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Archival description
GB 0101 ICS 2 · 1937 and nd

Photocopy of article: 'Beyond the borders of the Cape Colony', 1937 [? by Abdullah Abdurahman], with notes by Dr Hendrickse on the Abdurahman family.

Abdurahman , Abdullah , [1872]-1940 , President of African People's Organisation
GB 0101 PP.AD · 1963-1965

Pamphlets, letters and press releases issued by the Peoples' Socialist Party (Aden-Southern Yemen).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.AD · 1964

Pamphlets issued by the International Committee for Solidarity with the Workers and People of Aden - South Yemen.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Aden: Trades Unions Material
GB 0101 TU.AD · 1963

Pamphlet issued by the Aden Trades Union Congress.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 137 · 1985

Photocopy of minutes of meeting between the African National Congress and South African Business Delegates, held at Mfuwe Game Lodge, Zambia, 13 Sep 1985; the meeting was chaired by President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, and was held at his private game lodge. The ANC delegates were Oliver Tambo, Thabo Mbeki, Chris Hani, Mac Maharaj, Palo Jordan and James Stuart, the South African business delegation was led by Gavin Relly, and included Tony Bloom, Zach de Beer, Tertius Myburgh, Harold Pakendorf, Peter Sorour and Hugh Murray.

African National Congress
GB 0101 ICS 1 · 1920-1976

Papers of the African National Congress, 1920-1976; comprising;

  1. Papers of South African Indian organisations - resolutions, reports, petitions, memoranda, conference proceedings and agenda, etc., of the South African Indian Congress (1946, 1956), South African Indian Organisation (1951, 1959), Transvaal Indian Congress (1939-1963), Natal Indian Congress (1940-1961), Colonial Born and Settlers' Indian Association (1933-1934), South African Passive Resistance Council (1946), South African Indian Conference (1948), etc.
    1. Treason Trials (1954-1961) - including Treason Trial Defence Fund papers, papers relating to evidence, addresses at Natal Indian Congress and ANC conferences (1954), letters to Thomas Hodgkin in Oxford, England, mainly from Michael Parkington regarding the trial (1959)
    2. Miscellaneous Documents (1953, 1972-1976) - mainly ANC public statements and publicity material
  2. Government of India, Department of Education, Health and Lands, Overseas Section/Branch - microfilm copy of files from National Archives of India relating to Indians in South Africa.
African National Congress
GB 0101 ICS 3 · 1974-1985

Papers of Neil Alcock on agricultural training in South Africa, 1974-1985, comprising newsletters from Alcock's farm, 'Mdukutshani', near Weenen, Kwazulu, on the training of Bantu farmers, 1975-1985; typescript article 'An experiment in agricultural training' by Neil Alcock, Mar 1974; press cuttings on Alcock's death in an ambush, Sep 1983; order of service for Alcock's memorial servive, Emmanuel Cathedral, Durban, Oct 1983.

Alcock , Neil L , 1919-1983 , farmer and teacher
GB 0101 PP.AO · 1960-

Manifestos, speeches, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and communiques issued by the Angolan Revolutionary government in exile (GRAE), the Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola and the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.AQ · 1960-

Pamphlets, papers, manifestos and constitutions issued by the Antigua-Barbuda Democratic Movement, the Antigua Caribbean Liberation Movement, the Antigua Labour Party, the Antigua People's Party, and the Progressive Labour Movement (Antigua).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 TU.AQ · 1951-1970

Conference materials, labour agreements and disputes and general pamphlets issued by the Antigua Trades and Labour Union and the Antigua United Port and General Workers Union.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 84 · c1880-1933

Most of the Ashmead-Bartlett collection are papers of the younger Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (1881-1931), though there are papers relating to his father, Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (1851-1921).
Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett: correspondence - album of letters replying to an appeal for financial assistance for his newspaper England and letters of congratulation on knighthood (1892-93) and album regarding speaking engagements for Conservative Party (1892-93); articles - account of trip to South Africa and Swaziland (1900-01); press cuttings - album on activities (1891-95) and album of obituary notices (1902); miscellaneous items (ref. F/1), including letters, press cuttings, voting card from 1900 election.
Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett - There is a substantial amount of material relating to Ashmead-Bartlett's involvement in the Gallipoli campaign spread throughout the collection, as well as other material relating to the rest of his career: diaries and autobiographical sketches (1897-1925), including descriptions of Turkey (1897), South Africa (1900), France, England (1901) London and visit to West Indies (1902), life in England (1906-09, 1911), Morocco (1908), visits to America and Tripoli (1911), Dardanelles (1915), lecture tour of America, Australia and New Zealand (1916), Hungary (1919-20); correspondence (1892-1930, predominantly 1907-1930), relating mainly to journalistic activities, particularly in the Dardanelles, and with Daily Telegraph and William Burdett-Coutts; articles and writings (1900-1930) written by Ashmead-Bartlett, mainly as war correspondent, but also [unpublished?] material on foreign affairs at Westminster, including his maiden speech to the House of Commons; photographs
(c1890-1930), including Ashmead-Bartlett and family members, and pictures of South Africa, siege of Port Arthur, North Africa, Dardanelles, France, including picture agency material; press cuttings (1908-33) on conflicts which Ashmead-Bartlett reported on; drafts of publications, including The Uncensored Dardanelles and The Tragedy of Central Europe; research material - pamphlets and maps.

