Internal migration

Elements area



Bereik aantekeningen

  • Within a country.
  • À l'intérieur d'un pays.
  • En el interior de un país

ron aantekeningen


Toon aantekening(en)

    Hiërarchische termen

    Internal migration

    Internal migration

    Gelijksoortige termen

    Internal migration

      Verwante termen

      Internal migration

      1 Archivistische beschrijving results for Internal migration

      GB 0101 ICS 94 · 1946

      Photocopies of documents concerning the squatter problem at Orlando, [Soweto], 1946 including records of meetings between the Department of Non European Affairs and deputation from Orlando Advisory Board; record of joint meeting of General Purposes, Non European Affairs and Special Housing Committees; minutes of Sub-Committee on squatter movements, and minutes of meeting of Native Advisory Boards with Non European Affairs Committee.

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