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Description archivistique
Staff records of Imperial College
GB 0098 GS, GT · Created 1907-2000 (ongoing)

Records relating to Imperial College staff, 1907-2000, comprising administrative, staff clubs and association records, namely staff handbooks, 1963-1973; terms of service, 1918-1963; correspondence relating to superannuation schemes, 1909-1971, including City and Guilds College, 1912-1925; absence regulations, 1929-1939; gratuities, 1931-1971 (GSA);
papers relating to Chairs and Readerships, including correspondence relating to inaugural lectures policy, 1955; lectureships, 1967-1969; Academic and related Staff Joint Committee, 1976-1977; retirement arrangements, 1955-1982; Student Demonstrators, 1973-1979; lists of Research Assistants, 1921-1967; papers relating to Pro-Rectors, 1956-1980; minutes and papers of the Deans and Advisory Committee, 1942-1957, including papers relating to the office of Dean, 1958-1966, wardens' posts, 1957-1984; papers of the Fellowships and Emeritus Professorships Committee, 1932-1979; correspondence of the Honorary Associateship of Imperial College, 1936-1980; papers of the Academic Staff Assembly, including minutes, 1971-1977, correspondence, 1970-1975; papers of the Working Group on the Federal University, 1975-1978;
Canteen Committee minutes, 1960-1962; papers relating to secretaries and clerical staff, 1940-1969; correspondence with the Holland Club, including a history, 1956-1973; correspondence relating to the Newsletter, 1955-1971; Rector's Bulletin, 1950-1971; Rectors' papers, 1938-1981; papers relating to Technical Staff, notably Technician's Committee, including minutes, 1949-1966; University of London sub-committee on training, 1963-1971; pensions, 1955-1968; Training committee, including minutes, 1950-1976; appointments and promotions, 1967-1970; laboratory assistants, 1907-1909 (GSJ);
papers relating to Departmental Superintendants, including minutes, 1962-1970; religious services, 1963-1975; Staff Christian Association, 1955-1972; personnel notes and circulars, 1986-2000; correspondence relating to the Consort Club, 1965-1978; Yacht Club, 1968-1978; Imperial College Wive's Club (later Women's Club), 1975-1998;
papers relating to staff working for external bodies, 1939-1977; correspondence with St Mary's Hospital concerning patents and royalties, 1958-1959; papers relating to the representation of the College at Congresses, 1950-1958; National Fruit and Cider Institute Governing Body, 1925-1983 (GTR).

Sans titre
DAVIES, Donald Watts (1924-2000)
GB 0098 B/DAVIES, D.W. · Created 1936- 2004

Biographical material is not extensive. An overall sense of Davies's life and work is provided by the contents of his 'Personal' folder of biographical notes, curricula vitae, lists of publications, examples of projects undertaken, etc. There is a little material recording Davies's schooling and university education and some documentation of his career. An unusual insight into the companies for which Davies acted and individuals with whom he came into contact later in his career is given by a collection of his business cards, some annotated. Also documented in this section is Davies's interest in various types of puzzles. There is a little posthumous material, including obituaries. As a number of biographical papers have been retained in family hands, some of the material is photocopy only.

Research material forms the largest part of the collection. These materials were found in Davies's labelled 'transfer cases' or box files which form the basic unit of organisation. There is a sequence of 'Notes of Miscellaneous Scientific Work', covering an extended period, 1952-1996. The contents of many of the containers relate to Davies's security interests with material from 1970s onwards, for example 'Data Security MS Notes', 1978-1984 and 'Public Key Ciphers' (two containers), 1970-1997. Papers relating to packet switching are to be found in Section F Historical Topics.

Papers relating to lectures and publications, presents sequences of papers designated by Davies as either lectures of publications. The lectures sequence covers a relatively short period, 1990-1995, and relates to computer history and security questions. The publications material covers a much more extended period, 1956-2000, and includes off prints, photocopied papers and copies of the journals in which publications by Davies appeared. There may be additional material relating to Davies's lectures and publications in other sections of the catalogue, especially Research and Historical topics and Correspondence.

Societies and organisations, is not an extensive section, comprising just four bodies, covering the period 1987-2000: British Computer Society, International Council for Computer Communication (ICCC), Royal Society and Worshipful Company of Information Technologists.

Papers relating to consultancies, provides documentation, 1986-1998, relating to a small number of consultancies which Davies held after his retirement from the National Physics Laboratory.

Papers relating to historical topics, presents important documentation of some of Davies's most important research, such as packet switching, as well as interest he pursued in his spare time such as Second World War cipher machines. These materials were found in Davies's labelled 'transfer cases' or box files which form the basic unit of organisation. There are interesting records relating to early computers organised in relation to a meeting held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pilot Model ACE (Automated Computing Engine) in the year 2000. Packet switching is represented by a sequence 'Historical Notes / Early Packet Switching etc' 1949-2000, which includes copies of original documentation and historical reflections by Davies and others. There is an extensive record of Davies's interest in the history of cryptography including correspondence with others who shared his interests, typescript drafts of articles by Davies, photographs and photocopies of original documentation. Also represented in the section are Davies's interests in the history of the National Physics Laboratory itself and the Turing Machine.

