (former Matron), St Mary Magdalene, Winsford, Somerset,19 April 2007; GOS/14/237 Invitation and related promotional material for launch of Peter Pan in Scarlet by Geraldine McCaughrean in association with GOSH, Kensington Palace Orangery ,5 October 2006.
GOS/14/238 Fundraising Appeal stamps for the Hospital for Sick Children and other London Hospitals, (c.1930); GOS/14/239 Article 'At the Children's Hospital' from the Strand Magazine,1891, with photocopy (largely regarding Cromwell House); GOS/14/240 Miscellaneous items, including copy of leaflet advertising Charles Dickens' reading from 'A Christmas Carol',1858, and brief histories of the hospital by Gordon Piller (circa 1965) and produced for the Hospital's Centenary,1952.(Gift of former staff member G. Holdstock, 2003); GOS/14/241 1905 paperback edition of 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', including fundraising advertisement for the hospital with photograph of its 'Lewis Carroll Cot'. Gift of Mr. Chestney,2011.
GOS/14/242 Poster advertising Clerkships and courses at the Hospital's Medical School,1913; GOS/14/243 Copy article from the 'Merthyr Express',1922; 'Bargoed Lady's Reminiscences: Princess as Nurse' (by Mrs. Thomas, formerly Miss Hughes, Ward Sister, Alexandra Ward, concerning Mary, the Princess Royal's training at the Hospital; GOS/14/244 Fundraising leaflet for new Research Department at the Hospital, circa1929; GOS/14/245 Fundraising leaflet for the Hospital issued in association with 'The Practical Home Library',c.1960, including stamp donation by E.F. Staples of Morecambe; GOS/14/246 Fundraising postcard for the Hospital with illustration of nurse and patient,1945.
GOS/14/247 Copy of Hospital Rulebook,1889,with cover annotations by the Secretary, Adrian Hope; GOS/14/248 Certificate that the Hospital is registered as a member of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), 1978; GOS/14/249 Typescript and published items donated by the League of Remembrance,2009; includes copies of 'Brief History of the Hospital for Sick Children 1852-1952','The Story of the Hospital for Sick Children' by G.J. Piller c.1965, 'The History of the Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street'(educational project by patients in the Children's Ward of the Cambridge Military Hospital, Aldershot, published in aid of the Wishing Well Appeal,1988);fundraising leaflet for the 'Peter Pan Children's Fund'(USA)c.1995; typescript histories by Jules Kosky (Honorary Archivist);
'John Walter III; The Times and the Hospital for Sick Children', 'Dickens and Great Ormond Street; The Early History of the Hospital for Sick Children and Some of its Friends',circa1988; 'A Record of the Royal Family's Close Association with Great Ormond Street Since the Hospital's Inception in 1852',1986; Text of 'A History of the Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street' by former patient Andrew Hughes,1987.
GOS/14/250 Copy article ,'Coeliac Disease: One Hundred Years' by Parveen Kumar and John Walker-Smith (Proceedings of Symposium on Coeliac Disease at St. Bartholemew's Hospital,1988);references work of Dr. Samuel Gee at Great Ormond Street; GOS/14/251 'Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity'; folder for new Charity staff, with details of the Charity's services and administration,circa 2000;
GOS/14/252 Proof copy of 'The Remarkable Story of Great Ormond Street Hospital ' by Kevin Telfer, 2007; GOS/14/253 Article, 'Charles Dickens' Work to Establish Great Ormond Street Hospital, London' by Howard Markel, from 'The Lancet',vol.354,August 1999.
GOS/14/254 Circular promoting 'Foster's Classic' celebrity Tennis tournament in aid of the Wishing Well Appeal, June 13 1988; GOS/14/255 'The Sunday Times Magazine', 16 May 2010, including article on the Hospital's Renal Unit by Lesley White; GOS/14/256 Replica of E.H. Shepherd's 1939 Christmas Card for the Hospital for Sick Children, created for the Hospital Charity's Christmas Reception 2009;
GOS/14/257 Programme for production of Puccini's 'Il Trittico' at the Royal Opera House,2011 (Historical background for the 'Suor Angelica ' movement provided to the Director,Richard Jones, by the Museum and Archives Service).
GOS/14/258 Public Consultation Document for the Hospital's NHS Foundation Trust Application,2010,with copy of Foundation Trust 'Member Matters' newsletter,2010,and leaflet asking patients for improvement suggestions as part of Foundation Trust consultation.
