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Archival description
GB 0074 CLC/436 · Collection · 1872-1873

Diaries of Frederic Sydenham Clarke, employee of the Borneo Company. The entries are mostly accounts of social activities and of letters received from family and friends in England. There are very few references to his work.

Clarke , Frederic Sydenham , fl 1872 , employee of the Borneo Company
CLAYTON, J M (fl 1910s)
GB 0402 SSC/20 · 1910-1911

Papers of J M Clayton, 1910-1911, comprise a diary (not complete) of journey to Addis Ababa, 1910-1911; report and route report on the Anuak country; notes on routes from Addis to Dire Dawa; sketch maps of the Aronsie country and Lake Hora Abiata.

Clayton , J M , fl 1910s
GB 0099 KCLMA Clifford · Created 1892-1960

Narrative of operations of 7 Division, 1918 by the Revd E C Crosse including reference to Clifford's service as Officer Commanding 95 Field Company, Royal Engineers; papers relating to Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928 including maps; British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936, including intelligence reports on French Somaliland, air survey operations, Walwal incident between Italian and Ethiopian troops, and printed reports on the work of the Commission; Chief Engineer, China Command, including report on Royal Engineers in Hong Kong, 1941-1942; Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-1957, including diaries, 1951-1955, printed reports, and maps of the boundary, 1946-1949; published articles by Clifford, 1928-1947, mainly on boundary commissions; technical manuals, 1924-1932, including surveying; publications and printed works, 1892-1952, including boundary commissions.

Clifford , Esmond Humphrey Miller , 1895-1970 , Colonel
Clift, William (1775-1849)
GB 0114 MS0007 · Fonds · 1780-1849

The collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.

Clift , William , 1775-1849 , naturalist
GB 0099 KCLMA Clive P A · Created 1897, 1899-1901

Papers relating to his service in West Africa, 1897, comprising his diary, 1897; glass lantern slides, 1897. Papers relating to his service in South Africa, 1899-1901, notably including diary, Dec 1899-Jun 1900, describing operations in Orange Free State and Transvaal, Dec 1899-Jun 1900; letter books containing transcriptions of letters [to his family] describing operations in Orange Free State, Transvaal and Cape Province, Dec 1899-Sep 1901.

Clive , Percy Archer , 1873-1918 , Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Clive G S · 1914-1918

Letter book containing letters and telegrams received and sent by Clive as head of British missions, General HQ, France, 1917-1918, including letters concerning the movement of troops and administration, supplies of artillery and equipment, French infantry resources and liaison between French and British High Commands; letter from [Maj Gen Frederick Barton] Maurice, War Office, 18 Aug 1917, concerning move to establish Allied General Staff in Paris and possible transfer of troops from British front to Italy. Diaries, 1914-1918, containing detailed descriptions of daily events at General HQ, France, 1914-1918.

Clive , Sir , George Sidney , 1874-1959 , Knight , Lieutenant Colonel
Closs/Priebsch Family Papers
GB 0367 ACO/ECT/HCL/RPR · 1899-1990

Papers of August Closs and his family, comprising:
August Closs: Personal Papers
Correspondence with Hannah and Elizabeth Closs (later Closs-Traugott);
Diaries, 1915-1928;

General Correspondence: correspondents include Stefan Andres, 1960-1972; Anthony Blunt, 1976; Albert Einstein, 1930; T S Eliot, 1953; E M Forster, 1955; Sigmund Freud, 1930; John Galsworthy, 1928-1932; Bernt von Heiseler, 1953-1965; Arno and Anita Holz, 1922-1932; F R Leavis, 1948-1953; Thomas Mann, 1929; Christoph Meckl, 1962; J R R Tolkien, 1955;
Correspondence with UK/US based academics: correspondents include F W Bateson, 1956; Jethro Bithell, 1951-1957; Lord David Cecil, 1955; W E Collinson, 1944-1968; David Duckworth, 1972-1989; H G Fiedler, 1936-1944; Stanley Goodman, 1941-1942; G P Gooch, 1946-1963; Brian Keith-Smith, 1966-1982; Sir John Kingman, 1985-1988; Victor Lange, 1951-1973; Eudo C Mason, 1951-1963; Estelle Morgan, 1953-1987; Irene Morris, 1955-1957; Roy Pascal, 1948-1978; Ronald Peacock, 1945-1959; F P Pickering, 1937-1958; Siegbert and Helga Prawer, 1952-1987; Edna Purdie, 1953-1964; Hans S Reiss, 1964-1989; Hermann Salinger, 1963-1966; Paul and Vivian Salmon; David Scrase, 1964-1989; Ernst Stahl, 1963-1969; Ellisabeth and F J Stopp, 1946-1973; John Joseph Stoudt, 1945-1963; H M Waidson, 1960-1978; L A Willoughby, 1952-1977; Roy A Wisbey, 1980-1988; W E Yuill, 1967-1978; E H Zeydel, 1942-1961;
Correspondence with German/Austrian/Swiss based academics: correspondents include Ernst Alker, 1952-1972; Felix Braun, 1942-1948; Hans Egon Holthusen, 1950-1961; Heinz Kindermann, 1949-1974; Frans Koch, 1946-1957; Manfred Lurker, 1968-1972; Horst Oppel, 1946-1985; Arthur Pfeiffer, 1953-1957; Hans Pyritz, 1933-1956; Kurt Schäfer, 1982-1986;
Correspondence with other European based academics: correspondents include Jan Aler, 1946-1959 and Erik Lunding, 1953-1969;
Correspondence with individual academics, Hans Bähr, Roger Loomis, Eirwen and Idris Parry, Friedrich Heinz and the Humboldt Gesellschaft;
War diaries of Max Closs;
Correspondence with L P Hartley, 1955-1972, and letters between Closs and publishers on the publication of the correspondence;
Corrspondence, photos and papers on Theodor Däubler, 1930-1947 and undated;
Correspondence and articles relating to Herman Pongs, 1946-1978;
Notes, articles and reviews by Closs on German literature, 1915-1990;
Papers relating to Bristol University, including correspondence and papers on award of Honorary D.Litt, 1987;
Correspondence and papers on the Bristol/Hannover Link 1947-1987, particularly 40th anniversary celebrations, 1987;
Correspondence with publishers on royalty payments, 1949-1983;

