Showing 69 results

Archival description
GB 0099 KCLMA Young P G F · Created 1958-1960, 1963-1964, 1968

Papers relating to Cyprus, 1963-1968, including typescript account entitled 'The Green Line', concerning the UN patrolled peace-keeping line between Turkish and Greek controlled Cyprus, 1964. Correspondence relating to Cyprus, 1963-1964, including Young's letters as Joint Force Commander in Cyprus, Jan-Mar 1964. Correspondence, reports and memoranda on the political situation in Cyprus, Dec 1963-Feb 1964. Correspondence relating to Young's retirement from the Army, 1968. Four maps of Cyprus, various scales, dated 1958-1960..

GB 0099 KCLMA Woodhouse · 1942-2001

Papers, 1942-1945, 1953 relating to Woodhouse's service with the Special Operations Executive (SOE), as Second in Command, and later Commander, of the British (later Allied) Military Mission to the Greek guerrillas in German occupied Greece(BMM/AMM) and the Iranian military coup, 1953. Includes correspondence between BMM and Middle East Command in Cairo comprising telegrams, operation orders, notes, minutes, reports and memoranda, Sep 1942-Jan 1945; other papers relating to BMM/AMM including Woodhouse's diaries with typescript transcript; nominal roll of Force 133 personnel, Aug 1944, articles and reports; papers on New Zealanders in BMM/AMM; maps; post-war papers on Greece including BBC Monitoring Service records, 1948-1952; publications, lectures, articles and broadcasts on Greece and the BMM/AMM by Woodhouse and others including Andreas Tzimas, EAM Central Committee member during Greek occupation and US Maj Gerald (Jerry) K Wines, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and correspondence related to research on BMM/AMM; papers concerning funerals, memorials and decorations relating to the BMM/AMM; artefacts from the BMM/AMM. Papers on the SIS/CIA plot to overthrow Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mussadeq (Operations BOOT and AJAX), 1953. Draft translation of Panagiōtēs Kanellopoulos's History of the European Spirit from Greek to English and volumes of History of the European Spirit in the original Greek.

Woodhouse , Christopher Montague , 1917-2001 , 5th Baron Terrington , Colonel
GB 0099 KCLMA Wheeler, N · 1939-1991

Papers of ACM Sir Neil Wheeler including training account, report, press cuttings and photographs, 1939-1991, notably a comprehensive report on the Royal Air Force Operations in Malaya, June 1948-March 1949, produced by Air Headquarters, Royal Air Force Malaya, May 1949; text for talk by Wheeler on early aerial photographic reconnaissance, delivered at a Royal Air Force Historical Society seminar, 1991; undated detailed account of training for, planning and leading wing strikes against shipping convoys, 1942-1943. Cutting of article 'Cameramen of the Air: Photographing bomb damage - vital work of RAF PRU'S (Photographic Reconnaissance Units)', from The Times, 1 Sept 1943. Printed maps of Norwegian, English, French and German coastlines, [1942], with handwritten annotations. Album of Photographic Reconnaissance Unit photographs, 1940-1941, many with captions, showing locations in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway including: Brest harbour; anti-aircraft fire over Cherbourg; Morlaix; Brest; Chateau Bougon Aerodrome, Nantes; Nantes; St Nazaire; La Rochelle; La Pallice; Rochefort; Bordeaux; Dunkirk, showing wrecks on beaches; Le Havre; Zeebrugge; Boulogne; railway yards near Calais; Vlissingen Aerodrome; Antwerp; Ter Neuzen; Flushing; St Inglevert Aerodrome; Knickerbein W/T beam stations; Amsterdam; Ijmuiden; Gravelines; the Nordzee Canal; Caen; Schipol aerodrome; Stavanger; Bergen; Egersund Port; convoys in the Skaggerak area; Herlö-Herdla Aerodrome; Lista aerodrome; Kiel; Bremerhaven; Brunsbuttel; Wilhelmshaven; The Hague; Dieppe; Rotterdam; Poix Aerodrome; Ostend; also photograph of shelling damage in Guernica, Spain, 2 Jun 1941; photograph of office showing maps and operations board for 8 Apr 1941; printed map with drawn annotations showing the ranges in nautical miles of medium range, long range, super long range and extra super long range Spitfires from Wick, St Eval and Heston. Loose photographs, 1939-1943, many with captions, showing: aircraft including a Maryland, a Swordfish, a Hawker Fury and a Heyford; Wheeler and colleagues at airfields in Wick, Scotland and St Eual, Cornwall, 1941; Wheeler and aircrew of 236 Squadron, 1943. Also painting of the insignia of 236 Squadron.

Wheeler , Sir , Henry Neil George , b 1917 , Knight , Air Chief Marshal x Wheeler , Neil
GB 0099 KCLMA Weston · Created 1916-1945

Papers relating to Weston's career, 1916- 1945, including manuscript notes by Weston entitled 'Some notes on the discipline of Imperial troops in convoy on HM Transport LLANSTEPHAN CASTLE from Durban to Suez', 1941; notebook containing manuscript 'Standing orders for POWs', 1943; typescript report on the sinking of the EMPRESS OF CANADA, 1943; typescript instructions and duties of Draft Conducting Officers on board troopships [1943]; typescript memorandum by Weston on the co-ordination of Movement Control in South Africa, 1944, with typescript reports on officers attached to Imperial Movement Control, South Africa (IMPCON), 1944; printed material including memorandum on the German attack near Givenchy, Western Front, 1918, with printed map annotated with dispositions of German 4 Ersatz Div during attack north of Cuinchy, France, 9 Apr 1918, scale 1: 10, 000; trench map entitled France. Sheet 57D SE. Edition 3A, scale 1:20,000 (GSGS 2742, 1916), annotated with features near La Boisselle, Pozieres and Courcelette, Battle of the Somme, 1916, Field Service Pocket Book, Orders and intercommunication (HMSO, London, 1939), Rifle Drill illustrated (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, 1940), Restricted War Office booklet 'Standing instructions for Officers Commanding units and drafts ordered overseas', 1943.

GB 0099 KCLMA Ward · Created 1930-1983

Papers and photographs relating to Ward's RAF career, 1930-1955, including photograph album containing 201 mostly captioned photographs relating to Ward's RAF service in India, 1930-1933, including RAF 11 Sqn operations against Mohmand tribesmen, North West Frontier, Mar 1932; with six loose photographs[1932]-1945, including photograph of Ward [1932]; group of RAF POWs, Stalag Luft III, Aug 1942; four aerial photographs of Hamburg and Bremen, Germany, Jul 1945. Copy of manuscript narrative diary, 1939-1942, detailing Ward's RAF service until he was shot down over Kiel, Germany, Feb 1942; copy of manuscript notes by Ward entitled 'Future training in the Royal Air Force' [1945]; six printed maps (two on linen, one on silk and two on tissue paper), of France, Danzig, Germany, Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, 1935-[1950]; printed translation of speech to the Reichstag by Adolf Hitler, 'A last appeal to reason', 19 Jul 1940; reprinted facsimile, dated 1983, of Honolulu Star Bulletin, relating to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, 7 Dec 1941; copies of autographs given by Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart and Kathleen Liddell Hart to Ward's son, Richard Ward, Aug 1951. Papers and photographs relating to the filming of The wooden horse, directed by Jack Lee, and Ward's role as actor and Technical Adviser, 1949-1950, including seven photographs of Ward and the film set during the making of The wooden horse, Germany, 1949; sketch map by Ward of Stalag Luft III [1949]; typescript notes by Ward entitled 'The aftermath of the wooden horse escape' [1949]; newspaper cuttings on the release of The wooden horse, 1950. Papers and photographs relating to Ward's service as Air and Military Attaché to Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, 1952-1955, including typescript official reports by Ward relating to the air forces of Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia, Feb 1953-Sep 1955; typescript memoranda by Ward relating to diplomatic visits and journeys made in South America, Apr 1952-Oct 1955, including 'A review of living conditions in Lima, Peru' Apr 1952, 'Visit to Ecuador and northern Peru' Sep 1953, 'Journey by car from Lima to La Paz and return' Aug 1955; twenty four typescript letters home to relatives and friends, mostly to Ward's parents-in-law, Dudley and Audrey Christopherson, Jun 1952-Jul 1955; booklet entitled Operation Round Trip. The goodwill flight to South America by four English Electric Canberras of No 12 Squadron, the Royal Air Force (The English Electric Company Limited, London, 1952); twelve uncaptioned photographs of official functions, South America [1953]; twenty two colour photographs of the topography and local people, Peru [1954].

