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Archivistische beschrijving
Walshe Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 301 · 1913-1973

Papers and correspondence, 1913-1973, of Sir Francis Martin Rouse Walshe. Personal and biographical documents and correspondence, 1913-1965, include certificates and documentation about appointments and honours; photograph of Walshe at Queen Square, 1915; papers, 1915-1920, relating to service in Egypt; papers relating to visits to the USA, 1924-1925, 1959, 1965; caricature of Walshe, 1948; letters of congratulation on Walshe's knighthood, 1953; a manuscript biographical note by Walshe prepared for the journal Brain, 1965; letters containing recollections of Walshe sent by colleagues for a memorial volume, 1973. Drafts and manuscripts of publications, speeches and addresses, some heavily revised and with later annotations and comments by Walshe, date from 1918-1972, and, besides scientific papers, include some publishers' contracts; reviews of Walshe's published works, chiefly Critical Studies in Neurology (1948) and Thoughts upon the Equation of Mind with Brain (1953); and Walshe's earliest discussion of 'miraculism' in medicine, published in the Catholic Medical Guardian, 1938. Manuscripts and printed material relating to various controversies in which Walshe was involved as a leading member of the Roman Catholic medical community include lectures on stigmatization; a letter from Walshe on the duties of lay Catholics; printed works on religious matters, 1926-1938; a memorandum, 1965, correspondence, 1960-1966, and various press cuttings and printed matter on contraception. There is various correspondence, 1922-1927, 1940-1973, some of it scientific, including a postcard to Walshe from J S Haldane, 1921, and copies of correspondence between William B Bean and Walshe, 1950-1973.

Zonder titel
Jónsson Papers
GB 0103 MS ICELANDIC 5 · 20th century

Papers of Snaebjörn Jónsson, 20th century, comprising press cuttings, letters and photographs.

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Schiller-Szinessy Papers
GB 0103 SCHILLER · 1832-1968

Papers, 1832-1968, of and relating to Soloman Marcus Schiller-Szinessy and his family, owned or created by Raphael Loewe. A file of documents from Hungary, 1832-1888, comprises personalia relating to Schiller-Szinessy's activities there, including school reports. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Manchester includes correspondence and papers, 1851-1860, on the synagogues of the Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation and Congregation of British Jews, Manchester, and Schiller-Szinessy's association with them as rabbi. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Cambridge comprises printed material, press cuttings, manuscripts, and correspondence of Raphael Loewe, and includes a letter to Schiller-Szinessy from Sir Moses Montefiore, 1883, replying to his ninety-ninth birthday greetings, and an unpublished manuscript by Schiller-Szinessy (in German), 1888, on 'Der Neue Catalog Der Hebraischen Handscriften In Der Bodleiana'. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's contribution to the Jewish press, 1850-1890, includes press cuttings of his articles and typescript notes on his work. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's other publications includes printed copies and press cuttings of his writings from 1845. A file on the marriage, offspring and death of Schiller-Szinessy comprises a letter from H Samuel to Schiller-Szinessy, 1861; papers relating to his marriage, 1863, and other family papers; a photograph of him, 1888; undated photographs of his daughters Henrietta and Eleanor; a photograph, 1963, of his gravestone; cuttings and other printed papers on his death, 1890, including letters of condolence to his wife; notes, cuttings and correspondence, 1962-1968 and undated, of Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, including biographical information. A file of correspondence and papers of Raphael Loewe concerning Alfred Solomon Schiller-Szinessy includes a small scrapbook containing poems, 1886-1887 and undated, by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy; a photocopy of an article by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy on 'The Testaments of the XII Patriarchs' from The Jewish World, 1887; and two letters, 1962, concerning his education at the Perse School, Cambridge. A file on the Schiller-Szinessy children notably includes correspondence, 1958-1965, of Raphael Loewe on the welfare, death and burial of Sydney Schiller-Szinessy. Other original material comprises a manuscript transcript of Bereshith Rabbathi; undated manuscript accounts of the Hebrew language, for teaching; bound copies of Der Ungarische Israelit (in German), 1886, for Dr Schiller-Szinessy; a notebook containing manuscript verse and miscellaneous notes, inscribed [1903]. There is a typescript list of documents relating to Schiller-Szinessy, 1940, and a ticket for an address by Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, 1962.

