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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0074 ACC/1297/H&C · Collectie · 1861-1867

Records of the Hammersmith and City Railway, including Board meeting minutes; General meeting minutes; Board of Trade inspection reports; agreements, tenders and contracts; list of staff; financial accounts and petitions from inhabitants of Westbourne Park for a station between Notting Hill and Bishops Road.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LPT · Collectie · 1880-1953

Records of the London Passenger Transport Board, including minutes of Meetings of the Board; reports to the Board; album of photographs illustrating the catering facilities afforded by the LPTB to shelterers in the London Tubes during the air raids on London; minutes of Accounts Advisory Committee; plans and sections; tenders, specifications and contracts; Traffic Circulars (Central Buses); papers relating to the Passenger Pooling Scheme; diaries; official booklets, pamphlets and leaflets; and appointment books, issued annually (those filed herewith have had the calendar leaves extracted but the interesting photographs which interspersed them are left in position. They give a true contemporary picture of the life of London and its surroundings, including its building and transport).

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/1297/MDR · Collectie · 1864-1934

Records of the Metropolitan District Railway, including minutes of Board Meetings, General Meetings, the Traffic, Way and Works Committee, the Law, Parliamentary and Lands Committee, Stock Holders Meetings, Executive Officers Meetings and Standing Joint Committee; guard books containing copies of agreements with other railway companies and non-railway companies; volumes of statistics; financial ledgers; volumes of monthly reports; notices issued jointly with Piccadilly Line of London Electric Railway, concerning track and signal alterations and the bringing into use of new lines in connection with the extension of Piccadilly Line trains to Hounslow, South Harrow and Enfield West and Shareholders' Association circulars, newspaper cuttings and so on.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/1467 · Collectie · 1943

Report entitled "Post War Development - Passenger Traffic: Report on visit to stations (appendix H)". The report contains notes and general comments on various passenger stations and a variety of photographs of the stations and their concourses. The stations belonged to different operators and comprise:

London Passenger Transport Board: Finchley Road, Rayner's Lane, Uxbridge, Harrow on the Hill
Southern Railway: Richmond, Kingston, Surbiton
London Midland and Scottish: Luton, Apsley
Great Western Railway: Leamington Spa
London and North Eastern Railway: Loughton.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2103 · Collectie · 1775-1836

Records relating to Kew Bridge Tontine, comprising a tontine annuity certificate, 1775-1836.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2333 · Collectie · 1829-1841

Circular from the "Society for Erecting and Maintaining A Building in the Metropolis For the Meeting of Religious, Charitable, and Scientific Institutions", including plans of the proposed building between Exeter Street and the Strand [later called Exeter Hall, 272 Strand], 1829 and copy of the Ninth Annual Report of the Society For Erecting and Maintaining A Building Called Exeter Hall For the Meeting of Religious, Charitable and Scientific Institutions, 1834.

Copy of the report of the London and Greenwich Railway, read at the first General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors held at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, on 9 February 1841.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2423 · Collectie · 1760-1978

Records from the Lee Conservancy Board Engineer's Office at Enfield Lock. The engineer appears also to have been responsible to the Lee Conservancy Catchment Board (for example, see Acc 2423/062).

The collection consists of nineteenth and twentieth century plans, papers and volumes concerning the Lee Conservancy Board, the Lee Conservancy Catchment Board, and the British Waterways Board, covering many aspects of maintenance work on waterways and administration. The papers comprise:

  • Plans 1760-1954 (ACC 2423/P/0001-3786) A large proportion of the collection consists of plans, many reused with annotations. Items relate to repair work on sewers and buildings, improvements to rivers and pumping stations, and the purchase of land for new projects.
    • Parliamentary Plans 1840-1965 (ACC 2423/PP/001-041) Plans produced for or submitted for Parliamentary Sessions to illustrate forthcoming work on waterways, for example, sewerage work, or waterways affected by the construction of railways.
    • Specific Plans 1867-1964 (ACC 2423/R/001-076) A set of plans illustrating large projects, which seems to have been kept as a set distinct and separate from the main ACC 2423/P plan series by the placing of the letter `R' before each original plan number.
    • General Plans 1828-1974 (ACC 2423/X/001-300) A collection of more general plans relating to projects focusing on improvements to the Lea River and Navigation, the Stort River and Navigation, the Bow Back Rivers and the Grand Union Canal.
    • Ordnance Survey Maps 1838-1955 (ACC 2423/05/001-139) Maps used to plan forthcoming work, with frequent annotations, particularly for the drafting of courses for sewers.
    • Engineers' Reports and Letter Books 1858-1961 (ACC 2423/001-136) Sets of volumes and files recording reports, contracts and specifications, and other maintenance records.
    • Administrative and Legal Documents 1829-1977 (ACC 2423/AL/001-119) Administrative files relating to accidents and damage, together with inventories of assets, minutes of meetings, and engineers' reports. Legal documents include material on agreements for sale and tenancy, the conveyance of property, and contracts.
    • Engineering and Maintenance Records 1892-1978 (ACC 2423/EM/001-097) Records relating to the maintenance and improvement of waterways, including development plans, moratorium surveys, pumping records, and related graphs and operation sheets.
Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/3168 · Collectie · 1859-1992

Records of the Metropolitan Free Drinking Fountain Association, later known as the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association; including minutes; agendas; constitution; annual reports; records relating to property and structures (fountains); correspondence; bequests and trusts; staff; financial accounts; plans; photographs; printed material including press cuttings and histories, and case files relating to individual fountains.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/3377 · Collectie · 1930-1932

Records of the Great Western Railway, comprising agreements regarding siding accommodation near Brentford Station, 1930-1932.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/3743 · Collectie · 1949-1979

Papers relating to the work of Witold Kay-Korzeniewicz, including development plans, photographs and reports for Paternoster Square, Saint Paul's Cathedral, Heathrow Airport, Elephant and Castle, King's Cross Station, Saint Pancras Station, South Bank, Festival of Britain, London Underground, Wembley Stadium, Grand Union Canal, and Warren Street Station.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 B/NTG-3 · Collectie · 1846-1870

Records of the Great Central Gas Consumers Company, 1846-1870, including certificate of formal registration of the company; reports of the Company's Directors; bills of costs in various legal transactions and suits; correspondence agreements; contracts for lighting various parishes; deeds and plans for various premises.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/05 · Collectie · 1837-1876

Purchase records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including works day books; day books; Pipe Yard day book; stock books; and records relating to the delivery and consumption of coal.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/02 · Collectie · 1810-1908

Financial records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including half-yearly accounts; ledgers; journals; cash books; liabilities; balance books; revenue ledgers; office rate books; Collectors' recoveries and meter collections.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/07 · Collectie · 1830-1905

General records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including examples of forms printed and distributed by the company; general index of drawings; papers relating to rate assessment appeals; valuation of tools and working plant; and papers relating to Parliamentary Acts and Royal Commissions.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/01 · Collectie · 1809-1904

Corporate records of the Kent Waterworks Company, including Board of Directors' minute books; Committee minute books; Secretary's reports; correspondence and letter books; legal papers; records relating to shares, stocks and dividends; and contracts.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2558/LB/06 · Collectie · 1749-1778

Stock transfer records for the London Bridge Waterworks Company, comprising book of wills for deceased shareholders and elevation and plan of the great engine for the fifth arch of London Bridge.

