Mostrando 126 resultados

Descripción archivística
TEB · Colección · 1893-1904

Agendas and minutes of the Board and its committees, 1893-1904, including the Scholarship Committee, Secondary Schools Committee, Polytechnics Committee, Teaching of Art and Technology Committee, Building Trades Committee, Commercial Education Committee, Domestic Economy Committee, Finance and General Purposes Committee, Higher Education Committee, Teaching of Chemistry Committee and Technical Instruction for Women Committee.

Also annual reports; issues of the London Technical Education Gazette, the official circular of the Board; pocket books; standing orders; special reports, including some prepared for the London County Council; proposals for new subjects of instruction; papers regarding scholarships and awards; inspection reports; maps of London showing centres of teaching art and science and technology; maps of London showing secondary schools for boys and girls; papers regarding individual polytechnics or schools including annual reports of the Bolt Court Technical School (later the School of Photo Engraving and Lithography); statistics; papers regarding the University of London and financial accounts.

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Neuburger, Max (1868-1955)
GB 0120 MSS.8167-8172 · 1941-1943

Essays, 1941-1943, on the following subjects: Medieval Medical and Alchemical Manuscripts and Incunabula; Medicine in Classical Antiquity; Chinese Medicine, Japanese Medicine, The Medicine of the Indians and The Medicine of the Ancient Persians; Medieval Medicine and Surgery and Biographical and historical essays.

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Bidault de Villiers, F. T. (1775-1824)
GB 0120 MSS.1164-1165 · c 1800-1823

Two volumes of notes, on medical and chemical books, and on diseases and their treatment, c 1800-1823.

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GB 0120 MSS.1180-1218, 1233, 2048-2069, 2802-2819, 3014-3072, 3587-3588, 3662-3663, 4220, 4257, 4302-4306, 4487-4489, 5222-5249 and 7966 · 1680-1877

The collection comprises correspondence, writings and administrative material relating to the Jenner family, particularly Dr. Edward Jenner (pioneer of smallpox vaccination) and the associated Black and Davies families, 1680-1877.

The material on Edward Jenner includes papers relating to organisations set up in the aftermath of his vaccination discoveries: the National Vaccine Establishment, the Royal Jennerian Society and the London Vaccine Institution.

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Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738)
GB 0120 MSS.1279-1285 · early 18th century - mid 18th century

Notes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.

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Brunton, Sir Thomas Lauder (1844-1916)
GB 0120 MSS.1384-1386 · 1892-[1895]

Reports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].

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Parisiensis, Christophorus
GB 0120 MSS.192-193 · late 16th century - early 17th century

Two volumes of texts ascribed to Christophorus Parisiensis, late 16th or early 17th century.

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Fizes, Antoine (1690-1765)
GB 0120 MSS.2374-2379 · [1740-1750]

Student notes of lectures delivered by Antoine Fizes in Montpellier.

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Gaubius, Hieronymus David (1705-1780)
GB 0120 MSS.2480-2485 · c 1765

'Dictata in Chemiam', notes taken down by George Paterson [1734-1817] of Lectures at Leyden University. Produced in Leyden.

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Graham, Thomas (1805-1869)
GB 0120 MSS.2551-2584 · 1821-1868

Papers of Thomas Graham comprising notes, chiefly on chemistry, and some correspondence, 1821-1868.

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Hollandus, Johann Isaac
GB 0120 MSS.2865-2866 · Colección · 18th century

Alchemical writings by Hollandus and others, early-mid 18th century; item 1: Traité d'ouvrages minéraux, ou de la Pierre des Philosophes. There are some small pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus in some inner margins. Inserted as a frontispiece, is a symbolic [?] sepia drawing of a man rescuing a child from drowning in a lake. This work was first published-in German-in 1600 at Middelburg: no record of a French translation has been traced.

