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Archival description
GB 0101 ICS 80 · 1862-1881

Typescript summary of Ceylon Receiver of Wrecks reports, 1862-1881, giving detailed accounts of the loss of 56 vessels off the coast of Ceylon.

Ceylon Receiver of Wrecks
GB 0074 CLC/042 · Collection · 1765

Papers of the Chamber of Ships Insurance relating to the appointment of a French agent to the Chamber.

Chamber of Ships Insurance
GB 0064 CHR · Collection · 1826-1843

Papers of William Wylly Chambers including official service documents, 1826 to 1843; logs, 1836, 1839 to 1841; letterbooks, 1836, 1840 to 1841; order books, 1827 to 1837; books of expenses for various stores and other ship's papers, mainly for the PELORUS.

Chambers , William Wylly , , fl 1810-1860 , Captain
GB 3245 CTUN · Collection · 1802-2002

The Company papers contain correspondence, press cuttings, articles, statistics and plans mainly concerning the 1930 scheme which was defeated in the House of Commons by seven votes. Unfortunately most of the company’s early papers were destroyed in a fire in their office at London Bridge station in 1941.

Brown , A G , Channel Tunnel Assciation Hon Librarian
GB 0074 ACC/1297/CXEH · Collection · 1893-1910

Records of the Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway, comprising Board meeting minutes and General meetings minutes.

Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway
GB 1383 CH · 1800-1960

The Charles Hasler collection is comprised of printed ephemera, including greetings cards, cigarette cards, journals, invitations, books, exhibition catalogues, sales catalogues, prints, packaging, articles, books, business records, photographs, photocopies, manuscripts, slides, colour transparencies, newspaper clippings and journals and trade literature. There are also defined groupings of material, including designs and artwork, which usually relate to specific projects including: typography (contemporary and historical; particularly monotype), printing techniques (particularly colour), transport, Greenwich, architecture, wine, fashion, watercolour painting, book binding and photography. In addition, the collection includes material from the Ministry of Information campaigns during World War Two, including "Dig for Victory" and "Careless Talk Costs Lives" and material relating to the Festival of Britain, 1951.

Hasler , Charles , 1908-1992 , graphic designer and typographer
Chatfield, Henry (1820-1860)
GB 0064 CHD · Collection · [1805-1860]

Papers of Henry Chatfield, including notes on ordnance and shipbuilding and on the sailing trials between the St. Vincent and the Queen, 1844. There are two letters relating to the Dockyard Committee of Enquiry, 1858 to 1859, and a copy of Chatfield's dissension from its Report. There are also printed copies of Parliamentary Reports relating to the dockyards, 1805 and 1860, and a pamphlet written by Chatfield in 1834, 'An elementary essay on the principles of masting ships'.

Chatfield , Henry , 1820-1860 , master shipwright
Chatham Dockyard
GB 0064 CHA · 1669-1900

Papers of Chatham Dockyard comprising 1,063 letterbooks containing the correspondence between yard officials, the Admiralty and Navy Boards, 1669 to 1900, together with internal yard records. There is also a collection of sixty-seven plans of the yard, 1718 to 1867. The volumes can be divided into three main groups: those relating to the Resident Commissioner; to the Commissioner's administrative successor, the Admiral Superintendent; and to the yard officers.

RESIDENT COMMISSIONER'S RECORDS: These consist of: Admiralty letters to the yard Commissioner, 1716 to 1764, 1788 to 1817 (13 vols); two copy letterbooks record in-letters during the period 1754 to 1788; Navy Board letters to the Commissioner, 1697 to 1698, 1791 to 1792, 1797, 1800 to 1829 and 1832 (57 vols); abstracts of Board orders to the Commissioner, 1788 to 1803 (1 vol); letters to the Commissioner from the yard officers, 1802 to 1808 (1 vol); local in-letters, 1809 to 1810, 1813 to 1815, 1818 to 1819, 1820 (5 vols). Out-letters from the Resident commissioner consist of: letters to the Admiralty, 1716 to 1733, 1774 to 1817 (6 vols); to the Navy Board, 1689 to 1695, 1696 to 1702, 1703 to 1757, 1760 to 1764, 1789 to 1794, 1795 to 1817, 1818 to 1822, 1826, 1828 to 1829 (51 vols); warrants to the yard officers, 1781 to 1817 (4 vols); memoranda to the officers, 1810 to 1821 (5 vols); in- and out-correspondence with sea officers, including the Port Admiral, 1793 to 1819, is recorded in four letterbooks.

