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Descripción archivística
GB 1556 WL 755 · 1939

Manuscript report, 1939, describing the experiences of a former Czech civil servant and his wife as they escape from Prague via Katovice to England. The report offers a valuable insight into the difficulties encountered by Czech émigrés in the immediate aftermath of the German occupation in 1939.

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GB 1556 WL 759 · Colección · 1941

Original manuscript Passover Haggadah in Hebrew with transliteration, edited by Leo Ansbacher at Gurs concentration camp, France, Apr 1941.

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GB 1556 WL 790 · Colección · 1941

Copy of a letter from the Gestapo, Essen, to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf on the reaction of Jews to the wearing of the Star of David from evidence in confiscated letters, parts of which are quoted here, 27 Sep 1941.

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GB 1556 WL 794 · Colección · 1934-1942

Copies of letters from German trade organisations outlining the extent and nature of their antisemitic measures, 1934-1935, including letter from the Handwerkskammer, Halle, stating that Jews will no longer employ Jewish apprentices, 1 Nov 1934; letter from the Buch und Tiefdruck- Gesellschaft stating that no books including scholarly works by Jewish authors are to be advertised, 6 Nov 1934; letter from the Bund deutscher Friseure stating that no German master is obliged to supervise the final examination of a Jewish apprentice, 12 Dec 1934; letter from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Ludwigshafen, stating that there is to be no socialising with Jews, 21 Jan 1935 and letter from Paul Krusenbaum, Blockleiter der NSDAP, on Jewish business restrictions, 8 Feb 1942.

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GB 1556 WL 832 · Colección · 1939

List of instructions for new recruits to the Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 220, Rendsburg, consisting mainly of rules of behaviour, annotated and underlined, signed 'Enemark', 20 Nov 1939.

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Oppenheim family papers
GB 1556 WL 864 · Colección · 1939-1943

Copies of the papers of the Oppenheim family of Kassel, 1939-1943, including travel documents, references, correspondence with the Refugee Children's Movement and typescript family history by Julius Oppenheim.

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GB 1556 WL 876 · 1933-1945

Leaflets advertising demonstrations and meetings in protest against antisemitic measures in Germany and exhorting readers to boycott German products, by a number of British Jewish interest groups and political groups, 1933-1935, and series of prayers and intercessions on behalf of German Jewry produced in London by the office of the Chief Rabbi, 1933-1945.

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Sekretariat Warburg
GB 1556 WL 880 · Colección · 1975

Typescript copy of a report, 1975, on the Sekretariat Warburg, by Robert Solnitz, former head of the organisation, including mention of Dr. Josef Carlebach, the Chief Rabbi of Hamburg, who gave his life in order to stay with his congregation; Claus Göttschethe, Gestapo head of the Jewish department, Hamburg, in relation to assistance to Hamburg's Jews and Max Plaut, the leader of Hamburg's Jewish community.

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GB 1556 WL 895 · Colección · 1987-1995

Papers of Lilli Segal, 1987-1995, comprise correspondence including letters to Professor Müller Hill regarding Nazi medical experiments (895/1-4); letter regarding numbers of Holocaust victims from Hans Mommsen (895/28); correspondence with the Nationale Mahn und Gedenkstätte Buchenwald regarding the memorialisation of the Holocaust (895/13-16) and copies of relevant newspaper cuttings, book extracts and photographs.

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Collins, Frank: personal papers
GB 1556 WL 896 · 1905-1986

Papers of Frank Collins, 1905-1986, comprise personal documents of Frank Collins, including the birth certificate of his wife Margarethe Spitzer, 1905; naturalisation certificate (896/5) and a number of photographs.

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Lingfield internment camp internee
GB 1556 WL 899 · Colección · 1938

Papers of Lingfield internment camp, Surrey, 1938, comprise a copy of a notification of the whereabouts of an internee of Lingfield internment camp, addressed to Lotte Goldschmidt.

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GB 1556 WL 906 · Colección · 1940

Papers of Douglas internment camp, 1940, comprise a copy of a farewell booklet containing reminiscences and poems addressed to Jacob Schartenberg, 'dear companion and housefather', signed by fellow internees at the camp in Douglas, Isle of Man.

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GB 1556 WL 929 · Colección · 1939

Papers of Tythrop Institute, 1939, comprise a letter, copy of an appeal and an account of the activities of the Langham Committee and Tythrop House, written by Joyce Weiner.

