Showing 991 results

Archival description
GB 0074 A/FSC · Collection · 1692-1955

Records of the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy, including minutes and agendas; correspondence; memoranda; financial accounts; sermons; reports; advertising material; scrapbooks; and ephemera relating to the festival (handbills, orders of service, tickets, invitations and so on).

Festival of the Sons of the Clergy
GB 0074 LMA/4060 · Collection · 1801-1996

Records of the Field Lane Foundation. The earliest records date to 1842 in its incarnation as the Sabbath School. These comprise management committee minutes which run as a continuous series to 1984 and reflect the change from Sabbath School to Ragged School in 1850.

Important series include the deeds and papers of Field Lane dating from 1801 to 1961. There are also series relating to each of the major homes and organisations associated with or run by the Field Lane Association including the Home Workers Aid Association and the 5 holiday or retirement homes: Eastwood, Dovers, The Priory, Holly Hill and Singholm. There is also a set of annual reports from 1847-1996 and a series of printing blocks used for many of the Field Lanes' publications.

Field Lane Foundation , charitable organisation
GB 1538 A3 · 1929-2001

Records of the Finance and Executive Group, previously Finance and Executive Committee and Executive Committee, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1929-1999, comprising agenda, minutes, papers and correspondence, 1959-2001, including minutes and papers of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Australian and New Zealand Councils, 1971-1972; minute books of the Finance and Executive Group, 1929-1999.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , RCOG
GB 1538 F · 1926-1999

Financial records of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1926-1999, comprising records of the Finance Department, predecessors and other College departments.
The records range from policy files, correspondence relating to various appeals and memorials, signed accounts and accounting records. A large quantity of the earlier records appears to be samples of records destroyed, retained as examples of current practice at the time. For details refer to individual series descriptions, which are arranged as follows:
F1: Annual audited accounts, 1968-1986.
F2: Trial balances, 1969-1977.
F3: Records relating to investments and the Investment Advisory Panel, 1954-1992.
F4: Journal books, 1974-1981.
F5: Chief Accountant's correspondence files, 1962-1987.
F6: Pension schemes for College staff: Accountants' correspondence, 1969-1976.
F7: Financial summaries of meetings and other College events, 1979-1982.
F8-F15: Appeals and memorial funds, 1932-1987.
F16: Regional councils' accounts and ledgers, 1954-1970.
F17: Papers relating to bequests to the College, 1952-1980.
F18: Review of the College's accounting systems and organisation, 1970.
F19-F24: Ledgers, journals and account books, 1926-1986.
F25-F27: Special funds' ledgers, cash books and journals, 1931-1982.
F28: Research and Development Fund, 1966-1978.
F29: Salaries books, 1946-1965.
F30: Fellows' and Members' subscriptions' and fees' cash books, 1929-1967.
F31: Fellows' and Members' day book, 1972.
F32: Joint Committee on Contraception: annual audited accounts, 1977-1995.
F33: British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: financial records, 1953-1971.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 0074 CLC/066 · Collection · 1945-1958

Minute book of the Fish Trades Consultative Council of London.

Fish Trades Consultative Council of London
FLEMING, William (fl 1900)
GB 0113 MS-FLEMW · Fonds · 1893-[1923]

Notebooks, 1893-[1923], relating to the work of the College Bedell, Royal College of Physicians.

Fleming , William , fl 1900 , College Bedell
GB 0117 HF · 1924-1968

Extensive papers of Howard Walter Florey, Baron Florey, relating to almost every aspect of his career in science and public life. The scientific materials include a complete run of laboratory notebooks, 1924-1968, files on the work for which Florey is best known, penicillin and antibiotics, 1940-1962, together with papers, research notes and photographs on mucus secretion, traumatic shock and electron microscopy. Florey's writings are preserved in the form of drafts and proofs of published items, together with relevant correspondence. His correspondence indicates the depth of his involvement in the affairs of particular organisations, notably the Oxford University School of Pathology and the Royal Society. The work of Ethel Florey (née Hayter) and Margaret Augusta Florey (née Fremantle) is also present.

Florey , Howard Walter , 1898-1968 , Baron Florey , pathologist
Folkes, Martin (1690-1754)
GB 0117 MS 250 · 1710-1754

Correspondence, mainly to Martin Folkes on a large variety of subjects, including administrative matters for the Royal Society.