Bartlett , Sir , Ellis Ashmead , 1849-1902 , Knight , politician Bartlett , Ellis Ashmead , 1881-1931 , politician, journalist and author
GB 0101 PP.AT · 1930-

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, stickers, badges and miscellaneous election material at federal, state and youth levels issued by the Australian Council of Social Service, the Australian Christian Party, the Australian Democrats, the Australian Family Movement, the Aboriginal Independent Party, the Australian Labor Party, the Adelaide Revolutionary Marxists, the Australia Party, the Call for Australia Citizen's Movement, the Country Liberal Party, the Australian Conservative Party, the Country Party, the Communist Party of Australia, the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), the Democratic Labor Party, the Environmental Independents, the Henry George League, the Immigration Party, the Liberal Party of Australia, the Libertarian Movement of Australia, the Libertarian Party of Australia, the National Socialist Party of Australia, the National Centre Party, the Nuclear Disarmament Party, the National Party, the Progress Party, the People's World Commonwealth Party, the Republican Party of Australia, the Spartacist League of Australia and New Zealand, the Socialist Labor Party, the World Socialist Party, the Socialist Party of Australia (Anti-Communist), the Socialist Party of Australia, the Trades and Labor Council, the United Australia Party, the United Christian Party, the United Tasmania Group, and the Workers Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.AT · 1970-1988

Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, badges, stickers and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the Australian Democrats Student Organisation, the Australian Heritage Society, the Australian Independence Movement, the Australian League of Rights, the Aboriginal Mining Information Centre, the Australian Peace Committee, the Australian Union of Students, the Council for Civil Liberties, Citizens for Democracy, Combined Unions Against Government Cutbacks, the Federation of Adelaide Metropolitan Residents' Association, the Higher Education Round Table, the Immigration Control Association, the Libertarian Socialist Association, the Movement Against Uranium Mining, the New South Wales Labor Day Committee, the No Ties With Apartheid Campaign, the National Workers Control Conference, People for Nuclear Disarmament, the Proportional Representation Society of Australia, Resistance, the Southern Africa Liberation Centre, the Socialist Labour League, the Sydney Working Women's Group of Women's Liberation, the Transnational Co-operative, Tax Payers United, the Union of Australian Women, the Women's Action Alliance, the Women's Electoral Lobby, Words for Women, and the Wilderness Society.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 TU.AT · 1971-

Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, stickers and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders Labourers' Federation, the Australian Bank Employees Union, the Administrative and Clerical Officers Association, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Amalgamated Metals, the Foundry and Shipwrights Union, the Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union, the Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, the Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union, the Australian Railways Union, the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia, the Australian Telecommunications Employees Association, the Australian Teachers' Federation, the Australian Trade Union Training Authority, the Artworkers Union, the Building Workers Industrial Union of Australia, the Cattlemen's Union of Australia, the Federated Clerks Union of Australia, the Metal Trades Federation of Unions, the National Metal Unions Campaign Committee, the Pastrycooks, Bakers, Biscuit Makers and Allied Trades Union, the Trades and Labor Council of Queensland, the Transport Workers Union of Australia, the United Workers Forum, the Unemployed Workers Union, and the Women's Trade Union Commission.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 113 · 1988

Leaflets and other publicity literature for events in celebration of the Australian Bicentennial, 1988: comprising literature produced by the Australian Bicentennial Authority, the New South Wales Bicentennial Council, and the Bicentennial Festival of Sydney, micsellaneous leaflets and leaflets regarding events in the UK.

Australian Bicentennial Authority
GB 0101 PP.BF · 1957-

Manifestos, newsletters and pamphlets issued by the Free National Movement (Bahamas), the Bahamas Federation of Labour/Labour Party, the Progressive Liberal Party (Bahamas), the United Bahamian Party, and the Vanguard Nationalist and Socialist Party of the Bahamas.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.BG · 1971-

Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, election posters, constitutions and conference reports issued by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, the Communist Party of Bangladesh, the National Awami Party and the National Socialist Party of Bangladesh.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 27 · 1921-1936

Papers of J R Granville Bantock on his career with the Ceylon Police Force, 1921-1936; including personal correspondence, 1922-1938; papers on visit of the Prince of Wales [later King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor], 1922; papers on visit of the Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden, Dec 1922; papers on the role of the police during elections, 1931-1932; report by H L Dowbiggin, Inspector-General of Police, on disturbance at Eraviur, Eastern Province, 1933; report by Bantock on strike at spinning and weaving mills, Wellawatte, 1937; notes on poison gasses; copies of lectures on criminal law; Weekly Reports, 1921-1936, comprising record of inspections, parades, rounds and visits to crime scenes [very brief accounts of day-to day work].

