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ACC/3648 · Coleção · 1779-1780

Records of the prison Supervisors comprising: "Act of Parliament to explain and amend the Laws relating to the Transportation, Imprisonment, and other Punishment, of certain offenders, authorising building of two penitentiaries", 1779; order by King appointing John Howard, George Whatley and Dr John Fothergill Supervisors of the penitentiaries to be erected under above Act, 1779; minutes of meetings of the Supervisors to discuss possible sites near London and a plan for the male penitentiary, 1779; draft letter from George Whatley to John Howard, acknowledging receipt of letter, overestimate of savings expected from convicts' labour, and difficulties ahead, 1780; memorial by Supervisors recommending site between Grays Inn Road and Bagnigge Wells Road read out at meeting with Lord Chancellor, Speaker, Judges and Lord Mayor, 1780; proposal by John Howard and John Fothergill for a new site for the Penitentiary near the White Conduit, marked on a map now missing, 1780.

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GB 0074 LMA/4562 · Coleção · 1999-2001

The Enfield Southgate Constituency Labour Party collection consists of papers and correspondence of the co-ordinating group, papers and correspondence relating to the structure review, and campaign papers and video.

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BEAL, James (1829-1891)
GB 0074 F/BL · Coleção · 1846-1889

Personal papers of James Beal, local government reformer. The collection comprises correspondence with and concerning James Beal. Except where stated to the contrary, the letters refer to governmental matters: those in F/BL/12 refer to the presentation made to James Beal for his services to Local Government. The presentation volume includes press cuttings, invitations, menus and similar printed ephemera.

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GB 0074 ACC/3121 · Coleção · 1760-2003

Records of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1760-2002. The archive is central to the history of the modern Jewish community in Britain. It covers virtually every facet of Jewish life in Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - assimiliation, education, political emancipation, Shechita, anti-Semitism. The archive is particularly interesting on the conditions of Jewry outside the UK - there is a lot of information, for example, on the rise of fascism in mainland Europe in the 1930s and the Holocaust.

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MILLER, Millie (1923-1977) (MP)
GB 0074 LMA/4427 · Coleção · 1930-1977

Personal papers of Millie Miller, Member of Parliament. The collection consists mostly of official parliamentary incoming and outgoing correspondence when Miller held office as MP for Ilford North. There are also maps, plans, brochures, and newspaper cuttings relating to housing in Stoke Newington from the 1930s, and during the late 1950s when Miller chaired the Housing Committee. The correspondence files are varied. Letters include those from; interest groups, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Socialist Medical Association, the Married Women's Association, the Association of Jewish Women's Organisations in the UK, and National Council of Women of Great Britain; local authorities, including Camden and Redbridge Borough Councils and Waltham Forest Area Health Authority; businesses local to the Ilford North constituency, including Thorn Electrical Industries Limited; Ilford North constituents; and letters from other MPs and Ministers.

The material reflects Millie Miller's keen interest in the promotion of women's rights, her membership on various committees and councils, delivery of speeches to women's associations, and her campaigns against girl slavery in the sex industry, battered wives, and sex discrimination. The material also details Miller's involvement in the World Conference of International Women's Year 1975. The correspondence touches on the Government's relations with Israel and the difficulties facing ethnic minorities, particularly Jewish communities. A large proportion of letters relate to Miller's constituency in Ilford North, Redbridge LB, with particular reference to housing, immigrants, and the views of constituents on local and national issues.

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HITCHCOCK, Isaac (fl 1768-1780)
GB 0074 CLC/253 · Coleção · 1768-1780

A supplement, in manuscript, to English Liberty: A Collection of Interesting Tracts ... of John Wilkes, Esq (1769), compiled by Isaac Hitchcock of Stafford; comprising the printed text of English Liberty... annotated by Hitchcock, and copies of further speeches, letters, verses, newspaper cuttings, etc relating to Wilkes and his political career, with some illustrations and engravings tipped in.

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Wilkes, John (1725-1797)
ACC/0967 · Coleção · 1769

Address by John Wilkes to voters in Middlesex where he was standing for Parliamentary election, delievered from the Kings Bench Prison where he was imprisoned for seditious libel, 1769.

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TOOKE, John Horne (1736-1812)
GB 0074 ACC/0006 · Coleção · 1796

Printed pamphlet containing the speeches and addresses of John Horne Tooke, 27 May-14 June, candidate in the Westminster election, 1796.

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GB 0074 LMA/4445 · Coleção · 1964-1988

The records of the London Liberal Party are of interest to anyone wishing to study local and/or national politics with reference to London. The working mechanisms of the LLP and achievements of its staff can be assessed, whilst the varying fortunes of the Local Associations and Liberal Party as a whole can be observed. Much of the material gives a fascinating insight into a range of London-wide and national issues, both familiar and contemporary. The records can also provide a useful commentary on the activities of the Greater London Council, Inner London Education Authority and others.

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GB 0074 A/RSD · Coleção · 1747-2010

Records of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts, including minutes; extracts of proceedings; Acts of Parliament; papers concerning J C Neild; financial accounts including legacy books, income books, general expenditure books, annual accounts and auditor's reports; papers regarding the disposal of surplus funds; bequests; press cuttings; correspondence; and histories of the Society.

The minutes contain reports of visits of inspection as well as names and numbers of prisoners assisted. A number of the papers relate to the destruction of the book containing the minutes and accounts of the Society 4 Mar 1818 to 5 Apr 1826 by John Camden Neild, treasurer 1814-1827.

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BOOTH, Hartley (b 1946)
GB 0074 LMA/4021 · Coleção · 1988-1997

Personal papers of Hartley Booth, MP. The majority of the archive is concerned with Hartley Booth's parliamentary career. LMA/4021/01 relates to Booth's parliamentary responsibilities, in particular European affairs. In addition there are files containing correspondence and background material which relate to Private Members' Bills promoted by Booth. LMA/4021/01 also contains subject files on national issues that emanated from constituents' cases.

LMA/4021/02 contains constituents' correspondence and case files as well as subject files relating to local issues. LMA/4021/03 contains Conservative Party material and subject files which relate to the period when Booth was a prospective parliamentary candidate. These files relate to both local and national issues.

As the collection consists of parliamentary and constituency material, there is a closure period of 30 years. There is no closure period on the published material in LMA/4021/04.

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