GB 0099 KCLMA Walker · Created 1940, 1944, 1982

Copies of papers, 1940-1982, including narrative manuscript diary covering service with 3 Div Royal Engineers, Belgium and France, May-Jun 1940, with printed map entitled Lille-Ghent, North West Europe, sheet No 2, scale 1: 250, 000 (GSGS 4042, War Office, 1938); narrative manuscript diary covering service with 51 Highland Div Royal Engineers, North West Europe, Oct 1944 and Feb-May 1945, with typescript nominal roll of officers, list of casualties between Jun 1944 and May 1945, and typescript programme for the 51 Highland Div victory parade, Bremerhaven, Germany, May 1945; five printed maps of North West Europe entitled 'Brussels and Liege', 'Walcheren and Amsterdam', 'Osnabruck', 'Hamburg', 'Hannover' (no publication details or scale), with printed map of the Rhine entitled 'Outline of 51(H) Div RE plan, Operation PLUNDER', annotated with dispositions of Royal Engineers units for the Rhine crossing, 1945; correspondence with Maj Karol John Drewienkiewicz, 25 Field Sqn Royal Engineers, 1982, concerning operations of 3 Div Royal Engineers (May 1940); typescript text of lecture, given at Antwerp, 1982, on operations to clear the Scheldt Estuary, 1944.

GB 0099 KCLMA Von Manstein · Created 1949, 1973

Papers relating to the proceedings of the trial of von Manstein for war crimes by a British Military Court, Curio House, Hamburg, Germany, Aug-Dec 1949, including typescript 'Index of the proceedings upon the trial of Fritz Erich von Lewinski, called von Manstein', 1949; typescript index of the summing-up by Judge Advocate Hon Charles Arthur Collingwood, Dec 1949; typescript charge sheet listing the seventeen charges of war crimes against von Manstein, amended as served, 14 Jul 1949; typescript opening speech for the prosecution by Sir Arthur Strettell Comyns-Carr, KC, 24 Aug 1949; typescript proceedings for the sixty one days of von Manstein's trial for war crimes (two days proceedings excluded as they were held in camera), 23 Aug-16 Dec 1949; twelve bound indexed volumes of typescript documents referred to by counsel and used as evidence in von Manstein's trial, 1949; typescript bound transcript of Commission Hearing, Landsberg Prison, Landsberg, Germany, by Special Commissioner Lt Col W St John C Tayleur, Barrister at Law, Office of the Deputy Judge Advocate General, Headquarters BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), appointed by Lt Gen Sir Charles Keightley, Commander-in-Chief, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), to take evidence on commission relating to von Manstein, 10 Jan 1949; forty four printed maps relating to Wehrmacht operations on the Eastern Front against the USSR, Jun 1941-Mar 1944; typescript 'Synopsis of the retreat of the German Army (Army Group South) from southern Russia with regard to operations of Field Marshal von Manstein', with copies of fourteen printed maps relating to the Eastern Front, USSR, 1941-1944; typescript copy of letter from B Acht, Polish Military Mission, Berlin, Germany, to Lt Gen Sir Frank (Ernest Wallace) Simpson, President of the Court, relating to his withdrawal as Polish official observer to von Manstein's trial due to his perception of the defence counsel's positive portrayal of von Manstein's character, Nov 1949; typescript copies of papers relating to evidence taken and presented at the trial, 1949; four copies of sketches of the court and of von Manstein in court, 1949; article by Cyril Bentham Falls, Chichele Professor of the History of War, Oxford, entitled 'The trial of Field Marshal von Manstein' from The Illustrated London News, 13 Aug 1949; newspaper cuttings relating to the trial, 1949; obituary for von Manstein from The Times, 13 Jun 1973.

British Military Court, Hamburg, Germany, Jul-Dec 1949.
GB 0099 KCLMA Vlieland · Created 1911, 1938, [1960-1965], 1967

Papers relating to his life and career, 1911-1942, dated 1911, 1938, [1960-1965], 1967, principally comprising bound typescript entitled 'Disaster in the Far East, 1941-1942', an account of his work as Secretary for Defence, Malaya, 1938-1941, and his assessment of the events leading up to the fall of Singapore, 1942, written in [1960-1965], including a copy of his unofficial report on the defence of Malaya, 1940, and a census map of Malaya, 1931, with covering letter to the Centre and cutting of his article on 'Singapore: the legend and the facts' from the The Daily Telegraph, 1967.

GB 0099 KCLMA Verney G L · Created 1945-1957

Papers relating to role of 6 Guards Tank Brigade in Operation BLUECOAT, Normandy, Jul 1944; operations of 7 Armoured Division, Aug-Nov 1944, including capture of Ghent; 1 Guards Brigade, Feb 1944-May 1945, including Battle of River Po and situation reports, Northern Italy and Southern Austria; pamphlets, 1943-1946 including 21 Army Group reports; campaign maps, including Turkey, 1922-1923; France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 1944 and Italy and Austria, 1945; working papers for unpublished typescript 'Airborne Forces'. Notes and draft papers of Maj Peter V Verney for Anzio 1944 An Unexpected Fury (Batsford, 1978) and planned publications on Marlborough's wars and 'The Gaiety and the Glory: the Irishman at War'.

Maj Peter V Verney
GB 0099 KCLMA Vallance · Created 1938-[1943], 1948-1951

Papers relating to his military service, 1938-[1943], 1948-1951, principally comprising papers relating to anti-aircraft searchlight training, 1938-[1943], including 'The training of the anti-aircraft searchlight spotter' by Capt Lancelot Edgar Conhop Mervyn Perowne, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, Sep 1938, and School of Anti-Aircraft Artillery and School of Anti-Aircraft Defence course notes and papers, [1939-1943]; military and War Office editions of Ordnance Survey maps of North Midlands, Lincolnshire and East Anglia, 1939, 1941, 1948-1949; 'The officer and fighting efficiency', pamphlet issued by War Office, 1941; notes relating to Company and Battery Commanders' Course No 5, Army School of Chemical Warfare, 1944; 5 Anti-Aircraft Group training directives and operational orders, 1949; orders, instructions and other papers relating to 58 Anti-Aircraft Bde, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army) Exercises DERWENT and CORGI, 1950.

GB 0099 KCLMA Turner Cain · Created 1944-1946, 1992

Typescript memoir, written in 1992, as Commanding Officer, 1 Bn, Herefordshire Regt, 11 Armoured Div, 21 Army Group, North West Europe, 1944-1945, entitled '1st Bn The Herefordshire Regiment route and battles from the Normandy bridgehead to the R Elbe in Germany, June 1944 to April 1945, including route maps and CO's pocket maps for specific incidents', with seven printed maps of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, annotated with routes taken and unit dispositions. Papers relating to Turner Cain's tenure as Chief Instructor, Tactical Wing, School of Infantry, British Army of the Rhine, Sennelager, Germany, 1946-1947, including typescript training notes on exercises, tactics of armoured forces and river crossing techniques, with manuscript explanatory notes written by Turner Cain in 1992.