Bantock , J R Granville , fl 1921-1936 , police officer in Ceylon
GB 0101 PP.BB · 1941-

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, stickers, recordings and miscellaneous election material at national and youth levels issued by the Barbados Electors' Association, the Barbados Labour Party, the Barbados Progressive League, the Democratic Labour Party (Barbados), the Movement for National Liberation (Barbados), the National Democratic Party (Barbados), the Progressive Conservative Party (Barbados), the People's Political Alliance (Barbados) and the People's Progressive Movement (Barbados).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.BB · 1980-1986

Leaflets and pamphlets issued by the Barbados Employers' Confederation, Glenroy Straughn and the People's Pressure Movement (Barbados).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 TU.BB · 1945-1980

Journals, newspapers, memorandums, constitutions, reports and conference reports issued by the Barbados Association of Local Government Officers, the Barbados Progressive Union of Workers, the Barbados Sugar and General Workers Union, the Barbados Workers' Union, and the Caribbean Labour Congress.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Barbados Workers' Union
GB 0101 ICS 138 · 1952-1962

Photocopies of agreements between the Sugar Producers' Federation of Barbados and the Barbados Workers' Union on wages of plantation and factory workers in the sugar industry, 1952-1962.

Barbados Workers' Union Sugar Producers' Federation of Barbados
BASNER, Hyman M (1905-1977)
GB 0101 ICS 88 · c1930- 1991

Papers of Hyman Basner comprise manuscripts of the biography "H.M. Basner - 20 Years in South African Politics" by his wife Miriam, the autobiography of A.S. Mopeli-Paulus co-authored with Miriam Basner, Basner's book "The Black Price of Gold in South Africa from 1870-1960" and random chapters from his unpublished autobiography and books on Ghana and "The Union of Smuts and Strydom"; research notes on his time in Ghana and his legal work involving Basutoland/Lesotho and Harrismith; transcripts of an interview of Basner by Brian Willan on South African politics between 1930-1950 and an interview with David Wilcox Bopape; correspondence including those relating to the publication of articles by Basner, political refugees in Swaziland, Connor Cruise O'Brien and Brian Willan and correspondence between Miriam Basner and various others; copies of published articles by Basner and seminar papers by Baruch Hirson and others; bound reports by various departments of the South African government; letters and pamphlets for his election campaign for the Senate and legal and court papers relating to cases Basner was working on (SOME ARE CLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT) and his imprisonment.

Basner , Hyman M , 1905-1977 , political activist and co-founder of the African Democratic Party.
Basutoland Memorandum
GB 0101 ICS 4 · 1961

Manuscript copy (sent by Josiel Lefela to the High Commissioner for Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland) of memorandum on relations between the British Government and Basuto Nation, presented to the United Nations, 1961.

Lefela , Josiel , fl.1916-1961 , political activist
GB 0101 PP.BH · 1960-

Manifestos, conference reports, posters, and speeches issued by the National Independence Party (British Honduras), the People's United Party (Belize) and the United Democratic Party (Belize).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
BENSON, Mary (1919-2000)
GB 0101 ICS 6 · 1948-1999