GOS/14/259 'A Day in the Life of Great Ormond Street Hospital', 2011 ( photographed by photographer-in residence Polly Braden, in association with 'Go Create !'); GOS/14/260 Spring 2012 edition of 'Chemical Heritage'(magazine of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, including article 'The Discovery of PKU' by Donna Messner with references to, and illustration of, Great Ormond Street; GOS/14/261 Introductory leaflet to exhibition 'The Body in Pieces; Fragments from the UCL Great Ormond Street Hospital Collection' held at University College London 2011,featuring items from the former Hospital for Sick Children Pathology Museum now held at the Royal Free Hospital.
GOS/14/262 December 2011-April 2012 edition of the Museum of London's 'Friends News', featuring Charles Dickens Bicentenary exhibition 'Dickens and London', to which items loaned by the Hospital archives; GOS/14/263 Promotional leaflet for Hospital's 'Transformation' programme,2009; GOS/14/264 Programmes for annual Hospital Staff Awards ceremonies,2009-2012;
GOS/14/265 Programme of memorial service to Christine Monk, former Trust Fund Accountant at the Hospital Charity, at St. George the Martyr, Queen Square, 18 July 2011.
GOS/14/266 Pages from website 'The Story of John Parry Thomas' (Land Speed Record holder and patron of the Hospital) 2009;
GOS/14/267 'Breakthroughs in Children's Medicine' publication produced by the Hospital Charity; 'Cancer', 'Heart and Lung' and 'Neuroscience', 2007-2011; GOS/14/268 Miscellaneous published items donated by Mrs. Pauline Wood (former Secretary in House Governor's Office), 2012, includes an incomplete set of the 'Great Ormond Street Gazette'; additional copies of 'Welcome ' leaflets for patients(see GOS/14/37 above), programme for laying of Cardiac Wing Foundation Stone, July 1978, 'Notes on Duties of Members of the Board of Governors' c. 1980, 'Complaints Procedure Relating to treatment of Patients' circa 1980: article, 'Growth of an Extrovert Child' on the history of the Hospital from the 1977 Christmas edition of the 'Health and Social Service Journal'; published 'List of Consultant Staff and Outpatient Clinics', 1978; 'Friends of Great Ormond Street 'appeal leaflet circa 1980; article on 'Radio GOSH' from 'The Dental Laboratory', December 1987; article 'The Most Generous Gift' marking the 50th anniversary of J.M. Barrie's gift of the copyright of 'Peter Pan' to the Hospital for Sick Children'; Programme of Thanksgiving service for the life of Dr. Bernard Schlesinger, May 1984.
GOS/14/269 Hospital for Sick Children's official Christmas Card,1936 (Gift of Mr. R.J. Page); GOS/14/270 Advertisements for children's splints, suture needles and other surgical items designed by Sir Denis Browne, from Pryor and Howard Ltd. and Thackray Knives catalogues , circa1960; GOS/14/271 Great Ormond Street NHS Trust published' Quality Quest Standards', 1993-1994 and 1994-1995,with copies of the Trust's published 1994-1995,1995-1996 and 1997-1998 Business Plan Summary, Summary of Aims and Plans,1995-2000 and 1999-2000 Trust 'Factsheet'.
GOS/14/272 Celebration Brochure produced by the Hospital Charity for the opening of the Variety Club Building, funded by the 'Wishing Well Appeal', February 14 1994; GOS/14/273 Published Consultation brochure prior to Foundation Trust application by the Hospital, with 2006 'Suggestions' leaflet concerning earlier Foundation Trust consultation; GOS/14/274 Great Ormond Street Children's Charity 'Challenge Yourself' Events Diary, 2012; GOS/14/275 'Friends of the Children of Great Ormond Street' Advertisement strips and circular fundraising for purchase of No.48 Great Ormond Street as family accommodation, circa 1982-1983; GOS/14/276 Copy of Thomas Twistington Higgins' Centenary history of the Hospital, with programme of Centenary 'Open Day, 29 May 1952 and related press-cuttings; items formerly owned by Dorette Golay, GOSH Ward Sister and Asst. Matron, Hempstead House,1935-1944. Gift of Mrs. G. Woods, 2012.