GB 0099 KCLMA Talbot · 1929-1992

Papers, maps, publications, photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to Maj Gen Dennis Edmund Blaquière Talbot's life and career, 1929-1992, Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt, India, 1929-1930. Papers relating to Talbot's service as Bde Maj, 30 Infantry Bde, British Expeditionary Force (BEF), France, Apr-Jun 1940, the defence and fall of Calais, and Talbot's escape from German captivity and return to the UK, 1940, including five printed maps of France and Belgium, 1937-1942; photograph of HMS VESPER, the destroyer that picked up the escape party, 17 Jun 1940; typescript report for MI9, War Office, by Talbot, Capt Edgar Alexander Wilmot Williams, 2 Bn, 60 Rifles, and Lt W Millett, Royal Corps of Signals and Bde signal Officer, 30 Infantry Bde, entitled 'Report compiled by three officers of the 30th Infantry Brigade who were captured at Calais on the evening of the 26th May 1940, escaped on the 30th May and finally arrived in England on the night of 17th June 1940', dated 22 Jun 1940 manuscript text of lecture by Talbot on the defence of Calais, 1940, with two large wall charts, sketch maps of the campaign in France, 1940, and of the defence of Calais, May-Jun 1940; correspondence, dated 1940-1941, with relatives of men captured or killed at Calais, 1940, including typescript list of killed, wounded, missing and captured, 1 Bn, The Rifle Brigade, 1940; three editions of The defence of Calais by Eric Robert Russell Linklater (HMSO, London, 1941); typescript letter, dated 13 Jul 1971, to Talbot from Airey Middleton Sheffield Neave MP requesting information and recollections on the defence of Calais in 1940 to be used in a book later published as The flames of Calais: a soldier's battle (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1972). Papers relating to Talbot's service in the North West Europe campaign, 1944-1945, including typescript copies of monthly War Diary, 7 Bn, Hampshire Regt, Jun 1944-May 1945, with typescript citations for gallantry awards, 1944-1945; typescript account '7th Bn The Hampshire Regiment in the North West European campaign during the period 13th July 1944 to 17th June 1945', with list of honours and awards and order of battle, 43 (Wessex) Div, 1945; five photographs, 1944-1945, notably officers of 7 Bn, Hampshire Regt, 1944, and victory parade, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1945; edition of The story of the 5th Battalion The Dorsetshire Regiment in North West Europe, 23rd June, 1944 to 5th May, 1945 by Maj G R Hartwell, Maj G R Pack and Maj M A Edwards (Henry Ling, Dorchester, Dorset, [1946]); correspondence relating to the North West Europe campaign, 1944-1945, mostly with veterans of 7 Bn, Hampshire Regt, 1951-1959 and 1983-1991. Talbot's course notes, RN Staff College, Greenwich, 1946; copies of Talbot's confidential annual reports, 1946-1955. Typescript text of radio broadcast by FM Sir William Joseph Slim entitled 'Our Army', 2 Nov 1952. Papers relating to the Malayan Emergency, 1949-1955, including printed leaflet entitled 'Security hints', Malaya, 1952; typescript 'Appreciation of the situation in Malaya' by Lt Gen Sir Hugh Charles Stockwell, General Officer Commanding Malaya, 15 Oct 1953; Flying Log Book, Malaya, Oct 1953-Oct 1955, with group photograph of 1911 Light Liaison Flight RAF, Royal Naval Air Station Sembawang, Singapore, Aug 1955; twenty seven uncaptioned photographs relating to Talbot's service in Malaya, 1953-1955; eight printed maps of Malaya, 1953-1955; typescript copy of memorandum by Lt Col John Hamilton Allford, 2 Bn, 7 Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, entitled 'The location and attack on CT (Communist Terrorist) camps and cultivations in jungle', Jan 1954; typescript report entitled 'Malaya Command. Demonstration of field defences in atomic warfare', Dec 1954; typescript Operational Instructions, Malaya, 1954-1955, including Operation MOHICAN, Nov 1953-Mar 1954, and Operation LATIMER NORTH, South Pahang, Malaya, Sep 1954-Apr 1955; typescript copy of translated statement by Ng Heng, Representative of the Supreme Command Headquarters of the Malayan Racial Liberation Army, on negotiating a settlement to the Malayan Emergency, 1 May 1955; typescript memorandum by Talbot, commanding 99 Gurkha Infantry Bde, entitled 'Psychological warfare', May 1955; typescript 'Handing over notes' from Talbot to Brig Edward Philip Townsend on relinquishing command of 99 Gurkha Infantry Bde, Jun 1955, with related correspondence, May-Sep 1955; typescript situation reports from Maj John Eric Heelis, Headquarters, 99 Gurkha Infantry Bde, Malaya, Oct 1955-Oct 1956;. Also, printed leaflet 'Edward VIII. His Coronation route', 1936; printed leaflet 'Code of battle signals' [1940]; three printed pamphlets entitled Notes from France,, Nos 1-3 (War Office, London, Jan 1940); printed pamphlet entitled Summary of events. Flanders campaign, 10th May-3rd June 1940 (War Office, London, Jul 1940); edition of The Regimental Officer's Handbook of the German Army (War Office, London, Aug 1943); edition of The history of the Hampshire Regiment (37th and 67th Foot) (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, Hampshire, 1944).

Talbot , Dennis Edmund Blaquière , 1908-1994 , Major General
GB 0099 KCLMA Stockwell · Created 1923-1987

Papers relating to early career including memoirs covering 1903-1935 and Army Record of Service, 1923-1952; campaign in Norway, World War Two, including War Diary, May 1940, operational orders and diary covering preparation of 2 Independent Company for service in Norway; papers including lecture notes and schedules for courses at Special Training Centre, Inverailort Castle, Loch Ailort, 1940-1941; Madagascar, 1942-1943, including photograph album on service with 2 Company Royal Welch Fusiliers and order of battle for Battle of Majunga, Sep 1942; Burma, 1943-1945, including memoir and photograph album, 29 Brigade, 36 Division, official reports and printed histories including the Arakan campaign; Palestine, 1947-1948 including Operation BROADSIDE, 1946, reports and correspondence; transfer of 6 Airborne Division to British Army of the Rhine, 1947-1948; Malaya, including operational papers, photographs and texts of speeches; Suez Crisis, 1956, including reports, maps, photographs and correspondence; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, 1960-1964 including photographs; and miscellaneous papers relating to postwar career, including memorial address, 1987.

GB 0099 KCLMA Serby · Created 1916-1925

Copies of correspondence, 1916-1925, including letter from Lt Frank Sutherland, 2 Dragoon Guards, wounded with Serby in 1916, letters home from the Western Front, 1916 and from northern Russia, 1918- 1919, with letter to Serby from Capt P R Knowles, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) on the Allied intervention in northern Russia, 1919. Copy of diary transcript detailing operations on the Dvina river, northern Russia, Sep-Oct 1918. Copies of twenty three manuscript and printed maps of northern Russia, various scales, ELOPE and North Russia Expeditionary Force Mapping Sections, 1918. Copies of leave papers and travel documents for UK leave granted to Serby from northern Russia, Jul-Aug 1919.

GB 0099 KCLMA Scott Elliot · Created 1942-1949

Papers relating to the campaign in France, 1940, including copy of typescript War Diary, written by Scott Elliot, of 154 Infantry Bde, 1-30 Jun 1940, on the withdrawal and evacuation of 'Ark Force' from Cherbourg, 15 Jun 1940, and copy of typescript 'ARK Force Operation Order No 2', 11 Jun 1940. Papers relating to Sicily and Italy, 1943-1945, including copy of typescript War Diary, written by Scott Elliot, Commanding Officer, 8 Bn, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's), on the attack on Centuripe, Sicily, Aug 1943, with typescript retrospective account entitled '8 Bn The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders at Centuripe' [1947]; typescript account by Scott Elliot on operations of 167 (London) Infantry Bde, Italy, Sep-Oct 1944; copy of typescript memorandum by Maj Gen John Yeldham Whitfield, General Officer Commanding 56 (London) Div, Italy, entitled 'Battle absentees', Apr 1944, with typescript article by Scott Elliot entitled 'The 5th casualty: battle absentees' [1947]; copy of part of map of northern Italy, entitled 'Coriano', scale 1: 50, 000 [1945]; typescript of 'Operations of British, Indian and Dominion Forces in Italy, 3 Sep 1943-2 May 1945. 56 (London) Div', with maps, prepared by the British Historical Section, Central Mediterranean Forces [1945]; typescript account by Capt Close Brooks, Adjutant, 7 Bn, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, entitled 'Anzio beach-head' [1946]. Typescript lecture notes by Scott Elliot entitled 'The mental training of the soldier' [1949].

GB 0099 KCLMA Sclater · Created 1898-1927

Photocopies of correspondence and photographs, taken from five albums, relating to Sclater's career, 1898-1927, including letter from FM Sir (Henry) Evelyn Wood, Adjutant General to the Forces, confirming Sclater's appointment as Bde Maj, Aldershot, 1898; seventeen copies of photographs and nine sketch maps relating to the Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899-1902, including photographs of Bloemfontein and Brandfort, Orange Free State, and sketch maps of the Battles of Modder River, Nov 1899 and Paardeberg Drift, Feb 1900; two photographs of the 13 pounder Quick Fire gun, newly issued to the Royal Horse Artillery, 1904; letter from Lt Col Rt Hon Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron Stamfordham, thanking Sclater for congratulatory letter on the award of a peerage to Stamfordham, 1911; three photographs of Indian Army sepoys, 1912; correspondence, 1912- 1917, including letters relating to recruitment, military inspections and the availability of manpower from FM Sir John Denton Pinkstone French, Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, Feb 1917, Gen Sir (Henry Macleod) Leslie Rundle, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Command, Feb-May 1916, and Lt Gen Sir (Cecil Frederick) Nevil Macready, Adjutant General to the Forces, Jul 1917; letter to Slater from Gen Sir (Francis) Reginald Wingate, relating to riots in Egypt, Jun 1920; letter to Sclater from Lt Gen Sir George Fletcher MacMunn, Quartermaster General, India, dated Jun 1921, relating to the political and military situation in India, particularly in the aftermath of the massacre of 479 Indian civilians by troops of the Indian Army, commanded by Brig Gen Reginald Edward Harry Dyer, Amritsar, Punjab, Apr 1919; printed obituary of Sclater [1927].

GB 0099 KCLMA Ryland · 1916-1944

Papers of John Patrick Ryland, comprising papers relating to the Home Guard, 1940-1944 and collected material relating to World War One, 1916-1918, Home Guard papers, 1940-1944, comprise published material including Home Guard instructions on training 1940-1944; regulations, 1942, and training manuals, 1940-1944 and unpublished material including instructions for training exercises; notes from training courses and Home Guard examination papers; map of 'Hazebrouck 5a, Belgium', edition 2, scale 1:100,000, Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 2364, published by Ordnance Survey ,1916; map of the Somme, France entitled 'Special Sheet, edition 2 A' showing British and enemy trenches corrected from information received up to 24 Jun 1918, scale 1:20,000, published by the Field Survey Co. No. 3790; German map of France, Belgium and the Netherlands entitled 'Spezialkarte der Nördlichen Westfront' Flemmingskriegskarte No 23, scale 1:320,000, 1916 and 120 degree panoramic photograph Number 304 of the Somme from North North West to East created for the Fourth Army, 16 Nov 1916 and Daily Telegraph War Map of Europe, World War Two, specially prepared for The Daily Telegraph by the London Geographical Institute, displaying neutral and belligerent countries, scale 50 miles = 1 inch.

Ryland , John Patrick , 1922-1994
GB 0099 KCLMA Riall M B B · Created 1899-1901, 1906-1910

Newspaper cuttings mostly from The Irish Times, Evening Herald and The Globe, 1899-1901, relating to the Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899-1902. Papers and photographs relating to the Mohmand Field Force, North West Frontier, India, May-Jun 1908, including pocket diary detailing operations of 1 Bn, Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt) against Mohmand tribesmen, 1908; typescript extract, written on 13 Aug 1908, from the Record of Service of 1 Bn, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt), Mohmand Expedition, May-Jun 1908; fifty nine mostly captioned photographs of the Mohmand Field Force, 1908, including the defences of H Company, 1 Bn, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt), Mutta camp, North West Frontier, India, 1908; two printed maps of the North West Frontier, India [1908]; printed booklet entitled Standing Orders for Mohmand Field Force, May 1908 by Maj Gen Sir James Willcocks (Victoria Press, Peshawar, India, 1908); cutting from The Sphere with printed map of 'Mohmand country', 9 May 1908. Five letters from Riall to his father and sister, and to Riall from his mother, 1906-1910, with letter to Riall from Sgt Lipscombe, 1 Bn, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt), relating to a Battalion shooting competition, 30 Mar 1910.

GB 0099 KCLMA Prentice/Wickstead · Created 1942-1945, 1989-1991

Prentice's manuscript diaries, mainly detailing his services at General Headquarters, Middle East Command, Cairo, Egypt, including mention of Long Range Desert Group operations in the Western Desert, 1942; manuscript diaries and notebooks kept by Prentice and Wickstead, mainly relating to SOE operations in West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled by Allied Military Mission personnel, detailing demolition, intelligence and reconnaissance missions in West Macedonia, combined missions with Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) 9 Div, liaison operations with Raiding Support Regiment and US Operational Group 7 personnel, sabotage targets, and administrative and operational procedures, 1943-1944; papers, in Greek, mainly relating to ELAS partisan activities in West Macedonia, including a copy of the 'National Bands Agreement', memoranda to Allied Military Mission regarding struggles with Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) factions, political proclamations and ELAS propaganda; papers, in Greek, relating to Greek partisan forces not under the jurisdiction of the Allied Military Mission, including memoranda, propaganda and military orders from the Ellinikos Ethnikis Stratos (EES) and Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE) and official Greek government notices, 1943- 1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operation, 1943- 1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders and sub-area commanders, 1943-1944, including correspondence between Greek partisan commanders and Prentice, 1944; personal letters from Allied personnel to Prentice, 1946-1955; correspondence between Wickstead, Officer Commanding Signals, Area 1, and Allied personnel, 1944; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers, relating mainly to the administration and supply of the Allied Military Mission; German papers, including German 1 Mountain Div operational orders, propaganda, personal letters from German soldiers to family members and German-language newspapers; Greek political papers, notably including propaganda newspapers and party leaflets, including letters to Maj Gen Arthur Wilmot Wadeson Holworthy, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war index of Allied Military Mission signals, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about SOE operations in Greece, including the working papers for Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond's, The Allied Military Mission and the Resistance in West Macedonia (Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1993); post-war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991]. 3.3.4 Arrangement: Arranged in the following sections: diaries and notebooks of Maj Ronald R Prentice and Capt H Arthur Wickstead, 1942-1944; documents and papers relating to Allied Military Mission operations, West Macedonia, 1943-1944; papers relating to Greek partisan activities, 1943-1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operations, 1943-1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders, 1943-1944 and former Greek partisans, 1946-1955; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers relating to the administration, finances and logistics of the Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; German papers, documents and newspapers during the occupation of Greece, 1943-1944; Greek political papers, documents and newspapers, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war partial index of signals, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about the resistance movement in West Macedonia, [1989-1991]; post- war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991].

GB 0099 KCLMA Pitchforth · Created [1943-1944]

Copy of dossier containing maps, plans and technical data on the port of Boulogne, produced by the Director of Ports and Inland Water Transport, War Office, for the use of port construction and repair companies engaged on the rehabilitation of ports damaged by enemy action, [1943-1944].

GB 0099 KCLMA Paton Walsh · 1885-1947

Papers comprising printed or typescript reports and supporting publications, on the 1 Army, North Africa, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), and on the administration of civilians in occupied territory including the Control Commission Germany (CCG), 1885-1947; notably comprising printed and typescript instructions, orders and reports issued by the Provost Marshal's Office, 1 Army, North Africa, including on traffic control, stores, planning, lessons learnt from the operations, intelligence summaries, 1 Army newsletters, 'Crusade', with an air raid precautions poster from Algeria, 1939-1943; reports and typescript summaries relating to the Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), on 'captivity neurosis', the economics and finance of wartime Europe, fire and civil defence, road transport, military writing, the welfare of occupied populations, Nazi doctrines, files of information on national temperaments and characteristics of various occupied countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy, 1943-1944; appointments diary compiled by Paton Walsh (1945), memoranda, correspondence and papers on aspects of the German penal system under the Nazis and Allied occupation, notably the police, procedures, juvenile courts, penal statistics from Nazi Germany, 1929-1947, including copies of British Zone Review, Nov 1945-Dec 1946; papers on the Control Commission Germany including confidential reports on police trainees, lectures given by Paton Walsh, the purging of Nazis from office, training and planning for post-Nazi administration, training and organisation of the penal system in Allied occupied Germany with observations on the regulation of the system under the Weimar Republic and the National Socialists, precautions against sabotage directed against occupying forces, 1943-1946; witnesses' depositions in the Nuremberg trials, account of Brendonk Concentration Camp, defence positions of the Gestapo, Sturm Abteilung (SA), 1945-1946; papers on Cologne Prison, including an autobiographical account and journal of Rudolf Kirsch, prisoner, and correspondence, 1939-1944, papers on executions at Cologne Prison with copies of the last letters of the condemned, 1941-1944; publications in English on military law, police and transport, mainly manuals, regulations and information notes on Imperial policing, traffic patrols, military law, inspection and care of vehicles, 1917-1945; publications on the Allied occupation of Germany, consisting of notes on the military government of occupied territory, internment camps, contact lists for civil administrators, Who's who in occupied Europe, chart of the Nazi administrative structure, re-education programmes, maps and gazetteers of Germany, Austria and Denmark, 1943-1945; American publications, namely civil affairs information guides, fileld manual of military government, an entertainment guide for American soldiers entitled, 'What's Cooking in Berlin', copies of The Stars and Stripes and the New York Herald Tribune, 1940-1946; general military handbooks including guidance for officers on allowances, the training of Army tradesmen, training manuals on air support of infantry and the use of parachute troops, catering, defence of aerodromes against attack, the disposition of unit records, signals, mine clearance, anti-malarial precautions, 1939-1943; Army Education booklets in a series entitled 'The British Way and Purpose', 1942-1943; German language publications on law, crime and prisons especially regulations, criminal biology, youth crime, 1885-1942; German National Socialist publications on topics ranging from flying schools, the SA in Berlin to the beginnings of radio broadcasting,1926-1946; maps, mainly Ordnance Survey and Stanfords, of United Kingdom cities and counties, including Wolverhampton, Winchester, Dover, East Sussex and Suffolk, 1913-1940; maps of Germany, central and eastern Europe, 1936-[1945]; maps of Algeria, French North Africa, Tunisia, 1942; propaganda cartoon and other posters published by the Evening Standard, Stationery Office and Army Bureau of Current Affairs, 1944; 1 file of telegrams, commission of 1918 and details of the various promotions of Paton Walsh, 1916-1947.

Walsh , Edmund James Paton , 1897-1985 , Brigadier
GB 0099 KCLMA North · Created 1927-[1968]

Papers relating to Gallipoli (Faber and Faber, London, 1936), 1927-1967, principally comprising original typescript, [1936]; correspondence, 1927-1967, notably with Brig Gen Cecil Faber Aspinall-Oglander, 1933-1939, Gen Sir Ian (Standish Monteith) Hamilton, 1934-1941, Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1936-1937, AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, Bt, 1934-1939, and Maj Gen Arthur Cecil Temperley, 1935-1939; newspaper cuttings, [1915]-1966, including reviews of Gallipoli, 1936-1937, and cuttings relating to the Gallipoli campaign, [1915]-1966; 'Gallipoli', [script of radio programme] by Val Henry Gielgud, 1936; photographs of Gallipoli taken by North, [1936]. Papers relating to North West Europe (HMSO, London, 1953), 1943-1961, including original typescript, [1953]; correspondence, 1944-1957, notably with Liddell Hart, 1953-1954, and FM Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, 1954-1955; press cuttings, 1943-1961, comprising reviews of North West Europe, 1944-1945, dated 1953-1954, and cuttings relating to World War Two, dated 1943-1961; official US Government and HMSO publications relating to World War Two, 1945-1946. Papers relating to The Alexander memoirs (Cassell, London, 1962), dated 1941, 1945, 1946, 1948, 1959-1964, including draft copy, [1962], and published copy, 1962; correspondence, 1961-1964, notably with FM Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis, 1961-1963, Liddell Hart, 1961-1962, and Montgomery, 1962; newspaper cuttings, 1945-1946, 1948, 1959-1963; photographs taken by North and Alexander on a visit to the Middle East and Italy, 1960. Other papers, [1931-1968], including articles by North, [1939-1966], notably concerning training, tactics and weaponry; correspondence, [1933-1960]; maps of UK and North West Europe, 1931-1944; press cuttings, 1939-1966, including reviews of Men Fighting (Faber and Faber, London, 1958), 1958-1959; 'Diary of the Belgian Campaign, May 1940', typescript text by AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, dated [1940].

GB 0099 KCLMA Myers · 1942-1981

Papers of Edmund Myers, 1942-1981, relating to his service as Commander, of the British Military Mission to the Greek partisans in German occupied Greece, 1942-1943, Special Operations Executive (SOE). Notably on Operation HARLING and the destruction of the Gorgopotamos Viaduct, Greece, Nov 1942 and Operation WASHING, the destruction of the Asopos Viaduct, Greece, Jun 1943. Also including reports, lectures and radio broadcasts on Greece and the British Military Mission; papers relating to the National Band of Rebels formed under Allied command; papers relating to a delegation of six Greek partisans (andartes) sent to Cairo to consult with the Greek government in attempt to avoid political crisis and civil war, Aug 1943; papers on British support of Greek monarch, King George II; correspondence on Myers' attempts to return to Greece; maps related to British Military Mission; photographs of the British Military Mission including individuals, landscapes and the British Military cemetery in Athens, 1971; post-war papers on Greece including correspondence with Myers, draft copy of Greek Entanglement by Myers with scrapbook of reviews and papers relating to the funeral of Gen Napoleon Zervas.

Myers , Edmund Charles Wolf , 1906-1997 , Brigadier
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 11 · [1922-1943]

World War Two ordnance survey maps of the United Kingdom and Europe, mainly 1 inch, prepared by the Geographical Section, General Staff, and the War Office, for use by the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), including 1:40,000 map of Antwerp, Belgium; 1:100,000 map of Brussels, Belgium; 1:5,000,000 map of South Africa; 1:250,000 map of Italy; and 1:50,000 map of Northeast France. Also included are German survey maps of North Africa and Northern Greece, and 1:300,000 map of the Netherlands with manuscript outline of German Army occupation districts, 1940-1943

Geographical Section, General Staff; War Office; Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence; German General Staff
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC: 53 and 54 · 1916-1943

Home Guard training notes, booklets and maps, 1916-1943; comprising 2 folders of Home Guard papers consisting of typescript and manuscript exercise orders, training camp instructions, night training guidance, guidance notes on the use of weapons and training proficiency badge examination mark sheets, all relating to 61 Surrey (Norwood) Bn, 1941-1943; printed War Office Home Guard regulations, training and information booklets with a guide to German infantry, 1941-1943; maps of the Western Front, Belgium and France, 1916-1918, British and German, some showing trenches, focussing on the Hazebrouck and Senlis regions, and of the Western Front and of Europe in general published by the Daily Telegraph, Ordnance Survey and others; photographic panorama showing a stretch of front with identifying background features such as roads, settlements and woodland in the Neuve Chapelle area, [1916].

Ryland , John Patrick , d 1992
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 49 · 1939-1944

German armed forces maps, gazetteers, and geographic charts of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944. Includes detailed study produced by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force concerning the organisation of the RAF, the strengths and locations of British aircraft production facilities, the location of RAF flight schools, airfields and anti-aircraft facilities, the location and strengths of RN facilities in Britain and the North Sea, and British aircraft carrier strengths, 1939; German harbour atlas and gazetteer produced and distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Seehafensatlas Großbritannien, detailing in 1:50,000 maps and aerial photographs, naval harbours and ports in Britain, 1940; German Navy High Command map books of naval ports and harbours in the United Kingdom, their associated agricultural and heavy industries production rates, defence facilities, and geographical locations, 1940; map books issued by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Luftgeographisches Einzelheft Großbritannien, detailing the location of British heavy industry, gas works, water works, aircraft and naval production facilities in Britain, including 1:21,120 maps, 1940; German Army High Command book, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, and detailing in photographs the towns, cities and countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland; German Army Command gazetteer of Ireland and Northern Ireland, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, listing county sizes, numbers of inhabitants, population densities, industries, and harbour and port facilities in Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1940; German Army High Command gazetteers of Britain, listing alphabetically towns and cities, their longitude and latitude co-ordinates, their respective counties, numbers of inhabitants, industrial and agricultural production rates, and trains station facilities, 1941; map book distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Britische Flugrüstungsindustrie, detailing the location, size, and production rate of ship-building and aircraft production centres in Great Britain, 1941; map books distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force including detailed photographs, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 maps, longitude and latitude co-ordinates, population density statistics, and points of reference notes for town and cities in Britain, 1943-1944

German Army General Staff; Commander in Chief German Air Force; German Navy High Command
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 43 · 1918

Four ordnance survey maps, two 1:20,000, one 1:40,000, and one 1:100,000, produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office, of area south and south-west of Arras, France, including the locations of British trenches, 1918

Geographical Section, General Staff
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 45 · 1953

Printed programme of the review of the British and Commonwealth naval and merchant fleet by HM Queen Elizabeth II at Spithead, 15 Jun 1953, including map of the review published by the Admiralty, 1953

Her Majesty's Stationery Office
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 37 · 1942-1971

Edition of A Gazetteer of Greece published by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for the Admiralty and War Office (House of the Royal Geographical Society, London, 1942). Also, official 1945 edition of RAF Map Catalogue containing lists of maps of Europe, the Middle East and the Far East held by the RAF and published by Directorate of Military Survey, Middle East; Directorate of Survey, Geographical Section General Staff, India; the Australian Survey Corps; the Aeronautical Chart Service; US Army Air Forces; and the Army Map Service, US Army. Book of maps published by the Institute for Army Education relating to the British campaign in Burma, 1942-1945, and including maps of Northern Arakan, the Assam Front, the Kohima Sector, the Imphal Sector, the Irrawaddy, and campaigns in Burma and Eastern India, 1942-1945. Ministry of Defence map and air chart sales catalogue containing details of all maps and aeronautical chart series released for sale to the public by the Ministry of Defence, including world surface maps, aeronautical topographical and planning charts, and special navigational charts, 1968- 1971.