Correspondence, is not extensive and is presented in four sequences. The first is the contents of Davies's folder of 'Misc. Correspondence', 1970-2000. Although the great bulk comes from the last fifteen years of Davies's life, the sequence also includes three letters from Sara Turing, mother of Alan Turing, 1970-1971, relating principally to their mutual interest in Second World War German cipher machines; of publications correspondence, 1988-1999; and of correspondence relating to a patent case 1994-2001. There is also an index of correspondence.

Sans titre
GB 0098 GJ · Created 1908-1988 (ongoing)

Records of Imperial College Anniversaries and visits, 1908-1988, namely relating to the College centenary celebrations, 1945, comprising papers relating to the celebrations at the Albert Hall, including guest lists; minutes of the Centenary Committee; correspondence, 1944-1945; speeches by George VI, Lord Rayleigh, Sir Richard Southwell, 1945; minutes and correspondence relating to Commemoration Day lectures, 1946-1948; Commemoration Day sub-committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1956; centenary appeal fund papers, 1944-1949; correspondence relating to the Memorial volume, 1944-1950; papers of Charter Day celebrations, 1943-1982, including correspondence concerning dinners; opening of the Roderic Hill building by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 1957; Charter Day parties, 1958-1968; 75th anniversary dinner of the College Charter, 1982;
papers relating to official visits, 1916-1988, notably Commercial Committee of the House of Commons, 1916; Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1953, 1962; Parliamentary Committees, 1953 -1981; Princess Margaret, 1980; Princess Anne, 1981; messages to the Royal Family on royal events, 1910-1952; papers relating to congresses and conferences, 1931-1958, 1970-1971; annual dinner correspondence, 1924-1936; Open Days, 1961, 1969; prizes, 1908-1909; receptions, 1960-1973;
correspondence relating to the Bursar's office, 1955-1975; papers of the Bookings Committee, 1964-1985, including minutes, 1964-1975, correspondence, 1973-1978; papers of the working party on the use of college facilities, 1974-1975; papers relating to marketing, press and public relations, 1969-1991, including visit of the Queen, 1969, working party on women students, 1986-1988.

Sans titre
GB 0098 S · Created 1846-1998 (ongoing)