On the first fly-leaf 'Anne Cath. Phelps' [c. 1820?], and on the first leaf 'F. Hearne. Jan'y 7. 1865'; item 2: Testament de Jean Isaac ou opération minérale: traduite du flammand en latin par Jaques de Zomere. With extracts from other writings of Hollandus, and from other alchemical authors. Illustrated with numerous small drawings in pen and ink and wash of alchemical apparatus, some in the margins and others interpolated in the text. Pp 167-173 contain seven water-colour drawings of furnaces, etc, of which some are unfinished or uncoloured. The tract entitled 'Donum Dei' (pp. 457-498) is illustrated with 12 symbolical alchemical vessels in water-colour. The last 9 pp. are by a different and later hand, and the last page is in cypher. Contents: (1) Testament: (pp. 1-306); (2) Miscellaneous alchemical receipts (pp. 307-314); (3) Uguictius[?]. Dialogue touchant la composition de la pierre des philosophes tiré d'un traité de Hugontion de Pise (pp. 314-322); (4) Almasatus. Le philosophe Almazat de la coagulation du mercure (pp. 322-324); (5) Grand ouvrage du Plomb par Jean Isaac (pp. 325-344); (6) Ouvrage manuel d'Isaac pour tirer la quinte essence de fuxxuge[?] (pp. 345-371); (7) [Anon.] Work beginning: 'Le corps humain est d'une nature plus tempérée que tous les autres corps', and ending: 'et travaillés avec bonne espérance' (pp. 371-386); (8) Almasatus. Abbrégé du livre que envoiat Almasatus Mahomette à l'Archevêcque de Saragouse (pp. 386-400); (9) Bernhardus Trevisanus. Practicque du Conte Trévisan (pp. 400-415); (10) Traité véridique de M. le philosophe authentique touchant la composition de la pierre bénite (pp. 415-431); (11) Jean de Tirlemont. De l'abrégé de Jean de Tirlemont, célèbre philosophe. Parabole (pp. 432-435); (12) Fabricius (J.)[?]. Fabrice, Pédagogue de S. A. le Prince de Liège (Joseph Clemens, Elector of Bavaria [1671-1723]) étant à Rome a appris de M. Orbion et l'Ange ce qui suit (pp. 435-450); (13) Oeuvre philosophique particulière par le dissolvant de $h (pp. 451-456); (14) [Dastin (J.)]. Donum Dei. Manuscrit de chimie (pp. 457-498); (15) Quintessence de $h dissolvant universel (pp. 499-513); (16) Descriptions évidentes et fidèles des plus excellens remèdes des minéraux dont les plus habiles physiciens ont coûtume de se servir (pp. 515-577); (17) Rares secrets touchant diverses préparations de minéraux et de métaux (pp. 577-699). See Notes for more information on individual texts.

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GB 0120 MSS.3758, 3759 · Colección · [1750]

Aurore australe de Théophraste A[u]réole Paracelse Archydoxes magiques contenans l'Art de la Chryzopée. Illustrated with a few rough pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus, etc. Written in French, German, and Latin by the same hand throughout, this manuscript contains alchemical, chemical and iatro-chemical receipts and extracts from the works of Paracelsus and his followers. The latest dated receipt, 1748, is found on p. 697 of Vol. I: the 104 ll. at the end of Vol. II contain a copious index.

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Prout, William (1785-1850)
GB 0120 MSS.4011-4019 · Colección · 1809-[1840]

Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1809-[1840], including on the growth of plants, polarity theory and the history of physic.

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Seeger, Johann David
GB 0120 MSS.4481-4486 · 1772-1776

Johann David Seegar's holograph MSS entitled 'Philosophische und theologische Gedanken von der Entelechie, oder von der bewegenden und herfürbringenden Krafft der Natur und ihrer von dem Schöpfer von Anfang beygelegten Fortpflantzungs-Weise der Menschen und der Thiere und ihrer Seelen'. Of the two volumes, the first contains a copy of the first three chapters, the second 'Beylagen' to the main text.