Papers of Mary Benson on South Africa, and the struggle against apartheid, 1948-1999; principally comprising correspondence and statements on apartheid, 1964-1970 (ICS 6/1); correspondence and papers on political prisoners and prisons in South Africa, 1963-1982 (ICS 6/2); general papers on Robben Island Prison, 1962-1983 (ICS 6/3); papers on individual prisoners on Robben Island, particularly Dennis Theodore Goldberg, and Nina Hassim, 1972-1979 (ICS 6/4); papers on individual South Africans, particularly Bram Fischer, Albert John Luthuli, Vuyisile Mini, Walter Sisulu and Toivo Hermann ja Toivo (ICS 6/5); miscellaneous papers on apartheid, 1964-1976 (ICS 6/6); papers on Treason Trials, 1957-1982 (ICS 6/7); press cuttings on Nelson Mandela, 1961-1990 ICS 6/8-11); correspondence with Winnie Mandela, 1962-1989, with associated press cuttings, 1977-1990, (ICS 6/12); correspondence and press cuttings on boycott of South Africa by British playwrights, [1957-1987] (ICS 6/13); cuttings on South African Politics, 1966-1985 (ICS 6/14); correspondence with Hilda Bernstein, Oliver Tambo, Winnie Mandela, Helen Suzman, Denis Healey, Ismail Ayob and others, mainly on the campaign for the release of Nelson Mandela, 1964, 1977-1987 (ICS 6/15); correspondence and cuttings on Robben Island Prison, mainly on the plight of inmates, particularly Nelson Mandela, 1962-1983 (ICS 6/16); correspondence and cuttings on the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Albert Luthuli, 1961 (ICS 6/17); correspondence and cuttings on the African National Congress (ANC), 1957-1987 (ICS 6/18); correspondence on South Africa and international politics, 1957-1980 (ICS 6/19); correspondence and papers on Alan Paton, 1948-1995 (ICS 6/20); correspondence with Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, 1966-1993 (ICS 6/21); correspondence with Ruth First, 1962-1988 (ICS 6/22); correspondence with Walter Sisulu, 1987 (ICS 6/63); correspondence with Oliver Tambo, 11964-1986, and material relating to Tambo's visit to London, 1985 (ICS 6/24); correspondence with Wilton Mkwayi, 1989-1998 (ICS 6/25); correspondence with other activists, 1964-1989, correspondents include Albert Luthuli, Desmond Tutu and Govan Mbeki (ICS 6/26); correspondence on the murder of Matthew Goniwe and three other anti-apartheid campaigners, 1985 (ICS 6/27); file of miscellaneous correspondence and papers, including material relating to Guy Clutton-Brock, Christopher Gell, Laurence Gandar, Bessie Head, Trevor Huddleston, Helen Joseph, Mzwakhe Mbuli and Sue Sparks, 1952-1999 (ICS 6/28). Press cuttings, correspondence and draft articles by Benson relating to apartheid, Nelson Mandela and the Mandela family including reviews on publications about Mandela, 1986-1997 and correspondence with the Press Council on an article printed in the Spectator 'Time to Free Mandela', 2 May 1987, which Benson complained contained inaccuracies and false descriptions of Mandela; correspondence on publications on South Africa and apartheid. Photographs and negatives of Nelson Mandela including portraits, 1937-1993; in Transkei, 1937; preparing for the ANC's defiance campaign with Nina Sita, 1952 and with Yusef Dadoo, Maulvi Cachalia and Indian Youths, 1952; in the office of Mandela & Tambo, attorneys, 1952; helping with the washing up after lunch during the Treason Trial, 1960; in London, 1962, including with Mary Benson, outside Westminster Abbey, outside Westminster Hall, with Freda Levson and Mary Benson by the Thames and by the Thames opposite the Tower of London, 1962; with Algerian officers, 1962; with Oliver Tambo in Algeria, 1962; with Walter Sisulu in the courtyard of Robben Island prison, 1966; in the garden of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Cape Town, 12 Feb 1990 and with Nigel Vermaas, being presented with an item marked 'Robben Island', Jul 1993. Postcards featuring Mandela, [1952-1954] including in Johannesburg sparring with professional boxer Jerry Moloi, 1954. Other photographs including of Zindzi Mandela reading Nelson Mandela's statement, 10 Feb 1985; landscapes in South Africa including Soweto and Transkei; Ruth First with Winnie Mandela ; group portrait of Basil Somhlahlo, Evelyn Mandel, Make Madele and Khazeka Somhlahlo; Mary Benson with Chief Albert Lutuli; Mandela family snapshots; film set, possibly on the life of Mandela; Walter Sisulu, [1960]; Lilian Ngoyi; group photograph of the Treason Trial defendants, 1956; Walter Sisulu with a young boy in his home, Jan 1990; Stanley Lollan, Nov 1961; Fatima Meer and Chief Albert Lutuli with two others; Annie Silinga with her family; Gert Shadrack Sibande with his family and unidentified photographs.

Benson , Mary , 1919-2000 , anti-apartheid campaigner
GB 0101 PP.BM · 1966-

Material relating to political parties in Bermuda including press cuttings, platforms, conference reports, constitutions, and election materials issued by the National Liberal Party of Bermuda, the Progressive Labour Party (Bermuda Islands) and the United Bermuda Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 133 · 25934

Photocopy of text of speech by B S (Steve) Biko, South African Students' Organization, 'White Racism and Black Consciousness' at First Inter-University Worksho on Students and Youth in South Africa, Jan 1971, at Bailey Institute of Inter-racial studies, University of Cape Town.

