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Castaldus, Joachimus
GB 0120 MSS.1521-1524 · c 1730-1731

Dissertations on various subjects, probably all by Joachimus Castaldus of Naples on 'De Morbis', 'De Morbis Puerorum', 'Pharmaceutica' and 'De febribus malignis'.

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Cirillus (or Cyrillus), Josephus
GB 0120 MSS.1639-1640 · 1776

Two volumes entilted 'Institutionum Physicae particularis pars prima [et secunda]'. The first volume is illustrated by many inserted pen-drawn astronomical and other diagrams and figures: the second by three anatomical drawings of the cerebrum, the internal organs of a man, and of the eye. Vol. I. 'De corporibus inanimatis': Vol. II. 'De viventibus'. At the end of Vol. I is the inscription 'Proeunte D. Josepho Cyrillo haec anno aere vulgaris 1776 scripsi ego Januarius Pelliccia in Seminario Aversano'. Produced in Aversa.

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Cline, Henry (1750-1827)
GB 0120 MSS.1675-1676 · c 1760

Surgical lectures by Henry Cline read at St. Thomas's Hospital. Produced in London, c 1760.

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Coppieters, Carel
GB 0120 MSS.1872-1876 · 1795

Notes of lectures in Latin at the University of Louvain on Astronomy, Physics, Metaphysics, and Ethics: taken down by Carel Coppieters. The first three volumes are extra-illustrated with engraved folding plates of scientific diagrams, figures, etc.: there are also a few pen-drawn figures. Vol. I Tractatus de Astronomia Sphaerica et theoretica, nec non de Geographia (1 l. + 131 pp. + 49 ll.). II Tractatus de motu, dictante pro parte Domino parte Domino Wittenbercq (i.e. Louis Joseph Wittenbercq [1767-1798]) (121 pp. + lxiv pp.). III Tractatus de elementis, igne, aëre et acqua (50 pp. + 6 ll. + 64 pp. + 11 ll. + 37 pp. + xxiv pp.). IV Tractatus de metaphysica, dictante D. Verrueghen (45 pp. + 55 pp. + 60 pp. + lxiv pp.). V Philosophia moralis (59 pp. + xviii pp.). Produced in Louvain.

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Crawshay, Lionel Henry de Barri (1882-1928)
GB 0120 MSS.1905-1912 · 1903-1916

Collection of note-books containing six volumes on Botany and Comparative Ostology, a Register of Photographs, and a Bicycling Diary. The 5 Botanical notebooks and the single volume on Comparative Ostology are illustrated with mounted and other drawings, some in pencil.

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Parisiensis, Christophorus
GB 0120 MSS.192-193 · late 16th century - early 17th century

Two volumes of texts ascribed to Christophorus Parisiensis, late 16th or early 17th century.

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Desault, Pierre Joseph (1744-1795)
GB 0120 MSS.2103-2104 · 1791

Traité d'opérations de Chirurgie. Rédigé d'après les Leçons de Mr. Desault, chirurgien en chef de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. Revu et corrigé par lui-même. Manuscrit par Victor Gueudeville, l'un de ses Élèves. Vol. I. Opérations de la tête, du col, et de la poitrine (436 pp.); II. Maladies des voyes urinaires, de la verge, des bourses, et de l'anus, aneurisme, amputation (375 pp.). Produced in Paris.

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Duncan, Andrew (1744-1828)
GB 0120 MSS.2233-2240 · 1775-1787

Clinical lectures by Andrew Duncan delivered at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and lectures on the theory and practice of medicine: notes taken by students, 1775-1787. Produced in Edinburgh.

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Fizes, Antoine (1690-1765)
GB 0120 MSS.2374-2379 · [1740-1750]

Student notes of lectures delivered by Antoine Fizes in Montpellier.

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Foerchtl, Josef
GB 0120 MSS.2389-2390 · 1782-1785

Two volumes entitled 'Collectio plantarum nostratum et pro parte exoticarum quae in statu vivo et naturali depictae sunt' containing in all 200 water-colour drawings of plants, with description in Latin, made by Josef Foerchtl 'Pharmacopoeus' of Cologne, with his signature on a fly-leaf in each volume. Produced in Cologne.