Zonder titel
GB 0813 POST 20 Series · Reeks · 1854-2003

This series relates to the conveyance of mails by Underground pneumatic tube in London. It comprises reports and papers produced and used by the committee appointed in 1909 by the Postmaster General to consider the introduction of the underground transmission of mails within London and plans of the proposed route for the railway, showing rail levels and junctions. It also contains a copy of the Post Office (London) Railway act and the patent granted to Hosiah Latimer Clark for the invention of apparatus for conveying post by pneumatic tube, (POST 20/30). Papers relating to the construction, maintenance and expansion of the Post Office (London) Railway are also present including specifications, invitations to tender, conditions of contract, estimate of costs and technical plans relating to the construction of new stations, car depots, subways, additions and alterations to stations, including the fitting and maintenance of electrical equipment. This is also demonstrated through numerous plans held within the collection. As well as the Manager's annual reports, there are also numerous files of miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda and reports from the Post Office to various departments and organisations regarding the Post Office (London) Railway, historical accounts. There are also two photograph albums of railway equipment and work being carried out on it.

Some of the plans show properties purchased by the Post Office following the passage of the Post Office (London) Railway Act in 1913. There is a series of signed plans dated 26 October 1914 showing the depth and route of the Post Office (London) railway below ground with details of tunnels, shield chambers, and shafts. There is also a series of plans marking individual and corporate properties along the proposed route of the Post Office Railway.

Zonder titel
Transport History Collection
GB 1975 Transport History · c1811-1990s

Papers relating to British railway history, especially that of the Great Western Railway (GWR) and railways in the London area, including books, maps, periodicals, timetables and several thousand photographs, c1920s-1980s. The books represent a strong collection on British railway history from earliest times to the early 1980s. The collection is less strong in periodicals but there are some substantial runs of major titles. There is a large collection of early railway maps including Airey and Railway Clearing House (RCH) maps; also Ordnance Survey maps and railway junction diagrams, and a substantial collection of Bradshaw guides, and working and passenger timetables, with the following archival material:

Clinker Collection comprising notes and correspondence relating to the publications of Charles Ralph Clinker on railway history, particularly his Register of closed passenger stations and goods depots in England, Scotland and Wales, 1830-1977 (1963, revised 1978) and papers relating to his 1982 revision of the History of the Great Western Railway (London, 1964) by E T MacDermot; timetables, including those for the Bristol area, 1880s-1970s; General Strike, 1926; timetables during other strikes, 1920s; Great Western and Midland, various notices; Midland and South Western Junction Railway timetables, 1885-1947; operation instructions, GWR, London Midland and Scottish (LMS), London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), Southern Railway (SR); GWR working of stations, 1939-1965; LMS Railway train marshalling, 1943-1944; LMS timetables, 1890s-1940s; train arrangements during World War One and World War Two, 1914-1918, 1939-1945; papers relating to Broadgauge conversion; papers relating to Golden Valley Railway and Leominster-Kington Railway; ephemera relating to the Hay Railway, 1811-1977; Southern Railway plans for stations west of Salisbury, 1905- (mainly 1920s-1930s); Severn Bridge, General Manager's file, 1936-1943; logging of train performances, 1918-1927; books and periodicals, including rare and 19th century printed material on the early railway system, particularly guidebooks and station instructions.

Garnett Collection, mainly comprising railway maps, particularly those produced from 1869 by John Airey, an employee of the RCH, and subsequently by the RCH itself, and also includes Ordnance Survey maps and railway maps produced by the various railway companies; catalogues and research notes by Garnett, including lists of maps prepared by Airey and the RCH, 1869-1960; Macaulay [Zachary] series for Great Britain, Ireland and London, 1851-1908; notes on tramways and railways in Port Talbot area; catalogues of station handbooks, 1851-1956, and railway junction diagrams (the Airey and RCH maps, station handbooks and junction diagrams were used to determine ownership of stations and junctions for commercial purposes).

Research notes and photographs relating to Railway structures by Stuart Kear (9 vols); typescript of Chronology of the construction of Britain's railways, 1856-1922 by Leslie James; research notes by John Palmer on 19th century railway periodicals and the Eastern Counties Railway in its formative years; research notebooks and papers of Harold Vernon Borley on the history of railways in London, used for his Chronology of London railways (Railway and Canal Historical Society, Oakham, 1982).

Locomotive and General Railway Collection, featuring several thousand photographs (photographer unknown) of British locomotives, particularly steam trains, 1920s-1970s.

Wookey Collection, comprising several thousand photographs of British railway stations and signal boxes.

Mowat Collection (of Professor Charles Loch Mowat, 1911-c1969), comprising 2500 photographs in albums of railway scenes, 1926-1969 (mostly 1942-1969, with a few before 1924). These are mostly of small and medium sized railway stations (trains are generally incidental), covering most of the United Kingdom, with particular emphasis on the GWR and Wales, with coverage of Somerset and Dorset, Midland and South Western Junction, Lincolnshire, Midland Railway in the West Country, Great Eastern, Glasgow and Edinburgh Suburban, Bristol Suburban, Ireland, and narrow gauge lines in the UK such as Ffestiniog, Penrhyn, Bishop's Castle and Ditton's Prior. He also covered south east of Manchester in 1962, including the Hayfield, Macclesfield, Buxton (London North Western and Midland) and North Staffordshire lines. The collection also includes Mowat's index to his photographs and 14 notebooks containing track diagrams and notes on the stations he photographed, c1920-1969.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 160 · c1825

The original Deed of Association of the English and Bristol Channels Ship Canal. Contains about 600 signatures, opposite each of which are shown the number of deposits paid and amount subscribed, c1825.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 530 · 1790

Papers relating to the part of Jacques Louis Chaumont de La Millière in the creation of legislation in the Assembleé Nationale Constituante relating to the Ponts et Chauseés (or bridges and highways) of France, 1790, including:

  1. Letter from Millière to [Pierre Louis] Roederer introducing a memorandum entitled 'Observations pour servir de réponse à un mémoire sur les travaux publics du Languedoc...une partie d'administration aussi importante', 30 Oct 1790. The mémoire referred to appears to be that entitled 'Extrait d'Observations faites il y a quelques mois sur un mémoir de l'Ingénieur en chef de la cydevant province de Bretagne par lequel il proposait de conserver à Rennes l'École particulière des Ponts et Chaussées...les observations...pourront servir de réponse à un mémoire d'un directeur des Travaux Publics du Languedoc'.
  2. Letter from Millière to [Pierre Louis] Roederer, 20 Oct 1790, enclosing the 'dernières observations...sur la nouvelle rédaction du decret proposé par M. [Charles François] Le Brun [Duc de Plaisance] relativement aux Ponts et Chausées', with brief note in Millière's hand on the principles of the organisation of the Ponts et Chausées, and an item headed 'Observations sur plusiers articles du dernier projet du decret concernant les Ponts et Chausées proposés par le Comité des Finances'.
Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL289 · Archief · 1845

2 letters sent from officers of the Sambre and Meuse Central Railway Company, London, to John Philippart, 1845. Describing developments and public interest in the Belgian railway and asking for Philippart's support as a member of the managements committee; an explanatory pamphlet accompanied the first letter.

Both letters are autograph, with the signatures of company employees: (i) Osmund Lewis; (ii) G D Carvalho.

Zonder titel
Geary, N: letter (1815)
GB 0096 AL375 · Archief · 1815

Letter from N Geary of Fareham, [Hampshire] to Mr Gunner, Waltham, Hampshire, 14 Jan 1815. Asking Gunner to remind the magistrates of the Droxford Bench that they were to inspect the public roads over the Forest of Bere, which Geary had made 'remarkably good'; but since 'the whole of the public money is expended, and the roads are getting bad', he asks the magistrates either to discharge him, or give 'assistance and support without which it will be impossible for me to proceed without much injury to the parishes, and disgrace to myself ...'.

Autograph, with signature. Some pencilled queries in another hand appear on the dorse, e.g. 'Does it lega[ll]y come before us?'

Zonder titel
Stephenson, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL515 · Archief · 1845

Letter from Robert Stephenson of 24 Great George Street, [London] to Edward Ackroyd, 28 Jun 1845. Concerning the importance of good gradients and the 'engineering of the West Yorkshire [railways]'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 829 · c1825-1830

Manuscript memorandum, possibly dating from c1825-1830, addressed to 'Messrs. Gibson's, Bankers, London', describing the facilities and extent of the London docks.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 940 · c1837

Alphabetical list for applicants for the post of porter with the railway, giving name of applicant, residence, age, former employment, by whom recommended and remarks. Undated, probably c1837.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 997 · 1839

Contract between the North Midland Railway Company and Joel Buxton for the building of Masborough station in Yorkshire, 16 Dec 1839. Includes specification and prices for materials.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS155 · Archief · 1819-1833

Papers of John Urpeth Rastrick including memoranda, calculations and diagrams, including estimates for iron arch for Stratford-upon-Avon Railway Bridge; for a roof for William Foster; gasworks at Kidderminster; recipe for brass lacquer; lists of materials of six-horse Boulton and Watts engine, and of the contents of packing boxes, with diagrams of each item entered; notes, specifications and sketches for the Stratford and Moreton Railway; and detailed descriptions, statistics and sketches of bridges, railways and engines. Enclosing the following items: (i-ii) 2 sheets of rough calculations. (iii) Card bearing printed statistics of the Burnton and Shields Railway; annotated in MS and signed by Benjamin Thompson (23 January 1829). (iv) Printed wrapper sent from the Office of Ordnance to Messrs J Bradley and Co, [?at] Foster, Rastrick and Co Ironworks, Stourbridge; used for rough calculations and draft accounts in MS.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS163 · Archief · 1829

'Specification of the workmanship for the Kenyon and Leigh Junction Railway', the specification itself is not in John Urpeth Rastrick's hand, but it includes notes added to the text by him. His signature appears on the dorse of the fly-leaf, with the date of 16 Oct 1829 and a note: 'the first specification for a railway that was ever made'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS166 · Archief · 1830

Specification for Leeds and Selby Railway, contracts numbered 1 and 2, Sep 1830. This specification was owned by Rastrick but may not have been created by him.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS169 · Archief · 1830-1832

Papers of John Urpeth Rastrick, 1830-1832, including valuations, lists of properties, calculations, sketches, estimates and plans for the Birmingham and Liverpool Railway [the Brimingham & Basford Railway and the Wolverhampton Branch), bound into one volume. In the hands of Rastrick and others, most items endorsed by Rastrick.

Includes 2 letters to Rastrick at the Waterloo Hotel, Liverpool: (a) leaves 52-53 - from Wiliam Trubshaw, Forton (near Newport, Shropshire) (17 February 1831); (b) leaves 54-55 - from John Barker, Wolverhampton (12 February 1831).

Zonder titel
GB 0098 B/BOVEY · Created 1892-1908

Papers of Professor Henry Taylor Bovey, [1892]-1908, comprising research papers and notes relating to the strength of materials, hydraulics and electrical engineering, design of bridges and the pin-connected principle, [1892-1902]; papers relating to engineering and mining courses, [1898-1908]; address as Imperial College Rector, 1908.

Zonder titel
GB 2856 (NEW)LT000407 · Reeks · 1869-1947

This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, agendas and minutes of meetings relating to various subjects such as the electrification of the East London Line and its financial arrangements; extensions of lines; maintenance works including improvements and alterations to stations and equipment; staff related issues such as national insurance, war bonuses, appointments, pensions and rates of pay; passenger compensation claims; commercial advertising, and leases and rents of property. Also included are annual accounts of the Committee, cost statements and tender and contract documentation.

Zonder titel
GB 2856 (NEW)LT000462 · Reeks · 1933-1940

This series contains correspondence, memoranda, minutes and reports concerning the railway including details of the development of stations, accidents, the rates of pay and conditions of service for staff, safety and maintenance matters, air raid precautions, the electrification of the railway and the letting of land and properties. Also contains accounts including details of revenue receipts and expenditure.

Zonder titel
GB 2856 (NEW)LT000482 · Reeks · 1931-1947

This series contains tests, drawings and photographs of railway rolling stock, including details of the surface lines of rolling stock replacement programmes, a proposed rolling stock programme for the District, Circle and Metropolitan Lines, Chairman's conference minutes including financial details, National Service for staff, matters approved by the Chairman for submission to the Board, Special Expenditure Requisitions (SERs), air raid precautions, engineering first class traffic, the standardisation of signs, a station proficiency competition and emergency measures on railways.

Zonder titel
GB 2856 (NEW)LT000483 · Reeks · 1939-1943

This series contains reports, memoranda and minutes on wartime transport services, including details of war service allowances, rates of pay, staff negotiations, the threat of sabotage, finance, air raid precautions, protection of London Passsenger Transport Board properties, the employment of aliens, the Home Guard, air raid warnings and continuance of work, awards for bravery, casualties, damage, fire watching, passes and permits and a review of expenditure. Also included are meetings on the management of joint line railways, the simplifying of the fares system and the increasing of line capacity, as well as on the design and equipment of railway rolling stock required in the immediate post war years.