GOS/14/277 Illustrated Handbook of the Charles West School of Nursing,1966; GOS/14/278 Programme for London 'Open House' day,10 September 1994,including public opening of Hospital Chapel; GOS/14/279 Leaflet commemorating 50 years of Research and Development at the Institute of Child Health, 1995; GOS/14/280 Official Application for NHS TRUST status by the Hospital for Sick Children, 1993; OS/14/281 Leaflet introducing KPMG's 'PIMS' Patient Information Management System, 1994; GOS/14/282 'Welcome to GOS' Floor-by-Floor guide to the Hospital and its facilities, circa 2000; GOS/14/283 Circulars on 'GOS 2000' Hospital development proposals, 1996, and 'Outline Strategy 2004-8' circular, 2004; GOS/14/284 Staff Information Management leaflets, 'Promoting Health literacy at Great Ormond Street hospital' and 'How to produce information for children and families', 2008; GOS/14/285 Information leaflets on changes to the Out-Patient Department, and move of Out-Patient services to the Royal Homeopathic Hospital, 2005, and general information leaflet for families on the Hospital's Redevelopment, 2004.
GOS/14/286 Programme for GOSH/ICH 'Open Day' for Referring Clinicians, 10 September 2012; GOS/14/287 Brief Guide to Tadworth Court (GOSH 'Country Branch'),1980; Privately published by Kenneth R Clew,1980; GOS/14/288 'Times' Supplement ,'The Hospital for Sick Children, London' March 9 1966; GOS/14/289 Programme for Gala Celebrity premiere of Walt Disney Pictures' 'Aladdin', in aid of Variety Club of Great Britain and the Hospital, 18 November 1993 (Leicester Square Odeon); GOS/14/290 'The Architect's Journal', 6 April 1994, including article on the Hospital's newly-opened Variety Club Building; GOS/14/291 'The Paediatric Pathology Society Archive; How it all started' by John Emery (1997, published in 'Paediatric Pathology Society History' July 2005); GOS/14/292 'The Royal College of Surgeons' 19th Century Textbook of Paediatrics and its Authors Evanson and Maunsell', by Professor O Conor Ward, article from 'Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, vol. 31 no.2, April 2002.
GOS/14/293 'Forever Young', Article on 'Peter Pan's Centenary from 'Woman's World' (Annual of the Women's Institute),2004-2005;
GOS/14/294 Extract from 'Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust' by Lyn Smith, 2005, including reminiscence of wartime treatment at the Hospital by refugee Steven Frank; GOS/14/295 Article on the 'Babs' Cot and racing motorist J.G. Parry Thomas' involvement with the hospital, from 'Motor Sport'. June 2007; GOS/14/296 'History Today' magazine, October 2009, including article by Paula Hellal on theories of child speech development since the 19th Century, 'To Speak Like a Child'; GOS/14/297 'Early Paediatric Anaesthetics at Great Ormond Street Hospital'; lecture by Dr. T. Gilkes, published in 'History of Anaesthesia Society Proceedings', 2009.
GOS/14/298 'Dental Historian' Number 51, January 2010, including article by Professor Stanley Gelbier,'Great Ormond Street Hospital,Its Dental Surgeons (1856-1946) and the Cartwright Family'; GOS/14/299 Published articles by Dr. Andrea I Tanner, Archive Assistant, Great Ormond Street NHS Trust, 2000-2013; 'Dust-Oh ! Rubbish in Victorian London', from 'The London Journal', November 2006
'Choice and the Children's Hospital: Great Ormond Street Hospital Patients and their Families, 1855-1900', from 'Ariadne' issue 60, July 2009
'The Role of Visitors and the Victorian London Children's Hospital', from 'Clio Medica', 2009; The Great Ormond Street Historical Patient Database Project', from 'Archives '28, 2009; Review of 'The Sophia Children's Hospital in Rotterdam' by M.J. van Lieburg, from 'Medical History' 50, October 2006; 'For the Love of Children', from 'Ancestors', August 2005; 'The Sentimental Hard-Sell; Establishing the Idea of the Children's Hospital in Victorian London', from'Melanges de L'Ecole Francaise de Rome' 1 16, 2004; (with D Martino, G Defazio, A J Church, K P Bhatia, G Giovannoni and R C Dale ) 'Tracing Sydenham's Chorea; Historical Documents from a British Paediatric Hospital', from 'Archives of Diseases in Childhood', 90,2005.
Records of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy (also known as The Charity for the Relief of Poor Widows and Children of Clergymen), including letters patent; minutes; agendas; administrative papers; letter books; papers of associatied charities; schemes and proposals; publicity; cases for legal counsel; financial accounts; subscriptions, donations and bequests; papers relating to the management of estates; and reference books.
