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Archival description
GB 0120 MSS.835-853, 3652-3653 and 5798-5800 · 1867-1926

The collection comprises medical notes and associated personal material. MSS.835-853 comprise notes by Acland on scientific and medical subjects, spanning the period from his schooldays to the First World War. MSS.3652-3653 are Acland's notes of clinical lectures given in 1876-1877 at St. Thomas's Hospital by Charles Murchison (1830-1879). MSS.5798-5800 comprise loose papers: letters, wall-charts and diplomas.

Acland , Theodore Dyke , 1851-1931 , physician
GB 0120 GC/4 · Collection · 1920s-1930s

Charles Berry collection of 3 notebooks: pathology, bacteriology, tropical medicine, c 1920.

Berry , Charles Ernest , b 1893 , Chief Technician of the Wellcome Bureau of Scientific Research
GB 0120 MSS.5421-5422 · 1647-1924

Autograph letters and documents collected by George Grey Turner, 1647-1924. Details of the writers included can be found in the descriptions of the individual manuscripts.

Turner , George Grey , 1877-1951 , surgeon x Grey Turner , George
Kodicek, Egon (1908-1982)
GB 0120 GC/65 · Collection · 1934-1982

Papers of Egon Kodicek, 1934-1984; comprising biographical and bibliographical items; laboratory notebooks of work at the Dunn Nutritional Laboratory, Cambridge, 1950s-1960s, and writings on nutrition research; some correspondence and photographs.

Kodicek , Egon , 1908-1982 , nutritionist
Lillie, John (1806-1866)
GB 0120 MSS.3286-3287 · 1842-1855

The collection comprises lectures on scientific subjects delivered by Lillie at the Mechanics' Institutes of Launceston and Hobart, Tasmania.

Lillie , John , 1806-1866 , lecturer on science
GB 0120 GC/64 · Collection · 1938-1984

Papers of Thaddeus Robert Rudolph Mann, 1938-1984; comprising biographical and bibliographical material, notebooks and reprints on enzyme research, 1938-1954; photographs of the Molteno Institute of Biology and Parasitology, Cambridge, 1925-1960.

Mann , Thaddeus Robert Rudolph , 1908-1993 , doctor
Marmi, Josephus H
GB 0120 MSS.3445-3455 · Collection · [1695-1715]

Commonplace books of extracts and notes from works published mainly during the last quarter of the 17th century and early 18th century, relating to science, medicine and mathematics. Written mainly in Latin or Italian, but with some entries in French. Author's holograph MSS. Illustrated by numerous folding and other pen-drawn diagrams and figures, and a few wash-drawings. The numeration of the volumes has been added.

Vol. I In universam scientiam mechanicam institutiones (80 ll. 3 folding pen-and-wash drawings). II Optica. Catoptrica. Dioptrica (56 ll. 4 folding pen-drawings). III Extracts and notes mainly in Latin, but a few in French on medical, scientific, mathematical and philosophical works, mostly published between c 1685 and 1700: with notices of others on Church history and doctrine, Jansenists, etc. There is a long entry towards the end of the volume on the 'Medicina mentis' by Ehrenfried Walter von Tschirnhausen [1651-1708], (352 ll. 1 folding wash-drawing, 8 folding pen-drawings, wash-and pen-drawing in the text). IV A similar collection, but with a preponderance of entries in French, included in which is a long article under the title: 'La vie de demoiselle Antoinette Bourignon [1616-1680], écrite par elle-même [etc.]' Amsterdam. 1683. The date 1705 is found on the verso of the last leaf (312 ll., 5 folding pen-drawings, and a few marginal pen-drawn figures, etc.) V Notes and extracts on geometry, mechanics, optics, physics, etc. on Cartesian principles: in Italian and Latin. At the end is a long entry entitled: 'Fisica generale sopra il lume, ed i colori per il P. Mallebranche (i.e. Nicolas de Malebranche [1638-1715]) dall'Istoria dell'Accademia delle Scienze, 1699' (224 ll. 6 folding pen-drawings). VI Netwon (Sir I.). Optica: in Latin (160 ll. 11 folding pen-drawings and marginal pen-drawn figures, etc.). VII Extracts from Newton's works on astronomy: conics, mechanics, physics, etc.: in Latin (246 ll., 10 folding pen-drawn figures, etc.). VIII Extracts on astronomy, geography, geometry, and chronology: in Latin. Written in 1713 'in hoc anno'. An added note on the first page contains the date 1714 (208 ll. 8 folding pen-drawn figures, and marginal figures, 1 folding Table). IX Sanctorius (S.). Ex commentariis in Avicennam et in Aphoirismos Hippocratis (256 ll.). A note on 'Colica' in Aphorism XXV is dated 1716. X Extracts and notes from 17th cent. medical works, notes of cases, medical receipts, etc.: in Latin (196 ll.). Illustrated with a full-page pen-drawing of a male head. Against this Marmi has written: 'Exhibeo schema communicatum mihi ab excellentissimo D[octore] Schustonio [?] Practico Esslingense ... Elegantissime Burrhus eques Mediolani (i.e. Giuseppe Francesco Borri [1627-1695]) apud Tackium (Johann Tackius [1617-1675]) Phasis p. 160 uti Macrocosmi Compendium homo existimatur, ita homo sive humanus mundus in se quoque habet proprium compendium in vultu et imago nostri corporis est facies'. The illustration shows the facial nerves supposed to correspond with those of other parts of the body. XI A similar volume, mainly in Latin, but with some entries in Italian (318 ll.). There are long extracts and notes on the works of Galen and Hippocrates. A marginal note on the 6th leaf is dated Naples 1714: another entry on 'Aqua Tofana' is dated 1715 apparently at Naples.