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Fouquier, Pierre Eloy (1776-1850)
GB 0120 MSS.2420-2421 · 1814-1815

'Cours de pathologie interne, générale et particulière, par M. Fouquier, médecin à l'Hôpital de la Charité de Paris', a student's notes of lectures, probably incomplete, as 'Fin du second cahier' is written at the end of Vol. II. Produced in Paris, 1814-1815.

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Gaubius, Hieronymus David (1705-1780)
GB 0120 MSS.2480-2485 · c 1765

'Dictata in Chemiam', notes taken down by George Paterson [1734-1817] of Lectures at Leyden University. Produced in Leyden.

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Geoffroy, Estienne Louis (1725-1810)
GB 0120 MSS.2498-2499 · c 1760

Anonymous student's lecture notes, the manuscripts, written largely in the same hand, have been assigned to Estienne Louis Geoffroy. Produced in Paris, [1760].

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Goldburg, Carl von and Brauczek, Wilhelm Anton
GB 0120 MSS.2542-2543 · 1661-1665

Two versions of lecture notes given by Carl von Goldburg and Wilhelm Anton Brauczek entitled "Tractatus in universam Aristotelis philosophiam ad mentem Doctoris Subtilis Joannis Duns Scoti", produced in Prague, 1661-1665.

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Graham, Thomas (1805-1869)
GB 0120 MSS.2551-2584 · 1821-1868

Papers of Thomas Graham comprising notes, chiefly on chemistry, and some correspondence, 1821-1868.

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Lowder, William (d 1801)
GB 0120 MSS.2665-2666, 3332-3337 and 7789 · 1780-1805

Lectures in Midwifery by William Lowder, 1780-1805, in some cases collaborating with John Haighton.

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Hambleton, Godfrey William (1852-1929)
GB 0120 MSS.2721-2761 & 6889 · 1878-1914

Papers of Godfrey William Hambleton including holograph MSS and corrected typescripts, mainly relating to Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Produced in London, 1878-1914.

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Head, Erasmus (b 1711 )
GB 0120 MSS.2800-2801 · Coleção · c 1730-1742

Two commonplace books, 1730, 1732-1742.

Volume 1: with extracts from Sir William Temple and George Cheyne on health, 'The British Heroes, or, a new Poem in honour of St. George' by Mr John Grub, Schoolmaster of Christ Church, Oxon, etc.

Volume 2: Strange events, accidents and phenomena: with other historical occurrences worth observation, pp 63-72 'Paradoxes in physick and anatomy'. The date 1732 is found on p 11 and 1742 on p 74. An entry on p 3, dated 1771 seems to be by a different hand. Produced in Oxford. Compiler copied from other sources down contemporary events and ideas of note. The Index of the book reads: A Vampyre in Hungary, A Girl Possessed, A Cameleon, Miracles, Artifical rarities, Longevity, Aptness (instances of it), Moliere (His Plays), To preserve memory and procure long-life, The Spaniard's devotion, Erroneous opinions, superstition, customs etc, Painting, Fire-Ordeal, Vulgar Errors, Instances of Superstition, Physick, Paradoxes and Prodigies in Phsick and Anatomy, Mineralogy, Grammar, Geography (Paradoxes herein), Optics, Dreams, An Extraordinary Sleepy Person, 4 men living on Water for 4 days, A Ruminating Man, Remarkable Sayings, Strange customs, Tragedy - an account of it, Pedantry, what it is.

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Hoffert, Hermann Henry (1860-1920)
GB 0120 MSS.2851-2852 · Coleção · 1876-1877

'Natural History. Part II: Vertebrated Animals. Biology and Natural History. Aves and Mammalia'. Author's holograph sketch-books, 1876-1877. These two uniform volumes contain carefully executed water-colour and pencil drawings of anatomical subjects, with neatly written legends. Inserted loose in the first volume are 7 coloured drawings of similar subjects, and two coloured charts of English rocks, etc. Both volumes are signed 'H. H. Hoffert. Royal School of Mines. South Kensington.' Produced in London.