Biko , Bantu Stephen , 1946-1977 , political activist in South Africa
GB 0101 PP.BS · 1959-

Material relating to politics in Botswana including constitutions, platforms, manifestos, leaflets, election results, speeches, party histories, letters, telegrams, membership cards, interviews and other materials issued by the Bechuanaland Liberal Party, the Bechuanaland National Democratic Party, the Bechuanaland People's Party, the Bechuanaland United Progressive Party, the Botswana Congress Party, the Botswana Democratic Party, the Botswana Independence Party, the Botswana National Front, and the Botswana People's Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 144 · 1984-1990

Papers of the Britain Australia Bicentennial Committee (BABC), 1984-1990, including papers relating to the setting up of the BABC notably letters from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mar 1984; the steering brief given to Sir Peter Gadsden, 5 Mar 1984; list of proposed members of the steering committee and related correspondence; financial papers; correspondence on the Duke of Kent becoming President of the BABC; papers on gaining charitable trust status for the Britain Australia Bicentennial Trust and steering committee papers including early minutes. Agendas and minutes for BABC meetings 1985-1988; weekly reports of the Executive Secretary, Ann Beeching, Feb 1985-Apr 1987; newsletters, 1986-1988 with related papers and correspondence.

Papers of National Task subcommittees including the Agricultural Subcommittee; the Education Subcommittee, (chaired by Thomas Millar Head of the Australian Studies Centre, University of London); Science, Technology, Industry and Medicine Subcommittee; the Social Subcommittee and the Maritime Subcommittee including a proposal for the gift of a schooner, by Arthur Weller, 1985, minutes of the Schooner Trust and proposal for the First Fleet re-enactment. Papers of regional committees including City of London committee; Bath and West Country committee including on a proposal for an Australian Centre in Admiral Arthur Philip's dwelling house in Bath; East Anglia committee, including correspondence on George Eve; Midlands committee; North East committee including on a Civic Service in Newcastle Cathedral, 1987; Northern Ireland committee; Lincoln committee, including on the Britain Australia Studies association national conference 'Australia Towards 2000', Jul 1988; Liverpool committee, including exhibition Leaving Liverpool on emigration from Merseyside; Whitby committee and Scotland committee.

Papers relating to the STS Young Endeavour, including minutes of the Schooner Trust, correspondence of Weller, Apr 1985-Jun 1986 and the initial proposal, 1985. Papers relating to other possible gifts to be given to Australia including proposal by Thomas Millar, to set up an Australian Centre, 13 Aug 1986. Papers relating to the First Fleet re-enactment including correspondence with Jonathan King and Wally Franklin; papers related to the event in Portsmouth for the sailing of the Fleet, 13 May 1987 and papers relating to doubts expressed by Weller regarding the financial viability of the re-enactment. Papers relating to a Bicentennial service held at Westminster Abby, 14 Jul 1988 including agreement made with Archbishop Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie to preach at the service and draft of the service with notations. Papers relating to other events to celebrate the Bicentenary including a banquet at Guildhall, London; an exhibition to be held at the British Museum (Natural History) entitled 'First Impressions: the British discovery of Australia', 1988 and the Mansion House Hawke dinner, 21 Jun 1989. Papers relating to the Australian Bicentennial Authority (ABA) including correspondence between BABC and the ABA, Apr 1984-Mar 1988; papers relating to the possibility of setting up an Australian tableau at the Chelsea Flower Show (aborted); transcript of speech by Barry Cohen MP given at the Royal Commonwealth Society, 26 May 1986 and the ABA Annual Report, 1988; Papers on the Arthur Philip Trust, including on staffing; papers relating to the Britain Australia Bicentennial Trading Company Ltd including reports and accounts and papers relating to its dissolution, 1990; and papers concerning the closure of the BABC office at the Royal Commonwealth Society, Jun 1988.

Britain Australia Bicentennial Committee
GB 0101 PP.VB · 1967-

Material relating to the politics of the British Virgin Islands including platforms, posters, election leaflets, constitutions and manifestos issued by the People's Party (British Virgin Islands), the Third Electoral District Committee (British Virgin Islands), the United Party (British Virgin Islands), the Virgin Islands Party and various independent candidates.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Buganda Constitution, 1954
GB 0101 ICS 110 · 1954

Proceedings, evidence, documents and judgement in the case of Mukwaba and others v. Mukunbira and others in the Uganda High Court. The case was brought to test the legality of the withdrawal by the Protectorate Government of recognition of the Kabaka Mutesa II as native ruler of the Province of Buganda, and actions by the Government affecting the Constitution, 1954. Judgement was in favour of the Protectorate Government.

High Court of Uganda
GB 0101 ICS 136 · 1937

Photocopy of typescript diary of a visit to South Africa by Ralph Johnson Bunche, 1 October - 31 December 1937, recording the impressions of an African American on South Africa; subjects include race relations; black living conditions in the reserves, mines and townships; black political and labour leaders and organisations, education, health care and the legal system. There is an account of the Silver Anniversary meeting of the African National Congress in Bloemfontein in December 1937.