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Dickopf, Paul (1910-1973): papers
GB 1556 WL 939 · Colección · 1942

Papers of Paul Dickopf, 1942, document the life and career of Paul Dickopf, former head of Interpol and notably include items such as his cv, written in his own hand, and evidence on wanted lists of the Reichskriminalpolizeiamt.

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GB 1556 WL 945 · Colección · 1933-1934

Papers of Hitahadut Olej Germania, 1933-1934, an activity report, are divided into sections notably including correspondence from abroad providing details about prospective emigrants,including first help on arrival, economic organisation, cultural work, social work and financial report, 1933-1934; proposal for a credit bank, 1934; information circular regarding agricultural developments, 1934; remarks on the future work of Hitahadut Olej Germania, [1933-1934] and report on the remit of the Agricultural Department of Hitahadut Olej Germania, [1933-1934].

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GB 1556 WL 951 · Colección · 1937

Papers concerning South America as a haven for refugees from Nazi Germany, 1937, comprise a series of reports regarding emigration possibilities to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay for German Jews, by Bruno Weil.

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GB 1556 WL 957 · Colección · c1931

Letter seeking advice regarding behaviour, c 1931, comprises a letter addressed to the leadership of the 'NSDAP', Muenchen Braunes Haus, with response from R L Uschla, requesting advice on how to conduct oneself with a Jew.

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Theresienstadt: poems
GB 1556 WL 958 · Colección · 1940s

Theresienstadt poems collection, 1938, comprise typescript poems written by inmates of Theresienstadt, including Leo Strauss, Myra Strauss Gruhenberg, Mara, Otto Pam, Koppel and Fritz Pollak.

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GB 1556 WL 962 · Colección · 1939

Papers of Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten, 1939, comprise two newsletters. The first, newsletter 3, describes the position of Austrian emigrants in war time; the internment of men aged 17-65; the reporting of women to the police to be finger-printed and the situation regarding re-joining the French forces. The second, newsletter 4, appeals for help to Austrians from neutral countries; reports on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees on internees; reports on the position of emigrants in other countries and appeals to all Austrians to register with the Zentralvereinigung.

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GB 1556 WL 963 · Colección · 1939-1944

Papers of Paul Hollander relating to internment camps, 1939-1944, notably including a report on cases of murder at the penitentiary camp of Hadjerat m'Guil where 9 people were murdered, including details of the camp officers; statements by Oliver von Schneditz, Joseph Breuer, Gerard and Kurt Huschak to the director of Kanadja; report on the attitude of leading coal mine personnel; copy of a report on a visit to the French internment camps of Colomb Behar, Kenadja (Algeria) and Bour-Arfa (French Maroc) with a list of men in charge of the camps and remarks on their personality and statistics on internees from French internment camp in North Africa who enlisted in the British Pioneer Corps.

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Mayer, Grete (b 1901): personal papers
GB 1556 WL 976 · Colección · 1916-1970

Papers of Grete Mayer, 1916-1970, comprise personal papers of Grete Mayer including Familienstammbuch, school certificates, testimonials and Lebenslauf, 1916-1956; correspondence from sibling and children in Israel, 1948; correspondence to Grete, mostly letters of condolence on the death of her husband, 1968-1970.

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GB 1556 WL MF 3 · 1939-1952

Archives du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (ACICR) collection, 1939-1952, comprises files, reports and correspondence on the following subject areas: general background on hostages and political detainees; hostages and political detainees in Germany; hostages and political detainess by country and nationality (except Germany); assistance to hostages and political detainees; repatriations of deported; case files (all nationalities); civil war in Greece.

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GB 1556 WL MF 56 · 1919-1976

World Jewish Congress Central files on microfilm, 1919-1976, comprising Sub-series 1: Organisational History and Activities, 1919-1970, includes correspondence, minutes and publications and reports related to the organisational and political activities of the WJC and its forerunner, the Committee of Jewish Delegations. Reports on the history and activities of the WJC from before its inception through to the 1960s are also included in this sub-series. Significant subjects covered include anti-Semitism, relief for refugees, and relations with the League of Nations. More material dealing with WJC activities in Europe during the 1930s can be found in Sub-series 2 under the Stephen S. Wise/Lillie Shultz and Nahum Goldmann papers, and under Pre-WJC Conferences and the First Plenary Assembly (1936) in Sub-series 3.

