Identity area
Reference code
- 1910-1989 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
c 195 boxes
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
The Woodcraft Folk broke away from the Kibbo Kift and founded their own group in 1925. They were mainly composed of the South London Co-operative Groups who withdrew from the Kibbo Kift Kindred in 1924. Although they continued with the same principles of woodcraft training and recapitulation they were a more democratic group with an international outlook. They were closely associated with the Co-operative Movement and a member of the International Falcon Movement and the Socialist Educational International. The group is still in existence.
Archival history
GB 0097 WF 1910-1989 Collection c 195 boxes Woodcraft Folk
The Woodcraft Folk broke away from the Kibbo Kift and founded their own group in 1925. They were mainly composed of the South London Co-operative Groups who withdrew from the Kibbo Kift Kindred in 1924. Although they continued with the same principles of woodcraft training and recapitulation they were a more democratic group with an international outlook. They were closely associated with the Co-operative Movement and a member of the International Falcon Movement and the Socialist Educational International. The group is still in existence.
Originally part of the Youth Movement Archive (YMA). The Youth Movement Archive was established in 1973 at University College, Cardiff. The archives of the Kibbo Kift Kindred, the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party were placed in the College Library in 1978, with a further deposit in [1982]. The papers of the Woodcraft Folk were deposited by them in 1978. Papers of C J Hunt were deposited in 1982 by his executors and the Douglas Literary Trust. The entire Youth Movement Archive was transferred to the British Library of Political and Economic Science in 1984, with further material being given in 1986 and 1987. Further material was deposited by the Kibbo Kift Foundation in 1986 and 1989, and by C A Tacey in 1988. The archives making up the YMA were disaggregated in 2008 into separate collections in order to facilitate their management and promotion.
YMA/WF: papers of the Woodcraft Folk, 1910-1975, including yearbooks and annual reports, 1928-1973; administrative material, 1930-1972, notably agenda and minutes of National Delegate Conferences, the National Folk Council and its various committees, membership details, and financial papers such as account books, paysheets and correspondence; general correspondence, 1929-1972, on subjects including the Public Order Act, Folk organisation during World War Two, conscientious objection, and the organisation of campsites; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Folk, 1938-1956, notably papers concerning National Training Camps, tests and badges; correspondence and papers concerning the National Folkhouse, 1938-1958; publications and propaganda, [1926-1965], also including song sheets, play scripts, draft articles and newspaper cuttings; correspondence and papers concerning relations with other organisations, 1929-1972, notably the Co-operative Union; material relating to international activities, 1931-1975, including correspondence with international youth groups, participation in international children's camps and European conferences; papers relating to local Woodcraft Folk groups, 1924-1973; papers of individual Folk, [1925-1975]; photographs of Folk activities, 1938-1971; printed materials and periodicals, 1910-1973. (114 boxes).
YMA/WF/2003 (accessions M3199 and M3204): Additional papers of the Woodcraft Folk, including minutes, annual reports, correspondence, publications, photographs, c 1929-c 1989 (80 boxes).
YMA/WF/2005 (accession M3293): Papers of the Woodcraft Folk: Mount Pleasant Group, 1970s (1 box).
Main collection arranged in sections as follows: Yearbooks and reports, 1928-1973; Althings, National Delegate Conferences and Annual Delegate Conferences; Councils and Committees; Administration (General); Finance; Membership; Education; National Folkhouse; Folk Supply; Publications and Propaganda; Relations with other organisations; International activities; Camps, conferences and visits; General correspondence and files; Local Woodcraft Folk groups; Papers of individual folk; Photographs; Periodicals; Other printed material, 1910-1944.
Most items can be photocopied, subject to handling and copyright restrictions. No material may be published without the prior permission of both the copyright holder and the Library. All applications for publication must be made to the Archivist in the first instance, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user.
Detailed catalogue available for main collection; some additional information available for additional accessions.
Sources: Copied from LSE Archives CALM database by Anna Towlson.
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
Mar 2008 Wars (events) Associations Co-operative Union Education International conflicts Leisure Leisure time activities Organizations War Woodcraft Folk World wars (events) World War Two (1939-1945) Youth organizations
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Originally part of the Youth Movement Archive (YMA). The Youth Movement Archive was established in 1973 at University College, Cardiff. The archives of the Kibbo Kift Kindred, the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party were placed in the College Library in 1978, with a further deposit in [1982]. The papers of the Woodcraft Folk were deposited by them in 1978. Papers of C J Hunt were deposited in 1982 by his executors and the Douglas Literary Trust. The entire Youth Movement Archive was transferred to the British Library of Political and Economic Science in 1984, with further material being given in 1986 and 1987. Further material was deposited by the Kibbo Kift Foundation in 1986 and 1989, and by C A Tacey in 1988. The archives making up the YMA were disaggregated in 2008 into separate collections in order to facilitate their management and promotion.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
YMA/WF: papers of the Woodcraft Folk, 1910-1975, including yearbooks and annual reports, 1928-1973; administrative material, 1930-1972, notably agenda and minutes of National Delegate Conferences, the National Folk Council and its various committees, membership details, and financial papers such as account books, paysheets and correspondence; general correspondence, 1929-1972, on subjects including the Public Order Act, Folk organisation during World War Two, conscientious objection, and the organisation of campsites; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Folk, 1938-1956, notably papers concerning National Training Camps, tests and badges; correspondence and papers concerning the National Folkhouse, 1938-1958; publications and propaganda, [1926-1965], also including song sheets, play scripts, draft articles and newspaper cuttings; correspondence and papers concerning relations with other organisations, 1929-1972, notably the Co-operative Union; material relating to international activities, 1931-1975, including correspondence with international youth groups, participation in international children's camps and European conferences; papers relating to local Woodcraft Folk groups, 1924-1973; papers of individual Folk, [1925-1975]; photographs of Folk activities, 1938-1971; printed materials and periodicals, 1910-1973. (114 boxes).
YMA/WF/2003 (accessions M3199 and M3204): Additional papers of the Woodcraft Folk, including minutes, annual reports, correspondence, publications, photographs, c 1929-c 1989 (80 boxes).
YMA/WF/2005 (accession M3293): Papers of the Woodcraft Folk: Mount Pleasant Group, 1970s (1 box).
System of arrangement
Main collection arranged in sections as follows: Yearbooks and reports, 1928-1973; Althings, National Delegate Conferences and Annual Delegate Conferences; Councils and Committees; Administration (General); Finance; Membership; Education; National Folkhouse; Folk Supply; Publications and Propaganda; Relations with other organisations; International activities; Camps, conferences and visits; General correspondence and files; Local Woodcraft Folk groups; Papers of individual folk; Photographs; Periodicals; Other printed material, 1910-1944.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Most items can be photocopied, subject to handling and copyright restrictions. No material may be published without the prior permission of both the copyright holder and the Library. All applications for publication must be made to the Archivist in the first instance, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
Detailed catalogue available for main collection; some additional information available for additional accessions.
Access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
- English