Zonder titel
Strachey Papers
GB 0103 STRACHEY · 1929-1975

Papers and correspondence, 1929-1975 and undated, of Julia Frances Strachey, including diaries, notebooks, manuscripts and typescripts, 1929-1975 and undated; letters to Julia, 1924-1956 and undated, the writers including Dora Carrington; letters to Stephen Tomlin and Julia, 1923-1930 and undated, the writers including Lytton Strachey; correspondence between Stephen Tomlin and Julia, 1930-1931; correspondence between Julia and Lawrence Gowing, 1939-1971 and undated, and other letters to Julia, 1952-1967 and undated; personalia, including a copy of a divorce certificate, 1967, a will, 1971, a business diary, 1971, an appointment diary, 1974, passports, and an undated address book; postcards and photographs, largely undated, mainly miscellaneous works of art but also including Lytton and Oliver Strachey, Dora Carrington, and Stephen Tomlin; a scrapbook, 1932-1971, mainly comprising press cuttings including reviews of Strachey's novels, with a few miscellaneous letters inserted.

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Trades Advisory Council
GB 0103 TAC · 1936-1983

Archives, 1936-1983, of the Trades Advisory Council (TAC), comprising papers created by the organisation and also much printed material relating to its concerns collected by it, some of which countered its aims and objectives, for example anti-Semitic literature, but some in sympathy with them, for example anti-fascist literature. The collection includes volumes of minutes of the National Executive Council, 1943-1978, Textile Industry, Drapery and Fashion Trade Section, 1941-1951, Fur Trade Section, 1941-1951, Insurance Section, 1942-1950, Publications and Editorial Committee, 1945-1949, Investigations Committee, 1945-1949, Finance and General Purpose Committee, 1945-1960, London Administrative Committee, 1941-1952, and Glasgow Branch, 1943-1949; file on the Labour Relations Advisory and Conciliation Committee, 1945, including loose typescript minutes and correspondence; volume of printed material, 1940-1949, on the establishment, policies and work of the TAC, including its constitution, publicity material and reports; file on food traders, 1941-1948, including correspondence and other papers on cases investigated; copy of the printed TAC constitution [1945]; file of Secretariat Instruction Memoranda, containing typescripts dating from 1947 on the organisation, membership and activities of the TAC, including 'The Trades Advisory Council: What It Is and Its History' (1947); file of papers of the Sub-Committee on Prejudice and Discrimination, dating from the 1940s to the 1960s, including cuttings and correspondence on discrimination against Jews in the economic sphere and on fascism, mainly relating to Britain but also referring to the issues in other countries including the USA; file of typescript TAC circulars, 1963-1977, reporting on its activities; undated case book containing typescripts on Jewish issues, including cases of discrimination against Jews. Material in albums or files collected from various sources, mainly but not exclusively British and including daily newspapers, the Jewish Chronicle, specialist publications, and some pamphlets, comprises volumes of press cuttings from the British press, 1936-1942 but dating largely from 1937-1938, on fascism in Britain; files of press cuttings and other printed material, 1936-1971 but dating largely from the 1940s to the 1960s, on fascism in Britain, including reports on racist attacks, fascist organisations, anti-Semitism, examples of anti-Jewish literature, and also anti-fascist material and papers relating to the Holocaust; an album of press cuttings, 1940-1948, on the TAC's work and related issues; a file of press cuttings from the British press on Nazi atrocities against the Jews in World War Two, 1943-1945; an album of press cuttings on Stockport relating to the TAC, 1962-1968; file of papers dating from the 1940s containing printed material and some correspondence, pertaining mostly to anti-Semitism, race relations and related issues in the USA, also including some anti-communist literature; file of publications on Jewish affairs, 1962-1969, some by the Institute of Jewish Affairs and the Jewish Chronicle, including events in Israel and Palestine and Arab relations; file including typescript Survey of Anti-Semitic Events, 1981-1982, listing incidents against Jews, and other printed material dating from the 1960s and 1970s relating to anti-Semitism, including examples of anti-Jewish literature; file of printed material on Israel and related matters, 1978-1983, including Arab-Jewish relations. The collection therefore pertains mainly to Britain but includes some material on Jewish affairs overseas; it also extends beyond economic affairs to wider issues.