Sub-series 2. Executive Correspondence and Project Files, 1920, 1931-1975, includes records and reports from the files of WJC presidents (Stephen S. Wise, Nahum Goldmann); chairmen of the Executive Committee (Nahum Goldmann, Israel Goldstein); followed by the administrative/executive directors of the New York office (Abraham S. Hyman, Monty Jacobs, Yehuda Ebstein, Greta Beigel). The sub-series contains general correspondence arranged chronologically, individual and departmental correspondence, country files, subject files, speeches, and publications.

Sub-series 3: Plenary Assemblies, pre-1936 conferences, and special conferences, 1932-1975, contains minutes, proceedings, reports, and other materials dealing with three pre-WJC conferences together with extensive files for the first six WJC Plenary Assemblies (1936-1975). Also included are materials pertaining to the War Emergency Conference (1944) and the Inter-American Jewish Conference (1941).

Sub-series 4: Committees, 1940-1976, consists of 33 boxes in its original format. This sub-series contains materials pertaining to committee meetings (Office, Administrative, Executive). The Executive Committee files include material from the South American, European, and Israeli Branches of the Executive. Within the files for each committee/branch, materials are arranged chronologically.

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GB 1556 WL MF 57 · Colección · 1900-1939

Personal and family papers, 1900-1939, ranging from First World War army records to correspondence and passports of several hundred Jews, handed over to the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland whilst the individuals were waiting in collection centres, having been rounded up by the Nazis prior to deportation to Eastern Europe. Includes index.

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GB 1814 POST Registered Files · Fondo · 1792-1983

Telecommunications minuted papers relating to Post Office telegraph and telephone services. Minuted papers were those papers which had been submitted to the Postmaster General for a decision, and then been retained in the Post Office registry.

At first, the papers minuted tended only to be the particular case submitted to the Postmaster General but, as time went on, registry staff followed a practice of continuing to add physically to an existing minuted case all other cases on that subject which came to hand. As a result, the minuted papers frequently consist of quite large bundles of files on a common subject spanning many years. The date range of the files is consequently often much earlier or much later than the date suggested by the Former Reference used by the registry staff.

POST 30 records concern telecommunications issues in England and Wales, 1792-1952; POST 31 concern Ireland, 1841-1960; and POST 32 concern Scotland, 1864-1966. On its introduction in 1921, POST 33 superseded these sequences and is concerned with telecommunications issues across all these geographies 1921-51, as does its successor in 1949, with POST 102 covering years 1936-76.

The subject of individual files among the minuted papers can be wide-ranging, from the mundane administrative minutiae to policy decisions on developments of critical importance. The diversity and depth of these files can be seen by such examples as the introduction of Bell's telephones to the Post Office (POST 30/330), signalling systems for Belfast and County Down Railway Company (POST 31/74) , arrangements for female telephonists working late duties (POST 32/254D), development of Rugby Radio station (POST 33/1079B), design of telephone kiosks by Giles Gilbert Scott (POST 33/1448), voice recording service for British and Allied armed forces (POST 102/6), telecommunication scheme plans in case of wartime invasion (POST 121/360), and the London to Birmingham television cable linke (POST 122/471).

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BOHM, David Joseph (1917-1992)
GB 1832 BOHM · Colección · 1933-1996

Papers of David Joseph Bohm, 1933-1996, including obituaries on and tributes to Bohm 1992; material collated by F David Peat, a colleague of Bohm, for a biography, 1993-1994, transcripts of interviews, discussions and dialogues with Bohm, mainly on science, philosophy and spirituality, 1982-1992, including the dialogues led by Bohm at seminars at Oak Grove School, Ojai, California, 1987-1992; articles and papers on Bohm's work by other authors, 1981-1996; material directly recording his life and career, 1933-1990 (comparatively slight but includes papers relating to Bohm's difficulties with the House Committee on Un-American Activities 1949-1951); list of Bohm's publications, 1994; drafts by Bohm of papers and lectures, 1965-1993, mostly unpublished, including some drafts on quantum theory, although the bulk are of a philosophical nature; drafts by F D Peat, 1980-1982, drawing on Bohm's work on quantum theory, which were found with the papers; copies of a few of his published works, 1953-1993; reviews of Bohm's books, 1966-1994; general correspondence, 1950-1993, with some 90 correspondents, including photocopies of correspondence with Albert Einstein c1950-1954 relating to quantum theory as well as Einstein's advice on Bohm's career, and other significant correspondents including R Karnette, H M Loewy and M Phillips; photocopies of correspondence on a wide range of philosophical and scientific subjects with the American artist and theorist Charles J Biederman, 1960-1969.

