Zona de identificação
Tipo de entidade
Forma autorizada do nome
Invalid Meals for London x Invalid Kitchens of London
Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome
Formas normalizadas do nome de acordo com outras regras
Outra(s) forma(s) de nome
identificadores para entidades coletivas
Área de descrição
Datas de existência
Invalid Meals for London was a fore-runner of 'Meals-on-Wheels'. It was founded in 1910 as Invalid Kitchens of London, with the aim to supply nourishing food to persons suffering or emerging from illness who were unable to provide for themselves. The first 5 kitchens were located in Southwark, Bermondsey, Hoxton, Stepney and Victoria Docks; during the First World War the number of kitchens was increased.
As a voluntary body the organisation received a grant and support from the London County Council. In 1961 it was taken over by the LCC who continued the work of supplying meals to the elderly and invalids.