Permanent Committee on Geographical Names; Directorate of Military Survey and Geographical Section General Staff; Institute for Army Education; Ministry of Defence
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 57 · 1977

Typescript proof copy of article'German Military Mapping: An Exploratory Survey' by Andrew F Tatham, Map Curator, King's College London, for The Cartographic Journal, 1977. Also, typescript draft of same article, in which the author reviews the range and extent of German military mapping, largely of World War Two, and the role of the cartographer in supplying information during conflicts

Andrew Tatham, Map Curator, King's College London
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 66 · 1909-1962

A collection of twentieth century maps formerly held by the Map Library of King,s College London. A large number of maps in the collection relate to World War One. These were either produced for military use, as in the case of the British maps published by the Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), 1909-1918, or were produced subsequently to illustrate World War One battles and campaigns, such as the set of tracings of the strategic development of the battle of Jutland, 1916, the War Office Historical Section (Military Branch) maps of the campaign in Palestine, 1917-1918, published 1927-1929 and the French and German maps. There are several later Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), maps produced 1935-1953, including maps published during World War Two and a map of the area of Cassino, Italy, compiled and reproduced by 12 Polish Field Survey Company, Dec 1945. The final section consists of a number of maps and diagrams produced for use in Staff College entrance and staff/promotion examinations, 1955-1962

GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 59 · 1940-1944

World War Two maps of the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy, produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff and the Army Map Service, US Army, including one inch to the one mile ordnance survey maps of England and Wales produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff, including of London, Bath and Bristol, Cardiff and the mouth of the Severn, Windsor, the Isle of Wight, Weymouth and Dorchester, Bolton and Manchester, 1940-1942; one inch to the one mile ordnance survey maps of British counties produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff, 1940-1942; 1:250,000 and 1:500,000 scale maps of Germany produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff, including of Kiel, Hamburg, Halle, Leipzig, Lubeck, Bremen, Frankfurt-am-Main, Hannover, Osnabrück, Magdeburg, Schwerin, and Munich; Army Map Service, US Army 1:200,000 road maps of France copied from 1939 Michelin guide including of the Carcassonne-Nimes, Avignon-Digne, Auxerre-Dijon, Mons- Luxembourg, and Lyon-Geneve areas, 1943-1944; 1:100,000 map of Utrecht, Netherlands, 1:50,000 map of Arnhem, Netherlands, and 1:250,000 map of Amsterdam, Netherlands, produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff, 1940-1944; 1:250,000 maps of Italy produced by the Geographical Section, General Staff, including of Bologna, Firenze, Genova, and Siena, 1943

Geographical Section, General Staff, War Office; Army Map Service, US Army
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 6 · 1942-1946, 1988

Wartime Translations of Seized Japanese Documents: Allied Translator and Interpreter Section Reports, 1942-1946 is a themed microfiche collection of 7,200 translated Japanese documents. The collection includes translated seized Japanese diaires, Allied interrogation reports of Japanese soldiers and civilians, Japanese reconnaissance reports, US summaries of enemy activities, and Allied tactical and strategic reports on Japanese military movements issued by Allied General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA), and Advanced Echelons of the Australian New Guinea Force; US 6 Army; US 1 Corps; US 11 Corps; US 10 Corps; US 8 Army; US 14 Army; 1 Australian Corps; and US 24 Corps. Included are all documents bearing the notation 'Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, Southwest Pacific Area' and issued during the period 1942-1946. As noted above, the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) was re-organised after the terms of Japanese surrender were signed on 2 Sep 1945, and its mission was altered to reflect the needs of the Supreme Command, Allied Powers (SCAP), occupation force. During its transition to a service within SCAP, ATIS continued to issue documents under the aegis of General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA) and these documents are included in the collection. Major subjects covered in ATIS documents are Japanese military strategy and tactics; specific intelligence on Japanese troop movements, equipment, and order of battle; indigenous political movements and political geography of the Southwest Pacific; technical data on Japanese military equipment; and, information obtained from Japanese prisoners of war. ATIS translations of seized Japanese materials also made available English language versions of documents, maps, charts, and other official Japanese visual records. Principal among the types of materials collected and translated by ATIS were: personal diaries obtained from Japanese prisoners of war or removed from the bodies of Japanese killed in action, detailing Japanese military operations and objectives as well as personal accounts of the war; letters and personal correspondence, paybooks, and Military Postal Savings Books carried by Japanese soldiers; official Japanese unit field diaries; official Japanese military orders and orders of battle; maps and charts relating to Japanese shipping routes, military positions, airfields, and order of battle plans; Japanese propaganda and psychological warfare documents; Allied interrogations reports of Japanese prisoners of war, detailing Japanese military positions and troop morale; and, Japanese technical manuals, detailing weaponry and supplies.

Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS)
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 9 · 1945-1953, 1989

A themed microfiche collection relating to material produced by the Historical Detachments of the US Army during the Korean War, 1950-1953. The scope and content of the interviews and studies therein was influenced by the nature of the conflict and by the types of units employed in combat. Despite the involvement of United Nations forces and the US Marine Corps, all units interviewed by the Historical Detachments were from the US Army. The two primary components of this collection are 'After-Action Reports' and 'Studies'. 'After-Action Reports' include accounts of combat-related activities of specific units during a campaign, engagement, or operation. They focus on the role or scope of action of particular units for a given period of time at a specific location, and consist of a narrative account of the action, combat interviews, and supplementary materials, including manuscript and printed maps, charts, and photographs. 'Studies' were prepared by the Historical Detachments to provide insight into unit strengths or deficiencies or problems in fundamental strategic and tactical matters, including the use of new weapons, techniques for supply and support, and fighting behaviour. 'After- Action Reports' in this collection include material relating to the assault on the North Korean defence line north of the Hongchon River by US 5 Cavalry Regt, 13-20 Mar 1951; Operation TOMAHAWK, the airdrop of US 187 Airborne Regimental Combat Team behind enemy lines at Munsan-ni, Korea, and the subsequent fighting around Parun-ni, Korea, 22 Mar-29 Mar 1951; preparation of defensive positions consisting of booby traps, barbed wire, and mines in the General Defense Line, Korea, 17-18 May 1951; action of US 3 Infantry Div to control the high ground of the 'Iron Triangle', which encompassed Chorwon, Kumwa, and Pyongyang, Korea, Jun 1951; engagements by US 23 Infantry Regt to control and secure strategic 'Heartbreak Ridge', the area connecting Hill 931 and Hill 894 near Satae-ri and Mundung-ni, Korea, Sep-Oct 1951; Operation CLAM UP, the operation to deceive the North Korean People's Army into dispatching patrols against United Nations lines, exposing them to ambush and capture, Feb 1952; Operation SMACK, US 31 Infantry Regt assault on Pokkae and Hasakkol, Korea, with co-ordinated support from air, artillery, and tank units, 12 Jan-25 Jan 1953. 'Studies' in this collection include reports relating to US personnel management from the beginning of hostilities until the initiation of cease-fire negotiations, Jun 1950-Jul 1951; inter-Allied co-operation during combat operations, Jun 1950-Jul 1951; offshore procurement of supplies by US 8 Army, 26 Jun 1951-31 Jul 1953; efforts to evacuate American and Allied dead from cemeteries in Korea and the Glory Plan to recover bodies from North Korea, 26 Jun 1950-23 Dec 1953; the organisation, activities, and equipment of mobile army surgical hospitals, auxiliary surgical and neurosurgical teams, and other US 8 Army medical support facilities, Jul 1950-Feb 1953; the Korean War armistice negotiations, Jul 1951-Jul 1953; ordnance salvage operations, Jul 1951-Sep 1953; logistical support to prisoners of war detained by United Nations forces, Jul 1951-Jul 1953; the organisation and pattern of North Korean People's Army and Chinese People's Liberation Army tactics, 26 Dec 1951; Chinese People's Liberation Army and North Korean People's Army materiel, weapons and equipment, 19 Jun 1952; US Army tank employment in positional warfare, 10-30 Jan 1953.

Historical Detachments, US Army
GB 0099 KCLMA Meynell · 1956

Papers of Hugo I Meynell realting to the Suez crisis, 1956, including six detailed aerial photographs of Port Said, Egypt, Nov 1956; map of the Suez Canal, Egypt (scale: 100,000), produced by 2 Corps Headquarters, Oct 1956, showing the canal from Port Said to Suez, with glued-on enlargements (scale 1:25,000) of Port Fouad, El Qantara-el-Gharbiya, the western coast of the Great Bitter Lake, and the town of Suez and page from an Operations Log of 3 Infantry Div (typed on Suez Canal Company headed paper), detailing an attempted petrol bomb attack on a British patrol.

Meynell , Hugo I , fl 1956 , aide de camp
GB 0099 KCLMA Metson · Created 1942-1943

Papers relating to the North African landings (Operation TORCH), 1942, principally comprising signalinstructions, intelligence summaries and various maps and diagrams relating to wireless communication in North Africa, Oct 42; official note concerning project for the establishment of signal communications in Bizerta and Tunis (Operation DECIBEL), including maps andappendices on storage dumps and naval requirements, written by Metson as Commander, 11 Unit, Lines of Communications Signals for circulation to Chief Signal Officer and 11 Unit personnel, Apr 1943.

GB 0099 KCLMA Melville · Created [1930]-1945

Papers relating to his military career, [1930]-1945, principally comprising official printed 21 Army Group report on the clearing of Scheldt Estuary, Belgium, Oct-Nov 1944, written in [1944]; typescript copy of article on the Tunisian campaign, 1942-1943, from The Times, 22 May 1943; two silk maps of Western Europe, [1939-1945].