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GB 1924 Bondfield · 1920

Diary of Margaret Bondfield, with papers, cuttings and posters, relating to the joint delegation of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Labour Party to the Soviet Union in 1920 and the "Hands Off Russia" movement against Allied military intervention. Also papers relating to the International Trades Union Congress, 22-27 Nov 1920.

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CLARNEY, Peter (fl 1972)
GB 1924 Clarney · 1972

Photocopy of personal diary of 1972 coal mineworkers strike by Peter Clarney, member of National Union of Miners (NUM) Yorkshire Area.

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H G Wells Society
GB 1924 H G Wells Society · 1935-1938, 1960-1988

Records of the H G Wells Society, 1960-1988, comprising: Correspondence, 1963-1971, particularly on the commemoration of the centenary of Wells' birth (1966); circulars and duplicated matter, 1962-1970; financial payments and receipts, 1962-1964; personal papers of Dr Hugh Schonfield, a founder-member of the Society, 1960-1988; manuscript letter from H G Wells to Lady Russell, commenting on a 'break' between Wells and Lord Russell, undated; correspondence, papers and pamphlets on Cosmopolis, [formerly the H G Wells Society] the Open Conspiracy and the Federation of Progressive Societies and Individuals, 1935-1938; catalogue of the H G Wells Correspondence in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with copy of the sale contract, 1954.

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GB 1924 IFWEA · 1945-1986

Records of the International Federation of Workers' Education Associations (IFWEA), 1945-1986, comprising minutes of the Executive Committee, 1945-1986; annual reports, 1947-1965; correspondence files, 1952, 1976-1980; reports, 1953-1981; and the International Bulletin of Workers Education, 1951-1968.

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KAPP, Yvonne (1903-1999)
GB 1924 Kapp · 1941-1999

Papers of Yvonne Kapp, mainly relating to her work for the Amalgamated Engineering Union (AEU), 1941-1946, comprising: reports of AEU Production Enquiries, 1941-1943; papers on AEU Health and Welfare Enquiry, 1944-1946; general papers on Kapp's work for the AEU, including record of work of the AEU Research Department, 1941-1945 and typescript of article by Kapp, on 25th anniversary of the foundation of the AEU, 1945; correspondence and papers on John Elliott Burns (1858-1943), including letters to Burns from Eleanor Marx (1888), May Potter (1893), George Mitchell (1893-1897), Joseph Edwards, editor of the Labour Annual (1895), Samuel McGowan (1897), and others, and correspondence on the disposal of Burns' library on the history of London and the early history of the Labour movement. [the books were divided between the London Library and the AEU]; Kapp's diary (mainly engagements), 1943; miscellaneous files on production, training and joint consultation, 1945-1965; copies of obituaries of Kapp, 1999.

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Nursing Printed Collection
GB 1924 RT-RZ · Fondo · 1940s - 1994

Collection of pamphlets, journals and papers relating to nursing. Includes: Guild of Nurses Quarterly Review, 1940s; Recruitment of Nurses and Midwives to Training Institutions, 1945; The Association of Nurses, 1937; The Jewish Nurse in Palestine, 1947; Nurses Salaries Committee, 1940s; Government publications; International Labour Office Publications relating to employment and conditions; Queen's Nursing Institute annual reports. Also material relating to the Royal College of Nursing.

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GB 1924 WEA · 1903-1995

Archives of the Workers' Educational Association, 1906-1995, comprising central organisation records, 1906-1995; records of the WEA Central Joint Advisory Committee, 1910-1958; records of WEA districts, 1914-1992; and records of the Workers' Education TUC Committee, 1919-1964. Central Labour College archives, 1909-1918; and archives of the International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations, 1945-1986. Papers and pamphlets of R H Tawney, President of WEA, 1896-1962; papers and publications of Ernest Green, General Secretary of WEA, 1920s-1960s.

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GB 1924 WEA CJAC · 1910-1957

Records of the Workers' Educational Association Central Joint Advisory Committee comprising minutes of committees, 1910-1957; annual reports, 1909-1958; correspondence/subject files, 1936-1957; presscuttings and ephemera, 1915-1930.