Bunche , Ralph Johnson , 1904-1971 , political scientist
BURGESS, Leonard T (fl 1932)
GB 0101 ICS 5 · 1932

Typescript of unpublished work: 'Ancient and Modern History of Irrigation in Ceylon: Being a collection of notes from various sources relative to the ancient and modern irrigation works of Ceylon', with photographs, by Leonard T Burgess, of the Irrigation Department, Ceylon, 1932

Burgess , Leonard T , fl 1932 , Irrigation Department, Ceylon
GB 0101 PP.CN · 1933

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and miscellaneous election material at federal, state and youth levels issued by the Alberta Social Credit League, the Bloc Québécois, the British Columbia Social Credit Party, the Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of Canada, the Communist Party of Canada (Ontario), the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, the Feminist Party of Canada, the Green Party of Canada, the Groupe marxiste révolutionnaire, the Liberal Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario), the Libertarian Party of Canada, the Labor-Progressive Party (Canada), the League for Socialist Action/Ligue socialiste ouvrière (Canada), the Mouvement national des Québécois, the Mouvement socialiste, the National Progressive Conservative Women's Federation, the New Democratic Party, the New Democratic Party of Alberta, the New Democratic Party of British Columbia, the New Democratic Party of Manitoba, the New Democratic Party of Ontario, the National Liberal Federation of Canada, the Parti nouveau démocratique du Québec, the Nova Scotia Liberal Association, the Ontario Progressive Conservative Youth Association, the Parti acadien, the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, the Progressive Conservative Association of Canada, the Progressive Conservative Association of Ontario, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta, the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, the Progressive Conservative Student Federation, the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation, the Parti libéral du Québec, the Parti québécois, the Parti Rhinocéros, the Parti des Travailleurs du Québec, the Rassemblement pour l'Indépendance Nationale, the Reform Party of Canada, the Revolutionary Workers League, the Social Credit Association of Canada, the Social Credit Party of Canada, the Social Credit Rally, the Socialist Labor Party of Canada, the Voice of Women, the Western Canada Concept, the Western Canada Party, the Workers Communist Party (Canada), the Young Communist League, the Young Progressive Conservative Association of Canada, and the Young Socialists.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.CN · 1968-

Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the British Columbia Federation of Women, the Canada West Foundation, the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples, the Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian League of Rights, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, the Committee of Anglophones for Sovereignty-Association, the Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, the Comité pour le réveil indépendantiste, the Conseil du patronat du Québec, the Elector's Action Movement (Vancouver), the Fondation des Québécois pour le Oui, the Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québec, Human Action to Limit Taxes, In Struggle!, the Ligue des droits de l'homme, L'organisation des jeunes indépendantistes pour un Québec communautaire, the Mouvement etudiant pour le oui, the Mouvement québécois pour combattre le racisme, the National Council of Women of Canada, the National Women's Liberal Commission, the Progressive Youth Movement, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Vancouver Status of Women, the Workers' Defence Alliance.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 10 · Collection · 1980-1982

Documents relating to the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution and the repeal of the British North America Act, 1980-1981; comprising documents issued by the Federal government, 1980-1982, including statements by the Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau; documents issued by the Province of Alberta, 1980; documents issued by the Province of British Columbia, 1980-81, including statements by the Premier, W R Bennett, and the Ministry of Intergovernmental Relations; documents issued by the Province of Manitoba, 1967-1981, including statements by the Premier, Sterling Lyon; documents issued by the Province of New Brunswick, 1980, including statements by the Premier, Richard B Hatfield; documents issued by the Province of Newfoundland, 1980; documents issued by the Northwest Territories, 1980-81; notes for speech by John Buchanan, Premier of Nova Scotia, 1981; pamphlet on Ontario and the debate on the Constitution [1980]; documents issued by Prince Edward Island, 1980; documents issued by the Province of Quebec, 1980-1982; pamphlet issued by the Province of Saskatchewan on the Constitution, 1980; documents issued by the Yukon Territory, 1980; documents issued by pressure groups, 1979-1981, including the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Progressive Conservative Party; British publications including statement by the Labour Party on Canada and the constitutional question, 1980, and file of press cuttings from 'The Times' and 'The Guardian', May 1980 - Apr 1982.