Folkes , Martin , 1690-1754 , antiquary
GB 1538 RCOG/C10 · Fonds · 1949-1952

Correspondence of the Follow-up Survey Sub-committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Population Investigation Committee (PIC) and the Institute of Child Health (University of London), 1949-1952, with some agenda and minutes of the Follow-up Survey Sub-Committee. Also includes applications to the Nuffield Foundation, survey forms and summaries of survey data.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Fordham, Michael (1905-1995)
GB 0120 PP/FOR · 1905-1997

Papers of noted Jungian analyst Michael Fordham, with some papers of his second wife, Frieda Fordham, formerly Hoyle, also an analytical psychotherapist. They include his correspondence with C. G. Jung over a period of several decades and files relating to his work as co-editor of of Jung's published Collected Works, material on the Society of Analytical Psychology (of which Michael Fordham was one of the founders), correspondence with colleagues,and files relating to the infant observation courses at the Tavistock Clinic with which Michael Fordham became involved in later life. There is also a good deal on the evolution of Michael Fordham's ideas, both in his own published and unpublished writings, and in the annotated research material. There is much less surviving material relating to Frieda Fordham's life and career, apart from a substantial amount of correspondence from the years immediately preceding their marriage (PP/FOR/A.3/2), and a few published and unpublished papers (PP/FOR/B.9).

Fordham , Michael Scott Montague , 1905-1995 , analytical psychotherapist Fordham , Frieda , nee Hoyle , 1903-1988 , analytical psychotherapist
GB 0074 CLC/B/084 · Collection · 1947-1997

Records of the Foreign Banks and Securities Houses Association including minutes, correspondence, annual reports, circulars and newsletters. Many of the correspondence files concern matters of general interest to the Association members, such as fraud and money laundering, taxation, liquidity, securities, mergers, foreign exchange and currency, supervision and regulation, banking codes of practice, legislation, and so on.

Access to records less than 30 years old should be sought from the Association of Foreign Banks (contact details may be obtained from staff).

Foreign Banks and Securities Houses Association , 1989-2003 Foreign Banks and Affiliates Association , 1947-1979 Foreign Banks Association , 1979-1989 Association of Foreign Banks , 2003-
Forest School Camps records
GB 0366 FSC · 1917-2003

This catalogue comprises the administrative, financial and committee papers and photographs of the Forest School Camps including minutes of Council meetings, 1953-1989; papers of various committees, 1950-2003; constitution papers and annual reports, 1965-1996, various publications (including New Horizon School Camps, 1962-1977; Newsletter, 1954-1976; Pine Cone New Series, 1986 and 1997-2003; Org 4, 1997-2003; Magazine, 1964-1986; and, the Annual Programme, 1948-2001); camp logs, reports and diaries, 1935-1996; photographs, 1962-1975; interview tapes, 1997; interview transcripts, 1997; 'Our Story' and related papers, 1998-2001; songbooks and dance manuals, 1970s; catering and recipes, 1965-1985; and, guidelines for staff and camp chiefs, 1955-1986.

Forest School Camps
GB 0098 SR-SW · Created 1896-2001 (ongoing)

Records relating to former students of Imperial College, 1896-2001, comprising records of old students, including Rectors' and Registry papers; registers of the Associates and old students of the Royal College of Chemistry, Royal School of Mines and Royal College of Science, 1896; Royal School of Mines, 1920-1961; Royal College of Science, 1909-1951; Central Technical College Old Students' Association reports and members, 1902-1973; City and Guilds College register of students 1884-1934; service lists for Imperial College, 1921; City and Guilds College, 1941-1942 (SR);
records of the Development Office, notably copies of the alumni magazine IC Matters, 1992; papers concerning events held by the Friends of Imperial College, 1991-1998; the Alumnus Office, including alumni address book, 1990; alumni printout, 1935-1985, (SRA);
papers relating to Imperial College mascots, including Boanerges, 1977-1980, Clementine I, II, Jezebel (ST);
papers relating to War Memorials, notably minutes of the Memorial Fund Committee, 1899-1908; Imperial College War Memorial and Athletic Ground Committee, 1919-1922; War Memorials for the City and Guilds College, 1922, 1950-1962; Royal School of Mines, 1948 (SW).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Fothergill Club
GB 1538 S63 · 1957-2000

Papers of the Fothergill Club, 1957-2000, including minutes of meetings and other administrative correspondence relating to attendance of and arrangements for meetings, administrative papers relating to the organisation of overseas visits, and papers relating to recruitment and membership matters.

