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LEE, Philadelphia (fl 1780)
GB 0113 MS-LEEP · Fondo · 1780 -1803

Recipe books of Philadelphia Lee, [1780].

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LEE, Robert (1793-1877)
GB 0113 MS-LEER · 1828-1844

Original watercolour drawings, 1828-1844, of specimens illustrating Lee's work on the nerves of the heart and uterus, mostly by Joseph Perry. Some illustrations were used in Lee's various publications, especially his Pathological Observations on the Diseases of the Uterus, with Coloured Engravings from Original Drawings by Joseph Perry, Representing the Most Important Organic Diseases of the Uterus (London, 2 parts 1840; 1849), others are unpublished. Many are endorsed with a label identifying the illustration and a note of publication, in Lee's hand.

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MACMICHAEL, William (1783-1839)
GB 0113 MS-MACMW · 1827-1830

Macmichael's papers, 1827-1830, consist of his author's copies of The Gold-Headed Cane, interleaved with notes in his hand, 1827 (MS113) and the Lives of British Physicians, with additional notes about William Harvey in his hand, 1830 (MS439).

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GB 0113 MS-MATOW · Fondo · 18th century

Memoirs of Richard Pulteney by his friend William George Maton, MD, prefixed to a second edition of Dr Pulteney's Life and writings of Linnaens, (1805), illustrated by various original letters, drawings, prints etc. and interleaved with diplomas from various medical societies, and catalogue of the library of Dr Pulteney.

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GB 0113 MS-MAYET · 1607-1651

Mayerne's case book, 1607-51 (mainly 1634-39), includes medical correspondence and letters of advice, as well as cosmetic prescriptions for Queens Anne and Henrietta Maria, 1612-43. The case book is in several different hands, but with Mayerne's signature to a number of entries and some marginal annotations in his hand.

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MERRIMAN, Samuel (1771-1852)
GB 0113 MS-MERRS · Fondo · 1814

Samuel Merriman's annotated copy of A Synopsis of the various kinds of difficult parturition, 1814.

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MUNK, William (1816-1898)
GB 0113 MS-MUNKW · 1849-1922

Munk's papers, 1849-1922, include his copy of Benjamin Hutchinson's Biographia Medica with additional biographies in Munk's hand, c.1850-c.1860, which probably formed the basis of his Roll of the Royal College of Physicians (Munk's Roll); Manuscript copy of Munk's 'Biographia Medica Devoniensis', containing over fifty biographies, c.1860; Notebook entitled 'Notae Breves ad Medicina Praxin Praecipue Pertinentes', consisting mainly of prescriptions, c.1889-1891; History of the College, in Munk's hand, mid-late 19th century, and newspaper cuttings and notes, some in Munk's hand, relating to the College's history, mid-late 19th century; Biographical notes regarding Munk's Roll and the College, 1849-1922, notes, prescriptions, and extracts from medical writers, c.1889, possibly rough notes for his 'Notae Breves...', copy of 1759 Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, and typescript of document detailing Sir John Cutler's loan of money to the College in 1675.

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MURCHISON, Charles (1830-1879)
GB 0113 MS-MURCC · 1863-1874

Papers of Charles Murchison, 1863-1874, consisting of a book of newspaper cuttings, correspondence, and testimonials to Murchison regarding the typhoid epidemic of 1873, compiled by him, 1873-74; Book of newspaper cuttings regarding fevers, cholera, plague, and cattle plague, compiled by him, 1865-66; Letters to Murchison regarding fevers, 1863-65.

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NABARRO, Alan (1914-1977)
GB 0113 MS-NABAA · Fondo · 1914 - 2009

Personal papers of Alan Nabarro and his family, particularly those papers relating to Alan's experiences of living with diabetes and his diabetes-related work, as well as literature and ephemera collected by Alan and his family on the subject of diabetes.