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William Townsend Papers
GB 0103 TOWNSEND · 1919-1973

Townsend's journals. Also correspondence, personal files, postcards, art photographs, press cuttings, newspapers, typescripts of poems and articles, and general professional papers concerning colleges and exhibitions in Canada and the UK.

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Haymon Papers
GB 0103 HAYMON · 1910-1992

Files of various legal documents belonging to Mark Haymon and relating to C K Ogden and his work, including papers about the Orthological Institute and the Basic English Foundation, c1930-c1965; correspondence regarding various publications, letters to, from and concerning C K Ogden, and general correspondence, 1910-c1955; material post-dating C K Ogden's death, including press cuttings about C K Ogden's death, papers about the British Council, photographs, papers on the Japanese language, copies of C K Odgen's Basic Words, and other papers and journals, 1957-1992.

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Ward Family Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 202 · 1871-1955

The collection contains family diaries and appointment books of Thomas Humphry Ward and Mary Augusta Ward, 1871-1926; personal diaries of Dorothy Ward, 1889-1955; family letters of Arnold Ward, 1890-1915; newspaper cuttings, 1891-1920.

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Olden Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 276 · 1927-1940

Papers, 1927-1940, of Rudolf Olden, comprising correspondence, typescripts, notes and newspaper cuttings.

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Thane (Sir George) Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 282 · 1860-1944

Papers and correspondence, 1860-1944 and undated, of and relating to Sir George Dancer Thane, largely concerning his career, comprising papers on lectures, 1879-1918, including drafts and newspaper reports of his introductory address at the opening of the Medical School at University College London, 1879, and various lectures on anatomy, 1899-1918; notes, 1872-[1911], 1923-1929, on various subjects including dissection, racial characteristics, and other aspects of anatomy, and a list of books to the Anatomical Library of University College London; ten scrapbooks of anatomical drawings, 1867-1913, and undated loose anatomical drawings and medical photographs; other medical papers, 1878-[1926] and undated, including scrapbooks of medical press cuttings, 1878-1914, dates and subjects of dissection classes, 1885-1900, printed papers of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1887-1897, announcements of lectures, including some by Francis Galton, 1873-1912, papers on University reform in London, 1919, and miscellaneous others; correspondence, 1880-1930 and undated, from over 110 correspondents; personalia and ephemera, 1860-1930 and undated, including certificates, invitations and programmes, papers concerning honours including Thane's knighthood, papers relating to his death, and genealogical notes relating to the Thanes and others, and also papers concerning Lady Thane, 1884-1944; photographs, 1883-1920 and undated, including eleven photographs of Thane, 1883-1920, an undated photograph of Lady Thane, an album of photographs of their honeymoon, 1884, and a photograph of the dissecting room of University College London [1918]; box of bones and fossils.

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Records of the Shakespeare Association, 1914-1955, consisting of minute books, annual reports, membership lists, cash book, correspondence regarding publications and subscriptions, other correspondence and press cuttings.

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GB 0103 TARIFF · 1917-1974

Tariff information contained in press cuttings relating to Latin American trade, with separate volumes on Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

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Institute of Jewish Affairs
GB 0103 IJA · 1888-1966

Printed literature, 1888-1966, collected by the Institute of Jewish Affairs, including some on Jewish affairs but mainly comprising unbound copies of British newspapers with fascist content, namely The British Guardian, 1925; The Fascist, 1931-1939; Fascist Weekly, 1933-1934; Blackshirt, 1934-1938; Action, 1936-1940, 1957-1964; The Empire Record, 1939-1942; People's Post, 1945-1953; typescript 'Gothic Ripples', 1945-1951, and Gothic Ripples, 1951-1956; Unity, 1946-1947; Mosley Newsletter, 1946-1948; London Attack, 1948; Union, 1948-1957; typescript 'Free Britain', 1949-1953, and Free Britain, 1953-1956; East London Blackshirt, 1953-1957; Candour, 1953-1961; East Anglian Press, 1955; Panorama, 1963; The National European, 1964-1966; in typescript, 'The Investigator', 1935; 'The Independent Nationalist', 1947-1948; 'East London Patriot', 1950; 'Havoc', 1950; 'The Nationalist', 1950; 'Defence', 1950-1951; 'Front Fighter', 1952. There are also copies of The Jewish Guardian, 1925-1931; files of press cuttings on Jews in Yugoslavia, 1929-1940, on Jewish affairs in Poland, 1942-1943, and on Jewish affairs in Lithuania, 1936-1944; printed material, 1961-1962, from various sources on the trial of Adolf Eichmann; miscellaneous other printed material on Jewish affairs from 1888; photographs of several prominent Jewish figures.

