Papers of Arabella Kurdi relating to work with the BFES (British Families Education Service) in Germany, 1947-1951, and to the social and living conditions in post-war Germany. These include an album of photographs of conditions in Germany, of friends and colleagues and of BFES schools; correspondence, including letters from Arabella to her parents describing her work and experiences in Germany; material relating to the school meals service, including a recipe book; notes for a lecture on 'Working and living in Germany'; printed material, including a map of BFES schools and copies of the BFES Gazette.
Sin títuloPapers of John Boyce, 1920-1992, comprising material relating to Boyce's career in education (photographs, press cuttings, appointment diaries, job application papers and education-related publications) and his army service and Germany (photographs, letters home, service related papers such as annual leave forms, education reports relating to Germany, relics of Nazi Germany and drawings). There are also letters upon Boyce's retirement and some personal material, including his own school reports, 'thoughts' from 1939-1940, letters to his wife from Coatham School, papers relating to non-educational interests, honorary awards, personal correspondence and an obituary.
Sin títuloPapers of Arthur Raymond Sporne, 1913-1977, comprising:
Audio cassette of an interview between Sporne and his daughter Celia, shortly before his death in 1977, consisting of reminiscences of his own school days, his own time as a teacher and the experiences of his siblings including on discipline; interior and exterior of school buildings; teachers and method of teaching; lessons in literature and mathematics; school books and equipment including the arrival of new school books and stationery in 1903; child poverty; school finance; the impact of the 1902 Education Act on sports facilities, medical inspection and treatment, school meals, scholarships and other developments; musical activities and education; teachers' salaries; religious denominationalism in education; school sport; teacher education, including the pupil teacher system and college training.
Photocopy of a typescript draft of a book entitled 'A Voice in the Wilderness' written by Sporne under the name Raymond Morley in the 1950s, including Sporne's views on the education system and teaching methods; his memories of developments within teaching during his own school days and during his time as a teacher; the methods he used when teaching mathematics to 'retarded' boys within a secondary modern school in the 1940s; an account of a visit by schools inspectors to the school. This also includes some original samples of pupil's work.
Essays completed by Sporne's pupils, including 'Does he really like us?' and 'Our teacher's tongue', 1913, in which the pupils, aged 12-13, comment on their teacher; 'The story of my life' , 1914 and 1952 in which pupils aged 13-14 give accounts of their life experiences, including family life, health and sickness, school days, work, play, holidays, outings and friendships; letters written by pupils at Fulham Reformatory School, Dec 1917 about the end of the school term, the Christmas holidays and plans for the following term.
Personalia including swimming and music certificates.
Papers of three generations of the White family, including diaries of Louisa White, 1883-1911; Lucy Winifred Nicholls, 1885-1960; and Mary Louisa White, 1905 and 1913; notebooks, mainly kept by Lucy Winifred Nicholls on the subject of education, 1888-1962; scrapbooks, mainly relating to the musical career of Mary Louisa White, [1900-1926]; photographs, 1890s-1960s, mainly of members of the family, but also including albums relating to activities at The Garden School in the 1930s; family correspondence, [1883-1910]; The Garden School Bulletins, 1924-1947; correspondence and papers relating to Lucy Winifred Nicholls' lecture tours and early school engagements, 1899-1915, 1933.
Sin títuloPapers reflecting many aspects of Duane's career. In particular, the collection includes reports, memoranda and correspondence relating to Duane's headships of Howe Dell Secondary School, Hatfield (1949-1951); Alderman Woodrow Secondary Boys' School, Lowestoft (1951-1959); and Risinghill School, Islington (1959-1960). Also included are published and unpublished writings, lectures, correspondence, press cuttings and transcripts of interviews reflecting Duane's broad interests in education including on the following topics: the nature of intelligence, teacher training, discipline and punishment, 'delinquency', 'de-schooling', religious instruction and moral education, comprehensive education, non-authoritarian and 'progressive' education. Background research material, drafts and correspondence relating to his MPhil thesis at the University of Nottingham 'An Experiment in Progressive Education in a State School' (1977) [later published as The Terrace: An Educational Experiment in a State School (London: Freedom Press, 1995)] are also included.