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Trismosin, Salomon
GB 0120 MSS.4853, 4854 · 1920

Splendor Solis, alchemical treatises of Solomon Trismosin, adept and teacher of Paracelsus. Including allegorical pictures reproduced from the original paintings on vellum, dated 1582, in the British Museum. With introduction, elucidation of the paintings, aiding the interpretation of their occult meaning, Trismosin's autobiographical account of his travels in search of the Philosopher's Stone, a summary of his alchemical process called 'The Red Lion', and [explanatory notes]. By Julius Kohn. Two typescript copies, one on large 4to. sheets mounted, and prepared for the press, with the Editor's holograph corrections and additions: the other on folio typing-paper. The last illustration (No. 22) has been cut out. There are 21 photographic illustrations, of which Nos. 16, 19-24 have been coloured by hand. The folio set does not include the illustrations, but has the title-page and preliminary matter, which are missing in the 4to. set. The MS. from which this edition is transcribed is B. M. Harley 3469.

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Venel, Gabriel François (1723-1775)
GB 0120 MSS.4914-4917 · 1761-1796

Student notes taken from Gabriel François Venel's lectures including on materia medica and chemistry, 1761-1796.

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Vitagliano, Niccolo
GB 0120 MSS.4943-4945 · c 1750

Notes of lectures given at Naples University, all apparently taken by the same student, c 1750.

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DAVY, Edward (1806-1885)
GB 0108 SC MSS 015 · 1836-1847

These papers show Davy's first ideas for an electric telegraph from his early sketches in 1836 of a frictional electric telegraph to one worked by electromagentism which he developed 1836-1839. His first patent was lodged in 1837 in opposition to Cooke and Wheatstone's first patent. The papers indicate his efforts to find a purchaser for the patent rights and to establish a company to develop the telegraph. He made agreements with several business men but none of these arrangements bore any fruit. He also negotiated with the railway companies and demonstrated the telegraph for them. The papers record the efforts of his father, Thomas Davy, and several others, to continue Davy's negotiations with the railway companies and the arrangements which were made to re-exhibit a working model of the telegraph. The papers also relate to the sale of the patent to the Electric Telegraph Company in 1847. Fahie's memoir on Davy is included in the papers.

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GB 0113 MS-HARRW · Fondo · [1852]

Notebooks of William Harrison containing notes on the practice of physic, pharmacy, midwifery, varia and botany, materia medica, toxicology and chemistry, [1852].

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Watson, Thomas Henry
GB 0114 MS0079 · 1871-1874

Papers of Thomas Henry Watson, 1871-1874, comprising notes on botany from lectures by John Hutton Balfour (1808-1884) and notes on chemistry from lectures by Dr Letts, 1872-1873; notes on chemistry from lectures by Professor Alexander Crum Brown (1838-1922), 1871-1872; notes on systematic surgery from lectures by Dr John Chiene (1843-1923), 1872-1873; notes on materia medica and therapeutics from lectures by Professor Sir Robert Christison (1797-1882), 1873-1874; notes on clinical surgery from lectures by Professor Joseph Lister (1827-1912), 1872-1874; notes on pathology from lectures by Professor Sanders, 1873-1874; notes on natural history from lectures by Professor Sir Charles Wyville Thomson (1830-1882), 1872; and notes on anatomy from lectures by Professor Sir William Turner (1832-1916), 1872-1874.

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PRICE, William Charles (1909-1993)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP84 · 1929-1993

The papers of William Price, chiefly relating to spectroscopic analysis and photoionisation, comprise correspondence, lecture and teaching notes, notes compiled while reviewing scientific articles, original research notes, papers concerning Price's employment as an examiner, obituaries and reprints of journal articles, 1929-1993. These notably include correspondence with colleagues describing projects and experiments and sharing observations and data, 1942-1990; lecture notes and teaching papers compiled by Price on the theory of spectroscopy, theoretical and applied optics, especially microscopy, basic molecular chemistry, electron configurations and bond and dissociation energies of molecules, 1948-1978; notes compiled by Price for the peer review of articles and on Price's own published articles, including on the spectra of halogens, the structure of polyatomic molecules, on water and hydrides, the calculation of ionisation potentials, benzenes and hydrocarbons, the structure of the DNA molecule and natural fibres such as keratin, 1929-1977; original research notes on spectroscopic analysis, especially ultraviolet spectra of rare gases, ethylene, sulphur dioxide and other compounds, 1933-1986; papers relating to Price's work as an examiner including draft and complete examination question papers and correspondence, 1952-1978; papers concerning the membership by Price of various learned societies and attendance at scientific conferences and symposia, 1940-1992; obituaries and newspaper cuttings on Price and other distinguished scientists, 1976-1993; typescript copies and reprints of scientific journals containing articles by Price and others, on topics including spectroscopy, photoionization, ionisation potentials and electron configuration and bond and dissociation energies, 1945-1990.