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Lonsdale Papers
GB 0103 LONSDALE · c1914-1989

Papers, c1914-1989, of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale.

Biographical material includes correspondence and papers relating to imprisonment in Holloway Prison, with Lonsdale's own accounts of her time there; diaries and personal notebooks, 1946-1969; letters of congratulation on election as Fellow of the Royal Society (1945); various photographs dating from school to her later years.

Papers relating to Lonsdale's teaching and administrative work at University College London include papers on teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses; significant documentation relating to laboratory personnel, research funding and general university administration; papers relating to the 'Round Table on Peace Studies', which proposed the establishment of a centre for research into international conflict at the University.

Research material, 1924-1970, consists of Royal Institution papers comprising notebooks, one dating from Lonsdale's first period there (1923-1927), correspondence with colleagues such as W H Bragg and J M Robertson, and Lonsdale's notes and drafts for various research topics; correspondence and papers from her University College years covering many different areas of research, including diffuse scattering of X-rays, thermal vibrations in crystals, methonium compounds and urinary calculi (the latter topic particularly well documented and including several case studies), and including a large group of photographs, mostly of X-ray diffraction patterns.

Papers on the preparation of volumes of the International Tables for crystal structure determination from Lonsdale's chairmanship of the Commission on Tables (1948) comprise drafts, notes and correspondence with colleagues and publishers.

Extensive papers relating to publications, lectures and broadcasts include drafts of articles, on subjects including peace and religious issues, also including obituaries and biographical articles on various individuals, books, book reviews, obituaries, and letters to newspapers and magazines, the latter principally on the issue of atomic weapons; general correspondence concerning publications; drafts of lectures, 1945-1970, including ethics and the role of science in society; a large series of lecture notes, 1933-1970; scripts for broadcasts, on topics ranging from crystallography to religion, 1945-1967.

Papers on foreign and domestic travel, 1943-1971, relating to conferences and lectures, on crystallography, science ethics, and work for the Society of Friends, including her visit to China (1955) and her world tour (1965).

Papers relating to organisations, notably the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), including material relating to a number of International Congresses of Crystallography, also papers relating to participation in Pugwash Conferences on World Affairs, 1958-1970, and papers concerning prison reform and the running of Bullwood Hall Borstal, Essex.

Correspondence, 1927-1974, comprises two main sequences, one arranged alphabetically, the other chronologically; 'day files', principally carbons of outgoing correspondence, 1966-1969; a sequence of references and recommendations; also including correspondence relating to Lonsdale's period of imprisonment (1943). Correspondents include scientists such as Max Born, W H Bragg, W L Bragg, E G Cox, Dorothy Hodgkin, Judith Milledge, L C Pauling and A J C Wilson.

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Davis (Eliza) Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 119 · c1912-1937

Manuscript notes on historical subjects, with some letters and press cuttings.

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GB 0103 UCLCA · Collectie · 1814-2015

The UCL College Archives are comprised of material charting the history of the university, from its establishment in 1826 to the present day. Most of the collection consists of material created in the day-to-day running of the institution and includes records such as foundation deeds and papers, committee minutes, administrative correspondence, department records and reports, early student society/association papers, staff and student files, building plans and maps, artwork and photographs.

Published material, including university and student journals and monographs, can be found in College Collection and can be searched on UCL Library’s Explore page.

Cataloguing work is ongoing and records are being regularly added and updated. For any material that is not yet available online please contact us at

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Beesly Papers
GB 0103 BEESLY · 1852-1915

The collection contains correspondence; lecture notes on history; newspaper cuttings; papers of other members of the family, including an undated letter of Danton which belonged to A H Beesly; printed reports; pamphlets containing articles by or about Beesly; other pamphlets and reviews; other printed works; and an autographed photograph of Karl Marx. The correspondence is rather slight and only isolated letters from individual correspondents are preserved. There are sets of Beesly's own letters to Henry Crompton and to Frederic Harrison which were probably returned to the family after his death. There are also a few letters to Beesly's brother A H Beesly and to Alfred Beesly, E S Beesly's son.