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O'REILLY, John Noel (1904-1989)
GB 0113 MS-OREIJ · [1936]-[1990] (mostly [1936]-c.1965)

Papers of John Noel O'Reilly, [1936]-c.1965, including his DM thesis on pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood, [1936], and lecture notes on cases of high explosive blast injuries, 1940-41, infantile cortical hyperostosis, [1948], periodic syndrome, with case notes, [1953]-c. mid 1950s, and advances in the care of the new-born, c.1965, with note by Doreen Daly, O'Reilly's widow, [1990].

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GB 0113 MS-PETEN · Fondo · 1739

English translation by N Peters in 1739 of Richard Lower's Tractatus de corde (1699), with finely drawn copies of the seven plates at the end.

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PHELAN, Joseph (fl 1785)
GB 0113 MS-PHELJ · Fondo · 18th century

Joseph Phelan: lists of names of medicines in Indian languages, late 18th century.

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PRINGLE, Sir John (1707-1782)
GB 0113 MS-PRINJ · Fondo · 1750

Copy of Thomas Sydenham's 'Processus integri', interleaved, with notes on medicine in the handwriting of Sir John Pringle.

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GB 0113 MS-RICHB · Fondo · 1846-1897

Correspondence and papers of Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, 1846-1897, including notes taken by Richardson as a medical student from the lectures of Dr J A Easton, Professor of Materia Medica, Andersonian University, Glasgow, Winter Session 1846-1847; papers relating to Richardson's life of Thomas Sopwith, the mining engineer, comprising Sopwith's original diaries, or a transcript of them, with Richardson's explanatory notes inserted; papers and drafts of Richardson's unfinished autobiography published posthumously under the title 'Vita Medica'; lecture notes on human physiology; Richardson's case book, 1852-1861 and unpublished works by Richardson.

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SAUNDERS, William (1743-1817)
GB 0113 MS-SAUNW · 1790

Text of oration on the improvement of medicine given by Saunders, 27 Jan 1790.

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SIBSON, Francis (1814-1876)
GB 0113 MS-SIBSF · c.1840-c.1860

Sibson's anatomical drawings, c.1840-c.1860, both pathological and clinical, watercolours and pen and ink sketches, many are labelled and annotated. Many were used to illustrate his Medical Anatomy, or, Illustrations of the Relevant Position and Movements of the Internal Organs (1869) and various medical papers.

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SPRIGGS, Sir Edmund Ivens (1871-1949)
GB 0113 MS-SPRIE · Fondo · 1911-1949

Correspondence relating to the Royal College of Physicians Fellows' and members' business and partnership interests, 1911-1949.

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STEWART, Alexander Patrick (1813-1883)
GB 0113 MS-STEWA · Fondo · 1838 -1844

Papers and notes of Alexander Patrick Stewert on typhus and typhoid, 1838-1844.

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STOCK, Philip Graham (1876-1975)
GB 0113 MS-STOCP · 1899-1902

Stock's papers, 1899-1902, consist of his notes and sketches about army medical services, case notes with sketches, and negatives of photographs, taken in South Africa during the Boer War, 1899-1902; photographs, negatives, and lantern slides made from the photographs, some labelled and indexed, taken by Stock during the Boer War, 1899-1902.

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TAYLOR, John Stephen
GB 0113 MS-TAYLJ · Fondo · 1888-1965

Papers of John Stephen Taylor including daybooks with notes of patients and prescriptions, 1940-1952; diaries, 1946-1965; Men in the wilderness, an unpublished novel on medical life; book of examinations and reports made for the Prudential Insurance Company, 1894-1947; Taylor's visiting books, 1940-1947; ledgers relating to Taylor's practice at Thorne, 1888-1952 and cash books, 1917-1957.

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TAYLOR, Shepherd Thomas (1840-1936)
GB 0113 MS-TAYLS · Fondo · 1859-1925

Papers of Shepherd Thomas Taylor including medical diary, general diaries, notebook with notes of lectures on internal cancers, accounts, 1859-1925.

