referentie code
- 1890s-1994 (Vervaardig)
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c900 boxes
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The Institute was founded in 1902 as the London Day Training College. Financed and controlled by the London County Council and with the academic support of the University of London, it was initially a college for training elementary school teachers to work in the capital. In 1909 it became a School of the University of London, losing this status when, in 1932, it was transferred wholly to the control of the University. At this date it also changed its name to the Institute of Education, University of London. During the years it had gradually expanded its role, starting to train secondary school teachers and to offer higher degrees and research. Particularly important were its work in training teachers for colonial service and the establishment of the Child Development Department.
In 1942 the McNair Committee was established by the Board of Education, 'To investigate the present sources of supply and the methods of recruitment and training of teachers and youth leaders and to report what principles should guide the Board in these matters in the future.' It published its report in 1944. It was divided over the best method of reorganising teacher training, and it was four years before, in 1949, a new scheme for London was instituted. An 'Area Training Organisation' (ATO) for the London area was created. Confusingly, this took the name University of London Institute of Education and comprised around thirty affiliated individual colleges and education departments, including the 'old' Institute of Education. A new governing body (Council), and committee structure was created for the scheme to look after syllabuses, examinations, etc for all the constituent colleges which retained their own local governing bodies and administraive structures for local matters. The separate identity of the old Institute, sometimes now termed 'central activity' or 'Central Institute' was ensured by the establishment of a separate governing body (Committee of Management) and committee structure. However, both 'Central' and 'Wider' Institutes were administered from the 'Central Institute' building and shared one single administrative structure (registry, accounts office and examinations department). This arrangement was dissolved in 1975 and in 1987 the Institute once again became a School of the University of London, incorporated by Royal Charter. As a graduate college of the federal University it now offers a wide range of courses including initial teacher education, further professional development and research degree programmes and is a major centre for educational research.
Geschiedenis van het archief
GB 0366 IE 1890s-1994 collection c900 boxes Institute of Education
The Institute was founded in 1902 as the London Day Training College. Financed and controlled by the London County Council and with the academic support of the University of London, it was initially a college for training elementary school teachers to work in the capital. In 1909 it became a School of the University of London, losing this status when, in 1932, it was transferred wholly to the control of the University. At this date it also changed its name to the Institute of Education, University of London. During the years it had gradually expanded its role, starting to train secondary school teachers and to offer higher degrees and research. Particularly important were its work in training teachers for colonial service and the establishment of the Child Development Department.
In 1942 the McNair Committee was established by the Board of Education, 'To investigate the present sources of supply and the methods of recruitment and training of teachers and youth leaders and to report what principles should guide the Board in these matters in the future.' It published its report in 1944. It was divided over the best method of reorganising teacher training, and it was four years before, in 1949, a new scheme for London was instituted. An 'Area Training Organisation' (ATO) for the London area was created. Confusingly, this took the name University of London Institute of Education and comprised around thirty affiliated individual colleges and education departments, including the 'old' Institute of Education. A new governing body (Council), and committee structure was created for the scheme to look after syllabuses, examinations, etc for all the constituent colleges which retained their own local governing bodies and administraive structures for local matters. The separate identity of the old Institute, sometimes now termed 'central activity' or 'Central Institute' was ensured by the establishment of a separate governing body (Committee of Management) and committee structure. However, both 'Central' and 'Wider' Institutes were administered from the 'Central Institute' building and shared one single administrative structure (registry, accounts office and examinations department). This arrangement was dissolved in 1975 and in 1987 the Institute once again became a School of the University of London, incorporated by Royal Charter. As a graduate college of the federal University it now offers a wide range of courses including initial teacher education, further professional development and research degree programmes and is a major centre for educational research.
