Papers, 1831-1853, of Grace Aguilar. The first part of the collection consists of her manuscript notebooks. The second part is manuscript material in other hands, consisting of a book of tributes to Aguilar, a description of her last illness, and an account for the administration of her estate. The collection also contains copies of several of her printed works.
Sans titreManuscript volume, late 15th-early 16th century: Canonic. De S Leopoldo; De Fondatione Monasterii S Leopoldi Neuburgensis (a text by J F de Pavinis concerning the canonization of St Leopold, and the foundation of the monastery of St Leopold at Neuberg).
Sans titreLectionarium Pro Sanctis Diebus Et Festis (lectionary for holy days and feasts). Apparently incomplete. On the modern binding is: Sermones de sanctis. saec. XII (12th century sermons on saints).
Sans titreManuscript volume, c1300: Martyrologium (martyrology), for Franciscan use, with calendar tables.
Sans titreThirteenth-century manuscript volume. The back bears the inscription: Fragment of 13th century lectionary. The volume comprises fragments of two different manuscripts: Breviarium (breviary, ff 1-18), written for Franciscan use and including hagiographical texts; Missale (missal, ff 19-27v). Very fine miniature depicting the Crucifixion on folio 19r, missing the left hand figure.
Sans titreLetterbooks of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, 1805-1856 and undated but dating largely from the period 1828-1835, mainly comprising letters to Goldsmid concerning his interests and activities in Jewish emancipation, social and educational reform, including the foundation of the University of London. The writers (c350 in total) include Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, 1830, 1833; Peter Bedford, 1832; Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux, 1828-1839 and undated; Sir Francis Burdett, Baronet, 1830, 1833; Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 1835 and undated; Michael Faraday, 1831; Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland, 1828-1840 and undated; Elizabeth Fry, 1829, 1833 and undated; Sir Robert Grant, 1830-1834 and undated; Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, 1832-1834; William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, 1835; Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay, undated; Thomas Robert Malthus, 1827; Harriet Martineau, 1834 and undated; Daniel O'Connell, 1829; Robert Owen, 1830 and undated; David Ricardo, 1823; Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, 1834-1841; Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1828, 1833; and many other public figures including politicians, aristocrats, members of the royal family, reformers, churchmen, and prominent Jewish figures. There are a few letters from Goldsmid, 1828-1856 and undated, and other documents, including one concerning places of worship in Old and New Lanark, 1823; London University share certificate, 1826; and a copy petition to (Sir) Robert Grant on behalf of the Jewish Disabilities Bill, 1833.
Sans titrePapers, 1832-1968, of and relating to Soloman Marcus Schiller-Szinessy and his family, owned or created by Raphael Loewe. A file of documents from Hungary, 1832-1888, comprises personalia relating to Schiller-Szinessy's activities there, including school reports. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Manchester includes correspondence and papers, 1851-1860, on the synagogues of the Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation and Congregation of British Jews, Manchester, and Schiller-Szinessy's association with them as rabbi. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Cambridge comprises printed material, press cuttings, manuscripts, and correspondence of Raphael Loewe, and includes a letter to Schiller-Szinessy from Sir Moses Montefiore, 1883, replying to his ninety-ninth birthday greetings, and an unpublished manuscript by Schiller-Szinessy (in German), 1888, on 'Der Neue Catalog Der Hebraischen Handscriften In Der Bodleiana'. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's contribution to the Jewish press, 1850-1890, includes press cuttings of his articles and typescript notes on his work. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's other publications includes printed copies and press cuttings of his writings from 1845. A file on the marriage, offspring and death of Schiller-Szinessy comprises a letter from H Samuel to Schiller-Szinessy, 1861; papers relating to his marriage, 1863, and other family papers; a photograph of him, 1888; undated photographs of his daughters Henrietta and Eleanor; a photograph, 1963, of his gravestone; cuttings and other printed papers on his death, 1890, including letters of condolence to his wife; notes, cuttings and correspondence, 1962-1968 and undated, of Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, including biographical information. A file of correspondence and papers of Raphael Loewe concerning Alfred Solomon Schiller-Szinessy includes a small scrapbook containing poems, 1886-1887 and undated, by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy; a photocopy of an article by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy on 'The Testaments of the XII Patriarchs' from The Jewish World, 1887; and two letters, 1962, concerning his education at the Perse School, Cambridge. A file on the Schiller-Szinessy children notably includes correspondence, 1958-1965, of Raphael Loewe on the welfare, death and burial of Sydney Schiller-Szinessy. Other original material comprises a manuscript transcript of Bereshith Rabbathi; undated manuscript accounts of the Hebrew language, for teaching; bound copies of Der Ungarische Israelit (in German), 1886, for Dr Schiller-Szinessy; a notebook containing manuscript verse and miscellaneous notes, inscribed [1903]. There is a typescript list of documents relating to Schiller-Szinessy, 1940, and a ticket for an address by Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, 1962.