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TWEEDIE, Alexander (1794-1884)
GB 0113 MS-TWEEA · 1832

Tweedie's casebooks detailing cases of cholera in Abchurch Lane, East London, March-September 1832

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VAILLANT, Wilfrid Bernard (b.1864)
GB 0113 MS-VAILW · 1926-1939

Wilfrid Bernard Vaillant's papers, 1926-1939, include his family tree of the physician Thomas Sydenham, showing Vaillant's descent from Thomas Sydenham, 1938; Biographical notes on the Sydenham family, 1926-39.

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WILSON, James and WILSON, James Arthur
GB 0113 MS-WILSJ · Fondo · 1784-1853

Record of post-mortem examinations by James Wilson and James Arthur Wilson including the post mortem examinations of the bodies of Dr Samuel Johnson and Lt Gen Sir Charles Napier, 1784-1853.

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GB 0113 RCP · 1518-2002

The College's official archives contain historical material relating to all aspects of its activities as a professional body of physicians, from the sixteenth century to the present. A summary list follows:

Legal documents
Charters 1518, 1565, 1656, 1657, 1663, 1673, 1674, 1683, 1688, 1721
Statutes and byelaws (printed and manuscript) 1607-1986
Grant of arms 1546
Trust deeds 1582, 1656
Legal papers and other records re constitution and privileges of the College 1607-1899

Proceedings of the College
Annals, i.e. record of proceedings of the College and minutes of Comitia, 1555-1572 (with retrospective entries from 1518), 1581-1995
Minutes of Elects 1809-1823
Council minutes 1836-1995

College business
Lists (mainly printed; some manuscript) of Fellows 1681-date, Licentiates 1681-1925 and Members 1858-1985
Examination papers (printed) 1838-1972
Papers re Conjoint Board scheme with Royal College of Surgeons 1859-1924
Papers re proceedings against unlicensed practice and improper use of medical titles 1608-1920
Records of Censors' visitations of apothecaries' shops 1724-1856
Papers re cases of professional misconduct 1859-1916

College land and property
Evidences of title 1510-1865
Lease book 17th century-1860
Papers re College buildings 1670-1986
Other estate records 1694-1915

Finance records
Finance Committee minutes 1855-1991
Accounts and financial papers 1664-1950

Minutes, reports and papers - general medicine
Minutes and papers of committees on anatomical nomenclature 1911, beriberi 1908-1909, London university 1889-1899, maternal mortality 1929-1930, medical reform and examinations 1844-1860, nomenclature of diseases 1867-1917, quarantine 1889 and tuberculosis 1933-7
Papers of committees on vaccination 1806-7 and 1871, including replies to vaccination enquiry 1806-7
Papers of committee on leprosy 1858-1898, including replies to leprosy questionnaire 1858-1864
Replies to questionnaire on health and climate of foreign countries 1829-1831
Reports and papers on hospitals and medical facilities overseas 1837-1920
Reports and papers on plague chiefly in Asia 1876-1910
Observations on influenza epidemic 1782-1783

Minutes, reports and papers - pharmacology
Minutes of pharmacopoeia revision committee 1806-1809 and Hospital physicians' committee on materia medica 1809-1813
Agreements and papers re College pharmacopoeia 1720-1830
Papers re Chelsea physic garden 1722, 1890-1899
Correspondence and papers re Oxford physic garden and Sherardian professorship of botany at Oxford 1733-1886

Other committee minutes and papers 1682-1698, 1830-20th century

Registrar's letter books 1814-1824, 1850, 1894-1898

Lectures and prizes
Correspondence and papers re College lectures 1694-1982
Texts of lectures (printed and manuscript) 1661-1992, incomplete
Texts of presidential addresses (printed and manuscript) 1882-1988, incomplete
Correspondence and papers re medals, prizes and scholarships 1866-1991
Papers re College dinners and receptions 1759-1971
Papers re anniversaries 1872-1978

Library, museum and art collection
Library Committee minutes 1846, 1860-1983
Library records 1664-1983
Museum Curators' minutes 1821-1938
Museum records 1818-1938
Papers re College's works of art, paintings, busts, silver etc. 1805-1963

Records of Fellows Club 1872-1939 and College Club 1929-1966

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BRYCE, Alexander Graham (1890-1968)
GB 0114 MS0005 · 1931-1959.