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Hoin-Belleisle, Jean Jacques Louis (1722-1772)
GB 0120 MSS.2858-2861 · Coleção · 1745-1755

Extraits des Livres de Physique, Médecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie et Histoire Naturelle que j'ay lus et qui ne m'appartiennent pas; avec des Remarques tirées de quelques-uns de ces Ouvrages, et les Titres de ceux de mes livres sur ces Matières que j'ay lus. Author's holograph MSS. On the title of each volume the author describes himself as 'Maître ès Arts et en Chirurgie à Dijon, Chirurgien du Grand Hôpital, Pensionnaire de l'Académie des Sciences et Belles Lettres de la même Ville, et Associé de l'Académie Royale de Chirurgie'. The latest date in the last volume is 1755. Inside the first fly-leaf of each volume: '2 ll. 10s. Pour relieure, papier, etc. pour ce volume'. Produced in Dijon.

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Hollandus, Johann Isaac
GB 0120 MSS.2865-2866 · Coleção · 18th century

Alchemical writings by Hollandus and others, early-mid 18th century; item 1: Traité d'ouvrages minéraux, ou de la Pierre des Philosophes. There are some small pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus in some inner margins. Inserted as a frontispiece, is a symbolic [?] sepia drawing of a man rescuing a child from drowning in a lake. This work was first published-in German-in 1600 at Middelburg: no record of a French translation has been traced.

On the first fly-leaf 'Anne Cath. Phelps' [c. 1820?], and on the first leaf 'F. Hearne. Jan'y 7. 1865'; item 2: Testament de Jean Isaac ou opération minérale: traduite du flammand en latin par Jaques de Zomere. With extracts from other writings of Hollandus, and from other alchemical authors. Illustrated with numerous small drawings in pen and ink and wash of alchemical apparatus, some in the margins and others interpolated in the text. Pp 167-173 contain seven water-colour drawings of furnaces, etc, of which some are unfinished or uncoloured. The tract entitled 'Donum Dei' (pp. 457-498) is illustrated with 12 symbolical alchemical vessels in water-colour. The last 9 pp. are by a different and later hand, and the last page is in cypher. Contents: (1) Testament: (pp. 1-306); (2) Miscellaneous alchemical receipts (pp. 307-314); (3) Uguictius[?]. Dialogue touchant la composition de la pierre des philosophes tiré d'un traité de Hugontion de Pise (pp. 314-322); (4) Almasatus. Le philosophe Almazat de la coagulation du mercure (pp. 322-324); (5) Grand ouvrage du Plomb par Jean Isaac (pp. 325-344); (6) Ouvrage manuel d'Isaac pour tirer la quinte essence de fuxxuge[?] (pp. 345-371); (7) [Anon.] Work beginning: 'Le corps humain est d'une nature plus tempérée que tous les autres corps', and ending: 'et travaillés avec bonne espérance' (pp. 371-386); (8) Almasatus. Abbrégé du livre que envoiat Almasatus Mahomette à l'Archevêcque de Saragouse (pp. 386-400); (9) Bernhardus Trevisanus. Practicque du Conte Trévisan (pp. 400-415); (10) Traité véridique de M. le philosophe authentique touchant la composition de la pierre bénite (pp. 415-431); (11) Jean de Tirlemont. De l'abrégé de Jean de Tirlemont, célèbre philosophe. Parabole (pp. 432-435); (12) Fabricius (J.)[?]. Fabrice, Pédagogue de S. A. le Prince de Liège (Joseph Clemens, Elector of Bavaria [1671-1723]) étant à Rome a appris de M. Orbion et l'Ange ce qui suit (pp. 435-450); (13) Oeuvre philosophique particulière par le dissolvant de $h (pp. 451-456); (14) [Dastin (J.)]. Donum Dei. Manuscrit de chimie (pp. 457-498); (15) Quintessence de $h dissolvant universel (pp. 499-513); (16) Descriptions évidentes et fidèles des plus excellens remèdes des minéraux dont les plus habiles physiciens ont coûtume de se servir (pp. 515-577); (17) Rares secrets touchant diverses préparations de minéraux et de métaux (pp. 577-699). See Notes for more information on individual texts.

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Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese
GB 0120 MSS.2934-2935 · 1887-1888

The collection comprises examination papers answered by Chinese students, the subjects being anatomy and osteology.