Records of the Institute of Education, University of London, 1890s-1994 (Ref: IE), including the London Day Training College Local Committee and Council, 1904-1931 (Ref: IE/TCC); Jubilee Lectures correspondence, 1904-1952 (Ref: IE/JUB); the Islington Day Training College, 1906-1917 (Ref: IE/ISL); examination records, 1909-1970s (Ref: IE/EXN); the University of London Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/TCD); the Institute of Education Delegacy, 1931-1948 (Ref: IE/ULD); the Committee of Management, 1948-1987 (Ref: IE/COM); the Council, 1948-1982 (Ref: IE/COU); the Senate, 1987-1992 (Ref: IE/SEN); the Committee of Principals, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/CPR); Directorate material, including annual report files, 1933-1980 (Ref: IE/ARP), collegiate files, 1925-1975 (Ref: IE/DCO), files of Sir Percy Nunn, 1923-1936 (Ref: IE/TPN), the papers of G.B. Jeffery, 1940s-1950s (Ref: IE/GBJ), subject files, 1950s-1980s, and letter books, 1906-1926 (Ref: IE/PLB); Secretariat day files, 1948-1984 (Ref: IE/DLB), and subject files, 1960s-1990s, and memoranda books, 1907-1937 (Ref: IE/MEM); the Central Academic Board, 1949-1987; the Meeting of Staff and the Academic Board, 1909-1982 (Ref: IE/CAB, IE/ACB, IE/ABD); the Department for Overseas Students, 1930s-1980s (Ref: IE/DOS); visitation files, 1949-1971 (Ref: IE/VIF), and papers of the Visitations Sub-Committee, 1948-1969 (Ref: IE/VSC); the Conference of Local Education Authorities, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/LEA); the Domestic Subjects Group of the Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/DSG); research material collated by C. Willis Dixon during the writing of his history of the Institute, 1930s-1970s (Ref: IE/DIX); the Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers, 1949-1978 (Ref: IE/FPT); the Centre for Teachers, later the INSET Office, 1950s-1990s (Ref: IE/CFT); the Colonial Department, later known as the Department of Education in Tropical Areas, the Department of Education in Developing Countries, and the Department of International and Cooperative Education, 1935-1980s (Ref: IE/COL); the Department of Child Development and Educational Psychology, 1972-1987 (Ref: IE/CDE); the Department of History, Humanities and Philosophy, 1980s-1990s (Ref: IE/HHP); the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, 1980s-1990s; the Music Department, 1980s; the Library, 1923-1980s, the School Relations Office, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRO); the Policy Advisory Committee, 1970-1983 (Ref: IE/PAC); the Joint Committee in Education, 1975-1982 (Ref: IE/JCE); the Joint Degree Committees, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/JDC); the Joint Professional Committee, 1977-1983 (Ref: IE/JPR); the Interim Joint Planning Committee, 1982-1987 (Ref: IE/IJP); the Academic Policy Committee, 1983-1987 (Ref: IE/APC); the Audit Committee, 1991-1993 (Ref: IE/AUD); the Computing Policy Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/CPC); the Joint Planning Committee, 1988-1994 (Ref: IE/JPC); the Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities, 1987-1993 (Ref: IE/EQO); the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/FGP); the Investments Sub-Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/ISC); the Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools, 1980s-1990s; files relating to Institute publications, 1940s-1980s (Ref: IE/PUB); the Institute of Education Society, 1980s; student records, 1902-1980s (Ref: IE/STU); John Adams Hall, 1980s; the Institute Nursery, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/NUR); research files, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRF); staff records, 1912-1933 (Ref: IE/SFR); the Senior Common Room, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SCR); photographs (Ref: IE/PHO); Library Committees, 1923-1977 (Ref: IE/LSC); Student Associations/Unions, c1950-c1979 (Ref: IE/SAU); Teacher Training Enquiry [1970-1971] (Ref: IE/TTE); papers of Richard Goodings, c1890s-1960s (Ref: IE/RGO); buildings and estates records (Ref: IE/BLD); charters and statutes (Ref: IE/CSS); History of the Institute Panels (Ref: IE/HIP); records of Peter Newsam (Ref: IE/NEW); records of Peter Mortimore (Ref: IE/PEM); Personnel Department records (Ref: IE/PER); records of a Centre for Higher Education Research project on quality assurance in higher education (Ref: IE/QUR).
Apply to Archivist.
A reader wishing to publish any quotation of information, including pictorial, derived from any archive material must apply in writing for prior permission from the Librarian or other appropriate person(s) as indicated by the Archivist. A limited number of photocopies may be supplied at the discretion of the Archivist
A large proportion of the Institute's records are listed on the CALM 2000 database. Descriptions for many sub-fonds listed in 'Scope and content' are also available online.
C. Willis Dixon A history of the University of London Institute of Education, 1932-1972 (Institute of Education, 1986); Richard Aldrich The Institute of Education 1902-2002: a centenary history.