These archives of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy were deposited in the London County Record Office on condition that all records for the past 100 years which contain reference to beneficiaries shall be regarded as confidential. Searchers who wish to consult such categories of record should first obtain the consent of the Registrar to the Corporation (Corporation House, 6 Woburn Square, London, W.C.1). Other categories of record and all records more than 100 years old are available for searchers without any special restrictions.
Zonder titelRecords of the Foundling Hospital. The collection consists of over 800 linear feet of shelving, an estimated 8 tons of paper, and over 1000 plans. The completeness of the collection is particularly noteworthy. The officers of the Hospital from the very beginning were extremely meticulous in record keeping and detailed documents survive which record the lives of the children, the way in which the Hospital operated, the methods of nursing, the prescriptions of the apothecary, the reports of the inspectors, the extraordinary accounts of women's lives, and the involvement of leading figures of the day in actively supporting the charity.
A/FH/A/01 Charter, petitions and foundation;
A/FH/A/02 Governors;
A/FH/A/03 Minutes;
A/FH/A/04 Reports;
A/FH/A/05 Agenda books and committee papers;
A/FH/A/06 Secretary: General;
A/FH/A/07 Secretary: Staff;
A/FH/A/08 Secretary: Petitioners;
A/FH/A/09 Secretary: Children, admission and discharge;
A/FH/A/10 Secretary: Children, in the country;
A/FH/A/11 Secretary: Children, being claimed;
A/FH/A/12 Secretary: Children, apprenticeship;
A/FH/A/13 Secretary: Children, other employment;
A/FH/A/14 Secretary: Chapel;
A/FH/A/15 Secretary: Country Hospitals' returns;
A/FH/A/16 Secretary: Estate;
A/FH/A/17 Steward;
A/FH/A/18 Apothecary/Medical department;
A/FH/A/19 Dentist;
A/FH/A/20 Oculist;
A/FH/A/21 Surveyor;
A/FH/A/22 Solicitor;
A/FH/A/23 Schoolmaster;
A/FH/A/24 Porter/Lodge keeper;
A/FH/A/25 Night watchman;
A/FH/A/26 Carpenter;
A/FH/A/27 Engineer;
A/FH/A/28 Tailor;
A/FH/A/29 Matron;
A/FH/A/30 Scullery maids;
A/FH/A/31 Headmistress;
A/FH/A/32 Infants' Headmistress;
A/FH/A/33 Foster parents.
A/FH/B/01 Treasurer;
A/FH/B/02 Treasurer's clerk;
A/FH/B/03 Secretary: General;
A/FH/B/04 Secretary: Governors;
A/FH/B/05 Secretary: Committees;
A/FH/B/06 Secretary: Estate;
A/FH/B/07 Secretary's clerk/assistant;
A/FH/B/08 Steward;
A/FH/B/09 Apothecary;
A/FH/B/10 Surveyor;
A/FH/B/11 Schoolmaster and storekeeper;
A/FH/B/12 Messenger;
A/FH/B/13 Gardener;
A/FH/B/14 Matron;
A/FH/B/15 Domestic Economy School supervisor;
A/FH/B/16 Hostel supervisor.
A/FH/C/01 Benevolent fund;
A/FH/C/02 Whatley fund;
A/FH/C/03 Foundling Hospital Savings Bank;
A/FH/C/04 Superannuation fund.
A/FH/D/01 Ackworth, West Yorkshire;
A/FH/D/02 Shrewsbury, Salop;
A/FH/D/03 Westerham, Kent;
A/FH/D/04 Chester, Cheshire.
A/FH/E/01 Commissioners for paving the estate of the Foundling Hospital;
A/FH/E/02 Brunswick Square Committee;
A/FH/E/03 Caroline and Landsdowne Place Committee;
A/FH/E/04 Mecklerburgh Square Committee;
A/FH/E/05 For paving estates of Thomas Harrison.
A/FH/F/01 Treasurer, Revd. Dr S White;
A/FH/F/02 Treasurer, SC Cox;
A/FH/F/03 Treasurers, GB Gregory and JRB Gregory;
A/FH/F/04 Governor, C Plumley;
A/FH/F/05 Secretary, J Brownlow;
A/FH/F/06 Secretary, WS Wintle;
A/FH/F/07 Preacher, Revd. J Hewlett;
A/FH/F/08 Captain L Grove;
A/FH/F/09 American Loyalist Claims Commission;
A/FH/F/10 CF Eley, musician;
A/FH/F/11 Steward, WC Wills;
A/FH/F/12 H Cooke;
A/FH/F/13 Unidentified;
A/FH/F/14 Secretary, M Lievesley;
A/FH/F/15 Miss Bunbury.