Records relating to Student Unions and Associations of Imperial College, 1846-1998, comprising Rector's correspondence on student matters, 1968-1972; Old Students' Associations, 1964-1972 (SA);
records of the Royal College of Chemistry, comprising Laboratory Library Committee minutes, 1846-1851; Discussion Society minutes, 1859-1869 (SC);
records of the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines Students' Union, 1889-1913, including minutes of the committee, 1890-1900, 1911-1913; cash book and balance sheets, 1899-1904; printed rules, 1889-1901; records of the Royal School of Mines Student's Union, 1905-1973, notably accounts, 1926-1960; minutes of committees, 1905-1971; general meetings, 1912-1973; handbook, bookstall lists, 1948-1960 (SD); records of the Royal School of Mines Old Students' Association, 1912-1984, including annual dinners, 1907-1984; correspondence, 1912-1947 (SDA); Chaps Club, 1923-1973, comprising annual booklets, 1923-1970; awards of the Club tie, 1962-1973 (SDC);
records of the Royal College of Science Student Union records, 1909-1981, notably minutes, 1909-1979; annual reports, 1926-1933; correspondence, 1901-1956; rules and handbook, 1931, 1967; Joint Publications Board minutes and correspondence, 1931-1981; correspondence concerning colours, 1926-1937 (SE); Royal College of Science Old Students' Association records, 1907-1990, including minutes of Committee meetings, 1908-1976, 1990; rules, 1909; correspondence, 1907-1975; attendance book, 1950-1970 (SEA);
records of the City and Guilds Union, 1895-1984, including committee minutes, 1902-1983; Union Executive minutes, 1976-1984; accounts, 1909-1976; committees, correspondence, 1911-1969; records of the Engineering Society, 1895-1972, including minutes, accounts, letter books, photograph album, Athletic Club minutes and papers, 1912-1969; Boat Club accounts, 1921-1948, 1983; Boxing Club minutes, 1958-1962; Dancing Club accounts, 1945-1948; Football Club accounts, minutes, 1909-1974; Rugby Club minutes, 1899-1964; Radio Society log books, minutes, 1927-1990; Swimming and Water Polo Club minutes, 1977-1982 (SF); records of the Old Centralians, 1897-1998, including rules, 1903; correspondence, 1899-1938; subscriptions, 1897-1906, 1951-1961; accounts, 1897-1959; minutes, 1897-1903, 1968-1979; attendance registers, 1938-1973; annual dinners, 1907-1998 (SFA); records of the Twentyone Club, 1928-1983, including history, 1968; minutes, 1928-1975; papers of chairmen, subscriptions, 1930-1976 (SFAA); batches and bulletins, 1923-1983 (SFAB); The Links Club magazine, 1945-1948, 1965 (SFL);
records of Imperial College Students' Union, 1911-1985, notably secretaries' correspondence, 1911-1979; handbooks, 1966-1985; policy statements, minutes of the Committee and Council, 1920-1981; Social Clubs Committee, 1935-1987; Athletic Clubs Committee, 1925-1976; Cricket Club, 1958-1976; Finance Committee, 1923-1938; general meetings, 1937-1981; Entertainments Committee, 1945-1959; accounts, 1946-1959; awards of colours, 1921-1968; list of union members, 1911-1947; Rectors' correspondence concerning student matters, including admission, complaints, accidents, deaths, 1958-1979 (SG/SGA);
records of Imperial College Boathouse and Boatclub, notably opening, 1938; correspondence with the architect, 1936-1938; Rectors' correspondence, 1949-1963; purchase of site, 1933-1937; Boathouse Committee minutes, correspondence, 1938-1977; rules and constitution, 1921-1947; flood prevention scheme, 1936-1952 (SGDB);
papers concerning Wembley Sportsground, comprising minutes of the Imperial College Athletic Ground Committee, 1932-1939; correspondence on the sale of the ground, 1922-1939; evidence of the Rector, 1936 (SGC); correspondence concerning the purchase, construction and military requisition of the Harlington Sports Pavilion, 1936-1946; Finance Committee papers, 1923-1952; Athletic Committee minutes, 1938-1981; Athletic Ground Committee minutes, 1945-1980; papers relating to the Sports Centre, 1965-1986, including South Kensington Sports Committee reports, 1968-1971; correspondence concerning the boats Olympic IV and VIII, 1975-1980; rifle range, 1947-1962; Gliding Committee correspondence and papers, 1930-1981, concerning foundation, grants, equipment, (SGD); Boxing Club minutes, 1950-1960 (SGE);
Imperial College Chemical Engineering Society, proceedings of meetings, 1946-1958 (SGFC); Royal College of Science Entomological Society minutes, 1925-1938 (SGFE); Debating Society reports, 1963-1970 (SGFF); Hofmann Society minutes, 1933-1951, cashbook, 1933-1951, including the Hofmann prize to 1961 (SGFH); Imperial College Industrial Society magazine, 1986 (SGFI); Royal College of Science Mathematical and Physical Society minutes, 1923-1968 (SGFM); Imperial College Students' Union Overseas Societies, including the Chinese Society magazine, 1984-1985 (SGFO); Imperial College Students' Union Rugby Football Club minutes, 1934-1963 (SGFR); Imperial College Students' Union Social Clubs, including Exploration Society papers, 1961-1963, (SGFX); H G Wells Society correspondence, magazines, 1963-1984 (SGFW), G Wing Club (SGG); Imperial College Liberal Club newspaper, 1978 (SGGL); Imperial College Music Society, notably minutes 1984-1986, programmes, 1950-1985, Folk Club members, 1979-1981, Imperial College Sinfonietta programme (SGM); Imperial College Operatic Society programmes, 1977 (SGO); Imperial College Students' Union Radio Service papers, 1974-1979 (SGRS); Imperial College Womens' Association minutes, 1951-1967, accounts, 1975-1980 (SGW);
papers relating to Imperial College Hostel and Halls of Residence, 1918-1983, notably Hostel Committee minutes, 1918-1950, regulations, 1926, Residents' Committee minutes, 1945-1959, Residential Amenities Committee correspondence, 1944-1961, Combined Colleges Housing Association papers, 1946-1975, Rectors' papers, 1965-1971, report and papers, 1983 (SH);
papers relating to Imperial College Union Bookshop, notably Committee minutes, and regulations, 1926-1973, ledger, 1966-1990, correspondence, annual reports, 1922-1973, balance sheets, 1925-1971, papers concerning staff, 1949-1973, premises, 1955-1969 (SJ);
Imperial College Refectory Committee minutes, 1930-1990, expenditure, 1930-1940, Hall Dinner Committee minutes, 1947-1962, menus (SK); Wine Committee minutes, 1954-1978, annual reports, 1954-1967, correspondence, 1954-1973 (SKW);
papers relating to student discipline, 1945-1978, Imperial College Carnival, 1960-1966, including Rag magazines, International Conference of Students of Technology report, 1981 (SM);
Imperial College Representative Council correspondence, 1969-1971 (SNA).

Sans titre