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Workers' Film Association
GB 1924 WFA · 1938-1947

Financial records of the Workers' Film Association, 1938-1947, comprising: Purchases Journal/Day Books (outgoings), 1941-1946; Sales Journals, 1941-1946; Cash Books (Incomings and Outgoings), 1938-1947; Petty Cash summary, 1941-1946; Sundries Ledger, 1941-1946 (accounts with suppliers and creditors).

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Women - Employment
GB 1924 Women - Employment · Fondo · 1916 - to date

Collection of books, leaflets, articles and periodicals relating to women and employment. Includes: 'The Position of Women after the War' Committee of Women's Organisations, 1916; 'Women in Industry after the War' by B L Hutchins, 1917; 'Payment structures and smaller firms: women's employment in segmented labour markets' by Christine Craig and others, 1985, reference HD 6061; 'The position of women in industry' by Nancy Seear, 1968, reference HD 6664; 'Putting equality into practice: a Shadow Ministry of Women consultation document' 1991; 'Unemployed Women: a study of attitudes and experiences' by Arnold Cragg and Tim Dawson, 1984. Other topics includes: legislation, local government, First World War, Second World War and other countries. Periodicals include: Woman Engineer, Women's Gazette, Women and Manual Trades Newsletter.

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Women's Trade Union League
GB 1924 WTUL · 1891-1921

Records of the Women's Trade Union League, 1875-1921, comprising:
Annual Report [printed], 1875-1921; Minutes 1904-1908, 1911-1921; Women's Union Journal, 1876-1890; Women's Trades Union Review 1891-1919; correspondence on merger with Trades Union Congress, 1921.

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LIDDERDALE, Jane (1909-1996)
GB 196 7JLI · Fondo · 1962-1969

The archive consists of material relating to a memoir of Harriet Shaw Weaver that Lidderdale was invited by the family to write in 1962. These two files contain Lidderdale's correspondence with the authors Margaret Storm Jameson and Dame Rebecca West, whom she approached while writing the book. Jameson recollected only an invitation in 1914 from Harriet Shaw Weaver to work for the magazine 'The Egoist' (which she could not accept) and brief contact with the author and publisher Dora Marsden. West was more closely involved with Dora, as she worked on the latter's journal 'The New Freewoman' and introduced to it various contributions of literary fame, including Ezra Pound and Richard Aldington. On receiving Miss Lidderdale's drafts of the relevant sections of her memoir, Dame Rebecca sent detailed comments and suggestions which provide interesting information on Dora Marsden and various contributors to 'The New Freewoman'. Included with her papers is a photograph of Dame Rebecca taken in about 1935 and presented to Miss Lidderdale in 1969.

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Röntgen Society
GB 1970 Röntgen · 1899-1927

Records of the Röntgen Society comprising: minutes of general meetings, 1899-1927; minutes of Council, 1899-1926; microfilm copies of minutes of the Röntgen Society 1923-1927; letter book, 1913; Röntgen Society list of members, 1903-1917; printed copies of Röntgen Society Year Book and Lists of Members, 1917-1925.

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Brunel University Archives
GB 1975 Brunel · 1950-2001

Records of Brunel College of Advanced Technology (CAT) and Brunel University, Uxbridge Campus, 1957-2001, and Acton Technical College, 1950-1987, including minutes of Brunel College Governing Body, 1957-1966; Planning Group minutes, 1962-1964; papers of the Finance Committee, 1967-1971; Board of Studies papers, 1960-1961; Administrative Committee minutes, 1962-1966; Architects Planning Group minutes, plans and correspondence, c1962-1965; papers relating to meetings of Principals of CATs and the Ministry of Education, c1961-1964; Academic Advisory Committee minutes, 1964-1966; papers of the Academic Board, 1966-1968; papers relating to the University Charter and conditions of service, 1964-1965; Brunel University Council minutes, 1966-2000; Council papers, 1969-1971; papers of the University Court, 1967-1971; Vice Chancellor's annual report to Court, 1992-1993; papers of the National Council of Technological Heads, particularly relating to the visits to Brunel in 1957 and 1962 and report, 1963-1964 on industrial training and engineering; papers of the Research Grants Committee and Salary Committee, 1967-1971; papers of the General Purposes Committee and Building Services Committee, c1966-1969; Hillingdon Hospital, proposal for medical school, 1966; papers of the Honorary Degrees Committee, c1970-1974; papers of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) in regard to Brunel, 1965; papers of meetings been Principal (and later the Vice Chancellor) and heads of Departments, 1957-1959, 1969-1971; prospectuses and various related publications, 1957-2001.