ADMIRAL SUPERINDENDENT'S RECORDS: These consist of: abstracts of Admiralty orders to the Commissioner and Admiral Superintendent, 1766 to 1829, 1831 to 1867, 1870 to 1872, 1873, 1874 to 1875, 1876 to 1877 and 1882 to 1883 (25 vols); Admiralty letters (originals) to the Superintendent, 1832 to 1852, 1853 to 1900 (651 vols). Fifteen volumes contain indexes to Admiralty letters and orders, 1852 to 1854, 1878 to 1879, 1880 to 1882, 1884 to 1887 and 1890; one, memoranda from the Superintendent to the yard officers, 1846 to 1853.

DOCKYARD OFFICERS RECORDS: These consist of: copies of Navy Board orders to the yard officers, 1796 to 1801, 1803 to 1814, 1814 to 1815, 1816 to 1817, 1818 to 1819 and 1820 to 1821 (32 vols); letters and warrants (originals) from the Board, 1672 to 1675, 1717 to 1781, 1783 to 1795, 1796 to 1822 and 1829 to 1831 (154 vols); copies of officers'letters to the Navy Board, 1695 to 1698, 1790 to 1792, 1796 to 1801, 1802 to 1809, 1810, 1811 to 1820 (30 vols); and one letterbook containing copies of letters to the Superintendent, March to May 1869.

MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS: Three volumes record orders and letters to the officers at Sheerness from the Navy Board, 1690 to 1691; from the Chatham Commissioner, 1694 to 1697; and from both Board and Commissioner, 1769 to 1772. Further single volumes include records of stores issued and received, 1669 to 1770; of contracts, 1792 to 1823; of charts received and issued, 1809 to 1832; and a survey book of sails of ships, 1764 to 1788.

PLANS: These include nine general plans of the yard and surrounding land, 1733 to 1846; twenty plans of docks and slips, 1747 to 1861; and thirty-eight plans of yard buildings, 1718 to 1750.

Chatham Dockyard
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0023 · Collection · 1845-1846

Press cuttings, leaflets and reports of proceedings of the Parliamentary Committee on the proposed Cheltenham and Oxford Railway Company.

Cheltenham and Oxford Railway Company
GB 0074 LMA/4503 · Collection · 1957-2002

Personal papers of Jo Yiu Cheung, seaman, comprising photograph on board an ocean liner, and portrait in front of a Buddha statue.

Cheung , Jo Yiu , fl 1938-2008 , seaman
Chichester canal speech
GB 0096 MS 188 · [1600-1606]

Manuscript volume containing a [transcript of a] speech by the Recorder of Chichester to King James I, [1600-1606], requesting a licence to export grain produced in Sussex from the city's port in order to pay the costs of cutting a channel from Chichester to the sea.

Chine Shipping Co Ltd
GB 0064 CNE · Collection · [1915-1968]

Records of Chine Shipping Co Ltd, containing records of all the five companies, which, at one time or another, made up the Anglo-Danubian group, although the majority relate to the Chine Shipping Company. Much of the Companies' history can be traced through agreements between them, and with the Ministry of War Transport, 1941 to 1944. The only statutory company record to survive is the Director's minute book of the Rodney Steamship Company Ltd, 1915 to 1935. Financial ledgers and accounts include: Anglo-Danubian Transport Company Ltd, 1944 to 1962; Chine Shipping Company Ltd, 1944 to 1968; the Gryfevale Steamship Company, 1929 to 1950; the Rodney Steamship Company Ltd, 1948 to 1961; the Anglo-Continental Inland Waterways Ltd, 1947 to 1951. There is a full series of general correspondence for Chine Shipping, 1961 to 1968. In addition there is a long series of records relating to Chine's ships in the 1960s. These include: accounts relating to the CHARLES DICKENS, 1961 to 1962; correspondence and accounts, MACAULAY, TENNYSON and THACKERAY, 1963 to 1968; chief officer's and chief engineer's logs for MACAULAY, 1963 to 1968, for TENNYSON, 1964 to 1968, and THACKERAY, 1964 to 1968; repair accounts for MACAULAY, 1960 to 1968, for TENNYSON, 1957 to 1968, and THACKERAY, 1958 to 1968. There are insurance records, 1958 to 1968, and general files dealing with the usual minutiae of a shipping office.

Chine Shipping Co Ltd
GB 0102 CGPC · 1926-1951

Records, 1926-1951, of the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission (CGPC), including information on the state of Chinese communications; the workings of the Chinese Ministries of Communications, Railways and Industries; Chinese banking; construction and engineering technology and the work of British manufacturers; and some information on Chinese educational and cultural institutions in receipt of subsidies from the Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

Records, 1926-1951, relating to the foundation and constitution of the CGPC comprise printed report of the Anglo-Chinese Advisory Committee (China Indemnity Advisory Committee), 1926; correspondence, largely letters from the Board of Trustees to the CPGC, 1931-1950, concerning the constitution of the Commission, procedural issues, personnel and financial matters; file on procedure on appointment of a new member of the Commission, 1947-1948; correspondence concerning events preceding the winding-up of the Commission, 1951.