Robert Preibsch papers, 1899-1934, including correspondence, notes on German literature and palaeography, correspondence about the Priebsch/Closs Collection;

Hannah Closs papers 1934-1952, including correspondence, reviews and articles, writings on art, reviews of her work, obituaries and tributes;

Elizabth Closs-Traugott papers, 1951-1988, including correspondence, notes for lectures, articles and reviews, and press cuttings;

Acquired Papers:
Medieval manuscripts: Das Leiden Christi, mss booklet describing a vision by a nun of the Passion of Christ [15th century], Pseudo-Clemens Romanus, early 9th century west German fragment; Heinrich Seuse: Buch der ewigen Weisheit six loose fragments [14th century], Predigten, by German wandering preacher, in Latin, c 1450; wooden cover with pressed calf leather, bearing arms of Pope Paul III Farinesi;
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century material: Hexenprozesse three folio booklets - original records of witchcraft trials of Catharina Stroblin, 1617; Appolonia Nueberin, 1623, bill to cover costs of difficulties caused by and rewards offered for executed magical persons during the years 1617, 1628, 1629 by Hans Schölern; title deed to land and farm sold by Nette, servant of Graf Dietrich von Plesse to a nunnery, Low German, 1516;
Autograph letters and mss including poems Bittschrift by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, [undated], and Friedrich von Bodenstadt [undated]; letters from Wilhelm von Humboldt [c 1799], Theodor Storm, 1867, Friedrich and Caroline de la Motte Fourque, 1814, 1927, Eduard Devrient, 1839, August Heinrich Hoffman von Fallersleben, 1864, Friedrich Schlegrl, [undated], Ludolf Wienbarg, 1839, Christina G Rosetti, 1865, James Martineau - letter to J S Mill on the University of London, 1841, Stefan Zweig, 1909, Henriette Hendel-Schütz, 1807, Friedrich Karl von Savigny, 1856.

Closs , August , 1898-1990 , Professor of German, University of Bristol Closs , Hannah Margaret Mary , d 1953 , art critic and novelist Priebsch , Robert , 1866-1935 , Professor of German, University of London Traugott , Elizabeth Closs- , English scholar
GB 0074 ACC/2042 · Collection · 1824-1901

Records of the Codd family, including journal/diary of Harrison Gordon Codd, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Middlesex, 1824-40, recording his involvement in society and government, giving for example, his thoughts on the Poor Law Enquiry 1832, and his friendship with Nassau Senior, and details of family life and events (including a list of his children and their dates of birth on page one); journal/diary of Sophy Shirley Codd, daughter of Harrison Gordon Codd, 1835-36, giving details of daily employment (reading, writing, drawing, singing) and places visited (including Regent's Park Zoological Gardens and several picture exhibitions), and describing the death of her sister, Emma; and journal/diary of Frances Anne Codd, daughter of Harrison Gordon Codd, 1840-1879, recording her daily routine but placing emphasis on visits and outings, including pressed flowers and numerous prints of places visited. Also some Codd family papers including obituaries, correspondence, photographs, event programmes and family history.

Codd , family , of Kensington
GB 0074 ACC/0268 · Collection · 1817-1835

Diaries of Charles Frederick de Coetlogon, covering the years 1817, 1818, 1822, 1823, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832, 1833-34 in part, and 1835. They are pocket sized and contain miscellaneous printed information. Each double page is divided into journal and account sections, and de Coetlogon meticulously records his personal accounts in the latter. His income is drawn from annuities and he constantly rebukes himself for living beyond his means. The accounts present a detailed picture of the price of food (fish sauce @ 2/-), domestic items (pins @ 3d.), servant's wages (£14. 14s. per annum), entertainment (opera ticket @ 8s. 6d.), and incidental expenses (hair cutting @ 1s. 6d.).

Coetlogon , Charles Frederick , de , d 1836 , naval store keeper x de Coetlogon , Charles Frederick
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP60 · 1944-1975

Papers of Cohn, 1944-1975, mainly comprising legal opinions and affidavits of Cohn as a Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, mainly in regard to cases and clients touching the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1952-1975. With the German basic handbook, containing Part two, Administration, Apr 1944, and Part three, Nazi occupied Europe, Oct 1944; Manual of the Allied High Commission for Germany, 1952; annotated typescript entitled 'Comparative jurisprudence and legal reform', (PhD thesis, University of London); file of correspondence in regard to legal matters with Doris Beghahn of Hamburg, 1956; appointment diary, 1952; correspondence of Cohn as Visiting Professor of European Laws, Centre for European Legal Studies, Faculty of Laws, King's College London, 1974-1975; offprints of legal articles by Cohn, 1959-1972.

Cohn , Ernst Joseph , 1904-1976 , Professor of Law and Barrister-at-Law
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP88 · 1842-1989

The papers of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman comprise three classes of material: the private papers of the sisters and the Coleman family, 1842-1957; records relating to the National Children's Home, 1935-1981; and the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989. Personal papers include a diary and pharmacopoeias, correspondence, examination certificates, photographs and printed books, 1842-1957, notably including a detailed manuscript medical diary describing life on board ship and a medical practice in Africa, 1842-1844, probably compiled by John Albert Sidney Coleman, grandfather of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman; pharmacopoeias containing remedies and prescriptions, with printed pharmacopoeias, compiled by Mark Coleman and others, reflecting the transition of the Coleman family business from patent remedies to modern pharmacy, 1851-1894; correspondence with Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, mainly descriptions of daily life in the National Children's Home and describing psychological testing of the children, 1927-1948; family correspondence and legal documents including letting agreements and deeds of partnership, the will of Mathew Coleman, the sisters' great uncle, and relating to their father and his career, letters containing family news and gossip, 1845-1928; examination certificates and prize lists relating to the education of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, 1922-1933; photographs of the Coleman family during the 1890s, during World War One and of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman on holiday, [1928], of Lady Eleanor Holles School, 1921-1933, group photographs of students and staff in King's College London Department of History, 1929-1955, photographs of various National Children's Home establishments, 1934-1957; a small collection of printed books concerned with the history, customs and government of London and the Home Counties, [1945-1985] (Boxes 70-74, now on open access in the Archive reading room).