Government of Canada Government of Alberta Government of British Columbia Government of Manitoba Government of New Brunswick Government of Newfoundland Government of the Northwest Territories Government of Ontario Government of Prince Edward Island Government of Quebec Government of Saskatchewan Government of Yukon
GB 0101 TU.CN · 1957-

Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the Canadian Labour Congress, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Confederation of Canadian Unions, and the Fédération des travailleurs du Québec, and the Ontario Federation of Labour.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Capricorn Africa Society
GB 0101 ICS 8 · 1955-1966

Correspondence and papers of the Capricorn Africa Society (CAS), 1955-1966: comprising publications, including copies of society pamphlets and leaflets, 1955-1959; duplicated material including report from Nyasaland [c 1956]; notes of a talk with Dr Albert Schweitzer, 20 Sep [? 1956]; note on the activities of the College of Rhodesian Citizenship, 1959-1960; biographical notes on Ugandan Ministers [c 1956]; progress report to members in the United Kingdom, 1958; programme of the Central African Branch, 1959; letters from U S Information Service, Salisbury, Rhodesia on events in Rhodesia, and the activities of Rhodesian students in the USA, 1958-1960; report on tour of Southern Rhodesia by officials of the CAS Central African Branch, 1959; CAS Newsletters, 1956-1965; newspaper cuttings, 1955-1959, including copies of articles by David Stirling on self government and common citizenship in Africa; correspondence, 1957-1960 including copies of 'Weekly Summary' a duplicated letter sent to CAS members from London; letters to David Hamilton and David Stirling on society business and African politics; miscellaneous notes and papers.

Capricorn Africa Society
GB 0101 PG.CC · 1986-1987

Material relating to pressure goups in the Caribbean area including statements and leaflets issued by the Caribbean Conference of Churches and the Caribbean Youth Conference.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 TU.CC · 1960-1964

Constitution and conference report issued by the Caribbean Congress of Labour and the Caribbean Union of Teachers.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 ICS 148 · 1993-2000

Papers of the Caribbean Banana Exporters' Association (CBEA), comprising a preliminary report, 'Banana Exports from the Caribbean since 1992'; papers of the first General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) panel, 1993 including correspondence with lawyers, High Commissions and Caribbean missions regarding disputes between Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and the European Community; submissions and statements from European Community, Jamaica, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela and draft of the descriptive parts of the report of the Panel.

Papers of the second GATT panel, 1993 including submissions from the Caribbean and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to the GATT Panel on the European Economic Community (EEC) Import Regime for Bananas, following a dispute between Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and the European Economic Community with related notes, memoranda and press releases; submissions and rebuttals from EEC; submissions from other parties including Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire and Madagascar; Dominican Republic; Venezuela; Costa Rica and Nicaragua; Colombia; Guatemala; and Brazil; correspondence, chiefly with US lawyers regarding the GATT Panel on EEC Import Regime for Bananas.

Correspondence regarding the World Trade Organization (WTO) proceeding requested by the United States regarding the European Union banana import regime, 1995-1996; correspondence and other papers on the WTO Panel on the banana regime, following a complaint by the United States supported by Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, 1996; transcripts of oral submissions to WTO recourse to Article 21.5 of DSU by Ecuador, regarding European Communities - Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas relating to Belize, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname; Ecuador and European Communities.

Papers relating to banana publicity in the UK, 1993-2000 including 'Bananas Mean Business' campaigning video; papers on lobbying; correspondence of LM Napier; correspondence with Matrix Partnership and Flagship Consulting; press releases and letters to editors; correspondence with development charities and papers and correspondence regarding Notting Hill Carnival, 1996-1999 including on Notting Hill Carnival Leaflet, 1996 and copy of Jamaica Rising Sun, Aug 1999 (Peoples National Party UK).

Papers on lobbying in Europe, 1993-1999 including papers on ACP-EEC Joint Assembly, 1993; European Parliament questions and debates; correspondence with Overseas Development Administration (ODA), UK; correspondence with EU Commission members; notes on visit of Eugenia Charles (Prime Minister of Dominica); press releases; lobbying notes; papers relating to lobbying in Scandinavian countries; correspondence with European ministers; report of MEP Fact Finding Mission, Guadeloupe and The Windward Islands, 1997; fact sheets; press cuttings and transcript of BBC Radio 4's Today Programme Nov 1998.

Papers relating to 301 Technical Committee set up to discuss US action against the EU banana regime, 1994-2000, including press releases; fact sheets; summaries of CBEA and lobbyists actions; notes from meetings; correspondence; press cuttings; Economic Study commissioned to investigate the economic consequences for Caribbean countries of loss of access to the banana market, Dec 1995; single sheet publication The US and Chiquita at the World Trade Organization. Life or Death for Small Caribbean Banana Farmers; papers on the CBEA Mission to US, 1998; leaflet 'Caribbean Banana Crisis: Know the Facts'; details of congressional visit to Brussels, 2000; and papers relating to impact of sanctions on imports from EU.