Financial records, 1931-1951, comprise papers on the Board Account, 1937-1950; papers on the Chin Fund (apparently a grant paid to Constance Chin, a patient of the Bethlem Royal Hospital), 1945-1951; summaries of expenses relating to purchase orders made by Chinese ministries, 1931-1951; Indemnity Fund cash books, 1937-1950; invoices and receipts relating to CGPC business, 1937-1951; financial statements and correspondence relating to banking matters with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 1931-1951, the subjects including investments and tax.

Operational records, c1928-1951, relating to the administration of purchase orders, comprise register of tenders/purchase orders, 1942-1946; contract registers (not comprehensive), 1931-1949, recording the management of contracts for the supply and delivery in China of plant, machinery and other materials manufactured in the UK for the Chinese government, and over 1,000 related contract files for engineering companies and manufacturers for industrial, construction, railway and other projects; tender forms, 1934, issued to contractors by the CGPC; specifications and standards, c1928-1937 and undated, largely for the construction of railways and carriages; correspondence concerning administration of purchase orders, 1932-1951, relating especially to delivery of locomotive spare parts and related materials; registers of export licences issue to British manufacturers under wartime regulations, 1941-1946; applications for export licences, 1939-1945; registers of shipments, insurance, freight and inspection fees, 1931-1951; shipping letters, 1937-1950, issued for CGPC shipments; general correspondence concerning the administration of the CGPC, 1931-1951, including correspondence with solicitors and correspondence concerning the CGPC premises in Tothill Street, London.

Annual reports and accounts, 1931-1950, comprise typescript accounts and reports, 1931-1950, of the CGPC and published annual reports, 1931-1950, including summaries of receipts and payments; and annual reports of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1938.

Miscellaneous records, c1932-1950, comprise one file including papers on subjects including railways, training Chinese students, Japanese imperialism, and CGPC records, a photograph of ships in harbour, and maps of China and the Far East.

Records, 1939-1943, of the China Purchasing Agency Ltd comprise standing regulations of the Board of Directors, undated; correspondence, 1939-1943, concerning various purchase orders; miscellaneous items, c1939-1940, including list of tenders passed for acceptance, 1939, and an undated schedule of materials shipped.

Chinese Government Purchasing Commission
China Purchasing Agency Ltd
Christian family papers
GB 0064 CHN · Collection · 1797-1828

The papers relating to Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian all date from 1798 when he was second in command of the Cape of Good Hope station. They include official correspondence relating mainly to the day to day running of the station but particulaly to the mutiny and subsequent Court Martial concerning the East Indiaman, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. The papers relating to Sir Hugh's son, Hood Hanway Christian, are more extensive. Apart from an order book from 1812, when Christain was the governor of the Spanish fort at Castro, they are mostly official correspondence from the period 1824-1828. These relate to the supression of the slave trade and various disciplinary proceedings together with correspondence from the Navy Board. There is a small amount of personal correspondence including letters from Sir Richard Keats and Sir Edward Pellew.

Christian , Sir , Hugh Cloberry , 1747-1798 , Knight , Rear Admiral Christian , Hood Hanway , 1784-1849 , Rear-Admiral Of The White
GB 0064 CHS · Collection · [1865-1877]

Papers of Capt John Christopher, consisting of certificates and letters of reference, a disbursement book of the MINMANUETH 1865 to 1871, an account book relating to the LIZZIE MORTON 1875 to 1877 and a rough notebook 1870 to 1871.

Christopher , John , b 1820 , Captain RN
GB 0074 ACC/1297/CSL · Collection · 1884-1933

Records of the City and South London Railway (formerly the City of London and Southwark Subway Company), comprising Board meetings minutes and General meetings minutes; volume of monthly reports giving Operating Statistics of the City and South London and Central London Railway Companies and volume of monthly reports relating to the generating stations at Stockwell (City and South London Railway) and Shepherds Bush (City London Railway).

City and South London Railway City of London and Southwark Subway Company
GB 0064 HIL · Collection · 1775-1940s

The collection consists mainly of ship's voyage expenses ledgers and company wages books, together with additional company records, such as personal expenses and accounts books for various members of the Hill family, and shipyard labour, materials and supplies ledgers. As a whole, the collection covers the company through its various changes of name and ownership, from 1775 to the 1940's.