Fothergill Club
GB 0074 A/FH · Collection · 1741-1979

Records of the Foundling Hospital. The collection consists of over 800 linear feet of shelving, an estimated 8 tons of paper, and over 1000 plans. The completeness of the collection is particularly noteworthy. The officers of the Hospital from the very beginning were extremely meticulous in record keeping and detailed documents survive which record the lives of the children, the way in which the Hospital operated, the methods of nursing, the prescriptions of the apothecary, the reports of the inspectors, the extraordinary accounts of women's lives, and the involvement of leading figures of the day in actively supporting the charity.

A/FH/A/01 Charter, petitions and foundation;
A/FH/A/02 Governors;
A/FH/A/03 Minutes;
A/FH/A/04 Reports;
A/FH/A/05 Agenda books and committee papers;
A/FH/A/06 Secretary: General;
A/FH/A/07 Secretary: Staff;
A/FH/A/08 Secretary: Petitioners;
A/FH/A/09 Secretary: Children, admission and discharge;
A/FH/A/10 Secretary: Children, in the country;
A/FH/A/11 Secretary: Children, being claimed;
A/FH/A/12 Secretary: Children, apprenticeship;
A/FH/A/13 Secretary: Children, other employment;
A/FH/A/14 Secretary: Chapel;
A/FH/A/15 Secretary: Country Hospitals' returns;
A/FH/A/16 Secretary: Estate;
A/FH/A/17 Steward;
A/FH/A/18 Apothecary/Medical department;
A/FH/A/19 Dentist;
A/FH/A/20 Oculist;
A/FH/A/21 Surveyor;
A/FH/A/22 Solicitor;
A/FH/A/23 Schoolmaster;
A/FH/A/24 Porter/Lodge keeper;
A/FH/A/25 Night watchman;
A/FH/A/26 Carpenter;
A/FH/A/27 Engineer;
A/FH/A/28 Tailor;
A/FH/A/29 Matron;
A/FH/A/30 Scullery maids;
A/FH/A/31 Headmistress;
A/FH/A/32 Infants' Headmistress;
A/FH/A/33 Foster parents.

A/FH/B/01 Treasurer;
A/FH/B/02 Treasurer's clerk;
A/FH/B/03 Secretary: General;
A/FH/B/04 Secretary: Governors;
A/FH/B/05 Secretary: Committees;
A/FH/B/06 Secretary: Estate;
A/FH/B/07 Secretary's clerk/assistant;
A/FH/B/08 Steward;
A/FH/B/09 Apothecary;
A/FH/B/10 Surveyor;
A/FH/B/11 Schoolmaster and storekeeper;
A/FH/B/12 Messenger;
A/FH/B/13 Gardener;
A/FH/B/14 Matron;
A/FH/B/15 Domestic Economy School supervisor;
A/FH/B/16 Hostel supervisor.

A/FH/C/01 Benevolent fund;
A/FH/C/02 Whatley fund;
A/FH/C/03 Foundling Hospital Savings Bank;
A/FH/C/04 Superannuation fund.

A/FH/D/01 Ackworth, West Yorkshire;
A/FH/D/02 Shrewsbury, Salop;
A/FH/D/03 Westerham, Kent;
A/FH/D/04 Chester, Cheshire.

A/FH/E/01 Commissioners for paving the estate of the Foundling Hospital;
A/FH/E/02 Brunswick Square Committee;
A/FH/E/03 Caroline and Landsdowne Place Committee;
A/FH/E/04 Mecklerburgh Square Committee;
A/FH/E/05 For paving estates of Thomas Harrison.

A/FH/F/01 Treasurer, Revd. Dr S White;
A/FH/F/02 Treasurer, SC Cox;
A/FH/F/03 Treasurers, GB Gregory and JRB Gregory;
A/FH/F/04 Governor, C Plumley;
A/FH/F/05 Secretary, J Brownlow;
A/FH/F/06 Secretary, WS Wintle;
A/FH/F/07 Preacher, Revd. J Hewlett;
A/FH/F/08 Captain L Grove;
A/FH/F/09 American Loyalist Claims Commission;
A/FH/F/10 CF Eley, musician;
A/FH/F/11 Steward, WC Wills;
A/FH/F/12 H Cooke;
A/FH/F/13 Unidentified;
A/FH/F/14 Secretary, M Lievesley;
A/FH/F/15 Miss Bunbury.