GB99 KCLMA McCreery · Collection · 1928-1960

Papers of Gen Sir Richard McCreery, 1928-1960; including notes relating to Staff College, 1928-1929; edition of The Cologne Post and Wiesbaden Times, 3 Nov 1929, relating to the final evacuation of British Forces from the Rhine; map of Aisne battlefield, 1914; notes relating to 12 Royal Lancers training exercises, chiefly on Salisbury Plain, 1937-1938; detailed narrative of 2 Armoured Brigade operations, France, May-Jun 1940, with brief diary of events, and official photograph with original caption, 'A conference at HQ during operations on the Somme Front'; map for 5 Corps training exercise, Salisbury Plain, Dec 1940; official correspondence as Commander, 8 Armoured Div, Home Forces, Dec 1940-Oct 1941, discussing topics including unit inspections, accommodation, recruitment and appointments; report on 'The supply of mobile forces by air', c 1942, regarding supply in the Western Desert; letter from Maj Gen Gerald Templer, Cdr 56 Div, Italy, 18 Mar 1944, commenting on recent operations; messages to all ranks as Commander, 8 Army, Italy, 12 October 1944-26 April 1945; pamphlet, Royal Canadian Armoured Corps, 1945, relating to the development of the Corps, 1940-1945; notes on the Tunisian campaign and notebook containing brief notes on operations in Italy and Austria, 1944-1946, possibly compiled retrospectively as lecture notes; detailed itinerary for British Troops in Austria battlefield tour of Italy, 5-11 May 1946; letter from V Adm Louis Mountbatten, South East Asia Command HQ, 8 Aug 1946, asking for any available polo ponies to be sold to the Malta Polo Club; booklet sent as Christmas card, 1946, with illustrations of Russian Army personnel; publications British Army of the Rhine battlefield tour: first day. 8 Corps operations east of Caen, 18-21 July 1944 (Operation GOODWOOD) (BAOR, Jun 1947) and British Army of the Rhine battlefield tour: fourth day. 43 (W) Division assault crossing of the River Seine, 25-28 August 1944 (BAOR, Jun 1947); brief notes relating to British Army of the Rhine organisation and administration, [1947]; letter from Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, 16 Dec 1947, relating a recent conversation with Emmanuel Shinwell, Minister of Defence, concerning the role of Christian teaching in Army education, particularly with regard to National Servicemen in Germany; routine official correspondence as Colonel Commandant, Royal Armoured Corps, 1947-1957; memorandum from FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery as Chief of Imperial General Staff, 29 May 1948, relating to deployment of tanks by Royal Armoured Corps; notes on 'The Reserve Army, 1946-1949', by Brooke Claxton, Minister of National Defence, 1949; letter from Lynch Maydon, the Conservative MP for Wells, 7 Nov 1956, responding to the latter's criticism of the invasion of the Suez Canal Zone; correspondence, May-June 1957, relating to proposed mergers of army regiments; papers, chiefly training notes, relating to the Royal Armoured Corps, 1960.

McCreery , Sir , Richard Loudon , 1898-1967 , Knight , General
GB 0099 KCLMA Marnham G · Created 1916-1954

Papers relating to Marnham's life and career, 1916-1954, including twelve printed maps of Kashmir and Jammu, India, dated 1916-1933, with printed booklet entitled Notes for visitors to Kashmir (Pratap Government Press, India, 1933); printed programme for film Mons, 1924; twenty two captioned photographs relating to service in Peshawar and Nowshera, India, 1928-1935;typescript 'Report on operations in Greece', 4 Infantry Bde, 3 Mar-28 Apr 1941, with two printed maps of Greece [1941]; typescript official report 'The operations of the 50th (Northumbrian) Division in the Sicilian campaign, July and August 1943', with photograph of the memorial to 1 Durham Infantry Bde, Ponte Primosole, Sicily, 1943; typescript training notes by Maj Gen Charles Falkland Loewen,General Officer Commanding 1 Infantry Div, Mar 1945; printed booklet entitled Notes on the blockade of Berlin 1948. From a British viewpoint in Berlin (Headquarters, British Troops, Berlin, Germany, 1948); group photograph of the Warrant Officers and Sergeants, 62 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regt, Royal Artillery, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Sep 1951; printed booklet containing list of members of 50 (Northumbrian) Div Officers Dining Club, Aug 1954.

GB 0099 KCLMA Misc 20 · Fonds · 1915-1918

Twelve published maps of Mesopotamia, titled 'Turkey in Asia', produced by the Survey of India, 1915-1917, showing an area from Baghdad in the north west to Basra (Basrah) and the border with Iran (Persia) in the south east, scale 1 inch to 4 miles, many areas marked 'unsurveyed'. Also two maps produced by 'the Compilation Section GHQ', 1918, of the town of Najaf (An-Najaf) scale 6 inches to 1 mile, and of the area around the town of Mosul, scale 1 inch to 4 miles.

Survey of India
GB 0099 KCLMA Lingen · 1940-1947

Papers, photographs and maps, relating to operations in Greece and Italy, 1943-1945. Papers relating to the Allied Military Mission to Greek guerrillas (andartes) in German occupied Greece include: military instructions; financial papers; correspondence; Maj Ronald R Prentice's accounts book and account of Lingen's return to Grevena after the war. Papers relating to the political and military liaison mission to Italian partisans in Vittorio Veneto, including the Nino Nannetti Garibaldini Division, led by Col Francesco Pesce 'Milo', (Operation GELA BLUE), 1944-1945 and papers relating to establishing Allied Military Government in North East Italy following German withdrawal, 1945-1946, including correspondence, radio messages, notes, instructions, and papers relating to the Nino Nannetti Garibaldini Division. The collection also includes papers relating to Lingen's military training; Lingen's official and personal documents; photographs, chiefly from Allied Military Mission to Greece and Italy; maps of Palestine, Greece and Italy and testimonials and notes for Lingen's curriculum vitae.

Lingen , Albert Henry , 1915-1974 , Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Lindsay-Young · Created 1913-1969

Certificates, notifications of appointments and typescript curriculum vitae relating toLindsay-Young's career, 1914-1944, with printed article by Capt John Stewart Noall Bernays entitled 'The Sudan troubles of 1924' from The Green Tiger, May 1933. Typescript account of Lindsay-Young's service in Ireland during the Anglo-Irish War, 1920-1922, entitled 'Under the shadow of darkness-Ireland 1920'. Typescript text of lecture by Lindsay-Young relating to hisservice as Commanding Officer, 1 Bn, Leicestershire Regt, Malaya, 1941-1942, with printed map of Malaya, 1938, annotated by Lindsay-Young with events in the Malayan campaign, 1941-1942. Typescript account by Lindsay-Young of his service with Headquarters, 4 Line of Communication Sub Area, British Liberation Army, from Lille, France, Sep 1944, to Berlin, Germany,Aug 1945. Papers relating to Lindsay-Young's service in Belgium, 1944, including typescript memorandum on the reporting of German atrocities, Sep 1944; typescript 'Brussels garrison refugee plan' outlining procedures to be adopted if German forces advance towards Brussels [Dec 1944]. Papers relating to the Potsdam Conference, Germany, codename TERMINAL, on thesurrender terms for Japan, and the boundaries and peace terms for Europe, Jul-Aug 1945, including manuscript and typescript notes for an article on the Potsdam Conference by Lindsay-Young [1945]; typescript 'Report on Operation TERMINAL, 12th June-15th August, 1945' by Brig Owen Murton Wales, commanding 4 Line of Communication Sub Area, with thirteenuncaptioned photographs relating to the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 1945. Papers, photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to Lindsay-Young's service in the Control Commission for Germany, Berlin and Flensburg, 1945-1948, including sixty five mostly uncaptioned photographs of Berlin and Potsdam, Germany, May-Jun 1945; typescript notes entitled 'Group commanders conference, Kiel',Jun 1947; letter to Lindsay-Young from AVM Hugh Vivian Champion de Crespigny, Regional Commissioner for Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, relating to a proposal to establish a Patent Office for Germany, Oct 1947. Papers and maps relating to the history of the Frisian Islands, Germany, 1936-1969, including printed map of Langeness Island, 1936; typescriptnotes on Groede-Appellard Island [1947].

GB 0099 KCLMA Harington · Created 1913-1921

Map of area around the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Eastern Mediterranean, including Turkey and parts of the USSR, North Africa and the Middle East, drawn up by the Survey Department, Egypt, 1913, and the Royal Geographical Society, under the direction of the Geographical Section of the General Staff, 1916 and 1918, marked with the boundaries of Armenia and Georgia as laid down by the Treaty of Alexandropol, 1920, lines in the Caucasus held by the Turks and by the Bolsheviks, Mar 1921, and boundaries in the Caucasus proposed by Moscow, 1921.

