Records of the parish of Saint Magnus the Martyr, Lower Thames Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns, preachers and church services; Vestry minute books; Churchwardens' accounts and vouchers; papers relating to parish poor relief; poor rate books; church rate books; tithe rate assessment books; leases, deeds and other papers relating to properties owned by the parish.
Sin títuloThe records of the parish of Saint Margaret Moses include parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials) from 1558, churchwardens' accounts from 1547, Vestry minutes from 1716 and poor rate assessments from 1876.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Margaret, New Fish Street, City of London, including Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' accounts; administrative papers; poor rate books and church rate books.
Sin títuloThe records of Saint Margaret Pattens, Rood Lane, City of London, include inventories of 1470 and 1511, but the main archive dates from the 16th century. The records include registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; preachers' books; church services registers; scrapbooks; Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' accounts and other papers; administrative papers; poor rate books and leases and other documents relating to parish property.
Sin títuloRecords of Saint Michael, Wood Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials) from 1559, vestry minutes from 1692, churchwardens' accounts from 1619 and rate assessments from 1644.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Yard, City of London, including registers of baptisms, burials, marriages and banns; church services registers; Vestry minutes; administrative papers; Churchwardens' accounts and vouchers; papers and plans relating to the maintenance of the church building; rate books and rate assessments; deeds for parish properties; and plans of the parish.
Sin títuloThe main archive of St Mary Woolchurch Haw dates from the 16th century with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns) from 1558; vestry minutes from 1647; Churchwardens' accounts; Overseers' payments; papers relating to poor relief; and church rate, tithe rate and poor rate assessments from 1671.
Sin títuloThe main archive of Saint Mary Woolnoth dates from the 16th century with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns) from 1538, vestry minutes from 1679 and poor rate, church rate and tithe rate assessments from 1672. Also church services registers; Guild Church Council minute books; Churchwardens' acounts, vouchers and papers; Overseers' books of receipts and payments and other papers relating to poor relief.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Mary at Hill, Lovat Lane, Church of England, including parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials and banns) from 1558, vestry minutes from 1609 and churchwardens' accounts and vouchers from 1422. Also lists of preachers; financial accounts; administrative papers; poor rate books; tithe rate assessments and parish estate rental books.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Mary le Bow, Cheapside, Church of England, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; registers of preachers; Vestry minutes and notices; administrative papers; Churchwarden's papers including accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building; poor rate assessments; and tithe rate assessments.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Martin Orgar, Martin Lane, City of London, including register of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building; poor rate books; and papers relating to parish charities.
Sin títuloThe archive of Saint Martin Vintry, College Hill, City of London, dates from the 17th century, with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials) from 1617 and poor rate assessments from 1676. Also Vestry minute books; Churchwardens' accounts and papers relating to poor relief.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Nicholas Olave, Bread Street Hill, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minutes and poor rate assessment books.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Olave, Jewry, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; Vestry minute books; Churchwardens' accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building; poor rate books; and papers relating to parish charities and estates.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Peter le Poer, Old Broad Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials) dating from 1561, the rest of the archive dates from the 17th century and includes Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' and Overseers' financial accounts; poor rate books and tithe rate books.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Mark, Battersea Rise, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and banns of marriage; registers of church services; preacher's book; church account books and cash books; Vestry meeting minutes and Parochial Church Council meeting minutes.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Mary le Park, Battersea, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; registers of church services; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings; Vestry meeting minutes; Parochial Church Council minute books; financial accounts; parish magazines; year book; printed history of the church; newspaper cuttings and photographs of the church.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Stephen, Battersea, including registers of baptisms, banns of marriages and marriages; registers of church services and preachers; parochial statistics; financial accounts; records of the Churchwardens; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; papers of church societies; papers regarding the maintenance of church buildings; and legal documents regarding land owned by the parish.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint James the Great, Bethnal Green, including records of registers of baptisms, marriages and banns of marriages; church services registers; financial accounts; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; parish magazines; photographs; papers relating to the parish school; papers relating to the building including faculties, inventories and plans; and histories of the parish.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of St George, Camberwell, including registers of baptisms, burials, marriages, and confirmations; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; minutes of other Committees; Churchwardens' account books; financial records including church rate books; papers relating to Saint George's National and Infants Schools; registers of church services; plan of parish and other papers relating to parish boundaries; papers relating to church buildings including the vicarage; photographs; papers relating to the Trinity College Mission; and parish magazines.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Luke, Peckham, including registers of baptisms and marriages; minutes of Vestry meeting and Parochial Church Council meetings; parish magazines; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings including faculties, plans and correspondence; a range of photographs; orders of service; programmes; and annual reports.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Stephen, South Dulwich, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and church services; Vestry meeting minutes; Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; financial accounts; Churchwarden's vouchers; faculties and other papers relating to the maintenance and restoration of the church building; legal documents relating to the ownership of church land; maps and plans showing changes to parish boundaries; and parish magazines.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint John, Walham Green, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriage, confirmations, and church services; Vestry books; School Management Committee minutes and plans of the Vicarage.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint John at Hackney (Saint John the Baptist church, Hackney) including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; Vestry minutes; papers regarding the construction of the church; financial records; papers relating to parochial charities; records of the Churchwardens; correspondence of the Vestry; papers relating to the parish school; legal documents; plans of the churchyard; register of church services; registers of graves; and preachers' book.