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Hope, John (1725-1786)
GB 0120 MSS.2940, 2941 · Coleção · 1767-1768

Lectures on Materia Medica. Holograph manuscript notes taken down by Sir Charles Blagden [1748-1820] when a student at Edinburgh University. Produced in Edinburgh.

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Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation
GB 0120 MSS.3109 & 5801-5808 · 1660-1698

Correspondence of the Mayor and Aldermen of Kingston-upon-Hull. 1660-1698. Also their meeting book, 1668-1669, containing entries refering to the Plague and quarantine.

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Latham, Peter Mere (1789-1875)
GB 0120 MSS.3176-3177 · 1839-1844

Medical case-books of Peter Merefrom Latham, 1 May 1839-31 Oct 1840 and 1 Nov 1840-31 Dec 1844. The cases are mostly of respiratory diseases, phthisis, etc. Among the many distinguished patients were Michael Faraday [1791-1867], for vertigo, 1 December, 1839, and later; Anthony White, Surgeon [1782-1849], for suspected phthisis, 16 October, 1840; William Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury [1796-1848], for cholera, August, 1842. Produced in London.

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Layard, Arthur (fl 1900)
GB 0120 MSS.3188-3191 · 1890-1892

Note-books of Arthur Layard containing sketches and drawings in pen, pencil and water-colour from a 'Course on Artistic Anatomy', and similar figure drawings, sketches for title-pages, book-illustrations, etc.

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Mackenzie, Sir James (1853-1925)
GB 0120 MSS.3393-3395 · 1877-[1885]

Notes of lectures (on medical jurisprudence), on cases, and on diseases such as material on digestion and on hip disease, 1877-[1885].

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A Manuscript of Medical Reviews
GB 0120 MSS.3422, 3423 · 1715-1719

'A Manuscript of Medical Reviews in a new concise and exact Collection from the Ancient and Modern Authors; distinguished ... from all former Collections by the addition of referent marginal letters shewing from what Author any sentence of paragraph is taken; and by figures referring to the prior Authors of matters and points commonly found in some modern Accounts'. The second volume has a title-page (p. 938), 'The Art of Physick. The Principles of Physick or the General Institutions and Fundamentals of that Art; delivered in its proper Method and Division. And with the modern corrections and additions'. There are several indexes, and the manuscript exhibits a very wide knowledge of 17th century medical writings. On the verso of the last leaf of Volume II is an inscription 'All my Observations and most extraordinary Medicines are posted to this Book from my Day Book and from the Doctor's Files to this Jan. 5th 1714-15.' 'And to this Aprill the 4th 1716'. 'And to this February the 4th 1717-18'. The latest date found is 31 July 1719 in an added note on p. 764. 'William Chalk, 152 Grosvenor Street Camberwell' is faintly written in pencil inside the upper cover of Volume II. He has also made a calculation of dates, based on the year 1844 beneath the author's dates as given above. Produced in Watford?

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GB 0120 MSS.3443, 5652, 7061 & 7310 · 1849-1894

Papers of Jean Nicholas Marjolin and his son René Marjolin, 1849-1894, including notes of Jean Nicolas Marjolin's lectures, by a medical student; letters from René Marjolin to his friend Edmond Dascols relating mainly to personal affairs, and the health of the Dascols family (with advice on cholera and other maladies) and letters from Paris at the time of the siege and the Commune, 1870-1871, when René Marjolin was active in treating the wounded prior to his arrest as a Bonapartist agent.

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Martindale, Louisa (1872-1966)
GB 0120 MSS.3470-3487 · 1900-1950