The papers relate exclusively to Bryce's service for the Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons. The material is principally correspondence but includes minutes, agendas and circulars and a sequence of printed membership booklets, 1934-1958. There are papers relating to the foundation of the Society in 1933, including the replies to the original invitations to join the Society (sent out by Bryce), to relations between the Society and the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons, and to overseas visits of the Society to Switzerland in 1934 and to Berlin and Bruges in 1937. Later material reflects the adjustments necessitated by the Second World War and the establishment of the National Health Service.

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CLARK, Sir James (1788-1870)
GB 0114 MS0006 · 1807-1808

Case book of Sir James Clark, 1807-1808, kept whilst a student at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.

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Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768-1841)
GB 0114 MS0008 · Fondo · 1788-1841

Papers of Sir Astley Paston Cooper (1788-1841) comprising lecture notes written by Cooper as well as those by unidentified individuals; notes on cases both by Cooper himself, and those sent to Cooper by patients and colleagues; other notes and experiments carried out by Cooper; illustrations and drawings, mostly of cases and specimens; catalogues and lists of preparations; and letters and personal material.

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FISH, Sir Eric Wilfred (1894-1974)
GB 0114 MS0011 · 1924-1974

The papers include publications, some in manuscript or draft, biographical material, material relating to committees and organisations (British Society of Periodontology, Nuffield Foundation), and correspondence. Very little remains of Fish's professional research material. Fish had worked carefully through his papers after his retirement, and many items bear lengthy comments and evaluations, personal recollections of his career and colleagues, and reflections on the state of dental health.

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JENNER, Edward (1775-1849)
GB 0114 MS0016 · [1798-1819]

Papers of Edward Jenner, [1798-1819], comprising draft of his paper on cow pox, [1798]; letter to his son R F Jenner, 1819; papers including fragments of his journal and verses; letters from Jenner, [1796-1823], to various correspondents including Mr E Gardner of Frampton, including account of his inoculation of James Phipps, 1796, and to John Baron; letters to Jenner, 1801-1819, including from E Gardner, Sydney Smith; letters to John Baron, 1823-1829, including from G C Jenner.

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JONES, Frederick Wood (1879-1954)
GB 0114 MS0017 · 1921

Photographs by [Beattie] of Hobart, Tasmania, of the last aborigines of Tasmania including 'Trucanini' and 'King Billy'; also postcards of drawings by [Boch] of Tasmanian aborigines; mounted photographs of aborigines; and copy proclamation of martial law against aborigines by George Arthur (1828); copy garrison orders against the aborigines (1829).

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MAXWELL, A Kirkpatrick (1884-1975)
GB 0114 MS0023 · 1914-1918

Note book of A. Kirkpatrick Maxwell, 1914-1918, containing illustrations of men wounded during World War One, and including sketches of camp hospitals.

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QUEKETT, John Thomas (1815-1861)
GB 0114 MS0027 · [1840-1854]

Papers of John Thomas Quekett, [1840-1854], relating to his work as Conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, comprising diaries, 1840-1848, which include references to prominent microscopists of the time, such as Carpenter, West, Ross, Sowerby, and Smith of Smith and Beck; notebook, containing some sketches and including notes on experiments on frogs, 1841; ?draft catalogues of the Histological Series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and catalogue of Pathology, [c1840-1860]; catalogue of Hewson's Preparations, [c1840-1860]; unpublished part of Quekett's catalogue of histological series; Lectures on Histology delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons 1852-1854 with annotations by Quekett; notes for lectures on histology delivered in the session 1853-1853, on the structure on the skeleton of vertebrate animals, with original drawings.