The records of the National Children's Home, 1935-1981, notably comprising Vocational Guidance Record Sheets, consisting of files on individual children that included intelligence test results, memory tests and individual comments, arranged in alphabetical order, 1938-1964 (Boxes 1-23); test results and evaluations of named children for tests organised by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology including the Porteus Maze Test and scoring sheets, 1957-1960 (Boxes 24-28); psychological evaluations of children at different branches of the children's home, notably in Cardiff, Harpenden, Nottingham and Glasgow, including individual test results and assessments with broad statistics and educational recommendations by visitors, 1942-1963 (Boxes 29-40); pupil record cards containing biographical information, aptitude tests and psychological test results for children at various homes, [1948-1960] (Boxes 41-42); material relating to the Brentwood College of Education including a working party on syllabuses, staff lists, the relationship with the University of London Institute of Education, manuscript notes and some psychological test results of children engaged in the so-called Gifted Child Study, 1971-1974 (Boxes 43-44); material relating to vocational aptitude and the placement of older children in trades and professions such as the armed forces and Civil Service, notably including psychologists' reports, 1935-1965 (Boxes 45-56); questionnaires of 18 year-old former residents conducted in 1954-1956 (Box 57); material relating to European refugees resident in the NCH including named children and correspondence with the Central Committee for Refugees, 1942-1949 (Boxes 58-59); general correspondence with Millicent Coleman relating to local authorities, staff and the emigration of children to Australia, 1951-1962; manuscript visitation report book assessing particular homes, 1946-1949; report on the incidence of enuresis (incontinence) in homes, 1946-1950; publicity material mainly created at the time of the centenary and on other children's charities, 1951-1981; careers and apprenticeship literature, 1938-1954; photographs and negatives of students and buildings, 1938-1939 (Boxes 60-62); psychological testing materials including test cards displaying words and pictures, [1958] (Boxes 63-69).

The records of the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989, comprise typescript notes compiled by Millicent Coleman, who served on its governing Council. These consist mainly of Council minutes and supporting material, 1948-1989; Committee minutes including Finance and Management Committees, 1953-1985; Annual Reports and Accounts, 1961-1974; policy reports on the development and strategic direction of the Village, 1959-1973; correspondence with Millicent Coleman regarding Trust business and liaison with the National Children's Home, 1953-1985.

Coleman , Millicent Lucy , 1910-1990 , psychologist Coleman , Kathleen Mary , 1915-1996 , dietary consultant
GB 1249 Colles · 1938-1939

Papers of Henry Cope Colles, 1938-1939, as editor of the Fourth edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Macmillans, London, 1940), comprising correspondence with contributors of articles and subjects of articles, including particular accumulations of correspondence with Eric Blom: Alfredo Casella: Sir Henry Walford Davies; Richard Capell; Alfred Einstein; Edwin Evans; Arthur Henry Fox Strangways; Francis William Galpin; Anselm Hughes; Macario Santiago Kastner; Alfred Loewenberg; Gustave Reese; Percy Alfred Scholes; Marion Margaret Scott; John Brande Trend.

Colles , Henry Cope , 1879-1943 , musician and historian Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians
Collins, Walter
GB 0102 MS 380566 · 1891-1892

Photocopies of papers, 1891-1892 and undated, of Walter Collins, comprising his journal, 1891-1892, covering his journey by sea and the overland journey to Lake Victoria, and his work around Kampala delivering goods to various missions, also describing the political situation and fighting between tribes, and the homeward journey; notebook, 1891, containing poems by Collins inspired by Biblical verses; undated notebook containing notes by Collins on Uganda; two books produced by the Church Missionary Society, 1892 and undated, on Uganda and its history, including published sketches; undated printed songs or hymns.

Collins , Walter , b 1865 , missionary
GB 0074 ACC/1230 · Collection · 1793-[c. 1814]

Records of Patrick Colquhoun, police magistrate, comprising letter to Henry Dundas, Home Secretary, relating to a salary dispute, 1793; letter to Richard Ford, magistrate, relating to apprehension of a criminal, 1797; letter to William Wickham, Under-secretary of State for the Home Department, relating to the river police, 1798; letter regarding the Wapping riots, 1798; letters relating to expenditure, 1799.

Also autobiographical notes giving an account of 'family and public services', including a detailed chronological account of his public services, beginning with his early career in Glasgow, where he was Chief Magistrate. He accepted the position of a police magistrate in London "not so much on account of the salary which was small; but from a strong impression on his mind that by great attention to the duty he had undertaken to perform he would be able after a time to suggest measures for the improvement of a System(?), than which nothing could be worse." His various activities have included regulating public houses, and establishing the river police office, soup kitchens and a public school in Westminster. He has published treatises on these and other subjects which have been read widely, and many of his suggestions have been implemented. In many connections he has been styled a "public benefactor".

This document appears to have been composed with a view to publication. In 1818 Colquhoun's son-in-law contributed to the European Magazine "an exhaustive account of his useful and disinterested labours," (Dictionary of National Biography, Vol IV, p.860), and it is possible that this was written for that article. However, as the account of his services ends at 1814 (although he was a police magistrate until 1818), and the watermark is 1814, the earlier date seems the more probable.

Colquhoun , Patrick , 1745-1820 , economist, statistician and police magistrate
GB 0402 HTC · 1873-1924

Papers of Harvey Trewythen Brabazon Combe, 1873-1924, comprise a diary describing a journey with his uncle, the artist H B Brabazon, through France, Egypt and Italy, in 1873-1874 and notes on his life sent by his widow to the Royal Geographical Society.

Combe , Harvey Trewythen Brabazon , 1852-1923 , soldier and traveller
GB 0096 MS 389 · 19th century

Manuscript Commonplace Book of English poetry and prose, dating from the 19th century, containing the second half of a long poem on early biblical history 'continued from the book in white forrel', and other items. Inserted is a folded leaf containing two poems, one dated 1834, by W. C. Yonge, who may have been the compiler of the volume.

GB 1556 WL 1009 · Collection · 20th century

Papers of Eric Conrad, undated, comprise autobiographical accounts (manuscript and typescript) of Eric Conrad's war-time and post-war activities; letter of congratulations regarding his receipt of the American Bronze star and copies of newspaper articles regarding Conrad's exploits.