Diaries, casebooks and notebooks describing Martindale's travels, as follows: MS.3470, list of people met on world tour, 1900-1901; MS.3471, diary of motor tour in England, 1912; MS.3472, diary describing visit as locum to Scottish Women's Hospital in the Abbey of Royaumont, France, 1915, plus notes on visits to German hospitals, 1921; MS.3473, notebook of clinical observations etc. on visit to U.S.A. and Canada, 1919; MS.3474, diary of motor tour in England, 1920; MSS.3475-3476, notes on visit to Germany to acquire deep X-ray therapy apparatus and learn its use, 1922; MS.3477, notes of cases in Dublin and at Middlesex Hospital, London, 1924; MS.3478, diary of journey to U.S.A. when guest of honour at the American Medical Association conference in Chicago, 1924; MS.3479, diary and notes on visit to Germany, 1925; MS.3480, diary of visits to Germany, Italy and Prague, the latter two to attend congresses of the Medical Women's International Association,1928; MS.3481, notes of visits to hospitals and of cases, in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and France, 1929; MS.3482, notes on patients and treatments in London, plus visits to Belgium and Austria, 1931; MS.3483, diary of a holiday in Italy, 1931-1932; MS.3484, notes of cases and treatments, and addresses of doctors in Germany and Scandinavia, 1934; MS.3485, notes on a tour to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, 1936; MS.3486, diary of visits to Stockholm and Paris, 1946; MS.3487, diary of visit to U.S.A. and Canada, 1950.

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GB 0120 MSS.3758, 3759 · Coleção · [1750]

Aurore australe de Théophraste A[u]réole Paracelse Archydoxes magiques contenans l'Art de la Chryzopée. Illustrated with a few rough pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus, etc. Written in French, German, and Latin by the same hand throughout, this manuscript contains alchemical, chemical and iatro-chemical receipts and extracts from the works of Paracelsus and his followers. The latest dated receipt, 1748, is found on p. 697 of Vol. I: the 104 ll. at the end of Vol. II contain a copious index.

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Pariset, Étienne (1770-1847)
GB 0120 MSS.3767 and 7374 · Coleção · 1795-1847

'Note sur la peste', and a collection of material (primarily correspondence) formerly held in the Department's Autograph Letters Sequence, 1795-1847.

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Pickering, Percival Spencer Umfreville (1858-1920)
GB 0120 MSS.3899-3901 · Coleção · [1875-1880]

Notes on physiology, diseases and their treatment, and chemistry and material medica, [1875-1880].

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Pisciottanius, Paschal (and others)
GB 0120 MSS.3912, 3913 · Coleção · 1752-1753

Praxeos medicinae libri II-IV. Authore D. D. Paschale Pisciottano, ad usum Joachimi de Angelis. Lecture-notes of a student at Naples University, of which Vol. I is wanting. The lectures are all by Pisciottanus except the second in Book IV 'De morbis venereis', which is by Francesco Dolce: and the last of the same Book 'De herniis', given by Agnello Firelli. Contents: Praxeos liber II. De morbis pectoris (1 l. + 37 ff. + 3 ll. (last 2 bl.)). III. De morbis abdominis (1 l. + 144 ff. + 4 bl. ll.). IV. De febribus. De morbis venereis. De morbis mulierum. De morbis infantum. De herniis (3 ll. + 269 ff. + 1 bl. l.). Produced in Naples.

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Power, Sir D'Arcy (1855-1941)
GB 0120 MSS.3961-3963 and 7440 · Coleção · 1890-1940

Material on medical history (particularly on syphilis) and the history of the Power and Simpson families; correspondence, 1890-1940.

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Prout, William (1785-1850)
GB 0120 MSS.4011-4019 · Coleção · 1809-[1840]

Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1809-[1840], including on the growth of plants, polarity theory and the history of physic.

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Rodati, Luigi (d 1832)
GB 0120 MSS.4235-4238 · Coleção · [1830]

Notes of Rodati's lectures compiled by students, c 1830, produced in Bologna.

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Rougnon de Magny, Nicolas François (1727-1799)
GB 0120 MSS.4284, 4285 · 1796

'Prophilactique et thérapeutique'. This MS. appears to be a précis of Nicolas François Rougnon de Magny's 'Traité d'hygiène et médecine pratique', published in 1799, and to have been taken from his own MS. Produced in Besançon.