Compiled by Jennifer Haynes and Sarah Aitchison as part of the RSLP AIM25 Project. Created 08/6/1999, modified 12/2/2000 Education Educational administration Educational levels Educational personnel training Educational research Educational sciences Educational supervision Governing bodies Higher education Higher education institutions Institute of Education London Day Training College Teacher education Teacher education schools University governing bodies University of London x London University Vocational schools Organizations Educational institutions Educational governing bodies
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Records of the Institute of Education, University of London, 1890s-1994 (Ref: IE), including the London Day Training College Local Committee and Council, 1904-1931 (Ref: IE/TCC); Jubilee Lectures correspondence, 1904-1952 (Ref: IE/JUB); the Islington Day Training College, 1906-1917 (Ref: IE/ISL); examination records, 1909-1970s (Ref: IE/EXN); the University of London Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/TCD); the Institute of Education Delegacy, 1931-1948 (Ref: IE/ULD); the Committee of Management, 1948-1987 (Ref: IE/COM); the Council, 1948-1982 (Ref: IE/COU); the Senate, 1987-1992 (Ref: IE/SEN); the Committee of Principals, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/CPR); Directorate material, including annual report files, 1933-1980 (Ref: IE/ARP), collegiate files, 1925-1975 (Ref: IE/DCO), files of Sir Percy Nunn, 1923-1936 (Ref: IE/TPN), the papers of G.B. Jeffery, 1940s-1950s (Ref: IE/GBJ), subject files, 1950s-1980s, and letter books, 1906-1926 (Ref: IE/PLB); Secretariat day files, 1948-1984 (Ref: IE/DLB), and subject files, 1960s-1990s, and memoranda books, 1907-1937 (Ref: IE/MEM); the Central Academic Board, 1949-1987; the Meeting of Staff and the Academic Board, 1909-1982 (Ref: IE/CAB, IE/ACB, IE/ABD); the Department for Overseas Students, 1930s-1980s (Ref: IE/DOS); visitation files, 1949-1971 (Ref: IE/VIF), and papers of the Visitations Sub-Committee, 1948-1969 (Ref: IE/VSC); the Conference of Local Education Authorities, 1948-1979 (Ref: IE/LEA); the Domestic Subjects Group of the Training Colleges Delegacy, 1928-1948 (Ref: IE/DSG); research material collated by C. Willis Dixon during the writing of his history of the Institute, 1930s-1970s (Ref: IE/DIX); the Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers, 1949-1978 (Ref: IE/FPT); the Centre for Teachers, later the INSET Office, 1950s-1990s (Ref: IE/CFT); the Colonial Department, later known as the Department of Education in Tropical Areas, the Department of Education in Developing Countries, and the Department of International and Cooperative Education, 1935-1980s (Ref: IE/COL); the Department of Child Development and Educational Psychology, 1972-1987 (Ref: IE/CDE); the Department of History, Humanities and Philosophy, 1980s-1990s (Ref: IE/HHP); the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, 1980s-1990s; the Music Department, 1980s; the Library, 1923-1980s, the School Relations Office, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRO); the Policy Advisory Committee, 1970-1983 (Ref: IE/PAC); the Joint Committee in Education, 1975-1982 (Ref: IE/JCE); the Joint Degree Committees, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/JDC); the Joint Professional Committee, 1977-1983 (Ref: IE/JPR); the Interim Joint Planning Committee, 1982-1987 (Ref: IE/IJP); the Academic Policy Committee, 1983-1987 (Ref: IE/APC); the Audit Committee, 1991-1993 (Ref: IE/AUD); the Computing Policy Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/CPC); the Joint Planning Committee, 1988-1994 (Ref: IE/JPC); the Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities, 1987-1993 (Ref: IE/EQO); the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/FGP); the Investments Sub-Committee, 1988-1992 (Ref: IE/ISC); the Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools, 1980s-1990s; files relating to Institute publications, 1940s-1980s (Ref: IE/PUB); the Institute of Education Society, 1980s; student records, 1902-1980s (Ref: IE/STU); John Adams Hall, 1980s; the Institute Nursery, 1975-1980 (Ref: IE/NUR); research files, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SRF); staff records, 1912-1933 (Ref: IE/SFR); the Senior Common Room, 1960s-1980s (Ref: IE/SCR); photographs (Ref: IE/PHO); Library Committees, 1923-1977 (Ref: IE/LSC); Student Associations/Unions, c1950-c1979 (Ref: IE/SAU); Teacher Training Enquiry [1970-1971] (Ref: IE/TTE); papers of Richard Goodings, c1890s-1960s (Ref: IE/RGO); buildings and estates records (Ref: IE/BLD); charters and statutes (Ref: IE/CSS); History of the Institute Panels (Ref: IE/HIP); records of Peter Newsam (Ref: IE/NEW); records of Peter Mortimore (Ref: IE/PEM); Personnel Department records (Ref: IE/PER); records of a Centre for Higher Education Research project on quality assurance in higher education (Ref: IE/QUR).
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A reader wishing to publish any quotation of information, including pictorial, derived from any archive material must apply in writing for prior permission from the Librarian or other appropriate person(s) as indicated by the Archivist. A limited number of photocopies may be supplied at the discretion of the Archivist
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A large proportion of the Institute's records are listed on the CALM 2000 database. Descriptions for many sub-fonds listed in 'Scope and content' are also available online.
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- Education
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- Educational personnel training
- Educational sciences » Educational research
- Educational sciences
- Educational supervision
- Educational levels » Higher education
- Higher education institutions
- Educational personnel training » Teacher education
- Higher education institutions » Vocational schools » Teacher education schools
- Higher education institutions » Vocational schools
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- Educational institutions
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- Engels