Zonder titel
GB 2856 (NEW)LT000485 · Reeks · 1930-1948

This series contains reports, memoranda and extracts from minutes concerning projects for London Underground lines, including details of planned extensions to lines, electrification schemes and the building of additional tracks. Also included are details of programmes of works to be carried out, progress reports, details of Bills to be put forward in Parliament, particulars of work contracts placed, and notices of drawings and plans signed or to be signed.

Zonder titel
GB 2856 LT000020 · Reeks · 1939-1964

This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, notes and plans concerning the provision and relocation of bus stops London. Subjects also include stopping arrangements, road works, passenger numbers, road diversions and the provision of street lighting.

LT000020/001: 'Battersea': Memoranda and correspondence concerning road works, siting and resiting of bus stops, provision of new street lighting, clarification of bus stopping arrangements, widening of roads and bus bays as well as the provision of pedestrian crossings. Also includes maps of the areas affected; LT000020/002: 'Bromley': Memoranda and correspondence concerning the provision of bus stops, street lighting improvement scheme and bus stopping arrangements. Also includes maps of areas affected in Bromley; LT000020/003: 'Bromley', Memoranda and correspondence concerning the provision of bus stops at locations including Heathfield Road, Keston. Subjects also include road improvements, diversions, road works and inspection visits at potential bus stopping sites. Also includes maps of proposed bus bays and other works, 1962; LT000020/004: 'Camberwell': Memoranda and correspondence concerning the provision of bus stops, proposed road works, modernisation of street lighting and stopping positions, 1961-1962; LT000020/005: 'Fulham': Memoranda, correspondence and maps concerning bus stops. Subjects include stopping places at Fulham Broadway near Harwood Road and new street lighting in the area, 1955-1962; LT000020/006: 'Finsbury': Memoranda and correspondence concerning bus services. Subjects include an experimental one-way traffic system, stopping arrangements and rebuilding works in Finsbury Square, trolleybus stops and new street lighting. Also includes plans of proposed works, such as an intended extension to the stop outside Moorfields Eye Hospital, 1944-1962; LT000020/007: 'Hammersmith': Memoranda and correspondence concerning new bus stops, resiting of stops and stopping arrangements and the construction of bus bays and new street lighting, 1960-1962; LT000020/008: 'Hackney': Memoranda and correspondence concerning bus stops, including details of proposed one way working, road works and diversions and stopping arrangements, 1959-1962; LT000020/009: 'Hampstead': Memoranda and correspondence concerning bus stops in Hampstead. Subjects include traffic conditions, provision of bus stops, one way traffic schemes, standing arrangements, passenger loadings on certain routes and additional stops. Also includes maps of proposed works sites, 1959-1962; LT000020/010: 'Kensington': Papers concerning bus stops in Kensington. Subjects include changes to bus stops, public lighting projects, work required in connection with stop signs, bus stopping arrangements and plans for roadworks. Also includes correspondence regarding a stop in Addison Road, 1960-1963.

LT000020/011: 'Lambeth'; Papers concerning bus stops in Lambeth. Subjects include queue iregularities, new bus stops and site meetings, proposed road widenings, road works and the site layout of a junction between Stockwell Road and Brixton Road, 1961-1962; LT000020/012: 'Lewisham': Papers, correspondence and minutes of meetings concerning bus stops in Lewisham. Subjects include provision of bus stops at Lewisham Hospital and Catford Garage, road works, one-way schemes, new street lighting, stopping arrangements and queue shelters. Also includes plans of proposed works, such as a branch library at Bromley and a one-way junction between Catford Hill and Stanstead Road, 1959-1964; LT000020/013: 'Leatherhead': Papers concerning bus services at Leatherhead. Subjects include stopping arrangements at Kingston Road and Dilston Road and the provision of bus bays and stops. Also includes lists of passenger loadings on certain routes, 1944-1961; LT000020/014: 'Chelsea': Papers and correspondence, 1941-1949, concerning bus services in Chelsea. Subjects include bus stops along Kings Road, passenger loadings on various routes, alterations to stops, the provision of street lighting and road repairs. Also includes a statement of correspondence dealt with by the Public Relations Office for week ended 17 January 1942; LT000020/015: 'Chelsea': Papers concerning bus services in Chelsea. Subjects include request for a bus stop at Chelsea Bridge Road, stopping arrangements in Kings Road, Fulham Raod and Beaufort Street and passenger loadings on certain routes, 1949-1951; LT000020/016: 'Chelsea': Correspondence concerning the standard of new lamps in Chelsea, proposed bus stops in Sloane Street and Lower Sloane Street, road works and stopping arrangements, 1952-1959; LT000020/017: 'Chelsea': Papers, minutes of meetings and memoranda, 1954-1963. Subjects inculde provision of bus stops at Lower Sloane Street and Sloane Square, stopping arrangements in Kings Road and Beaufort Street, resiting of stops, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines coach services between Sloane Street and London Airport and bus services for the 1959 festival gardens season and arrangements for the funeral of the Colombian ambassador; LT000020/018: 'Harrow': Papers and reports. Subjects include proposed bus bays and stops in Uxbridge Road, passenger loadings on various routes, the reconstruction of a bridge at North Harrow Station, replacement of RT type buses with Routemasters, resiting of stops, proposed sites for bus shelters, the construction of bus bays and road work diversions, 1952-1962; LT000020/019: 'Bermondsey': Papers and correspondence. Subjects include proposed bus stop at Lower Road in Bermondsey, bus turning arrangements, stopping arrangements, passenger loadings on various routes, bus stop markings on the carriageway, new lighting schemes, reconstruction of Canada swing bridge at Redriff Road, proposed stops at the west end of Rotherhithe Tunnel and proposed changes to stop signs, 1958-1963; LT000020/020: 'Hendon': Papers and statistics concerning buses in Hendon area. Subjects include works to the station car park at Colindale Station, bus stops in North End Road, lay-bys on Watford Way, stopping arrangements on North Circular Road, road works, bus stop markings, resiting of pedestrian crossing at Hendon Central Station, passenger loadings and planned roadworks, 1954-1964.