Conrad , Eric , fl 1945 , lawyer
GB 2108 KUAS6 · Collection · 1933-2001

Papers of Peter Conradi, 1933-2001, comprise research papers compiled during his research for the authorised biography of Iris Murdoch and notably include profiles of people who knew Murdoch including Hans Gunther Adler and Elizabeth Anscombe; Peter Conradi's correspondence with individuals who knew Murdoch, including Miriam Allott and Kenneth Baker MP; notes and transcripts taken during interviews with people who knew Murdoch and audio recordings of some interviews; original manuscripts and drafts of Murdoch's work including drafts and a typescript of the final version of 'Eulogy for Borys Villers (1923-1992)' and secondary resources including photocopies of press cuttings about Iris Murdoch and reviews of her work. The collection also includes research undertaken by Jane Jantet into Murdoch's family tree; correspondence and research relating to Murdoch's time within Froebel School, Badminton School, Somerville College, Oxford and the Royal College of Art; correspondence concerning Murdoch's involvement with the New Left Review; letters received by Iris Murdoch and John Bayley largely concerning Bayley's book Iris: A memoir, 1998 and letters from Murdoch to individuals including Conradi.

Conradi , Peter , fl 1980s , writer
GB 2108 KUAS17 · Collection · [1980]-2006

Papers of Peter Conradi, comprise research material on Iris Murdoch, books including works by Murdoch and foreign language copies of Peter Conradi's biography and books by and about Elias Canetti. Papers notably include correspondence to Conradi notably from Michael [Bayley] (believed to be John Bayley's brother), [2003-2005]; Dr Marjorie Boulton concerning matters including Conradi's biography, c 2001-2006 and from Harper Collins Publishers discussing the sales of Iris Murdoch: Saint and Artist, 2003-2004. Papers also contain research notes including a draft forward to Conradi's Iris Murdoch: Saint and Artist with notations, c 1985; notebooks used by Conradi to record information about Murdoch for his biography and newspaper cuttings regarding Murdoch, including obituaries, 1995-2004.

Conradi , Peter , fl 1980s , writer
GB 0113 MS-CONYJ · 1915-1972

Papers and war medals of Sir John Josias Conybeare, 1915-1972. Includes his First World War diary, 1915; Military medals and orders awarded to him during the First and the Second World Wars, including the Military Cross and KBE insignia, 1915-1945; Medical notebook, 1916-24; Lecture notes on the subject of Aviation Medicine, n.d., c.1939-45; and letters from William Neville Mann (1911-2001) to the College offering the medical notebook and lecture notes for the College's archives, 1970-72.

Conybeare , Sir , John Josias , 1888-1967 , Knight , physician
GB 0099 KCLMA Coote · 1921, 1981

Copy of diary covering his service as ADC to Winston Churchill at the Cairo Peace Conference and including details of meetings with Col Thomas Edward Lawrence (later known as Thomas Edward Shaw), Mar 1921; photocopy of photograph of Coote, 1917; brief account of his life and career, 1893-1946, written by his godson, Air Cdre B H Newton in 1981.

Coote , Maxwell Henry , 1893-1981 , Wing Commander
Cortazzi, Sir Hugh (1924-)
GB 2247 CORTAZZI · 1983-1998

Papers of Sir Hugh Cortazzi comprising: photocopies of manuscripts including 'The Japanese journal of Sir Alfred East'; and 'My travels in India, China and Japan', Charles Wallis and related letters, 1996; 'Some memories of Elisabeth Christina Fernhill Alt, nee Earl (1847-)' and related letters, 1983; papers relating to the memoirs of John Bachelor including 'Steps by the Way'(1855-1945); photocopied extracts of Bachelor's published works on the Ainu, the Japanese minority people; bibliography of Bachelor's works, cuttings and articles relating to the Ainu people and Batchelor's manuscript, and related correspondence 1988-1996; photocopy of a Japanese publication relating to Bachelor [1954]; papers and correspondence relating to the AINU library, 1996; photocopies of articles and papers relating to Richard Henry Brunton (1841-1901) pioneer engineer in Japan 1868-1876, and the Brunton anniversary events, 1991; papers relating to the career of Sir Rutherford Alcock and the British Legation in Japan including photocopies of printed correspondence of Alcock from the Public Record Office, 1865-1870; copies of extract books and articles including one by Cortazzi, and related correspondence, 1980; articles and draft typescripts relating to Sir Vere Redman (1901-1965), English teacher and press correspondent in Japan, and related correspondence, 1995; photocopies of letters from Rolland (surname unknown), an American writing home from Kobe and Yokohama, 1897-1900; photocopies of letters of Algernon B Mitford to his father, 1867; typescript manuscript 'The best course available - a personal account of the secret US-Japan Okinawa Reversion negotiations, Wakaizumi Kei; photocopied typescript 'The writings on Japan and the Japanese of English and American Visitors, 1853-1910', Patricia Miriam Barr, University College London; copy of the thesis 'Unequal allies? US Security and Alliance policy towards Japan, 1945-1960' John Swenson-Wright, St Anthony's College Oxford, DPhil in International Relations, 1998; copy of thesis 'Sir Rutherford Alcock and Japan's entry into international society', Mayuko Sano, Emmanuel College, candidate for MPhil in International Relations, Centre for International Studies, University of Cambridge, Jul 1998; printed copies of Japanese publications including magazine of the First National Bank of Japan, 1963 containing article on Alexander Shand; literary journal containing articles on ceremonial procedures surrounding the Imperial family, 1990 (2 copies); Koken, current affairs journal containing conference papers relating to the past, present and future of Anglo-Japanese relations, 1986; printed copy book for study of Chinese characters; copies of Japan Review of International Affairs, Volume 11 No 1 1997-Volume 13 No 4 1999.

Cortazzi , Sir , (Arthur Henry) Hugh , 1924- , knight , diplomat
GB 0402 SSC/26 · 1930-1931

Papers of William Bensley Cotton, 1930-1931, comprise a copy of a journal describing a journey through Sinkiang, 1914 and a journal of a hunting trip in the district between Gonda and Basti, north-east India, December 1911 to January 1912.

Cotton , William Bensley , fl 1921-1944
Cousins, (Ethel) Constance
GB 0102 MS 380325 · Created 1865-1974

Papers, 1865-1974, of and relating to (Ethel) Constance Cousins, including correspondence with her family, photographs, press cuttings and the unpublished typescript biography by her niece Janet E. Cousins. Also includes letters dated 1893-1900 from her father, Rev. William Edward Cousins, chiefly from Madagascar.