A/FH/G/01 Redevelopment of the Foundling Site;
A/FH/G/02 The Foundling Hospital School, Berkhamsted;
A/FH/G/03 Nurseries and the Child Welfare Centre;
A/FH/G/04 Cross Road Club;
A/FH/G/05 Subject and policy files.

A/FH/H/01 Chancery Case: Attorney General v Foundling Hospital;
A/FH/H/02 Out of custody documents: purchased strays.

A/FH/K/01 General Court fair minutes;
A/FH/K/02 General Committee fair minutes.

A/FH/M/01 Documents and books collected by J Brownlow;
A/FH/M/02 Miscellaneous manuscripts;
A/FH/M/03 Printed material: books, pamphlets and ephemera;
A/FH/M/04 Public events: royal visits, ceremonies, concerts and memorials.

A/FH/Q/01 Records stored at Ackworth.

A/FH/T/01 Thomas Coram Foundation for Children;
A/FH/T/02 Old Coram Association.

A/FH/Y/01 Artefacts.

Foundling Hospital Thomas Coram School x Ashlyn's School Thomas Coram Foundation for Children x Coram Family
FRAENKEL, Elsa (1892-1975)
GB 106 7EFR · Fonds · 1957-1967

The archive consists of photocopies of letters sent to Fraenkel by Pankhurst mainly concerned with an exhibition of the latter's paintings which Elsa organised and which was held in London in 1959. Includes a pastel drawing of Pankhurst by Fraenkel (c.1957).

Fraenkel , Elsa , 1892-1975 , sculptor and artist
Francis Bacon Society
GB 0096 MS1151 · Fonds · 1938

Papers of Francis Bacon Society comprise a letter from Alfred Dodd to Mrs Bayley regarding his Francis Bacon scholarship, 1938.

Francis Bacon Society
GB 0074 ACC/2913 · Collection · 1808

Record of the Freemasons Charity for Female Children comprising notice of meeting of Quarterly General Court, 1808.

Freemasons Charity for Female Children x Royal Masonic Institution for Girls
GB 0074 O/231 · Collection · 1806

Certificate of membership in the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England, 1806.

Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England x Antient Grand Lodge of England
GB 0074 CLC/109 · Collection · 1905-1973

Minute books of the Guildhall Lodge (No. 3116).

United Grand Lodge of England , Guildhall Lodge, No 3116
GB 0074 CLC/007 · Collection · 1767-1981

Records of the Shakespear Lodge, Number 99, comprising bye-laws, minutes, accounts, records of members, correspondence and related papers.


United Grand Lodge of England , Shakespear Lodge, No 99
GB 0120 PP/RKF · 1900-1984

Papers of Rudolph Karl Freudenberg and Gerda Freudenberg relating to psychiatric practice at Netherne Hospital, Freudenberg's involvement with various professional bodies, and his writings on psychiatry, 1930s-1970s.

A. Rudolph Karl Freudenberg's Personalia

1 Personal papers and correspondence; 2 Offprints and publications; 3 Unpublished general papers; 4 Conferences; 5 Files of rough notes; 6 Films

B Netherne Hospital

1 Published articles and reports; 2 External reports on Netherne; 3 Unpublished articles on Netherne (excluding training); 4 Material for training; 5 Netherne Magazines; 6 Committees and meetings; 7 Printed guides; 8 League of Friends and other voluntary help; 9 General planning and memoranda; 10 Day hospitals and hostels; 11 Occupational and industrial therapy; 12 Rehabilitation (wider than purely industrial); 13 Questionnaires and forms; 14 Censuses; 15 Art; 16 Other directly Netherne material; 17 Photographs and slides; 18 Audio tapes; 19 Films; 20 Related material - not specifically Netherne

C Department of Health and Social Security

D Local related bodies

1 Cheshire Home, Wimbledon; 2 Schizophrenia Research Fund; 3 Surrey Council for Mental health; 4 Surrey Group of National Schizophrenia Fellowship; 5 Reigate and District Association for Mental Health; 6 National Association of League of Hospital Friends; 7 Disablement Income Group, Godalming; 8 Share Community Ltd; 9 Surrey Resettlement Ltd; 10 West Lambeth Community Health Council; 11 Industrial Therapy Organisation (Epsom) Ltd; 12 London Borough of Sutton: review of Health and Welfare Services; 13 Orpington Mental Health Association

E Other bodies

1 King Edward's Hospital Fund; 2 Mental Health Research Fund; 3 National Association for Mental Health; 4 Royal Medico-Psychological Association later Royal College of Psychiatrists; 5 Medical Research Council; 6 General Nursing Council 7 The Council for Music in Schools; 8 Council of Europe; 9 World Health Organisation

F General offprints

Freudenberg , Rudolph Karl , 1908-1983 , psychiatrist Freudenberg , Gerda , 1906-1995 , née Vorster , physician
GB 0074 CLC/068 · Collection · 1797-1799

Friendly Society of Common Councilmen minute book.