GB 0099 KCLMA Hamilton · Created 1814-1971

Papers, 1814-1971, relating to Hamilton's life, military career and activities. The collection specifically includes correspondence, 1852-1899; diaries and notebooks, 1870-1899; printed correspondence and speeches of FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Waterford and Pretoria, 1878-1893; diaries kept during the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, 1899-1900; personal and official correspondence during the Second Boer War, 1899-1902, including Hamilton's letters to FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Waterford and Pretoria, 1901-1902, and operational correspondence of 10 Div and Hamilton's Force, 1900; Hamilton's diaries of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 and related correspondence, 1902-1905; publications of the Royal Commissions on the war in South Africa and on the Militia and Volunteers, 1903-1904; correspondence as General Officer Commanding Southern Command, 1905-1909, and related official papers; correspondence as General Officer Commanding Mediterranean Command and Inspector General of Overseas Forces, 1910-1914, including papers relating to compulsory and voluntary military service, official reports on overseas forces, and correspondence relating to Hamilton's tours of the West Indies, South Africa, the Far East, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; correspondence as Commander-in-Chief Central Force, Home Defence, 1914-1915; papers as General Officer Commanding Mediterranean Expeditionary Force on Gallipoli, 1915, including correspondence with FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, and the War Office, Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill MP, Lt Gen Sir John Grenfell Maxwell and Lt Gen Sir William Riddell Birdwood; papers relating to Ellis Ashmead Bartlett and Keith Arthur Murdoch, war correspondents on Gallipoli; papers relating to operations at Suvla Bay and Sari Bair, Aug-Sep 1915, and to the efficiency of commanding officers; papers relating to Hamilton's despatches from Gallipoli, and to recommendations for decorations; officialdespatches, 1914-1919; force orders, intelligence bulletins and other papers of General Headquarters, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force; papers relating to Hamilton's Gallipoli diary; maps and official photographs of the Gallipoli Campaign; depositions of witnesses given to the Dardanelles Commission, with related correspondence, 1916-1919; correspondence with the War Office, 1917-1938;correspondence as Colonel of the Gordon Highlanders, 1912-1949; correspondence relating to ex-servicemen, the British Legion, and to war memorials, 1916-1949; correspondence and papers as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, 1932-1936; correspondence with major military, political and literary acquaintances, including Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill MP, Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane of Cloan, Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, John Masefield, FM Sir William Robert Robertson, and senior officers associated with the Gallipoli Campaign, 1916-1949; correspondence relating to the Anglo-German Association and to Anglo-German relations, 1928-1947; correspondence with members of the public and relatives, 1908-1948; business and financial correspondence, 1913-1947; correspondence relating to Hamilton's estate and his literary executors, 1948-1969; papers relating to Hamilton's publications, 1872-1948; speeches, articles and letters to the press, 1918-1947; scrapbooks and press cuttings, 1883-1971; photographs, 1855-1947;publications and other printed material, 1814-1966; diaries, correspondence and publications of Hamilton's wife, Jean Miller Hamilton, Lady Hamilton, 1869-1940; correspondence of Eleanor Charlotte Sellar, 1896-1934, including correspondence with Hamilton, FM Sir George Stuart White and FM Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain.

GB 0099 KCLMA Griffith · Created [1939-1945], 1948, 1965, 1966

Papers relating to his military service during World War Two, dated [1939-1945], 1948, 1965-1966, notably including account of the service of 1 Welch Regt in Crete, May 1941, written in 1966; silk map of North Africa and the southern Mediterranean, [1939-1945]; account of his imprisonment in Salonika in 1941 and his subsequent transportation to Germany, [1945]; typescript copy of 'Per anum ad astra', an account by Alexis Casdigli of the smuggling of maps from Oflag IX A-H to Oflag XII B in 1944 by a group of POWs, including Casdigli and Griffith, written in 1948, copied in 1965.

GB 0099 KCLMA Gracie · Created 1917-1945

Typescript account, 'The Second Battalion in the battle of the 100 days in 1918'; letters home, Western Front, 1917-1918; four manuscript signal messages relating to an attack by 1 Div, Western Front, 17-19 Oct 1918; photograph album, 1918-1922, including captioned photographs of individuals, Western Front and Germany, 1918-1919; letters home from British Army on the Rhine, 1919-1920; edition of The story of the Fourth Army in the Battles of the Hundred Days, August 8th to November 11th, 1918 (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1920) by Maj Gen Sir Archibald Armar Montgomery (known as Montgomery-Massingberd from 1926), General Staff, 4 Army, with volume of related published maps and panoramic photographs. Papers relating to Gracie's service in World War Two,1939-1945, including manuscript notes on postings and pay details, 1942-1945; letters relating to the award of the OBE, and promotion to the rank of honorary Lt Col, 1945.

GB 0099 KCLMA Glennie · Created 1915-1959

Seventeen volumes of Survey of India. Geodetic Report, 1922-1940 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1928-1945), with editions of Survey of India. Supplement to the Geodetic Report Volume VI. Indian deflection and gravity stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931) and Survey of India. Supplement to the GeodeticReport 1937. Isostatic reductions of Indian Gravity Stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1939). Eight volumes of Survey of India. General Report, 1947-1955 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1959).Twelve volumes of Survey of India. Technical Report, 1947-1954 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1957). Six volumes entitled Survey of India. Professional Paper No 15. The pendulum operations in India and Burma 1908 to 1913 by Capt Harold John Couchman, Royal Engineers, Deputy Superintendent, Survey of India (Government of India, Dehra Dun,India, 1915); Survey of India. Geodetic triangulation by Capt Guy Bomford, Royal Engineers, Superintendent, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 27. Gravity anomalies and the structure of the Earth's crust by Maj Edward Aubrey Glennie (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1932); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 30. Gravity anomalies and the figure of the Earth by B L Gulatee, Mathematical Adviser, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1940); damaged volume entitled Survey history [1950]; The Survey of India during war and early reconstruction 1939-1946 by Brig Sir Oliver Wheeler (Surveyor General of India, Office ofthe Geodetic and Research Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1955). War Office map case containing forty three printed maps of western Europe, mainly France and Germany, and twenty two printed maps of the UK, various scales [1944].

GB 0099 KCLMA Embleton · 1939-1949

Papers of Edwin Embleton, 1939-1949, chiefly comprising World War Two propaganda pamphlets, 1939-1945, on subjects including the Allied war effort, the Home Front, British Allies, anti-Nazism and the Empire, largely produced by the Ministry of Information for dissemination both within Britain and overseas. These pamphlets are in a number of European, Middle Eastern, African and Asian languages. An approximate translation has been provided for all foreign language titles. The remainder of the collection comprises Ministry of Information produced propaganda posters, postcards, cigarette cards, scrapbook stamps; portraits of Islamic leaders; maps from the Ministry of Information 'Map series' for use by newspapers; American propaganda pamphlets and Ministry of Information administrative papers. Administrative papers include progress reports, memoranda and plans relating to strategy, visual presentation, print deadlines and staff.

Embleton , Edwin Joseph , 1907-2000 , studio manager, Ministry of Information
GB 0099 KCLMA Elliott · Created [1944-1953], [1960-1980]

Papers relating to his military career, 1944-1952, dated [1944-1953], [1960-1980], comprising account of advance of 2 Bn, Essex Regt through Northern France and Belgium, June-Oct 1944, notably covering the attack on Le Havre, 10 Sep 1944, written in [1945], with appendix dated [1960-1980]; account of withdrawal of 2 Infantry Bde from Belgium and Northern France, May 1940,culminating in their evacuation from Dunkirk on 1 Jun 1940, written in [1944-1945]; notes on the allotment and loading of vehicles, Operation OVERLORD, June 1944; map of German defences at Le Havre, issued by [the War Office], 1944; map showing position of 51 and 49 Div to the north of Le Havre, 7 Jun 1944, issued by the War Office, 1947; two accounts of the work of 1 Bn, The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt, in Malaya, 1952, written in [1953].

GB 0099 KCLMA Dodson · Fonds · 1935-1986

Papers of Sir Derek Dodson, 1935-1986, relating to his service in Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Greece and Italy, comprising papers including message books, notes, reports and correspondence related to service in the Allied Military Mission to Greece, Sep 1943-Mar 1945; messages, notes, and diary relating to service with partisans in Italy, Apr-May 1945; photographs of Dodson; maps of Greece, Italy and France; report by the Salonika Bureau, 'The Macedonian Autonomy Movement in North West Greece: its setting and recent histor', Oct 1945.

Dodson , Sir , Derek Sherborne Lindsell , 1920-2003 , Knight , diplomat , Major