Cousins , Ethel Constance , 1882-1944 , medical missionary
GB 0402 PZC · 1894-1906

Papers of Sir Percy Zachariah Cox, 1894-1906, comprise two journals describing expeditions to Somaliland in 1894 and 1898-1899; the folder contains correspondence on the later journey; two journals describing visits to Persian Gulf sites and routes into the interior of Oman (1902-1907).

Cox , Sir , Percy Zachariah , 1864-1937 , Knight , Major General , Colonial Administrator and Diplomat
GB 0120 MSS.1905-1912 · 1903-1916

Collection of note-books containing six volumes on Botany and Comparative Ostology, a Register of Photographs, and a Bicycling Diary. The 5 Botanical notebooks and the single volume on Comparative Ostology are illustrated with mounted and other drawings, some in pencil.

Crawshay , Lionel Henry , de Barri , 1882-1928
GB 0099 KCLMA Crick · 1938-1984

Papers relating to Crick's service in the Western Desert, 1941-1943, as Instructor, War Intelligence Course, School of Military Intelligence, Matlock, Derbyshire, 1943-1944, and with Operational Intelligence, G2 Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 1944-1945, including copy of War Diary, General Staff Intelligence Branch, Headquarters 8 Army, 25 Sep-31 Oct 1941; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The possible effect of CROSSBOW on OVERLORD', on how Operation CROSSBOW, (Allied countermeasures against German V-weapons), could influence Operation OVERLORD, (the Allied invasion of occupied Europe), Mar 1944; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The heart of Germany', on the importance of the Ruhr industrial region to Allied strategy, Mar 1944; typescript report by Crick on visit to OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces High Command), Flensburg, Germany, 11 May 1945. Papers relating to Crick's service with the British Joint Services Mission, Washington DC, USA, 1953-1956, including typescript text of lecture by Maj Gen Sir Kenneth William Dobson Strong, Director of Joint Intelligence Bureau, on UK and US Intelligence collaboration and spheres of influence [1953]; typescript memorandum 'Probable Bloc preoccupations in Asia, including Middle East, until mid 1955' [1953]; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Economic and General Division of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, 1956. Papers relating to the Imperial Defence College tour of Pakistan, India, East Pakistan, Ceylon and Aden, Aug-Sep 1960, including itineraries, travel arrangements, three photographs, invitations and a printed map of the Middle East showing oil wells, refineries and pipelines, 1960. Manuscript and typescript notes for a lecture by Crick entitled 'A career in Intelligence', given at Intelligence Corps course, with one audio tape of 20 minute lecture by Crick on interrogation techniques, Ashford College, Kent, Oct 1984. Edition of In the caves of the mind. Poems by Alan Crick (Privately published, Rye, Sussex, 1992). Newspaper cuttings, photographs and publications, 1938-1959, including German newspaper cuttings relating to the visit to Danzig by Rt Hon Alfred Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, Aug 1938; three editions of Battledress. The Cadet magazine, Feb-Jun 1940; nine editions of The Crusader Eighth Army Weekly, Oct 1942-Apr 1943; sixteen editions of 'Interim. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', Jun 1945-Apr 1946; three editions of 'Occupation. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', May-Jul 1946. Edition of '21st (British) Army Group in the campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945. Lecture by Field Marshal Sir Bernard L Montgomery to the Royal United Service Institution, London, October 1945'; six photographs and five copies of photographs of Crick, Western Desert and Germany, 1941-1945, and two group photographs, Staff and Students, Joint Services Staff College, 1948, and Military Attachés Conference, Episkopi, Cyprus, 1959.

Crick , Alan John Pitts , 1913-1995 , civil servant and historian
GB 0074 CLC/537 · Collection · 1867-1982

Records of Customs and Excise, comprising 'poundage and premium' ledgers relating to pensions arrangements for Customs and Excise staff, 1867-1868. Also letters to Customs and Excise from authors whose books had been counterfeited, 1905-08.

Customs and Excise Office
GB 0099 KCLMA Dacre · Created 1911-1916, [1917], 1985

Copies of diaries, 1911-1916, covering his flying training, 1911-1914, his service with the Royal Naval Air Service in the UK, [1914]-1915, Gallipoli, 1915, Bulgaria, 1915, and Egypt, 1916. Copy of account of his imprisonment in Turkey, Mar-Jul 1917, written in [1917], with newspaper cutting describing conditions in prisons in Constantinople, [1917]. 'The story of the men and aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm', illustrated pamphlet prepared for the Directorate of Navy Recruiting by the Central Office of Information, dated 1985.

GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP 62 · 1821-1990

The collection comprises correspondence, mainly concerning meteorological readings and Daniell's religious beliefs, lecture notebooks and printed pamphlets on meteorology and the battery, certificates of membership of learned societies, and obituaries and biographies of Daniell, 1821-1990. Notably including correspondence between Daniell and friends and colleagues such as Charles Babbage, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge, Charles James Blomfield, Bishop of London, Sir Marc Isambard Brunel, engineer, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, Michael Faraday, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, chemist, John Frederic William Herschel, astronomer, James Clark Ross, polar navigator, principally concerning meteorology and meteorological instruments, the chemistry of batteries, the publication of Daniell's books and articles, the management of the Royal Society, London, Daniell's religious beliefs, 1821-1857; manuscript copies of lectures delivered by Daniell including at King's College London and the Military School of the East India Company, Addiscombe, Surrey, 1831-1845; printed articles and pamphlets by Daniell or reviews of his work, including On voltaic combinations (London, 1836), reviews of Meteorological essays and observations (London, 1823), 1823-1860; membership certificates of Daniell to various learned societies including National Institute for the Promotion of Science, Washington, US, 1839-1845; obituaries and biographies of Daniell, 1845-1990.