Friendly Society of Common Councilmen
GB 0096 MS1013 · Fonds · c1914-c1970

Various photographs of Harold Frost taken throughout his life, c 1914-1970; including of Frost in military uniform during the First World War (n.d.); group photo of Boy Scout troop at the annual London Jamboree, 30 Jul 1920; Boy Scout troop taken in Wembley, Middlesex, 1924; Frost in Boy Scout leader uniform taken at Redhill, c1925; Frost sitting in conversation with Reg Lowe in France. 1920; full length photograph of Frost in doorway with medium 'Patty', c1925; head and shoulders photograph of Frost, c1935; twelve head and shoulders portraits of Frost from different angles, c1935; Frost with friends on swinging garden seat in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex (n.d.); altar of church [possibly St Nicholas] decorated for Harvest Festival, Chignall Smealey, Essex 1942; Frost's house while staying in Dacca (n.d.) (2 copies); Frost sitting with locals in Dacca (n.d.); Frost sitting in a local wagon in Dacca (n.d.); Frost's dog 'Samantha' on beach at Wittering, Sussex (n.d.); studio photograph of Frost seated with book, friend standing, c1965; full length photograph of Frost in verger robes at the altar of St Mary's Church, Banbury, c1970; colour photograph of 'Meditation Lane', Chignal Smealey, Chelmsford, Essex (n.d.).

Frost , Harold , 1892-1975 , psychic researcher and verger
GB 0074 CLC/450 · Collection · 1828-1970

Papers of the Gabriel family, timber merchants, including deeds for shares and securities; City of London freedom certificates and Goldsmiths' Company membership papers; and notes on the family history.

Gabriel , family , timber merchants of London
GB 0117 JHG · 1922-1965

Working papers and correspondence of Sir John Henry Gaddum. The scientific material in the collection centres on a run of student and laboratory notebooks for 1922-1965, together with files of notes and calculations on biological assay and other topics. Further papers concentrate on Gaddum's teaching and publications in the form of lecture scripts, typescripts of articles and related correspondence. Material on his administrative work includes correspondence on conferences and organizations, with some Royal Society papers, but also Physiological Society letters, 1936-1941. Non-paper records such as slides and personal souvenirs are also preserved.

Gaddum , Sir , John Henry , 1900-1965 , Knight , pharmacologist
General Optical Council
GB 0120 SA/GOC · 1959-2000

General Optical Council administrative records, 1959-2000: minutes of the meetings of the Council and its various committees including related memos and correspondence, Annual Reports of the Council and Committees, Notices of Motion, Registers of Opticians and Lists of Corporate Bodies.

General Optical Council
GB 1538 M27 · 1961-1962

Correspondence, minutes and the final report, 1961-1962, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Committee on General Practitioner Maternity Units.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GB 1556 WL 591 · Collection · 1930s-1960s

Letters, personal accounts and short articles relating to German Youth Movements from the 1930s through to the 1960s, including 'Kurz Chronik des Bundes der 'Adler & Falken'', by Leopold Harhammer, Feb 1961; 'Die Akademischer Vereinigung Marburg (ab 1955 'Akademische Vereinigung Sodalitas Philippina') 1912 bis 1961', by Wolfgang Kroug, 1961; 'Meine Errinerungen an die Gründung des Bundes Deutscher Wanderer', by Ferdinand Goebel, 1955, and other papers relating to Goebel; letter from leaders of Deutsche Freischar and Schlesische Jungmannschaft to NSDAP, Berlin, 8 May 1933; letter from Heinz Weitzel on the origin of the name Deutsche Freischarr, 18 Sep 1961; Gestapo proscriptions of the Reichsschaft deutscher Pfadfinder, Berlin, May-Jun 1934; 'Errinerungen an Hermann Lietz', by Gustav Wyneken; 'Zur Geschichte Reichsschaft deutscher Pfadfinder', by Heino Kössling; 'Lebensformen und Gestalt der Sächsischen Jungenschaft der Deutschen Freischar', by H.R. Kügler; 'Anschuldigungen und Beschimpfungen gegen die bündische Jugend durch den Reichsjugendführers [ie. Baldur von Schirach] und seine Entgegnung', by Erich Schulz and 'Aufbau, Bewegung und Organisation eines Pfadfinderbundes' with plan, by Karl Wappen.