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Comfort Papers
GB 0103 COMFORT · 1937-c1990

Papers, 1937-c1990, of Alex Comfort.

The first deposit (6 boxes) comprises letters received, 1937-1964, on his literary and other interests, with the letters of 1937-1945 focussing particularly on literary subjects, including poetry in the 1940s, but latterly more varied, including ideas and activism in anarchism, pacifism, and nuclear disarmament, as public speaker, broadcaster and pamphleteer, including for example letters from Bertrand Russell, 1960-1962; copies of letters from Herbert Read, 1941-1964; a few personal papers, 1936-1946, including The Times announcement of the birth of Comfort's son, 1946; papers relating to peace campaigns in which Comfort was involved, 1944-1961; lecture notes and poetry, stories, and articles by Comfort on pacifism, politics, and science, 1941-1960 and undated; printed papers relating to Comfort's interests, 1945-1962.The second deposit (46 boxes, 4 files) comprises 14 boxes of correspondence relating to Comfort's work, publications, and other interests, some dating back to 1949 but largely dating from the 1960s to 1980s; manuscripts and, particularly, typescripts of both published and unpublished verse and prose, both scientific and non-scientific, including for example 'I and That', 'The facts of love', 'A practice of geriatric psychiatry', 'Reality and empathy', 'The Power House', 'More joy', 'A giants strength', 'Darwin and the naked lady', 'Come out to play', 'The Almond Tree', and 'Letters from an outpost'; printed articles by Comfort, the topics including old age and some sexual subjects; scripts for talks and broadcasts; press cuttings, dating largely from the 1950s and 1960s, relating to Comfort and his work; a file of slides of India, 1962, and two files of scientific slides; printed papers by other authors on various scientific topics.

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Fleming Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 122 · c1841-1954

Papers of Sir Ambrose Fleming, including extensive sets of laboratory notebooks which include accounts of experiments on carbon filaments carried out by Fleming when he was adviser to the Edison and Swan Electric Light Company, of tests on electrical and photometric standards carried out in the Pender Laboratory at University College London, and of experiments on valves and other aspects of wireless telegraphy; notes of lectures attended by Fleming and notes for lectures given by Fleming; patent specifications and papers on litigation over them; newspaper cuttings and other compilations by Fleming; papers on awards and distinctions; biographical notes; and correspondence. 500 of the 521 volumes are printed works associated with the collection.

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Burdon-Sanderson Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 179 · 1843-1912

The collection contains papers, correspondence and diaries of Sir John Burdon-Sanderson and also papers of his wife Lady Burdon-Sanderson. Some of the papers include notes and drafts of lectures and addresses. There are also papers that were used for a Memoir of John Burdon-Sanderson, begun by Lady Burdon-Sanderson and completed by Burdon-Sanderson's niece and nephew, Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane and John Scott Haldane (published in Oxford, 1911).

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Cameron Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 253 · 1856-1968

Papers and correspondence, 1856-1968 (predominantly 1925-1966), of Sir (Gordon) Roy Cameron, comprising notebooks of lecture courses, 1925-1926, given by Cameron at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne; matriculation certificate at University of Freiburg im Breslau, 1927; other biographical and personal material, including printed matter and photographs; 14 letters and cards from Ludwig Aschoff, 1928-1937; scientific and personal correspondence, 1959-1965, with Professor Hou Pao-Chang, Cameron's collaborator on various scientific publications; correspondence on Linacre Lectures given by Cameron, 1964; research notebooks, annotated offprints and other working papers, 1961 and undated, and related correspondence, 1951, 1957-1958, 1961, the subjects including the liver, pulmonary oedema, and the spleen; notes and drafts for invitation lectures and articles, 1962-1966; draft report of the College of Pathologists to the Royal Commission on Medical Education, 1966; obituaries of Cameron and related correspondence with his friends and colleagues, 1966, 1968; material assembled for Cameron's proposed history of pathology, which he did not live to complete, including obituaries, notes and correspondence, 1965-1966, on Ludwig Aschoff, papers and correspondence, 1954-1965, on Julius Cohnheim, papers on Rudolf Virchow, including three letters of Virchow, 1891-1894, and other letters collected by Cameron, among them a letter from W L Begley to William Jenner to accompany a specimen sent to Jenner and William Sharpey, 1856, letters from Jenner to Thomas Barlow, 1891, and from Barlow to Cameron, 1935, concerning the specimen, four letters of R A Kolliker, 1862, three letters from Walter Pagel, 1954, 1961, and a letter from Peyton Rous, 1959.