James Martin Hilhouse Hilhouse & Hill Charles Hill & Sons, Ltd.
GB 1432 CLPLGU · 1969-2002

Records of the City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University, London, comprising (but not limited to):

Governance papers; Annual/statutory reports and accounts; Strategic plans; Ceremonial Prospectuses; Course handbooks; Students' Union magazines and handbooks; Student records*; Staff magazines

  • Requests involving personal data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and on a case-by-case basis.
City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University
GB 0074 CLC/434 · Collection · 1354-1802

These documents are largely deeds and papers relating to William Clapham, including title deeds of his properties Cox Key, Fresh Wharf and Gaunt's Key with warehouses in Thames Street. Also some deeds of the Skrine family's properties in Somerset and Wiltshire (Ms 14021).

GB 0064 CLE · Collection · 1748-1771

Papers of Michael Clements, consisting of logs, 1748 to 1771, letter and order books, 1757 to 1771, sailing and fighting instructions, 1747 to 1778, and notes and personal papers, 1759 to 1780. There are also some of Clements's charts in the Department of Navigation and Astronomy.

Clements , Michael , fl 1735-1796 , Rear-Admiral
Clumber House
GB 0064 CLU · Collection · [1638-1788]

Papers of Clumber House. The collection mainly consistis of eleven volumes of copies, some of them contemporary, of original documents. Dating from the early seventeenth century is a copy of 'Admiralli Angliae a tempore regis Edwardi secundi ano 1307 ad anui domini 1590'; some notes added to the text in a different hand extend this list of admirals to cover the years 1264 to 1618. Slightly later is a seventeenth-century copy of judges' opinions regarding the payment of ship money, 1638. There is a collection of bound documents relating to naval administration which includes copies of 'A brief discourse of the Navy', 1638, and 'The Navy Ript and Ransact', c 1659, by John Hollond (fl 1624-1659) (printed in Hollond's Discourses, ed. J.R. Tanner, Navy Records Society, 1896). Also relating to politics and maritime affairs is a volume of original seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century documents compiled c 1815 by an antiquarian, William Hamper (1776-1831). Four volumes, possibly compiled for or by Josiah Burchett, Secretary to the Admiralty, ([1666]-1746), contain notes, transcripts and some original documents relating to the Navy, 1659 to 1743; they include copies of orders issued by the Admiralty and King in Council and a volume of accounts, tables and orders relating to the equipment, management and expense of maintaining the Navy, including the dockyards, c 1732. Notes and transcripts, c 1799, formerly belonging to William Locker (1731-1800) comprise two volumes; these were compiled for a history of the Navy and include some biographical sketches of naval officers. Finally, there is the log of the H.E.I.C.S. Melville Castle, 1786 to 1788.

Clumber House
GB 0074 CLC/B/051 · Collection · 1702-1984

Records of the Coal Factors' Society, beginning in 1761 and consisting of minutes, attendance books, letter books, rules and regulations, an account of market dues at the Coal Exchange, financial records including ledgers and cash books, factors' day and entry books, factors' and meters' postage books, an alphabetical list of ships giving gross and net tonnage, lists of named ships with total monthly cost to each factor, comparative lists of the highest prices of best house coals taken for each, contracts made with various persons for the supply of barges, beams, weights, a Tilbury signal code book, and newspaper cuttings. There are no records for the period 1790-1831.

The collection also includes a register of names, destinations and owners of ships, and weight of coal shipped from Newcastle, 1702-4, Ms 30689, which had been found amongst the archives of the Coal Factors' Society and Coal Meters' Committee. It predates both bodies and appears to have been collected as a curio.

Coal Factors' Society
GB 0074 CLC/B/052 · Collection · 1702-1990

Papers of the Coal Meters' Committee, including minutes, letter books, cash books, ledgers, books of notices and orders, ships' registers, records of coal exports and imports, and papers relating to the reorganisation of the Coal Meters' Office.

The records of the Coal Meters' Benefit Society, the Coal Meters' Provident Club and the Coal Meters' Office Protection Branch also form part of the archives of the Coal Meters' Committee. The Benefit Society records consist chiefly of minutes, resolutions touching amendments to the constitution, statements of account and correspondence relating to the Coal Meters' Benefit Society and Widows' Aid Fund. The Provident Club records contain a copy of rules, nomination form counterfoil book and account book. The Protection Branch records consist of annual reports, ledger accounts and cash books.