Daniell , John Frederic , 1790-1845 , professor of chemistry
GB 0099 KCLMA Darlow · Created 1942-1966, 1991-1993

Papers relating to Darlow's service with the Royal Army Service Corps and in Staff appointments, 1942-1966, including correspondence and memoranda relating to Darlow's training, appointments and promotions, 1942-1964; typescript memoranda entitled 'The art of lecturing', from the Middle East Royal Army Service Corps Training School, Dec 1943; copy of War Diary for No 1 Line of Communication Transport Column, Royal Army Service Corps, Italy, 1 Jan-31 Dec 1944, with copies of No 1 Lines of Communication Transport Column instructions, battle orders and memoranda, 31 May-16 Dec 1944; 'Staff Officer's notebook' containing typescript notes on motor transport, supply, personnel, Staff and Regimental duties, aircraft loading procedures and Army organisation, 1944, and Dec 1955; typescript article by Darlow on inter-service co-operation, written for The Waggoner magazine, 1957; typescript lecture by Darlow on recruitment, delivered at the Royal Army Service Corps School, 24 Jan 1963. Three editions of The Crusader, Eighth Army Weekly, 9 Nov 1942, 25 Jan 1943 and 8 Mar 1943; photocopied extracts from Engineers in the Italian campaign 1943-1945 by Lt Col D C Bailey (Printing and Stationery Services, Central Mediterranean Forces, Rome, Italy, 1945); copy of article by Lt Col Patrick Mawbey Edgell, Royal Army Service Corps, entitled 'Aid to Russia convoys on the Persian L of C (Line of Communication)', from The Royal Army Service Corps Review, 1950; article entitled 'The new Inspector RCT (Royal Corps of Transport) and Deputy Transport Officer in Chief (Army), Brigadier E W T Darlow, OBE, MA', published in The Waggoner, 1966. Correspondence, chiefly with the Public Record Office, London, and the Royal Engineers Library, Chatham, Kent, 1991-1993, relating to Darlow's research on the Royal Army Service Corps in Italy, 1944-1945, with brief notes on his command of No 1 Lines of Communication Transport Column, 1944, copies of published maps on the Italian campaign, and an edition of War Office restricted publication 'RASC training memorandum No 3', written in part by Darlow; Dec 1946.

GB 0099 KCLMA Davidson F H N · Created 1935-1972

The collection consists of pamphlets written by Davidson, papers relating to his part in the Allied Military Mission to Moscow, USSR, 1939 and papers relating to his career in World War Two as Commander in the Royal Artillery and as Director of Military Intelligence. The World War Two material includes maps used in the retreat of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) to Dunkirk, France, maps used as Director of Military Intelligence to illustrate the progress of the war to Queen Mary, mother of George VI and a personal diary kept while Director of Military Intelligence. There is also a file containing correspondence with E E Thomas of the Cabinet Office Historical Section relating to aspects of Military Intelligence during World War Two.

GB 0402 HRD · 1887-1899

Papers of Henry Rudolph Davies, 1887-1899, comprise five diaries covering travels in Western China, 1887-1899 and work of the Siam Boundary Commission (1892-1894); letters describing boundary commission, 1894, Journal of expedition with the Chinese Deputies 17 November 1893 to 26 January 1894; Journal of expedition along Chinese frontier and in the Kachen Hills 11 Feb 1894 to 22 March 1894; 'Journal of [...] expedition to Myitkyina... and to Chinese frontier', 7 April 1894 to 2 May 1894; papers concerning his marriage in Burma including two copies of marriage certificate, baptismal certificate of his daughter; a lawyer's letter about his marriage and a framed Chinese passport.

Davies , Henry Rudolph , 1865-1950 , Major General
Davies, Rhys
GB 0096 SL V 51, SL V 52, SL V 53, SL V 54, SL V 55 · 1927-1931

Holograph manuscripts of novels. SL V 51 is The Withered Root (1927). SL V 52 is Arfon (1930). SL V 53 is Rings on Her Fingers (1930) SL V 55 is Count Your Blessings (1931) and SL V 54 is a collection of the author's manuscripts of short stories and poems.

Davies , Rhys , 1903-1978 , author
GB 106 7ROD · Fonds · 1970s-1980s

The archive consists of correspondence, background biographical material relating to Margaret Bondfield, press cuttings and working papers of Ross Davies relating to the biography of Margaret Bondfield.

Davies , Ross , fl 1975 , journalist
Davis (Eliza) Notebooks
GB 0103 MS ADD 79 · c1939

Notebooks, the first concerned mainly with Henry Machyn's diary, the second with the Chamberlains of the City.

Davis , Eliza Jeffries , 1875-1943 , historian
De Morgan family
GB 0096 MS 913 · 1753-1975

Papers of the De Morgan family, [1756-1928], comprising material relating to the suffragette movement, such as photographs, newpapers, press cuttings and pamphlets; correspondence of Augustus de Morgan, with correspondents including Sir Frederick Richard Pollock, Sir George Biddle Airy, Sir John William Lubbock, John Wrottesley (2nd Baron Wrottesley), John Radford Young, Sir John Frederick William Herschel, John Finlaison, and General Sir John Briggs; correspondence of William Frend de Morgan, mainly with members of his family and Sir Edward Coley Burne Jones; material relating to the de Morgan and Frend families, notably family photographs, drawings, letters, legal documents and memorabilia; letters from Sophia and Mollie de Morgan to Joan Antrobus; manuscript and typescript copies of stories and essays by William and Mary de Morgan; papers relating to Sophia de Morgan's Memoir of her husband Augustus, including letters, reviews and working notes; bundle of letters containing correspondence concerning a petition to the women of America from the women of England about the abolition of slavery; printed material, mainly works by Augustus de Morgan; letters to Francis Baily, [1820-1940]; letters from Thomas Henderson to Thomas Galloway, 1834-1842; 5 watercolours of Scotland by Frances Shakerley, [1920-1930].

De Morgan , family
DENHAM, Dixon (1786-1828)
GB 0402 DD · 1815-1827

Journals, notebooks, papers and letters of Maj Dixon Denham, 1815-1827, chiefly relating to the Denham / Clapperton / Oudney expedition from Tripoli to Bornu 1821-1825; also including diaries kept during the Waterloo campaign and subsequent travels around Europe; papers relating to Ensign Tootle and to the Sahara expedition of 1822-1824.

Denham , Dixon , 1786-1828 , explorer in Africa , Major
GB 0120 PP/CED · c.1940-1977

The vast majority of the material relates to Dent's research and clinical interests and falls into four main categories: correspondence files; files created around the publication of papers; lecture notes and symposium papers; and case/research notes. There are also smaller quantities dealing with other aspects of his career, such as the administration of UCH Metabolic Ward. The papers thus reflect most of Dent's scientific and clinical interests. This research is mainly represented by the abstracted documentation which he kept with drafts of his published papers (see section E.1) and also by correspondence about cases and clinical case notes (see section C.5). To a lesser degree they also illustrate the work at the laboratory bench which underpinned much of this research. For example, a file of unidentified paper chromatograms has been preserved (C.2/10) to illustrate one of Dent's methods of working, as described by his colleague, Heathcote, and quoted in the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1978: 'Paper chromatograms were not to be thrown away. They were filed and, since the colours faded, the outline of each spot was drawn in and the intensity of the colour was indicated by a number.' The way in which Dent compiled a large series of files around drafts of scientific papers also illustrates the importance of the published paper to him as a stage in the research process. An incomplete collection of reprints of Dent's published papers may be found in section E.2 of the collection.