Sans titreArchives, 1936-1983, of the Trades Advisory Council (TAC), comprising papers created by the organisation and also much printed material relating to its concerns collected by it, some of which countered its aims and objectives, for example anti-Semitic literature, but some in sympathy with them, for example anti-fascist literature. The collection includes volumes of minutes of the National Executive Council, 1943-1978, Textile Industry, Drapery and Fashion Trade Section, 1941-1951, Fur Trade Section, 1941-1951, Insurance Section, 1942-1950, Publications and Editorial Committee, 1945-1949, Investigations Committee, 1945-1949, Finance and General Purpose Committee, 1945-1960, London Administrative Committee, 1941-1952, and Glasgow Branch, 1943-1949; file on the Labour Relations Advisory and Conciliation Committee, 1945, including loose typescript minutes and correspondence; volume of printed material, 1940-1949, on the establishment, policies and work of the TAC, including its constitution, publicity material and reports; file on food traders, 1941-1948, including correspondence and other papers on cases investigated; copy of the printed TAC constitution [1945]; file of Secretariat Instruction Memoranda, containing typescripts dating from 1947 on the organisation, membership and activities of the TAC, including 'The Trades Advisory Council: What It Is and Its History' (1947); file of papers of the Sub-Committee on Prejudice and Discrimination, dating from the 1940s to the 1960s, including cuttings and correspondence on discrimination against Jews in the economic sphere and on fascism, mainly relating to Britain but also referring to the issues in other countries including the USA; file of typescript TAC circulars, 1963-1977, reporting on its activities; undated case book containing typescripts on Jewish issues, including cases of discrimination against Jews. Material in albums or files collected from various sources, mainly but not exclusively British and including daily newspapers, the Jewish Chronicle, specialist publications, and some pamphlets, comprises volumes of press cuttings from the British press, 1936-1942 but dating largely from 1937-1938, on fascism in Britain; files of press cuttings and other printed material, 1936-1971 but dating largely from the 1940s to the 1960s, on fascism in Britain, including reports on racist attacks, fascist organisations, anti-Semitism, examples of anti-Jewish literature, and also anti-fascist material and papers relating to the Holocaust; an album of press cuttings, 1940-1948, on the TAC's work and related issues; a file of press cuttings from the British press on Nazi atrocities against the Jews in World War Two, 1943-1945; an album of press cuttings on Stockport relating to the TAC, 1962-1968; file of papers dating from the 1940s containing printed material and some correspondence, pertaining mostly to anti-Semitism, race relations and related issues in the USA, also including some anti-communist literature; file of publications on Jewish affairs, 1962-1969, some by the Institute of Jewish Affairs and the Jewish Chronicle, including events in Israel and Palestine and Arab relations; file including typescript Survey of Anti-Semitic Events, 1981-1982, listing incidents against Jews, and other printed material dating from the 1960s and 1970s relating to anti-Semitism, including examples of anti-Jewish literature; file of printed material on Israel and related matters, 1978-1983, including Arab-Jewish relations. The collection therefore pertains mainly to Britain but includes some material on Jewish affairs overseas; it also extends beyond economic affairs to wider issues.
Sans titrePapers of Lucien Wolf, 19th-20th century, comprising genealogical notes and notes on Anglo-Jewish history relating to various countries.
Sans titreCorrespondence and papers of Dr Moses Gaster, his family, and the family of his wife Lucy (née Friedlander), 1796-1973, dating largely from the 1870s to the 1930s, also including some material on Gaster's life and work which post-dates his death. Many papers relate to Gaster's activities in his official posts, notably as Haham, to his interests in Jewish affairs and Zionism, and as a scholar, but the collection touches upon a wide range of topics in late 19th and early 20th century history, including the history of Rumanian Jewry and Anglo-Jewry. The bulk of the collection comprises Gaster's correspondence, which includes letters from Jewish and Zionist organisations in Britain, Europe and Jerusalem, from newpapers, periodicals and publishers, and from a large number of individuals outside Gaster's family, including eminent British, European and American Jewish scholars, rabbis and public figures, such as members of the Adler, Gollancz, Mocatta, Montefiore and Rothschild families, and with non-Jewish public figures, but it also includes a wide range of other material. The main series mostly cover much or all of Gaster's adult life. Some material of the same type or on the same subject is separated between different sections of this large collection.
Correspondence series include letters from organisations and individuals outside Gaster's family, one sequence sorted alphabetically by correspondent; one sequence sorted chronologically, 1874-1939, with a few other items, the earliest dating from 1854; a sequence of undated letters, sorted alphabetically; letters received by Gaster on the emigration of Rumanian Jewry, including to England, 1900; Gaster's out-letters and copies of letters written by him, 1887-1939; copies of letters from Gaster to the Zionist Chaim Weizmann dating from the 1900s and 1910s; letters not written by or addressed to Gaster, 1870-1939 and undated.
A series of bound volumes contains press cuttings and other items, largely printed, including circulars and pamphlets, with some letters received and written by Gaster, and relates to various subjects, although much of the material was apparently bound haphazardly; the contents, overall dating largely from 1879-1939 but with items of 1796, 1838-1849, and 1867, include persecution of Jews in Rumania and elsewhere; emigration; Anglo-Jewish matters and the Anglo-Jewish Association; hospitals and schools; lectures, weddings, and other functions; the Board of Deputies of British Jews; Shechita; the Slaughter Bill, 1911; the Spanish-Portuguese congregation, including Bevis Marks Synagogue and Gaster's 25th anniversary as Haham, 1912; Independent Order of B'nai B'rith; letters congratulating Gaster on his engagement, marriage and birth of his children, and on the 'Gaster Anniversary Volume' ; Zionism, including the Jewish Colonial Trust, and Zionist Congresses in 1905, 1907 and 1913; Palestine; the Royal Asiatic Society; the Folklore Society.
Printed ephemera, dating from the 1870s to the 1930s, includes invitations to lectures, weddings and other events; visiting and greeting cards and condolences.
Papers, 1890-1896, on the Ramsgate affair relate to Gaster's association with the College there, the controversy over his management, and events leading up to his departure in 1896.
Papers relating to Zionism include copies of letters between Gaster and Theodor Herzl at the turn of the 20th century and other Zionist correspondence and papers up to the Balfour Declaration of 1917; file of letters and telegrams, some copies, from Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1906-1908; volume of minutes of Council meetings of the London Zionist League, 1904-1910; microfilms of Zionist sources, among them Herzl letters held elsewhere.
Pamphlets, 1944-1950, relate to the Anglo-Jewish Association, a London conference of Jewish organisations, Palestine, the Jews in Britain, and Jewish Relief Units in Germany.
Working papers include notebooks, many undated, relating to Gaster's studies (from the 1870s) and later research; typescript and some manuscript reviews, sermons, letters to the press, obituary articles or notices, speeches and articles by Gaster; loose press cuttings of Gaster's reviews and articles, and cuttings on Gaster himself and his areas of interest; reproductions of texts and manuscripts and working notes by Gaster on his scholarly research.
Papers on Gaster's life, work and estate include a photostat manuscript catalogue of Gaster's Hebrew, Samaritan and other manuscripts and printed books, with annotations postdating Gaster's death in 1939; papers relating to Gaster's manuscripts which passed to the British Library, John Rylands Library and Rumanian Academy, including manuscript and typescript descriptions of manuscripts, and correspondence, 1925-1926, 1941, 1961-1962, on their disposal; papers dating from the 1940s to the 1960s on the estate of Gaster's wife (d 1940) and disposal of her books and on Gaster's will, estate and the disposal of his books and manuscripts including his Judaica, the sale of his Rumanian library to the School of Slavonic Studies, the disposal of Samaritan and Hebrew manuscripts to the John Rylands Library, his papers at University College London; material, including press cuttings and papers to 1971, on Gaster's publications, including a copy of his 'History of the Ancient Synagogue ... in Bevis Marks ... 1701-190' (published in 1901); papers to 1961 on the 'Gaster Centenary Publication' (first published in 1936), the centenary of Gaster's birth in 1956, and his publications; papers on Gaster's life and work following his death in 1939, including a file of Vivian Gaster's correspondence on his father to 1973.
Personal papers include Gaster's appointment diaries; congratulations on Gaster's engagement (1889); various rolled or printed addresses to Gaster as Haham, from Jewish communities; certificates, including one for Gaster's election as Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, 1930; letters of congratulation and cuttings on Gaster's 80th birthday (1936); typescript autobiographical notes and reminiscences by Gaster; papers on Gaster's death, 1939, including a scrapbook of cuttings.
Family papers include a genealogical roll of the Gaster family; two photograph albums, largely undated but apparently dating from the latter 19th century, many items unlabelled but some taken in Bucharest, Breslau and London and some identified as members of the Friedlander and Gaster families; correspondence, comprising letters from Gaster's family in Rumania, 1873-1939 and undated; Gaster's original letters to his family in Rumania, from 1874; letters from Gaster to his wife and children, 1885-1939 and undated, and a diary of Gaster on a journey to Palestine, 1907; letters to Moses Gaster from his wife Lucy, between Moses and Lucy and their children, and from the Friedlander family to Moses and Lucy Gaster, 1888-1939; letters from Lucy to her parents, Michael and Bertha Friedlander, before and after her marriage, 1880-1922; Friedlander family correspondence including letters from Michael Friedlander to his wife Bertha, from 1866, and to the Friedlanders from the Gasters; other letters received by the Friedlanders from their family and others, largely 1870-1927 and undated. Other Friedlander papers comprise papers of Michael Friedlander, including notes, and working papers and correspondence relating to Jews' College, including its administration and courses; and the diary of Bertha Friedlander (wife of Michael Friedlander and mother of Lucy Gaster, née Friedlander), 1893-1898.
Sans titreManuscript volume transcribed by Louis Bellec, 1823-1826, including 'Tragedie Sant Loeis', a play.
Sans titreManuscript volume, dated 1456, comprising miscellaneous texts:
Von Den Vier Letzen Dingen, or Quatuor Novissima (on the Four Last Things);
poem on death, in Latin and German;
Lehre Aristoteles An Konig Alexander (lesson by Aristotle to King Alexander);
untitled, beginning: Up eynre anderre stat van/ der gewaire oitmodichgeit ... ;
Klage Des Crucifixus (lament of the Crucifix), verse in German and Latin;
Tafel Des Christlichen Glaubens (table of Christian beliefs);
Gedicht Auf Die Ritterschaft Jesu (poem on the knighthood of Jesus);
three short rhymes in German and Latin;
Messiasbuch (Messiah book).
Late 14th century manuscript volume: Benediktinerregel (Rule of St Benedict), divided into 73 chapters (numbered in error as 72), each chapter consisting of a passage in Latin followed by the German translation. There are some ink sketches of monks (ff 6r, 37v, 38r, 82v) and one sketch of an abbot standing before a table (f 71r). The front cover bears a strip of parchment with the inscription: 'Regula Benedictj / Jn Theutunice'. The volume also contains a list of monastic orders with descriptions of the characteristic dress of each order (ff 94r-94v); the text of regulations, in Latin, containing many quotations from the Latin Rule (f 95r-97ra); and the later inscription 'Jste liber p[er]tinet ad mo[na]ste[r]iu[m] ot[e]nbure[n] (this book belongs to the monastery of Ottobeuren) (f 104r).
Sans titreGebetbuch (Book of Prayers), c1521, including prayers to the Virgin (one in verse) and to St Catherine. Preceded by a calendar, including tables for the Golden Number and a table of signs of the zodiac.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 15th century, containing Bartholomew of Pisa's 'De Conformitate Vitae Sancti Francisci Ad Vitam Domini Jesu Christi' (On the conformity of the life of Saint Francis to the life of our Lord Jesus Christ) and lists of privileges etc granted to the Friars Minor (Franciscans), extracted from papal registers by Marcus Trevisanus, minister of the Roman province. The list is dated 1418 in the rubric on folio 313v.
Sans titreItalian Book of Hours, c1470-1480, beginning Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis (office of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Originally 106(?) leaves, with 19th-century additions: full page colour illustrations and decorated borders, including a Crucifixion, added by Caleb W Wing.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 15th century: De raptu anime Tundali et visione. Pasted to the inside front cover is a full-page colour illustration of Tundal presenting his manuscript to Pope Eugenius, inscribed: Tondali Visione Eugenio Papae Oblata. Folio 1r bears a fragment of another text, in the same hand, as this manuscript was formerly part of a larger manuscript.