Coal Meters' Committee
Coast Lines Ltd
GB 0064 CST · Collection · [1836-1969]

Papers of Coast Lines Ltd. They include: seven minute books of the Board and General Meetings of the parent company, 1913 to 1969. There is less information on the associated companies, although there are minutes of the General Meetings of the Belfast Steamship Company Limited, 1852 to 1943. Miscellaneous early documents include the Deed of Constitution of 1836 for the City of Cork Steam Packet Company Limited, and an agreement of 1837 between the Peninsular Steam Navigation Company and the City of Dublin and British and Irish Steam Packet companies, to the effect that the two Irish companies should not trade on overseas routes covered by the English Company. The financial records consist of: four ledgers of the Queenship Navigation Company Limited, 1899 to 1925; published accounts and balance sheets, mostly for the 1950s; a series of vessels' pro forma voyage accounts for eight companies of the group, 1965 to 1966, with a consolidated summary, traffic returns and trade figures for the main associated companies, 1955 to 1964; conference minutes and freight rates, 1871 to 1934, give an insight into the structure and operations of the Irish and English, Scottish and Irish and Belfast trades. The associate companies reported to the parent company weekly, in letter form, giving the position of their vessels and other information. Letters of this type in the collection cover the period 1955 to 1964. Otherwise there are only a few isolated letters and no letterbooks. The greater part of the collection consists of publicity material, brochures and advertisements: a large number of photographs, of ships, staff, wharves and warehouses; and draft histories of the companies making up the Group. The records of the following Coast Line associates are to he found elsewhere: the Ayr Steamship Company Ltd, the Burns and Laird Lines, and William Sloan and Company Limited at the Strathclyde Regional Archives; the Tyne Tees Steam Shipping Company Limited records at the Tyne and Wear Archives Department.

Coast Lines Ltd
GB 0064 CCC · Collection · 1862-1878

Papers of Cowper Phipps Cole, consisting of three large albums of newspaper cuttings which relate to the Navy and to ship design and were collected by Coles himself between 1862 and his death. There are a number of later cuttings to 1878.

Coles , Cowper Phipps , 1819-1870 , Captain
GB 0064 COL · Collection · [1793-1809]

Papers of Cuthbert Collingwood, including two letterbooks containing private letters received between 1793 and 1809, the rest of the collection is composed of official letterbooks. There is one for the PRINCE and one for the EXCELLENT; ten others form part of the records for the Mediterranean command. Several, however, are clearly missing. There is an admiral's journal, 1801 to 1804, and another for the latter part of the Mediterranean command.

Collingwood , Cuthbert , 1750-1810 , Vice-Admiral , 1st Baron Collingwood
Collins, Walter
GB 0102 MS 380566 · 1891-1892

Photocopies of papers, 1891-1892 and undated, of Walter Collins, comprising his journal, 1891-1892, covering his journey by sea and the overland journey to Lake Victoria, and his work around Kampala delivering goods to various missions, also describing the political situation and fighting between tribes, and the homeward journey; notebook, 1891, containing poems by Collins inspired by Biblical verses; undated notebook containing notes by Collins on Uganda; two books produced by the Church Missionary Society, 1892 and undated, on Uganda and its history, including published sketches; undated printed songs or hymns.

Collins , Walter , b 1865 , missionary
GB 0074 CLC/B/055-01 · Collection · 1861-1961

Records of Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, including minutes of the Fire Committee and the Accident Department; and papers of the Marine Department including ledgers, journals, weekly returns, letters, voyage books giving details of ships insured, registers of shipbuilding risks underwritten, register of vessels insured on the American lakes, salvage books, and record of losses in the First World War. Also salvage books of the Century Insurance Company Limited.

Commercial Union Assurance Co Ltd
GB 0074 CLC/B/055 · Collection · 1701-1962

Records of the Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, including minutes, ledgers, journals, letters, and insurance registers. Also records of subsidiary and predecessor companies, including:

Accident Insurance Company;
British and European Insurance Company;
British General Insurance Company;
Edinburgh Assurance Company;
Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation;
Fine Art and General Insurance Company;
General Accident and Guarantee Company;
Guardian Plate Glass Insurance Company;
Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Company;
Imperial Live Stock and General Insurance Company;
Indemnity Marine Insurance Company;
Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation;
London Amicable Assurance Society;
London and Scottish Assurance Corporation;
Mercantile Fire Insurance Company;
New India Assurance Company;
North British and Mercantile Insurance Company;
Northern Assurance Company;
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation;
Ocean and General Guarantee Company;
Ocean Marine Insurance Company;
Palatine Insurance Company;
Planet Assurance Corporation;
Provident Clerks and General Guarantee and Accident Company;
Railway Passengers Assurance Company;
Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company;
Union Assurance Society;
United Kingdom Life Assurance Company;
Westminster and Kensington Freeholds Limited;
World Auxiliary Insurance Corporation;
World Marine and General Insurance Company.

GB 0074 CLC/L/WA · Collection · 1688-1971

Records of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, including registers of freedom admissions 1688-1942, apprentice bindings 1688-1944, and apprentice affidavits with dates of birth or baptism 1759-1897. RJ Cottrell has compiled an index to the registers of apprentice bindings, 1688-1908 (Ms 6289), and the apprentices' affidavit books, 1759-1897 (Ms 6291), a microfiche copy of which is available in the Manuscripts Section.