Records relating to civil functions of the parish including settlement examinations; minutes of the Workhouse Management Committee; highways rate books and church rate books.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Emmanuel, Hampstead, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; registers of church services; preachers' books; orders of service; papers relating to the benefice; Churchwardens' financial accounts; minutes and papers of the Parochial Church Council and the Annual Vestry; papers of church societies including the Emmanuel Men's Society; newsletters and yearbooks; papers relating to the church building, parsonage, and church hall including legal documents, correspondence, photographs, faculties and plans; and financial accounts. Also, Emmanuel Church of England Primary School is located in this parish. Documents relating to the governance of the school from 1999 are catalogued with the parish records.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn, including historical account of parish by Reverend Mackonochie; testimonials of support for Reverend Mackonochie; papers relating to the legal case of Martin v. Mackonochie; papers of the Mackonochie Testimonials and Memorial Fund Committee including correspondence with architects regarding construction of memorial chapel; papers of Reverend E F Russell; papers of curate Arthur Henry Stanton; journal of work conducted by Mackonochie at St George's Mission of St Saviour and Cross, Wellclose Square, Stepney.
Minutes of annual vestry meetings; day books; letter books and correspondence; registers of church services; financial accounts; registers of communions made; correspondence, estimates and accounts relating to renovation and restoration of church; volumes containing letters of sympathy on destruction of the church by bombs, 1941; scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings, letters, documents and photographs; legal papers relating to church property; catalogue of the library; papers relating to charities in Holborn; papers relating to Saint Alban's School; papers of church societies and clubs; photographs; orders of service and tickets; inventories; sermons and printed appeals.
No registers held.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint George the Martyr, Queen Square, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations, banns of marriages, and church services; papers regarding the creation of the parish; minutes of the Trustees and General Meetings of Proprietors of Pews; financial records including Churchwardens' accounts; papers regarding the maintenance of the church building; Vestry minutes; papers regarding parish charities, societies and the school; newspaper cuttings and photographs.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint John the Evangelist, Red Lion Square, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; register of confirmations; Vestry minutes; parish reports and annual accounts; history of the parish; photographs of the church; and parish magazines.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of All Saints, Tufnell Park, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and confirmations; registers of church services; papers relating to changing parish boundaries; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building and the Hocking Memorial Hall; financial records; Parochial Church Council and Vestry minute books; and volume containing copies of documents relating to the creation of the parish and parish events.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Holy Trinity, Cloudesley Square, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and confirmations; Church services registers; records relating to staff; papers relating to parish boundaries and pastoral reorganisation; papers relating to the benefice; papers regarding the maintenance of the Church fabric and the Parish hall; financial records; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to Holy Trinity School; and parish magazines.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Cuthbert, Kensington, including registers of marriages; registers of church services; church notices; Vestry minutes; administrative and financial documents; records of church buildings and properties, including plans, elevation and sections.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Jude, South Kensington, including baptism registers (1870 - 1982), marriage registers (1872 - 1964), banns of marriage registers (1873 - 2005), confirmations registers (1892 - 2006), marriage notice books (1946 - 1971), service registers/ preachers' books, annual vestry and parochial church meeting minutes, parochial church council minutes, finance committee minutes, electoral roll, annual accounts and balance sheets, ledgers, cash books, pew rent account books, pew rent registers, parish magazines, and a visitors' book.
Sin títuloRecords of the parish of Saint Philip, Earl's Court Road, Kensington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and confirmations; church services registers; inventories of church fixtures; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; papers of the Christian Stewardship society; photographs; and parish magazines.
Sin títuloRecords of the Union Society of London, debating society. They comprise: regulations, 1877-1938 (Ms 22403-4); minutes, 1844-1947 (Ms 22405-6); report re treasurer's account, 1904 (Ms 22407); records concerning members, 1876-ca. 1959 (Ms 22408-10); accounts, 1862-1962 (Ms 22411-16); instructions regarding procedures, undated (Ms 22417); papers regarding the history of the Society, 1885-ca. 1924 (Ms 22418-19); and papers regarding debates, speeches and annual dinners, 1921-58 (Ms 22420-3). Although the Society appears to have ceased meeting formally in 1957 or 1958 (notices of debates last appear in the Law Journal for 1957), two of its members continued to pay subscriptions until 1961/2 (Ms 22413). Records catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1987.
Sin títuloRecords of Saint Katharine by the Tower Hospital, later known as the Royal College of Saint Katharine and the Royal Foundation of Saint Katharine. Records include charters and licences; rules and regulations; legal papers; minutes; correspondence and letter books; annual reports; financial accounts; registers of baptism, marriage and burial; banns books; Vestry minutes; papers regarding the manor of the hospital; papers regarding poor relief; papers of the Commissary Court of the Royal Peculiar including marriage allegations; papers regarding estates and properties including title deeds and surveys; maps and plans.
This catalogue also includes records deposited in the Library from the Valuation and Rates Department of the Corporation of the City of London in 1920. These volumes relate to rate assessments and poor law administration of the Precinct and probably reached the Corporation via the neighbouring parish of St Botolph Aldgate, to which the inhabitants of the Precinct would naturally have turned in 1825. Later Precinct books are catalogued within the archive of St Botolph Aldgate.
Sin títuloRecords relating to poor relief in the parish of Edmonton, 1705-1770, including examinations, warrants and removal orders.
Sin títuloStaff records of H and G Simonds Limited, brewers, including Staff Salaries committee minutes; Staff Salaries and Appointments committee minutes; private salaries; list of staff with bank and branch; First aid centre daily attendance registers; retail managers register; Pensions fund ledger; staff pension scheme register, being diary of contribution rises, receipts, etc., with extracts from Board minutes.
Sin títuloCollection of topographical material, comprising:
Letter of George Gaskin [1751-1829, rector of Stoke Newington] to Theodore Price at Woodstock, Oxfordshire concerning the division of parishes, 1798;
Letter of John Aiken [1747-1822, author] at Stoke Newington to Robert Southey at Keswick concerning biographical memoirs by Southey, 1807;
Letter of James Towill Rutt [1760-1841, politician] at Newington Green to T R Horwood promising to attend a service, 1832;
Letter of Mary Hart at 2 Clarence Cottages, Albion Road, Stoke Newington to Sir Francis Burdett, baronet reporting her efforts to obtain The Diversions of Purley, 1836;
Letter of C Hart at No 6 Terrace, Albion Road, Stoke Newington to Sir Francis Burdett, baronet at St James Place Piccadilly, sending him his copy of The Diversions of Purley, 1836;
Letter of J S Sayers at Stoke Newington to Miss Coutts sending a token gift in memory of his late mother, 1860;
Letter of William B Carpenter [1813-1885, naturalist] at 1 Clarence Terrace, Stoke Newington to Markham Thorpe sending corrections to a bill announcing some lectures, n.d;
Postal cover addressed to Mrs Mary Abney, n.d.
Sin títuloRecords of the Committee of London Clearing Bankers, later known as the Committee of London and Scottish Bankers, including minute books of various Committees; papers relating to advertising, public relations, exhibitions and shows including photographs; papers relating to the banking information service; papers relating to bank staff associations and employment in banks; statistics; papers relating to banking arrangements for coal, gas, electricity, transport, iron and steel, shipbuilding, agriculture, industry, exports, small firms, students and the disabled; and papers relating to matters concerning banks including income tax, bank taxation, stamp duty, professional secrecy, nationalisation, security and fraud, hours of business, accounting procedures, legislation, investments, foreign currency and debit rates.
Restricted access to later records.
Sin títuloBrochure advertising cart lamps which accord with bye-laws, 1897-1898.
Sin títuloRecords of the Multiple Advertising Clock Company Limited, 1924-1927, including memorandum and articles of association; agreements; letters patent and petty cash receipts.
