Showing 3 results

Archival description
GB 2107 · 1892-2000

Records of City University and predecessors, 1892-2000, covering all aspects of the establishment and development of the University, and including foundation documents and University charter, 1966; Governing Body records including minutes, 1892, annual reports, 1897-2000, and various management schemes, 1912-1960s; general administrative records including prospectuses, 1930s-1960s, records of prizes, scholarships, and ceremonial occasions, and in-house publications; financial records, 1893-1999; estates and buildings records and plans, 1892-2000; academic administrative records including Departmental syllabuses, 1927-1996, research and publications reports, 1952-1992, publications, 1970-1997, and promotional literature, 1960s-1990s; lists of students, 1899-1960s; staff records, 1895-1926; Library records, 1940s-1990s; Student Union records and records of other student societies, 1906-1999, including student magazines, 1912-1999; records of staff associations, 1950s-1990s; presscuttings, 1909-1999; photographs, 1892-1999; and audio tapes of special lectures, 1960s-1980s.

Northampton Institute Northampton Polytechnic Institute Northampton Polytechnic Northampton College of Advanced Technology City University
External bodies
GB 2107 External · 1893-1997

Papers of external bodies associated with the City University, including City Parochial Foundation publications, 1887-1937; Inspectors' reports, 1907-1951; statement of Governing Bodies of Teaching Institutions regarding proposals of Academic Council of the University of London to Royal Commission on University Education in London, 1911; reports on provision of engineering education in London, 1927-1928; correspondence relating to withdrawal of grants, 1932-1937; General Regulations, 1936, and Staff Regulations, 1937; University of London, minutes of Senate, 1965; University Grants Committee (UGC) visits, 1965, 1970, 1980, and papers, 1970s-1980s; London County Council Rules of Education Committee, 1954, 1958, Quality Audit Report, 1993.

Northampton Institute Northampton Polytechnic Institute Northampton Polytechnic Northampton College of Advanced Technology City University London County Council University of London City Parochial Foundation University Grants Committee
Governing Body and Council
GB 2107 Governing Body · 1891-1999

Records of the Governing Body of City University and predecessors, 1891-1999, including signed minutes, 1892-1999; Committee minutes books, 1892-1933; Council minute book, 1906-1918; Principal's Report books, 1896-1937; Lady Superintendent's Report book, 1896-1914; Letter book, 1892-1893; Title deeds and documents re various premises, 1887-1969; papers regarding designation as a College of Advanced Technology (CAT) with scheme of management, 1956-1957; papers and documents regarding University Charter, 1964-1967, with Charity Commission schemes and agreements, 1891; record of discussions with Sir John Cass College regarding possible amalgamation, 1965; annual reports, 1932-1999; printed minutes with annual reports, 1897-1999; Governing Body attendance books, 1934-1966; Governing Body agendas, 1939-1947, 1949-1952, 1955, 1957, 1965-1966; Council agendas, 1963-1999; Council minutes (unsigned), 1970-1979; Council minutes, reserved items, 1978-1979; Special Council meeting minutes, 1964-1968; Council minutes, 1999; Ordinances, 1966-1973, 1987-1999; Governing body management schemes for Battersea, Chelsea and Northampton Colleges, 1962 (photocopy), with schemes for management of Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 1912, and Northampton CAT, 1960s; schemes, drafts and agreements with London County Council (LCC) following direct grant status, 1961-1966; reports of Charity commissioners, 1892; City Parochial Foundation "Polytechnics and the Poorer Classes", 1933; LCC reviews and schemes, 1923, 1928,1949,1964; development Plan, 1967-1968; leaflets regarding compact with Islington Council, 1996, and affiliation of Inns of Court Law School, 1997; corporate plan responses to consultation, 1999; CU proposed Institute of Education, 1972; records relating to the foundation of City University, comprising Draft Charter, Statutes and Petition, 1965; copies of petition and University Charter, 1966, with index.

Northampton Institute Northampton Polytechnic Institute Northampton Polytechnic Northampton College of Advanced Technology City University