The Company of Watermen and Lightermen almshouses records include minutes, subscription books, financial records and polling papers. Further references may be found in other Company records such as minutes and accounts.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

Company of Watermen and Lightermen
Copland, A: letters
GB 0096 AL363 · Fonds · [1827] -1828

Letters from A Copland, 6 Dec [1827]-13 Mar 1828, (i-ii) Address: Queen Street, [Abderdeen]. Parts of 2 letters to Copland's brother, Charles Copland. (i) Describes the towing of The Mary (of which A Copland was part-owner) off the rocks at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire (6 December [1827]). (ii) Last leaf of a letter, bearing only 3 lines of writing (13 March 1828 [endorsement]). Both letters appear to be autograph but are unsigned.

(iii) Newspaper cutting advertising The Mary, a 40-ton ship 'intended to be a regular trader between Aberdeen and Peterhead'.

Copland , A , fl 1827-1828
Cormack, George E
GB 0102 MS 380660 · Created 1912-1919

Photographic material, 1912-1919, of George Cormack, comprising 42 glass slides, c1912-1919, principally of Manchuria and the Chinese Labour Corps, and an album of photographs, 1912-1913, relating to a visit on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Siberia and North Manchuria.

Cormack , George E , 1886-1959 , businessman and soldier
GB 0074 COR/PA · Collection · 1878-1966

Records relating to the inquest on the victims of the wreck of the steamship "Princess Alice", 1878-1966. Records include inquisition giving names, ages, relationship and occupations of deceased; sworn statements of witnesses; verbatim report of inquest proceedings at Town Hall, Woolwich; indexes of witnesses; list of persons saved from the "Princess Alice"; correspondence; report of the Board of Trade investigation into the wreck of the "Princess Alice"; supporting documentation including maps of the area and navigation regulations.

Also items relating to the disaster including memorial cards, songs, press cuttings and notes made by Gavin Thurston in preparation for his book The Great Thames Disaster.

Coroner for the Jurisdiction of the Eastern District of the County of London
GB 0074 CLC/526 · Collection · 1454-2000

Records of the Corporation of Trinity House, including: copies of charters, grants and patents; Court minutes; Board minutes and agendas; minutes of various committees; financial records including ledgers, journals, cash books, salaries; correspondence; administrative files; letters patent to collect tolls; papers relating to lighthouses including committee minutes and inspection books; notices to mariners; reports by Michael Faraday and other scientists regarding improvements to lighthouses; war diaries detailing damages to beacons and buoys; papers relating to pilotage including committee minutes, pilot's registers and examinations in pilotage; reports on collisions; papers relating to management of estates and charity work; lists of elder and younger brethren; photographs; and papers relating to the Royal Trinity House Volunteer Corps.

In the mid 19th century, the Corporation of Trinity House replaced minutes of committees with "agendas". These "agendas" are not agenda papers with a list of items for discussion. They are stripped down minutes which record those elder brethren attending the committee meeting, items coming to committee, the decisions taken and further action, if any, required. They do not record any of the committee's discussions.

The papers have suffered from fire in 1666 and 1714 and from bombing in 1940. Though the court minutes survive from 1660, many other series of records only survive from the nineteenth century. Because of the many ways in which the Corporation of Trinity House has touched on British maritime life, the records which survive are still very rich and extremely varied.

There is a thirty year closure rule on the Trinity House archive and researchers must ask the Corporation for permission to consult any records less than thirty years old.

Lighthouse plans have not been deposited, although LMA holds copy catalogues of the plans which are still held by the Corporation of Trinity House (CLC/526/MS30131A, available on the library shelves in the LMA Information Area). Please ask at the enquiry desk for details or see our leaflet about lighthouse history sources.

Corporation of Trinity House
GB 0096 MS 223 · [1700-1750]

Manuscript volume containing a report giving a list of all the costs of the upkeep of a galley in a squadron, [1700-1750], requested by 'S R Gerosna', entitled 'Relazione distinta di tutta la somma che si spende e consuma per il manteninento di una galera dalla squadra di questa S R Gerosna'. Includes frequent references to the port at Malta, and to Sicily, Sardinia and other islands in the Mediterranean, and notes of advice for captains of galleys trading in the area.

GB 0074 ACC/2785 · Collection · 1932-1948

Records of Couldrey Motors Limited, 1932-1948, including memorandum and articles of association; director's meeting minutes; trading and profit and loss accounts; correspondence; sales returns; stock lists and property costs. Also records of the Couldrey Commercial Motor Company, comprising balance sheets and trading and profit and loss accounts.

