Final report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working party on structured training, 1993.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers of the RCOG Sub-specialisation advisory group, including agenda, minutes, correspondence and other records of the advisory groups into fetal medicine, gynaecological oncology, and reproductive medicine, 1984; correspondence with senior British obstetricians and gynaecologists concerning further sub-specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology, 1983; proposed curriculum and special requirements for sub-specialisation in gynaecological oncology, undated; curriculum for specialisation in fetal medicine and proposals for learning and training in maternal-fetal medicine, undated; training programme for gynaecological urology, undated; guide to learning in reproductive medicine, undated; papers of T L T Lewis, chairman, 1983-1984; correspondence of Professor Richard Beard, chairman, Scientific Advisory and Pathology Committee (SAPC), concerning the sub-specialisation advisory group, 1983-1984; draft copy of final report, with amendments, 1984; copies of the report of the working party on further specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology; report of the manpower advisory sub-committee of the RCOG and RCOG Regulations for Accreditation of Completion of Higher Training of Members of the College, 1980-1983.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsA small collection of papers of Sir Arthur George Tansley, mainly related to the formation of organisations, in the period 1918-1921, that aimed to promote pure and applied scientific research. The bulk of the collection consists of papers relating to Tansley's involvement in the Scientific Research Association. The Scientific Research Association's papers include rules, promotional leaflets and circulars, financial material and a relatively large amount of correspondence. A smaller amount of material survives for the National Union of Scientific Workers including rule booklets, membership lists, reports from meetings, agenda and promotional leaflets and circulars. Only a few items are preserved in this collection for the Federation of Technical and Scientific Associations and the Cambridge Research Group. The published articles and reports at AT/5 mainly concern issues related to the funding, support and the general state of scientific research. As a whole the collection reveals many problems faced by those who wished to organise research work after the first world war, such as the problem of rival organisations created to promote research whose aims overlapped, and disagreements over how and whether research could be organised. For example a letter from the Royal Society to the Scientific Research Association commented that 'lines of development' were 'discovered not by councils or committees but by the instinct of individuals, and the less this is trammelled by organization the better' (AT/2/6/1/42). The article 'Research and Organisation' at AT/2/3/15 was written in an attempt to answer such criticisms by arguing that research could be organised. Other issues also surface in the correspondence of the Scientific Research Association. For example one letter opposed support for any scheme founded on government funding as 'government endowment will, in the long run, corrupt Science...' (AT/2/6/2/17). There were also disagreements as to whether emphasis should be laid upon 'the promotion of scientific research' or 'the economic interest' of research workers which seems to have contributed to a division between the National Union of Scientific Workers and the Scientific Research Association (AT/2/4/3).
Tansley , Sir , Arthur George , 1871-1955 , Knight , plant ecologistTermination of Pregnancy for Fetal Abnormality in England, Scotland and Wales: report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working party, Jan 1996.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsMinutes and papers of the 1942 Club, 1942-1993.
The 1942 ClubThe papers are extensive but by no means comprehensive. There is no personal or biographical material and very little record of Thompson's research. On the other hand his contributions to international science and football are extensively documented. There is a very full record of Thompson's Foreign Secretaryship of the Royal Society and his organisation of the European chemical conferences (EUCHEM) and substantial documentation of his work for ICSU and IUPAC, including the Commission on Molecular Spectroscopy and the Triple Commission on Spectroscopy. Thompson's contributions to international relations were not limited to science (or football) and he kept detailed records of his Chairmanship from 1972 of the Great Britain - China Committee (later Great Britain - China Centre). The football papers are substantial, particularly for the last decade of Thompson's life, and thus there is full documentation of his Chairmanship of the Football Association and of the many problems facing football at that time, including hooliganism amongst its supporters.
Thompson , Sir , Harold Warris , 1908-1983 , Knight , chemistMinutes and connected papers of dental professional bodies: Incorporated Dental Society Head Council, 1942-1957; British Dental Association Representative Board, 1944-1951; Joint Advisory Dental Council, 1946-1947; and papers relating to Appeals under Regulation 18 of the National Health Service (Service Committee and Tribunal) Regulations, 1948 and 1956, 1948-1964. The papers cover the period just before, during and immediately after the introduction of the National Health Service and deal very largely with its impact on the dental profession. They consist of the minutes and circulated papers of the three bodies representing the profession, with which R G Torrens was associated (the three later amalgamated), with a little connected correspondence, and papers concerning appeals under Regulation 18 of the National Health Service (Service Committee and Tribunal) Regulations in which R G Torrens was involved (dealing with the legitimacy or otherwise of fees charged for treatment).
Torrens , Robert George , 1903-1981 , dentistMinute book of the Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance Committee, 1939-1941.
Trading with the Enemy Joint Insurance CommitteeCorrespondence, minutes and final report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) working party on unplanned pregnancy, 1970-1972.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsMinutes, papers and correspondence relating to the RCOG working party on unplanned pregnancy, drafts and comments on the report and the report itself, 1988-1992.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers of the West London Medico-Chirurgical Society, 1886-1908, comprising a volume titled Minute Book Volume 1 containing minutes, 1886-1908; and a volume titled Minute Book Volume 3 containing minutes, 1889.
West London Medico-Chirurgical SocietyRecords of the Wholesale Chemists and Allied Trades Protection Association, comprising Trade Advisory Committee minute book; prospectuses, and papers relating to the insolvency of a specific company.
Access is restricted to records less than 30 years old where specified and 24 hours notice is required for access to all the records.
Wholesale Chemists and Allied Trades Protection AssociationAgenda, minutes, papers and final report of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working party to audit structured training, 1998-2000.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsCopy of a memorial speech given by Braithwaite Rickford FRCOG commemorating the jubilee year of the death of James Montague Wyatt, with related correspondence between Braithwaite and Sir John Dewhurst, 1978.
Rickford , Braithwaite , gynaecologist