Pasted down as end-papers at the beginning of Vol. IV is a small folio sheet containing an engraving of 'Triangulus australis' above a decorated wreath, which includes a small meallion-portrait of Werner XVII Comes de Hapsburgo. It is numbered 132, and is apparently extracted from an unidentified volume of engravings. The identification of the author of these MSS. is based on two entries. The first is in Vol. III is a marginal note on the verso of the 12th leaf of the entry of the 'Medicina mentis' of Tschirnhausen noted above. It begins: 'Mihi Jos. Herm. M[armi]. The expansion of 'Herm' into an Italian Christian name seems doubtful, but it could be 'Hermannus' or 'Herminius' or even 'Hermes' or 'Hermete'. The second entry is however decisive. It is found also in a marginal note on the eating of cucumbers in the summer, in connexion with the onset of bile after drinking in hot weather as observed by Galen. This is definitely signed 'I. H. Marmi'. Produced in Naples?

Marmi , Josephus H
GB 0120 GC/97 · Collection · 1929-1993

The collection includes material on several research projects undertaken by McCance and Widdowson, 1929-1993, as well as a small amount of personalia. There are notebooks recording the first research on analysis of foodstuffs carried out in the UK, started by McCance when at the Diabetes Department of King's College Hospital, after R D Lawrence asked him to analyse cooked foods. Widdowson joined him in 1933 and together they devised the separate methods for estimating different carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and dextrose). In 1940 their findings were published as Chemical composition of foods, the first of now regularly produced Standard Food Composition publications. There are notebooks and photographs of self-experimentation undertaken within the department, on salt-deficiency, conducted by McCance on himself, colleagues and medical students, involving not only a salt-free diet, but exposure to a hot air bath to sweat the salt out of the body, and also on absorption and excretion of iron. There is also his diary of the experimental study of rationing undertaken in 1939. There are 220 complete questionnaires from their survey of female colleagues and acquaintances for a study of physical and emotional periodicity in women, undertaken 1929-1930. There are experimental notebooks and files relating to research into body composition and development from 1944 onwards. This collection represents only a part of the diversity of research undertaken during the course of their long careers.

McCance , Robert Alexander , 1898-1993 , nutritionist
Widdowson , Elsie May , 1908-2000 , nutritionist
GB 0120 WTI/RST · 1866-2002

Administrative records relating to the foundation of the Society, its premises and individual members, 1906-1979, including correspondence, diaries, notebooks, obituaries and photographs.

Papers of members, formerly held by the Society, including Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922), Sir David Bruce (1855-1931), and Sir Philip Manson-Bahr (1881-1966).

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Manson , Sir , Patrick , 1844-1922 , Knight , physician, parasitologist, tropical medicine specialist Bruce , Sir , David , 1855-1931 , Knight , Major General , pathologist
Bahr , Sir , Philip , Manson- , 1881-1966 , Knight , medical researcher
GB 0120 MSS.4347, 4348 · 1685

Philosophia naturalis juxta mentem D. Thomae et Aristotelis. Vol. I. Disputatio in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis, seu pars prima Philosophiae Naturalis, vel Physicae Auscultationes juxta mentem Doctoris Angelici D. Thomae doctrinam (4 ll. + 403 pp. + 6 ll.). II. Secunda pars Physicae, seu Philosophiae Naturalis. De ente mobili, motu locali, seu De caelo et mundo. Juxta miram Doctoris Angelici doctrinam (2 ll. + 420 pp. + 5 ll.). On the fly-leaf of Vol. II: 'Ad simplicem usum mei Petri Joannis Jacobi à Sancto Alexandro studente presenti in Coenobio Sanctae Mariae Veritatis ordinis discalceatorum Sancti Augustini'. 'Terminatus in die 22 maii 1685' is inscribed in the lower margin of the leaf before the index to the same volume. Notes of lectures delivered at an unidentified Augustinian monastery in Italy.

Jacobus , Petrus Joannes
Sancto Luca, Ludovicus à
GB 0120 MSS.4349-4350 · 1668

'Stemma physiologiae': lectures on Aristotle's 'Physica', recorded as "dictante R. P. Ludovico à Sancto Luca. Transcripsit Joannes Chrysostomus à Conceptione B.M.V."and given in Nikolsburg.

Spech, Johann
GB 0120 MSS.755, 756 · 1595-1596

Commentarius R.P. Joannis Specij Societatis Jesu in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Ejusdem in Aristotelis de Coelo quatuor libros et in duos de Generatione et Corruptione libros. Exceptus a Fratre Jacobo Petro Plonacho Benedictino Ottenpurano. On the verso of fol. 111 of the second volume is a pen-drawn figure of the Aristotelian geocentric Universe. In the second volume, on both title-pages the date is written wrongly 'MDCXVI' for 'MDXCVI'. On the first t.p. of this volume alone is the surname 'Plonach' of the writer given. In Vol. I and elsewhere he appears as 'Frater Jacobus Peter' only. Produced in Dillingen.

Spech , Johann