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Sancto Alexandro, Petrus Joannes Jacobus à
GB 0120 MSS.4347, 4348 · 1685

Philosophia naturalis juxta mentem D. Thomae et Aristotelis. Vol. I. Disputatio in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis, seu pars prima Philosophiae Naturalis, vel Physicae Auscultationes juxta mentem Doctoris Angelici D. Thomae doctrinam (4 ll. + 403 pp. + 6 ll.). II. Secunda pars Physicae, seu Philosophiae Naturalis. De ente mobili, motu locali, seu De caelo et mundo. Juxta miram Doctoris Angelici doctrinam (2 ll. + 420 pp. + 5 ll.). On the fly-leaf of Vol. II: 'Ad simplicem usum mei Petri Joannis Jacobi à Sancto Alexandro studente presenti in Coenobio Sanctae Mariae Veritatis ordinis discalceatorum Sancti Augustini'. 'Terminatus in die 22 maii 1685' is inscribed in the lower margin of the leaf before the index to the same volume. Notes of lectures delivered at an unidentified Augustinian monastery in Italy.

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Saunders, William (1743-1817)
GB 0120 MSS.4371, 4372 · c 1785

An unnamed student's notes of clinical and physical lectures given by William Saunders at Guy's Hospital, London. The date 1782 is found on p. 43 of the first volume. Produced in London.

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Scarburgh, Sir Charles (1616-1694) (and others)
GB 0120 MSS.4382 and 8079 · 1685-1924

Contemporary copy of Sir Charles Scarburgh's account of the last illness of Charles II, and of the postmortem examination; also twentieth century translation, 1685-1924.

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Seeger, Johann David
GB 0120 MSS.4481-4486 · 1772-1776

Johann David Seegar's holograph MSS entitled 'Philosophische und theologische Gedanken von der Entelechie, oder von der bewegenden und herfürbringenden Krafft der Natur und ihrer von dem Schöpfer von Anfang beygelegten Fortpflantzungs-Weise der Menschen und der Thiere und ihrer Seelen'. Of the two volumes, the first contains a copy of the first three chapters, the second 'Beylagen' to the main text.

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Shillitoe, Buxton (1826-1916)
GB 0120 MSS.4521-4564 · 1850-1898

Buxton Stilltoe's note-books containing clinical notes, notes on anatomy, pathology, etc. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in London, 1850-1898.

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Sinibaldus, Jacobus (1630-1718)
GB 0120 MSS.4612, 4613 · Early 18th century

Two volumes: 'Institutiones medicae' and 'Institutiones medicae practicae'. The spines are inscribed 'Lib. I' and 'Lib II' in wrong order, as the 'Institutiones medicae practicae' labelled 'Lib I' should follow the 'Institutiones'. Notes of a course of lectures by an anonymous student: the date 1705 is found on p. 37 of the second volume. The text has been identified by comparison with MS. 4614, which contains a somewhat abbreviated version of the present first volume. Produced in Rome.

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Sisco, Giuseppe (1748-1830)
GB 0120 MSS.4617-4620 · 1790-1834

Notes from Giuseppe Sisco's lectures on surgery including 'Lezzioni di chirurgia' with Antonio Trasmondi, 1834.

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Skirving, Archibald Adam Scott (1869-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.4624-4628 · 1923-1924

Systematic Surgery lectures by Archibald Adam Scott Skirving taken by Mul Raj Soni [ -1948]. Produced in Edinburgh.

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Stanton, Sir Ambrose Thomas (1875-1938)
GB 0120 MSS.4699, 4700 · 1921-1922

Note-books compiled by Sir Ambrose Thomas Stanton, while studying for the Diploma in Public Health, 1921-1922. Author's holograph MS. One of the volumes contains numerous pasted-in newspaper cuttings.

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Stewart, Sir Thomas Grainger (1837-1900)
GB 0120 MSS.4707, 4708 · 1876-1877

Notes of lectures on the Practice of Physic, taken down by Albert Wilson [1854-1928]. The notes are written round pasted-in cuttings from private proofs of lectures, 'for the use of Dr. Grainger Stewart's Class of Practice of Physic'. Produced in Edinburgh.

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Stewart, Sir Thomas Grainger (1837-1900)
GB 0120 MSS.4709-4711 · 1881-1882

Notes of lectures on the Practice of Physic by Sir Thomas Grainger Stewart, taken down by George Washington Isaac [1857-1931]. Produced in Edinburgh.

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Taylor, Peter
GB 0120 MSS.4760-4761 · 1914-1937

Book of prescriptions by various hands. The date 1914 is found on p. 10, and 1937 on p. 59. Prices are added to some of the entries. Produced in London.

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