Dent , Charles Enrique , 1911-1976 , biochemist
DERING, Heneage (1665-1750)
GB 0113 MS-DERIH · 1739-1930 (1739; 1745; 1930)

Dering's autobiographical memoranda, covering the years 1550-1739, 1739; copy of his will, 1745; and letter regarding the transfer of the manuscript to the College, 1930

Dering , Heneage , 1665-1750 , antiquary and Prebendary of York
GB 0099 KCLMA Dewing · Created 1939-1945

Manuscript narrative diary relating to Dewing's service as Director of Military Operations, War Office, and as Chief of Staff to ACM Sir (Henry) Robert (Moore) Brooke-Popham, Commander-in-Chief Far East, 1939-1941; two typescript narrative diaries relating to Dewing's service as Head of Army and Air Liaison Staff, Australia, 1943-1944, and as Head of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) Mission to Denmark, 1944-1945, with typescript 'Notes on my relations with Swedish Services and Government' [1945]; typescript biographical account of Dewing's career by his son, William Dewing [1979].

GB 0099 KCLMA Dickens · Created 1925-1962

Copies of papers relating to his career and the strategic significance of seapower, 1915-1962, including official and personal correspondence, 1915-1936, including letters from Adm Sir Arthur Cavenagh Leveson, Commander-in-Chief, China Station, 1923, R Adm Montagu William Warcop Peter Consett, 1923, V Adm Sir Lewis Clinton-Baker, 1926, Lt Gen John Greer Dill, 1929-1936, Adm Sir Herbert William Richmond, 1929, Maj Gen William Henry Bartholomew, 1929, R Adm Ragnar Musgrave Colvin, Chief of Staff, Home Fleet, 1931, Cdre Andrew Browne Cunningham, 1932; manuscript narrative diary, HMS HAREBELL, Fishery Protection, 1925-1926; typescript copies of lectures given at the Imperial Defence College, 1927-1935; manuscript notes on the history of the Peninsular Campaigns, Napoleonic Wars, 1807-1814 [1928]; published articles by Dickens, letters to the press and book reviews, mainly relating to the Royal Navy and the projection of seapower, 1929-1962; manuscript narrative war diary, 1940-1945, with manuscript notes on the Korean War, 1950; official and personal correspondence, 1940-1945, including letters from Rt Hon Maurice Paschal Alers Hankey, 1st Baron Hankey of The Chart, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1940, letter from Capt Wilfrid Rupert Patterson, Captain of HMS KING GEORGE V, on the sinking of the German battleship BISMARCK, 1941, letters from Adm Sir Andrew Browne Cunningham, 1st Bt, 1941-1944, letter from Augustus (Edwin) John, 1943, letter from R Adm John Anthony Vere Morse, 1943, letter from AF Sir John Cronyn Tovey, Commander-in-Chief, the Nore, 1945, also, typescript report by Dickens to the Admiralty on the German attack on the Netherlands, 22 May 1940 and copy of Adm Cunningham's official signal to the Admiralty on the surrender of the Italian Fleet, Malta, 10 Sep 1943; newspaper cuttings and correspondence relating to Bombing and strategy. The fallacy of total war (Sampson Low, Marston and Company, London, 1947), including letters of congratulation from Adm Cunningham, US Adm Richard L Conolly, Maj Gen John Frederick Charles Fuller, and Cdre Guy Willoughby, 1947; personal correspondence, 1947-1962, including letters from AF Andrew Browne Cunningham, 1st Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope, 1947-1959, Adm Bruce Austin Fraser, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape, 1948, Adm Sir (Eric James) Patrick Brind, Commander-in-Chief, Far East Station, 1949, Rt Hon Maurice Paschal Alers Hankey, 1st Baron Hankey of The Chart, 1949, AF Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, 1954, AF Alfred Ernie Montacute Chatfield, 1st Baron Chatfield of Ditchling, 1959, R Adm George Pirie Thomson, 1959; manuscript notes and annotated typescript draft chapters for projected autobiography [1960].

GB 0099 KCLMA Dimoline · Created 1914-1965

The papers cover the period 1914-1965 and include papers relating to service in England, France and with British Army of the Rhine, 1914-1919 in particular 35 Division Artillery Signals; Iraq, including diary, 1920-1921; Nigeria, including field message book, 1924; Quetta, India, including earthquake diary, 1935; newspapers covering death of King George V, 1936; command of Northern Rhodesia Regt, Lusaka, 1937-1940, including scrap albums; command of 26 (East African) Infantry Brigade, East Africa and Abyssinia, 1940- 1941, including operation reports; command of 22 (East African) Infantry Brigade, Madagascar, 1942, including operation reports; command of 28 (East African) Infantry Brigade and 11 (East African) division, Burma and India, 1944-1946 including accounts of operations; General Officer Commanding East Africa, 1946- 1948, including official circulars, speeches and addresses; General Officer Commanding Aldershot Command, 1948-1951, including speeches and lectures; Representative on Military Staff Committtee, United Nations, 1951-1953, including diary; Col Commandant of Northern Rhodesia Regiment, King's African Rifles and Kenya Regiment, including correspondence, 1952-1964, committee papers and publications; papers relating to Army Cadet Force Association including minutes of meetings, 1956-1959; Inter-Parliamentary Union, including account of journey to Warsaw, Poland, 1959; maps, 1914-1943, including Western Front, Iraq and India, Nigeria and Madagascar.

