Identity area
Reference code
- 1997 (Creation)
Extent and medium
two boxes or 0.02m3
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Landmines: Hidden Assassins was a special report produced by Jeremy Isaacs Productions for CNN (Cable News Network) and broadcast on CNN, December 1997. It was produced by Jeremy Isaacs, Pat Mitchell and Wayne Derrick and narrated by CNN Senior International Correspondent Christine Amanpour.
Archival history
GB 0099 KCLMA Landmines 1997 Collection level two boxes or 0.02m3 Jeremy Isaacs Productions
Landmines: Hidden Assassins was a special report produced by Jeremy Isaacs Productions for CNN (Cable News Network) and broadcast on CNN, December 1997. It was produced by Jeremy Isaacs, Pat Mitchell and Wayne Derrick and narrated by CNN Senior International Correspondent Christine Amanpour.
Presented to the Centre by Jeremy Isaacs Productions, June 1999.
Interview transcripts, research notes, press cuttings and draft broadcast scripts relating to Landmines: Hidden Assassins, 1997. The documentary examined the threat of land mines; efforts to ban them including the campaign of the late Diana, Princess of Wales; the lives of land mine victims; the process of removing anti-personnel land mines; educating children on avoiding land mines; the debate over the United States of America's refusal to sign the Ottawa Treaty (Mine Ban Treaty), 1997; and the use of high-tech land mines. The report focused on Cambodia, one of the countries most affected by the use of land mines. The collection includes drafts of the script; transcripts of interviews with land mine experts including ordinary Cambodians affected by landmines; Ian Doucet, UK Working Group on Landmines (now Landmine Action UK); Steve Goose, Director of Human Rights Watch Arms Division; Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize winner 1997 and Campaign Ambassador, International Campaign to Ban Landmines; Bobby Muller, founder, Vietnam Veterans of America and co-founder International Campaign to Ban Landmines; Robert Cowles, Demining Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, Pentagon; Robert Bell, Special Assistant to President Clinton for National Security Affairs, 1993-1997; Colin King, international landmine and explosive ordnance disposal consultant; Ieng Moly, former Minister of Information, Cambodia; Dr Hans Winkler, Austrian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs; Ian Brown, aid worker, formerly of the Mines Advisory Group; and Paul Jefferson, former British mine disposal officer and freelance mine clearer severely wounded by a mine in Kuwait, 1991. Also research notes including background information on interviewees, anti-landmine campaign material, press cuttings, statistics, interviews and articles; schedules, lists of filming undertaken and lists of footage drawn from film archives.
In sections as above
Open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of two forms of identification.
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, attention of the Director of Archives and Information Management.
A detailed file list is available.
Entry compiled by Katharine Higgon. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997. July 2007 Arms control Cambodia Disarmament Military equipment Peace South East Asia Weapons Equipment
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Presented to the Centre by Jeremy Isaacs Productions, June 1999.
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Interview transcripts, research notes, press cuttings and draft broadcast scripts relating to Landmines: Hidden Assassins, 1997. The documentary examined the threat of land mines; efforts to ban them including the campaign of the late Diana, Princess of Wales; the lives of land mine victims; the process of removing anti-personnel land mines; educating children on avoiding land mines; the debate over the United States of America's refusal to sign the Ottawa Treaty (Mine Ban Treaty), 1997; and the use of high-tech land mines. The report focused on Cambodia, one of the countries most affected by the use of land mines. The collection includes drafts of the script; transcripts of interviews with land mine experts including ordinary Cambodians affected by landmines; Ian Doucet, UK Working Group on Landmines (now Landmine Action UK); Steve Goose, Director of Human Rights Watch Arms Division; Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize winner 1997 and Campaign Ambassador, International Campaign to Ban Landmines; Bobby Muller, founder, Vietnam Veterans of America and co-founder International Campaign to Ban Landmines; Robert Cowles, Demining Office, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, Pentagon; Robert Bell, Special Assistant to President Clinton for National Security Affairs, 1993-1997; Colin King, international landmine and explosive ordnance disposal consultant; Ieng Moly, former Minister of Information, Cambodia; Dr Hans Winkler, Austrian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs; Ian Brown, aid worker, formerly of the Mines Advisory Group; and Paul Jefferson, former British mine disposal officer and freelance mine clearer severely wounded by a mine in Kuwait, 1991. Also research notes including background information on interviewees, anti-landmine campaign material, press cuttings, statistics, interviews and articles; schedules, lists of filming undertaken and lists of footage drawn from film archives.
System of arrangement
In sections as above
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of two forms of identification.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, attention of the Director of Archives and Information Management.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
- Latin
Language and script notes
Finding aids
A detailed file list is available.
Access points
Subject access points
Description control area
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal Place and Corporate Names 1997.
- English