Sin títuloRecords of the National Commission on Education, 1991-1995, including minutes of the Commission, Research Committee, Working and Steering Groups, written and oral evidence, including audio-tapes, and press cuttings.
Sin títuloRecords of the World Education Fellowship's central administration, including officers' correspondence, constitutional papers, minutes and committee papers, 1929-1970s; files relating to individual regional sections, 1930s-1970s; records of international conferences, 1921-1972; files concerning special projects, 1942-1968 and relations with UNESCO, 1948-1973; audio-tapes, including conferences and personal reminiscences, 1959-1971; publications, pamphlets, and newsletters, including the journal The New Era.
Records of the English New Education Fellowship, [1940s-1980s], including minutes, correspondence, administrative and subject files and publications.
Minutes of the Home and School Council of Great Britain, 1929-1950s.
Letters from Charles Burden to his wife, 1906-1907, sent from a tour of schools in Canada and the USA; photographs of Burden during his headship of Beverley Grammar School, Yorkshire, [1912-1935].
Sin títuloCorrespondence and papers of Brian Rusbridge, Secretary to the Burnham and Allied Commitees, 1972-1987, including minutes of the meetings of of the Primary and Secondary and Further Education Management Panels, 1979-1986; minutes of meetings of the Primary and Secondary Committee, 1976-1987; notes on meetings of the Primary and Secondary Committee, 1984-1987 and of the Further Education Committee, 1982-1986; verbatim transcripts of the Primary and Secondary Committee meetings, 1972-1980 and of Education Committee meetings, 1979-1983; files relating the Committee of Inquiry into Teachers' Pay (the Houghton Committee), 1974-1975.
Sin títuloThe collection mainly consists of a set of Isabel Fry's personal diaries and notebooks dating from 1878-1958. These are supplemented by letters to her friend Eugénie Dubois, c1930-1958, and a few publications and photographs. The diaries reflect all aspects of her life and career including her teaching activities and educational ideas; her preoccupations with political and social affairs, including political reform and emancipation in the East and in Turkey and Persia; her friendships with liberal intellectuals; and her involvement with anti-militarist movements, slum clearance, socialism and feminism. Also included are details of her relationship with her family, friends and their wider social circle.
Sin títuloPapers of Nathan Isaacs, 1913-1966, including lectures, unpublished writings and notes, publications and correspondence concerning his psychological and philosophical work.
Sin títuloPapers relating to the life and work of Brian Simon, 1940s-1990s, including memoirs from Simon's time at Kurt Hahn's progressive school at Salem; talks, articles, reviews, lectures and other papers by Simon; correspondence, [1952-1990], including with Caroline Benn and Norman Morris; press cuttings, 1967-1989, chiefly comprising obituaries and biographical material (of others); working papers, chiefly in preparation for the following publications by Simon: Studies in the History of Education, 1780-1870 (1960), Education and the Labour Movement, 1870-1920 (1965), The Politics of Educational Reform, 1920-1940 (1974) and Education and the Social Order, 1940-1990 (1991); papers relating to the National Union of Students; papers relating to visits abroad; publishers' correspondence and personal photographs and scrapbooks.
Sin títuloPublished and unpublished papers by David Hylton Thomas on industrial schools, 1980s; notes, drafts and correspondence relating to his research, 1970s-1990, including some personal accounts and notes of interviews with ex-pupils and others connected with industrial schools; copy of Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 1854-1933: An Annotated List of the Reformatory and Industrial Schools Certified by the Home Office, 1854-1933 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytechnic, 1986), with manuscript annotations and corrections by Thomas; drafts of an unpublished book entitled 'Children from the Streets and Slums: the Home Office Schools of England, Scotland and Wales, 1854-1933'. Also includes a print of the Certified Industrial School, Chester, 1870s and a programme for the Christmas entertainment, 1892.