LT000020/021: 'Brentwood': Papers and correspondence concerning buses in the Brentwood area. Subjects include stopping arrangements at Brook Street and Ongar Road and unnecessary obstructions by buses, 1960-1962; LT000020/022: 'Kingston': Papers, diagrams, notices, statistics and correspondence concerning buses in Kingston. Subjects include bus stops in Richmond Road and Cambridge Road, road works in Kings Road, bus lay-bys, proposed new bus bay in Burnham Street, waiting restrictions in streets and passenger loadings on various routes, 1952-1963; LT000020/023: 'City of London': Papers, reports, statistics and correspondence concerning buses in London. Subjects include bus stops at Bishopsgate outside Liverpool Street Station, one-way traffic scheme in Aldgate, proposed bus stop at Ludgate Hill, work required in connection with stop signs, passenger loadings on various routes, inspections and elevated pavements and garages. Also includes a site layout for a proposed development north of Watling Street, 1958-1962; LT000020/024: 'Ilford': Papers, correspondence and maps concerning buses in Ilford. Subjects include a bus stand in Thorold Road, stopping arrangements, provision of bus bays, removal of trolleybus standards, new street lighting and proposed road works, 1958-1962; LT000020/025: 'Heston and Isleworth': Papers, lists, reports and correspondence concerning buses in Hesten and Isleworth. Subjects include the provision of bus stops and street lighting, recommendations for changes to stopping arrangements, road widening schemes, the construction of bus bays, bus stop markings on the carriageway and favourable sites for bus shelters, 1960-1963; LT000020/026: 'Kent': Memoranda and corespondence concerning buses in Kent. Subjects include inspection of bus stops in Maidstone Road and King Street by the Stopping Places Advisory Committee, work required in connection with stop signs and stopping arrangements at Maidstone Road. Also includes a plan of the proposed Swanley Bypass, 1959-1963; LT000020/027: 'Mitcham': Reports, correspondence and maps concerning traffic conditions at Fair Green and Cricket Green, Mitcham; requests for bus stop resitings; proposed construction of bus bays; road widenings and stopping arrangements, 1958-1962; LT000020/028: 'Wimbledon': Papers, 1959-1962, concerning the temporary removal of bus stops in Wimbledon and route arrangements for tennis events in 1962; LT000020/029: 'Woolwich stops': Papers, plans and correspondence concerning changes to bus stops, street lighting scheme and reconstruction of bus stops along Burrage Road, 1962; LT000020/030: 'Middlesex': Correspondence and maps. Subjects include reconstruction of the railway bridge at West Drayton Station and rebuilding of Bath Road, Harlington. Also includes a list of sites for potential bus bays, 1960-1962.

LT000020/031: 'Poplar': Memoranda, correspondence and maps. Subjects include the provision of bus stops and stopping arrangements in Poplar, road works, street lighting and the temporary closure of Blackwall Tunnel. Also includes an agreement with the Stopping Places Advisory Committee on stops and signs for the tunnel approach, 1959-1962; LT000020/032: 'Greenwich': Memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings and correspondence concerning bus services in Greenwich. Subjects include the provision of bus stops, stopping arrangements, proposals for special bus stops during Charlton Football Club home games, delays at Blackwall Tunnel and traffic problems, 1959-1962; LT000020/033: 'Walthamstow': Papers, lists of passenger loading numbers and correspondence concerning road improvements, traffic conditions and street lighting in Walthamstow, 1960-1962: LT000020/034: 'Richmond': Correspondence concerning bus services in Richmond. Subjects include the relocation of bus stops, provision of new stops including one terminating at the Black Horse Pub in East Sheen, provision of street lighting, passenger numbers and proposals for permanent one-way traffic on Richmond Green, 1959-1962; LT000020/035: 'acton': Correspondence concerning bus services in Acton. Subjects include a ban on right-hand turns, one-way traffic schemes stopping and standing arrangements and proposed alterations to bus stop signs. Also includes a plan of the Chase Estate at Park Royal, 1959-1964; LT000020/036: 'Hornsey': Correspondence concerning the provision of bus stops, stopping arrangements, passenger numbers and road works in Hornsey, 1959-1962; LT000020/037: 'Surrey': Papers and reports concerning bus services in Surrey, 1960-1962. Subjects include inspections of bus stops by the Stopping Places Advisory Committee, stopping arrangements and accidents occurring on the north-bound carriageway of the Mickleham bypass during 1969; LT000020/038: 'Essex': Inspection reports from the Stopping Places Advisory Committee. Subjects also include the provision and relocation of stop signs. Also includes lists of passengers picked up and dropped off at the Green Dragon stop in Shenfield, 1959-1962; LT000020/039: 'West Ham': Reports and correspndence concerning bus services in West Ham. Subjects inculde the provision and relocation of bus stops, road improvements and construction of bus bays at the Graving Dock Tavern on North Woolwich Road,1958-1962; LT000020/040: 'Tottenham': Reports and correspondence concerning bus services in Tottenham. Subjects includ road works at Tottenham Hale, provision of bus stops, stop markings on the carriageway and street lighting schemes. Also includes plans of road improvements betwen Graving Dock Tavern and the Silvertown bypass and a proposed bus bay on the high street, 1954-1964.

LT000020/041: 'Southgate': Reports and correspondence concerning bus services in Southgate. Subjects include the provision and relocation of bus stops, stopping arrangements and diversions due to road works. Also includes plans showing scheduled works, such as the location of a bus lay-by at Aldermans Hill, 1956-1962; LT000020/042: 'Brentford and Chiswick': Reports, memoranda and correspondence concerning bus services in Brentford and Chiswick. Subjects include changes to bus stops, the provision and relocation of stops, proposals for bus bays, road works, stopping arrangements and an unexploded bomb at Carfax Court, Oxford Road, Chiswick. Also includes plans of sheduled works, 1957-1962; LT000020/043: 'Wanstead and Woodford': Reports and correspondence concerning bus services in Wanstead and Woodford. Subjects include the provision of bus stops, construction of bus bays, passenger numbers on various routes, complaints regarding staff behaviour and a census of passengers at the north-bound stop in Aldersbrook Road. Also includes plans of proposed works, 1959-1962; LT000020/044: 'Walton and Weybridge': Reports and correspondence concerning bus services at Walton and Weybridge, 1959-1962. Subjects include the provision and relocation of bus stops, passenger loadings, the construction of bus bays and roundabouts, fares on route 131 and the effect on bus services of the opening ceremony of the Metropolitan Water Board's new reservoir at Walton-on-Thames by the Queen; LT000020/045: 'Croydon stops': Correspondence concerning the possible relocation of the north-bound bus stop in Thornton Road, near the junction with London Road in Croydon, 1962; LT000020/046: 'Wood Green': Memoranda and correspondence concerning bus services in Wood Green. Subjects include the provision of bus stops, road works in Turnpike Lane, bus shelters and recommendations for changes to stopping arrangements, 1953-1962; LT000020/047: 'Wood Green': Correspondence concerning the provision of bus stops, including one at Alexandra Palace, Wood Green, 1962-1964; LT000020/048: 'Surbiton': Memoranda and correspondence concerning bus services in Surbiton. Subjects include the provision of bus stops, passenger numbers on various routes, staged stopping arrangements for trolleybus replacement services and scheduled diversions due to works, 1958-1962; LT000020/049: 'Romford': Reports and correspondence concerning bus services in Romford. Subjects include bus stopping arrangements along Upper Brentwood Road, road works at Collier Row Road / Hog Hill Road, the provision of bus stops, temporary diversions, bridge widening, bus bays and road works, 1958-1964; LT000020/050: 'Coulsden and Purley': Papers and memoranda concerning the provision of bus stops, site inspections by the Stopping Places Advisory Committee, stopping arrangements, provision of street lighting, road works and bridge repairs, 1958-1962.