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ARMSTRONG (Second Series)
GB 0098 B/ARMSTRONG · Created 1819-1945

Papers of Professor Henry Edward Armstrong and Edward Frankland Armstrong, 1819-1945, comprising personal papers, 1865-1951, including tickets, receipts, autographs, printed material and correspondence of Henry Edward Armstrong relating to Finsbury Technical College and the Central Institution of the City and Guilds Institute (later City and Guilds College), 1884-1885; press-cuttings concerning Edward Frankland Armstrong, 1922;
photographs and prints, 1819-1929, including family photographs; print of the London Institution, 1819;
correspondence, 1864-1945, notably between Edward Frankland and Henry Edward Armstrong, 1899-1911, concerning Edward Frankland Armstrong's studies, their joint research; London Chemical Society, 1872-1938; City and Guilds of London Institute, 1879-1911; Sir William Crookes, 1885-1915; James John Day, [1867]-1869; Sir James Dewar, concerning research and the politics of the Royal Society and Royal Institution, 1893-1920; Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert, 1887-1897; Sir John Bennet Lawes, 1891-1897; Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, 1884-1935; Sir William Augustus Tilden, 1874-1896; William Palmer Wynne, 1904-1943;
notebooks kept by Henry Edward Armstrong's children of experiments devised by him, 1898.

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CARR, Francis Howard (1874-1969)
GB 0098 B/CARR · Created 1890-1969

Papers of Francis Howard Carr, 1890-1969, comprising research notes on laboratory work on aconitine (poison taken from aconite plants), [1892], at the Pharmaceutical Society Research Laboratory, and Imperial Institute, [1896-1898]; papers and correspondence, notably photographs of Leverkusen, Germany, 1919; lecture manuscripts, 1890-1960, including an essay on lectures by Professor Raphael Meldola; press cuttings, 1908-1967; obituary for Dr Carr, 1968-1969.

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WHITELEY, Martha Annie (1866-1956)
GB 0098 B/WHITELEY · Created 1897-1934

Papers of Martha Annie Whiteley, 1897-1934, comprising notebooks containing notes on a course of practical work for science mistresses by Professor Henry Edward Armstrong at the City and Guilds College, 1897; lectures by Professor Tilden, 1898-1899; lectures by Dr Philip at the Royal College of Science concerning physical chemistry, 1899-1900; notes on analysis of organic compounds, 1899; laboratory notebooks, 1902-1931; lectures concerning practical organic chemistry; elementary organic chemistry, [1922-1926]; papers relating to lecture experiments, 1899, 1913; obituary notices; presentation volume, 1934.

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University of London related records
GB 0098 UL · Created 1901-1989

Records of Imperial College relating to the University of London, 1901-1989, including correspondence concerning syllabuses and examinations, 1901-1905; Principal's correspondence, 1910-1914; centenary celebrations, 1935; 150th anniversary, 1986; student accommodation, 1943-1944; Commissioners, 1927-1928; University of London Act and Statutes, 1926-1956; reports and proposed Act, 1975-1981; establishment of Imperial College as a University School, 1907-1908; correspondence with the Court concerning grants, 1930-1946; visitations and inspections, 1923-1985, including reports; papers relating to Quinquennial estimates, visits, developments and policy, 1946-1980, including Rector's papers, 1957-1969; academic plan, 1965-1970; governance of the university, notably Rector's correspondence, 1970-1983; reports, 1972-1982; Senate minutes, 1987-1989 (UL4-ULB);

