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HAYTER, Dianne, fl 1977-1998, Fabian Society activist
GB 0097 HAYTER · Coleção · 1977-1998

Papers relating to Dianne Hayter's involvement with the Fabian Society, 1977-1998, including agendas and minutes of the Executive Committee, Research and Publications Committee, Conferences and Political Activities Committee and the Annual General Meeting, 1987-1993; correspondence concerning the Fabian financial crisis and SDP split, 1981-1982; agenda and minutes of the Executive Committee and related correspondence, 1986-1987; agendas and minutes of the Finances and General Purposes Committee, Research and Publications Committee, 1992-1998; correspondence concerning the "Fabian Appeal", 1992-1996; correspondence concerning appointment of the General Secretary, 1993; correspondence concerning the Fabian Archer Committee, 1992-1993; Dulwich discussion documents (papers provided as a basis for debate by members of the Dulwich Fabian Society), 1980s.

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GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

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GB 0097 MILL-TAYLOR · Coleção · 1817-1918

Correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Helen Taylor concerning the publication and translation of John Stuart Mill's works and correspondence, the Moral Reform Union, women's suffrage, the social position and education of women, the London School Board and education, literary work, the land question, political questions, Irish affairs, miscellaneous public interests, and private correspondence; letters of appreciation and criticism of John Stuart Mill's work and character, and of sympathy on his death; other miscellaneous letters concerning John Stuart Mill; additional correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Harriet Taylor and other members of the Taylor family; material relating to honorary degrees, society memberships, etc. conferred on John Stuart Mill; note books, etc. of John Stuart Mill, including botanical notebooks; writings by Helen Taylor, including "Limits of Local Government", "Municipal Vote etc", and her diaries; letters, speeches and articles by and concerning John Stuart Mill, extracted from newspapers and periodicals; miscellaneous papers of John Stuart Mill, Helen Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and others; and photographs and press cuttings.

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VAUGHAN-MORGAN, John Kenyon (1905-1995) Baron Reigate, MP
GB 0097 REIGATE · Coleção · 1890s-1990s

Papers of John Vaughan-Morgan, Baron Reigate, including correspondence, personal papers, family papers, including relating to his family history, photographs (some from the 1890s), press cuttings, and financial papers (including valuations of antiques, paintings, etc).

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Regional Studies Association
GB 0097 RSA · Coleção · 1965-2003

Papers of the Regional Studies Association, 1965-2003, including annual reports; annual General Meeting papers; conference documents, including lists of participants, papers and financial records; branch papers; Study Group papers; European Urban and Regional Research Network papers; membership records; newsletters; Regional Studies (journal).

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Young Liberals
GB 0097 YOUNG LIBERALS · Coleção · 1930s-1994

Papers of the youth and student groups of the Liberal and Liberal Democrat parties, 1930s-1990s, including: Union of Liberal Students papers, 1980s, including: mailings; conference papers; financial records; papers on local groups; and, press releases. Young Liberals papers, 1958-1980s (mainly 1970s-1980s), including: constitution, 1975; minutes; conference papers; newsletters; leaflets and other publications. Student Liberal Democrats office files, 1930s-1980s (but only a few items before the 1980s). Papers of Ruth Coleman mainly relating to the Young Liberals and Liberal Students, 1970s-1994.

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British Sociological Association
GB 0097 BSA · Coleção · c1952-c2002

Minutes of the Executive Committee, the finance committee, and related subcommittees; AGM papers; membership registers; material relating to study groups, publications and Summer Schools; conference papers; administrative files; and material relating to relationships with external bodies, the Social Science Research Council, the teachers' section, the Scottish branch and the newsletter.

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Kindred of the Kibbo Kift
GB 0097 KK · Coleção · 1919-1993