Couldrey Motors Limited Couldrey Commercial Motor Company
GB 0096 MS 198 · 1654

Manuscript volume containing an Order in Council, 2 May 1654, signed by William Jessop, Clerk of the Council of State, concerning the discharge of some merchant ships from service with the Royal Navy, and ordering that the new coined money on the Tower of London, along with cash from the sale of prize goods, should be used by the Admiralty Commissioners to defray the charge of freight and wages of those ships. The Order was approved on 4 May 1654.

GB 0099 KCLMA Cox · 1999 (1902-1997)

Autobiography of Harold Roxbee Cox, Baron Kings Norton of Wotton Underwood "A Wrack Behind" (Cranfield University Press, 1999), covering his life and career, particularly the design and construction of the airship R.101, his association with Air Commodore Sir Frank Whittle and the development of the jet propulsion gas turbine, and his association with Cranfield University.

Cox , Harold Roxbee , 1902-1997 , Baron Kings Norton of Wotton Underwood , aeronautical engineer
GB 0120 MSS.1905-1912 · 1903-1916

Collection of note-books containing six volumes on Botany and Comparative Ostology, a Register of Photographs, and a Bicycling Diary. The 5 Botanical notebooks and the single volume on Comparative Ostology are illustrated with mounted and other drawings, some in pencil.

Crawshay , Lionel Henry , de Barri , 1882-1928
Creswick, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 996 · 1837

Small mounted oil painting by Thomas Creswick, of a steam train passing Leighton Buzzard on the London and Birmingham Railway line. A note on the reverse suggests that the work was painted in 1837.

Creswick , Thomas , 1811-1869 , artist
GB 0099 KCLMA Cundall · 1937-1961

Papers of Gp Capt Henry John Cundall on his RAF service, 1937-1961, comprising photocopies of flying log books, Jan 1937-Oct 1960, and file of papers on RAF service, 1937-1961. Log books include outline record of service, 1937-1960, details of ranks held, awards, and types of aircraft flown; file of loose papers includes photocopies of RAF College Cranwell examination papers for Flight Cadets, Apr 1938; Bomber Command training transfer card, Dec 1938; Royal Aircraft Establishment graph of speed; certification green cards for Cundall as a pilot, 1951 and 1956; notes on 'Morale and leadership' in the RAF, Jan 1951 note on the correct recording of flying times for pilots' flying log books [1952]; Chart of ranges of Meteor 7 aircraft, according to altitude and condition, [c.1952]; Checklist for Canberra B2 and T4, [c. 1956]; 'Drills for abandoning Canberra aircraft in extreme emergency' [c.1956]; press cutting from The Times, 31 Jul 1961, 'Constant preparedness at missile station', re Bloodhound missiles at RAF Watton, Norfolk, quoting Cundall as Commanding Officer; letter of appreciation from AM Sir Hector McGregor, Fighter Command HQ, Bentley Priory, 31 Oct 1961, on Cundall's retirement; press cutting from The Sunday Times, 16 Jan 1983, 'Operation Oboe: flying heroes 40 years on', referring to Cundall; press cuttings from Eastern Daily Press, 3 Feb 1995, 'The Wooden Wonder goes to war' and 'Mosquito master of skies: hazardous missions from Norfolk', relating to launch for The men who flew the mosquito, by Martin Bowman (Patrick Stephens, Sparkford, 1995); Note on minimum weather requirements for flight clearance for pilots holding white certification cards and green certification cards, [1951]; Graph of static thrust and RPM for an Rolls Royce Avon engine, [1950s]

Cundall , Henry John , 1919-2001 , Group Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Cunliffe P W · [1915-1922], 1927-1928, 1931-1932, 1955, 1990

Papers relating to his service in the Royal Naval Air Service and RAF, 1917-1918, dated 1917-1918, 1955, 1990, principally comprising log-book covering his flights in the UK, 1917-1918; photographs of aircraft and personnel, including Cunliffe. Texts and notes for lectures relating to photography, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1932. Photographs of Cunliffe in his service uniform and with colleagues from King's College London, [1915-1922].

Cunliffe , Percy Walmsey , 1898-1992 , chemist
GB 0099 KCLMA Currey · 1876-1915

Midshipman's log book, by Currey, 1876-1878, including service on HMS DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Flagship of Adm Sir George Elliot, Portsmouth, Dec 1876-Jan 1877, HMS ALEXANDRA, Mediterranean Fleet, Jan 1877-Aug 1878 and HMS CRUISER, Mediterranean Fleet, Aug-Sep 1878; papers and plans relating to anti-submarine warfare, 1913-1915, including typescript draft text of lecture by Currey entitled 'Hints on organised coast defence v submarines' [1914]; fifty six manuscript naval signals, Aug-Dec 1914, including signals to R Adm, 5 Battle Sqn from the Admiralty on support to be given to operations by Chatham Royal Marine Force at Ostend, Belgium, 26-27 Aug 1914, signals relating to the loss of the battleship HMS AUDACIOUS to a mine in the Atlantic, 27 Oct 1914, and signals ordering RN battlecruisers HMS INVINCIBLE and HMS INFLEXIBLE to sea, 4 Nov 1914 (prior to the Battle of the Falklands Islands, 8 Dec 1914); journal and signal book kept by Mid Richard Reynell on board Currey's flagship, HMS PRINCE OF WALES, 1914-1915.