GB 1556 WL 740 · Collection · 1922-1930

Papers on German Jewish youth organisations, chiefly the Deutsch- Jüdischen Wanderbund, including newsletters, which shed some light on the movement's ideological position, and ephemera, 1 Dec 1922-
26 Feb 1925. Also a report of a discussion evening organised by Arbeitskreis religiöser Jugend für den Frieden, a Berlin-based organisation, attended by representatives and members of various religious groups, 27 May 1930 and advertisement for the Jewish youth advice service, Jüdische Jugendberatung Hamburg.

Deutsch-Jüdischen Wanderbund
GB 0074 ACC/1054 · Collection · 1928-1946

Papers of the Girls' Life Brigade Thames Valley Division, comprising minutes of Divisional Executive meetings, Divisional Annual meetings, and 1st Thames Valley Battalion Council meetings.

Girls' Life Brigade , Thames Valley Division
Glasgow letters of guildry
GB 0096 MS 192 · (1605), 1722

Manuscript volume containing a transcript, 24 Mar 1722, of the Glasgow letters of guildry dated 6 Feb 1606, with the minute of the City Council of 16 Feb confirming them.

GB 0074 CLC/B/017-14 · Collection · 1913

Records of the Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association, comprising a deed of constitution.

Fire Offices' Committee , Glasgow Rate and Salvage Association
GB 0074 CLC/071 · Collection · 1860-1873

Minute books of the Gleaners Literary Club.

Gleaners Literary Club
GB 0113 MS-GLOUM · Fonds · 1788 -1793

Minute book of the Gloucestershire Medical Society, including papers submitted by Edward Jenner and others, 1788-1793.

Gloucestershire Medical Society
Gough, Brian (1909-1999)
GB 0120 GP/62 · 1920s-1990s

Papers of Dr Brian Gough, 1920s-1990s, comprising personal, professional and patient correspondence, including material about local institutions with which he was involved, and on his interests in medical history.

Gough , Wilfred Brian , 1909-1999 , general practitioner and anaesthetist
GB 0074 CLC/B/103 · Collection · 1882-1972

Records of predecessors of the Grain and Free Trade Association, as follows:

Cattle Feeding Stuffs Central Advisory Committee;
Edible Oil Association;
London Oil and Tallow Trades Association;
London Cattle Food Trade Association;
London Copra Association;
London Corn Exchange Importers' Association;
London Corn Trade Association;
London Port Area Grain Committee;
National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers;
National Federation of Corn Trade Associations;
United Associations Limited;
National Lubricating Oil and Grease Federation.

The records include minutes and agendas, financial accounts, cash books, ledgers, papers relating to arbitration and appeals, registers of members and samples books.

GB 0074 ACC/2712/GTS · Collection · 1591-1975

Records of the Great Synagogue, consisting of minutes of the Committee of the Great Synagogue; Vestry minutes; Financial Committee minutes; Building Committee minutes; laws and rules of the Great Synagogue; letter books; wills and bequests; registers of distribution of unleavened bread at Passover and of Passover flour; title deeds for property at Duke's Place; financial accounts; financial accounts of the Burial Society; papers relating to charities; notices and circulars; and registers of kethubot [marriage contracts] and chalitzah undertakings.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

Great Synagogue
GB 0074 ACC/2863 · Collection · 1922-1990

Records of the Great Western (London) Housing Association, covering the association's creation in 1923 to its dissolution in 1990. They include a complete run of forty two volumes of minute books and annual reports.

Great Western (London) Housing Association
GB 0074 ACC/1337 · Collection · 1903-1975

Records of the Greater London Council (GLC) Staff Dramatic Club. The collection comprises a complete series of minute books from 1903, financial accounts, scrapbooks of programmes, notices, reviews, a rehearsal register and correspondence.