Sin títuloRecords of J Lyons and Company Limited, food manufacturers and caterers, 1891-1995. The archives reflect all aspects of the company's history. There are some of the usual company records relating to management, shareholding and administration, but the collection is particularly strong in what may be termed ephemera. There are hundreds of photographs, from 1887 up to the present day, a few films and videos, and large collections of press cuttings, advertisements, menus and even a set of lithographs which were commissioned by the company after the Second World War as a way of brightening up Lyons Corner Houses.
Sin títuloRecords of Smith Kendon Limited, 1826-1987. The collection mainly comprises the papers of Donald Smith and his capacity as Managing Director and Chairman of Smith Kendon Limited, including papers relating to the formation of the business such as articles of partnership and certificates of registration; deeds and other legal documents relating to property owned by the company; insurance policies; inventories; correspondence; minutes of meetings; Donald Smith's business diaries; sales figures; financial accounts; papers relating to stock and stock control; papers relating to sales; papers relating to products including recipe books; advertising; reports; staff records and papers relating to the Second World War.
Sin títuloThe earliest material in this series consists of artwork commissioned by the Public Relations Department and its predecessors to be printed and distributed as posters and greetings telegram forms.
It includes designs for posters that were subsequently published under the publication references IRP and PRD and a number of adopted greetings telegram designs, it also contains many designs for both posters and greetings telegrams that were rejected.
The Public Relations Department approached many artists to produce designs for posters and greetings telegram forms and the series includes work from noted artists such as: Tom Eckersley, Frank Newbould, Edward McKnight Kauffer, John Nash, Jan Lewitt and George Him, Pat Keely, Barnett Freedman, Claudia Freedman, Rex Whistler, Margaret Calkin James, Edward Bawden and John Farleigh.
Later material includes artwork produced for a variety of purposes, such as publicity leaflets, press advertisements and designs for logos, vehicle livery, postal equipment and letter boxes.
Material consists of paintings and pencil and ink drawings, it also incorporates various techniques such as lithography and computer aided design. The series also contains a number of photographs and transparencies as well as annotated printed proofs for designs.
There are also a number of items relating to logo and logotype design and branding of the Post Office and its services, including artwork for the redesign of the GPO logo by MacDonald Gill in 1934.
Also included are a number of original illustrations produced by artist, Ben Maile in 1990 for inclusion in a Post Office commissioned book: 'First Post: From Penny Black to Present Day'.
Sin títuloThis series consists of correspondence between the Marquess of Salisbury, Postmaster General, and Francis Freeling, Secretary of The Post Office, and mainly unnamed individuals. Subjects covered include staff appointments, the establishment and implementation of new Post Office services, letter traffic, the operation of services and instructions to staff.
Sin títuloThe archive consists of a manuscript journal of a tour of Europe, 1826-1828.
Sin títuloRecords of the Cancer Research Campaign formerly the British Empire Cancer Campaign, covering all aspects of the Campaign's organization and activities. Sections A-C comprise committee minutes, agenda and papers, 1923-1976. The minutes of central headquarters committees are extensive, but there are serious gaps in the top level committees: Grand Council, the Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Efforts to locate the missing records have so far been unsuccessful. In addition, many minutes of sub-committees are either incomplete or unsigned copies. The collection contains very few records of regional branches; and information regarding either their existence or whereabouts is scant. The main body of the archive, Sections D-R, consists largely of files generated by Campaign headquarters, mainly the General Secretary's office. Files contain correspondence, reports, pamphlets, legal documents, press cuttings, articles, off-prints, posters, ephemera, etc. They cover the Campaign's history and organisation; senior members; relations with regional councils, branches, affiliatated bodies and other cancer organisations, both in the UK and overseas; cancer research and government provision; fund raising; research materials and equipment; cancer cures and causes; views and enquiries from the general public; cancer education and publications. There is also a series of press cuttings volumes, and three publicity films made in the 1950s.
Sin títuloCorrespondence by Fritz Zietlow, Nazi party member and newspaper editor, mainly letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper, Der Angriff, Fritz Zietlow, also internal correspondence and a number of publications.
Sin títuloThis microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-Second World War propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, 1936-1939, including reports, publications, leaflets and transcript of a radio broadcast: Hitler's speech to the Winter help, 10 Oct 1938; chiefly produced by the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.
Sin títuloPapers relating to an international anti-Jewish congress in Belgium, [1930s], comprise details of the congress, entitled Union Antijudaique Universelle, papers concern the secrecy of the event, Muslims amongst the participants, earlier conferences of this sort and a permanent office for the Union Antijudaique Universelle in case of a new Jewish war.
Sin título