Currey , Bernard , 1862-1936 , Admiral
GB 0064 CUR · Collection · 1868-1910

Papers of Admiral Curzon-Howe comprising logs, 1868 to 1873, fishery reports, Newfoundland, 1892 to 1895, memoranda, 1888 to 1893, 1909 to 1910, and notes on manoeuvres, 1895, 1899.

Howe , Sir , Assheton Gore , Curzon- , 1850-1911 , Knight , Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Dalison · Created [1914-1939]

Papers relating to his RAF career, [1914-1939], principally comprising log book covering his service in the UK and Middle East, 1929-1939; photographs of aircraft, notably flying boats, [1914-1939].

Dannreuther Family
GB 0064 DAN · Collection · [1880-1977]

Papers of Captain Hubert Edward Dannreuther including papers relating to gunnery matters as well as order books, photos, letters and diaries.

Papers of Hubert Harold Dannreuther, 1927-1949.

Papers of Raymond Portal Dannreuther, 1937-1954.

Papers of Tristan Dannreuther, including logs, 1887 to 1891, night order books, 1911 to 1917, notebooks, 1890 to 1891, diaries, 1887 to 1958, and remark books, 1893 to 1912. There are numerous letters from Dannreuther to his mother written between 1885 and 1919, except for the years 1909 to 1914, and official documents relating to the ships under his command.

Dannreuther , Hubert Edward , fl 1880-1977 , Rear-Admiral Dannreuther , Hubert Harold , b 1917 , Captain Dannreuther , Raymond Portal , fl 1923-2006 , Captain Dannreuther , Tristan , fl 1872-1963 , Captain
GB 0064 DAW · Collection · [1851-1858]

Papers of Admiral Dawkins, including papers of his early career consist of official service documents and three diaries, 1851 to 1858. Those concerned with the loss of the VANGUARD consist of some official publications, such as the findings of the court martial, a large collection of press cuttings, some private letters and Dawkins' own account of the disaster.

Dawkins , Richard , 1828-1896 , Rear-Admiral
GB 0064 DWS · Collection · 1823-1858

Papers of William and Dugald Dawson comprising 80 letters from Dugald Dawson (dated 1823-1840) and 64 letters from William Dawson (dated 1828-1843). Also included are 38 letters (including two private journals) from Captain William Dawson, addressed to his wife Barbara (dated 1849-1858), and a number of other letters and papers, chiefly of William's family.

Dawson , William , 1810-1858 , merchant Dawson , Dugald , 1805-1841 , overseer
GB 0099 KCLMA De Chair · Created 1935-1939

Journal, 1935-1939, covering his service in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), 1935, UK, 1936-1938, including his court martial after the grounding of HMS SCOUT, Jan 1938, and the Far East, 1938-1939.

De Coppet, Andre (1892-1953)
GB 0064 COP · Collection · 1618-1805

Papers from the collection of Andre De Coppet consisting of sixteen documents. The earliest, 1618, is an estimate of expenditure on seven ships 'at the narrow Seas' signed by the Lord High Admiral, Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham (1536-1624), the Comptroller of the Navy, Sir Guilford Slingsby (d 1632) and the Surveyor of the Navy, Sir Richard Bingley (fl 1590-1618). Two other seventeenth-century documents relate to prize money; a letter of 1667 from Lord Bellasis (1614-1689) to Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), with Pepys' draft reply. Three documents are addressed to Admiral Honore Ganteaume (1755-1818) from Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) and consist of an order, 1798, regarding the blockade of Alexandria, and two letters, 1798 and 1805; the former discusses possible courses of action open to the French fleet against the British in the Mediterranean. The eleven letters of Lord Nelson (q.v.), 1799 to 1805, which make up the rest of the collection, concern events in the Mediterranean after the Battle of the Nile and those leading up to the Battle of Trafalgar. Four of these are to Sir John Acton (1736-1811), Prime Minister to Ferdinand I of Naples and Sicily. Complaints about Lord Keith (q.v.) are the main subject in the letter, 1799, to Sir William Hamilton (q.v.).

Andre , Coppet , De , 1892-1953 , American broker and collector