Greater London Council (Staff) Dramatic Club
GB 0100 KCLCA MGA/GRF · 1947-1984

Records, 1947-1984, of the League for Democracy in Greece Relief Committee and its successor the Greek Relief Fund, including minutes; administrative, legal and financial material; correspondence with donors and with organisations including branches of the Red Cross, relief funds, and pro-Greek democracy organisations in various overseas countries; material relating to appeals for funds for relief work; press cuttings on the visit of Queen Frederika of Greece to Britain, 1963; papers relating to visits to Greece and to conferences on Greece, including a draft paper, 1979, by Diana Pym on 'The British Philhellenic Movement, 1944-1974'; correspondence concerning the archives of the League for Democracy in Greece; and winding up of the Greek Relief Fund, 1984. The bulk of the material pertains to recipients of aid, including correspondence, and the papers are relevant to the resistance activities and prison records of individual Greeks opposed to the regime in Greece.

League for Democracy in Greece , Great Britain and Northern Ireland , Relief Committee Greek Relief Fund , Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Greenham Common Collection
GB 106 5GCC · Fonds · 1982-1983

The 'archive' consisted of periodicals: Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp News' (1 issue, 1983); pamphlets (1982-1983), ephemera including leaflets and circulars (1982-1983); Press cuttings (1982-1983), badges.

Nelson , Jayne , Greenham Common Activist
Greenough Papers
GB 0103 GREENOUGH · 1794-1855

Papers of George Bellas Greenough, 1794-1855, falling into three broad sections: papers connected with his work, personal papers, and correspondence. They are hierarchically divided into nine series: published works; societies of which Greenough was president; travels; fields of interest; learned and scientific institutions and clubs with which he was associated; personal history; papers relating to his friends; acquired papers; and correspondence, relating mainly to geology or to some other aspect of Greenough's work. Greenough kept many series of notebooks and memorandum books into which he copied the notes he had jotted down in conversation or when reading. The 'Personal History' section contains little biographical or family data, although Greenough's early efforts in poetry, prose and translation from the Greek are well represented, and there are papers relating to his house, his garden and his investments. There are few letters to his friends.

Greenough , George Bellas , 1778-1855 , geographer and geologist
GREGORY, Samuel (1802-1858)
GB 0074 CLC/455 · Collection · 1836-[1858]

These records were compiled or annotated by Samuel Gregory in the mid-19th century. They comprise: the "Lord Mayor's autograph book" which contains the original signature of every Lord Mayor from 1657 to the present date; notes and cuttings relating to Lord Mayors, Chamberlains, Recorders and aldermen; history and notes relating to liverymen of the Barber Surgeons Company; drawings of merchants' marks; and miscellaneous manuscript and printed items compiled by Gregory.

Gregory , Samuel , 1802-1858 , attorney and antiquarian
GB 0366 GRT · Collection · 1971-2001

Papers of the Group Relations Training Association (GTRA), 1971-2001, comprising GTRA publications including leaflets; fliers for special events, 1983-1990; Annual General Meeting notices and reports, 1983-1986; Calendar of Events, 1983-1986; Newsletter, 1973, 1983-1992; conference fliers, 1983-1984 and 1993-1994; Annual Training Laboratory fliers, 1983-1991; Bulletin, 1976-1988; 'Group Relations', 1989-1992 and 'The Groupvine', 1992-1995. Papers relating to conferences, mainly comprising committee minutes, planning materials and conference notes, 1971-1988. Papers relating to the Training Labs including on finance, correspondence, membership and applications, 1981-1995. Papers relating to the Executive Committee including minutes and papers on membership and publicity, 1971-1989. Papers on GTRA events including 'The gift relationship', at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1981; 'Women and men' workshop, 1981; 'Mini-Society' event at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1983; 'Mini-economy' event at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1985; 'Mini-economy II' event, 1986 (cancelled) and Berlin Summer School ('Men and women in groups'), 1987. Cassette tapes, including of an interview with Cary Cooper on T groups, 13 Mar 1986; a GRTA Workshop, 2 Sep 1983 and a rehearsal for GRTA Conference, 1985. Academic papers on training groups including PhD thesis by Nod Miller 1989, 'Personal experience, adult learning and social research: developing a sociological imagination in and beyond the T-Group' (University of Manchester) and MSc in Group Relations thesis by Guy Marsden Wareing 2001, 'Pilgrim's Process: making sense of experiential group events through narrative accounts of participants' (University of the West of England, Bristol).

Group Relations Training Association