Affichage de 11 résultats

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Rogers Lecture Notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 313 · Created 1828-1830

Manuscript notes taken by Nathaniel Rogers, from medical lectures given by the following eminent medical lecturers: William Alison, James Blundell, Richard Bright, Henry Clutterbuck, Sir Astley Cooper, Samuel Cooper, Joseph Green, Charles Key, Robert Knox and Frederick Tyrrell.

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Horsley Papers
GB 0103 HORSLEY · 1790-1965 (predominant 1863-1916)

Papers of and relating to the Horsley family, comprising papers of Sir Victor Horsley; papers of Eldred, Lady Horsley; papers of Siward Horsley and of Oswald Horsley; papers of Pamela, Lady Robinson, including items relating to the Babies Club in Chelsea; papers of Stephen Paget, author of Victor Horsley's biography; photographs and postcards. Victor Horsley's papers include large sections on his medical career, his service in the army during the Great War, and his political and social interests, including his involvement in the temperance movement and the Medical Defence Union, support for the suffragettes and for Home Rule for Ireland, and his role in the reform of the bodies representing the medical profession: the General Medical Council, the British Medical Association, and the Royal College of Surgeons. His personal papers reflect his interest in archaeology and genealogy.

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Reynolds Correspondence
GB 0103 MS ADD 304 · Created c1851-1879

Letters, notes and photographs of eminent members of University College staff and others, mostly addressed to Sir John Reynolds. There are two letters to William Sharpey and notes by Augustus De Morgan.

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Gilbert Papers
GB 0103 GILBERT · c1930-1955

Working papers and correspondence, c1930-1955, in manuscript and typescript, assembled by Lionel Felix Gilbert for a proposed biography of William Hyde Wollaston, comprising notes (some by P J Hartog) from various printed and manuscript sources on Wollaston's life and work, publications, and associates; copies and extracts of letters from Wollaston to the Rev Henry Hasted, Charles Babbage, and others; copies and notes of letters to Wollaston and on other letters relating to him; engraving of Wollaston, 1830; prints of Wollaston and various of his contemporaries, and of various places and artefacts associated with him; correspondence and notes relating to portraits of Wollaston; notes on Wollaston genealogy; notes, drafts, typescripts and correspondence on Gilbert's publications and lectures on Wollaston, including parts of his unfinished biography; correspondence on sources relating to Wollaston, and various correspondence on aspects of his life and work. The collection almost entirely comprises material of 20th century date, but refers to and duplicates various 19th century sources. The material extends beyond Wollaston's own life to refer to many prominent scientific contemporaries.

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Burdon-Sanderson Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 179 · 1843-1912

The collection contains papers, correspondence and diaries of Sir John Burdon-Sanderson and also papers of his wife Lady Burdon-Sanderson. Some of the papers include notes and drafts of lectures and addresses. There are also papers that were used for a Memoir of John Burdon-Sanderson, begun by Lady Burdon-Sanderson and completed by Burdon-Sanderson's niece and nephew, Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane and John Scott Haldane (published in Oxford, 1911).

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Sharpey Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 227 · 1852-1866

The collection consists of letters, most of which are addressed to William Sharpey as Secretary of the Royal Society. The main correspondents are Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (President of the Royal Society, 1858-1861); Sir Edward Sabine (President of the Royal Society, 1861-1871); George Gabriel Stokes (one of the Secretaries, 1854-1884). The numerous other correspondents include many people active in the scientific world.

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Ballard Lecture Notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 286 · Created 1840-1843

Student notes on lectures delivered at University College London by William Sharpey, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, session 1840/41; and notes on the principles and practice of medicine delivered by Charles James Blasius Williams, Professor of Medicine, session 1842/43.

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Harley Lecture Notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 320 · 1855-1856

Volume of manuscript lecture notes, 1855-1856, made by George Harley from lectures on experimental chemistry at Giessen University (Germany).

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Jenner Letters
GB 0103 MS MISC 3J · 1861-1895

Five letters from Sir William Jenner to Dr Charles John Hare, discussing his appointment (presumably as royal physician), 1861; referring to a charitable donation, 1867; news of his family and house, 1890; on admitting women to the College (University College London), opposing the admission of women to the profession, and family news, 1895; and discussing Hare's lectures and other matters, mentioning the Queen and referring to practical arrangements relating to Jenner's whereabouts (undated). Press cutting, including an obituary of Hare from the British Medical Journal, 1898.

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L S Penrose Papers
GB 0103 PENROSE · 1806-1974

Papers of Lionel Sharples Penrose, 1806-1974, comprising personal papers relating to Penrose and his family, 1806-1974; papers relating to the professional training, medical, scientific and voluntary work of Penrose, 1918-1972; letters, mainly to Penrose, 1915-1973.

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