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Isham, Elizabeth
GB 0114 MS0030 · c 1659

Papers of Elizabeth Isham and Thomas Sendall, c 1659, comprising a manuscript volume of recipes. The title page contains two titles. The first 'This is a booke of phisick of Elizabeth Isham' and the second 'Thomas Sendall Scripsit An[no] domini 1659'. The titles are in two different scripts. It was possibly originally started by Elizabeth Isham and then continued by Thomas Sendall. Other scripts also occur in the volume. Some recipes are titled with names of their 'creators' eg Lady Simon, Dr Stevens, Lady Dowglasse, Mrs Dormor. Inserted after page 48 there is a short note on the theatres of Elizabethan London.

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Ellis, John (c 1710-1776)
GB 0114 MS0038 · c 1755

Papers of John Ellis, 1755, comprising a manuscript copy by an unknown author, of John Ellis An Essay towards the Natural History of the Corallines (1775); and an undated manuscript list by an unknown author, of desiderata in the West Indies, found at the end of a tract by John Ellis held in the Library A description of the mangostan and the bread-fruit (1775) TRACT B. 272 (3).

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James, Robert Rutson (1881-1959)
GB 0114 MS0042 · 1933-1945

Papers of Robert Rutson James, 1933-1945, comprising transcripts of sources relating to 17th and 18th century surgeons: transcripts of the Admiralty Surgeon's Passing Certificates, 1933-1934; transcripts of the Barber Surgeon's Apprentice Books, 1936; transcripts of the Freemen of the Barber Surgeon's Company, c 1936; transcripts of the Warden's Great Account Book, c 1930s; transcripts of the Lambeth Archbishop's Licences, 1937; transcripts of Fleet Prison Marriage Registers, 1930s-1940s; transcripts of Medical Wills, 1933; transcripts of the List of Marriage Licences from the Harleian Society, including some medical wills, 1933-1945; and transcripts of the St George's Hospital Pupil Register, c 1930.

Sin título
American College of Surgeons
GB 0114 MS0044 · 1947-1955

Papers of the American College of Surgeons, 1947-1955, comprising 2 volumes containing a list of Fellows of the American College of Surgeons who subscribed to a fund for the Royal College of Surgeons of England, to replace buildings damaged during World War Two, 1947; and a formal letter of condolence on the death of Sir Arthur Keith, 1955.

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Albinus, Bernhard (1653-1721)
GB 0114 MS0048 · c 1718-c 1720

Papers relating to Bernhard Albinus, c 1718-c 1720, comprising two volumes of manuscript Latin titled Collegii Practici Viri Celeberrimi Bernhardi Albini Dictata , c 1718; and Colleg: Practic: Viri Celeberrimi Bernhardi Albini Dictata, c 1720. Both containing student(s) notes from lectures given by Bernhard Albinus.

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Albinus, Bernhard Seigfried (1697-1770)
GB 0114 MS0049 · 1721-[c1846]

Papers of Berhard Siegfried Albinus, 1721-[c1846], comprising an undated manuscript, probably containing a student's lecture notes, titled Collegium Physiologiae, [c 1721-1770]; letters from Bernhard Siegfried Albinus to Robert Nesbitt, 1721-1728; and a manuscript copy of the text and plates of Albinus' Tabulae anatomicae musculorum hominis by Thomas Howitt, [1785-1846].

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Argyle, Edward Percy (1875-1935)
GB 0114 MS0050 · 1920-1935

Papers of Edward Percy Argyle, 1920-1935, comprising lecture notes compiled at the Army Veterinary School, Aldershot, 1920; correspondence and notes relating to the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health, 1934-1935; correspondence and notes relating to writing abstracts for the Veterinary Bulletin, for the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health; notes and memoranda for the article 'Lesions in Cases of Roaring' published in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Journal, Aug 1933; letters, drawings and notes, including letters relating to the Buckstone Browne Research Farm at Downe; press cuttings relating to animals; letters relating to abstracts for Biological Abstracts, 1934; observations on horses and flies, 1933; letters from B Williamson at the Military Veterinary Hospital, Delhi, 1932; research notes; notes from lectures by Professor Monro at the Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, 1931; notes from Professor Munro's 2nd lecture series; notes and diary entries relating to experiments, investigations and publications, 1934-1935; notes for an article, 1934; correspondence and notes concerning research into the condition of roaring, 1933-1935; letter from John Beattie of the Hunterian Museum relating to research reports and Buckstone Browne Research Farm, 1934-1935; notes on Facial Palsy in horses; and photographs.

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Clippingdale, Samuel Dodd
GB 0114 MS0051 · c 1915-1922

Papers of Samuel Dodd Clippingdale, c 1915-1922, comprising a notebook of proofs for an article titled Heraldry and Medicine, c 1915; and two volumes of the Medical Court Roll containing manuscript lists of physicians and surgeons who attended the Sovereigns of England from William I to George V, c 1922.

Sin título
GB 0114 MS0058 · 1846-1851

Papers of Edward Charles Hulme, Student in Human and Comparative Anatomy, 1846-1848, and George Robert Skinner, Student in Comparative Anatomy, 1849-1851, comprising a volume containing notes by Hulme relating to the dissections of various animals including Chimpanzee, Sciurus Vulgaris (Red Squirrel), Cynocephalus (Phillipine Flying Lemur), Wombat, Leopard, Ateles (Spider Monkey), Elephant, and Honduras Turkey, 1846-1848; also containing notes by Skinner relating to the dissections of various animals including Rhinoceros, Puff Adder, Ostrich, a malformed foetus, and Malayan Tapir; and notes by Skinner relating to compiling a manuscript catalogue in the Museum.

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Wilson, Alexander
GB 0114 MS0060 · 1897-1898

Papers of Alexander Wilson, 1897-1898, comprising four volumes containing notes taken at lectures on midwifery, by Professor Murdoch Cameron MD.

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On the Incubation of an Egg
GB 0114 MS0062 · c 1769

Manuscript volume titled 'On the Incubation of an Egg', c 1769, comprising notes and observations on the incubation of a hen's egg. Including references to the work of Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777), and John Hunter (1728-1793).

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GB 0114 MS0065 · 1621

Papers of Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, 1621, comprising a manuscript volume titled Viaticum sive medicorum experimentorum formulae; peregrinantis encheiridion Anno 1621, containing a collection of formulae for chemicals used in treatments. Including an account of Mayerne's family.

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Taylor, Sir Herbert (1775-1839)
GB 0114 MS0067 · 1826-1827

Papers of Sir Herbert Taylor, 1826-1827, comprising a volume of manuscript notes titled Memorandum, between the 9th June 1826 and 5th January 1827, describing the condition and state of mind of Prince Frederick, Duke of York (1763-1827) during his last illness.

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Poland, Alfred (1822-1872)
GB 0114 MS0069 · 1845-1846

Papers of Alfred Poland, 1845-1846, comprising a volume titled Surgical Analysis of cases reported by the Clinical Society during the last six months of 1845 and the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September 1846. Alfred [Poland] containing a table of contents; lists of cases including detailed patient information; and a letter concerning the deposit of the volume with the Library.

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Wass, Samuel Hall (1907-1970)
GB 0114 MS0072 · 1951-1954

Papers of Samuel Hall Wass, 1951-1954, comprising the case notes of patients at Guy's Hospital Out-Patient Department, mostly concerning the treatment of haemorrhoids, and bowel and colon complaints.

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Whytt, Robert (1714-1766)
GB 0114 MS0073 · c 1765

Papers relating to Robert Whytt, c 1765, comprising a volume containing notes of lectures given by Robert Whytt (1714-1766), William Cullen (1710-1790) and Alexander Monro (1733-1817), written by an unknown hand.

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Williams, John (1819-1878)
GB 0114 MS0074 · 1844-1846

Papers of John Williams, 1844-1846, comprising notes on dissections, cataloguing and other work done whilst a Student of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

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