The second accession comprises further papers of and relating to Cameron, 1917-1968, including various professional and personal certificates, 1917-1966, among them copies of Cameron's birth certificate, various medical registration certificates, and the certificate of his cremation; various photographs, 1920-1962 and undated, some unlabelled, including family photographs, holiday photographs, and formal occasions; correspondence between Cameron and Professor Cyril L Oakley, 1945-1965, on scientific, professional, personal and social matters; typescripts, 1951-1952, for an unpublished book by Cameron on immunology; two official letters to Cameron concerning his knighthood, 1957; Cameron's personal diaries, 1961-1963, including a trip to Italy and a trip to Australia and around the world; proofs of Cameron's Who's Who entries; press cuttings, 1954-1966, including various obituaries of Cameron, 1966; offprints of Cameron's obituaries from the Journal of Clinical Pathology, vol xx (1967), and Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol xiv (1968), and typescript of obituary from The Lancet, 10 Oct 1966; photostat of typescript address at Cameron's memorial service and printed order of service, 1966; letters of condolence on Cameron's death, 1966; miscellaneous printed and typescript material, including articles on scientific subjects and on the history of medicine by Cameron, and obituaries by Cameron of other scientists; various obituaries of scientists other than Cameron, including an offprint of Oakley's obituary of Alexander Thomas Glenny for Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol xii (1966), related correspondence, 1966, and other papers on Glenny including photographs and a typescript bibliography.

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Bayliss Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 273 · 1903-1962

The papers consist of notes and notebooks of William Bayliss' experiments. There is also correspondence, press cuttings and photographs, a great part referring to the 'Brown Dog Affair' of 1903 and to other disputes between anti-vivisectionists and University College London.

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GB 0103 MS ADD 297 · 1931-1982

Correspondence of and papers relating to Sir Bernard Augustus Keen, 1931-1982, comprising correspondence between Keen and Sir (Alfred) Daniel Hall, 1931, then Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institution, relating to the setting up of the Agricultural Research Council and the offer to Keen of the position of Secretary, also including a letter from Hall commenting on Keen's report on Indian agriculture; letters of farewell to and from Keen and press cutting on his retirement from East Africa and return to Britain, 1954; letters from Sir (Edward) John Russell, 1962-1963, relating mainly to Russell's history of agricultural science in Britain, but also recalling Keen's appointment at Rothamsted in 1913 and [Ernest?] Rutherford's praise of his book The Physical Properties of the Soil (1931); letters from G D H Bell on Keen's retirement as Editor, Journal of Agricultural Science, 1965; letter of condolence from Royal Meteorological Society on Keen's death, 1981; Sir (Herbert) Charles Pereira's memoir of Keen for Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol xxviii (1982), with related correspondence of Pereira, 1982.

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GB 0103 MS ADD 44 · Created 19th Century

Minute book of the Metropolitan Red Lion Club, with letters from members and some verses, menus and sketches. Press cuttings give resumés of the Club's activities and its connection with the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

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Jenkinson Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 47 · c1920-1960

Correspondence, notes and newspaper cuttings.

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De Morgan Family Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 7 · 19th Century

Papers relating to the history of the De Morgan family: genealogical notes, family trees, etc. Includes cuttings from newspapers, periodicals, and several letters.

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Rees Papers
GB 0103 REES · c1920-1970

Papers of the writer Sir Richard Rees, c1920-1970 and undated.

Manuscripts and typescripts for Rees' published and unpublished work include material for an unpublished book of essays; a typescript of his unpublished novel; unpublished shorter pieces, including lectures on literary and cultural subjects, among them George Orwell and Simone Weil.

