Intercultural education

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Intercultural education

      Intercultural education

        Termos equivalentes

        Intercultural education

        • UP Bicultural education
        • UP Crosscultural education
        • UP Multicultural education
        • UP Éducation biculturelle
        • UP Éducation multiculturelle
        • UP Éducation transculturelle
        • UP Educación bicultural
        • UP Educación multicultural
        • UP Educación transcultural

        3 Descrição arquivística resultados para Intercultural education

        GB 0074 LMA/4462/P · Coleção · 1958-1995

        Personal papers of Lionel and Pansy Jeffrey, political activists and race equality campaigners, including material from various organisations and committees including minutes, correspondence, brochures, newsletters, academic papers, draft speeches and reports.

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        LIGHTFOOT, Martin (1942-1999)
        GB 0366 LI · Coleção · 1980s-1990s

        Papers of Martin Lightfoot, mainly relating to his career from 1981 onwards. They include papers concerning his work for the House of Commons Select Committee on Education and from his time at Brunel University. The latter include lecture and teaching notes on public and social administration, school management, equal opportunities and education, multiculturalism in education and educational politics and government; material relating to the research projects 'Expectations of Higher Education' and 'Recreating Education: London and Education Reform'; and some general papers relating to the work of Centre for the Study of Community and Race Relations and the Educational Policy Centre. Also included are papers reflecting Lightfoot's general interests in race relations, public administration and education, including a small amount of material relating to his membership of the Education Reform Group.

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        Archive of the Irish in Britain
        GB 1924 Irish in Britain · c1930-2002

        Records of the Archive of the Irish in Britain, c1930-2002, comprising:
        Special Collections: including the Paul Hill Prison Letters, 1974-1989; correspondence related to the Commission for Racial Equality funded research programme into the Irish in Britain in the mid 1990s; correspondence between Irish Community Groups and the Greater London Council Irish Liaison Unit, in the 1980s, and individual accounts of experiences of migrating to, and settling in Britain during the 20th Century.
        Community Collection: including community organisation reports, information sheets and publicity material.
        Photographic collections: including prints by Joanne O'Brien of Irish community events in the 1980s, and a collection of photographs of activities of the London Irish Womens Centre.
        Audio recordings: including oral history interviews with Irish people in Britain, recorded in the 1980s; recordings of lectures given to the Irish in Britain History Group, 1980s; recordings of radio broadcasts on the Irish in Britain, 1980-1990s, and recordings of UNL Irish Studies Centre public lectures, 1991-2001.
        Ephemera including posters publicising political, cultural and social events; Irish step-dance medals, sporting medals and shields, rosettes and banners; exhibition panels relating to the Guildford Four Campaign, and about the activities of the Camden Irish Pensioners Group.
        Researchers should note that the archive contains no genealogical material.

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