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GB 0074 LMA/4710 · Coleção · 1803-2005

Records of the Royal Caledonian Education Trust from its inception, including records of the Royal Caledonian Asylum and School LMA/4710/D, the Gaelic Chapel LMA/4710/E, the Society of Old Caledonians LMA/4710/F, including copies of the groups magazines. Also includes Records of Governance LMA/4710/A including Court of Governors and Directors minutes, Finance records LMA/4710/B and early accounts, as well as records of early subscribers to the school; Records of Administration LMA/4710/C these include the Secretary’s correspondence and the main series of registers of petitions and admissions of the pupils to both the Asylum and School dating from 1819; Records of the Asylum and School, including class registers, log books and reports of the school staff (Headmaster, Matron, School Mistress and Medical Officer) . There are also a large series of photographs of pupils and school events as well as a series of scrap book and press cuttings covering school events, Clan days and sports days and the Caledonian Ball.

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GB 0074 A/LPB · Coleção · 1661-1962

Records of Archishop Temple's Boys School, Lambeth, including deeds relating to the school; minute books; financial accounts; plans of the school; Headmasters' reports; registers of admissions; log books; staff meeting minute books; and list of headmasters.

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GB 0074 CLC/208 · Coleção · 1748-1932

Records of the Aldersgate Ward School. The records comprise minutes, admission and attendance registers, log books and report books, records of payments to children, accounts, deed of trust and inspector's reports and deeds and estate papers. They have been catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

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GB 0074 CLC/212 · Coleção · 1806-1846

Papers of the City of London School of Instruction and Industry. The records include minutes, accounts, registers of pupils, reports, letter books and administrative papers.

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GB 0074 ACC/0923 · Coleção · 1845-1965

Records of the Royal Commercial Traveller's School, 1845-1965, including a photograph of a painting of John Robert Cuffley; copy of minutes of a Meeting held at the London Tavern on 30th December 1845 concerned with the founding of this school; a brief record of principal events from 1845 to 1905; press cuttings; papers relating to Royal patronage of the School; papers relating to fundraising; copy of a speech delivered by Charles Dickens about the Schools in December 1859; event programmes; copies of the rules of the Foundation; Memorandum of Articles of Association of the Royal Commercial Travellers Schools Trust Limited; annual reports 1945-1967; prospectus and photographs of the buildings at Hatch End, Pinner.

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GB 0074 LMA/4524 · Coleção · 1888-2000

Records of the Mary Ward Centre, formerly known as the Mary Ward Settlement and the Passmore Edwards Settlement. Also some records of predecessor institutions University Hall Settlement and Marchmont Hall; and associated organisations such as the Holborn Community Centre and the Association of Principals of Literary Institutes and Colleges.

The records include papers relating to the foundation of the Settlement, particularly correspondence of Mary Ward with supporters and benefactors; minutes of the Council, the Finance and General Purposes Committee and other Committees; administrative and financial files relating to the daily running of the Settlement and the maintenance of Settlement property; papers of the Chairman and Wardens which relate to the management of the Settlement and reflect the interests of individual wardens, particularly relating to adult education provision in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s; papers relating to various appeals to raise funds to prevent the closure of the Settlement; and papers relating to grant applications.

Also papers relating to the activities of the Settlement including prospectuses and syllabi outlining adult education courses; papers of youth clubs, vacation schools, evening play centres, clubs for the elderly and clubs for women; papers relating to the School for Invalid Children; papers relating to the provision of financial and legal advice; papers regarding the introduction of computing services in the early 1990s; press cuttings and photographs. The collection also includes some personal papers of Mary Ward and her daughter Dorothy Ward.

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GB 0074 A/SMN · Coleção · 1710-1941

Records of Saint Mary, Newington Church of England School including minutes of the committee of management; Foundation managers' declaration book; annual reports and statements of account; financial records; letter books; reports of visits to the school; correspondence relating mainly to school inspections, school maintenance, nominations for school gifts, appointments of staff, and finance; correspondence relating to school property; admission registers; log books; plans of the school; drawings and photographs.

Also records of associated institutions, including a log book and timetables from the Governors and Guardians of the Poor, Newington; a roll book for Holy Trinity, Newington Schools; financial accounts of the Guild of Nazareth, St. Mary Newington; sketches and plans relating to the site and building of the proposed mission church of Saint Gabriel, in the parish of Saint Mary Newington; and parish notices.

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GB 0074 CLC/213 · Coleção · 1759-1939

Papers of the Coleman Street Ward Schools, comprising minutes, accounts, admission registers and log books, deeds and administrative papers.

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BEATON, Maude (fl 1881-1890)
GB 0074 F/BEA · Coleção · 1881-1890

Personal papers of Maude Beaton, including bills for Maude's education, school reports, and circulars relating to Maude's further education at South West London College and the College of Preceptors.

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GB 0074 ACC/0900 · Coleção · 1892-1967

Records of the National Society Training College of Domestic Science, Berridge House, Hampstead, including minutes of the Governing Body; minutes of meetings of the teaching staff; administrative files; plans and drawings; financial records including wages books and statements of account; staff registers; syllabuses and timetables; students registers; prospectuses; publications; newscuttings and photographs of students, lessons, classrooms and buildings.

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GB 0074 CLC/209 · Coleção · 1723-1907

Papers of the Aldgate Ward School, City of London. The records comprise committee minutes, financial accounts, attendance registers and guarantees, lists of benefactors, correspondence and deeds.

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GB 0074 CLC/214 · Coleção · 1710-1976

The records of the Cripplegate Schools Foundation comprise minutes 1905-69 (Ms 6473-A, 35827); agendas 1915, 1929-32 (Ms 6473B) and financial records 1906-76 (Ms 20089, 35828-9). Ms 20087 includes particulars of the Foundation's constitution with list of meetings c 1951.

Records of the Red Cross Street Boys' School comprise a history of its foundation 1690-1749, which includes a list of pupils 1707-48 (Ms 75A); minutes 1809-1905 and agendas 1842-65 (Mss 6475-6); logbooks 1877-1904 (Ms 6477) and treasurers' accounts 1714-1868 (Ms 7029).

Records of Lady Holles School comprise minutes 1726-1904 (Mss 6473-4), treasurers' ledger and accounts 1710-1803, 1844-79 (Mss 10885, 20082-3). There are also some references to this school in Ms 75A. Mss 9412-3 comprise records relating to properties held by the trustees of the two schools, 1727-1853.

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GB 0074 ACC/3488 · Coleção · 1903-1992

Records of Highbury Hill High School, Shelburne High School and Highbury Fields School, 1903-1992, including papers relating to the amalgamation of Highbury Hill High School and Shelburne High School to form Highbury Fields School, including the campaign against amalgamation; administrative records including Highbury Hill admission registers, Highbury Fields admission register, and log books for Shelburne School. Also general administrative papers; financial accounts; correspondence; papers relating to the curriculum; papers of Governing Bodies and Committees; publications; papers relating to Shelburne Youth Centre; and staff registers.

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GB 0074 A/LPS · Coleção · 1715-1951

Records of Archishop Temple's Boys School, Archishop Tenison's Girls School and Archishop Tait's Infants School; which together formed Lambeth Parish Schools. These records of the three schools are physically indivisible, hence they were listed and kept together; while other records are catalogued separately.

The records include minute books; Board of Education orders; financial accounts; and correspondence.

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ACC/3537 · Coleção · 1985

Adult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.

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