Papers of the Standing Joint Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Paediatric Association, later Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health, 1949-1993, mainly from the time of the reconstitution of the committee in 1965 and dealing particularly with staffing structure of maternity units for the care of the newborn. They include Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1980-1988; Papers and correspondence of the Joint BPA/RCOG Standing Committee on Prematurity, 1949-1954; Correspondence and some minutes largely concerned with the establishment of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford, 1974-1979; Results of questionnaires circulated when compiling data for the BPA/RCOG discussion document: Midwife and nurse staffing and training for special care and intensive care of the new born, 1978-1980; RCOG/BPA reviews of Maternity Services Advisory Committee reports, 1985-1986; Correspondence and papers relating to Royal College of Physicians working party on neonatal services, 1986; records of multidisciplinary working party on resuscitation of the newborn, 1995-1997; report on fetal abnormalities - guidelines for screening, diagnosis and management, 1997.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPersonnel file for one College Secretary only.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsThree plans of three floors of the Queen Mary Maternity Hospital, Castle Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, prepared by Mason and Wales, architects, Dunedin, 3 February 1936.
Queen Mary Maternity Hospital , Dunedin , New Zealand Mason and Wales , Architects of Dunedin, New ZealandSurvey questionnaires of obstetric flying squads, a summary of the survey and correspondence regarding hospital call-out team insurance, 1980-1987.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsMidwifery casebook, Aug 1781-Mar 1786, of 'cases extraord[inar]y' in the Lying in Hospital, Dublin and in private practice domiciliary visits 'chiefly among the poor', May 1782-October 1785. Indexed by symptoms.
UnknownCorrespondence, minutes and the draft report of the Maternity Unit Planning Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1959-1960.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsCorrespondence of E A J Alment, correspondence, background papers, committee minutes and architectural plans, 1969-1971, of the RCOG Maternity hospital planning sub-committee.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsFirst and second reports of the RCOG Manpower advisory sub-committee, with related correspondence, comments and papers, 1982-1990; photocopies of Hospital Recognition Committee forms: annual review of recognised hospital appointments, which provide data on staffing and training, and obstetrical and gynaecological statistics for individual hospitals, 1979-1980.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsTwo rolls of lottery tickets dated 1753-1754, raise money for the building of a new hospital in Great Britain St, Dublin, Ireland, for poor lying-in women. With an extract from The Book of the Rotunda Hospital by T P C Kirkpatrick MD and H Jellett MD (Bartholomew Press, 1913), which summarises the history of these and other hospital lotteries.
UnknownMinutes, correspondence of Miss Mallon, College Secretary, background papers and reports of the RCOG Institutional versus Domiciliary Midwifery Committee, 1946-1957, including the committee's Report on the Obstetric Service under the National Health Service, July 1954 and 1956 revised edition.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsReport of the Hospital Visiting Working Party (May 1993).
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Hospital Recognition Committee, 1936-2007, comprising correspondence and papers (1936-1994); committee agenda, minutes and papers (1947-2004); files on individual hospitals inspected (1937-2003); lists of recognised hospital appointments for trainees for Membership and Diploma (1975-1999, 2001); guidelines for recognition of hospital appointments (1988-2000); minute books (1951-2007).
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRecords of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' External Affairs Committee, 1932-1950, comprising correspondence and related papers covering a wide variety of issues reflecting the Committee's broad terms of reference, for example: maternity hospitals, midwifery, female circumcision, pregnancy in wartime, maternal mortality and nutrition in pregnancy. It should be noted however, that much of the material included in the series appears to have been placed here in error simply because it relates to the external affairs of the College. As well as containing records of the External Affairs Committee, this fonds also has records related to the general external affairs of the college. Some of these records are concerned with obstetrics and gynaecology during the period of the Second World War.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsCorrespondence and other material relating to preparations for the 'early discharge' survey, 1962-1963. The material relates only to the preliminary survey, and comprises correspondence and related papers, including individual hospital survey papers.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsLetter from Eliab Harvey, later Sir Eliab Harvey, nephew of William Harvey, to William Garnay, 28 Apr 1676; correspondence between Wertheim Williams and Probyn Williams regarding anaesthetics, Nov 1900-Jan 1901; letter from Edward Jenner to Mr Hulme concerning vaccination, 26 Oct 1812; correspondence between James Matthews Duncan and Joseph Lister concerning the use of chloroform, 6 Mar 1875-18 Aug 1877; lease of rooms to British Gynaecological Society by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London., Feb 1890; gift of Edward Protheroe-Smith; letter of Florence Nightingale to Heywood Smith concerning lying-in institutions, 10 May 1876.
Dobbin , Roy Samuel , 1873-1939 , Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Smith , Edward , Protheroe- , fl 1933Minute book for Chelsea Hospital for Women Clinical Society from the first meeting, 19 Feb 1923, to 8 Mar 1973, with inserts including menus for Society dinners, correspondence and a printed history of Chelsea Hospital for Women.
Chelsea Hospital for Women Clinical SocietyCorrespondence between Sir John Peel and senior obstetricians concerning the format of his questionnaire relating to caesarean sections; copies of his proposed questionnaire; statistical information supplied by hospital and university departments, and a copy of Peel's preliminary report on his survey.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers relating to the British Lying-In Hospital, 1753-1780, including casebooks, possibly of Dr Christopher Kelly, 1767-1780, and notebook, 1753-1754, entitled 'Some Memoranda on Midwifery' containing notes on disorders attending pregnant women, instructions for the use of forceps and the delivery of twins, and notes on a lecture given by Dr [William] Hunter, 28 Oct 1754.
British Lying-In Hospital x Lying-In Hospital for Married WomenCorrespondence of Sir Norman Jeffcoate and Sir Stanley Clayton, background papers, copy minutes and the final report, 1971-1973, of the RCOG Ad hoc committee on staffing structure of departments of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists