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Frost, Harold (1892-1975): photographs
GB 0096 MS1013 · Arquivo · c1914-c1970

Various photographs of Harold Frost taken throughout his life, c 1914-1970; including of Frost in military uniform during the First World War (n.d.); group photo of Boy Scout troop at the annual London Jamboree, 30 Jul 1920; Boy Scout troop taken in Wembley, Middlesex, 1924; Frost in Boy Scout leader uniform taken at Redhill, c1925; Frost sitting in conversation with Reg Lowe in France. 1920; full length photograph of Frost in doorway with medium 'Patty', c1925; head and shoulders photograph of Frost, c1935; twelve head and shoulders portraits of Frost from different angles, c1935; Frost with friends on swinging garden seat in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex (n.d.); altar of church [possibly St Nicholas] decorated for Harvest Festival, Chignall Smealey, Essex 1942; Frost's house while staying in Dacca (n.d.) (2 copies); Frost sitting with locals in Dacca (n.d.); Frost sitting in a local wagon in Dacca (n.d.); Frost's dog 'Samantha' on beach at Wittering, Sussex (n.d.); studio photograph of Frost seated with book, friend standing, c1965; full length photograph of Frost in verger robes at the altar of St Mary's Church, Banbury, c1970; colour photograph of 'Meditation Lane', Chignal Smealey, Chelmsford, Essex (n.d.).

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Madrid: Hermandad de Animas de macebos de obra prima
GB 0096 MS337 · Arquivo · 1729-1854

Accounts of the fraternity of shoemakers (apparently the same organisation as reference MS336) for October 1729 and February 1818-March 1854.

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Glasgow letters of guildry
GB 0096 MS 192 · (1605), 1722

Manuscript volume containing a transcript, 24 Mar 1722, of the Glasgow letters of guildry dated 6 Feb 1606, with the minute of the City Council of 16 Feb confirming them.

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Agreeable United Fair Friendly Society
GB 0096 MS 225 · c1785

Manuscript volume containing the rules of the Agreeable United Fair (Friendly Society), a women's society intended to provide relief in the event of sickness or old age. The Society was held near Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. The rules are signed by fifteen members, six of whom give a mark in place of a signature, c 1785.

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Clarkson, Thomas: letter, [1830-1840]
GB 0096 AL276 · Arquivo · [1830-1840]

Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Playford [Hall, Suffolk] to Dykes Alexander, c 1830-1840. 'I am going to do a thing, which through delicacy I have never yet been able to do, though I have been at Playford for twenty three years; - that is, to ask you and your cousin Samuel [Alexander] to give a trifle, however small, to the inclosed case...'.

Autograph, with signature. Dated 'Friday afternoon'. With a list of charitable subscribers, including William Allen '... and your son Richard has fiven me a sovereign unasked ...'.

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Smith, William Collingwood: letter (1870)
GB 0096 AL519 · Arquivo · 1870

Letter from William Collingwood Smith of Wyndam Lodge, Brixton Hill, London [the printed address of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, Pall Mall East, London SW, has been struck through] to Augustus De Morgan, 8 Dec 1870. Asking him to assess the depreciation in the Society's assets.

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Loch, Sir Charles Stewart
GB 0096 MS 801 · 1876-1892

Diary of Sir Charles Stewart Loch. It concerns chiefly his work as Secretary to the Council of the London Charity Organisation Society from September 1876 to November 1887.

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London Schools and Colleges Dining Club
GB 0096 MS1182 · Arquivo · 1926-2011

Minutes, 1926-2011; accounts: membership data of London Schools and Colleges Dining Club.

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Worshipful Company of Pewterers
GB 0096 MS 393 · 1643

Manuscript letter, dated 22 February, 1643, containing an Order of the Committee of Revenue to Thomas Fauconbridge, Receiver of Crown Revenues, to pay 'the poore Pewterers or Hammer men' of London the sum of £100, due to them by virtue of an Act of Parliament. The letter is signed by members of the Committee for Revenue, including Sir Henry Vane, Sir Henry Mildmay, Francis Rous, William Ashhurst, Thomas Hoyle and Dennis Bond. With a receipt dated 27 February 1643, bearing 56 signatures or marks and the signature of Robert Leeson, Warden of the Worshipful Company of Pewteres.

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Charitable Association
GB 0096 MS 427 · c1826

A history, c1826, and copies of three Royal Licences permitting it to enlarge its stock. Both the history and the licenses are in the same hand.

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Shaw, Eyre Massey: letters
GB 0096 AL420 · Arquivo · 1872-1889

(1) Letter from Eyre Massey Shaw of the Metropolian Fire Brigade, Watling Street, London to Mr Fraser, 21 Mar 1872. Explaining that he is unable to inspect premises unless invited to do so by the occupants. The law allows 'your neighbours to set their premises on fire, & then, but only then, I have full power to break in & interfere. The moment the place is cool I must walk away ...'.

(2) Letter from Eyre Massey Shaw of the Fire Brigade, Southwark, London to Miss E S Busk, 13 Jul 1889. Stating that Mr G W Gamble, who had applied to Miss Busk for books, was thoroughly respectable, but 'he is not the whole institution', and advising her to lend the books, and then, if the 'society is likely to endure', to turn the loan into a gift; [the society mentioned has not be identified].

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

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Darwin, Charles Robert: letter ([1850])
GB 0096 AL44a · Arquivo · [1850]

Letter from Charles Robert Darwin of Down, Farnborough, Kent to an unnamed member of the Council of the Palaeontographical Society [the Secretary, J S Bowerbank], [Feb or Mar 1850]. Thanking him for the loan of Pollicipes cornucopia. Referring to the Society's acceptance of his (Darwin's) proposal [an offer to prepare a monograph on the 'British Fossil Cirripedia']; stating that the plates are being prepared by James de C Sowerby, who will be the best man to engrave them. Concluding: 'I suppose I was admitted a member of the Palaeont. Soc. and shall sometime here when and where I can pay my subscriptions, etc.'

Autograph, with signature.

The events mentioned date the letter to later than 22 Feb 1850, when Darwin's monograph proposal was accepted, and before 15 Mar 1850, when he was proposed to serve as a member of the Society's Council.

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Francis Bacon Society
GB 0096 MS1151 · Arquivo · 1938

Papers of Francis Bacon Society comprise a letter from Alfred Dodd to Mrs Bayley regarding his Francis Bacon scholarship, 1938.

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