Zonder titel
GB CR/1911/2 JSCSC · 1911

1 Railways in 1870-71, Lt Col Bols. 2 1870 campaign. Notes and exercises. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 3 1870 campaign. Exercise. 13 syndicates, Col Perceval. 4 Organization of German Army Corps, Lt Col Hoskins. 5 1870 campaign. Exercise, Lt Col Furse. 6 Four maps illustrating cavalry actions, Lt Col Greenly. 7 South African railway map, Lt Col Bols. 8 1870 (Woerth), Col Perceval. 9 1870. Exercise no 4. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 10 1870 (Gravalotte), Lt Col Furse. 11 Battlefield tour, April-May; instructions re, Col Perceval. 12 Cavalry scheme (outdoor) - 17 syndicates, Lt Col Greenly.

13 Overseas expeditions - disembarkation on open beach, etc, Col Gough. 14 Tactical exercise (under Directing Staff), Lt Col Furse. 15 Problem - Canadian Frontier (confidential), The Commandant. 16 Hints on writing an appreciation of a situation, The Commandant. 17 Instructions on writing 'papers on military subjects', The Commandant. 18 Reorganization of T&S, Colonel Foster. 19 Manchurian campaign (Yalu), Lt Col Fuse. 20 Manchurian campaign Exercise A. 13 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 21 Manchurian campaign (Te-li-ssu), Lt Col Furse. 22 Manchurian campaign exercise B, Lt Col Ross. 23 Japanese divisions of service, Lt Col Hoskins. 24 Japanese system of conscription and training, Lt Col Hoskins. 25 Exercise in reconnaissance work, 7/8th March, Col Gough. 26 Cavalry scheme for 9th. 6 syndicates under Directing staff, Lt Col Greenly. 27 Paper required on 'foreign armies', Lt Col Hoskins. 28 R-J War: 1) Judsiatan, 2) Cavalry 29th May '04, 3) Protection Stackelberg's Corps 10/13.04, Lt Col Greenly. 29 Suggestions required re co-operation with other arms, The Commandant.

30 Railway control exercise I. Outdoor, Lt Col Bols. 31 Coast reconnaissance exercise - 8 syndicates, Lt Col Roper. 32 Tactical exercise. 7 syndicates, Col Perceval. 33 Night operations, 18/3. Exercise (8 syndicates), Col Perceval. 34 Organization of staff duties in the field, Lt Col Whigham. 35 Staff tour ("staff duties") 10th-12th April, The Commandant. 36 Railway control exercise. 13 syndicates, Lt Col Bols. 37 Tactical exercise (indoor). 6 parties under Directing Staff, Lt Col Fowler. 38 Combined naval and military exercise, 3/7th April, Col Gough. 39 Eastern counties staff tour - half division, Col Gough. 40 Eastern counties staff tour - half division, Col Perceval. 41 Syllabus training and manoeuvres (3 lectures), Lt Col Whigham. 42 Instructions re messages and signals, Lt Col Whigham. 43 Staff duties exercise (indoors), Lt Col Hull. 44 'Signals' exercise (indoor), Lt Col Fowler.

45 Railway exercise (3), Lt Col Bols. 46 Tactical exercise - 25/5, Col Perceval. 47 Mars la Tour (cavalry lecture), Lt Col Greenly. 48 Reconnaissance - (29/5 - 2/6), Lt Col Greenly. 49 Lecture "Mars la Tour and Vionville" (cavalry), Lt Col Greenly. 50 Tactical problem (outdoor), Lt Col Ross. 51 Signal exercise (outdoor), Lt Col Fowler. 52 Administrative scheme, 5/6 (indoor), Col Foster. 53 L. of C. exercise, 6/6 (indoor), Lt Col Bols. 54 Tactical ex: staff duties, 7/7 (indoor), Lt Col Hoskins. 55 Preparation of schemes for tactical exercise (1), Lt Col Whigham. 56 Mars la Tour, charge of Bredow's Brigade (lecture), Lt Col Greenly. 57 'Tel el-Kebir' (lecture), Lt Col Furse. 58 Forms for 'reports on resources', Col Foster. 59 Staff duties exercise (writing orders etc) - indoor, Col Gough. 60 NW frontier of India, Lt Col Stewart. 61 Reconnaissance exercise, 21/6, Lt Col Roper. 62 Choice of 3 subjects re memoir 'expeditionary force', The Commandant. 63 Lecture 'Mountain warfare', Lt Col Stewart. 64 Staff tour in Wales, Lt Col Stewart. 65 Reconnaissance of manoeuvre areas, June 27/28, Lt Col Hull.

66 Tactical day 'defence by night', Lt Col Furse. 67 March and supply of two Divisions (graphic), Col Foster. 68 Staff duties exercise 4/7 (continuation of no 59), Col Gough. 69 Preparation of schemes for field operations (2), Lt Col Whigham. 70 March and supply (graphic exercise), Col Foster. 71 Tactical Ex: 'interfering with march of hostile column', Lt Col Furse. 72 'Cavalry co-operating in attack' (exercise), Lt Col Greenly. 73 Tactical problem 'action of an inferior force', Lt Col Ross. 74 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Lt Col Whigham. 75 Night operations exercise, July 25th, Lt Col Whigham. 76 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Col Gough. 77 Night operations exercise, July 26th, Col Gough. 78 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Col Gough. 79 Night operations exercise, July 26th, Col Gough. 80 Transport and supply services, army manoeuvres, 1911, Col Foster. 81 Example graph "march and supply of 2 divisions", Col Foster. 82 Report on attachment to other arms, The Commandant. 83 Inspection staff tour, The Commandant. 84 India - internal defence. Notes (1), Lt Col Stewart. 85 Railways - designation of railway personnel, Lt Col Bols. 86 Tactical exercise, reconnaissance, etc, Lt Col Furse. 87 Protective cavalry - 6th October, Lt Col Greenly. 88 Preparation of tactical schemes (indoor exercise), Lt Col Whigham. 89 Cavalry scheme - distribution of mounted troops - 10 Oct, Lt Col Greenly. 90 Persia - map of the Baghdad railway, Lt Col Stewart. 91 Preparation f a scheme - inspection of a division, Lt Col Whigham. 92 General paper on Abyssinia, Lt Col Hoskins. 93 Tactical problem, 24th October, Lt Col Ross. 94 L. of C. estbts (lecture on organisation of the administrative services, European warfare), Col Foster. 95 Abyssinia problem, paper 2, Lt Col Hoskins. 96 Corunna - map to illustrate cavalry retreat, Lt Col Greenly. 97 Military aviation - notes, Capt Brooke-Popham. 98 English and German cavalry formations (strength), Lt Col Greenly. 99 Tactical problem - outdoor - 16th November, Lt Col Ross. 100 Franco-German 'conversations'. Utilization, Indian troops, The Commandant. 101 Comparative summary of the fighting fleets (imp. Defence), Lt Col Fowler. 102 Railways of France and Germany, Lt Col Bols. 103 Indoor exercise - Friday, 24th November, Col Gough. 104 Paper on home defence, Lt Col Furse. 105 "1870-1871", Lt Col Ballard. 106 "1870-1871", "operations on the Loire", "organization of the People's army", "German forces on the Loire", Lt Col Ballard. 107 Exercise in control of divisional ammunition columns, Col Foster. 108 Schedule of railway movements, Lt Col Bols. 109 Comments on memoirs (see No 62), The Commandant.