Miscellaneous personal papers and writings, 1926-1960s, include notes on dreams; travel notes on the USA, 1929; a Russian diary, 1935; papers relating to the Spanish Civil War; typescript papers of the International Commission for War Refugees, 1941-1944, and other correspondence and papers on its work; papers relating to Rees' service in World War Two; correspondence concerning Rees' membership of the committee of the Pilgrim Trust; papers relating to sales of Rees' books; printed papers, comprising various articles and book reviews relating to Rees' interests.

Correspondence, c1920-1970, comprises items to Rees and carbon copies or drafts of his letters, the correspondents including prominent literary and other public figures, for example David Astor, Vanessa Bell, Joseph Conrad, Victor Gollancz, Frieda Lawrence, Iris Murdoch, Sonia Orwell, Sir Herbert Read, Hugh Trevor-Roper, A L Rowse, John Sparrow, Stephen Spender, R H Tawney, and many others, and including letters relating to George Orwell, J Middleton Murry, R H Tawney, and Simone Weil; correspondence with his literary agents A D Peters and with publishers, on his publications and broadcasts; letters to the press; personal papers, including c100 letters from Rees to his mother, c1938-c1942, other family letters, and snapshots; correspondence with J Middleton Murry and his wife, 1936-1937, relating to personal matters leading to Rees' resignation from the Adelphi, and other papers relating to the Adelphi, 1935-1936.

Other material includes a notebook including typescript reviews and letters to editors; memoranda of agreements with publishers for books, articles, etc, 1954-1969; press cuttings on various political, literary, artistic, and other subjects, including reviews of some works by Rees; typescript diary of a visit to Italy, 1959.

Rees' papers on George Orwell, 1949-1963, relating to his role as literary executor include correspondence and papers, some relating to Orwell's death, adopted son Richard, and proposed posthumous publications, and including material relating to his wife Sonia; papers on the George Orwell Archive Trust; typescript transcripts of poems Orwell contributed to the Adelphi, 1933-1936; two book reviews by Orwell, 1943-1944.

Rees' papers on Simone Weil largely comprise translations, typescripts and proofs for Rees' publications on Weil. There are also some writings by Weil; a photograph of her, 1942; letters to Rees from Weil's mother and brother, André, and other correspondence on Weil, 1958-1970; press cuttings on Rees' publications on Weil.

Rees' papers on R H Tawney, relating to his role as literary executor, include correspondence and papers of Tawney; Rees' correspondence on Tawney, largely dating from 1960-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the sale of Tawney's belongings and his will, with other personal documents relating to Tawney and his wife; correspondence relating to the disposal of Tawney's collection of books on economic history, 1952. The correspondents include a number of prominent literary and other public figures.

The later deposit comprises a typescript on Orwell and a typescript and corrected proofs on Murry.

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Joyce Collection
GB 0103 JOYCE · Created 1914-1983

The collection includes current and rare editions of Joyce's publications, critical and background literature. Archival material consists of the Lidderdale papers (1915-1983), which includes letters to Jane Lidderdale (god-daughter and joint biographer of Harriet Shaw Weaver, and Lucia Joyce's literary executor); copies of letters to Harriet Shaw Weaver (Joyce's patron and publisher); and papers, letters and photographs of Lucia Joyce (Joyce's daughter). The Weaver papers (1914-1958) include material relating to James and Lucia Joyce, and press cuttings. The Joyce Centenary papers contain various news cuttings etc from 1982. The Lucia Joyce Bequest (1924-1982) includes personal documents, letters, cards and photographs relating to Lucia Joyce.

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GB 0103 MS ADD 112 · 1914-1966

Correspondence between D M S Watson and others; memorabilia; sketches and drawings; photographs; and newspaper cuttings.

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Offor Volume
GB 0103 MS ADD 61 · 1846

Annotated copy of Offor's The triumph of Henry VIII over the usurpations of the church and the consequences of the royal supremacy with notes, newspaper cuttings and letters that were found in the volume.

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Jenner Letters
GB 0103 MS MISC 3J · 1861-1895

Five letters from Sir William Jenner to Dr Charles John Hare, discussing his appointment (presumably as royal physician), 1861; referring to a charitable donation, 1867; news of his family and house, 1890; on admitting women to the College (University College London), opposing the admission of women to the profession, and family news, 1895; and discussing Hare's lectures and other matters, mentioning the Queen and referring to practical arrangements relating to Jenner's whereabouts (undated). Press cutting, including an obituary of Hare from the British Medical Journal, 1898.

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