Caribbean Banana Exporters' Association
GB 0101 ICS 101 · 1802-c1990 [predominantly 1802-1845]

The records comprise deeds and legal, administrative and financial papers relating to the Castle Wemyss Estate, Jamaica, 1802-1845, belonging (during the period covered by the papers) successively to Gilbert Mathison, Simon Halliday and Rev Walter Stevenson Halliday. The deeds and legal papers record the ownership of the estate and financial claims upon it by other parties, as well as compensation claims under the Abolition Act. They include the title deeds to the estate 1802-1845; together with correspondence and other papers concerning financial claims upon it (particularly an annuity payable to Catherine Mathison, widow of Gilbert) 1830-1845, compensation payable under the Abolition Act 1834-1835, and the fate of the estate in 1843-1845 when it was no longer viable financially.
The administrative and financial papers illustrate the management of a West Indian sugar estate by attorneys on behalf of absentee landlords, and the process of shipping the sugar and rum produced back to London for sale by a firm of merchants. A fairly complete series of correspondence between Simon Halliday and his attorneys and merchants survives for the period 1823-1828, giving many details of the practical problems of managing a sugar estate and of ensuring an adequate performance by the attorneys. There are many reports on the progress of crops, as well as references to maintenance work required, the need for new cattle (a continuing problem on the Castle Wemyss estate) and the work and health of the slaves. There is further detailed information on the slaves in a series of returns; in addition there are lists of them in the title deeds to the estate after 1807 (following the abolition of the slave trade). There are references to specific events involving the slaves in the correspondence and/or the returns: for example, the case of Catalina alias Susannah Mathison who induced an abortion by taking Vervain and Contrayerva in 1824; and allegations of mistreatment of the slaves by one of the overseers, in 1827.
The correspondence of 1823-1828 also includes letters between Halliday and the firms of merchants he used in London to sell his produce. The state of the sugar and rum markets are regularly discussed, and both attorneys and merchants report on the despatch and receipt of shipments of sugar and rum, on which the successful running of the estate depended. There is one instance of a ship being wrecked and part of the cargo lost.There are also financial accounts, both of the attorneys and of the merchants, which illustrate the returns and financial problems of the estate.

Mathison , Gilbert Farquhar , d 1828 Halliday , Simon , d 1829 Halliday , Walter Stevenson , fl 1830-1845 , Anglican clergyman
GB 0101 ICS 151 · 1973-2000

Papers of the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), notably relating to South Africa, including papers relating to the African National Congress including minutes of meetings, papers on projects; press releases, correspondence and papers on the conference on South African debt rescheduling, Jul 1989. Papers relating to South Africa on topics including prisoners; Nelson Mandela; churches; violence; workers; children and repression; labour and trade unionism; unemployment and migration; women; international monitoring of elections; federalism; sanctions; debt and South Africa's relationship with the UK. Papers relating to other organisations working in South Africa including: Catholic International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity; South Africa Advisory Committee; South Africa Inter Agency Group; Southern Africa Catholic Bishops' Conference; South Africa Council of Churches; National Conference of Churches in South Africa; Johannesburg Democratic Action Committee; Five Freedoms Forum; Southern Africa Coalition; Anti-Apartheid Movement and Christian Concern for South Africa. Papers relating to Zimbabwe including photographs; papers on conferences; CIIR publications on Zimbabwe; papers relating to Zimbabwe Detainees Defence Committee including letters from Robert Mugabe and papers relating to the Zimbabwe Diaspora Development Chamber of Commerce. Papers on other countries and regions with which CIIR had involvement including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Southern Africa, Tanzania and Zambia.

Catholic Institute for International Relations
GB 0101 ICS 9 · c1974

Typescript of paper by Marjorie Caygill 'The British Medical Association and its Overseas Branches: A Short History' on the development of medical links within the Empire and Commonwealth, and variations between the UK pattern and its overseas offshoots. The paper covers the establishment of the BMA in the UK and in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, India and the Colonies; the development of the medical education and General Medical Council recognition; and the establishment of the Commonwealth Medical Conference and the Commonwealth Medical Association. It is a working paper prepared in the 1970s as part of Terry Johnson's project on the Nature and Significance of Professional Links within the Commonwealth.

Caygill , Marjorie L , fl 1974-1997 , museum curator
Central African Examiner
GB 0101 ICS 11 · c1961

Typescript draft letter [author's name removed] to the Editor of the Central African Examiner, on the renaissance of trade unionism in Nyasaland, c 1961.

Central African Examiner
GB 0101 ICS 73 · 1940-1947

Papers of JH Smith on the Ceylon Defence Force, 1940-1947; comprising official reports on the Ceylon Defence Force (CDF), Jan-Nov 1943; examination papers for Commissons in the CDF, with comments by the examiners, 1942; and three letters of application to the CDF, 1940-1947.

Ceylon Defence Force
GB 0101 ICS 7 · 1938

Copies of two pictorial publications the Copies of two pictorial publications the Ceylon Observer Pictorial, 1938 and Plate's Ceylon Annual 1938.

Ceylon Observer