GB 0099 KCLMA Dobrski · Fonds · 1939-1945, 1949-1950, 1953

Papers principally relating to operations of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Italy, Greece, the Aegean and the Balkans, 1941-1945, including: SOE training manuals, and various SOE memoranda relating to the 'Rhine mine', poisons, inland waterways, and the 'New Zionists', 1941-1944; memoranda and directives on SOE infiltration of Italy and the recruitment of Italian agents, the production of propaganda for use in Italy, transcripts of subversive propaganda broadcasts to the Italian people via Radio Jerusalem, letters from Stefano Terra, regarding the activities of the anti-fascist group Giustizia e Libertà, 1940-1943; diary of Capt R Guy Turrall during his SOE sabotage mission to Crete, 1941-1942; papers concerning SOE Operations BASILIC and ERRATIC (infiltration of Scarpanto and Rhodes), 1943; papers concerning propaganda operations in conjunction with the Political Warfare Executive, particularly Operations KREIPE and KRIMSCHILD, May 1944, to demoralize German troops on Crete; reports, 1943-1945, relating to SOE activities on Crete, including reports on the kidnapping by SOE of German Maj Gen Heinrich Kreipe; appreciations of SOE activities in Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania, 1943; correspondence of Headquarters Force 133 (SOE Cairo, Egypt) in regard to promotion, welfare, training, transfers and postings of personnel, including confidential reports on individual staff, 1944-1945; diary of Maj John Mulgan, British Liaison Officer in Greece, 1944; correspondence relating to the winding up of SOE organisation in Greece, 1944-1945; various other papers, comprising correspondence with Anne René Pleven, 1939-1941, on the German bombing of London and the reaction of the French people to German occupation and the Vichy government; report on René Pleven, French Minister of Defence, concerning Pleven's attitude to the French political situation, policy towards Indo-China and the French High Command, 1949; papers relating to the reorganisation of Lyons Silks Ltd, French Silhouettes and Arnold Securities, 1949-1950; newspaper article on German penetration of the SOE network in the Netherlands, 1942-1944, dated 1953.

Dobrski , Julian A , fl 1939-1953 , Lt Col , Count , Special Operations Executive Officer , alias Lt Col Julian Antony Dolbey
GB 0113 MS-DODDS · 1925 - 1973

Papers of Sir Edward Dodds, relating in part to his professional life and in part to his historical and other outside interests. They include notes and correspondence about the illnesses of King George V and his daughter Princess Mary as well as biographical material about Dodds himself.

Dodds , Sir , Edward Charles , 1899-1973 , Knight , biochemist
GB 0074 F/DON · Collection · 1864-1943

Personal papers of painter Andrew Brown Donaldson and his wife Agnes Emily Twining. The main series comprises diaries written jointly by Andrew and Agnes Donaldson. They start on the day of their wedding in June 1872, and end with Andrew's death in 1919, Agnes having died in 1918. The diaries provide a fascinating insight into middle class life in Victorian and Edwardian London, being mainly concerned with domestic matters, with occasional references to external events such as the Boer War, the death of Queen Victoria, and World War One.

The plays and poems appear mainly to have been written by Donaldson for his children. Many of the plays were performed by the family during Christmas and new year festivities.

The collection also contains a small amount of material relating to the Donaldson's third child, Leonard. He pursued a career in the Royal Navy and was ultimately made an admiral.

Donaldson , Andrew Brown , 1838-1919 , painter
GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Home · Created 1942-1985

Papers relating to writings, broadcasts and lectures, 1969-1985, including typescripts for Evelyn Baring the last Proconsul, incorporating copy source material from 1942 and correspondence with publishers; newspaper articles, 1971-1985; and memoirs of boyhood and schooldays. Papers relating to conferences and travels, 1965-1982, including typescript and manuscript accounts of visits to South Africa, Swaziland, Rhodesia and Kenya in 1976, Iran in 1978, China, Hong Kong and India, 1979 and Brazil and Chile, 1980; and diary of travels, 1976-1980. Personal papers, including invitations and correspondence, 1970-1985.

GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Scott-Montagu · Created 1910-1928, 1948, 1987

Papers relating to aviation and transport, dated 1910-1928, principally comprising papers relating to Joint War Air Committee (Inter-Departmental Committee on the Air Service) chaired by Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, 1916, Committee on the Administration and Command of the Royal Flying Corps, 1916, and Air Boards chaired by Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray, 1917, and George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston, [1916]; correspondence, 1915-1916, 1920, notably including correspondence with Herbert Henry Asquith, 1916, Curzon, 1916, Derby, 1916, the Imperial Defence Committee, 1916, the Parliamentary Aviation Committee, and George Sydenham Clarke, 1st Baron Sydenham of Combe, 1916; printed books, pamphlets, memoranda, notes and texts by Douglas-Scott-Montagu and others, 1910-1920, mainly relating to aviation technology, anti-aircraft defence and the organisation of the air services; memoranda, official reports, notes and texts relating to his work as Adviser on Mechanical Transport Services to the Government of India, 1915-1919; manuscript account of service of No 1 Armoured Motor Unit, North West Frontier, India, 1915-1916, by Capt A J Clifton, 68 Durham Light Infantry, 1915-1916, dated 1917, including photographs and preface by Montagu. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1914-1926, dated 1914-[1926], 1948, principally comprising letters relating to his service with 7 Hampshire Regt in Egypt, 1914, and India, 1915; photographs and photographic negatives, 1915-1922, mainly relating to his service in India, 1915-1919. Typescript draft of A strange war. Burma, India and Afghanisatan, 1914-1919 (Sutton, Gloucester, 1988), an account of 2/5 Bn, Somerset Light Infantry and 2 Mechanical Transport Company by Chris P Mills, based on the recollections of Col B G L Rendall, the diary of Edward William Ewens and research into the Montagu papers, dated 1987.

GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP56 · Created [1960-1994]

Private papers of Duffy, [1960-1994], mainly comprising typescripts, manuscripts and proofs of her novels, plays and poems including The single eye (Hutchinson, London, 1964), The erotic world of faery (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1972), Capital (Cape, London, 1975), Gor saga (Eyre Metheun, London, 1981), Illuminations (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991), Occam's razor (Sinclair-Stevenson, London, 1993), and Henry Purcell (Fourth Estate, London, 1994); notes, reviews, performing scripts, talks and related material concerning her writings.

Duffy , Maureen Patricia , b 1933 , author
GB 0074 CLC/446 · Collection · 1899-1932

Records of Arthur William Dunk, Boer War soldier in the City Imperial Volunteers, comprising official papers; letters and postcards written home during his service; notebooks providing itinerary of travels in South Africa; and menu cards and programmes for dinners of the City Imperial Volunteers Old Comrades Association.

Dunk , Arthur William , 1871-1942 , Boer War soldier