Military Education Committee and Officers' Training Corps correspondence and papers, 1908-1958, including D Company roll book, 1927-1936; University Air Squadron correspondence, 1935-1939 (ULC); Conference and Committee papers on Engineering, and award of degrees, 1909-1926; correspondence concerning the recognition of Imperial College courses, 1945-1969; entrance and pass requirements for BSc degrees, 1954-1963; papers relating to postgraduate courses, 1961-1987 (ULG); correspondence relating to examinations and curricula, 1908-1934; student registration, 1952; confidential theses, 1940-1945 (ULH); Boathouse Committee papers, 1934-1947; University of London Students' Union ephemera, 1989 (ULM);
papers relating to the Nuclear Reactor Centre, Silwood Park, 1958-1980, notably opening, 1964-1965; purchase of the reactor, 1958-1965; Reactor Safety Committee, 1964-1974 (ULN);
papers concerning University Chairs and Readerships, 1908-1968, including regulations, 1922; correspondence concerning proposed Chairs and appointments, 1943-1968; Chairs tenable at Imperial College, 1943-1957; conferment of title of Professor and Readerships, 1931-1965; endowment of a Chair and Readership in Electrical Engineering, 1953-1958; applications for Assistant Professorships in Mining and Botany, 1908-1910 (ULO); papers concerning appointments to Chairs, with some papers concerning funding and administration for the Departments of Aeronautics, 1943-1975; Biochemistry, 1955-1979; Biology, 1952-1953; Botany including Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, 1936-1979; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1935-1977; Analytical Chemistry, 1964-1975; Organic Chemistry, 1937-1978; Physical Chemistry, 1937-1977; Civil Engineering, 1945-1973; Computing and Control, 1974-1977; Electrical Engineering, 1944-1978; Geology, 1929-1975; Industrial Sociology, 1967-1978; Mathematics, 1946-1978; Mechanical Engineering, 1931-1978; Metallurgy, 1939-1976; Meteorology, 1933-1974; Mining, 1912-1980; Physics, 1937-1977; Zoology, 1930-1977 (ULP); appointments of readers in the Departments of Aeronautics and Aerodynamics, 1949-1972; Botany, 1942-1970; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1932-1970; Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, 1937-1965; Organic Chemistry, 1944-1971; Civil Engineering, 1946-1977; Computing and Control, 1967-1968; Electrical Engineering, 1947-1965; Geology, 1936-1976; Mathematics, 1932-1977; Mechanical Engineering, 1936-1967; Metallurgy, 1937-1970; Meteorology, 1938-1970; Mining, 1950-1975; Physics, 1938-1970; Zoology, 1937-1970 (ULR);
correspondence concerning the recognition of college staff as teachers of the University, 1908-1949; establishment of the London Graduate School of Business Studies, 1963-1966; collaboration with Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1981; with the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1968-1974; correspondence with Royal Holloway College, 1918-1974; with University College concerning a course on air navigation, 1936-1953 (UM).

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Hermetic philosophy: various writings
GB 0096 MS 252 · [1700]

Manuscript transcripts of six writings on hermetic philosophy, [1700], including tracts by David de Planis Campy, Adrien Ameuric and Raymond Lulle.'

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Sir Frederick Abel Papers
RSC ABEL · 1845-1902

The collection includes two of his diaries (1854 and 1875), letters of condolence on his death and many of his personal letters. Some of the letters pertain to his work in the explosives industry while many are correspondence between him and his social and professional contemporaries: Sir William Armstrong, Sir James Dewar, The Duke of Devonshire, Michael Faraday, Thomas Graham, Carl Haag, A W von Hofmann, William Odling and William Rockerfeller as well as the private secretaries acting on behalf of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales (latterly King George V).

