Manuscript volume, dated 1471: Sammelhandschrift, a collection of miscellaneous texts, comprising
(1) Calendar for the year 1471 (German), followed by instructions for use and chapters on the zodiac, the seven planets, the four 'complexions', blood-letting, etc, with plain and coloured ink illustrations (some incomplete) (ff 1v-92v);
(2) Aristotelis Brief Am Kunig Alexander (letter purported to have been written by Aristotle to King Alexander, offering advice on his health, in prose and in verse, in fact part of one of Aristotle's suppositious works, the Secreta Secretorum) (ff 93r-106v);
(3) Calendar for 1439, 1458, 1477 and 1496 (Latin), accompanied by astronomical chapters, with tables and instructions for use (ff 109v-130r);
(4) Elucidarus (a summary of Christian theology by Honorius Augustodunensis, in the form of a dialogue) (ff 131r-159r);
(5) Epistel Des Juden Samuel (epistle of the Jew Samuel) (ff 160r-186v).
The content of the two calendars, (1) and (3), is nearly identical.
Folios 107r-109r, 130v, 159v and 187r-187v are blank.
Signed by the scribe, Nicholas Pfaldorffer (f 106v).The guards in the centre of each quire consist of strips cut from a 13th-century manuscript. Folio 188r has a 16th-century house charm, consisting of words taken from the Antiphon of St Agatha.
Manuscript volume, 15th century, consisting of two, originally independent, manuscripts: sermons of St Bernard, and a collection of miscellaneous sermons.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, 12th century, comprising a collection of sermons and other liturgical texts.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, 15th century, containing Johannes Nieder's '24 Golden Harps' (incomplete).
Sin títuloFifteenth-century manuscript volume containing a calendar for the year 1439, followed by tables, giving the golden number, etc, and also including signs of the zodiac and instructions for blood-letting. This translation of the calendar made by Hanns Gemund (or Johann Gmund, or Jean de Gamundia) in 1439 probably dates from c1470. The back of the binding bears the inscription: MS. Gamundia Kolender, Wien 1439. On folio 1*v is an extract from a catalogue describing the manuscript (in French).
Sin títuloManuscript volume [1620s]: Christoph Kotter's 'Mystisches Manuskript', comprising declarations of mystical experiences made before the civic and ecclesiastical authorities of the town of Sprottau. With 20 pen drawings of visions in the text.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, late 15th century, containing an exempla: Tales of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Saints. Incomplete. Written in Guelderland or Overysel, probably in the neighbourhood of Deventer.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, 15th century, containing St Bonaventure's 'Leggenda di S Francesco' (Life of St Francis).
Sin títuloManuscript volume, 15th century, containing institutes of a congregation of canons, comprising a prologue, 15 institutes, and a commentary after each institute in one or more chapters, 37 in all. The name of the congregation is not given, but institutes are apparently those of the canons of St George in Alga, Venice. Folio 1 bears a later table of the chapters. Folios 13v-14v are blank.
Sin títuloFifteenth-century manuscript volume containing a calendar for the year 1424 (wanting January) and instructions for using the tables.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, apparently dating from 1425, containing a dictionary of medical terms and other treatises. Marginal comments throughout, 16th-17th century, including medicinal recipes, the entries frequently stating the name of the person who found them beneficial and the date. The fly-leaf bears text of theological content in a 13th-century script.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, 15th century, containing Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini's 'Facetiae', a collection of humorous tales, mostly anti-clerical in content.
Sin títuloManuscript volume, perhaps 18th century: 'Decreta et Epistolae Ex Ordine S. Francisci de Doctrina Molinae' (decrees and letters from the order of St Francis concerning the doctrine of Molina), containing two 'decreta', one epistle, and 'Lectori Monitum ab Autore hujus Epistolae' (warning to the reader from the author of this letter).
Sin títuloManuscript volume, probably 15th or 16th century, 'Chyromantia et Natura Planetarum', a treatise on palmistry (chiromancy), including 21 colour diagrams of hands and symbols. Bound with a number of later printed works, including Thomas Hill's The Schoole of Skil (T Iudson for W Iaggard, London, 1599).
Sin títuloBiblia Latina: fourteenth-century Latin Bible. An insert pasted inside (f 1*r), dated 1859, details the manuscript's later history.
Sin títuloFive letters from Sir William Jenner to Dr Charles John Hare, discussing his appointment (presumably as royal physician), 1861; referring to a charitable donation, 1867; news of his family and house, 1890; on admitting women to the College (University College London), opposing the admission of women to the profession, and family news, 1895; and discussing Hare's lectures and other matters, mentioning the Queen and referring to practical arrangements relating to Jenner's whereabouts (undated). Press cutting, including an obituary of Hare from the British Medical Journal, 1898.
Sin títuloManuscript Mahzor containing Jewish festival prayers for the whole year according to the Italian rite, with some additional prayers and ceremonies. On the last two leaves there are signatures of censors: Jacob Geraldino, 1555; Caesar Bellicosus, undated; Camillo Jaghel, 1619; Antonio Franc Enrique, 1688.
Sin títuloManuscript Samaritan service book [1788-1789].