Zonder titel
GB CR/1919/3 JSCSC · 1919

201 Precis of lecture: administrative arrangements in open warfare, A Div, Maj Tomes. 202 Precis of lecture No. 8: staff duties “preparation of schemes for tactical exercises”, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins. 203 Precis of lecture Q2 (light railways”, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 204 Precis of lecture; submarines, A&B Div, Comdr. Hall RN. 205 Precis of 5th lecture; strategy & military history, A&B Div, Col Anley. 206 Special paper on war; war establishments, Cav signals, etc, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 207 Precis of lecture; A5 manpower, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 208 Instruction re visit Tank Centre, WOOL, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 209 Precis of artillery lecture no 9: development of artillery tactics no 3, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 210 Precis of lecture : counter intelligence, A Div, Maj Grubb. 211 Precis of cavalry lecture (4), Corps cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 212 Precis of lecture; Russo-Japanese war, B Div, Maj Platt. 213 Outdoor exercise No 13; conduct of the battle, A Div, Col Anley. 214 Outdoor exercise No 15; preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 215 Outdoor exercise No 16, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 216 Outdoor exercise No 17; maintenance of pressure on an enemy, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 217 Indoor exercise no 18: supply, Lt Col Grubb. 218 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (I) The escape from Elba, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 219 Precis of lecture: convening and checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 220 Precis of lecture: strategy & military history, A &B Div, Col Anley. 221 Precis of lecture: artillery No 10, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 222 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (II) The opposing armies, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 223 Outdoor exercise No 17, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 224 Administrative problems, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 225 Cav Lecture (IV) Corps cavalry, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 226 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (III) Plans, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 227 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (IV) Crossing of the Sambre, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 228 Precis of lecture: imperial strategy, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 229 Indoor exercise No 13: preparation of a scheme for administrative arrangements without troops, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 230 Special paper on war establishments: organization Cav. Div, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 231 Special paper on war establishments: Cav Div Engineers, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 232 Special paper on war establishments: Art. Bde. Hd. Qrs, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 233 Special paper on war establishments: Art. Bde. Hd. Qrs, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 234 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (V) Ligny, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 235 Conference agenda, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 236 Precis of lecture: war office, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 237 Precis of lecture re work in stationary warfare, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 238 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (I), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 239 Outdoor exercise No 16: reconnaissance, B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 240 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VI) Quatre Bras, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 241 Notes indoor exercise No 12, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 242 Outdoor exercise No 17. Tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Col Anley. 243 Outdoor exercise No 15: administrative arrangements in open warfare, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 244 Precis of lecture: Art. No 11: forecasts of ammn. Expenditures, a Div, Lt Col Broad. 245 Precis of lecture; railway artillery, A Div, Lt Col Brooke. 246 Precis of lecture No 1 India, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 247 Outdoor exercise No 18: machine guns for defence, A Div, Col Anley. 248 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VII) Events of the 17th, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 249 Indoor exercise No 14, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 250 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (II), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 251 Lecture A&Q, B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 252 Precis of lecture: Australian military organization, B Div, Maj Hutchins. 253 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (IX), B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 254 Outdoor exercise No 19: Mailheads, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 255 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (III), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 256 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (IV), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 257 Precis of lecture: RE (4) RE duties in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 258 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VIII), B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 259 Precis of lecture: RA (6) Counter battery work, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 260 Precis of lecture: Infy tactics and formations, B Div, Maj Visct Gort. 261 Precis of lecture: India II: internal security, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 262 Precis of lecture: India III: strategical geography of NW frontier, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 263 Conference notes 4th Oct: Infy. dispositions and action plans, defensive position, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 264 Conference notes 18th Oct: battle order for the infy. soldier etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 265 Notes on indoor exercise No 14: ammunition supply in attacks, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 266 Art. Amm. Tables expenditure etc, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 267 Outdoor exercise No 19: ceremonial, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 268 Precis of lecture: manoeuvres and training grant, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 269 Outdoor exercise ceremonial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 270 Precis of lecture: list of duties at the Gen. Staff office at Command Hd. Qrs, A&B Div, Commandant. 271 Precis of lecture: machine guns in defence, A Div, Col Anley. 272 Conference 25th Oct: replacing of horse transport by mechanical etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 273 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 274 Programme of field artillery demonstration, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 275 War Game Oct 23rd, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 276 War Game, Oct 23rd, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 277 Attack Vimy Ridge, B Div, Capt. Foss. 278 Precis of lecture: pay staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 279 Precis of lecture: India (IV) continued: strategic geography NW frontier, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 280 Precis of lecture: discipline excluding court martial, A&B Div, Lt Col Venning. 281 War game Oct 27th, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 282 Paper on formation of citizen guards, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins. 283 Indoor exercise No 13: continuation of indoor exercise No 12 & outdoor exercise No 13: conduct of battle, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 284 War Game Oct 20th, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 285 Precis of lecture (9) General staff duties in peace, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins. 286 Special paper re manual map reading, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 287 Conference notes: battle order of infantry soldier, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 288 Outdoor exercise No 18: preparation of a scheme for an administrative exercise, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 289 Precis of lecture: Schleswig Holstein question, A Div, Maj Hansen. 290 Precis of lecture (RA7) (RA staff work and training, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 291 Outdoor exercise No 21. Reconnaissance, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 292 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 293 Precis of lecture: cooperation between RE and infantry, A Div. 294 Conference on outdoor exercise No 19 “railheads”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 295 Administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 296 Administrative problems solution, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 297 Outdoor exercise No 19 (notes on), A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 298 Indoor exercise No 14: artillery I, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 299 Precis of lecture: L of C for 6 Divs (Italy), A&B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 300 Conference notes on Div. transport, A Div, Lt Col Neame.