A/FH/G/01 Redevelopment of the Foundling Site;
A/FH/G/02 The Foundling Hospital School, Berkhamsted;
A/FH/G/03 Nurseries and the Child Welfare Centre;
A/FH/G/04 Cross Road Club;
A/FH/G/05 Subject and policy files.
A/FH/H/01 Chancery Case: Attorney General v Foundling Hospital;
A/FH/H/02 Out of custody documents: purchased strays.
A/FH/K/01 General Court fair minutes;
A/FH/K/02 General Committee fair minutes.
A/FH/M/01 Documents and books collected by J Brownlow;
A/FH/M/02 Miscellaneous manuscripts;
A/FH/M/03 Printed material: books, pamphlets and ephemera;
A/FH/M/04 Public events: royal visits, ceremonies, concerts and memorials.
A/FH/Q/01 Records stored at Ackworth.
A/FH/T/01 Thomas Coram Foundation for Children;
A/FH/T/02 Old Coram Association.
A/FH/Y/01 Artefacts.
Zonder titelRecords of the Family Welfare Association (FWA), formerly the Charity Organisation Society (COS), comprising records of the Central Office (Ref: A/FWA/C) and records of six FWA Areas in London and their predecessor district committees of the COS (Ref: A/FWA/GL, A/FWA/HF, A/FWA/KW, A/FWA/LS, A/FWA/TH, A/FWA/WA).
The records including administrative papers, annual reports, papers of the Secretary and Director, papers of the Enquiry Department and Registration Department; publications; papers of the Grants Department; papers of the Almshouses Department; case files and financial records.
Zonder titelRecords of charity The Ranyard Mission and Ranyard Nurses, comprising Council minutes; Finance Committee minutes; Executive Committee minutes; registers of nurses; annual reports; correspondence; booklets, pamphlets and magazines; accounts of the Mission; speeches; photographs; badges; and papers relating to Special Funds.
Zonder titelLegal documents, acquired by the solicitor's office in the course of their work, relating to the Manor of Stanwell, including: abstract of title for the Manor of Stanwell, parties: Lucius Cary, Viscount Falkland and John, Earl of Dunmore, 1576-1725; abstract of title for lands in the parish of Stanwell, parties: Richard Willshaw and Lord Dunmore, 1677-1726; abstract of title for arable lands in the common fields of Stanmore, parties: Richard Blunt and the Earl of Dunmore, 1714-1737; abstract of tithe for copyhold lands in Stanwell, some belonging to the Earl of Dunmore, 1712-1780; and memorial of release for lands in the parish of Stanwell, 1736.
Also deed of company to establish a bank, to be called the 'Middlesex and Surrey Bank' at Staines, 1810; marriage settlement for lands in Staines, Highgate, Hornsey and Shenley Bury (Hertfordshire), 1844; copy of probate of will, regarding a house at Stamford Hill belonging to Thomas Gudgeon and copy of information at the Exchequer relating to a prosecution for evasion of stamp duty on bottles of soda water, 1813.
Zonder titelPapers relating to a bazaar held to raise funds for the Convalescent Home for Children, Highgate.
Zonder titelRecords of the Canons Park Estate Company Limited, 1640-1929, including printed copy of the abstract of title of the Canons Park Estate Co to "all that capital messuage or mansion house called "Canons" with the park gardens, pleasure grounds, lodges, stables and outhouses, buildings, lands and hereditaments thereto belonging situate in the parishes of Little Stanmore and Great Stanmore", 1860-1898; lease of Canons Manor by Sir Robert Stone, 1640; various assignments of term and conveyances; letter from James Drake of Canons Park to the Parish Overseers suggesting that 100 poor children of the parish of Little Stanmore should be employed in the lace making industry, 1813; report on local charities by Committee appointed by Great Stanmore Parish Council to Sir John Fitzgerald, Chairman of Great Stanmore Parish Council, 1929; legal documents and accounts relating to land in Wirksworth, Stafford, Derbyshire and Lincoln.
Zonder titelThis collection comprises the title deeds of various small pieces of land in Enfield (and also Herts, Essex and Whitechapel) which have, at different times in the past, become the property of the parish of Enfield for charitable purposes, together with leases and appointments of trustees. They were kept in the parish chest until the end of the nineteenth century, as is shown by an old label noting that a bundle of deeds was removed from the parish chest in 1903. The deeds have an exceptional interest and value for the history and topography of Enfield.