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International Relations Archive
GB 0117 IR · 1953-1989

Correspondence and papers relating to the Royal Society relations with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), current files contain:

a) British National Committee for Geodynamics (BNC Geodynamics) 8 files, 1970-1980

b) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 24 files, 1963-1980

c) International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) loose papers, 1980-1982

d) International Union of Radio Science (URSI) 6 files, 1968-1976

e) International Biological Programme (IBP) 4 files, 1970-1975 (but a much larger collection of IBP papers from the Society's modern records centre has been microfilmed between 2001-2005 and the originals destroyed because of their poor physical condition). The archive holds mateial relating to the International Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957-1958, particularly the establishment, administration and scientific results from the Royal Society Base at Halley Bay, Antarctica.

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Folkes, Martin (1690-1754)
GB 0117 MS 250 · 1710-1754

Correspondence, mainly to Martin Folkes on a large variety of subjects, including administrative matters for the Royal Society.

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Robinson, Sir Robert (1886-1975)
GB 0117 Robinson papers · c1902-1983

Robinson's volatile temperament and his impatience with administration and routine have seriously affected the survival of material. Thus little survives of his correspondence which he usually wrote in longhand and without copies, or of his public life, service on committees, advisory boards, learned societies, and in the launching of new journals. There are, however, many manuscript notes in varying lengths of sequence and a few notebooks relating to research topics. Examples are a sequence of ideas on the possible structure of strychnine, tentatively dated 1945-1947 by J.W. Cornforth, and from a later period two relatively extensive sequences of research and correspondence, on the origins of petroleum and on drug research. Lacunae in the collection are to some extent compensated for by the autobiographical material. There are the background material and corrected proofs for the first volume of his memoirs published in 1976, and substantial typescript drafts of the second volume which was unfinished at his death together with narratives, correspondence and photographs sent to him by colleagues. There are also tape-recordings of conversations with colleagues covering similar types of recollections.

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Friedel, Charles (1832-1899)
GB 0120 MSS.6067-6068 · 1876-1894

Notes by Charles Friedel on chemistry and chemical substances, probably for lectures given as Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Sorbonne, Paris, after 1884 and miscellaneous papers, including a draft address, and letters and certificates concerning honours conferred on Friedel by the Chemical Society, by Oxford University, and by the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.

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Brande, William Thomas (1788-1866)
GB 0120 MSS.6827-6828 · 1825-1878

Correspondence of William Thomas Brande, 1825-1878, with some letters by his son, William T.C. Brande. Brande's advice on chemistry was sought by many of the correspondents in this small collection. They include Timothy Bramah on experiments relating to minting coin, Samuel Brown (1776-1852) on metal used in lighthouse construction; Frederick Richard Lees (1815-1897) on distillation of alcohol; Thomas William Clinton Murdoch (1809-1891) on fumigating 'coolie labour' aboard ship; and John Morillyon Wilson (1783-1868) on the danger of tobacco smoke to teeth. Other letters refer to publications and Royal Institution matters and Brande's own health.

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Ross-on-Wye Medical Practice: notebooks
GB 0120 MSS.7521-7523 · 1861-1932

Three notebooks connected to the same Ross-on-Wye medical practice including notebook from William Edward Green’s student days, 1861, containing notes on anatomy and biochemistry, pharmaceutical formulae, notes on childbirth and notes on physiology and chemistry; general notebook of William Edward Green, the cover bearing a faded label reading "Club Prescription: Bate's Charity" and notebook of Walter Holcroft Cam, Arthur Llewellyn Baldwin Green and George Marner Lloyd, recording particular cases and noteworthy items from the medical press, 1932.

Sin título
GB 0120 MSS.827-828 · mid-18th century

'Abyssum duplicatum cum Hyrogliphis', illustrated by a few pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus, and 14 water-colour symbolic figures from the 'Viridarium chymicum' of Daniel Stolcius, published at Frankfurt in 1624. The contents of Volume I seem to be a transcript of Anton Joseph Kirchweger's 'Aurea catena Homeri', the title of which, beginning 'Eine Beschreibung von dem Ursprung der Natur [etc.]', is found on the third leaf. This work was first published at Leipzig in 1723 [cf. Ferguson, 'Bibliotheca Chemica', Volume I, pp. 469-471]. The second volume is concerned with the 'Introitus apertus ad occlusum regis palatium' by Eirenaeus Philaletha [cf. Ferguson op. cit. Vol. II, pp. 190-194], and it is noted that the German translation of this work published at Hamburg in 1705 has the title beginning 'Abyssus Alchymiae exploratus'.