Sans titrePrinted literature, 1888-1966, collected by the Institute of Jewish Affairs, including some on Jewish affairs but mainly comprising unbound copies of British newspapers with fascist content, namely The British Guardian, 1925; The Fascist, 1931-1939; Fascist Weekly, 1933-1934; Blackshirt, 1934-1938; Action, 1936-1940, 1957-1964; The Empire Record, 1939-1942; People's Post, 1945-1953; typescript 'Gothic Ripples', 1945-1951, and Gothic Ripples, 1951-1956; Unity, 1946-1947; Mosley Newsletter, 1946-1948; London Attack, 1948; Union, 1948-1957; typescript 'Free Britain', 1949-1953, and Free Britain, 1953-1956; East London Blackshirt, 1953-1957; Candour, 1953-1961; East Anglian Press, 1955; Panorama, 1963; The National European, 1964-1966; in typescript, 'The Investigator', 1935; 'The Independent Nationalist', 1947-1948; 'East London Patriot', 1950; 'Havoc', 1950; 'The Nationalist', 1950; 'Defence', 1950-1951; 'Front Fighter', 1952. There are also copies of The Jewish Guardian, 1925-1931; files of press cuttings on Jews in Yugoslavia, 1929-1940, on Jewish affairs in Poland, 1942-1943, and on Jewish affairs in Lithuania, 1936-1944; printed material, 1961-1962, from various sources on the trial of Adolf Eichmann; miscellaneous other printed material on Jewish affairs from 1888; photographs of several prominent Jewish figures.
Sans titrePapers, c1914-1989, of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale.
Biographical material includes correspondence and papers relating to imprisonment in Holloway Prison, with Lonsdale's own accounts of her time there; diaries and personal notebooks, 1946-1969; letters of congratulation on election as Fellow of the Royal Society (1945); various photographs dating from school to her later years.
Papers relating to Lonsdale's teaching and administrative work at University College London include papers on teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses; significant documentation relating to laboratory personnel, research funding and general university administration; papers relating to the 'Round Table on Peace Studies', which proposed the establishment of a centre for research into international conflict at the University.
Research material, 1924-1970, consists of Royal Institution papers comprising notebooks, one dating from Lonsdale's first period there (1923-1927), correspondence with colleagues such as W H Bragg and J M Robertson, and Lonsdale's notes and drafts for various research topics; correspondence and papers from her University College years covering many different areas of research, including diffuse scattering of X-rays, thermal vibrations in crystals, methonium compounds and urinary calculi (the latter topic particularly well documented and including several case studies), and including a large group of photographs, mostly of X-ray diffraction patterns.
Papers on the preparation of volumes of the International Tables for crystal structure determination from Lonsdale's chairmanship of the Commission on Tables (1948) comprise drafts, notes and correspondence with colleagues and publishers.
Extensive papers relating to publications, lectures and broadcasts include drafts of articles, on subjects including peace and religious issues, also including obituaries and biographical articles on various individuals, books, book reviews, obituaries, and letters to newspapers and magazines, the latter principally on the issue of atomic weapons; general correspondence concerning publications; drafts of lectures, 1945-1970, including ethics and the role of science in society; a large series of lecture notes, 1933-1970; scripts for broadcasts, on topics ranging from crystallography to religion, 1945-1967.
Papers on foreign and domestic travel, 1943-1971, relating to conferences and lectures, on crystallography, science ethics, and work for the Society of Friends, including her visit to China (1955) and her world tour (1965).
Papers relating to organisations, notably the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), including material relating to a number of International Congresses of Crystallography, also papers relating to participation in Pugwash Conferences on World Affairs, 1958-1970, and papers concerning prison reform and the running of Bullwood Hall Borstal, Essex.
Correspondence, 1927-1974, comprises two main sequences, one arranged alphabetically, the other chronologically; 'day files', principally carbons of outgoing correspondence, 1966-1969; a sequence of references and recommendations; also including correspondence relating to Lonsdale's period of imprisonment (1943). Correspondents include scientists such as Max Born, W H Bragg, W L Bragg, E G Cox, Dorothy Hodgkin, Judith Milledge, L C Pauling and A J C Wilson.