Acton Technical College, Governors' meetings minutes, 1955-1956, and correspondence, 1957.

Prospectuses of Acton Technical College, 1950-1987; magazines including Brunel Newsletter, 1958-1968, Brunel Reporter, 1969-1995, BULB, 1980s-1991; scrapbooks of press cuttings relating to Brunel College and Brunel University, 1961-1977; 10 volumes of photographs of the Uxbridge campus, 1960s.

The 'Brunel Collection', 23 volumes containing reproductions of photographs, illustrations and prints relating to the work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, in particular his ships the Great Western, the Great Britain and the Great Eastern.

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Goldsmiths' Company
GB 1990 · 1332-2001

Archives of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths (WCG) comprising volumes containing Wardens' Accounts and Court Minutes, 1334-1579, 1592-present; Standing Committee minute books, 1712-1943; Assay Office: Court Minutes, 1776-1890; Assay Office: Mark books containing workmen's marks and places of abode, 1697-2001 (incomplete); Trial of the Pyx minutes, 1604-1870;
ordinances and statutes, 1478, 1513-1514;

records relating to membership including Apprenticeship books, 1578-present; Alphabet of Freemen, 1651-c.1950; Freedom Books, 1694-present;

financial records including Accounts including Debt book, 1636-1648; Wardens' accounts, 1687-1712; Cash books, 1689-1729; Barge House accounts 1656-1660; Disbursements for Entertainment, 1781-1784;

records relating to the Company's properties including Extracts of leases granted by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, c.1650, c.1675; notice of persons as hold any lands tenements of the WCG, 1610, 1682; Committee of Contracts for Leases, 1651-1675; book of leases 1662-1670; General Survey of Messuages or tenements in and about London, 1651; Devise by the Company of various properties in the City of London, 1657-1658; Leases of city properties, 1667-1669; assignments of leases, 1653-1669; extracts of leases, c.1653-1728; Alienation books, 1671-1734; Account of tenants and properties, terms and rents, 1638-1697; Copies of leases and other deeds, 1670-1742; rent book, 1694-1712; account of renters, 1687-1707; Rental of ... Lady Day, 1728, 1729; plans of property belonging to the company, c.1829; plans of City properties belonging to the Goldsmiths Company (1852);

volume bearing the coat of arms of Sir Hugh Myddleton (c.1560-1631) goldsmith, banker and clothmaker, containing copy of the Company Charter, Index to survey of Goldsmiths' rents, rent roll of Goldsmiths, account of money owing upon the bonds under the Company's Common seal, account of Charities payable yearly by the Company, Account of expiration of leases granted by the Company, c1660-1720;

records relating to the Company's activities in Ulster including Account of the Companies' lands in Ulster, 1609-1619; records of meetings of The Irish Society, 1664-1666; Grant of King James I to the Irish Society, 1613; Grant and Confirmation to the Mayor, Commonalty etc of London Derry and their Successors; Letters patent granted to the Twelve Great Companies of London in respect of the London Derry Plantation, 1656; Society of the Governor and Assistants, London of the New Plantation in Ulster, minutes of the Court of the Society, 1675-1681;

records of Wills, Deeds of Gift and Charities including Translations of wills and abstracts of deeds contained in the Great Register of the Company, 1349-1543; account of Benefactors' Gifts, 17th century; Charities 1681-1699; Charities, 1725-1729 and extracts from some wills; wills and deeds of gift; Will book and Plans of Properties, 17th century; Registers of deeds, 1471-[1700];

drawings by Philip Hardwick for new hall, 1830-1835 (12 vols);

and papers of the Company comprising:

papers relating to Company - Membership (Ref: A) including Freemen, 1694-[1940]; Livery, 1740-[1940]; Assistants, 1830-[1940]

papers relating to the Company's property - realty (Ref B) including Planning in the City of London and legislation, 1940-1955; the Acton Estates, 1357-1986; Estates in the City of London, 1437-present; The Irish Estates, 1609-1965; Blackheath, Hanwell, Mottingham, Richmond, Bexley Heath, 1899-1977; other properties, 1667-1995; The Barge and Barge House, 1717-1846