Zonder titelRecords of the Corn Exchange Benevolent Society comprising rules, minutes, annual reports, a record of pensioners, and photographs and correspondence relating to the centenary.
Zonder titelMinute books of the Cumberland Benevolent Institution.
Zonder titelRecords of the Early Morning Lecturer Fund comprise accounts 1753-1898 (Ms 10764); miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1770-1898 (Ms 10765).
Zonder titelRecords of the Welcome Charitable Institute for Women and Girls, comprising minutes, reports, photographs and press cuttings and other administrative material.
Zonder titelCollection of documents relating to schools in the City of London, including:
- account of the Society who founded the charity school in Red Cross Street, 1690-1742;
- copy of an examinations paper on Dickens' "Pickwick Papers", 1857;
- collection of letters relating to the City of London School, 1843-1851;
- orders for Christ's Hospital school, 1678;
- papers relating to legal proceedings brought against the Tower Ward School, 1881-1884;
- address to the Drapers' Company from William Boreman's Charity School, 17--.
Minute book of the War Refugees Committee, a charity aiding First World War refugees.
Zonder titelRecords of the Joel Emmanuel Charity, consisting of a minute book.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.
Zonder titelRecords of the Kings Lynn Jewish Congregation, consisting of minutes and a charity register.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.
Zonder titelCorrespondence of Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler, 1868-1921, relating to diverse subjects including education, legal cases, Jews College, shechita, charity and relief funds, Russo-Jewish Committee, the United Synagogue, administration, provincial congregations and marriages; and relating to foreign places including Australia, China, Japan, Palestine, Jerusalem, Ireland, Romania, South Africa, Russia and New York.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.
Zonder titelRecords of Chief Rabbi Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, 1913-1992. The records of Lord Jakobovits are the single largest part of the archive, indicative of the large volume of work undertaken and the relative speed with which the records were passed onto London Metropolitan Archives.
Records relating to the Office of the Chief Rabbi and Chief Rabbi's Cabinet including papers relating to social functions and administration. Correspondence with the Board of Deputies, London Beth Din and United Synagogue. Papers relating to Jewish communal organisations including the Kol Nidre Appeal and the Joint Israel Appeal.
Papers relating to education and Chaplaincy Boards including general correspondence, the Education Reform Act 1988, Jews' College, individual schools, colleges and universities, the University Jewish Chaplaincy Board, and the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board. Papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust including administration, correspondence, financial records, trustees, donors, applications, fundraising and policies.
Papers relating to Jewish religious organisations including Reform, Liberal and Sephardi congregations and the Spanish and Portuguese Community. Papers relating to congregations and ministers in Great Britain including the registration of synagogues, the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board and provincial congregations.
Halacha [a legal decision regarding a matter or case for which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic law, deduced by analogy from this law or from the Scriptures] and rulings on religious questions including correspondence, rulings relating to burial practices, the participation of women in communities, blasphemy, medical ethics, circumcision, bar mitzvah, marriage, conversions, get [divorce] legislation, High Holy Days and mikvaot. Papers relating to Shechita [slaughtering practices] and Kashrut [laws relating to food] including correspondence and minutes of the London Board for Shechita and the National Council of Shechita Boards of Great Britain, general correspondence, reports, and defence of shechita practices.
Papers relating to bills in the House of Lords. Correspondence with central Government departments and local authorities, including correspondence with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Correspondence with welfare organisations and papers relating to ageing, child abuse, crime, drugs, homelessness, hospice care, disabled people and individual welfare cases. Correspondence with religious leaders, individuals, and organisations relating to Israel, including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Correspondence with overseas congregations including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America and correspondence with the Conference of European Rabbis. Papers relating to Soviet Jewry including correspondence, appeals and reports.
Papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews. Papers relating to medical ethics including abortion, sex education, AIDS, organ transplants, Tay-Sachs disease and abortion. Papers relating to social issues including business ethics, disarmament, homosexuality, inner cities, disasters, and race relations. Correspondence relating to the representation of the Chief Rabbi on various public bodies and patronage by the Chief Rabbi.
Copies of sermons, addresses, publications from the office of the Chief Rabbi, press and publicity, broadcasts and messages from the Chief Rabbi. Personal papers including household accounts, letters of thanks and messages of sympathy. Papers relating to the Chief Rabbinate Fund including the distribution of funds to various causes.
PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.
Zonder titel