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Alston, Charles: Lectures
GB 0120 MS.MSL.98 (A-C) · [1720]

The three volumes, which are paged continuously from 1 to 1497 are throughout written in the autograph of Charles Alston (1683-1760), Professor of Botany from 1720-1760. The heading is "Lectures on the Materia Medica. Begun in November 1720 and since several times revised, corrected and enlarg'd. By C. A." Wide margins have been left throughout, in which later additions have been inserted. The latest date is 1754.

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GB 0120 MSS.1177-1178 · [1685]

'Raccolta di varii e veri autori in compendio, di quello ch'è piu nessario [sic] ad havere ampla intelligenza e in Teorica et in Pratica della vera Universal Medicina o d'Elixir Arabico, ma anco del Lapis Philosophorum et altre curiosita'.

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Black, Joseph (1728-1799)
GB 0120 MSS.1219-1227 · 1766-1778

Lectures on chemistry: three sets of holograph notes of Joseph Black's lectures taken by students at Edinburgh University. Students taking the notes include the future Sir Charles Blagden (1748-1820) (MSS.1219-1227). Produced in Edinburgh.

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Bucquet, Jean Baptiste (1746-1780)
GB 0120 MSS.1408-1409 · 1777

'Notes du Cours de chymie de Mr. Bucquet aux Écoles de Médecine en l'année', 1777, on the cover of the first volume a late 18th cent. hand has written below the title: 'Faites par mon malheureux et ingrat enfant qui m'a plongé un poignard dans le sang qui pénétre chaque jour de plus en plus, et qui sans doute aura péri dans la traversée en passant dans les provinces en guerre contre l'Angleterre'. Produced in Paris.

Sin título
GB 0120 MSS.1663-1670 · 1800-1801

Notes of lectures on chemistry taken by Aimé Marie Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre when a student, plus three short pieces on chemistry, 1800-1801.

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G., G. (and others)
GB 0120 MSS.2454-2456 · c 1765

'Recueil de divers secrets rares et éprouvés concernant la Chymie, l'Alchymie, la Médecine, la Philosophie Hermétique, le tout tiré des plus célèbres Médecins et Artistes de l'Europe. Traduit du latin et de l'italien par G.G., Interprète juré des langues orientales', with other extracts and receipts from alchemical and medical authors. The third volume contains 37 full-page symbolic alchemical water-colour drawings with 68 figures (pp. 304-369): there are two symbolic diagrams in red and black on p. 190 and illustrations of alchemical apparatus on pp. 419, 430, 547. These three MSS. have been tentatively dated c 1765, as on the fly-leaf of Vol. II is an inscription: '1762. 16 aout. Tome 2ème'. Below this is the date 1785, but by the script, they seem to have been written consecutively within a few years.

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Lisle (or Delisle), Anne
GB 0120 MSS.3294, 3295 · 1748

Collection of cookery, medical, veterinary, and domestic receipts, 1748. The first volume contains cookery receipts, and is in two parts each with an index. The second volume contains 'Physical receits', 'Cattle receits', and 'Curious receits': each of these has its own index.

Sin título
GB 0120 MSS.3596-3613 · 1842-1856

Collections of chemical and alchemical recipes, chiefly translated from Hindi; also one book of notes on farming (MS.3613).