papers relating to the Company's Personal Property (Ref C), including, non-domestic contents of the Hall (non-domestic) including library, misc, works of art, 1604-1814;

domestic contents of the Hall, 1928-1966; disposal of contents of the hall, 1922-1954;

papers relating to Courts and Committees (Ref D) including Court of Wardens, 1620-1942; Court of Assistants, 1777-1954; Committees (functioning after 1955) 1918-1963; Committees no longer functioning, 1926-1951;

papers relating to the internal activities of the Hall (Ref E) including building and maintenance, 1634-1952; alterations and repairs, 1942-1969; Administration c.1625-1975; History of the Company and the Hall, 1894-1914; Company's publications, 1935-1967; Heraldry, 1841-1934; Livery lists, 1936-1939;

papers relating to the Assay Office (Ref F) including staff including the deputy warden, 1629-1953; building and contents, 1813-1955; statistics, 1815-1955; evacuation of Blandford Lodge, Reigate, 1939-1945; and miscellaneous papers, 1887-1955;

papers relating to the Company's Statutory Duties including the Trial of the Pyx, 1603-1948; Specimen verdict forms, 1948-1955; Hallmarking general, 1661-1969; relations with other assay offices, 1825-1946;

papers relating to the Company's external relations (Ref H) including the the Royal Family, 1687-1936; City of London Corporation, 1484-1929; City Companies, 1833-1955, City Guilds Defence Association, 1876-1897; Inter-company meetings, 1918-1940; other activities of the City Companies, 1917-1939; Rights, and miscellaneous papers, 1708-1937;

papers relating to the Trade (Ref J) including, 1939-1949 including London Silversmiths wartime employment Committee, and the Silversmiths' war Time Relief Committee, Commission of Enquiry - Jewellery and Silverware Working party, 1946; Conferences, 1943-1949; Amalgamation of Trade Bodies, 1940-1947; Amalgamation of Trade Charities, 1938-1952; assistance to the trade by the Company, 1930-1955; miscellaneous papers, 1931-1957; reconstruction and reorganisation, pre 1939, 1871-1937; Historical material, 1634-1828 such as the Duncombe Papers, 1680-1725, and non-company papers, 1627-1680;

papers relating to trade, technical, commercial and art associations including government sponsored bodies, 1918-1969; other associations, 1931-1970; trade associations, 1912-1985; craft workshops, 1940-1956; foreign and international bodies, 1935-1939; pension funds, 1938-1955;

papers relating to technical training and education (Ref L) including general information, 1850-1889; Education - Schools and Colleges, Royal College of Art, 1926-1952; LCC Central School of Arts and Crafts (Central School of Art and Design), 1928-1955; Sheffield College of Arts and Crafts, 1926-1969; Birmingham College of Art, 1927-1983; Refresher Courses, 1932-1971; Grants of Silver to Schools, 1936-1948; visits organized to museums, exhibitions and factories, 1913-1958; craftsmen deceased, UK and foreign, died 1930s-1970s;

papers relating to design and research by the Company (Ref M), including research proposals antecedent to Design and Research Centre, 1943-1945; Design and Research Centre for the Gold, Silver and Jewellery Industries, 1945-1955; Production of Modern Silver; and non-competitive enquiries from the public - individuals and bodies, 1930-1956;

papers relating to propaganda and information about the Craft (Ref N), including Lectures, 1928-1953; films and film strips, 1935-1960; Company's technical publications, 1936-1957; articles, 1926-1955; broadcasts, 1941-1954; publicity, 1934-1955;

papers relating to exhibitions and trade fairs (Ref O), including exhibitions held at the hall, 1927-1955; exhibitions held elsewhere, including London 1887-1961, provinces, 1927-1959; abroad, 1867-1958;

papers relating to services to the public (Ref P) including loan of Hall to individuals, 1718-1965, to outside bodies, 1647-1952, other livery companies, 1933-1955; visits to the hall, 1944-1955; loan of plate, 1929-1955; loan of furniture and fittings etc, 1948-1955; request to the Company by the public for permission -for photographs of drawings of Hall and contents, use of Company's arms, illustrations, hallmarks, etc, 1936-1955;

papers relating to information given to the public (Ref Q), including particular files for individuals, including E Alfred Jones, Dr N H Penzer and J M Phillips, (undated).;