Papers of the Kibbo Kift Kindred, the Green Shirt Movement for Social Credit, and the Social Credit Party, 1919-[1989], notably administrative material, 1928-1932, including the Kinlaw with suggested improvements, reports and minutes of the Kin Council, constitutional papers, and mandates and charters of individual members and clans; material concerning rituals, vestments and totems, 1923-1930, including correspondence and designs; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Kindred, 1924-[1932]; administrative material of the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party, 1932-1951, comprising annual reports, minutes and papers of the National Assembly, the Consultative Council and the Executive Council, and membership records; correspondence of the General Secretary and other officials, 1929-1952; correspondence and files on particular subjects, 1932-1951, including Social Credit, the Public Order Act, and SCP candidates in the general elections of 1935 and 1950; publications and propaganda for all three organisations, 1921-1950, also including drafts of articles, song sheets and poems, play scripts, and newspaper cuttings; correspondence with, and material on, other social credit organisations, 1933-1949; papers of individual members, 1921-1951; photographs of Kibbo Kift activities, [1921-1931], including photographs taken by Angus Rowland McBean; photographs relating to the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party, [1933-1950]; sound recordings, [1979], including interviews with John and Diana Hargrave relating to the Kibbo Kift; printed materials and periodicals, 1919-1965; photocopies of books by John Hargrave, 1924-1964; material deposited by the Kibbo Kift Foundation concerning its inception, history and continuing activities, 1976-[1989], such as photographs of Kibbo Kift activities taken by Angus Rowland McBean.
Also two additional accessions deposited in 2002:
M3153: Additional correspondence and papers relating to the Kibbo Kift, the Social Credit movement and John Hargrave. Also papers relating to the foundation of the Kibbo Kift Foundation, 1921-1993.
M3135: The Log of the Vagari Lodge of the Kibbo Kift and related papers, 1930-1982.

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Royal Economic Society
GB 0097 RES · Coleção · 1890-2005

Minute books, cash books, ledgers, registers of members and the Seal, 1890-1980; papers relating to the Economic Journal including: management files; correspondence with contributors; and, published and rejected articles; set of the Economic Journal, 1891-2004; Austin Robinson files regarding RES, including a list of fellows (1906), files from the 1940s-1950s, and, files relating to the revision of the bye-laws in 1967; Donald Winch files regarding RES, 1959-2005; 'The works and correspondence of David Ricardo', volumes 1-11, Piero Sraffa with the collaboration of M H Dobb (eds.), 1966.

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GB 0097 SECTION F · Coleção · 1973-1998

The records of Section F principally concern the annual conferences of the British Association and the involvement of the Section in them, 1973-1998.

The bulk of the collection consists of files which mostly contain correspondence and minutes. They also include programmes for the conferences, publishing contracts, financial accounts, draft copies of articles and lectures.

In addition to these files, there is a selection of the publications which were produced by Section F, including some of the publications of the proceedings of Section F at the annual conferences of the British Association. Finally there are various exhibits which were part of the 'British Economists' exhibition by Leslie Smyth at the University of Keele.

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GB 0097 BOHM · Coleção · 1920s -1990s

Papers, mainly relating to Dr Anne Bohm's post as External Relations Consultant to the London School of Economics, 1920s-1990s. The papers include reports on visits and correspondence regarding setting up associations and friends groups, 1970s-1980s. In addition, there are some programmes for plays, ballet and concerts, and some lecture notes on George Bernard Shaw, 1920s-1940s. Most files relate to an individual country and include: reports on visits; correspondence regarding policy, setting up associations, friends groups, and similar; lists of donors; programmes of visits.

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TACEY, Charles A (fl 1920-1982)
GB 0097 TACEY · Coleção · 1928-1982

Papers of C A Tacey, [1928-1982], including material relating to the Social Credit Party and the Kibbo Kift Kindred, 1928-1982, notably Kibbo Kift songbooks, a biographical essay on John Hargrave, press cuttings, leaflets, pamphlets and journals.

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Woodcraft Folk
GB 0097 WF · Coleção · 1910-1989

YMA/WF: papers of the Woodcraft Folk, 1910-1975, including yearbooks and annual reports, 1928-1973; administrative material, 1930-1972, notably agenda and minutes of National Delegate Conferences, the National Folk Council and its various committees, membership details, and financial papers such as account books, paysheets and correspondence; general correspondence, 1929-1972, on subjects including the Public Order Act, Folk organisation during World War Two, conscientious objection, and the organisation of campsites; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Folk, 1938-1956, notably papers concerning National Training Camps, tests and badges; correspondence and papers concerning the National Folkhouse, 1938-1958; publications and propaganda, [1926-1965], also including song sheets, play scripts, draft articles and newspaper cuttings; correspondence and papers concerning relations with other organisations, 1929-1972, notably the Co-operative Union; material relating to international activities, 1931-1975, including correspondence with international youth groups, participation in international children's camps and European conferences; papers relating to local Woodcraft Folk groups, 1924-1973; papers of individual Folk, [1925-1975]; photographs of Folk activities, 1938-1971; printed materials and periodicals, 1910-1973. (114 boxes).

YMA/WF/2003 (accessions M3199 and M3204): Additional papers of the Woodcraft Folk, including minutes, annual reports, correspondence, publications, photographs, c 1929-c 1989 (80 boxes).

YMA/WF/2005 (accession M3293): Papers of the Woodcraft Folk: Mount Pleasant Group, 1970s (1 box).

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