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Pattinson, Hugh Lee (1794-1858)
GB 0120 MSS.3805-3810 · Colección · 1828-1856

Letter-books, containing letters on Hugh Pattinson's inventions, industrial chemical processes, his manufacturing and chemical businesses, family affairs, etc, 1828-1856. Carbon copies of holograph MSS. Vol. I. 1 April 1828-5 August, 1830. II. 18 August, 1830-25 July, 1834. III. 19 August, 1834-16 April, 1856. IV. 30 April, 1838-27 October, 1846. V. 29 June, 1845-11 August, 1847. VI. 14 August, 1847-7 July, 1852. Produced in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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Poisson, Albert (1868-1894)
GB 0120 MSS.3930-3946 · Colección · 1885-1904

Papers on alchemy by Albert Poisson, including correspondence, translations, essays, notes on chemistry, John Dee, the occult, extracts from books on alchemy, 1885-1904.

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T., C.
GB 0120 MSS.4750, 4751 · Late 17th century

Collection of notes, extracts, translations, etc. from alchemical works: including also iatro-chemical receipts, alchemical, chemical, and technical processes, etc.: in French and Latin. Compiled by C. T., M.D. Illustrated with a few small and roughly executed pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus. There are also some grotesque heads and faces. Mainly written in a small and difficult current hand with many contractions. Pp. 260-343 in Vol. I are by another hand. Though mainly consisting of notes and anonymous extracts, processes, etc., the following may be separately mentioned: Vol. I. [Anon.] Traitté de la Grande Oeuvre (pp. 1-62). Basilius Valentinus. Enseignemans des Artifices concernant l'Ouvrage Universel ... et les Conclusions de tous ses escripts (86-113). Helmont (J. B. van). Imago firminti Liquor Alchaest (196-209). [Anon.] Stichiomantia. De li dadi: in Italian (210-213). Bernhardus Trevisanus. Responsio ad Thomam de Bononia: extract: in Latin (224-243) Glaser (C.). Annotations tirées de la Chimie de Glaser (306-322). Vol. II. Philaletha (E.). La confection du Grand Élixir métallique selon la pratique du Philalèthe conforme à celle du Cosmopolite et à la doctrine de Gebir (pp. 200-231). This seems to be a condensed version of the 'Enarratio methodica', 1678 by Eirenaeus Philaletha [cf. Ferguson: 'Bibliotheca Chemica', Vol. II, p. 191]. Copus (Martinus) [pseud. Cephalus (Arioponus)] Apotelesmata philosophica Mercurii triumphantis 1601: extract (358-371) [cf. Ferguson, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 150]. Albertus Magnus, St. Collectiones ex libro de animalibus, etc. (384-388). Densinger (A. B.). Geber ressuscité: an abbreviated version in French of the author's 'Geber redivivus' (394-406) [cf. Ferguson: op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 206, 207]. On p. 349 bis of Vol. II is a magical Hebrew 'Oratio angelica' written in Latin characters, there are other Latin charms, and one in French on p. 349. The compiler's initials are found on p. 178 of Vol. II in the form 'C.T.M.D.', and again on p. 279 of the same volume as 'C.T.d.m.'. There are several dates found in the second volume, the latest is 1683 on p. 26 and again on p. 27.

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Black (Joseph) Lectures, notes
GB 0103 MS ADD 96 · c1785-c1786

Anonymous student's notes on chemistry lectures by Joseph Black (1728-1799) when Professor of Medicine and Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, on subjects including chemicals and heat.

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GB 0114 MS0085 · c 17th century

Latin manuscript, c 17th century, comprising the Institutionum Chymicarum and Opera Chemica, containing information relating to the history of chemistry, chemical theory, and explanations of various chemicals represented by alchemical symbols based on signs of the zodiac.

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CULLEN, William (1710-1790)
GB 0100 TH/PP18 · 1771

Papers of William Cullen, comprising notes of his lectures, taken by an unidentified student, 1771, entitled 'Methodus medendi febrium', including lectures on arthritis and gout, malaria and measles.

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Donnan Papers
GB 0103 DONNAN · 1906-1956

Papers of Frederick George Donnan, comprising a long series of general correspondence; eight subject files of correspondence relating to committees and learned societies in which Donnan had a special interest; reports, speeches and obituaries by Donnan; diplomas and degree certificates; photograph album; miscellaneous material.

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