Sans titrePapers and correspondence of the Montefiore family, 1827-1885, mainly papers of Sir Moses Montefiore, comprising a volume containing a list of letters addressed to Sir Moses, covering the years 1844-1851 and including a record of correspondence from him; two letterbooks of Sir Moses, 1862, comprising copies of letters sent and received, with index; letterbook of Sir Moses, 1865-1870, comprising copies of letters sent and received, with index; account book of Sir Moses, 1827-1829, including in particular detailed records of his travels, with expenditure on hotels, horses, tolls, etc, and comments; account book of Sir Moses, 1856-1865, recording funds received and spent on behalf of the Holy Land Committee, and also including some records of correspondence; account book of Sir Moses, 1861, 1869-1872, recording sums received and expended on behalf of the Holy Land Committee; account book of Sir Moses, 1864-1884, recording sums received and spent mainly on behalf of the Jewish community in Jerusalem, and indexed; printed appointment diary of Sir Moses, 1879, with narrative entries and notes in his own hand and that of an amanuensis, and also including as inserts various almanacs, telegrams, etc; printed and manuscript addresses and testimonials, some illuminated, framed or in presentation cases, presented to Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, 1840-1885 and undated, comprising c350 items, among them many centenary tributes, 1884, the donors including many Jewish communities and organisations in Britain, Europe, the USA, and elsewhere; bound volume of testimonials from Italian Jewish communities, 1884, comprising 165 items. There is also a manuscript volume, 'Talmud Torah ... ' (Jerusalem, c1875), with a dedication to Sir Moses Montefiore and his signature. Various other material on Jewish subjects and individuals, including artefacts and printed books, formerly belonging to the Judith Lady Montefiore College includes some material relating to Sir Moses Montefiore, notably eight large volumes containing addresses, letters of congratulation and poems presented to Sir Moses on his ninety-ninth and hundredth birthdays, 1883-1884, arranged alphabetically by place; copies of [Lady Montefiore's] Notes from a Private Journal of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine ... (2nd edition, privately printed, Wertheimer, Lea & Co, London, 1885). The collection also includes five volumes of letters of the family of Nathaniel Montefiore, c1850-1883, mainly letters from Nathaniel to his wife Emma, and also including letters from Leonard Montefiore to his parents.
Sans titreManuscript poem, 17th century, 'Himmelfahrt Der Ordensleute' (ascension of orders), in rhyming couplets. Folio 1r bears an inscription dated 1660, describing the text as a humorous poem on the meeting of the Roman Catholics, Jesuits, monks, etc, with the apostle Peter at the celestial gates, probably unpublished. On the last leaf (f 5v) a copper engraving is pasted, depicting the Rhine and Main from Cologne to Würzburg, and on the water boats full of Jesuits, apparently fleeing. A single Jesuit toils along the river bank with his sack full of treasures belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, which are being lost en route.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 1462: Heiligenlegenden (Legends of the Saints). A parchment leaf at the end of the manuscript bears liturgical text in Latin in a 14th-century hand.
Sans titreThe Altmann collection, [1920-1997], comprises papers of Alexander Altmann; papers of his brothers, Manfred and Erwin Altmann, Altmann family papers and papers relating to the Institute of Jewish Studies. Includes memoirs, diaries, draft manuscripts, research papers, letters, photographs, audio-visual material, family research papers, financial and legal papers and papers relating to publications and conferences.
Sans titrePapers concerning the Catholic Apostolic Church and religion, including notes, correspondence and photographs. There are also three card indexes entitled 'Census paper A-Z', 'Subject index J-Z' and 'Churches'.
Sans titreMinute books of meetings of donors to the Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor, Spitalfields, London, 1854-1872, with minutes of Finance Committee meetings, 1858-1871; correspondence and papers, 1857-1888, including printed accounts, 1857-1858, 1869-1872, 1883-1884, letters, 1871, 1887, and printed notices of meetings, 1888.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 15th century, consisting of two, originally independent, manuscripts: sermons of St Bernard, and a collection of miscellaneous sermons.
Sans titreManuscript volume, late 15th century, containing an exempla: Tales of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Saints. Incomplete. Written in Guelderland or Overysel, probably in the neighbourhood of Deventer.
Sans titreManuscript Samaritan service book [1788-1789].
Sans titreThe collection contains correspondence, diaries, travel journals, accounts, library catalogues and commonplace books of the Kenrick, Reid, Rogers and Sharpe families, which all help to complete the picture of the four related families. The correspondence covers many topics and is especially interesting on three counts: first, for the many letters from eminent men and women; second, for the range and depth of discussion and exchange of ideas on literary, artistic, religious and philosophical matters; and third, for the day-to-day letters written between parent and child over several generations, which provide a detailed account of family life during the period.
Sans titre