Sin títuloThe collection includes George Baines' correspondence and papers re his work at Brize Norton, 1962-1966 and school magazines from Ashwell County Primary School, 1950s. However, the majority of the papers are those of George and Judith Baines relating to their work at Eynsham County Primary School, 1960s-1980s. These include administrative papers, teachers' guides, teachers' record books, school magazines, building plans and press cuttings. Also included is a copy of the episode of the BBC television series, 'The Expanding Classroom' which featured the work of George and Judith Baines at Eynsham School. The film was made in the summer term of 1969 before the first new school building burnt down. The collection contains many examples of children's work, mainly from Eynsham County Primary School, but also from Brize Norton, including project books, creative writing, audio tapes of music, art work, including block printing, and work with fabric. The project books each include some mathematics, scientific obeservation or experiment, creative writing and art work and were bound in block-printed covers designed and executed by the children. Also included are texts of lectures and lecture notes; papers relating to courses and workshops; correspondence re visits, including overseas connections (Iceland, Canada and the USA), 1960s-1980s; papers relating to George and Judith Baines work with students at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincolnshire, 1980s. There are also slides and photographs of staff, pupils, activities, displays and field study trips at Eynsham County Primary School; of Judith Baines' work at Strathmore Infant School; of George Baines' work at Brize Norton; of tours and visits to Gambia, Canada and Iceland. There is also a small group of photographs, memorabilia and correspondence relating to Robin Tanner (1904-1988).
Sin títuloRecords of the BFES/SCE Association, 1947-2000, comprising:
Material relating to the Association such as minutes of the Executive Committee, 1968-2000; minutes of AGMs, 1996-1999; membership lists; Executive Committee lists; papers and photographs concerning annual reunions; videos relating to SCEA and BFES work.
Material concerning the SCEA, including booklets and official information regarding vacancies at certain schools and conditions of service.
Publications of the Association and its predecessors, including the BFES Gazette, the SCEA Bulletin and the BFES/SCE Association newsletters and magazines. The collection also includes individual copies of other army and educational publications.
Memorabilia collected from members of the Association relating to their work with the BFES in Germany, Cyprus, Hong Kong and Aden, notably photographs (and copies) of staff, students, school buildings and student activities; newspaper cuttings relating to individual schools and events; programmes of school events and musical and drama productions; official documentation such as driving licences, vehicle registration, ration cards and club membership; audio tapes; notes on geographical areas, climate, and members of teaching staff; annual reports and teaching schemes.
Research material on the education of service children, including typed official reports and newspaper articles.
Papers of Harry Alfred Rée, comprising a small amount of very general correspondence, most dating from 1969-1974; letters to the press, 1964-1976; lectures, including to students at the University of York and to teachers' associations; addresses and scripts of broadcasts, 1950s-1970s; articles, reviews and other writings, 1940s-1970s. The collection also includes a substantial amount of material relating to Henry Morris and his contemporaries. Some of this is original material, 1920s-1960s, such as correspondence with Morris; writings, broadcasts and speeches by Morris; press cuttings and other biographical material; printed materials relating to the village colleges; photographs; audio- and video-tapes. The remainder comprises material generated by Rée as a result of his research on Morris, 1969-1980s, including correspondence with friends and colleagues of Morris and drafts of chapters for an edited volume of Morris's writings.
Sin títuloPapers of Mimi Hatton relating to her work with the British Families Education Service (BFES) in Germany between 1946 and 1952. The collection includes an account of her service in Germany, written for the BFES Archives in 2001; photographs of the various schools in which she served; and memorabilia, including badges and programmes.
Sin títuloPapers of Peter Cornall, 1954-1998, relating to all stages of his professional career, including talks, lectures and articles; internal administrative papers written for the schools in which he worked; materials written for circulation amongst colleagues and the wider world; and his own personal reflections. They reflect many of his personal educational interests including comprehensive education, curriculum development, internal school management, falling rolls, school headship, school self-evaluation, educational guidance, and value-added by schools. Also included is a report of a study visit made to the United States in 1963.
Sin títuloRecords of the Programme for Reform in Secondary Education, incuding papers of the Chairman, George Varnava, namely minutes 1982-1987,editions of PRISE News, 1976-1986, press cuttings, pamphlets, conference papers, memoranda, reports and some correspondence.
Sin títuloLetters from teachers in around 20 schools in reply to a letter by Douglas John Foskett, Librarian of the Institute of Education, asking for their views on unstreaming, including personal experiences and opinions on unstreaming.
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