papers relating to the administration of Charity (Ref R), including files concerning specific Charitable subjects generally, including old people, pensions, youth, 1712-1927; Company's various Charitable Trusts including general papers, 1664-1921; Ash's Charity, 1679-1892; Barrett's Charity, 1833-1835; Blundell's Charity, 1871-1878; Bowes' Charity, 1671-1934; Bromyard School, 1717-1969; Cheney's Charity, 1891-1894; Clarke's Charity, 1888-1936; Cureton's Charity, 1838-1916; Fountain's Charity, 1841-1843; Fowles' Charity, 1856; Fox's Charity, 1771-1923; Gardner's Foundation, 1908; Goldsmiths' Company's Blind Pensions, 1875-1942; Guinness Trust, 1892-1938; Hay's Charity, 1835-1886; Hetherington's Charity, 1728-1893; Heyson's Charity, 1921; Jenner's Charity, 1893-1894; Middleton's Charity, 1706-1876; Morrell's Charity, 1526-1904; Mundie's Charity, 1561-1918; Paine's Charity, 1896-1898; Perryn's Charity, 1889-1938; Read's Charity, 1895-1925; Read's Charity (Cromer School), 1720-1955; Snell's Charity, 1726-1727; Stockport School (Shaa's Charity), 1745-1980; Strelley's Charity, 1603-1944; Walton's Charity, 1832-1893; Watkin's Charity, 1789; Wollaston's Charity, 1668-1892; Wood's Charity, 1868; Consolidated Charities, 1881-1927;

papers relating to Charities - Grants to Bodies (Ref S) including Education, Schools, 1944-1980; University of London, 1938-1963; City University: Sir John Cass College, 1930-1939; University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of London, including New Cross Institute - subsequently Goldsmiths' College, 1888-1964; Occupational Therapy, 1946-1979; other grants to bodies and societies, 1904-1955;

and papers relating to grants, pensions etc made from the Company's charitable and corporate funds to individuals (Ref T) including Educational Grants and Scholarships - particular schemes including Oxford and Cambridge exhibitions, lists of candidates, examiners reports etc, 1823-1949; Newnham and Girton Colleges - Exhibitions for women, 1872-1927; Westfield College, 1912-1946; miscellaneous educational grants to non-members of the company, 1913-1955;

Personal papers donated to the Company comprising: workbooks and drawings of Omar Ramsden (1873-1939), c.1920-1939; and drawings and papers of Edward Spencer (1873-1938) and the Artificers' Guild (art metalworkers) c.1910-1938;

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GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/10 · 1918-1919

30-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force's bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume analyses German counter-measures to defend against air raids in the Independent Force's area of operations. The counter-measures studied were the German telephone communication system, the organisation and procedures for the warning of air raids, and anti-aircraft defence measures including AA guns, searchlights and balloon barrages.

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GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/12 · 1918-1919

18-page foolscap volume with photographs pasted onto the pages.

This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force’s bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume consists of 26 photographs each with a brief caption. The photographs show bomb damage to buildings, industrial works and railways in German towns attacked by the Independent Force.

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GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/8 · 1918-1919

31-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force’s bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume records attacks and their affect on blast furnaces in iron and steel works situated at Burbach, Maizieres, Karlshutte, Hagendingen, Rombach, Dillingen and Volklingen. Many of the photographs show bomb damage caused by specific raids and many of the site plans are marked to show where bombs exploded. A statistical appendix records loss of production ascribed to the air raids.

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Records of Joint Committees
GB 2087 RCPSYCH/K · Fondo · 1941-1995

The archive comprise records of the following committees:

RCPSYCH/K1 - Medical Planning Committee, 1941-1945

RCPSYCH/K2 - British Geriatrics Society/RCPSYCH Joint Liaison Committee, 1979-1990

RCPSYCH/K3 - Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry/British Geriatrics Society Liaison Committee, 1996-2000

RCPSYCH/K4 - British Paediatric Association (BPA)/RCPSYCH Joint Liaison Committee, 1980-1988.

RCPSYCH/K5 - British Psychological Society/RCPSYCH Joint Liaison Committee, 1975-1995

RCPSYCH/6 - College of Occupational Therapists/RCPSYCH Liaison Committee, 1988-1993

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British Computer Society
GB 2107 BCS · 1966-1977

Papers of the British Computer Society and its library, comprising correspondence, minutes and reports, 1966-1977.

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