Sin títuloAgreements re appointment of John Ohren of Lower Sydenham as general manager and engineer-in-chief to the Montevideo Gas Company Ltd, Uruguay, 1887, and deeds re change of name of Ohren family to Ovington, 1891.
Sin títuloPapers of and relating to George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair), 1875-[1997], comprising manuscripts and typescripts, 1917-1959 (Ref: A); literary notebooks, 1939-[1949] (Ref: B); Spanish Civil War material, 1936-1939 (Ref: C); general notebooks, 1943-[1950] (Ref: D); political diaries, 1938-1942 (Ref: E); domestic diaries, 1938-1948 (Ref: F); letters from Orwell, 1911-1949 (Ref: G); letters to Orwell, 1928-1950 (Ref: H); associated material, 1935-1949 (Ref: I); personalia, 1903-1971 (Ref: J); Eileen Blair papers [1920s]-1967 (Ref: K); family papers, 1875-1968 (Ref: L); posthumous material, 1950-1972 (Ref: M); proofs, 1932-1953 (Ref: N); radio scripts, 1943-1957 (Ref: O); adaptation scripts and screenplays of Orwell's work, 1952-1986 (Ref: P); documentary scripts, 1946-1983, of recorded interviews about Orwell (Ref: Q); audio-visual cassettes, 1983-[1997], about Orwell and his work (Ref: R); Sonia Orwell papers, 1937-1977 (Ref: S); photographs, 1893-1984 (Ref: T).
Sin títuloPapers of Lionel Sharples Penrose, 1806-1974, comprising personal papers relating to Penrose and his family, 1806-1974; papers relating to the professional training, medical, scientific and voluntary work of Penrose, 1918-1972; letters, mainly to Penrose, 1915-1973.
Sin títuloArchives of the Peruvian Corporation, 1849-1967, comprising the surviving records accumulated at the London Office of the Peruvian Corporation. The bulk of the collection is an accumulation of files, most of which are dated after 1930, with a large proportion dating from the last ten years of the Corporation's history. Of more special note is the unusual series of photograph albums, with photographs of railways, scenery, locomotives and rolling stock dating from the early years of the 20th century. It is clear that the Corporation regularly destroyed groups of non-current records, and further papers were destroyed just before the collection reached the Library, so many expected series do not appear (for example, there are very few financial records). Apart from a full series of Annual Reports and some legal documents, there is very little material relating to the Peruvian Bondholders' Committee or to the early days of the Corporation.
Sin títuloThe collection contains correspondence and papers of Sir William Ramsay and of Morris W Travers. The bound volumes contain letters to Ramsay, chronologically arranged by Travers, and copies of related printed papers. The remaining Ramsay papers are grouped according to their contents: laboratory notebooks, lecture notes, miscellaneous papers and published works. Professor Travers grouped Ramsay's published scientific papers into ten 'volumes'. Travers's own papers are divided into two main sections: firstly papers relating to his work on Ramsay, including various papers having some bearing on Ramsay's work and material concerning his arrangement of the Ramsay papers; and secondly papers relating to Travers' own career, including papers on awards and distrinctions, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.
Sin títuloRecords of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, 1840-1958, comprising reports, accounts, minutes, cash books, agreements and other business records, and including some records of the Australasian Pacific Mail Steam Packet Company, Nelson Line, and the Australian Royal Mail Steam Packet Company.
Sin títuloRecords, 1872, of Rosario and Cordova Water Works Company, comprising prospectus, memorandum of association, and contract for acquisition of concession and construction of works, with plans attached.
Sin títuloProspectuses for mortgages, debentures, shares, and other forms of capital issued by asset managers J Henry Schröder Company for the construction of various Latin America infrastructure including railroads and cities. The prospectuses have been listed for each company, which were formed to improve infrastructure in Peru, Chile, Cuba, Argentina and Brazil.
Sin títuloThe collection contains correspondence, diaries, travel journals, accounts, library catalogues and commonplace books of the Kenrick, Reid, Rogers and Sharpe families, which all help to complete the picture of the four related families. The correspondence covers many topics and is especially interesting on three counts: first, for the many letters from eminent men and women; second, for the range and depth of discussion and exchange of ideas on literary, artistic, religious and philosophical matters; and third, for the day-to-day letters written between parent and child over several generations, which provide a detailed account of family life during the period.
Sin títuloPapers, 1942-c1970, of Patrick Smith, largely typescript dispatches or transcripts for broadcasts for the BBC on foreign affairs from various locations where he was stationed, and including material on World War Two, and on affairs in the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Sin títuloVolume of 35 letters from Jeremy Bentham to Leicester Stanhope, 1823-1831, on topics including the transmission of Bentham's 'Constitutional Code' to Greece; Greek deputies sent to London to raise money for the Greek cause; the reform of government in British India; an account of Bentham's foundation of the Law Reform Association and Bentham's involvement with the Westminster Review. The letters include references to Francis Burdett, Daniel O'Connell, John Bowring; Colonel John Young, Ram Mohun Roy and Joseph Hume.
Sin títuloMinute book, 1920-1921, of the Tlahualilo Agricultural Company and the Mexican Cotton Estates of Tlahualilo Ltd Holding Company, Trustees.
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