Zonder titel
Smeaton, John (1724-1792)
GB 0117 JS · 1741-1792

The working drawings of John Smeaton, civil engineer. They illustrate his researches on waterwheels and applied mechanics, and the relative efficiency of overshot as opposed to undershot wheels. With supplementary engravings and manuscript notes.

Zonder titel
CLA/019 · Collectie · 1527-1872

Records of the Southwark Bridge Company, 1527-1872, including deeds relating to freehold and leasehold property; a list of claims, offers and settlements for property acquired for building Southwark Bridge; statements by the Southwark Bridge Company in support of the intended bridge; petitions by the inhabitants of Southwark and the City of London regarding Southwark Bridge tolls.

Zonder titel
CLA/022 · Collectie · 1553-1995

Records of the Bridge House Estates relating to London Bridge, 1553-1995. Papers include deeds; sale notices; accounts, receipts and payments; warrant books; fund raising; proceedings for compensation; papers and accounts relating to the design and building of the 1831 bridge; acts and statutes concerning the bridge; committee reports and minutes; tidal observations and reports on the river Thames; correspondence; histories of the bridge; papers and brochures regarding the demolition and reconstruction of the bridge, 1967-1980; plans and photographs. Also papers relating to the sale of stonework from the 1831 Bridge to McCulloch Properties Incorporated for re-erection at Lake Havasu City, Arizona.

Zonder titel
ACC/0479 · Collectie · 1657-1862

Papers collected by the Chief Education Officer for Middlesex, including: An Act for Repairing the Roads in the Parishes of Kensington, Chelsea, and Fulham, and other Parishes, 1726; An Act for repairing the Highways from that part of Counters-Bridge which lies in the parish of Kensington, in the County of Middlesex, to Cranford-Bridge, in the Road to Colnbrooke, 1738; An Act for improving the Navigation of the River Lee, from the Town of Hertford to the new Cut or River made by the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London; and for enabling the Governor and Company of the New River the better to supply the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, with good and wholesome Water, 1739; An Act for repairing the Roads in the Parishes of Kensington, Chelsea, and Fulham, and other Parishes; and for repairing some other Roads in the Parishes of St. George, and the said Parishes of Kensington and Chelsea, 1740; An Act for Building a Bridge cross the River of Thames, from Hampton Court in the County of Middlesex, to East Moulsey in the County of Surrey, 1750; An Act of Parliament to continue and render more effectual three Acts for repairing the Highways between Tyburn and Uxbridge, and for amending the Road leading from Brent Bridge to the Great Western Road in the said County, and for lighting, watching, and watering the Highway between Tyburn and Kensington Gravel Pits, 1769; laws relating to the Turnpike Roads, 1772; Brentford-Turnpike Acts of Parliament, with a correct list of the trustees, 1815; The General Turnpike Road Acts, passed 1822 and 1823; and the act passed for repairing the Middlesex and Essex Turnpike Roads, 1824.

Also pamphlets "Istleworth - Syons Peace. Containing Certain Articles of Agreement made between the Right Honourable Algernoone Earl of Northumberland, etc. Lord of the Mannor of Istleworth - Syon, Peter Dodsworth, Hugh Potter and Robert Scawen, Esquires, of the One Part; and Sir Thomas Ingram knight, Sir Thomas Nott Knight, Sir John Syddenham Baronet, and others, Copy-hold Tenants of the said Mannor, of the Other Part", 1657; "The Case of the Taxes and Assessments raised upon the County of Middlesex", 1734; "To the inhabitants of (in and about) Hillington Parish Proposals For forming Charity Children", 17--; "The Case of the Late Election for the County of Middlesex considered", 1769; "A Catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill", 1842.

Also maps: Robert Morden map of Middlesex, 1695?; John Seller map of Middlesex, 1700?; R. W. Seale map of Middlesex, 1750?; John Cary map of Middlesex, 1787?; map of Middlesex made to accompany book "The Beauties of England and Wales", by G. Cole (draughtsman) and J. Roper (engraver), 1807; "London and the Suburbs", Edward Stanford, 1862 (20 sheets held in a portfolio).

Zonder titel
BC · Collectie · 1739-1889

Records of the Battersea Bridge Company, 1771-1882, including deeds and other legal documents; minutes of meetings; financial accounts and correspondence.

Records of the Fulham Bridge Company, 1739-1770, comprising minutes of meetings.

Records of the Joint Committee of the Corporation of the City of London and the Metropolitan Board of Works for freeing Kew and other bridges from toll, 1864-1889, comprising minutes of meetings and reports.

Records of the Staines Bridge Commissioners, 1828-1870, comprising account of bonds. Records of the Vauxhall Bridge Company, comprising plans and sections of the bridge, its approaches and the riverbed, 1878-1880. Records of the Strand Bridge Company, 1809-1814, comprising share and annuities certificates.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 CLC/L/FC · Collectie · 1620-1895

Records of the Association of Fellowship Porters. The records were compiled between 1620 and 1895. However they also include a copy of the ordinances of 1566, and copies of acts from 1619. No membership records are available before 1756. The collection also includes rules and regulations; Court minute books; quarterage books and financial accounts.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 DD/0008 · Collectie · 1802-1888

The collection of documents listed here is incomplete. Important series of records, such as the signed minutes, the register of share transfers and all the ledgers are missing. Other series, such as the correspondence registers and out-letter books, are represented only by the last volumes. Most of the engineering records from the time of the construction of the Bridge were already missing, it seems, in 1869. (See DD/0008/1009-1010.) Tierney Clark had possibly kept them himself.

The Company's record keeping practices were fairly simple. Under the terms of its Acts its accounts, with the related vouchers, had to be produced every year at Michaelmas before the justices of the peace at the Surrey quarter-sessions for audit. The fact that comparatively few bills and receipts and account books survive may indicate that they were normally discarded after this had been done. In the Company's last years, and probably earlier, a simple system for keeping correspondence was used. Out-letters were copied in full into copy-books. Incoming items were kept in annual bundles and their date, and brief details of their contents, entered in a register. Many of the items received in 1879 and 1880 were never entered, although the notes of their contents endorsed on them indicate that it had originally been intended to do so.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 DD/0119 · Collectie · 1729-1813

Records of Fulham Bridge Company including accounts and receipts.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/0038 · Collectie · 1785-1824

Papers relating to the Kew Bridge tontine, 1785-1824, including details of the tontine scheme; notice of auction of shares in the tontine; correspondence and papers relating to shareholders.

Zonder titel